Gò0dNews for Parents
Marking Moments
by Jennifer Hastings
y family has a favorite river spot nestled in the
Not only did God want the Israelites to remember His
beautiful Tennessee Valley, where we love to
miracle, but God had the next generation in His heart and
spend a Saturday. My husband trout fishes, while
plan too. Those stones were to be a conversation starter
my oldest catches minnows and anything she can swoop
for the Israelites’ children who were not even born yet.
up in her net. The middle one lounges with me, and my
Kids are naturally curious. Maybe they would run ahead,
youngest makes racetracks for his Hot Wheels cars out of
play, and climb on the rocks while walking to the river.
the rocks and mud. We all have our favorite activities at the
Asking questions like, “How did these rocks get here?” and
river, but all of us like to collect rocks. We look for the most
“Where did these come from?” God provided an opportunity
unusual ones or how many different state shapes we can find.
to share His love with children. Parents, we have the same
Everyone keeps their favorite gem on a shelf at home. Now that you know about my fascination with rocks and stones, you will see why God grabbed my attention with this story. When Moses died, God tasked Joshua with leading his people into the promised land. God provided Joshua with specific directions for moving forward with the Ark of the Covenant. The priest marched ahead of the Israelites carrying the ark and stepped into the Jordan River. The moment their feet hit the water, all the water piled up in a heap a great distance downstream, and the Israelites were able to pass through. When all the people made it to the other side, the Lord asked Joshua to get one person from each tribe to collect stones from the bottom of the riverbed. Joshua 4:21 says, “In the future, when your
job and opportunity today. We might not be walking to the
descendants ask their fathers, ‘What do these stones mean?’
riverbank with our kids every day, but the next time your
tell them ‘Israel crossed the Jordan on dry ground.’”
child begins talking in the car asking all sorts of questions,
God asked members of each tribe to collect stones from
try weaving the love of God into your answers. Share with
the bottom and bring them to the other side. I could not help
your children how God is answering your prayers. When
but think of my little jar. God marked the moment for the
you see God moving in their life, help them to mark the
Israelites with stones! Every time they walked by the Jordan,
moment with a stone.
they were to see those stones and remember how God
Joshua 4:24, “He did all this so that all the peoples of the
moved on their behalf. Not only does God perform mighty
earth might know that the hand of the Lord is powerful and
works on our behalf, He knows how our hearts work. He
so that you might always fear the Lord your God.”
knows we are sheep who are prone to wandering and
Mark your God moments.
forgetting. There is a lesson in this story for us. After God a new insight to you, stop and find a way to create a visual reminder of His love for you.
24 // December 2021
About The Author
moves a river out of your way, answers prayer, or reveals Jennifer Hastings and her husband, Stewart live in Rocky Face with their three children. She works for Dalton Public Schools as a curriculum specialist. You can check out their blog at thatsthewayweseeit.com.