
Dr. Alan Hix
Charles Finney
David Voyles
Dorothy Teague
Granger Hughes
Heather Medley
Dr. Jimmy Gentry
Leslie Nolen Bennett
Liz Cooper
Paula Burgner
Dr. Rob Debelak
Matthew Ruckman
Email: goodnewstn@gmail.com
Caleb Prytherch
Email: art.goodnews@gmail.com
Paula Knipp
GoodNews CM
Sandra Gilmore
Email: articles.goodnews@gmail.com
Matthew and Bethany Ruckman
Cell: 423-503-1410
Email: goodnewstn@gmail.com
WEBSITE goodnewscm.com issuu.com/goodnewscm
Hello Friends,
We want to take a moment to tell you who we are and what we are about. Our names are Matt and Bethany Ruckman and we have six beautiful children, Brendon, Kailey, Andrew, Leah Jean, Emma, and Cooper. We live in Cleveland, Tennessee, and love what this town has to offer! We have started GoodNews Christian Magazine because we feel that when God, family, and community are combined, lives will be changed.
GoodNews Christian Magazine is a complimentary, Christian lifestyle publication. You can find us throughout the community in retail establishments, churches, restaurants, and more. Our magazine opens the door for Christians to work together to grow and strengthen our community through relevant editorial and effective advertising.
GoodNews Christian Magazine is written by men and women in the community who love and serve the Lord. Our hearts are open and willing to be used by God to reach out to the community to spread the GoodNews!
All of the content in the GoodNews Christian Magazine is for general information and/or use. Such contents does not constitute advice and should not be relied upon in making (or refraining from making) a decision. Any specific advice or replies to queries in any part of the magazine is the personal opinion of such experts/consultants/persons and is not subscribed to by GoodNews Christian Magazine. The information in GoodNews Christian Magazine is provided on an “AS IS” basis, and all warranties, expressed or implied of any kind, regarding any matter pertaining to any information, advice or replies are disclaimed and excluded. We reserve the right to refuse any advertisement or article we deem inappropriate.
Honoring a legacy of excellence with a vision for the future.
Hamilton Health Care System is proud to be a part of the future of healthcare in Cleveland, Bradley County, and the surrounding communities with the completion of the recent Tennova Healthcare – Cleveland purchase. We are here to serve and support the community and the many great things happening here. As part of this new vision for the future, the hospital is being renamed for the community it serves – Bradley Medical Center. And, as one fully integrated, comprehensive network of providers, Hamilton Health Care System is being rebranded as Vitruvian Health. Together, we will honor a legacy of excellence with a vision for the future. Thank you for the privilege to serve you!
by Dr. Jimmy Gentry
December 1st begins the Christian Season of Advent. I know what some may assess of such an observation: “Who cares?” or “So what?” Even some of my “brothers and sisters in the Lord” give way to such cynicism. I’ve had some congregants, over the years, say something like, “Advent isn’t in the Bible!” To which I have lovingly responded, “Neither is Christmas.” To which, these intense church-goers have said, something along the line of, “Well, now that’s different. It’s there even if the word isn’t.” So is Advent – even if the word isn’t used. Interestingly, Christmas is one of those Christian “seasons” too, coming immediately after Advent.
When I mention the Christian term “season,” some people, even among the Christians, are prone to think only of the four seasons since God made them– winter, spring, summer, and fall– or maybe, they think of Frankie Valli and his singing group from back in the 60s (He made them, too). Advent is the season that marks the beginning of the Christian year. We Christians often miss this important mark. From time to time, say like every Sunday or every day, Jesus People, of which I am one, are to be reminded that we are citizens of two kingdoms: the kingdom of this world and the kingdom not-of-this-world. Christians, therefore, are to mark time with two calendars: the civic calendar and the Christian calendar. Just as January 1 marks the beginning of a new year on the civic calendar, so the first day of Advent marks the beginning of a new Christian year. Just as the civic calendar binds us to one another in the nation, so the Christian calendar binds us to other Jesus People, not only in the USA but also in every nation where Christians may be found. Sadly, the emphasis is more on the worldly kingdom.
Latin word meaning “coming” or “arrival,” Advent is a time of expectation. Always denoted by the four Sundays that precede Christmas Day, there can be as many as 28 days in this season and as few as 22. This year has a lower quantity of 24 days, which is symbolized by preparing for the coming or arrival of Christmas. Twenty-four days to get ready for Christmas? Yes. And our culture needs every one of them! The temptation to skip Christmas is great, even among the followers of Christ.
Have you read the account of His birth in Luke chapter 2? This passage is often cited as one of the most beautiful in all of Scripture. Being a physician, Luke shared many details that others might have overlooked. He gave us much to learn about and much to treasure regarding the birth of Christ. It is His birth for which we prepare in these Advent days and rightly so. Take the time to unpack Christmas for another season. Savor the mystery during these 24 days. May you be truly prepared for Christmas—and its true meaning—come Christmas Day!
There are many reasons why I like Advent. It reminds me of the kingdom that’s not of this world. Derived from a
s 2024 begins to come to a close, we usually start planning for the new year with resolutions, changes, and anticipation of what is to come. Many things in our financial lives could use the same consideration.
This is a great time to think about what to do with your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) from your retirement account if you haven’t taken it for 2024, or to think ahead for 2025. Did you know that you can use your RMD to make your charitable donations through what is called a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD). Having your IRA make the payment directly to the charity avoids you having to pay income taxes on the funds and you still get credit for the donation on your taxes. It is a great tax strategy idea to discuss with your financial and tax advisors.
Another hot topic lately and for the upcoming year is the changing interest rate landscape. The feds will meet again December 17th and 18th. This meeting will be associated with a Summary of Economic Projections. This is typically done each quarter. This will give some indicators they are expecting in the future for likely outcomes of gross domestic product (GDP), unemployment rate, and inflation. These topics are factors in the decision on whether or not to cut rates. While it can take rate cuts a few weeks/months to trickle down to being felt by the consumer, it does impact your retirement plan. Higher interest rates are usually positive for CD owners, as CD rates tend to be higher. Historically, interest rates and the stock markets have an inverse relationship, meaning if rates are up, stock prices tend to fall and vice versa. That makes right now an excellent time to review your retirement plan with your financial advisor. With the recent election and impending policy changes that will
impact various economic factors as well, you want to make sure your game plan for retirement is still meeting your needs based on your current goals and situation.
One thing that can tend to get overlooked in dealing with your retirement plan and the new year is existing life insurance policies. As life changes, so does the life insurance need that it was originally purchased to cover. Policies that were intended to pay off a home in the event of a spouse’s death may no longer be the best use of funds if there is no longer a mortgage balance. Perhaps policies purchased at a young age or early in a marriage that you continue to pay premiums on don’t seem as needed in retirement due to the accumulation of assets one has managed to build up into retirement. During retirement, as you enter the distribution phase of your financial plan, monthly income may be the biggest hurdle and need. Reviewing life policies and their cash value and comparing them to your needs of income now and assets at death, might lead you to discover an opportunity to exchange that life insurance into an investment that will provide the income you seek.
Our advisors and staff are always here to help you create your Retirement Playbook by developing your game plan and coaching you through your Retirement Season. Seasons change and so do your goals and needs. Taking the time to review new ideas, strategies, and opportunities can never be the wrong call.
We hope you have found our articles helpful throughout the year. We look forward to continuing to provide helpful insights next year. We would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and also remind you to remember the true meaning of Christmas. He is the Reason for the Season!
Retirement planning is the process of determining how you can meet your goals through the proper management of your financial resources.
Tax planning should not only assess your tax situation at retirement and in the present, but also look towards the future.
