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CLEVELAND Need a ordable that’s in step with Choosing the right Medicare coverage can be confusing. I can help you find a plan that’s right for YOU and YOUR BUDGET.

CLEVELAND Need a ordable that’s in step with Choosing the right Medicare coverage can be confusing. I can help you find a plan that’s right for YOU and YOUR BUDGET.
Brent Madaris
Charles Finney
David Voyles
Jeff Pitts
Jonathon Wright
Kilee Dunn
Lena Barber
Mitchell Maloney
Pam Wattenbarger
Paula Burgner
Rick Hughes
Sharon Eldridge
Sheneka Land
Sierra Chess
Sue Lavigne
Bud Kinches
Email: bud.goodnews@gmail.com
Caleb Prytherch
Email: art.goodnews@gmail.com
Paula Knipp
GoodNews CM
Sandra Gilmore
Email: articles.goodnews@gmail.com
Matthew and Bethany Ruckman
Cell: 423-503-1410
Email: goodnewstn@gmail.com
OFFICE 423-790-5378
WEBSITE goodnewscm.com issuu.com/goodnewscm
We want to take a moment to tell you who we are and what we are about. Our names are Matt and Bethany Ruckman and we have six beautiful children, Brendon, Kailey, Andrew, Leah Jean, Emma, and Cooper. We live in Cleveland, Tennessee, and love what this town has to offer! We have started GoodNews Christian Magazine because we feel that when God, family, and community are combined, lives will be changed.
GoodNews Christian Magazine is a complimentary, Christian lifestyle publication. You can find us throughout the community in retail establishments, churches, restaurants, and more. Our magazine opens the door for Christians to work together to grow and strengthen our community through relevant editorial and effective advertising.
GoodNews Christian Magazine is written by men and women in the community who love and serve the Lord. Our hearts are open and willing to be used by God to reach out to the community to spread the GoodNews!
advertisement or article we deem inappropriate.
Story Sharing
•What were the fads when you were growing up?
•What was your favorite hairstyle?
•Did you have a favorite style of clothes?
•What was your favorite music or song?
Decks are available with any donation to Creative Story Project.
Story Sharing
•Tell me about some of the challenges you had in your career.
•What was some of the fun in your career?
•Did you get to travel in your job?
•Were you ever a stay-at-home mom or dad?
Tell me some adventures.
Story Sharing
•Tell me about the house you grew up in?
Did it have indoor plumbing?
•Was it big or small?
•What room did you spend the most <me in?
•Was it in the city or the country?
Story Sharing
•Tell me about your first love.
•Did you ever get kissed on the first date?
•Where did you go on dates?
•Did you marry your high school sweetheart?
In a moment, in a whisper, in less than a second life can change. That day for us was May 1, 2023. My phone rang. The voice on the other end said, “Your daughter has been in an accident. She is breathing, but you need to get here.”
With those words, the direction of my vehicle, my day, and my life going forward changed. The psalmist wrote these words: we can make our plans, but the Lord orders our steps (see Psalm 37). All my plans from that day forward were interrupted, shifted, changed. A new life circumstance created new steps. Steps that included sleeping on a hospital chair for several nights.
So how do we respond when our plans and our steps feel like they are going in different directions? What do we do when life with its troubles trips up our well-perfected plans?
First and foremost, find gratitude where it can be found. A thankful heart and posture will prevent bitterness from taking root. In the face of two surgeries, four days in the hospital, and countless other things, we took to giving thanks that all indications are that our daughter will not be left with any permanent damage from the accident. Sure tears were shed, frustrations expressed, questions asked. That is healthy and normal. In the midst of the uncertainties find a certainty and be thankful for it.
Second, take heart that God is with you. As a pastor of a local church, the very day before I preached a message on Joseph from the book of Genesis. The key walkaway point of the message was that in uncertain circumstances not of our choosing, God is still with us. That message echoed in my soul: “God is with us.” God is with you. It may not feel like it, it may be hard to see, but that is a promise that He has given us. He would never leave us or forsake us (see Deuteronomy 31:6).
When fatigue set in, when my soul became so weary that it nearly physically hurt, the gentle voice of God (that sounded much like my wife) would remind me: God is with us.
Finally, live in the tension of the mystery. One of the hardest lessons of faith that I am having to continually
learn is there is still a lot about God I do not know. To take it further, there is a lot about God I may never know. The miracle is in the mystery. The mangled mess of metal that was left of the car my daughter was driving was unrecognizable. Yet, she was incredibly protected in so many ways. Sure airbags deployed correctly. And the vehicle had a high safety rating. But the way she was protected is the miraculous mystery that I have to accept, which simply brings us full circle back to the first point… be thankful.
Life’s circumstances are not always within our control, but it does not mean we have to let them control how we respond. Be thankful. Know God is with you. Embrace the miraculous mystery. Then give thanks again.
Driven by a passion to educate, inform and prepare future retirees, Mr. Hughes founded Hughes Retirement Group in 2007. His main interest is helping his clients in reducing their taxes.
As the AEP (Annual Election Period) quickly approaches, it will be time for millions of people to look at their Annual Notice of Changes and make a decision on whether they want to choose a different plan for 2024. This period begins October 15 and runs through December 7. At Hughes Retirement Group we review your Medicare Supplement Options at NO COST. We educate you on all of your options and allow you to make the best decision for you.
Medicare is a federally funded health insurance program in the United States that provides coverage for certain healthcare services to eligible individuals, primarily targeting people who are 65 years and older, as well as certain younger individuals with disabilities or specific medical conditions. Medicare is divided into several parts, each covering different aspects of healthcare:
1. Medicare Part A (Hospital Insurance):
• Covers inpatient hospital stays, skilled nursing facility care, hospice care, and some home health care.
• Most people do not have to pay a premium for Part A if they or their spouse paid Medicare taxes while working.
2. Medicare Part B (Medical Insurance):
• Covers outpatient care, doctor visits, preventive services, some home health care, and certain durable medical equipment.
• Requires a monthly premium payment, the amount of which can vary based on income.
3. Medicare Part C (Medicare Advantage):
• This is an alternative to Original Medicare (Parts A and B) offered by private insurance companies approved by Medicare.
• Medicare Advantage plans include all benefits of Part A and Part B and often include additional coverage like vision, dental, and prescription drug coverage.
• Premiums, coverage, and costs can vary widely among different Medicare Advantage plans.
4. Medicare Part D (Prescription Drug Coverage):
• Offers prescription drug coverage through private insurance companies approved by Medicare.
• Individuals can choose a standalone Part D plan to add to Original Medicare or can get prescription drug coverage as part of a Medicare Advantage plan.
• Premiums, deductibles, and coverage can vary among different Part D plans.
5. Medigap (Medicare Supplement Insurance):
• These are private insurance plans designed to supplement Original Medicare by covering some of the costs not covered by Parts A and B, such as copayments, coinsurance, and deductibles.
• Medigap plans are standardized, with varying levels of coverage, labeled by letters (Plan A, Plan B, etc.).
• You must have both Medicare Part A and Part B to enroll in a Medigap plan.
It's important to note that Medicare has specific enrollment periods and eligibility criteria. Annual Enrollment Periods, Initial Enrollment Periods, and Special Enrollment Periods provide opportunities to enroll or make changes to your coverage. Medicare coverage options, costs, and availability can change annually, so it's recommended to review your options during the Annual Enrollment Period to ensure you have the most suitable coverage for your needs.
If you are unsure about whether to go on a Medicare Advantage Plan, the government will allow you to test drive it for 12 months. At that time if you choose to go back to a Medicare Supplement, you will be afforded that without health questions.
Also, this is a very important time for you to review your prescriptions. You may say that you like your existing plan but remember, the company could have changed their formulary or made other changes that will affect you in the new year. Take this time to review and make any necessary changes.
