Table of Contents 4
2015 New Year’s Message Sing a New Song
Monthly Sermon Lord, If You Are Willing
Salvation Testimony When Jesus Takes Control
Life Testimony Life Inside of Church
Special Articles 2015 Dallas Winter Camp Mexico English Camp Workshop Mahanaim Bible Seminar with Pastor Ock Soo Park
For hundreds of millions of years, the earth could not change on its own. But
Missionary’s Testimony God gave me the Dream to be a Missionary
Gospel Lesson Who is my Neighbor?
Preaching the Gospel to the Ends of the Earth
when the Word of God said "Let there be light," there was light; each time God spoke, the land changed. Just like that, whatever saddness, worries or problems we have can be overcome by just one Word of God entering our hearts. During this Bible
Brother, Do You Have a Father?
Seminar, the amazing Word of God flowered into hope in the hearts of the attendees. (Photo: Pastor Ock Soo Park as main speaker at Bible Seminar in New York. Photo by Jin Wook Kim)
the churches in Korea have significantly changed. In the past, the pastors and their wives would be unwilling to share their hearts as we prepare for World Camps and conferences. Now, they cannot wait to share their testimonies of how God is working within their
2015 New Year’s Message:
Sing A New Song
lives. This doesn’t mean that we haven’t had our share of difficulties. Satan was working hard to persecute our church. There was even the prosecutor’s investigation. However, within the church the conversations continued to flow and everyone is getting along so well. As we encountered difficulties, the brothers and sisters around
Hello, brothers and sisters around the world. 2015 is a grand new chapter in the history of our lives.
the world stayed up all night to pray together. It was through these prayers that I am able to stand in front of you this evening. I get
Since the beginning of our church 50 years ago, God has been
emotional just seeing how strongly God was working through the
with our mission until now. Many brothers and sisters have loved
Holy Spirit. These challenges have influenced us. We are different
the Lord with fervent hearts after becoming saved. However, there
from who we were last year. For us to greet the New Year amongst
are many who have become complacent. They are full of passion
all this is truly touching and moving. Now 2015, the New Year has
for their flesh which hinders them from moving forward in faith.
begun. I am thankful that God will work in our missions not only in
Many are led by their flesh because they are unable to accurately
Korea, but the United States, Africa, Kenya, India, Russia, the many
resolve these issues. The truth is, born again churches are unable
islands in the Pacific Ocean, Bulgaria, and many countries.
to last very long without a secure faith in God. If we can overcome this hurdle, God will bless our church immensely. I can see evidence of how God is working within our church. During the 2013 IYF World Camp, many missionaries came
Folks, today I’d like to read from Hebrews chapter 11, verse 12. “Therefore sprang there even of one, and him as good as dead, so many as the stars of the sky in multitude, and as the sand which is by the sea shore innumerable.”
to Korea from abroad and left with a changed heart. This was
If you join the Gracias choir, you would learn how to sing.
reflected within the hearts of our pastors, and this flame continues
However, God is not teaching us how to sing, but which song to
to grow. Last year in 2014, close to 103 missionaries from around
sing. God has been teaching me to sing a new song. The lyrics to
the world attended the IYF World Camp in Korea. Their hearts
this new song goes something like this: “Everything has changed
changed and this change greatly influenced the churches in Korea.
since my sins were forgiven, Everything has changed since I knew
This change of heart has even impacted the pastors’ wives and
the Lord.”
As I was reading through Genesis, what amazed me was that
as Sarah. “I can’t witness.” “I can’t preach the gospel.” “I can’t
God had also changed the song Sarah, Abraham’s wife, was
work well for the Lord.” “I can’t fast well or give a testimony. I can’t
singing. Folks, do you know what kind of song Abraham’s wife,
even tithe well.” These are the songs that Satan has taught us.
Sarah, was singing? In the past, Sarah would sing, “God has not
Just as God gave Sarah a new song, God is giving us a new song
allowed me to bear children.” “God has not allowed me to bear
as well. “At the time appointed I will return unto thee, according to
children. God has not allowed me to bear children.” This was the
the time of life, and Sarah shall have a son.” (Gen. 18:14) Just as
tune Sarah was singing. She then taught this song to her husband
Sarah had received a new song, I hope that as we enter into the
Abramham and this is how Ishmael was born.
New Year, our old songs will change as well.
However, God taught Sarah a new song.