Social security strategies are various approaches that an individual may take to maximize their social security benefits.
There is more to Medicare than meets the eye. Making the best decision for your situation at age 65 is one of the biggest retirement decisions one may make.
Estate planning is a key element of a successful financial strategy. It ensures you will leave a legacy that provides for your loved ones by properly protecting and distributing your wealth according to your wishes.
If you're ready to take the next step in your retirement planning journey, call (423) 664-4203 today to explore your
by David Voyles
As I walked into the garage and saw my old 65 Mustang sitting there, I thought to myself, “Wow this one needs a lot of work!” But I like to fix things and enjoy restoring the once abused, worn out, and long forgotten. And I know one day the Mustang will be a beautiful restoration. Since I was a tiny child, I’ve always found joy in restoring broken things. I have spent countless hours turning screwdrivers and wrenches, filing, cutting, welding, and painting. All with the goal of bringing life back to the lifeless. During my work on the old Mustang, a revelation came to me about why I love restoring things so much. While I love to see things move, roll, or shine again,
new.” Those are just two verses where God reveals some of His restoration powers. There are many more. He loves us no matter how broken we may be. Romans 5:8 ESV reads, “But God shows His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” God the Father loves us so much; He gave up His Son for us. Christ suffered for our sins so we could be restored and rescued from the world.
Just like an old car doesn’t fix itself before it enters my garage, a person doesn’t have to “fix” themselves before they seek Jesus. Matthew 11:28 NIV reads, “Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” It doesn’t say to make sure you are without sin, without fault, or to fix things on your own before you go to Him. It basically says to come as you are. It doesn’t matter who you are or where you came from, if you will call upon His name, He will begin the process of repairing what is broken in your life. No one is too far gone for His grace. Isaiah 59:1 KJV states “Behold, the LORD's hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear.” He can reach you no matter how far down you have fallen. God can help make those changes and deliver you from addiction, pain, loneliness, and more.
I realized I am imitating what our Savior can do in the lives of the broken or lost. Ephesians 5:1-2 ESV says, “Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children.” And while I could never restore the life of a broken person, God can and does. God is the Great Restorer, the ultimate mechanic of life and souls, an Engineer for all His creation. 1 Peter 5:10 NIV states, “And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will Himself restore you and make you strong, firm, and steadfast.” In Revelation 21:5 KJV we can read, “And He that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things
I was personally restored decades ago by God’s Grace through my faith in His son, Jesus Christ. He took a broken, lost, and hurting young man and turned him into a husband, a father, a friend, and a follower, all things I could not do on my own. He continues to make improvements in my life to this day! So please join me in praying for those friends, family members, and strangers who need God’s love and restoration in their lives. God has a toolbox full of tools waiting to break loose those stuck bolts holding onto those rusty chains. Just like my old car, you too can become a beautiful restoration.
by Leslie Nolen Bennett with Sandra Gilmore, Editor
Knowing someone is thinking of you is a wonderful feeling. A phone call, a text, a card, or a handwritten note can put a smile on your face, a spring in your step, a tear in your eye, or joy in your heart.
“The most wonderful places to be in the world are in someone's thoughts, someone's prayers, and someone's heart” —Author unknown.
It doesn’t take long to make someone feel special. I love being on the receiving end, but I also find fulfillment in making someone else’s day. Let’s not be so wrapped up in ourselves that we forget to be a blessing to others. Let’s live out our faith in a way that makes a positive impact on others.
I texted back that I loved it. It was so sweet! Amanda replied: “Yes, I think that’s so sweet when people have a gift like that and take time to use it.”
I totally agree. Simple, kind gestures like this mean so much. Knowing that someone took the time out of their busy schedule to do something special and unexpected just for you is so refreshing…So heartwarming!
Our dear writer Leslie Nolen Bennett penned those words for her blog, www.ohyeshedid.org. Her post reminded me that December 7, 2024, is National Letter Writing Day. And that reminded me of a letter that became famous down through the centuries. In fact, it centered around Christmas.
“A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed” (Proverbs 11:25 NIV).
I got a text from my daughter, Amanda, last night saying, “Look how sweet this is. Not many people have the gift of thoughtfulness like this anymore.” There was a picture of me and Amanda along with a card included in the text. These are the words on the card: Amanda,
I loved this picture of you and your mom! Y’all have the sweetest relationship. I know life gets busy and we don’t print off pictures the way we want to. I hope you enjoy this one! Love, Jessica
The Gospel writer named Luke wrote a letter to Theophilus. Luke wanted to set an accurate account about the details of the life of Jesus. His letter included the now-famous passage from Luke chapter two. (See page 34 of this issue for the text of Luke 2). You might not think of yourself as a personal recipient of Luke’s letter but you are. The account of the Christmas story was put in a letter and that letter has been shared with all of us – including you! Is there a special someone who would enjoy a letter from you? Not just a Christmas or holiday card with a signature below the printed verse, but an authentic, handwritten letter. What would you write if you forgo format, grammar, spelling, or penmanship that might hinder you? Write from your heart. Share about your happenings. Share your favorite verses from Luke 2, if you want. Make sure to include the date and your signature. Most likely, the recipient of your letter will cherish the love you convey in written form for years to come. Remember December 7th as National Letter Writing Day. And, if you miss the precise date, no worries. Send it when you can. After all, ‘write’ is right!
by Dr. Alan Hix
Several years ago, my wife spent over two months in the hospital with a severe respiratory ailment. For the first of those months, she was in intensive care on a ventilator. When my daughter
good.” It was during that time that Psalm 13 became a close companion for me when all we could do was wait.
*Psalm 13 is the heartfelt cry of David during a period of deep despair and anguish. In just six short verses, David's words resonate with the raw emotions many of us experience in times of trouble and darkness. Yet, within this psalm, we also find a powerful message of hope and trust in God.
David begins the psalm with a haunting anguished cry, “How long, O Lord? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me? 2 How long must I take counsel in my soul and have sorrow in my heart all the day?”
and I talked to her, she had slight responses at best. Christmas day that year was spent sitting beside her bed watching snow flurries that technically gave us a “white Christmas.”
During that period, the standard comment from the medical staff was, “If she’s not getting worse, that’s
David pours out his heart to God, expressing the depth of his despair and loneliness. He feels abandoned, forgotten, and overwhelmed by his enemies. In our own lives, we may encounter seasons of despair, where it seems like God is distant, and our troubles loom large. The words of this psalm resonated with me during my
wife’s illness. David's struggle helps us to see that it's okay to bring our raw emotions to God in prayer. He invites us to be honest about our pain and suffering, even when it feels like God is far away.
David then calls on God to respond to his cry of pain. “Consider and answer me, O Lord my God; light
up my eyes, lest I sleep the sleep of death.” Despite his anguish, David continues to pray. He pleads for God's intervention and guidance. He asks God to “light up his eyes,” a metaphor for receiving understanding and insight. In our moments of despair, it's crucial to turn to God in prayer, seeking His guidance and wisdom.
Then the psalm shifts as though David had lifted his head that had been bowed in despair to catch a glimpse of God’s character. “But I have trusted in your steadfast love; my heart shall rejoice in your salvation. 6 I will sing to the Lord, because he has dealt bountifully with me.”
In these final verses, David moves from despair to hope. He recalls God's steadfast love and places his trust in Him. David's trust in God's unfailing love is the foundation of his hope. This trust allows him to declare with confidence that his heart will rejoice in God's salvation, and he will sing praises to the Lord. Even
during severe trials, David chooses to trust in God's character and remember the ways God has been faithful in the past.