If you have questions or concerns, please give us a call at 423664-4203. We will be more than glad to meet you in our Cleveland or Chattanooga office.
Whatever your goals, we can help you get there.
Retirement Planning | Tax Planning | Social Security Strategies
Medicare Planning | Estate Planning | Long Term Care
Retirement planning is the process of determining how you can meet your goals through the proper management of your financial resources.
Tax planning should not only assess your tax situation at retirement and in the present, but also look towards the future.
Social security strategies are various approaches that an individual may take to maximize their social security benefits.
There is more to Medicare than meets the eye. Making the best decision for your situation at age 65 is one of the biggest retirement decisions one may make.
Estate planning is a key element of a successful financial strategy. It ensures you will leave a legacy that provides for your loved ones by properly protecting and distributing your wealth according to your wishes.
If you're ready to take the next step in your retirement planning journey, call (423) 664-4203 today to explore your options.
Main Office: 1035 Peerless Crossing NW, Cleveland, TN 37312
Chattanooga Office: 6752 Executive Oak Lane, Chattanooga, TN 37421
Iknow there are only a few who will read this, but maybe you are one of those it's intended for. While I could write a thick book on all the things God has done for me, I thought I would share some of the miracles He has performed in my life. The enemy has fought me hard, but God was always here and will continue to be here through whatever is next. If you look at your own life, you will probably find that you also have many "but God" moments. Here are a few of my "but God" moments:
• The doctors predicted I would likely be born with disabilities, but God had other plans.
• I was sick with many childhood illnesses that resulted in surgeries, but God healed me.
• While my family was rich with love and spiritual wealth, we didn’t have much else, but God always made a way.
• I rebelled as a teenager and ignored His Word, but God didn't give up on me.
• I struggled with depression, anxiety, and selfdoubt, but God never left my side and gave me a gift of music to release my pain.
• I was not lucky in love, but God sent the right woman into my life.
• I needed a good job and faced many closed doors, but God opened the right one.
• I didn't have a college degree and couldn't get to the next level in my career, but God gave me the strength to go back to school.
• I was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor at 29, but God literally made it disappear.
• I had a stroke at the age of 37 and struggled with health issues afterward, but God brought me back to near normal.
• I had severe Covid and struggled for weeks in isolation, but God decided it wasn't my time.
• I face pain daily now, but God is helping me to cope. I am faithful that one day He will heal me.
• I didn't know how to tell others that He can change their lives, but God gave me a message to share.
I am sharing these experiences so you can understand a few of the things God has done in the life of a regular guy like me. If God can see value in me, He sees value in all of you. Romans 2:11 says God doesn’t show favoritism. He loves us all equally. However, forever comes quickly, so don't delay. While God loves us all, there is a "but God" where He will cast the final judgment. You don't want the tables to turn at the final judgment and hear God say, “I tried to reach you, BUT YOU did not accept my grace, and now it's too late.”
Some may ask why God would allow us to go through so many struggles if He loves us so much. For me, the answer is simple: I would never know how great the sunshine feels if I never went through the storms and felt the cold rain on my shoulders. It is hard to be thankful or obedient if you've never needed any help.
I pray every one of you will experience the blessing of salvation. God has made a change in my life and I would love to see Him make a change in yours. I know it may seem difficult to follow Christ, and at times it is. But the rewards far outweigh the difficulties. Now it’s your turn: which “but God” testimony will you share?
We all get those thoughts that we are not good enough, or not smart enough. Too often we can feel like we are always the last one that is picked for something, such as being picked to play on a team, or picked for a job, or even feeling like we are never going to get picked by that special someone and have the chance to become a husband or wife we are longing to be one day.
Just remember don’t rush the process. It’s just like when fall time comes around, most of us want the stores to hurry up and get out all of the pumpkins and fall décor. We are
things are become new.” When we start living our lives for the Lord, we find a new joy in life and have a new outlook about life in general.
It’s kind of the same way a pumpkin looks just like all the other pumpkins, until we take it home and carve it out to be what we want it to become. The same goes for us before we accept God into our hearts. We are just like everyone else on the outside. Then when we become changed by the love of God He will carve our lives into the way He sees us. He carves a new smiling face. The Bible tells us this in Psalm 71:23, “My lips shall greatly rejoice when I sing unto thee; and my soul, which thou hast redeemed.” So don’t ever feel like you are unworthy or unloved and full of grime, because just as a pumpkin is full of crud and bad seeds until we open it up and clean it out, we then can see the full potential it has to offer.
all wanting to go pick out a pumpkin to place on our front porch. Even so, it still takes time for the pumpkins to grow into the fullness of their life, just like the way we grow into the fullness of becoming a Christian.
We are like pumpkins in many ways. God will pick you from the patch and bring you in. Just as the Bible tells us in John 15:16, “Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you.” Once we accept Jesus into our hearts as our Lord and Savior, He then washes all of the dirt off of us. The Bible tells us in 2 Corinthians 5:17, “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away, behold, all
This is the same way that God will work for us. He will open up our hearts and scoop out all of the yucky stuff and clean it out of our lives, as He removes the seeds of doubt, hate, and greed. The Bible tells us this in Romans 6:6, “Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with Him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin.” When the time comes and you make the choice to turn your life over to God He will put a light inside you to shine for all the world to see. As the Bible tells us in Matthew 5:16, “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.”
*All Scriptures were quoted from KJV.
The Moxi laser is a minimally invasive technique that promotes cellular turnover and reduces pigmentation. This is a less invasive laser technology compared to others that still provides remarkable results including smoother texture and a more even skin tone. The treatment takes about 30 minutes, with little to no downtime. Improvements are noticeable within one week and continue over the following months. This can be done as a single treatment or as a series for more significant results.
Laser hair removal is a quick and gentle procedure to remove unwanted hair. This treatment provides longterm results - cutting time and hassle out of your beauty routine and addressing issues like ingrown hairs and skin damage caused by other hair removal methods. Our state-of-the-art equipment is faster and more effective than other devices used today.
Broad Band Light is a safe and effective treatment for the whole body that stimulates collagen production and improves a variety of skin concerns including sun damage, fine lines and wrinkles, rosacea, spider veins, and acne. It leaves skin with a tighter, smoother texture and more even skin tone. The treatment takes about 30 minutes with noticeable results in just a few days. It can be done as a single treatment or as a series for more significant results.
Radiofrequency (RF) microneedling uses a noninvasive device that deeply stimulates the skin encouraging collagen production. This is a quick procedure that results in reducing the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, large pores, acne, and loose skin.
Do you ever have days that are particularly difficult when painful memories from the past rest heavy on your mind and heart? Do you feel you are drowning in a sea of emotions you have come to despise? Just when you think you have
to revisit chapters in life to grieve at a deeper level, in a different way. Truly, if we do not grieve traumas and losses adequately, allowing ourselves to connect with every emotion felt at the core of our being, we can become caught up in a storm of feelings denied which threaten to steal our lives and relationships.
One year in particular, I learned the value and necessity of revisiting certain seasons of my life which were continuing to influence me in negative ways. No stones were left unturned as ministry colleagues and I took this same journey together, helping one another to identify and expose false beliefs we had about ourselves and some of our past and present relationships. Sometimes, hidden stories we tell ourselves and our unprocessed emotions serve as invisible reins that keep us attached to equally invisible prison bars, forbidding us to enjoy the freedom of being our true selves, without the ability to enjoy others.
“gotten over it,” a trigger comes uninvited, assaulting your peaceful state? It’s indescribable anguish, often revealing the need for increased healing: an invitation
Psychologist, author, and personal growth specialist, Dr. Leonard Felder, says, “Most people are more comfortable holding onto their emotional enslavements than risking something new and uncertain.” For me, it seemed I was always holding
back right at the edge of my freedom to become unstuck from the mire of distorted thinking. Fearful of my future due to hurtful relationship experiences from the past, I felt that letting go of the prison bars was too risky and unfamiliar: an agony of change. I feared the cost of emotional risks that could lead to my becoming authentic and whole so I could develop healthier relationships with myself, others, and God.