Abraham and Sarah were not able to change right away. Initially,
God called out, “Sarah, where are you?”
both Abraham and Sarah were unable to accept the new song God
“I’m in the tent.”
had taught them. The transformation occurred from the grace of
“At this set time next year, Sarah shall bear a son.”
God. “I, too, will bear a son. If God allows I, too, can bear a son.”
The song Sarah had been singing was “God did not allow me to
From then on, Abraham and his wife, Sarah, were filled with joy.
bear children,” but God was teaching her a new song. “Sarah shall bear a son.”
Amazing strength began to stir up in them and God taught them a new song, and He worked inside of them and gave them a son
However, Sarah was unable to accept the new song. “I like the
according to His new song.
old song better. I have passed the age of childbearing and I am old.
You too will gain new strength like Sarah
How can I have a son? I can’t have a son.” She kept singing this
In Hebrews 11:11, it says, “Through faith also Sarah herself
song, but God kept telling her, “No, you will have a son.” One day, Sarah began to sing God’s song, the song He taught her.
received strength to conceive seed, and was delivered of a child.” Don’t declare, “I preach the gospel well” when you see it with your own eyes. Although you cannot preach the gospel well,
“I, too, will bear a son.” In the Bible, it says, “By faith Sarah herself also received strength to conceive seed, and she bore a child when she was past the age.” (Heb. 11:11) It was at that point that amazing things began to happen to Sarah.
say, “I can preach the gospel well” through faith. Do you know brother Hong Sub Shim? He was an alcoholic.
God also wants to teach me a new song. In the past, I kept
He drank 7 to 10 bottles of soju
singing the song of a sinner, but God taught me a new song. It
a day. He would look at himself
goes something like this, “I have been redeemed from my sins and
and say, “I can’t quit drinking.
I am now saved.” I have been freed from the old song of being a
Not me. I can’t quit alcohol.” He
sinner and am now singing a new tune for the glory of God.
kept looking at himself within
Folks, there are people in our church who speak the same way 6
his current situation. One day, 7
instead of looking at himself, brother Hong Sub Shim began to
Let us start 2015 as people who are as good as dead, and progress
speak in faith.
by standing in faith as people who can save numerous people, as
I told him to say, “I drank alcohol. But I have quit by faith through
many as the stars in the sky and as the sand covering I hope that all
God’s grace,” as he put down his glass. From that day on, he
of you will become precious workers of God, who can hear God’s
abstained from soju forever. When he believed so, God worked
songs and lead many to salvation. We are people who are as good
accordingly. Let us no longer look at our circumstances, but believe
as dead and unable to even lead one person to salvation. However
in God’s promise.
God has changed us. Let us work to bring salvation to everyone
Now, we are talking about verse 12. “Therefore sprang there
around us.
even of one, and him as good as dead”- we are likewise, dead.
All we need to do is to believe in the Word. Sarah may have been
Sarah could have never conceived a child if it wasn’t for God’s
unable to give birth without God’s grace, but she believed in the
grace. God brought life to this world through an inconceivable
Word. From then on, strength began to arise in Sarah. She gained
manner. Sarah’s child was as good as dead if it wasn’t for God’s
strength to conceive. Then one day, her belly began to swell. Finally,
she had a child, Isaac. Isaac married and had Jacob and Esau, Jacob
”Therefore sprang there even of one, and him as good as dead, so many as the stars of the sky in multitude, and as the sand which is by the sea shore innumerable.“
had 12 sons, and they had children, innumerable as the stars in the sky and as the sand in the sea to create the land of Israel. As the Words in Hebrews 11:12 says, ”Therefore sprang there
Sarah said, “The Lord hath restrained me from bearing.” (Gen
even of one, and him as good as dead, so many as the stars of
16:2) But one day, she learned a new song from God. She began to
the sky in multitude, and as the sand which is by the sea shore
sing, “I, too, will have a son. I, too, will gain a child.”
innumerable“- God wants to work within you.
Let us change our songs like how Sarah had changed hers.
Tonight everyone, believe in God. Believe that you have been
We’ve changed our song once before, have we not? We may have
created to attune to His songs. I have faith that God will bear many
once said, “I’m a sinner. I’m evil. I have a lot of sins.” Let us change
precious fruits through you, for His happiness and glory. In 2015, I
our song to, “Now, I’m righteous. I’m clean. I’m holy.”
believe God will work to give life to countless people around us.
