
Arietta Grimmett
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Email: bud.goodnews@gmail.com
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Email: art.goodnews@gmail.com
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Email: articles.goodnews@gmail.com
Matthew and Bethany Ruckman
Cell: 423-503-1410
Email: goodnewstn@gmail.com
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We want to take a moment to tell you who we are and what we are about. Our names are Matt and Bethany Ruckman and we have six beautiful children, Brendon, Kailey, Andrew, Leah Jean, Emma, and Cooper. We live in Cleveland, Tennessee, and love what this town has to offer! We have started GoodNews Christian Magazine because we feel that when God, family, and community are combined, lives will be changed.
GoodNews Christian Magazine is a complimentary, Christian lifestyle publication. You can find us throughout the community in retail establishments, churches, restaurants, and more. Our magazine opens the door for Christians to work together to grow and strengthen our community through relevant editorial and effective advertising.
GoodNews Christian Magazine is written by men and women in the community who love and serve the Lord. Our hearts are open and willing to be used by God to reach out to the community to spread the GoodNews!
As we walked up the porch every morning, the smell of Mamaw cooking breakfast greeted us. My grandparents kept my brother and me while our parents worked, but their lives didn’t revolve around babysitting us. We were passengers along for the ride for whatever they had planned for the day.
Our circuit was any hospital, funeral home, nursing home, or residence my Papaw would be visiting. He was the pastor of Temple Baptist Church and has been for 43 years. His ministry would eventually span 60-plus years. Recently, I called to check on him. He was taking a watermelon to someone who needed a pick-me-up. That’s who he is, someone you can count on when times are tough.
I didn’t realize it at the time, but God had us in training. We thought we were just killing time every day until our parents got home from work, but the Lord was showing us what ministry looks like. We learned to give someone else a smile, a word of encouragement, or more importantly, a little of our time. We were simply tag-a-longs with Papaw while he ministered in a radius not too far from home. We were too young to be sent to seminary or some theological institution of higher learning. We were sent to learn on the job, as the needs came up, as the days flowed by. I don’t think there is a seminary in the world that can teach you how to show the love of Jesus or care about people, like seeing and experiencing it.
Isaiah 6:8 says, “Also, I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: ‘Whom shall I send, And who will go for Us?’ Then I said, ‘Here am I! Send me.’” My Papaw answered the call from the Lord those years ago much in the same way the Prophet Isaiah did. Despite all the obstacles, difficulties, and hardships that would come because of the decision, he decided the gospel and Jesus were worth it.
On January 29, 2023, the Lord let us see what He had been doing all along. My grandfather passed the mantel to me as the pastor of Temple Baptist Church in the Prospect community of Bradley County, Tennessee. He’ll remain the
pastor emeritus, continuing to do what he’s been doing for 60 years—loving people exactly where they are. My prayer is that I’m able to utilize the example my grandparents have set for me and pastor in a way that reflects those biblical principles of loving God, then loving people. Each of us has a calling on our lives and God made us specifically to fulfill it. Every fiber in our DNA is there to glorify God and serve an eternal purpose.
Further in Isaiah, Scripture says, “the Lord has anointed me to preach good tidings to the poor; He has sent me to
heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives. . .to comfort all who mourn. . .to give them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness.”
You might be asking “How can I accomplish all those things?” The Lord anchors all these aspects of ministry with His promise: “The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me” (Isaiah 61:1). We can’t accomplish anything without the Spirit of the Lord God. When we accept the call, we simply become willing vessels the Holy Spirit can work through. The more willing we are, the more He can accomplish.
Every 40 seconds, someone has a stroke in the U.S.— but with a healthy lifestyle, 80% of all strokes can be prevented.* You can take steps to help prevent stroke by controlling your blood pressure and taking steps to live a healthier lifestyle.
Keep yourself and your loved ones safe by following these 5 steps:
Manage blood pressure
Reduce blood sugar and cholesterol
Signs of a stroke include dizziness, slurred speech, and numbness on one side of your body. If you think you or someone else is having a stroke, call 9-1-1—even if the symptoms last for only a short time.
There was a boy named Judge Ment. He was a bright and curious student, but he often found himself feeling isolated from his classmates and teachers. He didn’t quite know how to connect with them, and as a result, he struggled to make friends and form meaningful relationships.
his classmates to join him in activities outside of school, and even made an effort to strike up conversations with his teachers during class.
Judge Ment also learned the importance of intertwining with others in work and play. He found that working together on projects helped him to learn new skills and to appreciate the perspectives of others. He also discovered that playing with his classmates and teachers helped to build trust and camaraderie, and that it was a great way to have fun and relax.
As Judge Ment continued to make connections and build relationships, he found that his experience at school became much more enjoyable. He felt happier and more fulfilled, and he was able to
One day, Judge Ment’s English teacher assigned the class to read Psalm 133:1, which says, “Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity!” The verse struck a chord with Judge Ment, and he began to reflect on the importance of unity and connection in his own life. Determined to change his ways, Judge Ment began to actively seek out opportunities to connect with his classmates and teachers. He volunteered to work on group projects, invited
achieve more academically and personally.
In the end, Judge Ment realized that the verse from Psalm 133:1 was not just a scriptural passage but a wisdom that can be applied to his daily life. He understood the true meaning of unity and how it can be achieved by intertwining with others in work and play. He became a shining example to his classmates and teachers, and he was forever grateful for the lessons he learned about the importance of connection and community.
As tax season comes to an end for most tax filers, let’s look at how our investments can affect our tax filing at year end and how and when your Social Security income might be subject to income tax.
The stock market and taxes are closely related, as investment gains and losses in the stock market can trigger tax implications for investors. Here are some key points to keep in mind:
1. Capital Gains: When you sell a stock for more than what you paid for it, you have a capital gain. Depending on how long you held the stock, the gain may be classified as short-term (if you held the stock for one year or less) or long-term (if you held the stock for more than one year). Capital gains are subject to taxation, with long-term gains generally taxed at a lower rate than short-term gains.
2. Capital Losses: When you sell a stock for less than what you paid for it, you have a capital loss. Capital losses can be used to offset capital gains in the same year, which can lower your tax bill. If your capital losses exceed your capital gains, you can use the excess losses to offset up to $3,000 of other types of income (such as wages) and carry over any remaining losses to future tax years.
3. Dividends: If you own stocks that pay dividends, the dividends you receive are generally taxable. The tax rate on qualified dividends (which includes most dividends paid by U.S. corporations) is generally lower than the tax rate on ordinary income.
4. Retirement Accounts: If you hold stocks in a tax-advantaged retirement account, such as a traditional IRA or a 401(k), you generally won’t owe taxes on gains or dividends until you withdraw money from the account. However, there are some exceptions, such as if you take early withdrawals from the account or if you hold certain types of investments (such as REITs) in the account.
5. Tax-loss Harvesting: Some investors engage in a strategy known as tax-loss harvesting, where they sell losing investments to offset gains and reduce their tax bill. However, there are rules and limitations to be aware of, such as the “wash sale” rule that prevents investors from immediately repurchasing the same or a substantially identical security after selling it at a loss.
Social Security income may be subject to federal income tax, depending on the total amount of income received from all sources, including Social Security benefits. If an individual’s total income, including half of their Social Security benefits, exceeds certain thresholds, they may be required to pay federal income tax on a portion of their Social Security benefits. The thresholds for determining whether Social Security benefits are taxable depend on an individual’s filing status and are as follows for the 2021 tax year:
• Single Filers: If their combined income (which includes adjusted gross income, nontaxable interest, and half of their Social Security benefits) is between $25,000 and $34,000, up to 50% of their Social Security benefits may be subject to federal income tax. If their combined income exceeds $34,000, up to 85% of their Social Security benefits may be subject to federal income tax.
• Married Filing Jointly: If their combined income is between $32,000 and $44,000, up to 50% of their Social Security benefits may be subject to federal income tax. If their combined income exceeds $44,000, up to 85% of their Social Security benefits may be subject to federal income tax.