Psalm 13 is a guide that takes us on a journey from despair to hope through prayer and trust in God's unfailing love. As we pour out our hearts before Him, seek His guidance, and trust in His love, we, too, can experience the transformation from despair to hope that David did. This psalm provides us with a source of encouragement and inspiration as we navigate the challenges of life, always remembering that God is our refuge and our strength.
*Psalm 13 quotes from ESV.
by Liz Cooper
Matthew 2:2,11 ESV
“W2here is He who has been born
king of the Jews? For we saw His star when it rose and have come to worship Him. 11And going into the house they saw the child with Mary, His mother, and they fell down and worshiped Him. Then, opening their treasures, they offered Him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh.”
As Christmas Day approaches, there always seems to be an unmistakable magic that fills the air. Beautiful expressions of love and good cheer across the land from quaint, small towns and rural farm communities to towering big cities adorn the landscape in breathtaking splendor. Everyone, both young and old, is filled with excitement in anticipation awaiting the big day of celebration. For months in advance meticulous, detailed plans and preparations are made for family and friends to share traditional feasts, fun and the all-important exchange of gifts. The daunting and sometimes tireless task to embark and search to find the best suited and precious gifts begins earlier each year as businesses begin showcasing their merchandise.
Although the world embraces all the glitz and glamor of the season, as Christians we know the true meaning and reason we celebrate Christmas is the birth of Jesus Christ. Somehow the cliché expression “Jesus is the reason for the season” often seems to become hidden in the backdrop of all that is taking place.
Christmas is a reminder of the gift of Jesus Christ, Our Savior, who can save anyone of us from the penalty of sin. This was God’s plan! A gift that only God can give because of His love.
News of Jesus' birth was so amazing the heavenly angels sang in adoration. “Suddenly, there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly army praising God, and saying, ‘Glory
to God in the highest, on earth peace, good will toward men’” (Luke 2:13-14 KJV).
And shepherds praised Him. “The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, just as it was told to them” (Luke 20 KJV).
Wise men followed HIS star and traveled to find Him (see Matthew 2:2 and 11). We can often find delight in seeking God’s word to keep Christ in Christmas, such as written in Matthew 2:2 and 11:
1). “The wise men followed HIS star.” How are we following Jesus? By seeking to follow the example of Jesus’ life as He taught His disciples and obeying His commandments, we can live and enjoy the abundance of life He promises.
2). “The wise men worshiped HIM.” Truly Christmas is a constant reminder, if we are wise, we too should worship Jesus daily. How do we worship Him? Through prayer, study of God’s word, attendance
in Bible study, Sunday School and worship service and sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with unsaved members of our family, friends, neighbors and even strangers that we meet.
3). “The wise men offered HIM gifts.” Jesus Christ is God’s greatest, perfect, and priceless gift to humanity. What gifts do we have to honor Him? As believers we are blessed with gifts and talents by God to use in service to Him. Our gifts cannot be purchased in stores and are not based upon material wealth. These gifts are evidenced by living and serving righteously each day to the fullest.
Glory to God in the highest! May we always celebrate our most precious gift from God, Our Heavenly Father of His Son, Jesus Christ, and always worship and honor Him.
Sleep in Heavenly Peace, Inc. (SHP) is a 501(c)(3)
nonprofit that builds beds for children who are often sleeping on couches, blankets, and even floors. Good sleep is important for the mental, emotional, and physical health of a child's development, but it's estimated that 2-3% of children are bedless, or have inadequate sleeping conditions. Child bedlessness is not a real word, but it is a real problem nationally. Since its start in 2012, SHP has been able to build over 261,252 beds for children in communities across the country.
Decotta Brooks explains, “Our new Bradley County Chapter of Sleep in Heavenly Peace was launched in June of 2024, and we are actively growing our Chapter and sharing the SHP mission: NO KID SLEEPS ON THE FLOOR IN OUR TOWN! Our website is https://shpbeds. org/chapter/tn-bradley-co/ where you can find our upcoming Bed Build events, as well as opportunities to volunteer, donate, or apply for a bed. Our Facebook page is also a great resource (www.Facebook.com/SHPBradleyCo).
Our Bradley County Chapter of SHP is led by our Core Team which consists of unpaid, but passionate individuals of Bradley County that believe in the SHP mission, care about children and want to lift them from the floor. Our hope is always that we enable a child to rise above the circumstances not of their creation.”
Core Team members are:
President – Sabra Cannon
Vice President – Ashley Nixon
Build Manager – William Brooks
Social Media Manager – Allie Johns
Community Liaison/Fundraising Manager – Decotta Brooks
Application Manager - Katelyn Bonhomme
Registration Manager – Dottie Sneed
Inventory Manager – Tiffany Cooper
In addition to the Core Team, SHP of Bradley County is also assisted by various community volunteers who take part in the Build and Delivery Teams. As of November 14, 2024, SHP of Bradley County has built 145 beds, and delivered 97 beds and bedding for the children in Bradley County, with more deliveries scheduled. Sleep in Heavenly Peace is where it is today because countless individuals asked the question, “What can I do?” The answer is that there are many ways to get involved. SHP is 100% fueled by volunteers and funded by donations. Here are some ways to participate:
• Volunteer during a Bed Build
• Make a monetary donation
• Sponsor a Bed Build
• Volunteer for a Bed Delivery
• Donate Bedding and Pillows (Twin-sized bedding, new in package only please)
• Donate breakfast or snacks for volunteers during a Bed Build
• Donate printing of signage, brochures, etc.
• Donate materials for a Bed Build
• Join the Bunkhead Club by signing up for a recurring donation of at least $20 per month
Brooks continues, “And so many more ways…Just ask us! The donations we receive from individuals, service groups, corporations, etc. determine how many beds we can build and deliver. This highlights the cost and corresponding deliverables:
• $2,500 will provide a bed and bedding for 10 children
• $5,000 will provide a bed and bedding for 20 children
• $7,500 will provide a bed and bedding for 30 children
• $10,000 will provide a bed and bedding for 40 children
Please consider getting involved with the Bradley County Chapter of Sleep in Heavenly Peace. You may email us at tn-bradleyco@shpbeds.org for more information.”
As the holiday season approaches, families begin planning gatherings filled with warmth, laughter, and, of course, delicious food. One name that has become synonymous with these special moments is Honey Baked Ham. For years, the HoneyBaked Ham store in Cleveland has been the go-to destination for those looking to create unforgettable holiday meals that bring loved ones together. With its wide selection of premium hams, turkeys, and side dishes, HoneyBaked Ham ensures that every holiday meal is a celebration of flavor and tradition.
Honey Baked Ham has been a cherished part of holiday traditions for over 60 years. The company's commitment to quality and flavor has made it a staple in American households, particularly during the holiday season. What started as a small family business has grown into a nationwide phenomenon with the Cleveland, TN location standing out as a beloved spot for local families.
The secret to Honey Baked Ham's success lies in its unique preparation process. Each ham is slow-smoked
for up to 24 hours, allowing the rich flavors to develop fully. The hams are then hand-glazed with the company’s signature sweet and crunchy glaze, a process that ensures every bite is a perfect balance of savory and sweet. This meticulous attention to detail is what sets Honey Baked Ham apart from other holiday meal options.
When it comes to holiday meals, the centerpiece is often the most anticipated dish on the table. A Honey Baked Ham is more than just a main course; it’s a show-stopping centerpiece that elevates any holiday spread. Whether it’s a Thanksgiving feast, a Christmas dinner, or a New Year’s celebration, a Honey Baked Ham is guaranteed to impress your guests
The Cleveland, TN location offers a variety of hams to suit different needs and party sizes. From the classic bone-in ham, perfect for carving at the table, to the more convenient boneless option, there’s something for everyone. Each ham is fully cooked and ready to serve, allowing you to spend less time in the kitchen and more time enjoying the company of family and friends.