Together, my friends and I found hope as we examined ways in which we could become “… transformed by the renewing of our mind” as found in Romans 12:2. For me, a major, life-changing discovery came when I decided to believe and act as if I was no longer a victim of past unhealthy relationships. Out of fear and self-protection, I had been transferring old feelings and attitudes onto here-and-now people who had no intention of doing
me harm. Rather, they were on my side, wanting to join alongside me on the road to growth and success. In many ways, these individuals resembled those who had hurt me in the past, but in truth, they were very different. Taking the risk to be in relationship with them brought much-needed healing from the past as I experienced their love and support in ways unexpected. How? They took me back to those broken places and helped me to re-see the past so I could move forward into the future. And in fact, just as God’s Word promises, I am transformed by the renewing of my mind! My prayer is that your journey will bring you transformation as well as you trust the Lord and His Word.
On November 9, 1990, my wife, Sharon, gave birth to our twin sons, Brandon and Jonathan. As full-term babies, they were healthy, active, and growing as expected by all outward appearances, until one night when Brandon experienced a grand mal seizure and was hospitalized for stabilization. A couple of days later, Jonathan experienced the same type of seizure, and that was the beginning of a life-long journey of caring for our sons. After a period of years filled with unanswered questions and diagnoses, the boys were finally diagnosed on the autism spectrum, as well as being mentally challenged. For years we have continued to hope and pray for a cure, but to this point that has not happened.
When children are born and by all reasonable standards appear to be normal, parents aren’t anticipating anything to be wrong. Then when parents begin to realize that something is wrong, the first response tends to be denial. No one wants to admit that their beautiful child has issues that must be addressed. When they are first enrolled in school and they can’t keep up at the same rate as other students, parents begin to ask questions. This leads to looking for help, which usually
includes doctors, counselors, and batteries of assessments. For us, our journey led to learning about and living with the autism spectrum. There are various levels on the autism spectrum which include speech, motor skill development, and the ability to socially connect with peers.
Today, Brandon and Jonathan are 32 years old and require 24/7 supervision. Just like most parents, we try our best to provide as much opportunity for them as possible, but this hasn’t been easy. Thankfully, they are very active in our community of Cleveland, Tennessee, and over the years have been blessed to know so many caring people, from our mayor to school officials, to their pastors, to business leaders, and many others. More than anything, they love to be in
church and to volunteer as baristas at Inman
Coffee (sponsored by the Salvation Army). While these relationships and community involvement have been so vital to our boys feeling loved and supported, we’re burdened with the same question other families with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) family members have:
About 12 years ago, I began to pray and dream about one day creating a residential village as a home for adults who are diagnosed with autism, Down syndrome, and other intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). Today, that dream is becoming a reality through Real Life Village (RLV)!
We have purchased 26 acres of land in the heart of Cleveland, Tennessee, and are currently in the process of building the first phase of RLV, to provide long-term care for adults with IDD and counseling support for their families. This is no small endeavor, and with the support of our board of directors, generous donors, and the help of many concerned supporters, RLV will be open to serve the needs of these individuals and to help them experience a future full of safety, hope, purpose, and joy!
Our goal is to raise $5,000,000.00 to make Phase I of REAL LIFE VILLAGE a reality. This goal can be reached with the help of:
• Individual donors
• Corporate donors
• Grants from foundations
• Businesses
• Memorials to family members, etc.
We can be reached by calling (423) 584-6012 or go to our website: reallifevillage.com.
We will look forward to talking with you and partnering with you “for the Least of these.”
“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me’” (Matt hew 25:40 NIV).
We are very passionate and deeply committed to providing the highest level of safety and care while achieving excellent aesthetic results for our clients. We have over 20 years of collective experience in aesthetics/dermatology and we cannot wait to help empower you and enhance your confidence. Book your
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Trailer rides through orchard at 2:00 pm and 4:00 pm
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Saturdays and Sundays, September and October
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School Field Trips and Group Tours by appointment
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For more information e-mail us at info@AppleValleyOrchard.com or call us at 423-472-3044.
For more information e-mail us at info@AppleValleyOrchard.com or call us at 423-472-3044.
Ifi nd it fascinating such a question would even have to be asked. It seems to me the answer would be obvious. But what appears obvious to some is a complete mystery to others. Allow me to share with you some personal experiences on this subject.
My parents were both saved when I was about 5 years old. After gett ing saved, they were convinced regular church att endance was extremely important to the development of their new lives as Christians. We began going to church. From that day until the day I left my parent’s home, our whole family always att ended church regularly.
I have been going to church now for 49 years. It has been a rare occasion when I have had to miss a service.
I love going to church meetings and fellowshipping with God's people. I believe it is the right thing to do. I have been a member of seven diff erent churches over these years. Memberships in these churches have ranged from about three to over 3000. It is now my great privilege to be the pastor of a church. The very fi rst pastor I ever had (when we started going to church years ago) remained a close friend until he passed away a few years ago.
I say this from the depths of my heart: I thank God for my parents who took me to church! My parents did not send me to church, they took me. My parents were in the front seat of the vehicle and we kids were in the back. We all rode together to the House of God. Such
wonderful memories are these! If parents did what was right, there would not be any need for a Sunday School bus ministry anywhere in America.
I have worked with children and young people off and on for over 40 years. I see a very disturbing trend. Parents are not taking the leadership role in matt ers of spirituality for their families. They are allowing children to “make up their own minds” and “do their own thing.” Many do not seem to really care whether their child grows up with or without a knowledge of God or a strong moral infl uence.
May I say this kindly and yet forcefully?
Children are a gift from God (see Psalms 127:3). It is the God-given responsibility of every parent to train up their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord (see Deuteronomy 6:6,7; Ephesians 6:4; Proverbs 22:6). This necessitates that the parents know God too. Please, parents, do not abdicate or forsake this parental duty. It is too important to be left to chance. Joshua (the great warrior / statesman)
said, “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” (Joshua 24:15 KJV).
It is not enough to send your child to church. They are watching you carefully. It has broken my heart many times to see a child start out excited about God, and church, and then slowly lose that excitement and take on the parent’s negative, neglectful, and negligent att itudes. They get discouraged when they have no encouragement to live for God at home, and often give up. If parents don’t see the importance of God and the church, it is going to be rare that their children will see it. You are doing damage to your child’s future happiness and welfare when you do not lead the way. Start today parents. Make a diff erence. Even your grown children need to see you sett ing the example. Your grandchildren need you to lead the way!
here’s a reason HealthMarkets is a leading independent insurance marketplace. Actually, there are three reasons: convenience, choice, and counsel.
HealthMarkets operates on your schedule with 24/7 service. If you like to shop online, over the phone, or faceto-face with a local agent, or a combination of the three, HealthMarkets has you covered.
People come in all shapes and sizes, and so should their coverage options. This organization has researched and selected insurance plans from over 200 companies to let you be as choosy as you want. When you need help with insurance or insurance-related decisions, Cleveland’s Health Markets is here for you. This organization strives to exceed customer expectations. It shows with a 95% customer satisfaction rating and an A+ rating from the BBB. HealthMarkets Insurance Agency is changing the buying experience for health and related insurance products for individuals and families. This agency has created a portfolio of products from more than 200 national and regional insurance companies to meet the needs of individuals and families. HealthMarkets is headquartered in the Dallas/Fort Worth metro area. With a local branch, they make it easy to shop for insurance.