Let us go forward with a new attitude. “When I preach the
Thank you.
gospel, people will receive salvation.” “I’m lacking, but I can preach the gospel and serve God well because God is working within me.” “I can speak about the Bible well, and I can even testify well.” “What can’t I do if God changes me?” I hope you will sing such songs of faith. Although it seems like we are people who are as good as dead, let us have this faith, ‘So many as the stars of the sky in multitude, and as the sand which is by the sea shore innumerable.’ 8
Watch the New Year's Message on Vimeo. vimeo.com/115711531
This Month's Sermon
Lord, If You Are Willing, I Will Be Made Whole Pastor Ock Soo Park | Good News Gangnam Church
"In those days the multitude being very great, and having nothing to eat, Jesus called his disciples unto him, and saith unto them, I have compassion on the multitude, because they have now been with me three days, and have nothing to eat: And if I send them away fasting to their own houses, they will faint by the way: for divers of them came from far. His leprosy was made whole at once." (Mark 8:1-3) Drawing external power
Jesus came to this earth through the Word of God. I have heard that scientists say that there is no energy within the Earth, but there is energy coming from an external source which powers the earth. This is true. In Genesis chapter 1, the earth was without form, void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. The earth was not able to cast away the formlessness, void, and darkness. We see that the Word of God has the power to cast away the emptiness. The ground transforms into a beautiful image bearing fruits and blossoming flowers. We can’t defeat the sinful nature within us. Sin enters our hearts and reigns 10
The leper who came before Jesus was not handsome, intelligent, or wealthy. He was a leper like every other leper. The only difference is Jesus entered his heart one day. over the darkness within us, and we don’t have the power to cast that out. God said, “Let there be light.” The light came and casted the darkness away from the earth. It is the same within our hearts. The lepers who were healed all shared the same heart
After Jesus speaks to the people in Matthew chapters 5 through 7, in chapter 8 a great multitude follows Him as He comes down the mountain. A certain leper comes to Jesus and bows, saying, “Lord if you are willing you can make me clean.” Jesus says, “I am willing,” and his disease was healed. One day, as I was reading this Word I thought to myself: “There must be a ton of lepers in Israel, but why didn’t they think of this? Furthermore, how did this leper have the heart that Jesus would heal his leprosy if he came before him?” If all the lepers had the heart that they would be healed if they went before Jesus, they, too, would have found Jesus and their leprosy would have been healed. The leper who came before Jesus was not handsome, intelligent, or wealthy. He was a leper like every other leper. The only difference was that Jesus entered his heart one day. The leper must have lived such a joyful life after returning to his family after being healed from his leprosy. Why did not all the lepers go to Jesus? They were despised and separated from their loving families, and why would they live in a dark cave so pitifully? The difference was not due to being handsome, intelligent, wealthy, powerful, or doing many good things. The healed leper had a heart different from the other lepers. 11
In John 15, Jesus says I am the vine and you are the branches.
God works to build faith in us.
When he heard about Jesus, he realized how much power He had and the ability to heal his disease. He said to himself, “If that is the case, if Jesus is willing, he could make me whole!” The leper had the heart that only Jesus could heal his leprosy! The leper did not create this heart, but God formed it inside him. Other lepers thought it’s so painful to have leprosy. “I miss my family. I was a good business person and now I have to live in this dark cave. How can I live in hunger every day like this?” They were bitter about being lepers, but they did not seek the path to be healed. He did not hesitate to meet Jesus
The leper who came before Jesus was neither handsome, intelligent, nor did he have a lot of money. He was just like every other leper. The only difference was that the heart of Jesus entered his heart. One day, he heard someone say that Jesus could heal diseases, and he was the Son of God showing miracles and powers. When he heard that news, he came to have the heart that if Jesus is the son of God, then any disease could be healed by Jesus, and even his disease would be healed! He did not hesitate to meet Jesus. He was not able to enter the town Jesus was in because lepers were forbidden. He heard that Jesus was preaching at the mountain top, and waited for Jesus at the base of the mountain. When he saw Jesus coming down from the mountain, he says, “Lord, if you are willing you can make me clean.” I am like the leper
I was just like this leper when I was saved in 1962. Before 12