While Honey Baked Ham is renowned for its hams, the Cleveland store also offers an exceptional selection of turkeys, making it a one-stop shop for all your holiday meal needs. The Honey Baked Turkey Breast is a popular choice for those looking to add variety to their holiday menu. Like the hams, the turkey breasts are slow-smoked and handglazed, delivering the same irresistible flavor that customers have come to expect.
For those who prefer a traditional turkey, Honey Baked Ham offers whole roasted or smoked turkeys, which are also fully cooked and ready to serve. These turkeys are seasoned to perfection, ensuring they are tender, juicy, and full of flavor. Pairing a Honey Baked Ham with a Honey Baked Turkey creates a holiday meal that caters to all tastes and guarantees a memorable dining experience.
A holiday meal wouldn’t be complete without a selection of mouthwatering side dishes and desserts. Cleveland’s Honey Baked Ham store offers a variety of sides that perfectly complement their hams and turkeys. From classic comfort foods to seasonal favorites, these sides are designed to make your holiday meal as effortless as it is delicious.
Some of the most popular sides include the creamy macaroni and cheese, loaded mashed potatoes, and green bean casserole. These dishes are prepared with the same care and attention to detail as the hams and turkeys, ensuring that every bite is packed with flavor. For a touch of sweetness, consider adding the cinnamon-sugar sweet potato souffle or the traditional cornbread stuffing to your holiday table.
No holiday meal is complete without dessert, and Honey Baked Ham has you covered with a selection of indulgent treats. From their rich pecan pie to the classic pumpkin pie, these desserts are the perfect ending to a festive meal. Each dessert is made with high-quality ingredients, offering a homemade taste that your guests will love.
In addition to providing exceptional holiday meals, Honey Baked Ham offers catering services that make hosting a breeze. Whether you’re planning an intimate family dinner or a large holiday party, Honey Baked Ham can cater your event with ease. Their catering menu includes everything from the iconic hams and turkeys to a variety of sides, salads, and desserts. With HoneyBaked Ham handling
the food, you can focus on enjoying the holiday season with your guests.
Honey Baked Ham also offers a range of holiday gift options, perfect for spreading cheer to friends, family, or colleagues. Their gift baskets and boxes are filled with a selection of premium meats, sides, and desserts, making them a thoughtful and delicious way to show appreciation during the holidays. Whether you’re sending a gift across town or across the country, a Honey Baked Ham gift is sure to be a hit.
The holiday season is a time for gathering with loved ones and creating memories that will last a lifetime. At the heart of these gatherings is the food we share, and Honey Baked Ham in Cleveland, TN, understands the importance of making every meal special. By offering high-quality hams, turkeys, sides, and desserts, Honey Baked Ham has become an integral part of holiday traditions in this East Tennessee community.
Whether you’re a longtime customer or trying Honey Baked Ham for the first time, you can trust that your holiday meal will be one to remember. The combination of exceptional flavor, convenience, and tradition makes Honey Baked Ham the perfect choice for any holiday gathering. This season, let Honey Baked Ham help you create a meal that brings your family together and fills your home with joy.
Wednesday, December 18
Thursday, December 19
Friday, December 20
Saturday, December 21
Sunday, December 22
Monday, December 23
Tuesday, December 24
Wednesday, December 25
Thursday, December 26
10:00am - 6:00pm 10:00am - 6:00pm 10:00am - 6:00pm 9:00am - 7:00pm 9:00am - 7:00pm 9:00am - 7:00pm 9:00am - 4:00pm Closed 10:00am - 6:00pm
In the Smoky Mountains, Christmas is a time for togetherness and aromatic food. These recipes for Homemade Apple Cider and Spiced Roast Turkey embody the flavors and fragrances of the holiday season. Prepare these dishes with loved ones of any age and create cherished memories that will last a lifetime around the Christmas table.
• 10-12 apples (a mix of sweet and tart varieties)
• 1 orange, sliced
• 1 lemon, sliced
• 4 cinnamon sticks
• 6 cloves
• 1/4 cup brown sugar
• 8 cups water
Wash and chop the apples into quarters, leaving the skin and core intact.
In a large pot, combine the apples, orange slices, lemon slices, cinnamon sticks, cloves, brown sugar, and water.
Bring the mixture to a boil, then reduce the heat and simmer for 1-2 hours until the apples are soft and mushy.
Use a potato masher to crush the apples in the pot.
Let the cider cool slightly, then strain it through a fine-mesh sieve into a large bowl or pitcher.
Serve the cider warm, garnished with a cinnamon stick and a slice of orange. Enjoy the cozy aroma and delightful taste of Smoky Mountain Christmas in a cup!
• 12-14 lb turkey
• 1/2 cup unsalted butter, softened
• 2 tablespoons smoked paprika
• 2 teaspoons dried thyme
• 2 teaspoons dried sage
• 2 teaspoons garlic powder
• 1 teaspoon onion powder
• Salt and pepper to taste
• 1 onion, quartered
• 2 celery stalks, cut into large pieces
• 2 carrots, cut into large pieces
• 1 cup chicken broth
Preheat your oven to 325°F (165°C).
Rinse the turkey inside and out, then pat it dry with paper towels.
In a bowl, mix together the softened butter, smoked paprika, dried thyme, dried sage, garlic powder, onion powder, salt, and pepper.
Carefully loosen the turkey skin and rub the seasoned butter mixture under the skin and all over the turkey’s exterior.
Place the onion, celery, and carrots inside the turkey cavity.
Tie the turkey’s legs together with kitchen twine.
Place the turkey on a roasting rack in a roasting pan, breast-side up.
Pour the chicken broth into the bottom of the pan.
Roast the turkey for 3.5 to 4 hours, basting it with pan juices every 30 minutes.
When the internal temperature reaches 165°F (74°C) in the thickest part of the thigh, remove the turkey from the oven and let it rest for 30 minutes before carving.
We are dedicated to delivering unparalleled expertise in the design and creation of marble, granite, and quartz countertops, as well as other stunning pieces crafted from these materials. At Rock Star Tops, our team is passionate about delivering exceptional results and exceeding customer expectations. We utilize only the highest quality materials, and our skilled professionals are dedicated to their craft, ensuring that each and every project is completed with precision and care.
1And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed.
2 (And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria).
3 And all went to be taxed, everyone into his own city.
4 And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judaea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem; (because he was of the house and lineage of David:)
5 To be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child.
6 And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered.
7 And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.
8 And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.
9 And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid.
13 And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying,
14 Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men.
15 And it came to pass, as the angels were gone away from them into heaven, the shepherds said one to another, Let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which is come to pass, which the Lord hath made known unto us.
16 And they came with haste and found Mary, and Joseph, and the babe lying in a manger.
17 And when they had seen it, they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning this child.
10 And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.
11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.
12 And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.
18 And all they that heard it wondered at those things which were told them by the shepherds.
19 But Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart.
20 And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, as it was told unto them.
Have you heard of Cleveland’s premier parentsas-teachers program?
At Family Cornerstones, their team is dedicated to nurturing the foundation of every child’s future. Serving families from conception through age 5, they provide invaluable in-home parent education that empowers parents with the tools and knowledge to support their child’s early development. Their mission is clear: to offer parents a jump start on success for their children by equipping them with evidencebased resources and personalized support. Through a comprehensive program, parents gain insights into early childhood development, learn effective parenting strategies, and receive guidance tailored to their family’s unique needs.