This is a leading technology-enabled, national health insurance marketplace where individuals can compare, purchase, and enroll in a large and diverse offering of health, supplemental, and other insurance products. The private exchange technology and supporting services provide a breadth of capabilities that is distinctive in the industry, enabling HealthMarkets to achieve significant growth within what is believed to be the fastest growing segments of the US healthcare insurance population.
The HealthMarkets’ supplemental business offers the single broadest supplemental insurance portfolio in the individual market including such products as dental, vision, accident, critical illness, cancer, and other income protection products. With the rise of consumer-driven healthcare, these products provide consumers with important coverage to protect their health and financial well-being.
You don’t have to be intimidated by complex insurance jargon. HealthMarkets agents love to break it down for you, translate, or make shopping for plans as simple as it should be. In fact, that’s how Cleveland agent, Chris Young, got started in insurance.
He shares how the journey began, “When you were a child, and someone asked you, ‘What do you want to be when you grow up?’ very rarely (if ever) do you hear a health insurance agent! For the record, my answer was an astronaut. The opportunity to help people with their insurance needs came much later and practically just found its way to me. My previous career was in managing hotels, where I had been for the better part of 10 years. Part of management was for me to help my associates choose their health care during their annual enrollment period every year. Needless to say, at that time I could manage a hotel,
but to explain which insurance option someone should enroll in was not in my wheelhouse.”
Chris describes further, “The idea of helping individuals with their insurance options quickly intrigued me as it occurred to me that if I didn’t know what was going on, maybe there were others that didn’t either. It quickly became my mission to help families, individuals, and businesses find the most affordable option for healthcare and life insurance, so that way they can be confident in their health and financial protection. Anybody can tell someone to enroll in a health plan. At our agency, we take the time to find out what it is you really need to recommend plans that are more in line with your needs.”
How can Chris mark progress? He shares, “I’ve been very fortunate in that my practice has grown to incorporate my assistant, Angela, who joined in 2020.”
For years, Chris commuted to work. Now that he is both living and working in Cleveland, he has the opportunity to be involved with the Chamber of Commerce, where he currently serves as an ambassador, to help meet the newest businesses in the Cleveland area. Chris is also involved with his family’s congregation at the North Bradley Church of Christ.
What’s new for Chris this Fall? He sums up this season, “Even more so, my two oldest children will be playing their first season of Fall Ball this year, and I am looking forward to helping people with their insurance questions during the enrollment season and then sneaking out to watch my
I can help you find a plan that’s right for YOU and YOUR BUDGET.
children play baseball. Hometown folks understand the need for protecting what’s important with family and business.” Chris or Angela are easy to reach. You can contact Chris or his assistant Angela at HealthMarkets through Facebook at www.facebook.com/healthmarketschatt/ or call (423) 313-7987 or go by to see them at 4160 North Ocoee Street #6.
Need a ordable that’s in step
Choosing the right Medicare coverage can be confusing.
We are the Region's Only Critical Limb Center - Saving Legs + Restoring Lives! Our team of Board-Certified, FellowshipTrained Vascular Surgeons and our VIC Vascular Team delivers comprehensive treatment for ALL your Vascular, Vein + We are VIC - Changing the delivery of Vascular Care for our region!
Tasteful Gatherings is unrivaled in our ability to offer full-service boutique catering and event design to the East Tennesse area, including Chattanooga, Cleveland, Athens, Knoxville and its surrounding areas.
You have a dream, and our goal is to make your ideas become a reality. Our customizable menus and private tastings will guide you toward your perfect day.
We will be with you every step of the way to take the pressure off and exceed your expectations!
• 1 cup granulated sugar
• 1/2 cup butter
• 2 eggs, beaten
• 1 cup sour cream
• Juice from two lemons (about 1/4 cup)
• 1 tablespoon grated lemon peel
• 1 teaspoon baking soda
• 1/4 teaspoon salt
• 1 3/4 cup all-purpose flour
• 1/4 cup cornstarch
For Frosting:
• 1/2 cup powdered sugar
• 1 to 2 tablespoons lemon juice
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
2. Spray a standard sized loaf pan with cooking spray. Set aside.
3. In a large mixing bowl, cream the sugar and the butter using a mixer.
4. Add eggs and mix well.
5. Mix in sour cream, lemon juice, and the grated lemon rind.
6. In a medium mixing bowl, stir together flour, salt, baking soda, and cornstarch.
7. Mix flour into creamed sugar mixture until blended.
8. Pour mixture into the loaf pan and bake for 50 minutes or until a knife inserted into the center comes out crumb free.
9. All bread to cool before removing from pan. If making frosting
10. Place powdered sugar in a small mixing bowl. Add lemon juice, one tablespoon at a time, stirring well after each addition, until desired consistency is reached.
11. Pour the icing over the cooled bread.
* Sometimes I vary the recipe by adding a box of lemon pudding mix into the recipe.
* If you don't have fresh lemons, you can substitute an equal amount of bottled lemon juice.
* No lemon juice? No problem. Add 1 to 2 teaspoons lemon extract to the batter instead. This depends on your taste. If you like a stronger lemon flavor, add two teaspoons, if you prefer a light lemon flavor, add one teaspoon.
* Be sure to grease the pan before beginning for easy clean-up and allow the bread to cool before removing from the pan.
Lord, my strength I draw from Thee To bear the burden placed on me, To run the race before me set, My past afflictions to forget.
Though I have suffered in Your name, I count it glory all the same, For higher riches do await Than those which mortals deem so great.
For You all things will I endure, Obtaining grace and blessing sure, And though I stumble, trip, and fall, I trust Thee, Lord, to be my all.
My joy may fail, my courage waver, But always shall I trust the Savior. If grief and hardships never cease, I trust Thee, Lord, to be my peace.
I'll take to kneeling yet again For enemies as well as friends, With nothing left, I'll fight the fight, When hope is dim, hide not my light.
If trials last until I die, And often I may wonder why, When I'm too weak to raise the sword, Still I shall say, "I trust Thee, Lord."
On October 28, 2022, a group of creative people took a gigantic leap of faith and launched Judgment Day, a theatrical experience. Over the next 4 days, we performed seven shows and saw over five hundred people come through. Lives were changed! The message of the show was that tomorrow isn’t promised.
five hundred people and we’re believing for each show to be filled up. Volume 2 centers around a family that the devil is trying very hard to destroy. We will show what lengths a family will go to, to make sure Satan doesn’t win.
Our dates are October 28th - 31st with each show starting at 7 p.m. The lobby doors will open at 5 p.m. We will have our merch stand set up and yes, we will be offering free samples of our Judgment Day coffee again. So come early and go shopping! We’re hoping to be able to team up with some ministries and vendors so they can join us as well.
There is only one way to God and that is through His son, Jesus Christ. God made it very clear to us that we were preaching the gospel from a different pulpit. One of the questions that was often asked was, “Is this going to be an annual event?” That answer is most definitely yes!
Judgment Day is back with a brand-new show. We’re very excited to be at the Dixon Center this year on the campus of Lee University! It holds
Once again, tickets will be free, but everyone is required to have one. This will help us with crowd control as well as let us know exactly how many people come to each show. Visit jdareyouready. com/tickets to get yours!
Please know, Judgment Day is rated PG-13. Twelve and under are welcome but must have an adult with them.
How you can help us? Tell everyone you know about Judgment Day and post about it on your
social media! We’re on Facebook and Instagram! Just look for our black and white logo. We’ll be posting often. A simple share can make a huge impact. If you want to get your Judgment Day
swag early, visit our website. We can do local delivery and we can ship if you know someone outside Cleveland who would want something. In between our big fall events, we’ve also launched our one-night-only experiences. If you want our team to come to your church and do an outreach ministry visit jdareyouready.com/onenightonly for more information. We can’t wait to see you! We’ve been praying for God to not only save souls but to restore families as well. Please join us in praying for that as well as our team. We would appreciate it!