I met Jesus, I would blame my destiny and wished that I had made lots of money. I had no way to free myself from poverty, and no way to defeat my concerns and worries. I was a sinful, filthy, and evil person. One day, I was suffering and prayed asking for forgiveness of sins. I always prayed like that, and afterwards my sins were still there, but that day was different. God created a new heart in me. Saying, “Of course my sin was washed away at the cross.” If Jesus was crucified on the cross, then my sins are washed! My sins are reconciled on the cross! After I discovered my sins were washed, Jesus entered my heart. I started to change. It was just like an abandoned field which was full of weeds compared to a good field, which a farmer ploughed. The farmer will till the ground to rid the weeds and make a clean field, and afterwards, plant sweet potatoes, potatoes, and cabbage. Everything the farmer plants sprouts into delicious vegetables. My heart transformed in that way. Before, I was filled with worries, hatred, ambition, shame of sin, and despair. Just like the weeds in the field that mess everything up, those things were tangled in my heart. After Jesus entered my heart, every time I read the Bible I could see the Word build my heart, piece by piece. The Lord would be pleased if I preach the gospel. So I should preach the gospel! I should live for Jesus! I should share this Word with that person! I could feel Jesus filling my heart with joy and hope. In John chapter 15, Jesus says, “I am the vine and you are the branches, and your father is the farmer.” God is not the farmer who plants cabbage, potatoes, or sweet potatoes. God plants faith in our hearts. After being saved, the more I read 13
Ambitions, complaints, hatred, and arrogance led their hearts
before, Now God stirred a heart of hope towards Jesus and now
the Bible, the deeper I was able to accept the Word. I could see faith was planted in my heart and the Word living and working which led me to bear many fruits. My sins were so great that it seemed it never would be white as snow
Matthew chapter 8 speaks about a leper who was separated from his family for a long time and lived in the dark caves of the leper town. If his family did not send him food he would starve. He was too weak to do anything for himself. How could this leper end his life? One day he overheard some people talking. There is a person named Jesus, and He can heal diseases. When he heard that, he thought to himself, “Could this be the Messiah? He could be the Messiah. When the Messiah comes, He will deliver us from our suffering, and He could deliver me from my leprosy.” Until then he never thought there would be someone who could deliver him from leprosy. I am still the same. I attended church from a young age but I thought it would be impossible for my sins to be washed as white as snow. I lied, hated, and was arrogant.., I sinned daily. The sins I committed outwardly were many, and the sins I committed inwardly were so great that it seemed that my sins would never become white as snow. When I look back I could see my days were filled with failures, and I discovered that I was a failure. I was deeply wrapped in sin. I am too evil. If I had another chance at life I do not want to live like this. If I were 15 years old again, I would live a better life. One day God made me think about the crucifixion of Jesus. When I thought about how Jesus died in my place. He washed my sins! 14
that hope leads them.
My heart was no longer like the abandoned field, full of weeds. God began to create a new field in my heart, piece by piece. A heart that I did not have before came upon me as I read the Bible. God will work through me! I must preach the gospel! I must tell people that their sins are washed! God stirred so many new thoughts in me that I could not number them.
Hope led his footsteps to come before Jesus
2 Kings 5 talks about General Naaman who listens to his maid servant and visits Prophet Elisha in Samaria. He thinks, “I will meet the man of God and I will be healed of my leprosy according to what my maid servant said. There is puss and stench excreted from my body, but now I will be cleaned and free from this suffering! I can live a brighter future! I will be free from leprosy!” He took his soldiers and rode from Damascus to Samaria. The leper who went before Jesus started his footsteps to meet Jesus because he felt that Jesus could heal his disease. Once the faith and hope in Jesus arose, this heart lead his footsteps to go before Jesus. Before, ambition, blamefulness, hatred, and arrogance had dragged his heart. God stirred hope towards Jesus and that hope now leads him. As long as he was going out to Jesus, he was walking, step by step, in hope. When Jesus met the leper, He said, “I am willing and be cleansed.” Immediately, his leprosy was healed. According to the Law of Moses, he went before the priest to be pronounced clean before he returned back to his family. “Kids, daddy is home!!” “Daddy, you can come into the town now?” 15
“Yes, my leprosy is completely healed! We can all live together now! I know it was tough until now right? Daddy is going to get a job, and buy you nice clothes and delicious meals.” “Daddy, this is so great that we can live together!” We can imagine this type of wonderful dialogue once the leper is cleansed and returns back to his family. God’s heart will lead us into the New Year
He was a leper like all the other lepers, but when God stirred a heart towards Jesus, he began to live a new life. Just like how people plant seeds to reap the fruits, even now, God is planting the seeds of the Word to reap fruit. We do not realize the true joy behind relying on and hoping for God. God will establish His heart within us for this New Year. This heart will lead us through the year. People will be saved through us, and I believe we will bear the fruits that please God.