Family Cornerstones
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Join Family Cornerstones and embark on a journey of discovery, growth, and success for your family. Together, you and the folks at Family Cornerstones can pave the way for brighter futures, one child at a time. Building a strong tomorrow starts today. Are you ready?
A program for families with children under the age of five opened on January 5, 2009, with the first family enrollment on February 6, 2009. Over the past 15 years, the Starfish program has continued making a lasting impact on the community. The Starfish staff
have since completed over 5,200 home visits since the first enrollment and have made over 1,200 resource/ referral connections.
Amy Mann, the Executive Director shares, "The importance of our Starfish Program actually can change the whole course of your children's lives. People just don't know we are an option." Amy is married and has one adult child. Amy and her husband have two wonderful foster children and she is getting to see this program in action through her current children.
Dianna Lewis explains, “We are a small team of talented professionals with a wide range of skills and experience. We love what we do, and we do it with passion. We look forward to working with you and your family!
Carmen Buffington is one of our Parent Educators. She loves working with the families and enjoys learning. She is bi-lingual.”
We are enrolling families now. Call 423-559-1112 or go to our website, familycornerstones.org to complete an intake form.
With the experience and words of wisdom we all should learn to live by, Dianna Lewis is also a Parent Educator. She is bi-lingual and a true asset to the Family Cornerstones team. She resides in McDonald, TN, and has three adult daughters and the best grandchildren in the world.
Mark your calendars for December 14, 2024, and have Cookies with Santa.
For more information, email your requests or information to info@familycornerstones.org or call (423) 559-1112.
We are enrolling families now. Call 423-559-1112 or go to our website, familycornerstones.org to complete an intake form. At Family Cornerstones, we are dedicated to nurturing the foundation of every child's future. Serving families from conception through age 5, we provide invaluable in-home parent education that empowers parents with the tools and knowledge to support their child's early development.
by Heather Medley
Rest is a universal need, not just for our physical bodies but also for our souls. In the Christian faith, the importance of rest is reflected in the Bible and in the teachings of Jesus. Rest is not only essential for our own healing but also for helping others.
From the onset, God set the pace by resting on the seventh day: “And on the seventh day God finished His work that He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work that He had done”(Genesis 2:2 ESV). This isn't mere inactivity but a sacred pause, and God deemed it necessary to include in the Ten Commandments: “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy” (Exodus 20:8 ESV).
Jesus Himself extends an invitation to rest, saying, “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28, ESV). In this invitation, Jesus opens a door to a special kind of rest—one that heals, revives, and sustains our weary souls.
Rest is a cornerstone of psychological health. Lack of it affects cognitive functions, emotional balance, and stress management. Proper rest enhances emotional resilience, enabling us to process experiences, absorb lessons, and gain emotional equilibrium. This naturally leads to emotional healing, which is essential for anyone who has faced life's harsh realities.
Spiritual Healing: Time spent in prayer, worship, and meditation serves as spiritual renewal. As Isaiah 40:31 ESV states: “But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.”
Jesus often withdrew to solitary places to pray and rest, setting an example for how we should recharge in order to serve others effectively. Rest prepares us to be attuned to others' needs, enabling us to listen empathetically and act compassionately.
Rest is not just a pause but a beautiful element in the cycle of healing and helping. It is both a Biblical concept
Physical Healing: Both the body and soul find recuperation in rest. As says, “It is in vain that you rise up early and go late to rest, eating the bread of anxious toil; for He gives to His beloved sleep.”
Emotional Healing: Finding rest in God's grace and love leads to peace and comfort. The emotional sanctuary we find in God fulfills the promise of Psalm 4:8 ESV: “In peace, I will both lie down and sleep; for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety.”
and a psychological need. Embracing this dual perspective enriches our understanding of rest as an integral part of our lives. “Be still, and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10 ESV). In this stillness, we find a beautiful space to heal and be empowered for service. By honoring God's design and understanding its psychological foundations, we pave a richer path for personal healing and effective help to others.
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by Paula Burgner
Do you recognize the quote, “All is calm, all is bright”? This quote is one we often hear around Christmas time or the beginning of wintertime. To some when they hear it, they can only picture Christmas lights or that perfect winter morning when time seems to stand still. It seems as though the whole earth has been covered up with a blanket and is ready to go to sleep. Sometimes if you stop and sit still long enough, you can hear the breeze as it is flowing through the air, as though it is whispering to you, “Enjoy the peace that is before you.”
Until you accept God in your life, you will never understand the type of calmness that comes from the Lord. But once you have accepted God into your heart, you will have peace that will overtake you. The Bible describes this to us in *Philippians 4:7, “And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding.” When you realize the peace that only comes from God is beyond our understanding, then His love and light will shine through you. Others will see just how good God is!
So don’t stress over the things in life that may come your way. When you are grounded in the word of God, nothing will bother you. The Bible confirms this in John 14:1, “Let not your heart be troubled.” When the calmness of God’s love is flowing through your heart, everyone will see the brightness that it brings to your life. When you let go and accept God into your heart, you start to realize that God’s love for you is never failing. Because of His unfailing
The Bible tells us this in Matthew 5:16, “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” Sometimes when you are struggling in life, it seems like everything is trying to make you take a wrong turn. You might start to wonder, “Will I ever find my way?” Don’t give up! Just remember that once you have given your heart to God, all you have to do is stay in His word and ask Him for directions. He will show you the way. As the Bible tells us in Psalms 119:105, “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.”
love, along with the word of God which can overcome anything, and by putting God first in your life, you can have a peace that you will always carry with you. The Bible assures us in John 14:27, “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you.” And that makes sure all is calm, and all is bright in our hearts!
*All Scriptures KJV.
by Dorothy Teague
When a writer begins creating a story, it’s rarely right the first time. It takes time, effort, and patience to birth out the story with the correct word choices and layout to weave it from beginning to end. Life is a series of re-writes too. Life takes us from babyhood, childhood, youth, adulthood, and later, to senior adulthood. These stages are common to all unless life is cut short in early death.
Ecclesiastes 3:1 KJV is a well-known scripture that says, “to everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.” There is a time when we are young and strong and the world is full of endless possibilities. When we move into later adulthood, it can sometimes seem as though we are looked upon as not being valuable. However, at each stage of our lives, we gain a new perspective on life and do valuable work in God’s eyes. Speaking from experience as a retired teacher, I had to search for a new identity. I no longer held the title of teacher. God turned the page to a new chapter in my story as I took on the moniker of caregiver to my son. When he passed, I had to search for my new identity. I found it in being a writer and jewelry artisan. Like in a novel, the chapters of our lives are constantly being re-written, with the experiences we go through.
economy. He doesn’t put us on the shelf! He can and will keep using us for His purposes until our last breath! Second Timothy 4:2-5 NIV reminds us to “be prepared in season and out of season.” We never know when God will speak to us and through us to help someone. There is valuable work to be done in each stage of life and we need to always be prepared to do the “good works that He has prepared for us to do…” (Ephesians 2:10 ESV).
I enjoy seeing the antics of the “Elf on the Shelf” on social media. Parents come up with very creative ways for the elf to entertain their children. Sometimes older adults are made to feel as though they are put on the shelf by not ascribing importance to what they have to contribute to society. Granted, time takes a toll on our bodies and minds. That’s just part of living, but we are still valuable in God’s
As we transition through the seasons of our lives, our true identity is found in Christ, that of being His children. He is constantly molding and shaping us, “moving us from glory to glory” (2 Corinthians 3:18 KJV) for His purpose and plan. Psalm 31:15 assures us that our times are in His hands and we will not exit this life until He is through with us. We can rest assured that even though our lives change from season to season, He does not. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8 KJV). He is the author and finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12:2)!
by Dr. Rob Debelak
Malachi closes the Old Testament, launching readers toward the fulfilling of long-awaited promises. While four more centuries lapsed, God’s Spirit remained active among His people. In testimony to the LORD’s abiding presence, Zechariah experiences God’s inspired work in prayer, praise, and prophecy.
