December 2021

Page 12

Gò0dNews for Men

Moments of Doubt


by Brian Edward Johnson

o you ever struggle with doubt? Do you doubt

having some power steering issues with my car. At

yourself or wonder if this Christianity thing is

the time, I was a single dad of three so I had to make

real? Well, John the Baptist had a moment of

money stretch as best as I could. There was a book on

doubt we can learn from. The story is told in two gospels: Matthew 11:2-5

my shelf that I had been intending to read for a while. One morning, I finally decided to pick it up. I opened

and Luke 7:18-23. John sends two of his disciples to

it to a page where some pages were bent so I could

Jesus to ask Him, “Art thou he that should come? Or

straighten them. When I opened the page, I found

look we for another?”

three $100 bills!

I imagine, if you or I were Jesus, we might have

I was amazed and thanked God for the money.

reacted harshly. Well, it is a good thing we are not

I had no idea where it came from so, I started to

Jesus. Instead of scolding John for his doubt, He told

pray and ask for God’s guidance as to how it should

the disciples to tell John what they had seen and

be spent. I felt Him saying I needed to get my car

heard. Then He listed the miracles He performed and

fixed. I argued with Him about it because I thought

said the gospel had been preached to the poor.

the money could go to better use. I mean, it was just

Later, in that same chapter, Jesus says there was no greater prophet than John

power steering. Ultimately, I listened and took the car to a mechanic. They looked at it and told me I was

(Luke 7:28). When you have moments

leaking gasoline onto my engine! I asked how much

of doubt, it does not make God angry.

it would cost to fix that and the power steering. The

He does not doubt you because

gentleman said, “Um, that’ll be…right at about…

as long as you allow Him to work

$300.” After I picked my jaw up from the floor, I

through you, nothing is impossible.

told him to fix both.

Maybe you are not dealing with

If you are struggling with doubt, go back to the times where God has

doubt, but you have a friend that is.

come through for you. If it is

Tell them what you have seen and heard. Our personal

someone else in your life,

experience can be powerful.

testify about what God has

Showing God’s Word to

done or tell them to ask

be alive in you can bring

God to reveal Himself to

someone to salvation or

them. He proved Himself

it can be a tremendous

for John and He will do

encouragement to a

the same for us.

brother or sister in Christ Years ago, when I was struggling financially, I was

12 // December 2021

About The Author

who is struggling. Brian Edward Johnson is a deacon at his church and a nurse by vocation. He wants to do the best he can to teach people to trust God, for their eternity and for each day.

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