Local Christian School Guide Meal Delivery Service Reviews Is Life Harder than Expected?
Michael W. Smith
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18 Michael W. Smith
Two records, inspiring a revolution of love and justice. Hear the story behind his release of two unique albums within a week of each other.
6 Events
Article submissions
submissions@goodlifemagazine.org 1582 Williams Dr, Suite 250 Marietta, GA 30066
14 Local Christian School Guide
28 GOODlife Travel
A listing of Christian schools in regions of Metro-Atlanta
RaftOne, in Chattanooga, TN, offers unique, exciting experiences close enough for a day or weeked adventure
8 Relationship Before Rules
23 The First Step to an Exciting Life
30 Reviews: Meal Delivery Services
11 Considering Christian School?
26 Is Life Harder than Expected?
32 Inspired Home
Check out our list of upcoming of local events— activities for all ages
Moving beyond Do’s and Don’ts when raising kids
Factors for making that decision and helpful tips for choosing among schools
The life-changing revelation that God wants to be involved in every area of our lives
Moving beyond learning about walking by faith to actually walking by faith
The results of GOODlife’s first-hand experience with various local and national meal services.
Using what inspires you to bring simple freshness and authenticity to your rooms
Publisher / Editor
Assistant Editor
Kristen Bland
Autumn Burr
Creative Director
Gabriel Bland
info@goodlifemagazine.org 770.656.4400
On the Cover
GOODlife Magazine features Michael W. Smith—Winner of multiple GRAMMY® Awards, Dove Awards, and an American Music Award— shares God’s story behind his back-to-back two-record release. For his full story, see page 18.
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Summer Events Marietta Square Art Walk
July 6 & September 3 from 5pm-9pm Downtown Marietta The evening comes alive as performance, dance, and culinary and visual art permeate every corner of the charming Historic Marietta Square. www.artparkmarietta.com
Jason Crabb
July 8 at 5pm Carriage Kia Woodstock Come see GRAMMY® winner Jason Crabb perform live. www.jasoncrabb.com
Movie Night at Cedarcrest Church
July 11 at 6:30pm Cedarcrest Church, Acworth Free event featuring I Can Only Imagine. Doors open at 6pm. Popcorn and water provided. www.cedarcrestchurch.com/movienights
Darrell & Dawn Ritchie
Jul 15 at 11am GracePointe Church, Marietta This duo’s music provides a voice of peace and comfort for lives in the broken places. www.rightplacemusic.com/schedule
RiverStone Women’s Pinterest Night
July 19 at 7pm RiverStone Church, Kennesaw Women are invited to make embroidery hoop art and share coffee, tea, and treats. Cost is $10 per person; all materials will be supplied for you! Register online. www.riverstoneonline.org/events
Fish Family Night at Stone Mountain Park
July 20 from 3pm-10pm Stone Mountain Park For only $5 per ticket, enjoy unlimited popcorn, a Coca-Cola beverage, and ice cream while taking in the sights and sounds of the Lasershow Spectacular. Plus, the fun starts early with interactive inflatables, balloon animals, face painter, and more! http://www.thefishatlanta.com/ampevents/fishfamilynight/
Georgia Mountain Fair
July 20-28 Georgia Mountain Fairgrounds, Hiawassee Family-friendly music, an arts & crafts show, carnival rides, and a parade. www.georgiamountainfairgrounds. com/events/georgia-mountain-fair
FBCW Movie Night
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The Global Leadership Summit
Cobb County Rodeo
Georgia Bridal Show
Labor Day 5K/10K/15K
August 9-10 Mount Paran North Church, Marietta Join 405,000 people globally for two days of world-class leadership training. Register online. www.mtparan.com/GLS August 12 from 12pm-5pm Cobb Galleria Centre, Atlanta Your dream wedding begins here! Meet face-to-face with wedding professionals and find everything you need to plan your perfect wedding in one place. www.georgiabridalshow.com
Lauren Daigle
August 19 SunTrust Park, Atlanta Two-time GRAMMY® nominee Lauren Daigle is performing a postgame concert after the Braves play the Colorado Rockies. www.mlb.com/braves/tickets/concerts/ lauren-daigle
August 24 from 7pm-11pm Verizon Amphitheatre, Alpharetta Needtobreathe on their Forever On Your Side tour this summer featuring Johnnyswim and Billy Raffoul. www.needtobreathe.com/tour
August 25-26 at 8pm Jim R. Miller Park, Marietta Grab your cowboy hats and boots and come for an unforgettable night of entertainment. www.cobbcountyrodeo.com September 3 at 8am-12pm AMC Theatre, Kennesaw Races benefit the Gold Shield Foundation. This event is free to all First Responders (Police, Firefighters, EMTs, etc.). Great upscale tech shirts and awards. Register online. www.fivestarntp.com/laborday.html
Holy Smoke Festival
September 3 from 10am-3pm Johnson Ferry Baptist Church, Marietta Join us for food provided by Williamson Brothers BBQ and family activities, including a 5K Run (9 am), skydive demo, bouncy inflatables, car show, silent auction, product vendors, music, games, and more! www.johnsonferry.org
Pigs & Peaches BBQ Festival
August 24 from 6pm-10pm and August 25 from 10am-10pm Adams Park, Kennesaw It’s time once again for festival fans and music lovers to converge in Kennesaw for two days of smoked and seasoned barbeque bliss! www.pigsandpeaches.com
Rock the Smokies at Dollywood
August 25 Pigeon Forge, TN This powerful Christian rock music festival includes a number of the genre’s biggest acts, including Toby Mac, Crowder, Zach Williams and more. During this day-long celebration, guests can enjoy inspirational music and all of the great thrill rides and exciting attractions Dollywood has to offer. www.RockTheSmokies.com
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july/august 2018
Relationship Before Rules “You know, when your kid is born, it can still be perfect. You haven’t made any mistakes yet.” (Steve Martin, playing overwhelmed father of four, “Gil,” in the movie Parenthood. Director Ron Howard. Universal Pictures, 1989). Before I became a parent myself, I used to think kids were clay that could be modeled into what you wanted them to be, good or bad. Although we make many of their choices for them in the beginning, children are each born with a unique God-given personality, and all too soon, they begin to test the boundaries around them in order to get it. The first test comes in the form of what is called the “terrible twos.” When my first child was just a baby, I thought, I’m not going to use that phrase. I’ll call it the “terrific twos,” and it’ll end up being a terrific time! I would be that pioneering parent who finally got it right after generations
of wrong parenting, and my daughter would simply be a sweet, compliant two-year-old. If only it worked that way. Given that every kid since Cain and Abel goes through this stage of boundary-stretching, what are we as parents doing wrong? To answer this question, we must go back to the very beginning. Adam and Eve had the ultimate parenting. They walked with Almighty God himself. What could go wrong? Yet they made a terrible choice. God knew that we were going to mess this thing up from the start, yet He made us anyway. However, He made us human beings and not human doings. He made us so He could relate to us—and relationship demands freedom. Just as Adam and Eve were created for relationship and were given freedom to choose God’s best for them or not, we are all ultimately responsible for our own choices. What does this mean for us as parents? It means that no matter how great we parent, our kids can (and will) make mistakes. Let’s fast-forward from the garden to the palace. Ah, King David. There was that one time in the spring when kings were supposed