Elizabeth and I lived in rural Judea (Luke 1:5, 3940). As a priest, holiness and honoring God are our core values (1:6). Faith sustained us as we tried reconciling our dedication to God with the inability to have children (1:7). Reminiscent of Abraham, penetrating questions clouded my thoughts (Genesis 15). Decades lapsed; time took its toll. We were advanced in age, yet, like Hannah (1 Samuel 1:10-11), we kept praying.
Scheduled for Temple service (Luke 1:8-10), I made my way to Jerusalem. Preparing for worship, I was chosen to offer incense – a beautiful symbol of prayer. While the assembly petitioned outside, I entered the Holy Place alone to intercede.
Standing with the aromatic offering only a breath away from God’s throne room, an angelic messenger met me at the altar (1:11). My senses were overwhelmed by the scent of wafting fragrance, the sight of this supernatural being, and the sound of confidence in his voice. Fear gripped me (1:12). He assured me that my supplication had reached God. Leaving nothing ambiguous, he spoke to the pain quietly held in my heart – we would be blessed with a baby (1:13)! God’s messenger foretold details of my boy’s life and ministry, and the LORD’s favor would rest on my son (1:14-17).
This was a parent’s dream…my child would love the LORD! Yet, doubt flooded me (1:18) – I saw only my immediate circumstance looming like a giant. As my ancestors, I failed to recognize God’s sovereignty over what appears impossible. Regret that such good news had not come earlier in life fueled my words. Selfish pity neared accusing God of flawed timing, but His graciousness provided me time for reflection (1:19-20).
For nine months, I was without my voice. In a season of silence, God kindly capped the contagion of my skepticism.
Elizabeth sequestered herself for a time (1:24). Humbly, she expressed appreciation for the blessing of motherhood (1:25). Her excitement multiplied when her cousin Mary visited with news of God’s work in her life – she too would birth a Son (1:39-56). Listening to these women, sounds of the Spirit’s presence were uniquely evident in our home! They each spoke admirably of the LORD, while my tongue remained captive. Our son was born shortly after Mary’s visit. On the day I presented our firstborn to God, we named him John. That was
the moment the Spirit gave me holy words - and with a restored voice, I, too, blessed the LORD (1:57-64)!
Again, the Spirit’s speech prompted my worship of the One gifting salvation through King David’s line. True to His word, He has not forgotten His covenant nor His people (Luke 1:67-75)! Mighty is the LORD Who remembers and saves us!
In my last recorded words, I prophesied over my son (1:76-79). Though John could enter the priesthood, it was not his calling to offer the customary sacrifices. As God’s spokesperson, he would point to something – Someone – greater, and many would learn God’s ways from him. Akin to where our hopeful Israelite forebearers first heard God’s voice (Exodus 19-20), John identified with desert places, growing strong in the Spirit (Luke 1:80).
My son kept listening to the sounds of the Spirit (John 1:32-34).
We believe when people are equipped, motivated, and passionately engaged in living out their faith in Jesus Christ they have the potential to be world changers.
Our mission is to bring people into a dynamic relationship with Jesus Christ—a relationship that empowers them to see how God can work through individual personalities, situations, and talents. Christ was an activist, He did not neglect the needs of the people as He brought His message. We strive to encourage everyone to look more like Christ by reaching outside of themselves to serve the needs of others—at home, at school, in communities, and across the world.
Who: Our writers range from pastors, professors, and professional writers to stay at home moms and dads, business professionals, and others who have a desire to reach out to people through words of encouragement.
What: We believe that it is important to laugh together, praise each other, encourage one another, and to everyone, or from woman to woman, or man to man. We love to share recipes and family traditions as well. We ask that articles be kept to a 500 word maximum. We’d love to hear from you!
Where: Please send submissions to articles.goodnews@gmail.com
Why: Because God has not intended for us to just survive. We believe that we are intended to reach out to love and encourage each other. God has brought each of us through tough times, blessed us, and made the “impossible” possible. Let’s, together, share the love of Jesus Christ.
The story of Jesus' birth in Luke 2 is a beautiful reminder of hope, joy, and the importance of spreading the good news of Jesus’ birth.
Once upon a time, in the little town of Bethlehem, something amazing happened! There was a young woman named Mary and her husband, Joseph. They were traveling to Bethlehem because the king wanted to count all the people in his kingdom. It was a long journey, and Mary was going to have a baby very soon. When they arrived, they couldn't find a place to stay. Finally, they found a stable where animals were kept, and it was there, in a humble manger, that baby Jesus was born.
Out in the fields nearby, some shepherds were watching over their sheep. Suddenly, an angel appeared to them! The shepherds were very scared, but the angel said, “Don't be afraid! I have good news that will bring great joy to everyone. Today, in Bethlehem, a Savior has been born. He is Christ the Lord. You will find the baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.”
Then, many angels appeared in the sky, praising God and saying, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests." The shepherds were amazed. They decided to go to Bethlehem to see this wonderful thing that had happened. They found Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus, just as the angel had said. The shepherds were so excited that they told everyone they met about the amazing things they had seen and heard.
Mary treasured all these things in her heart and thought about them often. The shepherds returned to their fields, glorifying and praising God for everything they had heard and seen. It was a night they would never forget.
Conversation Starters for Parents
1. Discuss the Angel's Message:
● Question: “Why do you think the shepherds were scared when they saw the angel?”
● Follow-up: “What would you do if you saw an angel? How do you think you would feel?”
● Discussion Point: Talk about the message of joy and peace that the angel brought. How can we share joy and peace with others?
2. The Importance of the Shepherds:
● Question: “Why do you think God chose to tell the shepherds about Jesus' birth first?”
● Follow-up: “What does this tell us about how God views people, even those who might not seem important to others?”
● Discussion Point: Emphasize that everyone is important to God, no matter their job or status.
3. Mary’s Reflection:
● Question: “What do you think Mary thought about when she saw the shepherds worshiping baby Jesus?”
● Follow-up: “Have you ever had a moment you wanted to remember forever? What was it?”
● Discussion Point: Encourage children to think about special moments in their lives and how they can treasure those memories.
4. Spreading the Good News:
● Question: “Why did the shepherds tell everyone about what they had seen and heard?”
● Follow-up: “How can we share good news with people today?”
● Discussion Point: Discuss the importance of sharing happy news and how it can brighten someone's day.
by Charles Finney
As I contemplate the beauty of the Christmas season, one particular hymn resonates deep within my heart: "Joy to the World." The lyrics of this cherished song hold a special place in my soul, evoking a sense of wonder and joy that is unparalleled.
First and foremost, the words "Joy to the World" carry a profound message of celebration and exultation. They serve as a reminder that Christmas is a time of immense joy and happiness, a season that brings people together in harmony and love. The very essence of these lyrics uplifts my spirits and fills me with an overwhelming sense of delight.
Furthermore, the lyrics of "Joy to the World" invite us to embrace the arrival of the Savior. They speak of a world that rejoices at the birth of Jesus Christ, heralding His coming with open hearts and jubilant voices. These words stir within me a deep appreciation for the divine gift of salvation, reminding me of the hope and redemption that lie at the core of the Christmas story.