Overall, it’s important to be aware of the tax implications of your stock market investments. It’s also important to note that not all states tax Social Security benefits. Both of these factors make it worth consulting with a tax professional or a financial advisor if you have any questions or concerns.
How do you handle adversity? People have different ideas, thoughts, and techniques to get them through. As Christians, we have a tendency to forget to turn to God first. We try to work things out on our own, and eventually, we get around to talking to God about it. Philippians 4:6 says, “Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made know unto God.” In the next verse, we’re told this will give us peace. This isn’t always an instantaneous process though. What do we do when we keep dwelling on it? How can we move our focus away from the problem so that we’re not full of care? Not only does Paul tell us to give it to God, but he also tells us what to think on instead of the problem.
Verse 8 of that same chapter tells us to “think on” things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, and things that are of a good report.
After an eleven-year marriage, I discovered my wife was having an affair. She decided to leave me and our children to be with him. This was the most difficult time of my life. I cried a lot! I lost weight without trying. Everyday was incredibly difficult. In my Bible reading, I came across this scripture and saw it in a different light. I decided to look up each of these six things through the Bible and write down a key phrase or thought that corresponded to each one. I also thought about things in my life that had to do with each one.
When school started that fall, my daughter was in kindergarten. She rode the bus to school, but I had to be at work before the bus picked her up, so I would drop
her off at her mother’s house every morning so she could catch the bus from there. She and I had a ritual. When she got out of the car to walk to the door, she would stop halfway, turn to me, and blow me a kiss. I would blow one back to her. She would catch it, close her eyes, and hold it to her chest, then look at me and smile. That was lovely! It was a key thing I would think on whenever I was upset about the situation I found myself in.
Thank God for His word and its practicality. In this scripture, it doesn’t just tell us to let go and let God, it also tells us what we can do to replace those negative thoughts. If you are struggling with issues in your life that make you full of care, take the time to write out some things you can think on that will help you focus on the positive or things that you can be thankful for. That way, you’re prepared to combat those thoughts Satan uses to keep you down.
“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you” (Matthew 7:7).
I was headed out the door. The door wouldn’t shut. I slammed it a time or two. Actually, three times. Open and shut. Open and shut. I looked around the door and could not figure out why it wouldn’t shut. I thought maybe the camera cord had repositioned. Maybe someone recently had problems
it had to be around the latch. I looked closer. Sure enough, there’s a plate that goes around the latch, and that was loose. The two screws were loose that kept it aligned. In that moment, the Holy Spirit started speaking to me. How something small being misaligned can throw you off. Nothing else was in the way except the most important plate.
Are you opening the door to your past? We say, “Come on in, old friends! Come on in, anxiety! Come on in, depression! Y’all have always been there! Come on in, old ways. Come on in, old sin.”
We literally open the door of our hearts, our mind, and our soul to those old ways. When the Lord comes knocking, we close the door on Him. We don’t trust Him with our ugly. We say, “Nope, God, you can’t see this, you can’t fix this, and I’m too ashamed for you to work this out. You deserve better than this.”
shutting it. Maybe someone tried to break in and just didn’t do well. My first thought was it was just fine last night. I didn’t have time to see who could fix it. Also, who could? Anyhow, I locked the screen door and shut the door the best I could. I said, “God, this is your house. You protect it and take care of it anyways, so I’m trusting you.” At some points, the door came to my mind throughout the day. I talked to God about it again.
When I got home, I talked to Him again and tried to shut the door a few more times. It didn’t work the first time, but I thought, surely, it’ll work this time. I looked all around the door. Finally, I thought
He keeps gently knocking. Finally, we decide we are going to open the door to Him! Opening the door! “Come on in, peace and contentment! Come on in, freedom! Come on in, Jesus!”
We were so focused on what we used to be and opened the door to anything. Let’s open the door to the Lord! Let’s surrender to Him! Let’s ask Him in all things! He is the door! He is the way! His is the truth! Let’s focus on the Kingdom! The door to Heaven! We have the keys to the Kingdom! Are you going to keep opening the door to what is not of God? He really loves you. He really loves you. He really loves you.
First Apostolic Church Of Cleveland
4859 Freewill Rd NW, Cleveland, TN 37312
(229) 343-6880
The Collectives Church
1976 Westland Dr SW, Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 641-0193
Triune Assembly
301 Sunset Drive
Cleveland, TN 37312
Antioch Baptist Church
2807 Old Alabama Rd. SW
McDonald, TN 37353
Beacon Baptist Church
505 Corvin Rd NE, Cleveland, TN 37323
(423) 472-7056
Bellefounte Baptist Church
132 Bellfounte Rd NE, Cleveland, TN 37312
(423) 336-2312
Bethel Baptist Tabernacle
3165 Buchanan Rd SE, Cleveland, TN 37323
(423) 479-5820
Berean Baptist Church
2355 Bucks Pocket Rd SE, Old Fort, TN 37362
(423) 478-1697
Big Spring Baptist Church
1415 Hardwick St SE, Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 472-1101
Blue Springs Baptist Church
699 Blue Springs Church Rd SW, Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 472-0932
Candies Creek Church
294 Old Eureka Rd
Charleston, TN 37310
(423) 479-3731
Cedar Springs Baptist Church
723 Cedar Springs Church Rd SE, Cleveland, TN 37323
(423) 479-5506
Center Point Baptist Church
1205 Lower River Rd NW Charleston, TN 37310
(423) 336-2133
Cleveland Cowboy Church
3040 Blythe Rd.
Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 476-7936
Cloverleaf Baptist Church
2290 Waterlevel Highway
Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 339-3617
Clingan Ridge Baptist Church
2412 Georgetown Road, NW Cleveland, TN 37312
(423) 472-3511
Church At Grace Point
2595 Old Freewill Rd NW, Cleveland, TN 37312
(423) 728-5050
Covenant Baptist Church
249 Calhoun Rd SE, Cleveland, TN 37323
(423) 559-2653
Dalton Pike Baptist Church
3055 Benton Pike NE, Cleveland, TN 37323
(423) 472-7606
East Cleveland Baptist Church
1145 Arnold St NE, Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 472-8728
Echos of Mercy Baptist Church
535 Durkee Rd SE, Cleveland, TN 37323
(423) 715-9739
Elkmont Baptist Church
4030 Old Freewill Rd NW, Cleveland, TN 37312
(423) 479-4600
Emmanuel Baptist Church
1227 Powerline Dr NE, Cleveland, TN 37323
Farmland Community Church
1675 Greendale Dr. SE
Cleveland, TN 37323
(423) 473-9891
First Baptist Church
1275 Stuart Road
Cleveland, Tennessee 37312
(423) 709-9100
Galilee Baptist Church
665 Old Chattanooga Pike SW, Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 496-2019
Henegar Baptist Church
7423 Mouse Creek Rd. Cleveland, TN 37312
Hopewell Baptist Church
188 Old Georgetown Rd NW, Cleveland, TN 37312
(423) 479-3763
Lebanon Baptist Church
1411 Old Parksville Rd NE, Cleveland, TN 37323
(423) 479-6700
Macedonia Baptist Church
3119 Spring Place Rd SE, Cleveland, TN 37323
(423) 479-1713
Maple Street Baptist Church
1700 Maple St NE, Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 478-3622
Maranatha Baptist Church
453 Blue Springs Ln SE, Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 614-8991
Michigan Avenue Baptist Church
2741 Benton Pike NE, Cleveland, TN 37323
(423) 472-8891
Mt Carmel Baptist Church
7619 Blue Springs Rd, Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 479-1620
New Friendship Baptist Church
1344 Chatata Valley Rd NE, Cleveland, TN 37323
(423) 476-6007
New Salem Baptist Church
175 Ladd Springs Rd, Cleveland, TN 37323
North Cleveland Baptist Church
2815 Ocoee St N, Cleveland, TN 37312
(423) 476-8524
Oak Grove Baptist Church
4452 Bates Pike SE, Cleveland, TN 37323
(423) 479-9125
Old Pathway Baptist Church
224 Rymer Rd NE, Cleveland, TN 37323
Parkway Baptist Church
185 Meadow Ln SE, Cleveland, TN 37323
(423) 339-5522
Philadelphia Baptist Church
910 30th St SE, Cleveland, TN 37323
Philippi Baptist Church
2325 Old Harrison Pike NW, Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 479-5385
Pleasant Grove Missionary Baptist Church
799 Inman Street East
Cleveland, Tennessee 37311
(423) 476-4081
Public Church
850 17th St. NW Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 458-4405
Ridgeview Baptist Church
1501 S Ocoee St, Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 472-5119
Samples Memorial Baptist Church
371 Samples Chapel Rd SE, Cleveland, TN 37323
(423) 476-2329
Shenandoah Baptist Church
138 Osment Rd SE, Cleveland, TN 37323
(423) 339-0103
Shiloh Baptist Church
357 Highway 64 Ocoee, TN 37361
(423) 338-4292
Shiloh Baptist Church
3406 Blair Rd NW, Cleveland, TN 37312
(423) 479-5755
Stuart Park Baptist Church
850 17th St NW, Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 472-6741
Tasso Baptist Church
164 Old Charleston Rd NE, Cleveland, TN 37312
(423) 559-2114
Temple Baptist Church
3070 Harrison Pike, Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 476-6813
Thompson Spring Baptist Church
5660 Bates Pike SE, Cleveland, TN 37323
(423) 790-1823
Union Baptist Church
797 Hughes Lake Rd SE, Cleveland, TN 37323
(423) 559-1720
Valley View Baptist Church
4657 Spring Place Rd SE, Cleveland, TN 37323
(423) 472-7707
Washington Avenue Baptist Church
1720 Perry St SE, Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 472-0489
Waterville Baptist Church
4555 Dalton Pike SE, Cleveland, TN 37323
(423) 472-5582
West Cleveland Baptist Church
1959 Westland Dr SW,
Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 472-8927
Westwood Baptist Church
4001 Georgetown Rd NW, Cleveland, TN 37312
(423) 472-1534
White Oak Baptist Church
2043 White Oak Valley Rd NW, Cleveland, TN 37312
(423) 559-2359
St Therese Catholic Church
900 Clingan Ridge Dr NW, Cleveland, TN 37312
(423) 476-8123
Cleveland Christian Fellowship
695 S Ocoee St, Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 476-2642
Church of Christ
North Bradley Church of Christ
1510 Stuart Road NE, Suite 207
Cleveland, TN 37312
(423) 473-3298
Church of God
Community Chapel Church of God
807 Blythe Ave SE
Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 479-2143
Cornerstone Church of God
1826 SE Dalton Pike
Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 478-0006
Church of God Sanctified, Inc.