Pastor Ock Soo Park Pastor Park is currently the senior pastor of the Good News Gangnam Church. He is the founder of the Mahanaim Cyber Theology School and International Youth Fellowship. Annually he is the guest speaker for Bible Crusades domestically and internationally and serves as a guest lecturer to university students. He is the author of several titles such as: The Secret of Forgiveness of Sin and Being Born Again, Repentance and Faith, Navigating the Heart. These books have been translated in 17 different languages, and in addition he is the author of 40 other books on spiritual life.
Salvation Testimony
When Jesus Takes Control Katherine Johnson | Anchorage Good News Church
I had to resign from my job in May because I was having a lot of health issues. For a long time, I suffered from hypothyroidism, osteoarthritis, psoriatic arthritis, depression, and on top of all of that, a year and a half before I resigned, I fell off a ladder and fractured my foot. As I was healing from the fracture at home, I accidently fell down some stairs. The doctor told me that because of the extent of the injury, my foot would never heal properly unless I have surgery. I still had a lot of swelling and pain, but I would continue to go to work with my arthritis and fractured foot pain. Because of that, I was having a lot of depression issues and the doctors had to keep adjusting my hypothyroidism medication. I was having a lot of problems just trying to remember the small things in my every day activities and life. This was becoming a huge problem at work. I would 18
be standing there, trying to remember how to work the POS (Point of Sale) system that I had worked on hundreds of times, over and over. I knew that something was wrong with not being able to remember things. This added stress and fatigue, and I knew I had to do something. I didn’t want the business to fail because of me, so I surrendered my 51% ownership of the gift shop at that time. It was very much an added relief for me after I quit. I was able to let my body somewhat heal. The stress and fatigue was being eliminated slowly, although I was still having a lot of the arthritis pain. It took several months for me to start feeling okay again. During my recovery I got connected with the church through my neighbor Kay Landon. I've known Kay for about 10 years now. It started out when I would run into her while she was working at Walmart. We would always strike up a conversation when we saw each other, and this would happen periodically through the years and through neighborhood garage/yard sales. The neighborhood was having our annual garage sale, and Kay was participating in it, so I went over to say, hi. I told her a lot about what was going on in the last couple of years, and said that I quit my job. So for about 5 years now, she’s been trying to get me to come over for coffee, and I told her that I finally have free time to come over and speak to her. She told me we should get together for that cup of coffee. And so I started going over for coffee, and the pastor started coming over to talk to me about the Bible. Then, we started talking about what Jesus had done for me and how he paid for my sins. I started accepting the Word, little by little. Now on every Tuesday, I get together with the pastor for our Bible studies and through that I started having more faith. The words that came to my heart strongly are the words in 19
Salvation Testimony
Taking a break with short-term missionaries
1 Corinthians 6:11, “And such were some of you: but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the spirit of our God.” This is the verse that came to my heart and spoke to me. The Bible says, if you ask, then you shall receive. Through the past many years, I have had a lot of health problems, such as hypothyroidism, arthritis, depression, high cholesterol, psoriasis, and was on so many different medications. However, one day, I decided that I shouldn't have to take any of these medications anymore. The Bible says that I am washed, I am sanctified, I am justified, and I believe these words. Now, I believe that He took all of my sins away and all my sicknesses away as well. Since the middle of October 2014 until today, I have not taken any medication. Through the pastor, and the Word that he preached to me, I gained the faith to quit all of my medication. Before being saved, Jesus wasn’t working actively in my life; in fact, He could not because I was not saved. Now, I’m learning to let Jesus take control of everything. I can’t succeed 20
Listening to the Word in Gospel class
in anything without my Lord and Savior. For most of my upbringing, I was raised Baptist. I was always taught that I had to repent for my sins and ask for forgiveness. Now, I know the true meaning of God’s Word, that when Jesus died on the cross, He paid for all of my sins. I hope to see everybody in my life to know, trust, and have faith in God’s Words. I have a question for everyone- If someone is knocking at your door with loads of gifts of all kinds of treasures and blessings, are you going to keep that person waiting, or will you answer the door? I pray that you answer your door. I also pray that everybody that you know will answer their doors as well. God is waiting. I hope to continue speaking to the pastor and to continue to grow in faith. I also hope to glorify God through the church.
