Gò0dNews for Everyone
The Paths We Travel
by Paula Burgner
ost of the time, when we take off walking,
paths are never discovered unless you get lost. When
we only think about where we are trying
you feel like the path you are on is not your own, think
to get to and how fast we can reach our
of it like this: in a forest of a thousand trees, there is no
destination. Often, we are not thinking about what
two leaves alike, and no two journeys along the same
path we are on or who may be watching us to see
path are alike. When you feel lost and like you have
where our path may lead. Sometimes, life can make
taken the wrong path, pray, and God will show you
us question everything we do, and make us wonder if
the right way to go.
we are taking the right steps. When this happens, we need to make sure that we are asking God to guide our every step, as He already knows the path that He has laid out before us. In the Bible, it tells us this in Psalms 37:23: “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way.” Just one footstep will not make a path; you must keep walking again and again in order to start seeing the path you have paved. If you come across a clear path, it might not lead anywhere, as most paths to great things have a lot of debris in the way. Sometimes, what may
Proverbs 4:11 tells us, “I have taught thee in the
seem like a detour in life can be mistaken for a blessing
way of wisdom; I have led thee in right paths.” We
in disguise.
all have a choice to choose what path to take in life,
We must find our own path in life. Whether we
and we each have different paths that we take, but
walk or run, we have to keep on going. Not all paths
no matter where we go in life, we always take a little
are straight; most of the paths we will go through in
of each other with us everywhere we go. So, stay
life will have ups and downs and curves along the
grounded in God’s Word, and you will never walk
way. For this reason, we must relay on God and ask
a path in the dark. As the Bible tells us in Psalms
Him to guide us along our way. Just as the Bible tells
119:105, “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light
us in Proverbs 3:6, “In all your ways acknowledge him,
unto my path.”
It’s not how fast we take on the path, but how we react while on that path. Sometimes, the most beautiful
26 // August 2022
About The Author
and he will make straight your paths.” Paula Burgner is a very strong willed, outgoing, girl who loves working out, and she believes in her heart that you are capable of doing anything that you put your mind to.