746 First Street N.E.
Cleveland, TN. 37311
(423) 479-3895
East Cleveland Church of God
900 15th St NE
Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 479-3389
Fellowship of Praise Church of God
931 Inman Street East
Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 479-3121
Grace Community Church of God
4745 Mouse Creek Road NW, Cleveland, TN 37312.
(423) 614-0708
Heritage Fellowship Church of God
4635 South Lee Hwy
McDonald, TN 37353
(423) 476-6316
International Worship Center
Centro Internacional de Adoración
533 Central Ave. NE, Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 476-1977
Kinser Church of God
141 Kinser Road
Cleveland, TN 37323
(423) 476-7400
Lakeview Community Church 105 Pound Street SE
Cleveland, TN 37323
North Cleveland Church of God
335 11th St NE, Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 476-5513
Michigan Avenue Church of God
515 Minnis Road NE
(423) 284-7573
Mt Olive Church of God
3522 Harrison Pike, Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 479-3381
Mt View Church of God
210 Roadway Dr SE, Cleveland, TN 37323
(706) 455-3528
Pine Hill Church of God
1484 Old Alabama Rd
McDonald, TN 37353
(423) 488-0939
South Cleveland Church of God
1846 Volunteer Dr SW, Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 476-6382
Westmore Church of God
2440 Legacy Pkwy NW
Cleveland, TN 37312
(423) 479-3415
Church of God of Prophecy
Cleveland Spanish COGOP
2610 Grove Ave.
Cleveland, TN 37312
(423) 473-7199
Durkee Road COGOP
201 Durkee Rd.
Cleveland, TN 37312
(423) 472-4384
Keith Street Ministries COGOP
4000 Keith ST. NW
Cleveland, TN 37312
(423) 476-2448
Peerless Road COGOP
3301 Peerless Rd.
NW Cleveland, TN 37312
(423) 303-2680
Spring Place COGOP
2530 Spring Place Rd.
Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 476-6414
Union Grove COGOP
533 Union Grove Rd
Charleston, TN 37310
(423) 479-5357
Wildwood COGOP
140 Wildwood Ave Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 479-6584
The Church of God
The Church of God Jerusalem Acres
1826 Dalton Pike SE
Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 472-1597
Fellowship in Christ
1025 Beech Circle NW
Cleveland TN 37312
(423) 314-2382
Disciples of Christ
First Christian Church
3625 N. Ocoee Street
Cleveland, TN 37312
(423) 472-6682
Saint Luke’s Episcopal Church
320 Broad St NW, Cleveland, TN 37311
First Lutheran Church
195 McIntire Ave NE, Cleveland, TN 37312
(423) 472-6811
Latter-day Saints
The Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter-day Saints
4200 Pryor Rd N.E.
Cleveland, TN 37312
(423) 503-6394
Big Spring United Methodist
1196 Hardwick St SE, Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 476-5242
Black Fox United Methodist
1820 Old Chattanooga Pike SW, Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 339-1908
Broad Street United Methodist
155 Central Ave NW, Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 476-5586
First United Methodist Church
3425 Ocoee St N, Cleveland, TN 37312
(423) 476-4504
Mount Zion UMC
7223 Germantown Rd NW Cleveland, TN 37312
Pleasant Grove UMC
3043 Pleasant Grove Church Rd SW
Cleveland, TN 37311
Red Hill United Methodist Church
527 Red Hill Valley Road SE
Cleveland, TN 37323
(423) 728-5413
South Cleveland United Methodist
1165 Church St SE, Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 507-5760
Tasso United Methodist
1106 Tasso Ln NE, Cleveland, TN 37312
(423) 479-4457
Trinity United Methodist Church
731 1st St SE, Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 614-7900
Valley Head Methodist Church
920 Mouse Creek Rd NW, Cleveland, TN 37312
(423) 472-0575
Wesley Memorial Methodist
3405 Peerless Rd NW, Cleveland, TN 37312
(423) 472-9578
Faith Memorial Church
910 17th St NW, Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 476-6281
First United Pentecostal Church
4095 Peerless Rd NW, Cleveland, TN 37312
(423) 476-9436
Revolution Life Church
1525 Jones Ave SW, Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 310-7287
Full Gospel House of Prayer
1500 Wildwood Ave.
Cleveland, TN
Set Free Christian Fellowship
1175 King Edwards Ave.
Cleveland, TN
Benton Pike House Of Prayer
2615 Peach Orchard Hill Rd, Cleveland, TN 37323
Christian Fellowship Ctr
895 6th St NE, Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 479-9591
Church Alive Ministries
6315 Mouse Creek Road NW, Cleveland, TN 37312
(423) 476-8133
Cleveland Community Chapel
1823 Forest Ridge Dr. Cleveland, TN 37311
Cleveland Cornerstone Church
533 Broad St NW, Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 479-1775
Community Hall Church
1305 6th Street
Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 472-2178
Crossroads Community Church
1000 South Lee Highway
Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 716-2871
Dwelling Place Church International
523 Urbane Road NE
Cleveland, TN 37312
(423) 790-5200
Evening Light Gospel
200 20th St SE
Cleveland, TN 37311
Freedom Fellowship Church
3555 Blue Springs Rd, Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 478-0654
God’s Family Fellowship
2823 South Lee Hwy
Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 458-4490
Graceway Chapel
221 14th St NW, Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 728-2226
Jacob’s Tent Fellowship
1080 Montgomery Ave NE, Cleveland, TN 37311
Eleven22 Church
1701 South Lee Hwy
Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 488-4526
The Journey Church
3191 South Lee Hwy, McDonald, TN 37353
(423) 728-4100
Living By Faith Ministries
1175 King Edward Avenue
Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 457-9072
Living Stones Church
4165 Peerless Rd NW
Cleveland, TN 37312
Living Word Church
930 25th Street NW
Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 339-3028
New Life Bible Church
155 S Ocoee St, Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 472-3882
Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 478-2843
Tasso Christian Church
1135 Tasso Lane, Cleveland, TN 37312
(423) 479-2705
1175 King Edward Avenue SE Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 380-8802
Tri-State Cowboy Church
200 Natures Trail SW, McDonald, TN 37353 (Building 3)
(423) 303-8954
United Christian Church
2200 Peerless Rd NW, Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 479-4277
Unity Christian Ministries
2419 Georgetown Rd NW
Cleveland, TN 37312
(423) 473-9338
Walker Valley Community
787 Lauderdale Memorial Hwy
Cleveland, TN 37312
(423) 336-9696
Charleston Cumberland Presbyterian Church
8267 N Lee Hwy, Cleveland, TN 37312
(423) 336-5004
First Cumberland Presbyterian
161 2nd St NE, Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 476-6751
First Presbyterian Church
433 N Ocoee St, Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 476-5584
Flint Springs Cumberland
Presbyterian Church
515 Flint Springs Rd
Cleveland TN. 37323
(423) 284-6397
Prospect United Cumberland Presbyterian Church
310 New Murraytown Rd. NW, Cleveland, TN 37312
(423) 476-6181
St James Cumberland Presbyterian 151 Short St NE, Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 472-5762
Trinity Presbyterian PCA
1780 Stuart Rd. NE, Cleveland, TN 37312
(423) 559-9595