to go off to war, yet he stayed behind and failed in a big way. Psalm 51 recounts his repentance from having coveted another man’s wife, then having that man killed to cover up his own sin. Yet, when King David repented, he didn’t ask God to change his behavior; he asked God to change his heart (verse 10): Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. How then do we help our children navigate the sometimes-murky waters of life? How can we come against that crafty serpent that wants to interfere in our relationship with them and
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their beliefs about God and who they are in Him? To do this, we must emphasize connecting with their hearts. Of course, boundaries are necessary; however, they must co-exist with relationship. Recently, I was at a fast-food restaurant with my kids and let them spend time in the play area. It was a crowded day, and there were some older boys who were getting rambunctious. My son began rough-housing right along with them. I saw what was happening, opened the door to the play area, and called him over to talk. I said to my son, “Stop rough-housing. That’s not who you are.” That was it. Another time, I took some extra time to pray over him before he went to school. I spoke things over him like, “You are a sweet boy.” I went to have lunch with him there later that day, and his teacher proudly told me that he had been behaving wonderfully all day! It won’t always work out that way. But instead of yelling, screaming, and intimidating my kids all the time to get them to do the right thing, I need to be reminding them that they are children of the most high God, and as a result, through their faith in Jesus, they have the Holy Spirit living in them. This means they have the tools (fruits of the Spirit) and the power to overcome sin. I need to be reminding them of who they
are and whose they are. You may have a child who is acting like everything but a child of God. You may feel frustrated, helpless, and hopeless. Believe me, I understand how you feel. I have one child who is naturally compliant, and another one who believes that rules were made for breaking! But Romans 4:17 says that our God “calls into being things that were not.” Proverbs 29:18 says, “Where there is no vision, the people are unrestrained.” If your children don’t have a vision yet of who they are in Christ, you can plant a seed in them that will take root and grow into a mirror that reminds them of who they were created to be: And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with everincreasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. (2 Corinthians 3:18)
influence them in a positive way through the example of your walk with God and through praying things like, “Lord, I thank you that my son/daughter is a force to be reckoned with in Your kingdom. I thank you that he/she has a growing intimacy with You and is a Christlike person.” With God, nothing is impossible, and it’s never too late.
Biography: Julie Vasconcelos is a homeschooling mom to a blended, multi-cultural family of kids from elementary to college age. She is a retired flight attendant and former missionary who speaks three languages fluently and enjoys spending her free time (what’s that?) crocheting and watching movies with her Brazilian husband. She blogs at www.momonthefly.com. She and her family reside in Atlanta, GA.
The verse right before this one, verse 17, says: “Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” So how are we transformed into His image? Through freedom. The innate desire we have for freedom is not evil; it’s God-given! Even if your kids are grown, you can still july/august 2018
REAL RELATIONSHIPS ARE THE PRIORITY OF A JESUS FOLLOWER By Pastor Michael Lewis As we read Mark chapter 12, it is obvious that the religious leaders of the day were consumed with a lot of irrelevant activity, such as how long their prayers were, how they dressed going to the temple, where they sat in the Holy Place, how they were greeted in the marketplace. Yet, we find Jesus highly valued relationships, as can be seen in the attention and time He invested in the 12 disciples and in His compassion for hurting people He encountered. When Jesus was asked what is most important of all, His answer revealed that relationships are at the top of the list. He did not say that religion or traditions of man were important. Jesus answered, “The MOST IMPORTANT is ‘Listen, O Israel! The Lord our God, the Lord is one. LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength. The second is LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR as yourself.’ There is no other command greater than these.” Mark 12:28-31 (emphasis mine) So, what difference does this make in your priorities as a follower of Jesus? Are you valuing relationships in your life—first, vertically by loving the Lord with all your heart, and then horizontally by loving people who are closest to you and expanding out to others? Abba Father, my heart is filled with gratitude toward You for making clear to me what my life priorities should be. May I be all about loving You and loving others as You have loved me. I delight in Your steadfast love for me. May I express the love of Jesus that I am experiencing from You this day. I pray in Jesus’ name, amen!
Michael Lewis is the lead pastor of Roswell Street Baptist Church in Marietta, Georgia. Follower of Jesus Christ, husband of twenty five years, father of three daughters, and has had the honor of also serving churches in South Carolina, Texas, and Florida.
Christian School Right for Your Child? By Gabriel Bland and Autumn Burr
Do you want your child to grow up to know and live like Christ? For many of us, the answer to that question is a resounding, “Yes!” But we are often uncertain what all we can and should be doing as parents to foster that type of character in our children. One question parents may contemplate is whether to enroll their kids in a Christian school versus the local public school or other secular academy. While many people have a quick opinion either way, there are actually a number of factors to consider before making this decision. It can be quite overwhelming, but to help you with that process, we’ll look at what a Christian education offers, some common misconceptions and the truths to counter them, and what you can do to help decide among the many options available if you decide to go the Christian school route. As you ponder these considerations, before making a decision, the first and most imperative thing to do is seek out God’s leading in this process. Be sure to carve out time to ask for His input and seek out His guidance. Only He knows all the factors to make the right decision for your child. Do not skip or diminish the importance of this step.
of godly principles from which their children can draw as they make decisions throughout their lives.
MISCONCEPTIONS AND TRUTHS As you consider whether Christian education is the best choice for your child, make sure you have the right perspective on how the Christian school will impact your child. Let’s look at a few common misconceptions that people can have, consciously or unconsciously, and the truths to counter them.