Another reason I adore the lyrics to "Joy to the World" is their universality. They transcend time and cultural boundaries, inviting people from all walks of life to join in the celebration. Regardless of language or background, the simple and powerful message of joy resonates with all, creating a sense of unity and togetherness. It is a song that can be sung by young and old, by believers and non-believers alike, bridging gaps and fostering a spirit of love and compassion.
Moreover, the lyrics inspire a profound connection with nature. They invite us to witness the joyous response of the earth, the fields, the floods, and the hills to the birth of Christ. This connection to the natural world around us serves as a gentle reminder of the beauty and wonder that can be found in the simplest of things. It urges me to pause and appreciate the magnificence of creation, reminding me that the joy we celebrate at Christmas extends far beyond human existence. In conclusion, the lyrics to "Joy to the World" resonate with me on a personal and spiritual level. They encapsulate the essence of the Christmas season, filling my heart with pure joy and reminding me of the beauty and significance of the birth of Christ. This timeless hymn is a testament to the power of music and words, transcending boundaries and touching souls with its message of love, celebration, and universal joy.
to the world, the Lord is come!
Let earth receive her King!
Let every heart prepare Him room, and heav'n and nature sing, and heav'n and nature sing, and heav'n, and heav'n and nature sing.
Joy to the earth, the Savior reigns!
Let men their songs employ, while fields and floods, rocks, hills, and plains repeat the sounding joy, repeat the sounding joy, repeat, repeat the sounding joy.
No more let sins and sorrows grow, nor thorns infest the ground; He comes to make His blessings flow far as the curse is found, far as the curse is found, far as, far as the curse is found.
He rules the world with truth and grace, and makes the nations prove the glories of His righteousness and wonders of His love, and wonders of His love, and wonders, wonders of His love.
African Methodist Episcopal
Price Memorial AME Zion 254 Dooley Street NE, Cleveland, TN 37311
Mission Cleveland 1165 Church St SE, Cleveland, TN 37311
First Apostolic Church Of Cleveland 4859 Freewill Rd NW, Cleveland, TN 37312 (229) 343-6880
Assembly of God
The Collectives Church 1976 Westland Dr SW, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 641-0193
Triune Assembly 301 Sunset Drive Cleveland, TN 37312
Antioch Baptist Church
2807 Old Alabama Rd. SW McDonald, TN 37353
Avenue Church
1720 Perry St SE, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 472-0489
Beacon Baptist Church 505 Corvin Rd NE, Cleveland, TN 37323 (423) 472-7056
Bellefounte Baptist Church 132 Bellfounte Rd NE, Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 336-2312
Bethel Baptist Tabernacle 3165 Buchanan Rd SE, Cleveland, TN 37323 (423) 479-5820
Berean Baptist Church
2355 Bucks Pocket Rd SE, Old Fort, TN 37362 (423) 478-1697
Big Spring Baptist Church 1415 Hardwick St SE, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 472-1101
Blue Springs Baptist Church 699 Blue Springs Church Rd SW, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 472-0932
Candies Creek Church
294 Old Eureka Rd Charleston, TN 37310 (423) 479-3731
Cedar Springs Baptist Church 723 Cedar Springs Church Rd SE, Cleveland, TN 37323 (423) 479-5506
Center Point Baptist Church 1205 Lower River Rd NW Charleston, TN 37310 (423) 336-2133
Cleveland Cowboy Church 3040 Blythe Rd. Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 476-7936
Cloverleaf Baptist Church 2290 Waterlevel Highway Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 339-3617
Clingan Ridge Baptist Church 2412 Georgetown Road, NW Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 472-3511
Covenant Baptist Church
249 Calhoun Rd SE, Cleveland, TN 37323 (423) 559-2653
Dalton Pike Baptist Church 3055 Benton Pike NE, Cleveland, TN 37323 (423) 472-7606
East Cleveland Baptist Church 1145 Arnold St NE, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 472-8728
Echos of Mercy Baptist Church 535 Durkee Rd SE, Cleveland, TN 37323 (423) 715-9739
Elkmont Baptist Church 4030 Old Freewill Rd NW, Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 479-4600
Emmanuel Baptist Church 1227 Powerline Dr NE, Cleveland, TN 37323
Farmland Community Church 1675 Greendale Dr. SE Cleveland, TN 37323 (423) 473-9891
First Baptist Church 1275 Stuart Road Cleveland, Tennessee 37312 (423) 709-9100
Galilee Baptist Church
665 Old Chattanooga Pike SW, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 496-2019
Henegar Baptist Church 7423 Mouse Creek Rd. Cleveland, TN 37312
Hopewell Baptist Church 188 Old Georgetown Rd NW, Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 479-3763
Lebanon Baptist Church 1411 Old Parksville Rd NE, Cleveland, TN 37323 (423) 479-6700
Macedonia Baptist Church 3119 Spring Place Rd SE, Cleveland, TN 37323 (423) 479-1713
Maple Street Baptist Church 1700 Maple St NE, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 478-3622
Maranatha Baptist Church 453 Blue Springs Ln SE, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 614-8991
Michigan Avenue Baptist Church 2741 Benton Pike NE, Cleveland, TN 37323 (423) 472-8891
Mt Carmel Baptist Church 7619 Blue Springs Rd, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 479-1620
New Friendship Baptist Church 1344 Chatata Valley Rd NE, Cleveland, TN 37323 (423) 476-6007
New Salem Baptist Church
175 Ladd Springs Rd, Cleveland, TN 37323
North Cleveland Baptist Church 2815 Ocoee St N, Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 476-8524
Oak Grove Baptist Church 4452 Bates Pike SE, Cleveland, TN 37323 (423) 479-9125
Old Pathway Baptist Church 224 Rymer Rd NE, Cleveland, TN 37323
Parkway Baptist Church 185 Meadow Ln SE, Cleveland, TN 37323 (423) 339-5522
Philadelphia Baptist Church 910 30th St SE, Cleveland, TN 37323
Philippi Baptist Church 2325 Old Harrison Pike NW, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 479-5385
Pleasant Grove Baptist Church 799 Inman Street East Cleveland, Tennessee 37311 (423) 476-4081
Public Church 850 17th St. NW Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 458-4405
Ridgeview Baptist Church 1501 S Ocoee St, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 472-5119
Samples Memorial Baptist Church
371 Samples Chapel Rd SE, Cleveland, TN 37323 (423) 476-2329
Shenandoah Baptist Church 138 Osment Rd SE, Cleveland, TN 37323 (423) 339-0103
Shiloh Baptist Church 357 Highway 64 Ocoee, TN 37361 (423) 338-4292
Shiloh Baptist Church 3406 Blair Rd NW, Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 479-5755
Stuart Park Baptist Church 850 17th St NW, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 472-6741
Tasso Baptist Church 164 Old Charleston Rd NE, Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 559-2114
Temple Baptist Church 3070 Harrison Pike, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 476-6813
Thompson Spring Baptist Church 5660 Bates Pike SE, Cleveland, TN 37323 (423) 790-1823
Union Baptist Church 797 Hughes Lake Rd SE, Cleveland, TN 37323 (423) 559-1720
Valley View Baptist Church 4657 Spring Place Rd SE, Cleveland, TN 37323 (423) 472-7707
Waterville Baptist Church 4555 Dalton Pike SE, Cleveland, TN 37323
(423) 472-5582
West Cleveland Baptist Church 1959 Westland Dr SW, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 472-8927
Westwood Baptist Church 4001 Georgetown Rd NW, Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 472-1534
White Oak Baptist Church 2043 White Oak Valley Rd NW, Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 559-2359
St Therese Catholic Church 900 Clingan Ridge Dr NW, Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 476-8123
Cleveland Christian Fellowship 695 S Ocoee St, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 476-2642
Church of Christ
North Bradley Church of Christ 1510 Stuart Road NE, Suite 207 Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 473-3298
Church of God
Community Chapel Church of God 807 Blythe Ave SE Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 479-2143
Church of God Sanctified, Inc. 746 First Street N.E. Cleveland, TN. 37311 (423) 479-3895
East Cleveland Church of God 900 15th St NE Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 479-3389