Seventh Day Adventist
Bowman Hills Adventist 300 Westview Dr NE
Cleveland, TN 37312
Cleveland Fellowship Church
211 Trewhitt Drive
Cleveland, TN 37323
(423) 400-7054
East Cleveland Seventh-Day
801 Howard Circle SE
Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 476-9299
Cleveland First Church Of The Nazarene
2712 Henderson Ave.
Cleveland, TN 37312 423-472-7371
New Hope Church of the Nazarene
4514 Waterlevel Highway
Cleveland, TN 37312
(423) 473-3379
Redemption To The Nations
2750 Keith Street NW, Cleveland, TN 37312
(423) 591-7886
Restoration Fellowship
211 Trewhitt Dr SE, Cleveland, TN 37323
(423) 479-4249
The Sanctuary
1203 Smith Dr.
Ladd Springs Seventh-Day 5860 Bates Pike SE
Cleveland, TN 37323
(423) 476-1889
Zion Assembly
Zion Assembly Church of God
5512 Waterlevel Hwy, Cleveland, TN 37323
(423) 476-3337
…In our homeland…
They just kept coming…
After repeated invasions, the northern ten tribes succumbed to Assyrian domination. This cruel foe next targeted southern Israel, flexing their power and demanding subservience (2 Kings 18). Now, the Chaldeans plague us. Their first visit to our Southern Kingdom was amicable. Ambassadors from this foreign land congratulated our king on his miraculous restoration to health (Isaiah 38-39). Yet, something was off-key. Why a personal visit from such distant people? A man of discernment, the prophet Isaiah saw through their subterfuge—this was a reconnaissance mission, and he foretold Jerusalem’s demise (Isaiah 39:3-8). In the decades following, the collective voices of Zephaniah, Habakkuk, Ezekiel, and Jeremiah echoed as a harbinger of doom. As we had sinned against God and refused to return to His holy standards, He would use these powerful people as His agent of punishment. We were a nation careening toward judgment.
And they came…
Families were deported. Like Ezekiel and Daniel, our people were carried off in subsequent incursions. Our king was exiled, the temple stripped of its grandeur, and the land devastated. Life would never be the same. God was holding us accountable, and like the first human pair whose transgression cost their place in the garden, our iniquity brought dispersion (II Chronicles 36:20-21). And so, the Babylonians came.
The flowing water in the background mirrored my tears; my homeland was now a distant memory (Ps 137:1). Hunched over in grief, my posture resembled the landscape of surrounding willows (vv 1-2). Our captors insisted on mirth, not mourning—their entertainment demand came at reverence’s expense, adding insult to injury (v 3). Mixed with resignation and defiance, I hung my musical instrument on a tree (v 2)—a silent testimony to the curse of judgment befallen us (Deuteronomy 21:23).
I could not profane the worship of God (v 4). I remembered Zion (1b), and resolve welled within like a holy tidal wave. I prayed that if Jerusalem, the city of God’s choosing, is ever neglected as my priority, let me be cursed! I would rather suffer personal loss than capitulate to my captors. If I ever relinquish faith in all Jerusalem represents, may my punishment be degraded musical skills. Like the once spiritually vibrant city that now lay
desolate, let the unpleasant sounds of meager strumming and dissonant vocalization be all that remains of me (vv 4-6).
No—I will remember (v 1, 5, 6).
Remember, Lord…
The anguish of what happened left deep scars (v 1). I looked back (v1) and within (vv 4-6). Now, I looked up. In raw emotion, I implored the Almighty to remember the atrocities committed by the Babylonians (vv 7-9). Spurred on by the Edomites (v 7a), Jerusalem was destroyed and lay in ruins (v 7b). And our children…oh, our children (V 9)! May God hold this wicked adversary accountable.
Jeremiah foretold that seven decades would lapse, but we would return one day to our homeland (Jeremiah 25). So, we wait…and we remember.
After work I decided to pick up something quick for dinner and run another errand before heading home. Honestly, I was distracted by several thoughts that day and wanted peace of mind. I kept dwelling on my “issues,” and before long, I began to feel down. I tried to call several friends and no one—I mean no one—was available! I then began to get angry because I try to always be there for them, now I couldn’t find anyone (my self-pity party had begun).
With only voice messages and silence, I had almost worked myself into tears when I noticed ahead of me a bright, colorful cloud! The first color was blue, then red and yellow! It looked as if the sun was reflecting the colors off of the fall trees in the surrounding area, and I was able to witness fall colors in the sky! I was so amazed at this sight that I forgot about my “issues” and began to focus on the awesome Creator God I serve. Just at the moment of a tearful breakdown, He gave me a reason to smile!
The colors I saw were peaceful and calming. The blue brought me to my knees as I worshipped God
and saw nature as a witness of God’s creation. The red revealed His loving sacrifice for my sins and the sins of the whole world. And the yellow seemed to be shouting to me that I had the Son of Righteousness in my life, and that the sun would shine again! I would smile again and my tears were temporary. And the “Son” was shining, and I was smiling. Hallelujah. What a colorful God!
I will never forget that colorful cloud and how God showed up at just the right time in a wonderful display of color, reminding me that He delights to be with me and that by any means necessary, He will come to me when I need Him the most. Even if it’s in the form of a colorful cloud!
How has God “wowed” you lately? How has nature reminded you of God’s love, watch, care, and protection of you? The next time you see something extraordinary in nature, consider it a gift/reminder from God just for you!
“I’m a sinner saved by grace.” I am sure this statement is either agreeable or disagreeable to you. You might think, “Pastor, we are not sinners anymore because we are a new creation in Christ Jesus” (2 Cor. 5:17). Some of you might think, “Pastor, we are a new creation, but we still sin” (Rom. 3:23).
Be sure that a true believer in Christ is not sinless but will sin less (1 John 3:9). However, a true believer is not identified as a sinner. “You are not just a sinner saved by grace. You are also a saint indwelled by the very Spirit of God.” “Just a sinner saved by grace” is only half the gospel. It’s true that in Christ, God has wiped the slate clean and has forgiven us our sins. But let’s make sure we don’t leave out the flip side—that not only does He forgive our sins, but He also regenerates us through the power of His Spirit. God is restoring our relationship with Him. He is living within us.
We must be careful of unbalance. So, we must bring together both halves and see the big picture. If I speak about my sinfulness, I’ll deeply understand my ongoing need for grace and repentance. If I talk about my identity in Christ, I’ll have a deep sense of security and assurance. Instead of being extreme, we must return it to the middle and gain an understanding of biblical wholeness. A piece of the gospel isn’t the gospel.
