Gò0dNews for Everyone
Experiencing God’s Favor
by Paula Burgner
o you ever just sit outside and look around
You must change your thoughts and learn to
at things laid out before you? Maybe you see
speak what you seek until you see what you’ve said.
the sun shining brightly on the fresh cut green
Sometimes, it can be hard to let go and not want to
grass. Or maybe, you’re watching birds fly from one tree
take things into our own hands, but you have to have
branch to the other, as if they don’t have a care in the
the faith to know that it will all be okay. When you are
world as to where the next bird feeder will be or if it has
going through tough times, instead of getting down
any food in it. They go through life relying on God to
and discouraged, declare the Word of God, and expect
provide for them in everything they do.
the favor of God to come into your life. So, stay strong
This is a great example of how we should take on life. We must pray and believe with the faith of a mustard seed that God is in control and has everything planned out for us in His time. We need to be in the flow of life, letting things happen in God’s timing, not our own. When we walk in God’s favor, His blessings will chase us down and overtake us with more joy than we could ever imagine. Not only do we need to walk the walk, but we also need to talk the talk. We need to declare favor over our lives, as nothing happens until you speak it into existence. Just as the Bible tells us in Ezekiel 12:25: “For I am the Lord: I will speak, and the word that I shall speak shall come to pass; it shall be no more prolonged: for in your days, O
and keep the faith—morning, noon, and night. Rejoice
rebellious house, will I say the word, and will perform
during times of waiting, and before you know it, you
it, saith the Lord God.”
will see how God is pouring out favor upon you. The
It’s things like this in life that bring peace to your
Bible says in Philippians 4:4: “Rejoice in the Lord
heart and joy knowing that God will always follow
always: and again I say, Rejoice.” Always remember
through with His word. Therefore, it makes us want
when someone tells you how lucky you are, remind
to share the love of God with others and tell everyone
them it’s not luck; it’s God’s favor in your life. “From
about how good God is. The Bible says in Psalm 98:4-6:
the fullness of his grace we have all received one
“Shout joyfully to the Lord, all the earth; Break forth
blessing after another” (John 1:16).
Lord with the lyre.”
46 // July 2022
About The Author
and sing for joy and sing praises. Sing praises to the Paula Burgner is a very strong willed, outgoing, girl who loves working out, and she believes in her heart that you are capable of doing anything that you put your mind to.