Life Testimony
Life Inside of Church Rosanna Perch | Good News Manhattan Church
What is “church”? Before I received salvation, “church” was a place I went to, sometimes. It was a place where people sang hymns and gathered to worship God before eating cookies and talking about football. Before I received salvation, “church” was only a place and a time between 10:00-11:30 on Sunday morning. Now, God shows me the true heart and meaning of Church, the righteous body of Jesus Christ where His strength, safety, and the glory of His promises are revealed to me through the servants of God, and among the brothers and sisters. Through fellowship within Church God continues to shed light on my heart, making a clear delineation between what is coming from God and what is coming from the enemy. And, though many things happened in 2014, God taught my heart a huge lesson at the end of the year. Just before Thanksgiving 2014, a job opportunity opened up for me. By taking this new job, my salary would double making the switch a very attractive proposition. Before making any move, Pastor sat down with me and gave a rather serious fellowship saying, “This
is a lot of grace, this is good for you, for the Gospel, and work hard.” But then followed up with, “Sister, do a checkup on your heart, if this job is not for the Gospel, surely it will cause a lot of trouble.” I didn’t listen. Instead, I lied, withholding parts of the truth from both my former employers and prospective employers. And just when I thought everything was fine, one employer asked the one question I wasn’t expecting and then everything fell apart. Instead of going to a new job, I was going to “no job”. Pastor had fellowship with me again and said that this was a good and important lesson, “God broke down everything in the life of Naaman’s little maidservant to establish faith in her heart. God will break down everything to make you believe Him to make you trust Him. Don’t try to find the answer. Through this situation, re-examine your heart.” Instead of finding a new job, Pastor asked me to join the Christmas Cantata Donations team. All along the way, God was allowing me chances to see how He works. God was opening the hearts of people I and my team members met on the street to donate to the Cantata. God led me to invite people to the Cantata and share His hope and joy. This was a prelude to God showing me more of how He works when I can’t. As December was coming to a close and Mexico English Camp approached, without a job and with an empty bank account, I still needed to pay for my camp fee and also money for January’s church rent. Pastor told me that I should ask my family for help. At first, I was really worried. I didn’t want to have to explain to them how I became unemployed and was in need in the first place because I was afraid of their judgment. instead of excepting God’s righteous 23
Life Testimony
Ushering for Christmas Cantata in New York, United Palace Theater With Good News Manhattan church youth members
judgment, that I am washed, sanctified, and justified, I was just seeing myself as “unemployed” and “fired”. Days before the English Camp, after a Sunday sermon about Naaman, a famous general humbling his heart and heeding the servant of God, God pushed my heart to stop procrastinating and ask my parents about helping me with the Mexico English Camp fee. After being upset with me, my Dad gave me $400 dollars for the camp fee. Additionally, my older sister and brother in-law, plus their extended family took up a collection to help as well! Then upon returning to Manhattan after English camp, our Manhattan Church rent was up for payment. God pricked my heart about ignoring Pastor’s words to ask my family for help with rent, too. But, this time it was different, God asked me to reconsider, quickly. Didn’t God give my family the heart to help with Mexico? So why would it be different when I asked about church rent? Through my younger sister, who is currently living and working in Japan, God prepared 300,000 yen. That was it! All this time, because I had been 24
so busy working, I couldn’t see how much and gloriously God wanted to work. Satan was busy crafting a framework of distrust in my heart that I didn’t even notice until God took away my employment. In my heart, I was so thankful because I felt God really wanted to remove a lot of self-trust in my heart and put faith there. In Church, God allowed me to see my true image and begin to turn around from trusting my thoughts that ruin everything and believe the Word that makes all things possible, even saving, “a wretch like me.” This year, instead of relying on my work and my effort, I feel God wants to give me the heart to wait for Him to reveal His work. He also wants me to believe on the efforts of Jesus Christ on the cross that washed away sin and made Him the channel through which God can lead my life. Brother Douglas from the Gracias Choir and I are engaged, and I am very hopeful in my heart about how God will continue to share the heart of God through us with our families and people we know. I don’t know what this year will bring, but day by day, certainly, God will give His strength and His hope in my heart through His Word, His servants, and His church. Hallelujah! 25
Special Article 2015 Dallas Winter Camp
The Dallas Winter Camp Opens a New Page of the Gospel in North America
From December 28, 2014 to January 1, 2015, over 400 English Camp volunteers and 1,600 brothers and sisters of various American and Canadian cities gathered together at the Hayatt Regency Hotel in Dallas, Texas. This winter retreat not only had diverse performances and events, but it was also full of the Word, spreading promises and hope to all who attended.