Consider the balance Paul brings:
• I am the chief or foremost of sinners (1 Tim. 1:15)
• I am what I am by the grace of God (1 Cor. 15:10)
• I delight in the law of God (Rom. 7:22)
• Another law is warring against the law of my mind (Rom. 7:23)
Paul teaches firmly of the new status and permanent position a believer has in Christ; at the same time, he does not ignore the need for humility and repentance in the believer’s life.
In sum, the believer is not perfect but has a new identity. While acknowledging our sinfulness, we need
ongoing repentance and holiness, reminding ourselves of our permanent position and identity in Christ. If I’m just a sinner saved by grace, it’s just a piece of the gospel. The gospel identifies believers as the very righteousness of God in Christ Jesus (2 Cor. 5:21). I’m a sinner saved by grace, but that’s not my identity. All my sins have been withdrawn from my account, and the righteousness of Jesus has been credited to my account.
Just as Paul reveals to us our position in Christ in Romans 3:21-5:21, he also reveals to us the need to rely on God’s enabling power to practice holy living and repentance that would reflect our position in Christ in Romans 6:1-7:25. It’s in that order. God saves us and then changes us as the Holy Spirit works in and through us.
The troubles had begun before Thanksgiving, with problems that even left my primary care physician at the VA scratching her head a bit. She tossed out possibilities and acronyms with no certainty to any of them. The one thing that stuck in my head was that this problem needed to be fixed, and soon.
Then in January, came one of those voicemail messages you don’t ever want to get. Based on a scan I had done last July (yes, 6 months prior), a doctor somewhere in the system determined I had a form of
in the door of my mind. A thought began to haunt me: Was this Christmas just past my last one?
And then I began to do the wise thing. I began to pray. I began to look at the Word.
The reality is, yes, I am going to die. Short of the Rapture coming soon (today before lunch would be fine, Lord), something will get the better of this body.
cirrhosis, a suspicious spot on my liver, and I needed to be evaluated for home health care. (That last bit was an error; the doctor’s assistant just basically guessed at the meaning of an abbreviation on a note from the doctor and left that on my voicemail.)
Don’t ever Google medical stuff. It’s a bad idea. Two hours in, I was convinced I was rabid or maybe had ovarian cysts. Pretty unlikely for a 58-year-old man, but by the time I was done, I was almost ready to just go dig a hole somewhere. Fear was trying to stick its size 18 shoe
Cancer? Tailgaters on a wet I-75? Random Chinese weather balloon falling on me? I don’t know. I don’t know how, and I don’t know when. I don’t know if it will be peacefully in my sleep, or screaming like the passengers in my car at the time. But just as much as I don’t know the how or when, I do know how it turns out. God will still be God, and Jesus will still be my savior. Every promise He gives me in the Word will be true, and I 110% believe that when that day does come, as I enter the gates of heaven, I will in no way whatsoever be concerned about cancer, tailgaters, or the indignity of death. I won’t spare a thought as to whether I have a good doctor or not. I won’t be second-guessing my dietary choices. On that day, I will cry no tears and feel no fear, nor will I ever do any of these again. The road of life between this point and there may be rife with potholes, detours, and washouts, but the destination is worth the disturbances.
“And He will wipe away every tear from their eyes; and death will be no more, nor will there be sorrow or crying or pain anymore; for the former things have passed away” (Revelation 21:4).
What usually comes to mind when you hear someone mention something about a vine? Most of the time, you think it’s part of a plant or something that grows in a vineyard. A vine can be described as the life line of a plant that supplies what it needs to produce flowers or fruit, and it has a long stem with the habit of growth that climbs along a fence or the ground. Vines can sometimes be fragrant, colorful, fruiting, and they can attract hummingbirds and butterflies. The vine can also provide a cover for the ground or produce privacy and shade. Vines are multi-functional.
Have you ever stopped and thought, what is the vine of your life? When you completely surrender your life to God and accept Jesus into your heart, you will realize that Jesus is the vine to your life. Through His love and grace, He will provide all that we need in our lifetime, just as the vine will provide everything the plant will need throughout its lifetime. Jesus is the vine, a true source of life for us. Once saved, we become the branches that are connected to Him through salvation, drawing life from Him as He provides the necessary nutrients to survive and prosper. The Bible tells us this in John 15:5, “I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.”
Being part of the branch that is connected to the vine, we must obey God’s Word by spending time in prayer talking to God. In the same way a vine produces a beautiful flower or fruit, prayer is our source of water that feeds our soul, and the blessings that God gives us is how we bloom through life. The Bible tells us this in Numbers 6:24, “The Lord bless thee, and keep thee.”
If you study the classification of a vine, you will learn there are three types of vines. The three types are as follows, clingers, tendril-climbers, and twiners. Each type of vine attaches and supports differently, such as the clingers. This type of vine, usually in the form of ivy, uses roots or adhesive disks to attach to rough surfaces. The second type of vine is the tendril-climbers. This vine is skinny, and has wiry structures along the plant’s stem that reach around in the air until they come into contact with something they can grab. Then you have the twiners vine. These vines are the climbing plants which wind themselves around supports like ropes and rods with their touch-sensitive
main shoots, and grow upwards in this way.
Just as there are three different types of vines, there are three different types of ways that God speaks to us. The first way He speaks to us is through the Father, and He is the ultimate Creator, Ruler, and Preserver of all things. The second way God speaks to us is through His Son, through God in human form He was sent to us to die on the cross and save us all. The third way that God speaks to us is through the Holy Spirit. This is the way He unites the believer with Christ, places Him in the body of Christ and bears witness of our Heavenly Father. Just as the vine supplies the food to the plant by the sap that grows up through the vine and out through the branches, Jesus will feed our spirit through the Word of God, and once we completely give our heart to God, we will then begin to grow. Just as the Bible says in Matthew 5:6, “Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.”
Marcia Botts has had a long, successful career in real estate despite many external challenges. Marcia is the broker for Award Realty in Cleveland. She came to Cleveland to attend Lee College. After attending college, she started her career in the photography business, focusing on nonprofits and fundraising efforts. In 1981, she relocated to West Virginia and then to Pennsylvania, where she continued to grow her photography business. In 1994, she became a licensed real estate agent and moved back to the Cleveland area.
Marcia’s parents, Floyd & Genelle Hardin started their real estate in 1983 and purchased the business and building in 1994 so joining them in their business was a natural fit. Marcia worked for several years devoting time to both real estate and photography, traveling back and forth to the Northeast. In 2003, she decided to focus solely on real estate, and in 2008 took over as broker. She continued to grow the family business despite the real estate crash in 2008. “You have to be willing to work,” said Marcia. She has led the office as broker and top producer for many years, but gives a lot of credit to her staff. “I have a great staff that helps me and with the addition of my daughter Olivia Gravelle, I couldn’t work as much as I do without them,” said Marcia.
During COVID we stayed open and available, and it was the best year until 2021. We have continued to grow since then. The firm has nineteen licensed
agents, as well as three staff members that support and compliment Marcia’s skills and allow her to handle business and still spend time with family. She currently oversees the brokerage with her husband, Dennis, who contributes a tremendous amount to the success of their business.
One thing Marcia is most passionate about is her community and the people in it. She is very involved in the local community and has served on several boards, including the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Boys & Girls Club, and New Hope Crisis Pregnancy Center, where she has spent fifteen years counseling women. She is active in her church, First Baptist of Cleveland, where she teaches third grade Sunday School.
Marcia encourages other agents to get involved in their local communities. She is proud of being involved in the community. Marcia says it offers her the chance to build relationships and serve others in a more personal way. However, she also said, “I don’t know too many very successful realtors that are not involved. Staying involved offers knowledge and insight into the direction the community is heading, giving you a glimpse of what can be expected.”
Passion for people is Marcia’s driving force. This has led her to go on many mission trips all over the world, many with her youngest son, who is now eighteen. They have traveled to Nicaragua for six years, save for 2020 due to travel restrictions. They have also been to Europe several times, and plan to go to Slovenia this April. Missions are important to her due to her faith, but the trips also grant her the ability to have a positive impact around the world.