Misconception #1: “Sending my child to a Christian school, in addition to taking him or her to church, takes the primary responsibility for my child’s spiritual training off of me.” Truth #1: One of the key benefits of a Christian education is that five days a week your student is in an environment where he or she is being presented with biblical truths and opportunities
WHAT IS CHRISTIAN EDUCATION? All modes of education teach from a certain perspective, whether it be overt or subtle, deliberate or unintentional. This perspective influences the students’ views and understanding of the subjects they are learning about and of the world around them. Genuine Christian schooling inspires students to view and understand everything they learn and experience through the perspective of God’s word. Scriptural truths are woven throughout the curriculum and school activities, not just merely added onto an otherwise secular education. And the staff at a good Christian school will be continually seeking to live their lives in the most Christ-like way possible, as they model servant leadership and the fruits of the spirit to your children each day. So a Christian education does not only encourage students to gain knowledge from a biblical viewpoint, but also to live it out in their daily lives. With the amount of time children spend at school, the influence that environment has on them is significant. Christian school is a powerful tool that can assist parents in building a foundation
to encounter God’s presence. But do not fall into the trap of thinking, as some parents do, that just because your child has such substantial spiritual instruction and leadership at church and school, you no longer have to engage with and lead your child in their personal relationship with God. Nothing can replace the power of parents doing their best to model the love, service, and teachings of Christ to their children. Leading by example as a parent is critically important no matter what form of schooling you choose for your child. In addition, while it’s even more crucial for parents with children in secular school to regularly involve their children in activities that expose them to the Lord and his word, such as family devotions, prayer time, or small group bible studies, such activities are still important for Christian school students. july/august 2018
“No school is perfect, but as long as you take an active role in guiding your child through these formative years and listen to God’s leading, a Christian school can be an invaluable partner in providing your child with spiritual nourishment.”
Misconception #2: ““If my child attends a Christian school, he
or she is guaranteed to become and act like a follower or Christ.”
Truth #2: Just because children are in a room where food is
present doesn’t mean that they are going to eat. It all depends on their hunger and if they like what’s being presented to them. A student can even take in something that could be nourishing, chew it up, and spit it back out without ever digesting it. How many of us have memorized a bible verse, but have never applied it to our lives? No one can force your child—or any individual— to love God and want to have a relationship with Him. However, often kids who never realized they were hungry get in the presence of good food and start to develop a deep appetite. The same thing can happen spiritually. A Christian school offers an environment where students are constantly made aware of their hunger and supplied with the right nourishment to fulfill it.
Misconception #3: “A Christian school will protect my child from all the evils of the world.”
Truth #3: We typically expect that children in a public school will be exposed to a range of ungodly beliefs and immoral activities that we may prefer to shield them from. But don’t be deceived into thinking that a Christian school will offer a complete safe haven from all such things. Remember that imperfect people are everywhere, and we live in a fallen world. You will still have to make it a priority to proactively engage your child in open discussions on a regular basis about the trappings they may encounter and biblical ways to resist them. A good Christian school reinforces this perspective with parallel messages. Even in a Christian school environment, you cannot let your guard down in terms of their peer relationships and influences any more than you would if your children were in public school. And especially as your child grows older and more independent, you’ll still have to be diligent about knowing who your children are hanging out with, where your kids are, and what they are doing. But if you do your homework in advance and make sure the school’s curriculum and policies line up with the values and truths of scripture, you can have the peace of mind that comes from knowing that your child will not be taught “truths” that contradict the Word of God. No school is perfect, but as long as you take an active role in guiding your child through these formative years and listen to God’s leading, a Christian school can be an invaluable partner in providing your child with spiritual nourishment.
IF YOU DECIDE ON CHRISTIAN SCHOOL, HOW DO YOU CHOOSE THE RIGHT ONE? Let’s look at some practical things you can do to choose the best school if you decide a Christian education is the right route for your child.
Determine if the school’s mission matches your values
Compare the school’s mission statement and beliefs to yours. Make sure the faculty is dedicated to exemplifying and instilling Christlike character and teaching the truths of God’s word rather than the
traditions of men. Key values that a school should promote include: • Framing everything from a biblical perspective • Doing everything for God’s glory
Find out the expectations for parents
Know in advance the role and involvement level the school expects you to take. Some Christian schools require you to sign a contract. Make sure you are in agreement with the conditions.
Get insight from parents whose children attend the school
• Serving others • Showing grace and mercy • Demonstrating the fruit of the spirit
Look for teachers who model Christian beliefs
Teachers should exhibit behaviors and values that line up with biblical standards. They should use scripture as a guide for developing classroom rules and procedures.
Seek a curriculum that instills biblical principles
In addition to teaching on the Bible itself, the curriculum should integrate biblical truths and principles into all subject areas. Look for the following to be included in the curriculum: • Bible stories • Scripture memorization • Classic Christian literature • Bible songs and worship • Christian history • How Christianity differs from all other religions • Practical Christian living
Look online for reviews and posts to discover insiders’ opinions of the school. Ask the administration for contact information of some of their students’ parents to find out their experiences with the school, faculty, and curriculum.
Visit during school hours
If at all possible, pay a visit to the school while classes are in session. You will gain great insights into the culture of the school, the interaction between teachers and students, and how the Bible is integrated into the daily routines.
BOTTOM LINE Christian education can offer your child a great opportunity for spiritual growth and can assist you in the immense responsibility of training your young one in the ways of the Lord. But whether you end up selecting a Christian school or not, if you seek and follow God’s will for your child’s education, then you will have made the right choice. Just remember that there is no greater factor in your child’s spiritual development than your leading by example.
In my school, I think about God every day! — NATALIE (PRE-K4)
*Re ligi Affi ous liati on
Ave rag Clas e s Si ze
nts ude # St
des Gra
School Name
Ann ua Tuit l ion
C= Christian L= Lutheran CT= Catholic P= Presbyterian E= Episcopal ND= Non-Denominational
Loc atio n
*Key: Religious Affiliation:
cial N ee Spe ds / cial t y Pro gra ms
Christian School Guide
REGION 1: NORTHWEST 16 in elementary
Cornerstone Preparatory Academy
K - 12th
STEM Lab Fine Arts
Covenant Christian School
$6,254 - 9,957
K4 - 8th
None Listed
The Cumberland School
Austell, Mableton, and Powder Springs
Not Listed
K3 - 12th
None Listed
Dominion Christian Schools
$10,500 - 15,100
6th - 12th
None Listed
Excel Christian Academy
Cartersville (Emerson)
$7,020 - 9,180
Pre-K - 12th
Directed Studies Program
Midway Covenant Christian School
Powder Springs
$3,216 - 7,152
None Listed
Mount Paran Christian School
Directed Studies, ENCORE Gifted, AP, Honors
$3,750 - 18,650
K3 – 8th
PreK3 - 12th
18 in secondary
remarkable outcomes Students of deep faith. Scores that rocket past the national averages. Our graduates are faith-filled, magnanimous young men and women poised for a lifetime of happiness. COME VISIT Learn more about our remarkable students, how to visit, and how to apply at holyspiritprep.org/visit.