It’s appointed to each man to die once, then the judgment. Judgment Day is coming. Are you ready?
Iwant to share with you some of the health tips that I learned from Stormie O’Martian’s book Greater Health God’s Way as well as include some of my own suggestions as a physical therapist and wellness instructor. Stormie outlines seven steps to improving your health. I have also added suggestions under each step.
Step 1: Peaceful Living
When it comes to the question of peaceful living, I think we need to ask ourselves these questions. “Am I too busy? Do I have enough time to talk with God, and to pray and read my Bible? What are other factors that lead to stress in my life? Am I concerned about health issues, relational conflict or finances? How can I deal with those issues to have more peace in my life?”
Step 2: Pure Foods
This is what’s recommended:
• Fruits and vegetables (only fresh, never canned) should make up 50% of your diet
• Whole grains making up 25% of 1-2 meals/day
• Red meats, poultry, and fish (select only one of these each day) making up 25% of your meal
• Seeds, nuts, and berries make wonderful snacks and desserts
Step 3: Proper Exercise
Here are some guidelines regarding exercise, but remember to consult with your doctor. The average person will benefit from exercising approximately 3-4 times a week for a duration averaging 20 minutes to 45 minutes (depending on your fitness level). The intensity should be at a level where
you may be slightly winded but not so much that you cannot carry on a normal conversation. The most important component of exercise is consistency.
Step 4: Plenty of Water
The general rule is 8 glasses each day, 8 oz each. Stormie likes to simplify the portions so she drinks 16 ounces, 30-45 minutes before each meal and before bedtime.
Step 5: Prayer
If you want to be healthy God’s way, then you need to tune into God!
Prayer is our communication with God. However, prayer is not just telling God what we want. Prayer is listening for God to lead us.
Step 6: Fresh Air and Sunlight
It’s good to get outside for fresh air and sunlight. If you can walk outside, then you can combine exercise with fresh air and sunlight. If you are unable to walk, then just sitting outside can be very beneficial. Sunscreen is also helpful for protecting your skin.
Step 7: Perfect Rest
Everyone is different regarding how much sleep is the most beneficial for them. Some people need more sleep and some need less sleep. The most important factor may be in developing a routine. Going to bed and getting up at approximately the same time every day including the weekends is what’s recommended. Also, at least 2 hours prior to going to bed, keep your time free of stimulants such as computers, games, and even action-packed TV or the news.
I hope these suggestions will be helpful for you to have a healthier and happier life!
The pursuit of grief recovery is one of action and it’s so very unique and personal. I have been educated by grief in a way that I must hold it close to endure the pain of it. Each loss is an individually unique journey. It’s not time-based. Waves of ambush can knock the wind out of you at any given moment, leaving you gasping for air, gasping for life. You get up with the help of those who care and lend their strength.
There are no orderly patterns or formulas we have previously clung to in order to make sense of it all. It’s not a ‘one and done’ deal. Just because you have experienced loss once, that’s no preparation for the next loss. Each loss is unique due to the relationship and experience with that particular person. Each loss is distinctly unique and the grief journey is exclusive to it.
God has shown me ‘nuggets’ of empathy and care for others who grieve. He has shown me the ‘nugget’ of faith through suffering. He has provided ‘nuggets’ of friendships and relationships that have walked with me through my
darkest valleys. He has brought the ‘nugget’ of Psalms 23:4 KJV “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.” He has guided me through each journey of loss and taught me much about suffering.
I have learned there are lanes and topics to be avoided that appear to sidetrack or hijack until healing allows them to be addressed. Isolation is to be avoided, but time alone is essential in the wee hours of the morning as clarity comes. One day, you realize you are not washed under the wave as much as you had been and your breath is not taken away so harshly. One day you learn not to fight the waves when they do come, but close your eyes and allow them to carry you awhile, realizing they won’t kill you. You learn resistance is not necessary to function.
New Category: GoodNews For Those Who Are Grieving
Don’t Miss the Nuggets by Lena Barber NOTE: New writer bio and photo below
The pursuit of grief recovery is one of action and it’s so very unique and personal. I have been by grief in a way that I must hold it close to endure the pain of it. Each loss is an individually unique journey. It’s not time-based. Waves of ambush can knock the wind out of you at any given moment, leaving you gasping for air, gasping for life. You get up with the help of those who care and lend strength.
There are no orderly patterns or formulas we have previously clung to in order to make sense not a ‘one and done’ deal. Just because you have experienced loss once, that’s no preparation next loss. Each loss is unique due to the relationship and experience with that particular person. loss is distinctly unique and the grief journey is exclusive to it.
One day you realize it IS right to put your trust in a sovereign GOD as HE has been your buoy, your guide, and your anchor. You see that faith has overcome doubt. You see answers to questions aren’t necessary in order to trust.
One day you realize God still has a plan and He’s working it all out for your good. Then, 1 Peter 5:10 KJV births new meaning: “And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to His eternal glory in Christ, will Himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.” Even if you must dig through so much pain, travail, and heartache, take heart and dig hard—don’t miss the nuggets!
God has shown me ‘nuggets’ of empathy and care for others who grieve. He has shown me the faith through suffering. He has provided ‘nuggets’ of friendships and relationships that have walked me through my darkest valleys. He has brought the ‘nugget’ of Psalms 23:4 KJV “Yea, though through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and comfort me.” to life for me. He has guided me through each journey of loss and taught me much suffering.
I have learned there are lanes and topics to be avoided that appear to sidetrack or hijack until allows them to be addressed. Isolation is to be avoided, but time alone is essential in the wee morning as clarity comes. One day, you realize you are not washed under the wave as much been and your breath is not taken away so harshly. One day you learn not to fight the waves come, but close your eyes and allow them to carry you awhile, realizing they won’t kill you. You resistance is not necessary to function.
One day you realize it IS right to put your trust in a sovereign GOD as HE has been your buoy, and your anchor. You see that faith has overcome doubt. You see answers to questions aren’t in order to trust.
One day you realize God still has a plan and He’s working it all out for your good. Then, 1 Peter births new meaning: “And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has to His eternal glory in Christ, will Himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.” Even must dig through so much pain, travail, and heartache, take heart and dig hard—don’t miss the
(Shorten if necessary) Bio: Lena Barber is a retired grief-certified LPC who has experienced the significant losses of her parents, her husband, and her daughter. She is grateful help of her training long before she experienced these losses, knowing that it is taught childhoods to avoid loss and seek gain. She has learned any/all loss is unique with ‘how to’ formula. The journey of grief is more bearable with community, not isolation.
Lena Barber is a retired grief-certified LPC who has experienced the significant losses of her parents, her husband, and her daughter. She is grateful for having the help of her training long before she experienced these losses, knowing that it is taught in our childhoods to avoid loss and seek gain. She has learned any/all loss is unique with no specific ‘how to’ formula. The journey of grief is more bearable with community, not isolation.
Let’s look at Philippians 3:13-14. In the first part of this passage, Paul talks about his old way of life, his days when he was a Pharisee and keeper of the law—the days when he persecuted the church. Paul used to think a relationship with God meant keeping all the rules and relying on his strength alone. Now he knew Christ and His power to change a person’s life. Because of this knowledge, Paul’s former way of life did not begin to compare with his new life in Christ. Paul’s former life was rubbish when compared to knowing Christ, and he had a lengthy list of credentials. Paul wanted to encourage the Philippians church and those struggling against Jewish influences. Those influencers were trying to nullify and put down their Christian faith. He told them to beware of those dogs. Paul knew what he was talking about because he was one before he met Christ.