Marcia has five older children and ten grandchildren that she and her husband spend time with as often as they can. Most of her family is in Cleveland, with the exception of one child in Chattanooga and one in Nashville. Marcia is fortunate to have her family all within driving distance.
Cleveland has been a great place to grow her business, saying it’s a very “close-knit” community.
There are a lot of opportunities to be engaged in.
Marcia is the President of River Counties Association of Realtors for 2023 and has been involved in River Counties for 20 years. She encourages all realtors to be involved in their association.
Looking towards the future, Marcia will continue to grow her company to serve Bradley as well as surrounding counties with the integrity and quality of service her parents started in the 1980s. As a veteran of real estate and a long-time citizen of Cleveland, she has built a successful, local legacy in real estate. You can expect to see her serving her community, serving her clients, and providing exceptional home buying and selling experiences for years to come.
And she said, “According unto your words, so be it, And she sent them away, and they departed; and she bound the scarlet line in the window” (Joshua 2:21, KJV).
Do you have a scarlet line in your window? Most of us do, more than we realize. The Scripture above is from the Bible story about Rahab and the Hebrew spies. She met the two Hebrew spies who were scouting out the city of Jericho to claim it for the Lord. Her home was built into the walls of Jericho; hence she was a strategically placed ally. She hid the spies at her house, knowing it was a matter of time before the king’s soldiers came looking for them. When it came time for them to escape, the spies told her they would return to destroy the city. She begged them to spare her life and the lives of her
hope. We are bombarded these days with everything but hope. I needed a fresh perspective. And I needed to know how to find hope on my own. What does the world have to offer that’s authentically hopeful? I didn’t want to learn to generate a false hope or superficial anticipation that would just blow away with the next crisis. I was seeking something completely unwavering, steady, and stable. The Lord showed me how to harvest hope from His Word and in places I didn’t expect. Romans 15:13 says, “Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing that you may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost.” Joy, peace, and faith bring an abundance of hope through the Holy Ghost. When my heart is raw and blistered, I
family. They agreed. The scarlet line became the symbol in her window so the Hebrew soldiers would know which family to spare.
“For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope” (Romans 15:4, NIV).
The Hebrew word for “hope” used here is also the same word for “cord.” So, you see, when you have “hope,” you have a “cord.” It comes from the concept of binding or weaving or gathering things together. It’s not only an abstract thought but a tangible result as well. When we bind things like trust, waiting, faith, and preparation, we produce hope. This better explains Hebrews 11:1, “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, and the evidence of things not seen.”
My searching the Scriptures about the topic of hope grew from my own need to latch onto an unwavering
get joy in the Lord. Laughter, chuckles, pleasant sounds, smells or tastes, visits with friends all bring joy and, in turn, carry an ingredient that abounds in hope. What brings you joy? What brings you peace or strengthens your faith?
Hope seeds are planted all around you! They are budding into a harvest especially for you. Though the weeds of discouragement, doubt, loss or fear may rise among them, the handiwork of hope is ripe, ready, and waiting to be gathered. We can bind these “hope strands” into a cord that will give us strength, encouragement, promise, endurance, and deliverance. Ready to start looking? We have hope!
We are living in unprecedented times. Like a roaring lion, Satan roams the earth “seeking those whom he may devour.” He seems to be having some success. Why?
In America, it is because, for many decades, God’s people here have been largely quiet in the face of encroaching evil. There has been more talk about “God, get us outta here” than about Him fulfilling His Plans through His people. It is right to preach about the Love of God for all Men, and about how Christ Jesus came to save us from
almost entirely. Frankly, our “turn or burn” message is ridiculed. Many believers are dismissed as “escapists” because of their rapture frenzy. We don’t get along well with each other. And the Love of God is in some places expressed as being “inclusive” more than as leading a call to Righteousness. Bluntly, the Church is spotted and wrinkled and ununified. We are no beautiful Bride of Christ!
“Come to Me,” Jesus said to His listeners. Can we take this simple step? What does God say? We must find out! Without denominational filters, can we seek His face? I fully believe God has plans for this nation. He has Plans for His people, the “ekklesia,” to take Dominion over the enemy’s plans, to do our part to bring the Glory of God into the earth “as the waters cover the seas” (Habakkuk 2:14). Our methods—many times those of Man— have not worked.
What does God say?
“Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face; and the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace.”
(Helen H. Lemmel 1922)Hell. But Jesus spoke of building His body of believers to come as a ruling body (“ekklesia”) taking dominion over the works of our enemy, not just a bunch of folks gathered in a building. Growing up in church, I wasn’t taught about this. I was taught that “church” is a place we go to, a building, and how we’re waiting on Jesus’ soon return.
But as Believers, as the Body of Christ, we are given the Right, the Privilege and the Responsibility to fulfill God’s Plan for us towards the lost, towards His earth, and towards our common enemy. Our failure to work as the “ekklesia,” or as the “ruling body,” in our land has resulted in the evil now threatening us. We have lost our voice and influence
And I will note that the “things” which are the Plans and Purposes of Heaven, will grow brighter and clearer; that as the lost and confused and doubting see us unify in manifesting God’s Plans, they will want what we have found: The Answer. And God’s Glory will become known and will fill the earth. When He returns is up to Him. When we will act as the “ekklesia” is up to us.
My husband and I are empty-nesters. The days of making little lunches, working through endless piles of laundry, and juggling a variety of extracurricular activities are over. Our four children are all grown and living their own independent lives. I smile to see them happily settling into their own marriages, careers, and families. As parents, though, that transition can be challenging, can’t it?
We spend decades providing for them, instructing them, and ultimately, preparing them to leave us and our homes. Yet, when the time finally comes for them to vacate the nest, we sometimes struggle to understand what our new role is. Many times, we try to continue to be a remote extension of what we once were when they lived in our house. As a result, we insert ourselves where we’re not invited; offer advice when it’s not solicited; and try to co-manage their decisions and jump in to offer damage control if we see things not going so well. Speaking from experience, that generally doesn’t help.
The book of Job offers a wonderful example of how we, as parents, can continue to influence the lives of our children for good, even when they’re grown, out of our homes, and making their own decisions. Job’s sons “used to take turns having banquets at their homes” and would invite their sisters to join them (Job 1:4 CSB). There’s no record of Job attending these house parties, however “whenever a round of banqueting was over, Job would send for his children and purify
them, rising early in the morning to offer burnt offerings for all of them.”
“For Job thought, ‘Perhaps my children have sinned, having cursed God in their hearts.’ This was Job’s regular practice” (vs. 5).
Even as an empty-nester, Job continued to spiritually cover his grown children in prayer! He continued to exercise his God-given parental authority
to bring his kids before God’s throne regardless of their age or station in life. Can you think of anything more influential than this?
Our children will grow up, move out, and embark on their own lives. Our days of in-home nurturing will come to a close. But the truth that should comfort every parent’s heart is simply this—while your children will eventually be beyond your reach, they will never be beyond your prayers!
We are Bowater Credit Union. As our name implies, we were born from the Bowater Southern Paper Corporation. Eight men in 1954 wanted to provide easier access and better financial services to their community. As a result, in February of 1954, Bowater Employees Credit Union was born! The Credit Union started in a small room inside the mill and only served their employees. Over the years, the Credit Union has gone through changes to advance in the community. In 1988, the Credit Union started to provide financial services to extended family of current members. In 1990, the building “up on the hill” was constructed and the Credit Union moved in. This would turn into our main office, which served us for 25 years. In 2001, employees of Denso Manufacturing were looking for a local credit union that aligned with their ideals to aid them in their financial services. Bowater Credit Union lined up with everything they wanted! Fortunately, after proper regulatory approval, Bowater was able to provide financial services to all of Denso’s employees and their family members. This would be one of the first of many local companies who requested the opportunity to make Bowater Credit Union part of their employee benefits package. These employees would get special benefits and access to financial education as an employee benefit. In 2009, after America’s financial system collapsed in 2008, people realized that credit unions are a safer government-insured option for financial services. This influenced Bowater Credit Union to be able to provide financial services to anybody in the community. So, in 2009 the State of Tennessee granted Bowater Credit Union’s request to become a community credit union. Everyone who lives, worships, works, or goes to school in our 5-county area is eligible for membership at Bowater Credit Union. The five counties we serve are McMinn, Polk, Bradley, Meigs, and Monroe.