A Catholic Education Honor Roll school in Chastain Park, forming students age 6 months-12th grade. holyspiritprep.org 14
*Re ligi Affi ous liati on
Ave rag Clas e s Si ze
# St
cial N ee Spe ds / cial t y Pro gra ms
des Gra
School Name
Ann ua Tuit l ion
C= Christian L= Lutheran CT= Catholic P= Presbyterian E= Episcopal ND= Non-Denominational
Loc atio n
*Key: Religious Affiliation:
Christian School Guide
North Cobb Christian School
$4,885 - 16,055
K3 - 12th
Moving Forward Program
Varies by grade
St. Benedict’s Episcopal School
$7,930 - 12,330
PreK3 - 8th
Spanish as a core subject
St. Catherine of Siena Catholic School
$7,850 - 8,400
K - 7th
None Listed
Classical Christian Education
The Stonehaven School
$3,400 - 10,200
K – 8th, 9th grade launching in 2020
Whitefield Academy
$10,650 - 23,300
PreK4 - 12th
31 Honors and AP courses; Innovation Lab
PreK3 - 8th
Arrowsmith Program
C Covenant School
Bridge Program (Learning Differences)
REGION 2: NORTH/ NORTHEAST Bridgeway Christian Academy
Cherokee Christian Schools
$3,000 - 11,665
$4,000 - 13,335
K5 - 12th
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july/august 2018
*Re ligi Affi ous liati on
Ave rag Clas e s Si ze
$6,500 - 9,180
K - 8th
The Discovery Program: Student Support
Faith Lutheran School
15 months - 8th
K - 8th Robotics, 5th 8th Athletics
# St
Ann ua Tuit l ion
Eastside Christian School
School Name
Loc atio n
C= Christian L= Lutheran CT= Catholic P= Presbyterian E= Episcopal ND= Non-Denominational
*Key: Religious Affiliation:
cial N ee Spe ds / cial t y Pro gra ms
Christian School Guide
Holy Innocents’ Episcopal School
$11,380 - 27,870
PK3 - 12th
Learning Support Specialists in each division
Holy Spirit Preparatory School
$6,500 - 24,780
PreK - 12th
Gifted Program, Language needs
12; Max class is 22
King’s Ridge Christian School
Varies by grade
PreK – 12th
None Listed
18; cap is 20 per class
*Re ligi Affi ous liati on
Ave rag Clas e s Si ze
nts ude # St
School Name
Loc atio n
C= Christian L= Lutheran CT= Catholic P= Presbyterian E= Episcopal ND= Non-Denominational
Ann ua Tuit l ion
*Key: Religious Affiliation:
cial N ee Spe ds / cial t y Pro gra ms
Christian School Guide
9:1 lower school
Perimeter School
Johns Creek
$7,100 - 12,100
K - 8th
1:17 Dyslexia Program
$25,405 - 29,275
Pre-1st 12th
None Listed
8:1 student teacher
$6,050 - 13,130
PreK3 - 12th
16:1 upper school
REGION 3: South Metro Strong Rock Christian School
Locust Grove
*Re ligi Affi ous liati on
Ave rag Clas e s Si ze
nts ude # St
des Gra
Ann ua Tuit l ion
Loc a
School Name
*Key: Religious Affiliation: L= Lutheran C= Christian P= Presbyterian CT= Catholic E= Episcopal ND= Non-Denominational
cial Nee Spe ds / cial t y Pro gra ms
Special Needs School Guide
Brookwood Christian
1st - 12th
Students with a normal IQ but learning disabilities in Reading or Math
1st - 8th
Specializing in Dyslexia
Student-teacher ratios are 5:1 for Reading; 8:1 for other core
Pre-K through 12th
We serve children with any type of neurodevelopmental delay, including Pervasive Developmental Delay, Autism, Asperger’s Syndrome, Down Syndrome, Attention Deficit Disorder, ADHD, Learning Disabilities, Traumatic Brain Injury, Cerebral Palsy, Bipolar Disorder, Stroke Rehabilitation, and other rare genetic disorders
9 or fewer
Jacob’s Ladder School and Therapy Center
Kennesaw Christian Academy
Roswell and Atlanta
~$10,000; We honor SB10/IEP scholarship awards
K - 12th
We specialize in students who learn differently; many of our students have diagnoses of ADD/ADHD, Anxiety, Dyslexia, ASD, Sensory Processing issues, etc. Others are accelerated and need self-paced learning. We offer homeschool partnerships, distance learning, and STEAM projects. We look beyond labels and are studentcentered in our approach.
july/august 2018
MICHAEL W. SMITH A Revolution of Love & Justice By Autumn Burr
hen you first hear that Michael W. Smith released two full-length albums one week apart earlier this year, you might shrug it off, thinking it’s no big deal— especially for him. After all, he’s won three GRAMMY® Awards, 45 Dove Awards, and an American Music Award, he’s sold over 15 million albums, and he’s delivered hit songs for four decades and counting, across both contemporary Christian and mainstream charts. What can’t the man do in the music world? you might think. You may be surprised to learn that the seemingly limitless artist actually hit a writer’s block beginning in November of 2015 after his dad passed away. “He was my hero. He was the kindest man I’d ever met in my entire life,” Michael shares, explaining that the grief over the loss of his father took a huge toll on his creative work. “Everything I tried to write was just awful. It just wasn’t happening, and that was frustrating.” Then, things got worse. Michael was deeply affected by the onslaught of mean-spirited banter on social media and the division that was developing in our country during and after the 2016 presidential campaign. He laments, “People would get on their computers and say whatever they wanted with no regard to people’s feelings. The suicide rate went up. Bullying went up. It was just killing me watching and seeing these kids taking their lives. Then, it hit a boiling point for me where I just said, ‘Man, I’ve had enough!’” But the anguish he was feeling is what actually propelled him to start writing again. According to Michael, “It was just like the flood gates opened
up.” The first song that emerged was “Revolution,” which talks about building “a bridge across the great divide.” This was the beginning of what would become his A Million Lights album, a pop record that focuses on hope for the world we live in and on love for one another. In the middle of working on A Million Lights, Michael was reading in his bible and came across the passage in Amos 5:2224. It was one he had previously read, but this time, it jumped off the page in a way it never had before. Michael describes the passage in his own words: “God sounds a little ticked, honestly, and He’s talking to His people, saying, ‘Look, I’m tired of your sacrifices, and I’m tired of that music. Turn it off!’ And then He says, ‘You know what I’m looking for? I’m looking for justice to roll like a waterfall.’ And man, it annihilated me. It, like, literally threw me up against the wall and made me reassess everything I’ve done my whole career. Then, I realized at that moment that worship and justice go hand in hand, they can’t be separated. If we’ve forgotten about justice, we could sing worship songs ‘til we’re blue in the face, and I think it’s gonna fall on deaf ears.” And so began the making of his Surrounded album, a live worship record that emphasizes justice and bringing people from all races and walks of life together to unify in praise to the Lord. Michael continues to explain the revelations that stimulated the production of this album: “Look at all the scriptures that resonate with the heart of God. It’s all about orphans. It’s all about people in the gutter. It’s all about the homeless. It’s just painted throughout scripture.” july/august 2018
When asked what the word justice Open up my eyes in wonder means to him in terms of God’s heart, he Show me who You are answered, “I think it’s all types of justice. And fill me with Your heart I think it’s slavery, people who are in And lead me in Your love to those bondage, it’s awful. If you just think about around me what’s going on, it’s pretty overwhelming. I So how do we, as followers of Christ, mean, you think about sex slavery all over even begin to show this kind of love to the world, but sex slavery in our people around us? Michael shares country? It’s just mind boggling. his thoughts: “Just...just So justice is about standing up and do anything. Go being activists. I don’t think there’s “There’s feed anything wrong with an activist so much who speaks up for those who can’t need in whatever speak for themselves. That’s what community you live in. we’re supposed to be doing.”