Special Article 2015 Dallas Winter Camp Audiences’ Review
Special Article 2015 Dallas Winter Camp Audiences’ Review
"From now on, I want to spread the true word of righteousness for my homeland, Myanmar."
"I’m so thankful when I think how my life will continue to amazingly change."
❙ Albert Kab
❙ Margaret Sanders
Pastor Albert Kab, a former pastor of the 50 member Myanmar Immanuel
Margaret Sanders, was connected to the Miami Good News Church through the
Church in Indianapolis, who was fell into despair after facing a much hardship
Cantata Tour. She says she is very happy to be able to learn more about the Gospel through this winter camp
“Moving to Nashville, I was suffering and I could not resolve it my own. My family, my education, and the Words of the Bible, that I led many people with- none of those could save me from death. In the midst of considering suicide, I was connected to the Good News Mission through a Myanmar church member and began to see a new world of the Word. I received forgiveness of sins after realizing that my spiritual life is the same as Cain’s spiritual life in the Bible. And my wife and 3 daughters are currently attending the winter camp here. From now on, I want to spread the true Word of righteousness for my homeland, Myanmar.” 28
Las Vegas, NV
“I was always lonely, and was teased by those around me due to my epilepsy. After listening to the Word, my epilepsy disappeared and I haven’t had any symptoms in over a month. When the minister told me to throw myself away and to believe in Jesus, I was so thankful to God who allowed a worthless, dirty, and filthy person like me to listen to these words. I’m so thankful when I think how my life will continue to amazingly change.”
Special Article 2015 Dallas Winter Camp Audiences’ Review
"I’m so thankful to realize for the first time that the story about the father and the prodigal son is speaking about God and I." ❙ Bensen McClure
Special Article 2015 Dallas Winter Camp Audiences’ Review
"I’ve received the best New Year’s gift." ❙ Sherleen Gabriel
Bensen McClure, Atlanta, happily attending the Dallas Winter Camp with his wife
Sherleen Gabriel, Manhattan Church, wrapped up in a towel having just been baptized at the Dallas Winter Camp
“In 2006, I started attending the Atlanta Good News Church coincidentally while looking for a Korean School with my wife. Every winter camp, I enjoy listening to the words of the Gospel class. The words are clear and they freshen my heart. Until now, I was unable to understand the significance of the parable of the Prodigal Son in Luke chapter 15, or why such importance was placed on it. I’m so thankful to realize for the first time, that the story about the Father and the Prodigal Son is speaking about God and I.”
“I’ve been baptized before, but I had still felt empty, and without meaning. But being baptized along with righteous brothers and sisters, and the fact that I am now righteous and free from sin, truly enters my heart. I’ve received the best New Years’ gift.”
Special Article 2015 Dallas Winter Camp
A new chapter opens for the winter camp, full of expectations & hope Pastor Suk Il Kim of the Dallas Church stated the goal of this winter camp, by saying, “God gathered us here by making us overcome burdens in traveling all the way from Canada and cities all over America. He is awakening and working in our hearts.” The atmosphere became heightened as the night’s performance started off with the energetic dance performances of the Righteous Stars. It was followed by a South American cultural dance, ‘Camino,’ Righteous Stars Dance Performance
Culture Dance, Camino
and a colorful costumed Indian dance, ‘Darak Darak.’ The New York Church prepared a play titled, “No More Condemnation,” about a deserter named Joe, who accepts Queen Victoria’s pardon through faith, and writes a letter confessing his crime. This play deeply imbedded Jesus’ forgiveness in the audiences’ hearts, and brought many to tears through the portrayal of Joe, as our own image- one that had previously suffered in sin. Following suit, the Gracias Choir’s performance was full of a clear and bright melody, signaling a new hope to come in 2015. The first performance by baritone Paul Oh, and Soprano Hyemi Choi, “Worthy is the Lamb,” delivered a powerful energy. The audience burst with applause as flutist Hye In Jung played “My Heart Will Go On,” from the OST of the movie, Titanic. The ensemble performance that followed brought joy to the audience once again.
Gracias Choir performances
Play “No More Condemnation”
Special Article 2015 Dallas Winter Camp
God’s Christmas gift: “The grace of salvation” and “everlasting righteousness” On December 30th at 7pm, The Christmas Cantata took place at Fair Park Music Hall. People waited in long lines to watch the event and all 3,000 seats were filled.