Paul also expresses his deep desire to know Christ and the power of His resurrection. In other places, Paul describes this power as being able to do above and beyond anything we ask, think, or imagine. (see Ephesians 3:20). Paul wanted to see God’s power in his life and the church. He also wanted to follow God in times of suffering like Christ. Paul wanted to be faithful to the end. He wanted to be perfect but was not. The apostle Paul singles out one particular action, making it especially important. He forgot those things in the past and continued pressing forward in his goal of being more like Christ. He wanted to put the past behind him. There was a time in my life when I struggled in a particular area. At times, I felt I was losing much more than I was winning. The Lord reminded me of Isaiah 54:4. I felt in my heart that He was telling me to forget the shame of
my youth. Something about that passage gave me peace. God's grace helped me to overcome this huge temptation. Paul struggled with similar feelings about his past. He even called himself the greatest of sinners. (see 1 Timothy 1:15). But Paul understood that we are powerless to change mistakes from our past. We can try
to learn from our mistakes to make things better. Yet at the end of the day, we need God's forgiveness and mercy, found at the cross.
We need to start each day by forgetting the past. When we do this, it helps us make the most of each day. We place our trust in the promise of Christ and His forgiveness. It keeps us moving forward as we become the people God wants us to be. A child who learns from their mistakes will soon grow and mature. It is the same in our spiritual and personal life. If we do not grow in God's grace, we soon become stuck in the mud, paralyzed by our fear and doubts.
For Mother's Day, Olivia made a plaque for me at school. It says, "Moms are the buttons that hold everything together." This is surrounded by buttons, glued down in the shape of a heart. I absolutely love it. (Poor dads don't get cool gifts made at school, LOL.) I hung it on the wall in the living room. This past weekend, I was looking at it and thought about the strain "this button" was feeling. The tension, the pull of life, all the daily responsibilities, and the stress make me feel like I can't hold it all together any longer.
Grandma was an excellent seamstress. She could make just about anything with a needle and thread. She made all of our Halloween costumes and our dresses for school programs. There was always a pile of mending next to her chair. Many evenings she would go up to her room, sit down, and rest as she darned socks, added patches, or replaced buttons. I recall and cherish many hours spent just sitting with her and talking while watching her work. I am not a
seamstress, but I did learn how to mend a tear (although it never looks as good as what she would have done) and sew on a button.
The most important part of sewing on a button is selecting the thread. If the thread is weak, the button won't hold anything together. In Colossians 3, Paul tells us to set our sight on the realities of heaven because we have died to this life and our real life is in Christ. We are to strip off our old nature and all its sin and put on our new nature. He's basically telling us to change our clothes. We are to take off the clothes that are dirty, covered in
holes, and have buttons missing. We are to put on a whole new outfit, held together by Jesus. You can't get thread any stronger than that! We are to clothe ourselves with mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, and most importantly, love. Doesn't that sound like the most comfortable outfit ever? Wouldn't you expect it to feel soft and fit better than anything you've ever tried on? And it would make us look really attractive too!
the greatest fashion trend ever. It gives us a little boost as we head out to tackle the messiness of this life. And the best part is: it's stain-proof!
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changed to fit the pagination of the book. If the Magazine Publisher has
I can be the button that holds everything together if I am secured by my Thread, my Savior Jesus. I will stay in place if I am wrapped and anchored by Jesus. And I can encourage others to keep their new outfits on too, so we can all start looking like our Designer!
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Everywhere we go, we should be telling people how much we love our new outfit and about the Designer. It should become
Have you ever been scared to do something? At first, riding a rollercoaster, going to a new school, or standing up to a bully can be a scary thing to do. Sometimes being scared to do something can hold us back from more incredible things God has in store for us. There are many times in the Bible that God shows us when we follow and trust in Him, He will protect, guide, bless, and keep us safe.
One man in the Bible named David, was a shepherd boy who took care of his dad’s sheep (see 1 Samuel 17). He protected them from wild animals and made sure they were safe around the clock. While David’s older brothers went off to war to fight the Philistines, David stayed home watching these sheep because he was the youngest. David’s father Jesse sent him with food to the campground where his brothers were staying. But when David got to the camp, there was a BIG problem!
A Philistine giant named Goliath who was over nine feet tall came out from his camp to taunt the Israelite army. Goliath challenged any man of the Israelite army to fight him. Every man in the army was too afraid to face him, until David.
David volunteered to fight Goliath alone. However, David was small and young, and all of the men in the army were much older and bigger than he was. Still, David went to the king of the army Saul and continued to volunteer. Even the king thought David was too young to fight Goliath. But David did not let this stop him. He trusted in God and believed that no matter what, God would keep him safe and protect him from Goliath. Because of David's faith and confidence in God, Saul allowed David to face the giant.
Before David fought Goliath, he first picked out five smooth stones to use with his slingshot. Once he was done selecting the stones, David went to face Goliath.
While he walked up to Goliath, the giant made fun of him for his meager weapons and told him there was no way that David would win against him. David did not let this scare him. He continued to stand up to Goliath, telling
him that God would defeat him. After this, David took a stone from his sling, put it into his slingshot, and slung it hard toward Goliath. The stone hit Goliath straight on the forehead, killing him.
Young David defeated the giant! God protected him just like David said He would. David never doubted or questioned God but did exactly what God wanted him to do. David was a brave believer. Can you be a brave believer in God, too?
In the heart of Dixie, where the magnolias sway and the sweet tea flows like a lazy river, lived two old Grannys who were county-wide known for their biscuits which were the talk of the town. Now, these weren't just any two ordinary old Granny's making biscuits – no siree! They were known far and wide as the Jelly Biscuit Granny and the Gravy Biscuit Granny.
Jelly Biscuit Granny fans and the Gravy Biscuit Granny supporters gathered in the town square, armed with baskets of biscuits and jars of jelly and gravy.
As the sun rose high in the sky, Great Granny Maybelle stepped onto the stage, a glint in her eye and a Bible in her hand. “Now y'all," she drawled, "let's settle this the way the Good Book says – with a bit of wisdom from the Lord himself.”
With that, Great Granny Maybelle opened the Bible to a verse that had been highlighted for generations: “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the Lord” (Matthew 4:4 KJV).
The crowd nodded, taking in the solemnity of the moment. Then, with a twinkle in her eye, Great Granny Maybelle added, "But remember, even the Lord himself wouldn't mind a good biscuit now and then."
The Jelly Biscuit Granny was just as sweet as a Georgia peach in July. Her spirit had a melt-in-your-mouth tenderness that could make a grown man weep. Her motto was a classic southern saying straight from the cotton fields: “Spread love like jelly on a biscuit, and life will be sweeter than a honeysuckle breeze.” This biscuit-making Granny believed in the power of kindness and a good dollop of jelly on every occasion.
On the other side of the oven, we had the Granny Gravy Biscuit. Now, this Granny and her biscuit was as hearty as a barn-raising feast. Both had a robustness that could stand up to the fiercest of gravies and the toughest of mamas. Her mantra was a down-home adage passed down through generations: “Stick to your roots like gravy on a biscuit, and you'll weather any storm that comes your way.” This biscuit-making Granny believed in the strength of tradition and a good ladle of gravy for every belly.
One sunny morning, the townsfolk decided to settle the score once and for all: which biscuit was the best? The
The square erupted in laughter, and the Great Biscuit Showdown commenced. Plates were passed around, and biscuits were piled high with jelly and gravy. Folks bit into the Jelly Biscuit and sighed in delight – it was like a hug from an old friend. Then they tried the Gravy Biscuit and nodded approvingly – it was like a warm blanket on a chilly evening.
After much munching and munching, the verdict was in: it was a tie! The Jelly Biscuit Granny and the Gravy Biscuit Granny were both winners in their own right, proving that there was a time and a place for sweetness and strength, for tenderness and tradition.