in the world, he has also taken to heart these things God has revealed to him over the last couple of years and allowed them to point inwardly. Each revelation has given him more insight into how he can grow and what he needs to change. And the way he has responded, the way he has stewarded this wisdom from God along the way has led him to having even more significance behind his actions, even more purpose to his faith, and even more impact with his life. He self-examines: “I think there’s probably more intentionality on my part than any other time in my life. I feel like I used to waste a lot of time As Christians we are called to There’s great need, and thinking about things or reading love—to love God with all our there’s never a lack in things that really don’t matter. heart, soul, strength, and mind, Now, I think about the great need any place to serve. Small and to love others as ourselves. that there is in the world, even in When we think of love, we often or great, I don’t think God the town that I live in, Franklin think of grace and forgiveness cares. He just cares [Tennessee]. For example I just for those who have done wrong. found out about this homeless about your heart. Just But grace is only one part of love. family that is being put up in a Another significant element of give yourself away—on hotel for the time being, and I love is justice. We were all made just said, ‘I need to do something some level, just in the image of God, which means about it.’.... That’s been a big thing that all people have equal value, and for give yourself for me lately. Just asking, ‘God, any person to be treated as less or to be s o m e away.” what am I supposed to do with overlooked for any reason is not justice. homeless guy. Go my life? How shall I live? And Loving God and loving others in this way mentor a kid with a drug show me what those things are.’” is summed up in the following lyrics from addiction. Go to a nursing home and Motivating people to walk in the song “Build My Life” (written by Brett hang out with the people… That’s at Younker, Karl Martin, Kirby Kaple, and least a start… There’s so much need in love, justice, and unity are what A Million Matt Redman), which is included on the whatever community you live in. There’s Lights and Surrounded are all about, in great need, and there’s never a lack in different ways. Michael describes his idea Surrounded album: any place to serve. Small or great, I don’t to release the two albums one week apart Jesus, the name above every other name think God cares. He just cares about your as “pretty insane,” but he also says, “it was Jesus, the only one who could ever save heart. Just give yourself away—on some the right thing, and God gave me some Worthy of every breath we could ever level, just give yourself away.” supernatural energy to really pull it off, breathe and I couldn’t be happier. I really feel like We live for You While Michael hopes that the songs on there’s something special about both of Holy, there is no one like You these two records will inspire real change those projects.” There is none besides You
Getting to Know Michael “Well, I’m a little crazy—I mean, crazy in a good way. If you could be a fly on the wall and watch me when I’m with my grandkids, you’d see I’m just out of control. I’m like a kid; it really is true. For years, all the adults will be having adult conversation around the dining room table, and I’m in here pretending to be some British kid with an awful British 20
accent, turning into different characters, or a monster trying to entertain my grandkids. I’m just a crazy kid at heart, and I’ve been that way my whole life. And I think people would be surprised to see that side of me. I love life, I love being alive, and I love living it to the fullest. And I love bringing joy to those around me, especially my family.”
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Exciting Life B y J oyce M eye r
It’s so amazing to me that God wants to be involved in every area of our lives. I remember when I got this revelation, and it changed my life. At that time, I was part of a bowling league and we played once a week. I remember one night when I wasn’t bowling very well and I heard this prompting in my heart that said, “Ask Me to help you.” Immediately I thought, “I can’t ask God to help me bowl!” But the truth is He wants to help us with everything we do. And when I started letting Him be involved in every area of my life—following the leading of the Holy Spirit—that’s when life got really exciting! What does it mean to be led by the Holy Spirit? Some may refer to it as being filled with—or sensitive to or anointed by—the Spirit. It sounds really spiritual, yet being led by the Spirit is actually a very practical part of living the Christian life. Simply put, to be led by the Holy Spirit just means to be obedient to Him. The Holy Spirit does such awesome, yet practical work in the lives of God’s children. He is our Comforter, Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener and Standby.
He teaches us and guides us into truth…and He even brings the things we learn back to our remembrance as we need it. And the best part of it all is that He lives in each of us. Ephesians 3:16 (AMPC) tells us that He enables us to be “…strengthened and reinforced with mighty power in the inner man by the [Holy] Spirit [Himself indwelling your innermost being and personality].” He comes to live in our hearts when we’re born again, and then He teaches and guides us according to God’s plan and purpose for us. One of the ways He does this is by convicting us of the sins in our life, and we learn what’s right and wrong as we grow in our faith. We may get by with things that are not right for a while, but the time comes when we need to grow up. I remember when I would go to church every Sunday and then gossip about the pastor or whatever I didn’t like about the service. Of course, I was not a very happy Christian during that time. And I couldn’t have been a very good example of one to others either. Critical and judgmental attitudes like that, or murmuring, being unthankful, and complaining hinder our relationship with God and our representation of what a Christian is.