Banks and credit unions share many things. They both offer financial services such as savings, checking, and loans. Our main difference is that banks are for profit, and credit unions are not-
for-profit. Banks need to make a profit to pay their investors and board of directors, while credit unions do not. Credit unions’ board of directors are volunteers and are members of the credit union. Since we are non-profit, we are able to offer lower rates on loans. We make our decision solely based on the good of our member-owners. One other difference is that credit unions are governmentally insured by the NCUA to at least $250,000, while banks are governmentally insured by the FCUA. People might feel weary about credit unions simply because they don’t know much about credit unions or they think credit unions are something new. When in fact, credit unions have been in the states since 1909. This is the 100th anniversary of credit unions being instituted in Tennessee! Credit unions have come a long way, and we are able to provide the same financial services as banks.
Our mission is to provide convenient, cost-effective financial services by offering products that are efficient and responsive to our members’ changing needs. In keeping with the Credit Union’s philosophy of “people helping people,” we seek to educate members to make better financial decisions. Our commitment is to operate in a financially sound matter with a staff dedicated to excellence!
Our members have access to competitive loan rates and excellent yields on savings. We provide four local branches for our member-owners to choose from. They can also access their accounts through any computer, phone or tablet, and we offer ATM services worldwide through surcharge-free ATMs. In addition to Bowater Credit Union’s ever-growing services and products, our members have access to educational materials to help them plan better financially. Our job as a credit union is to offer reasonable loans and encourage saving for the future. With over 60 years of experience in the financial industry, our members know they are owners of an exceptional, familyoriented institution.
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Set an appointment and see how Shelter’s Shield can work for you.
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You are the lover of my heart, And the saver of my soul. You cleanse my life, And make me whole.
You’re more than I’ll ever understand, And more than I deserve.
Yet you teach me daily, And give me Your Word.
Lord you correct me, You never reject me. You sacrificed your Son to eternally protect me.
I can’t fathom Your love, But I’m forever so grateful To be called Your child, And sit at Your table.
It had been almost two months since we began our search for a house in the Chattanooga area.
Selling our house was one thing in this unusual market. Buying one was still another. We knew how difficult it would be to find something, but not until we were actually in that set of circumstances did we really know.
To say it was difficult and exasperating is to put it mildly. We’d find a house online and call our realtor with the hope of seeing it personally when we drove there…four hours away. Or, take a video tour with our agent. In so many cases, other bids were accepted before we could think twice. Or we would discover that “no” was the answer again due to unanticipated problems.
Then we took a video tour of a house that we really liked. We were going there the next day and fortunately were able to bid on it. However, someone else’s bid was accepted over ours and the house was now pending. The days turned into months and we kept looking. But I couldn’t get that house out of my mind. I prayed to know if this was the Lord’s voice keeping it in my mind so I wouldn’t give up. Or was it my vivid imagination.
God answered me in so many ways…through Scripture, music, other people’s stories and then with peace. As house after house was a no, I would walk away peacefully knowing God had something better and that the pending house could still be it.
I had committed to waiting with expectation. Now I was reminded of his care through Scriptures in Habakkuk 3:17-18 NKJV, “Though the fig tree
may not blossom, nor fruit be on the vine…Yet I will rejoice in the Lord. I will joy in the God of my salvation.” And then Chapter 2:3, “For the vision is yet for an appointed time; but at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.”
And so, when the text came that the pending house was back on the market, we rejoiced and made our second offer, which they accepted. We knew that if this house became ours, it was by God’s grace alone and for his glory.
Hopefully, by the time you are reading this, we are settled into our new adventure at “Grace Cottage!” So, if you are in God’s waiting room, be assured he keeps his promises and will come through for you. Selah.
• 2 cups of all-purpose flour
• 1 1/3 cups of sugar
• 2 teaspoons of baking soda
• 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon
• ½ teaspoon of salt
• 2 cups of grated carrots
• ½ cup of raisins
• ½ cup of shredded coconut
• ½ cup of chopped pecans
• 1 (8 ounce) can of crushed pineapple (drained)
• 1 cup of vegetable oil (canola oil)
• 3 large eggs (lightly beaten)
• 2 teaspoons of vanilla extract
1. Combine the first five ingredients in a mixing bowl. Stir in carrots and the next four ingredients.
2. Make a well in the center of the mixture. Combine oil and remaining ingredients.
3. Add to flour mixture, stirring just until moistened.
4. Place paper baking cups in muffin pans. Spoon 2/3 full.
5. Bake at 350 degrees for 25 minutes or until golden brown.
6. Remove from pan. Yields approximately 22 muffins.
7. Grab a cup of coffee or milk!
“Come,” he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!” (Matthew 14:29-30)
I love to watch surfers ride huge waves. They, like Peter, momentarily rise above the water. I can only imagine what it would be like to walk or ride above the water. I don’t live near the ocean and, truthfully, I am not the greatest swimmer.
Waves remind me of Creation. It is amazing how God made all the waves go back and forth in perfect unison.
Jesus and God are, after all, the ones in whom the winds and the waves obey. See Matthew 8:23-27.
It took great courage for Peter to step out of the boat, and it takes great courage for someone to step onto a board that could easily fly out from under them.
Not only do surfers have lots of courage, but they use great wisdom. They learn by trial and error to make quick judgment calls regarding which waves they should choose. But when they do not use sound wisdom and a wave is too big, there is a huge price to pay. Waves have the power to knock someone off the board and cause them to drown or throw them miles away from land. Peter also used wisdom when he started to sink. He called on Jesus for help.
Another thing I appreciate about surfers is their determination to keep trying. The waves may
knock them down, but they get back up. They look expectantly for the next perfect wave. They are determined not to let these huge waves drive and toss them but to harness their great power and rise above the water again. And like clockwork, even daily, they find themselves up in the air above the water and feel the rush of defying nature.
Has life tried to knock you down with waves of problems? Don’t forget to look for another wave. It is called the wave of God’s blessing. We need to look and follow Christ for the good things He has in store for us. But God does something even greater. He brings good in the midst of tragedy, and like the waves of the surfers, it comes daily like clockwork. So, keep your eyes on the Master. He has great blessings in His hand. Christ is right there saving and helping you rise above the waters. We just need to trust and follow His plan.
We’ve all heard the old adage: “April showers bring May flowers.” Sit down with an apple blossom or a chrysanthemum. Go ahead, get real up close and personal: “Chrysanthemum, you’re sporting a lovely fuchsia heugh this season. May I ask where you got it? Apple Blossom, your fragrance is to die for. May I ask how you acquired it?” If you listen carefully, they—like a great aunt with a southern drawl—will chuckle back, “Oh this old thing? I got it from April Showers.” May’s flowers are a direct result of April’s showers. This natural
perspective, call it comfort, call it crazy, but isn’t it the birth of a child that makes the labor pains worth it?
Romans 8:28 makes it clear that all things work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose. Suppose, however, that (metaphorically speaking) the awareness of May does not eliminate the sting, impact, nor trauma of April. What solace does the word offer us when life is not so cut and dry? What do we do with miscarriages, relapses, natural disasters, infidelity, eating disorders, paralysis? How do we cope when the pain is graphic, deep, and ugly? What happens when life intrudes upon our stability in taboo shades of cancer, molestation, poverty, identity confusion, postpartum depression, pornography addiction, and PTSD, to name a few? What is the answer when the promise of May’s flowers is not enough to process the gravity of April’s showers? When the mud won’t wash away, when the imagery remains long after the monsoon has passed?
dynamic has metaphorical value and its sentiment is echoed throughout God’s word.
You see, May dawns the glitz, but April holds the grit. May epitomizes freshness—birds are chirping, bees are buzzing, and animals are coming out of hibernation. May sings lead while April harmonizes in the background under dim lighting. April is to Calvary what May is to Resurrection. Psalm 30:5 puts it this way, “Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.” Isaiah 61:3 describes it as an exchange of sorts: beauty for ashes, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness, and the oil of joy instead of that of mourning.