And so, in that charming southern town, the Jelly Biscuit Granny and the Gravy Biscuit Granny became a legendary duo, a testament to the wonderful dichotomy of life below the Mason-Dixon line. Great Granny Maybelle's wise words echoed through the years: “Just like these biscuits, we all need a little jelly and a little gravy to make life truly delicious.”
And they all lived biscuitfully ever after.
Mission Cleveland
1165 Church St SE, Cleveland, TN 37311
First Apostolic Church Of Cleveland
4859 Freewill Rd NW, Cleveland, TN 37312
(229) 343-6880
Assembly of God
The Collectives Church
1976 Westland Dr SW, Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 641-0193
Triune Assembly
301 Sunset Drive
Cleveland, TN 37312
Antioch Baptist Church
2807 Old Alabama Rd. SW
McDonald, TN 37353
Beacon Baptist Church
505 Corvin Rd NE, Cleveland, TN 37323
(423) 472-7056
Bellefounte Baptist Church
132 Bellfounte Rd NE, Cleveland, TN 37312
(423) 336-2312
Bethel Baptist Tabernacle
3165 Buchanan Rd SE, Cleveland, TN 37323
(423) 479-5820
Berean Baptist Church
2355 Bucks Pocket Rd SE, Old Fort, TN 37362
(423) 478-1697
Big Spring Baptist Church
1415 Hardwick St SE, Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 472-1101
Blue Springs Baptist Church
699 Blue Springs Church Rd SW, Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 472-0932
Candies Creek Church
294 Old Eureka Rd
Charleston, TN 37310
(423) 479-3731
Cedar Springs Baptist Church
723 Cedar Springs Church Rd SE, Cleveland, TN 37323
(423) 479-5506
Center Point Baptist Church
1205 Lower River Rd NW
Charleston, TN 37310
(423) 336-2133
Cleveland Cowboy Church
3040 Blythe Rd.
Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 476-7936
Cloverleaf Baptist Church
2290 Waterlevel Highway
Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 339-3617
Clingan Ridge Baptist Church
2412 Georgetown Road, NW Cleveland, TN 37312
(423) 472-3511
Covenant Baptist Church
249 Calhoun Rd SE, Cleveland, TN 37323
(423) 559-2653
Dalton Pike Baptist Church
3055 Benton Pike NE, Cleveland, TN 37323
(423) 472-7606
East Cleveland Baptist Church
1145 Arnold St NE, Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 472-8728
Echos of Mercy Baptist Church
535 Durkee Rd SE, Cleveland, TN 37323
(423) 715-9739
Elkmont Baptist Church
4030 Old Freewill Rd NW, Cleveland, TN 37312
(423) 479-4600
Emmanuel Baptist Church
1227 Powerline Dr NE, Cleveland, TN 37323
Farmland Community Church
1675 Greendale Dr. SE
Cleveland, TN 37323
(423) 473-9891
First Baptist Church
1275 Stuart Road
Cleveland, Tennessee 37312
(423) 709-9100
Galilee Baptist Church
665 Old Chattanooga Pike SW, Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 496-2019
Henegar Baptist Church
7423 Mouse Creek Rd. Cleveland, TN 37312
Hopewell Baptist Church
188 Old Georgetown Rd NW, Cleveland, TN 37312
(423) 479-3763
Lebanon Baptist Church
1411 Old Parksville Rd NE, Cleveland, TN 37323
(423) 479-6700
Macedonia Baptist Church
3119 Spring Place Rd SE, Cleveland, TN 37323
(423) 479-1713
Maple Street Baptist Church
1700 Maple St NE, Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 478-3622
Maranatha Baptist Church
453 Blue Springs Ln SE, Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 614-8991
Michigan Avenue Baptist Church
2741 Benton Pike NE, Cleveland, TN 37323
(423) 472-8891
Mt Carmel Baptist Church
7619 Blue Springs Rd, Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 479-1620
New Friendship Baptist Church
1344 Chatata Valley Rd NE, Cleveland, TN 37323
(423) 476-6007
New Salem Baptist Church
175 Ladd Springs Rd, Cleveland, TN 37323
North Cleveland Baptist Church
2815 Ocoee St N, Cleveland, TN 37312
(423) 476-8524
Oak Grove Baptist Church
4452 Bates Pike SE, Cleveland, TN 37323
(423) 479-9125
Old Pathway Baptist Church
224 Rymer Rd NE, Cleveland, TN 37323
Parkway Baptist Church
185 Meadow Ln SE, Cleveland, TN 37323
(423) 339-5522
Philadelphia Baptist Church
910 30th St SE, Cleveland, TN 37323
Philippi Baptist Church
2325 Old Harrison Pike NW, Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 479-5385
Pleasant Grove Baptist Church
799 Inman Street East
Cleveland, Tennessee 37311
(423) 476-4081
Public Church
850 17th St. NW
Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 458-4405
Ridgeview Baptist Church
1501 S Ocoee St, Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 472-5119
Samples Memorial Baptist Church
371 Samples Chapel Rd SE, Cleveland, TN 37323
(423) 476-2329
Shenandoah Baptist Church
138 Osment Rd SE, Cleveland, TN 37323
(423) 339-0103
Shiloh Baptist Church
357 Highway 64
Ocoee, TN 37361
(423) 338-4292
Shiloh Baptist Church
3406 Blair Rd NW, Cleveland, TN 37312
(423) 479-5755
Stuart Park Baptist Church
850 17th St NW, Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 472-6741
Tasso Baptist Church
164 Old Charleston Rd NE, Cleveland, TN 37312
(423) 559-2114
Temple Baptist Church
3070 Harrison Pike, Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 476-6813
Thompson Spring Baptist Church
5660 Bates Pike SE, Cleveland, TN 37323
(423) 790-1823
Union Baptist Church
797 Hughes Lake Rd SE, Cleveland, TN 37323
(423) 559-1720
Valley View Baptist Church
4657 Spring Place Rd SE, Cleveland, TN 37323
(423) 472-7707
Washington Avenue Baptist Church
1720 Perry St SE, Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 472-0489
Waterville Baptist Church
4555 Dalton Pike SE, Cleveland, TN 37323
(423) 472-5582
West Cleveland Baptist Church
1959 Westland Dr SW, Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 472-8927
Westwood Baptist Church
4001 Georgetown Rd NW, Cleveland, TN 37312
(423) 472-1534
White Oak Baptist Church
2043 White Oak Valley Rd NW, Cleveland, TN 37312
(423) 559-2359
St Therese Catholic Church
900 Clingan Ridge Dr NW, Cleveland, TN 37312
(423) 476-8123
Charismatic Cleveland Christian Fellowship
695 S Ocoee St, Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 476-2642
Church of Christ
North Bradley Church of Christ
1510 Stuart Road NE, Suite 207
Cleveland, TN 37312
(423) 473-3298
Church of God
Community Chapel Church of God
807 Blythe Ave SE
Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 479-2143
Cornerstone Church of God
1826 SE Dalton Pike
Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 478-0006
Church of God Sanctified, Inc.