july/august 2018
But eventually, I began to get this nagging, uneasy feeling every time I would say something negative about the pastor…or anyone else for that matter. I could feel that what I was saying was wrong, and I knew in my heart it was the Holy Spirit telling me it was time to grow up and mature spiritually. I’ve come to the point in my relationship with God where it doesn’t take long for me to be aware when I say or do something that is not pleasing to God. And this is what He wants for all His children: to develop sensitivity and obedience to His voice as He leads each of our lives. Romans 8:14 (AMPC) declares that “all who are led by the Spirit of God are the sons of God.” This term “sons” indicates a level of maturity and intimacy in our relationship with Him. God is not looking for spiritual robots; He doesn’t want us all just following a bunch of rules for the sake of obedience. Jesus made a way, through His perfect sacrifice, for our sins to be completely washed away and removed from us so we can have a personal relationship with God. We are free to obey Him simply because we love Him, and we know that everything He tells us to do, or not do, is for our good. We just need to learn to follow His lead. It’s actually exciting to follow the Holy Spirit, and He wants to lead us all according to the plans God has for each of our lives. I’m not saying it will always be easy. King David was called a man after God’s heart, but we know it wasn’t because he did everything right. However, David had cultivated a passionate heart for God’s will. He learned how to recover from his failures and move on in God, and because of that “God testified concerning him: ‘I have found David son of Jesse, a man after my own heart; he will do everything I want him to do’” (Acts 13:22 NIV). In our relationship with God, our part is to pray, study His Word, and learn to develop our own sensitivity and obedience to the Holy Spirit’s lead. His promise to us is, “I will give them one heart [a new heart] and I will put a new spirit within them; and I will take the stony [unnaturally hardened] heart out of their flesh, and will give them a heart of flesh [sensitive and responsive to the touch of their God]” (Ezekiel 11:19 AMPC). Trust the Holy Spirit and follow His lead. You’ll discover His way is the best, most exciting journey you can find! For more on this topic, order Joyce’s three-teaching CD series Keys to Loving Your Journey. Joyce Meyer is a New York Times bestselling author and founder of Joyce Meyer Ministries, Inc. She has authored more than 100 books, including Battlefield of the Mind and Living a Life You Love (Hachette). For more information, visit www.joycemeyer.org. Please note: The views and opinions expressed throughout this publication and/or website are those of the respective authors and do not necessarily reflect those of Joyce Meyer Ministries. 20 24
How’s Your Vision? By Mark Smeby
large part of hope is having a vision—something we are looking toward. As Christians, we are told what we can look toward and place our hope in. Second Corinthians 4:18 says, “We fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal” (NIV). Our life of faith is directed toward what we physically can’t see. In the awesome person of Jesus, we have something tangible to look toward—God, as an actual human being we can read about and know. Hebrews 12:2 says that we are to look “to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.” If you find it difficult to know where to focus, then turn your eyes toward Jesus. Learn about him and how he lived his life. Study who he was and how he was different from all others. And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God Ephesians 5:12 What is the value of studying the life of Jesus? What is something unseen that we should specifically focus on?
This devotion is an excerpt from Mark Smeby’s book Live Hope Minute: 365 Daily Devotions.
july/august 2018
IS LIFE Harder
oldiers don’t learn to fight in the classroom. They learn about fighting in the classroom.
Learning about fighting is crucial to successful fighting, which is why soldiers’ training always includes class time. But learning about fighting is not the same thing as fighting. Soldiers never really learn to fight until they are forced to actually do it. And when they do, they discover that the actual, concrete experience of fighting looks and feels very different than the abstract idea of fighting. Disciples of Jesus don’t learn to walk by faith—to fight the good fight of faith—in the classroom. They learn about faith in the classroom—sermons, conferences, books, articles, videos. Learning about faith is crucial to successful walking by faith, which is why disciples’ training always includes class time. But learning about walking by faith is not the same thing as walking by faith. Disciples never really learn to walk by faith until they are forced to actually do it. And when they do, they discover that the actual, concrete experience of walking by faith looks and feels very different than the abstract idea of walking by faith.
Teach Me Your Way When we pray with David, “teach me your way, O Lord” (Psalm 27:11), God answers. And his answers often look and feel very different from what we thought we were asking for. He often takes us out of the classroom—where we thought we understood things—into the chaotic, disorienting, disturbing, desperate violence of the field of spiritual battle, where we encounter internal and external enemies too powerful for us. He brings us up against obstacles too big for us, problems too complex and difficult for us, and burdens so far beyond our strength that we, at times, despair of life itself (2 Corinthians 1:8). And it is in these desperate places that we, like David, learn what walking by faith really means, where God teaches us his way.
How God Taught David In those first heady months after Samuel anointed David the future king of Israel (see 1 Samuel 16), how do you think David imagined his future? The Bible doesn’t tell us. But the Bible does provide us a significant record of David’s inner thoughts throughout his life in the psalms he wrote. And it’s clear from this record that from the day Saul began hunting him down until well into his old age, David was a man of troubles and acquainted with desperation. Most of his psalms are desperate prayers for God’s deliverance from assassination and spiritual depression—or songs of praise after being delivered from such desperate situations. Is this how he envisioned his life as king? Did he expect to live most of his life with a target on his back among members of his own household, treacherous countrymen, as well as surrounding hostile nations? Did he expect to plead with God so often for his very survival (Psalm 86:2)? Did he expect to feel, at times, forsaken by God (Psalm 22:1)? Did he expect to weep so much (Psalm 6:6–7)? The bewilderment, fear, and sorrow David expressed in many of his psalms lead me to think that trusting God proved far harder than he expected. 26
Prayers of Faith for All
The Way is Hard
But it was, in fact, the crucible of these very hard situations where David learned how to really trust God, and how to really pray, and how to really worship. David prayed, “teach me your way, O Lord” (Psalm 27:11) during a desperate, dangerous moment. And that desperate, dangerous moment (along with many others) was itself a means God used to answer that prayer.
So, do you still want God to teach you his ways?
But God answered David far more abundantly than David asked and likely thought (Ephesians 3:20). God used these dark, desperate, crushing moments to make David “the sweet psalmist of Israel” (2 Samuel 23:1), providing songs and prayers for the life of faith to all Israel (Galatians 6:16) during its entire militant, embattled existence in this hostile, devil-governed world (1 John 5:19). Through David’s poetic processing of his hope and joy in God in the face of overwhelming circumstances, God provided all of us more holy language and practical examples of how to encourage our faith, how to pray, and how to sing than through any other single biblical author.