Fellowship of Praise Church of God 931 Inman Street East Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 479-3121
Grace Community Church of God 4745 Mouse Creek Road NW, Cleveland, TN 37312. (423) 614-0708
Heritage Fellowship Church 4635 South Lee Hwy McDonald, TN 37353 (423) 476-6316
International Worship Center Centro Internacional de Adoración 533 Central Ave. NE, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 476-1977
Kinser Church of God 141 Kinser Road Cleveland, TN 37323 (423) 476-7400
Lakeview Community Church 105 Pound Street SE Cleveland, TN 37323 (423)-790-5805
North Cleveland Church of God 335 11th St NE, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 476-5513
Michigan Avenue Church of God 515 Minnis Road NE (423) 284-7573
Mt Olive Church of God
3522 Harrison Pike, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 479-3381
Mt View Church of God
210 Roadway Dr SE, Cleveland, TN 37323 (706) 455-3528
Pine Hill Church of God 1484 Old Alabama Rd McDonald, TN 37353 (423) 488-0939
South Cleveland Church of God 1846 Volunteer Dr SW, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 476-6382
Westmore Church of God 2440 Legacy Pkwy NW Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 479-3415
Cleveland Spanish COGOP 2610 Grove Ave. Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 473-7199
Durkee Road COGOP 201 Durkee Rd. Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 472-4384
Keith Street Ministries COGOP 4000 Keith ST. NW Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 476-2448
Peerless Road COGOP 3301 Peerless Rd. NW Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 303-2680
Spring Place COGOP 2530 Spring Place Rd. Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 476-6414
Wildwood COGOP 140 Wildwood Ave Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 479-6584
The Church of God Jerusalem Acres 1826 Dalton Pike SE Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 472-1597
Fellowship in Christ 1025 Beech Circle NW Cleveland TN 37312 (423) 314-2382
First Christian Church 3625 N. Ocoee Street Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 472-6682
Episcopal Saint Luke’s Episcopal Church 320 Broad St NW, Cleveland, TN 37311
First Lutheran Church 195 McIntire Ave NE, Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 472-6811
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 4200 Pryor Rd N.E. Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 503-6394
Big Springs Methodist Church 1196 Hardwick St SE, Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 476-5242
Black Fox United Methodist 1820 Old Chattanooga Pike SW, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 339-1908
Broad Street United Methodist 155 Central Ave NW, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 476-5586
First United Methodist Church 3425 Ocoee St N, Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 476-4504
Mt. Zion Methodist Church 7223 Georgetown Rd Cleveland, TN 37312
Pleasant Grove Community Church 3043 Pleasant Grove Church Rd SW Cleveland, TN 37311
Red Hill United Methodist Church 527 Red Hill Valley Road SE Cleveland, TN 37323 (423) 728-5413
Tasso United Methodist 1106 Tasso Ln NE, Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 479-4457
Trinity United Methodist Church 731 1st St SE, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 614-7900
Valley Head Methodist Church 920 Mouse Creek Rd NW, Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 472-0575
Wesley Memorial Methodist 3405 Peerless Rd NW, Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 472-9578
Faith Memorial Church 910 17th St NW, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 476-6281
First United Pentecostal Church 4095 Peerless Rd NW, Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 476-9436
Revolution Life Church 1525 Jones Ave SW, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 310-7287
Full Gospel House of Prayer 1500 Wildwood Ave. Cleveland, TN
Cleveland First Church Of The Nazarene 2712 Henderson Ave. Cleveland, TN 37312 423-472-7371
New Hope Church of the Nazarene 4514 Waterlevel Highway Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 473-3379
Benton Pike House Of Prayer 2615 Peach Orchard Hill Rd, Cleveland, TN 37323
Christian Fellowship Ctr 895 6th St NE, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 479-9591
Church Alive Ministries 6315 Mouse Creek Road NW, Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 476-8133
Church At Grace Point 2595 Old Freewill Rd NW, Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 728-5050
Cleveland Community Chapel
1823 Forest Ridge Dr. Cleveland, TN 37311
Cleveland Cornerstone Church 533 Broad St NW, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 479-1775
Community Hall Church 1305 6th Street Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 472-2178
Crossroads Community Church 1000 South Lee Highway Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 716-2871
Dwelling Place Church International 523 Urbane Road NE Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 790-5200
Eagle’s Chapel Church 133 Beaty Dr NW Cleveland, TN 37312
Eleven22 Church 1701 South Lee Hwy Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 488-4526
Evening Light Gospel 200 20th St SE Cleveland, TN 37311
Freedom Fellowship Church 3555 Blue Springs Rd, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 478-0654
God’s Family Fellowship 2823 South Lee Hwy Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 458-4490
Graceway Chapel 221 14th St NW, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 728-2226
Jacob’s Tent Fellowship 1080 Montgomery Ave NE, Cleveland, TN 37311
The Journey Church 3191 South Lee Hwy, McDonald, TN 37353 (423) 728-4100
Living By Faith Ministries 1175 King Edward Avenue Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 457-9072
Living Stones Church 4165 Peerless Rd NW Cleveland, TN 37312
Living Word Church 930 25th Street NW Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 339-3028
Mount Zion Prayer Center 650 25th Street NW Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 478-5044
New Life Bible Church 155 S Ocoee St, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 472-3882
Redemption To The Nations 2750 Keith Street NW, Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 591-7886
Restoration Fellowship 211 Trewhitt Dr SE, Cleveland, TN 37323 (423) 479-4249
Rock Bridge Community Church 3635 Georgetown Rd, Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 641-1485
The Sanctuary 1203 Smith Dr. Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 478-2843
Tasso Christian Church 1135 Tasso Lane, Cleveland, TN 37312
(423) 479-2705
The TRIBE 1175 King Edward Avenue SE Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 380-8802
Tri-State Cowboy Church 200 Natures Trail SW, McDonald, TN 37353 (Building 3) (423) 303-8954
United Christian Church 2200 Peerless Rd NW, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 479-4277
Unity Christian Ministries 2419 Georgetown Rd NW Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 473-9338
Walker Valley Community 787 Lauderdale Memorial Hwy Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 336-9696
Wings Of Love House Of Prayer 855 5th Street SE, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 716-5394
Charleston Cumberland Presbyterian Church 8267 N Lee Hwy, Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 336-5004
First Cumberland Presbyterian 161 2nd St NE, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 476-6751
First Presbyterian Church 433 N Ocoee St, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 476-5584
Flint Springs Cumberland Presbyterian Church 515 Flint Springs Rd Cleveland TN. 37323 (423) 284-6397
Prospect United Cumberland Presbyterian Church 310 New Murraytown Rd. NW, Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 476-6181
St James Cumberland Presbyterian 151 Short St NE, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 472-5762
Trinity Presbyterian PCA 1780 Stuart Rd. NE, Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 559-9595
Bowman Hills Adventist 300 Westview Dr NE Cleveland, TN 37312
Cleveland Fellowship Church 211 Trewhitt Drive Cleveland, TN 37323 (423) 400-7054
East Cleveland Seventh-Day 801 Howard Circle SE Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 476-9299
Ladd Springs Seventh-Day 5860 Bates Pike SE Cleveland, TN 37323 (423) 476-1889
Zion Assembly
Zion Assembly Church of God 5512 Waterlevel Hwy, Cleveland, TN 37323 (423) 476-3337