746 First Street N.E.
Cleveland, TN. 37311
(423) 479-3895
East Cleveland Church of God
900 15th St NE
Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 479-3389
Fellowship of Praise Church of God
931 Inman Street East
Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 479-3121
Grace Community Church of God
4745 Mouse Creek Road NW, Cleveland, TN 37312.
(423) 614-0708
Heritage Fellowship Church
4635 South Lee Hwy
McDonald, TN 37353
(423) 476-6316
International Worship Center
Centro Internacional de Adoración
533 Central Ave. NE, Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 476-1977
Kinser Church of God
141 Kinser Road
Cleveland, TN 37323
(423) 476-7400
Lakeview Community Church
105 Pound Street SE
Cleveland, TN 37323
North Cleveland Church of God
335 11th St NE, Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 476-5513
Michigan Avenue Church of God
515 Minnis Road NE
(423) 284-7573
Mt Olive Church of God
3522 Harrison Pike,
Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 479-3381
Mt View Church of God
210 Roadway Dr SE, Cleveland, TN 37323
(706) 455-3528
Pine Hill Church of God
1484 Old Alabama Rd
McDonald, TN 37353
(423) 488-0939
South Cleveland Church of God
1846 Volunteer Dr SW, Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 476-6382
Westmore Church of God
2440 Legacy Pkwy NW
Cleveland, TN 37312
(423) 479-3415
Cleveland Spanish COGOP
2610 Grove Ave.
Cleveland, TN 37312
(423) 473-7199
Durkee Road COGOP
201 Durkee Rd.
Cleveland, TN 37312
(423) 472-4384
Keith Street Ministries COGOP
4000 Keith ST. NW
Cleveland, TN 37312
(423) 476-2448
Peerless Road COGOP
3301 Peerless Rd.
NW Cleveland, TN 37312
(423) 303-2680
Spring Place COGOP
2530 Spring Place Rd.
Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 476-6414
Union Grove COGOP
533 Union Grove Rd
Charleston, TN 37310
(423) 479-5357
Wildwood COGOP
140 Wildwood Ave
Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 479-6584
The Church of God
The Church of God Jerusalem Acres
1826 Dalton Pike SE
Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 472-1597
Fellowship in Christ
1025 Beech Circle NW
Cleveland TN 37312
(423) 314-2382
First Christian Church
3625 N. Ocoee Street
Cleveland, TN 37312
(423) 472-6682
Saint Luke’s Episcopal Church
320 Broad St NW, Cleveland, TN 37311
First Lutheran Church
195 McIntire Ave NE, Cleveland, TN 37312
(423) 472-6811
Latter-day Saints
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
4200 Pryor Rd N.E.
Cleveland, TN 37312
(423) 503-6394
Big Springs Methodist Church
1196 Hardwick St SE, Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 476-5242
Black Fox United Methodist
1820 Old Chattanooga Pike SW, Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 339-1908
Broad Street United Methodist
155 Central Ave NW, Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 476-5586
First United Methodist Church
3425 Ocoee St N, Cleveland, TN 37312
(423) 476-4504
Mt. Zion Methodist Church
7223 Georgetown Rd Cleveland, TN 37312
Pleasant Grove Community Church
3043 Pleasant Grove Church Rd SW Cleveland, TN 37311
Red Hill United Methodist Church
527 Red Hill Valley Road SE
Cleveland, TN 37323
(423) 728-5413
Tasso United Methodist
1106 Tasso Ln NE, Cleveland, TN 37312
(423) 479-4457
Trinity United Methodist Church
731 1st St SE, Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 614-7900
Valley Head Methodist Church
920 Mouse Creek Rd NW, Cleveland, TN 37312
(423) 472-0575
Wesley Memorial Methodist
3405 Peerless Rd NW, Cleveland, TN 37312
(423) 472-9578
Faith Memorial Church
910 17th St NW, Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 476-6281
First United Pentecostal Church
4095 Peerless Rd NW, Cleveland, TN 37312
(423) 476-9436
Revolution Life Church
1525 Jones Ave SW, Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 310-7287
Full Gospel House of Prayer 1500 Wildwood Ave. Cleveland, TN
Set Free Christian Fellowship
1175 King Edwards Ave.
Cleveland, TN
Cleveland, TN 37312
(423) 476-8133
Church At Grace Point
2595 Old Freewill Rd NW, Cleveland, TN 37312
(423) 728-5050
Cleveland Community Chapel
1823 Forest Ridge Dr.
Cleveland, TN 37311
Cleveland Cornerstone Church
533 Broad St NW,
Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 479-1775
Community Hall Church
1305 6th Street
Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 472-2178
Crossroads Community Church
1000 South Lee Highway
Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 716-2871
Dwelling Place Church International
523 Urbane Road NE
Cleveland, TN 37312
(423) 790-5200
Evening Light Gospel
200 20th St SE
Cleveland, TN 37311
Freedom Fellowship Church
3555 Blue Springs Rd, Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 478-0654
God’s Family Fellowship
2823 South Lee Hwy
Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 458-4490
Graceway Chapel
221 14th St NW, Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 728-2226
Jacob’s Tent Fellowship
1080 Montgomery Ave NE, Cleveland, TN 37311
Eleven22 Church
1701 South Lee Hwy
Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 488-4526
The Journey Church
3191 South Lee Hwy, McDonald, TN 37353
(423) 728-4100
Living By Faith Ministries
1175 King Edward Avenue
Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 457-9072
Living Stones Church
4165 Peerless Rd NW
Cleveland, TN 37312
Living Word Church
930 25th Street NW
Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 339-3028
1203 Smith Dr.
Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 478-2843
Tasso Christian Church
1135 Tasso Lane, Cleveland, TN 37312
(423) 479-2705
1175 King Edward Avenue SE
Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 380-8802
Tri-State Cowboy Church
200 Natures Trail SW, McDonald, TN 37353 (Building 3)
(423) 303-8954
United Christian Church
2200 Peerless Rd NW, Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 479-4277
Unity Christian Ministries
2419 Georgetown Rd NW
Cleveland, TN 37312
(423) 473-9338
Walker Valley Community
787 Lauderdale Memorial Hwy
Cleveland, TN 37312
(423) 336-9696
Charleston Cumberland
Presbyterian Church
8267 N Lee Hwy, Cleveland, TN 37312
(423) 336-5004
First Cumberland Presbyterian
161 2nd St NE, Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 476-6751
First Presbyterian Church
433 N Ocoee St, Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 476-5584
Flint Springs Cumberland Presbyterian Church
515 Flint Springs Rd
Cleveland TN. 37323
(423) 284-6397
Prospect United Cumberland Presbyterian Church
310 New Murraytown Rd. NW, Cleveland, TN 37312
(423) 476-6181
St James Cumberland Presbyterian 151 Short St NE, Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 472-5762
Trinity Presbyterian PCA 1780 Stuart Rd. NE, Cleveland, TN 37312
(423) 559-9595
Seventh Day Adventist
Cleveland First Church Of The Nazarene
2712 Henderson Ave.
Cleveland, TN 37312
New Hope Church of the Nazarene
4514 Waterlevel Highway
Cleveland, TN 37312
(423) 473-3379
Benton Pike House Of Prayer
2615 Peach Orchard Hill Rd, Cleveland, TN 37323
Christian Fellowship Ctr
895 6th St NE, Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 479-9591
Church Alive Ministries
6315 Mouse Creek Road NW,
Mount Zion Prayer Center
650 25th Street NW
Cleveland, TN 37312
(423) 478-5044
New Life Bible Church
155 S Ocoee St, Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 472-3882
Redemption To The Nations
2750 Keith Street NW, Cleveland, TN 37312
(423) 591-7886
Restoration Fellowship
211 Trewhitt Dr SE, Cleveland, TN 37323
(423) 479-4249
Rock Bridge Community Church
3635 Georgetown Rd, Cleveland, TN 37312
(423) 641-1485
The Sanctuary
Bowman Hills Adventist 300 Westview Dr NE
Cleveland, TN 37312
Cleveland Fellowship Church 211 Trewhitt Drive
Cleveland, TN 37323
(423) 400-7054
East Cleveland Seventh-Day 801 Howard Circle SE
Cleveland, TN 37311
(423) 476-9299
Ladd Springs Seventh-Day 5860 Bates Pike SE
Cleveland, TN 37323
(423) 476-1889
Zion Assembly
Zion Assembly Church of God
5512 Waterlevel Hwy, Cleveland, TN 37323
(423) 476-3337
“Legacy is truly an answer to prayer. When we read the mission statement about serving residents in a Biblically based community, we knew we found the right place. The atmosphere is what Mom needed to continue fulfilling her purpose in life.” – Daughter of Resident