It’s not surprising if we respond viscerally to this whole idea: “If that’s how God answers, I think I’ll pass.” But we must not listen to that inner voice. That voice always counsels us to indulge in easy things that end up robbing us of great joy and to avoid hard things that end up increasing our great joy. Yes, “the way is hard that leads to life” (Matthew 7:14). But it leads to life! The easy way leads to destruction (Matthew 7:13). So, if we really want to follow Jesus, if we really want to learn his ways (Psalm 27:11), if we really want “to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord” (Colossians 1:10), which is to walk by faith and not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7), how should we expect him to teach us? We should expect him to force us out of the classroom and onto the real field of spiritual battle where the conflict is much more chaotic, disturbing, disorienting, frightening, depressing, and sorrowful than we ever expected. And we should expect experiences that make the psalms living and active songs for our desperate souls.
It is in these experiences where—like good soldiers, like true disciples—we learn how to really fight and how to really trust. It is there, like David, where we learn God’s way and “take hold of that which is truly life” (1 Timothy 6:19) and taste that which is truly joy.
Do Not Be Surprised A war is not won in the tranquil, tidy classroom, but on the desperate battlefield, where soldiers must give their all. Christ’s gospel mission will not be fulfilled in the tranquil, tidy classroom, but on the desperate field of spiritual battle, where disciples must give their all. So, “Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you” (1 Peter 4:12). Jesus is teaching you how to walk by faith by graciously forcing you to do it. And this hard way leads to life, life more abundant than we have yet imagined. Jon Bloom (@Bloom_Jon) serves as author, board chair, and co-founder of Desiring God. He is author of three books, Not by Sight, Things Not Seen, and Don’t Follow Your Heart. He and his wife live in the Twin Cities with their five children.
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GOODlife Travel
A Adventure
ased right outside of Chattanooga, Tennessee, Raft One is your hub for a day or weekend full of adventure! With many options like horseback rides, mountain biking, a zipline canopy tour, or, of course, whitewater rafting on the Ocoee river, there is plenty to choose from. Trying an activity for the first time? Or perhaps you’re a veteran looking for another fun experience? Raft One’s seasoned staff can help match your experience level with the right adventure to offer you an exciting time you will never forget!
Ready for adventure and adrenaline? Are you prepared to laugh, scream, get soaking wet, and have the time of your life? If so, you’ve reached the right destination! Raft One White Water and Zipline Tours is a premier team of river rafting experts who will provide you with an amazing whitewater rafting experience. Bring your family and friends who are 12 years and older for the experience of your lives. The Ocoee is a true challenge for people who don’t want a calm, gliding ride. The guides help as many people enjoy it as possible. But, it’s not for everyone. With options for a full Ocoee trip, an Upper Ocoee trip, or a middle Ocoee trip, there’s a perfect fit for a soaking adventure just right for your thrill-seeking appetite. Raft One’s rafts can hold up to seven paddlers, plus your guide. Depending on the number of people on a particular trip, each raft may contain as few as two people. It means more work— but you’ll be guaranteed an exhilarating experience. If you’re looking to explore everything from Class I to Class V rapids, you’ve come to the right place! 28
About RaftOne
Raft One is the brainchild of two brothers who want their customers to have the best adventure-filled trip they can possibly have. After being on the river for 20 years, Brent and Dusty Rogers, the owners of Raft One, have seen each aspect of every whitewater rafting company on the Ocoee River and other whitewater rafting businesses across the country. Having the enthusiasm and drive to make Raft One the BEST it can be, they have taken the top aspects from each company and put them together to form the Ocoee’s most fun-filled and safe company.
Begin your adventure To begin planning an adventure you will never forget or to book online, go to:
www. raft1.com For questions or help planning your adventure, call:
Lodging & Group Trips Raft One not only offers you incredible ways to spend your days, but also through partnerships with local businesses, can offer options for comfortable rustic lodging for a range of group sizes. This makes Raft One an invaluable resource, not only for friends and families, but for other groups as well. And you will be really glad you have a close-by accommodation to return to after your adventurepacked day. From luxurious comfortably sized couples’ cabins to spacious group-sized cabins (40+ people), there are gorgeous accommodations located right on the Ocoee for every group and occasion.
The Ocoee Zipline canopy tour consists of many treetop sky towers, ziplines, suspension bridges, and a cargo net located at the top of a Southern Pine forest. The experienced guides will lead you through the tour for a fun-filled adventure that anyone can enjoy. No experience is necessary! Anyone from 50-250 lbs. can participate.
While visiting the Ocoee River / Cherokee National Forest area, try mountain biking with Raft One! They have a fleet of Gary Fisher precision mountain bikes to fit any level of rider. You can rent and make the short bike ride to the trailhead from their outpost or they can help you get on the right trail through some of the hundreds of miles of National Forest trails.
Horseback riding in the mountains or whitewater rafting on the Ocoee River? Why not both? And why not include a ziplining tour of some of the most beautiful forests in the South as well?
Located just ten minutes from Blue Ridge, Georgia, and an hour and a half from Atlanta, the location makes it a great addition to your fun weekend adventure.
They carry Gary Fisher Wahoos & Marlins for rent. And if you would like to make it a guided trip, there is a four-person minimum. It is roughly a three-hour trip, and bike, water bottle, and helmet are included. You keep the water bottle.
Start your day wild and wet as you crash through class 4 rapids in the A.M. Then lose your breath as you zip through the trees on a two-hour canopy tour. Finally, gain a new perspective on the natural beauty around you with a horseback riding trip that provides more than an hour of exploration in the Tennessee and Georgia mountains.
july/august 2018
GOODlife reviews
Meal Delivery Services
Are you a busy mom who struggles to have time to feed your family balanced meals? Or maybe you’re single and end up eating a lot of “TV dinners” because you dread putting in so much effort to prepare a meal for one? Or perhaps you’re a budding sous-chef who loves prepping fresh food and developing your cooking skills, but you just don’t always have the time to sift through recipes and spend hours at the farmer’s market? Whatever your circumstances, there is a meal service for you! Meal services come in all different “shapes and sizes,” but generally, they all strive to make your life easier by planning chef-inspired
Hello Fresh
www.hellofresh.com Standout Feature:
Truly fresh, outstanding taste
Other Notable Features: Freshest preparation, as you do all the chopping Gourmet-style meals without ingredients that are too unusual
www.dinnerafare.com Standout Feature:
www.freshnfitcuisine.com Standout Feature:
www.chefdeliveredmeals.com Standout Feature:
Other Notable Features:
Other Notable Features:
Other Notable Features:
Dinner A’Fare
All the chopping has already been done for you Lower prep time Freezable
Visually appealing presentation Step-by-step photo-based recipe cards
Great gift idea for new mom, bereavement, etc.