While April’s raindrops are pummeling the earth, we all know that May’s flowers are coming. There is something about a picturesque May that puts a messy April into context. We tolerate the former in anticipation of the latter. One is to be endured, the other to be enjoyed. Call it
One word: “Gethsemane.” It is the intersection of humanity and deity, where Christ grappled with the task before him. A reckoning place. A grayness. Under the weight of expectation, a vulnerable savior prayed with blood, sweat, and—I imagine—tears for an alternative. Yes, a resurrection was His to claim, but crucifixion was the prerequisite. Liberation was the final destination, but torture was the vehicle that would get Him there. Gethsemane literally translates to “oil press.” This was a place of pressing, where friends slept while He carried the weight of the world. In honest prayer, He pressed beyond “Can this cup pass from Me? to “Not my will, but Yours be done.”
Sometimes April lingers and you are up to your waist in flood water, debt, unforgiveness, chemo treatments, or even suicidal thoughts. Sometimes you are seeking desperately for a way out, an alternative to the storm. The promise of May’s flowers can seem far off, a faint whisper competing for your faith over the sound of thunder. May God’s sovereignty settle like a healing balm until raindrops give way to sprouts and Gethsemane ushers in courage. Oh, and the next time you cross a chrysanthemum or an apple blossom, perhaps you will be the pinnacle of the garden this time. “Reader, just where did you get that glow?”
Peerless Road Church of God of Prophecy, PRC, has been making mission trips for several years until Covid. Once again, we are on the move. We were asked to come to Montana in 2022 to aid a small church in repairs and canvassing the neighborhood. Not only does PRC fulfill our Lord’s commission at home, but also beyond our area. The Montana team painted the outside of the church and the sanctuary, flipped the downstairs area into a kid-friendly area, helped build a fence around the parsonage backyard, landscaped around the church, and helped with yardwork for a neighbor.
The week also included canvasing the neighborhood, hosting a dinner for single moms while providing ministry time for their children, and having a cookout for the neighborhood. The team was truly blessed by being a part of that local congregation and community for a week.
This year we have been asked to come to Casper, Wyoming. The team is excited for another opportunity to serve others, living out our mission statement.
We would greatly appreciate any monetary support for our team by attending any functions we may have. Currently, we will be having a Mission’s Yard Sale highlighting an Auction on May 5-6, 2023, and on the evening of May 16, Dos Bros will take 15% of every meal purchased to assist us
in our monetary support. All are welcome to come and participate in these events. Our trip is scheduled for June 19, with a return date of June 26.
We ask all to remember us in your prayers as we fulfill our local Church’s Mission Statement, “Love God Love Others.”
For more information, contact Lee Baggerly, Peerless Rd. Church of God of Prophecy.
He is the Master of my soul
Everyday I make heaven my goal
I walk the very narrow straight
One day St. Peter will let me through the gate
I bow my head as I fast and pray
I know He will be with me all the way
My journey is long, but my heart beats strong
Nothing can keep me from the throng
I love my Lord more than life, you know
I gave Him my heart, I gave Him my soul
So if you would like to live in heaven too
Just humbly bow, He’s been waiting for you
Calling all golfers! We’d love to have your foursome team sign up to participate in the Golfin’ Fore Gray Charity Tournament, which will be held on Saturday, May 20, 2023, at Flagstone Golf Club, located at 4179 Benton Pike NE, Cleveland, TN 37323, with an 8:30 a.m. shotgun start. Complimentary breakfast and lunch will be provided to our golfers, along with a fabulous goody bag. Additionally, Cleveland Boat Center is sponsoring a hole in one prize of a 2023 Barletta Aria pontoon boat (MSRP $72,295, must be 21 to win, rules and regulations apply). You do not want to miss this fun and exciting event for a great cause!
Proceeds benefit The Grayson Foundation, a 501(c) (3) nonprofit established in memory of Grayson Moser. Grayson battled pediatric brain cancer for 23 months and died at the age of 16 in 2021. The foundation has two missions: to fund The Grayson Moser Memorial Scholarship Fund, which will be awarded annually to a Cleveland High School senior, and to provide financial assistance to families in Cleveland who have a child currently receiving cancer treatment.
Grayson was a witty, intelligent, left-hander who loved to play golf, percussion, chess, Minecraft, and Scrabble. He was on the golf team all three years at Cleveland Middle School and had plans for continuing golf into high school, until he received his brain cancer diagnosis at the end of the golf season his eighth-grade year.
If you would like to support our foundation but you’re not a golfer, you can be a hole sponsor for $200. We will put your name or your company name on a sign and place it by a hole during the tournament, so all our golfers can see your show of support. Or, you can make a donation of any amount on our website at thegraysonfoundation.net/give or write a check payable to The Grayson Foundation and mail it to 114 Stuart Rd NE #231, Cleveland, TN 37312. All donations are tax-deductible since we are a 501(c) (3) nonprofit.
To register a foursome team to play in the tournament, go to our website, thegraysonfoundation. net, and click on “Golf Tournament” on the menu bar or scan the QR code below. If you’d like to sponsor our tournament, please contact us at info@thegraysonfoundation.net and we will be happy to send you information.
I’ve been known to complain a time or two about the many days on end of rain here in the Tennessee Valley.
After all, it’s dreary, and I can’t get outside to enjoy workin in the yard or the garden, and I sure don’t like sloshing around in the rain while shopping! But, being a farmer all my life, I’m constantly reminded of the old adage, “April showers bring May flowers.” Yes, rain is important for so many reasons. Rain fills rivers, lakes, and underground aquifers. It provides water for plants to grow, animals to stay alive, and humans to survive. Rain clears the air of allergens so that we can breathe fresh air again! It clears away the old, making way for the new, going from winter to spring season. Spring always reminds me that God is all about new beginnings and second chances. He speaks this through His creation as the flowers and trees burst forth with new life after He sends the rains. Just as God sends physical rain at the time we need it, He also sends spiritual rain in our times of need. We need His spirit rain to restore and refresh us and wash away the old decay in our lives. God says in Isaiah 43:19, “Behold I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.”
In the Bible, rain is a sign of God’s blessing on the land and a reward for obedience. Deuteronomy 11:13-14 says, “So if you faithfully obey the commands I am giving you today to love the Lord your God and to serve him with all your heart and with all your soul then I will send rain on your land in its season, both autumn and spring rains…” Rain was especially important in a desert land in Biblical times. It meant the difference between surviving or dying. To us today, even with all our modern conveniences and technological advances, rain is of utmost importance to our survival. Just as rain is imperative to our physical survival, our spiritual survival depends on obedience to God. If we submit to His will, He will bless us, and if we turn away to make our own choices, there will be consequences. He can remove His blessings and anointing from our lives, and if we continue to walk after selfish desires, there will
be no reason to leave us here, because we can’t act as His emissaries of the Gospel. We need to thirst after His Word as we would water on a hot summer day. Like the woman at the well (John 4:5-30) who thought she was there to draw water to quench her thirst, she found the Living Water that could stop the ache in her soul, the water that would never run dry like a man-made well could.
We all get dry and parched from this life sometimes. We get tired and want to sit down by the roadside of life and
not move forward. But when we get thirsty and long for the Living Water to spring up inside us again, He promises us that He will “pour water on a thirsty land and streams on the dry ground; I will pour out my Spirit on your offspring, and my blessings on your descendants. They will spring up like grass in a meadow, like poplar trees by flowing streams (Isaiah 44:3-4). I am reminded of an old hymn, “Showers of Blessings,” that I sang in church as a child. The fifth verse says, “There shall be showers of blessings, if we but trust and obey; There shall be seasons refreshing, if we let God have His way.” Yes, we need a mighty rain in our land today, not a physical rain, but a spiritual “gully-washer” sent from Heaven above!
“Legacy is truly an answer to prayer. When we read the mission statement about serving residents in a Biblically based community, we knew we found the right place. The atmosphere is what Mom needed to continue fulfilling her purpose in life.” – Daughter of Resident