Ships to your door, in most US zip codes
Delivers locally to your door or ships to most US zip codes Average cook time: 25 minutes
Average cook time: 35 minutes
One thing that can be improved upon:
Beef was tough on one dish 30
At GOODlife, we decided to sample a variety of different meal services, some local and some national, so we could share our thoughts with you based on first-hand experience. Below are each of the services we tested and our personal observations. “Which one is best?” you might ask. We found that it really depends on your personal tastes and what aspects are most important to you. As far as flavor, all were tasty, and some were downright scrumptious, but it often depended on the individual recipe, so we’ll leave that up to you. Check out what stood out to us, decide which services best suit you and your family, and give them a try!
Locally based company (MetroAtlanta)
Vegetarian meal plan available
meals for you and delivering the exact ingredients you need to your home, office, or a local pickup spot. With varied menus that change regularly, meal services get you out of the rut of cooking the same old dishes and often encourage you to test ingredients and cuisines you might not normally try.
One thing that can be improved upon: Sides not included
Fresh ‘N Fit Cuisine
Prepared individual meals with calorie control
Chef Delivered Meals
An upscale take on prepared individual meals
Heat and eat – no prep time or cleanup
Heat and eat – no prep time or cleanup
Locally based company (MetroAtlanta)
Locally based company (MetroAtlanta)
Options for breakfast/lunch/dinner
Variety and convenience
Meal plans for various special diets
Great gift idea for new mom, bereavement, etc.
Delivers to a local pick-up spot or to your door, depending on location, in limited areas only Average cook time: 5 minutes (microwave)
One thing that can be improved upon:
Portion size and taste are somewhat sacrificed for calorie management
Ships to your door, in limited areas only Average cook time: 30 minutes oven/ can heat in microwave
One thing that can be improved upon:
Must be present for delivery (2-hour time window)
Sun Basket
www.sunbasket.com Standout Feature:
Adventurous meals with all Organic/clean ingredients
Other Notable Features: Freshest preparation, as you do all the chopping Largest available meal selections Pushes you to try some exotic ingredients Visually appealing presentation Meal plans for various special diets Ships to your door, in most US zip codes Average cook time: 45 minutes
One thing that can be improved upon: Long prep time
Blue Apron
www.blueapron.com Standout Feature:
Menus/videos on website designed to help you learn new cooking techniques
Other Notable Features: Freshest preparation, as you do all the chopping Visually appealing presentation Pushes you to try some exotic ingredients Step-by-step photo-based recipe cards Ships to your door, in most US zip codes Average cook time: 1 hour
One thing that can be improved upon: Long prep time
Snack Delivery Services
“Love With Food is the easiest way to snack smart and do good.” It helps you discover new organic, all-natural or gluten-free snacks delivered to your door monthly. Receive a box of mystery better-foryou snacks and go on a fun foodie adventure every month. In addition, a portion of your purchase is donated to help fight childhood hunger in the US and around the world.
Provides a wide variety of snacks for you to find what you like
Options for: Dairy-Free Gluten-Free GMO-Free
Kosher Vegan Vegetarian Yeast-Free
They combine unique flavors with ingredients you can trust to create great tasting, guilt-free snacks you can’t find anywhere else. Their innovative team of snack developers use research, food trends, and your reviews to create snacks that are as daring as they are delicious.
High qualitytasting healthy snacks
Options for: Vegan Gluten-Free GMO-Free
No Corn Syrup, Hydrogenated Oils, MSG, or Artificial flavors july/august 2018
INSPIRE YOUR LIFE By Melissa Michaels
A home should be more than just something pretty to look at. Our homes should inspire us every day to live the life we dream of and aspire to. So often people go about home design all backwards. They design a home, yet forget to incorporate who lives there, what the personality or history of the home is, and what will take a house that looks very much like everyone else’s house into a home that is undeniably their own. Home design isn’t just about copying what your friend does or has or what you saw in a magazine. It is about getting to the heart of what inspires YOU. Reflecting your heart and life in the design of your home isn’t always easy to pull off. It is a fine line between having “themes” in your home that end up looking tacky and having a home that is truly “inspired.” Inspired rooms don’t have to be complicated or expensive to pull together. Keep it simple! If you want to live authentically, give yourself permission to eliminate the stress of furnishing your home according to style trends or your own expectations. Enjoy simplicity and see how your home will inspire you. Wander through these three easy room refreshes. Do something simple this week to renew one of your rooms.
BEDROOM Use unexpected furniture. Maybe mix up nightstands by using a dresser for one and a small bookshelf as the other. This will help create a collected feel when combined with a traditional piece. Layer a fluffy duvet and a mix of pillows. Atop of a cozy duvet, a variety of throw pillows will add dimension and a touch of pure luxury.
Sprinkle the personal throughout. It’s your bedroom, so make it personal! Bring in accessories, books, and framed art and photos that speak to your heart and life’s journey.
LIVING ROOM Revive saggy cushions. Add foam pieces or other stuffing to zippered cushions. If they are sewn, then release part of the seam, fill, then re-stitch. They will look and feel much better. Brighten your throw pillows. Buy or make new pillow coverings that add a color or pattern to your living or family room. For little or no money, you have a big payoff in personality. Add flair to your floor. A new rug or one swapped out from another room will instantly connect the room elements in a new way. Shift toward a different depth of color tone or from a flat rug to one highly textured for even more of a change.
KITCHEN Keep the sink clear. This one habit will make your space feel lighter and smell better, and it will welcome you back with cheer for the next mealtime. Display your cookbook collection. Add colorful bookends or kitchenware items as your bookends. This visual gathering will inspire a shelf or nook...and you! Create a garden. Bring warmth to your functional spaces. A memo board with uplifting notes and a kitchen garden of herbs are signs of a nurtured life. If your home’s personality is inspired by things YOU are passionate about or that have great meaning to you, your home will, in turn, inspire you to live more fully and graciously every day. Taken from: Simple Decorating: 50 Ways to Inspire Your Home. Copyright © 2017 by Melissa Michaels. Published by Harvest House Publishers, Eugene, Oregon. www.harvesthousepublishers. com. Used by Permission. About the author: Melissa Michaels is the creator of The Inspired Room. With creative, simple ideas for decorating and organizing the home, she inspires more than half a million women each month. Melissa is also the author of the New York Times bestseller Love the Home You Have, Make Room for What You Love, and The Inspired Room coffee table book. july/august 2018
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