Pastor Gyu Yoon Jo preaches
Pastor Gyu Yoon Jo, preached the words of 2 Kings 5:11 about General Naaman. He spoke about how Naaman is the reflection of our images, as people who are unable to respond to the Word and follow our thoughts instead. Although our situations put us in a humble position like the lepers, we still stand in the position of a hero. He also stressed that when we throw away our goodness and stand as evil sinners before God, He will work. Furthermore, he mentioned 2 Corinthians 4:6, “For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ,”. The pastor said we, too, will be free from darkness if the light is shined upon us. And through this retreat, he hopes for us to shed ourselves and receive the direct guidance of the light to end our emptiness, and to gain a life in which the Word works.
Fair Park Music Hall outdoor scenery
A panorama of the 3,000 seat auditorium, completely full
Special Article 2015 Dallas Winter Camp
The first act presents the Israelites, suffering from Rome’s oppression. The Israelites, who do not open their doors for Jesus when He was to be born, serves as a reflection of our hearts. The shepherds and wise men honor baby Jesus, who is born in a manger by singing, “Noel.” The entire audience was happy and gave glory to the true King, Jesus.
As the Gracias Choir began singing Handel’s “Hallelujah” in the third act, the entire audience stood up to show their solemn appreciation. “Silent Night, Holy Night,” was sung together with the audience in unison. The finale, “God Bless America,” received a passionate response from the audience and concluded the third act in great cheers.
The second stage opened the audiences’ hearts with Christmas melodies full of laughter and dancing. Cheers and applause failed to cease with the second act, portraying the troubles and reconciliation between a workaholic father, Jim, and his son, Andrew, eager for his father’s love. The audience was submerged into nostalgia and emotion. Pastor Gyu Yoon Jo, delivered the Cantata message that God expects nothing from us. It is God’s Christmas gift to send Jesus to wash away sins through “the grace of salvation” and “everlasting righteousness” for people, whose hearts are as lowly and dirty as the manger. Christmas Cantata attendee, Kerry Hert, Dallas
“I work at the Dallas Children’s Hospital, and was given a ticket as a gift from the family of a child that I look after. I was able to come here with my granddaughters, Jayden and Melany, and my grandson, Tristen. The first act, depicting Jesus’ birth, and the choir’s voice was just so touching. I personally go overseas for mission work in China, and I want to thank you for preaching the gospel in America.” Volunteers who helped prepare the Christmas Cantata
Special Article 2015 Dallas Winter Camp
A united New Year’s service
God managed the weather to send His loving servant
The winter camp attendees were sharing the last day of the year together. As the New Year approached, the entire world shared their New Year service together via video. Pastor Ock Soo Park knew how hard it was to maintain the church, but in the last year, he saw God changing 103 overseas missionaries, domestic missionaries, and brothers and sisters. He was thrilled to share the New Year’s Word of promise to all the churches globally. “Therefore sprang there even of one, and him as good a dead, so many as the stars of the sky in multitude, and as the sand which is by the sea shore innumerable.”- Hebrews 11:12 Through the words of promise of 2015 in Hebrews 11:12, Pastor Park delivered the heart that he received from God to churches all over the world. “Sara enjoyed singing a song of circumstance- ‘the Lord hath restrained me from bearing.’ But one day, God gave Sara’s heart a new song- ‘I will give thee a son also of Sarai.’ Like Sara who, despite her situational cessation, received the strength to conceive through accepting a new song, for the New Year, erase the old songs which you previously sang: ‘I can’t witness. I can’t testify. I can’t pray. I can’t serve God. I can’t preach the gospel.’ But sing the new song that God has given you- ‘I’m lacking, but God is with me, so I can preach the Gospel, and I can serve God.’ Let us start off 2015 as people ‘as good as dead,’ to become people of faith who will save countless souls.”
On the last day of the retreat, there was good news for all of the attendees because Pastor Ock Soo Park would be stopping by America before leaving for the South American World Camp. The brothers and sisters, who had been wanting to meet the servant of God, rejoiced as they heard this sudden news, and changed their flights to see Pastor Park. Even the brothers and sisters who could not change their flights were able to have their flights changed automatically due to frozen airstrips. The brothers and sisters welcomed Pastor Park with joy and excitement, as Pastor Park greeted each and every person with a handshake. The brothers and sisters were able to experience God who managed the weather to send his loving servant, and were able to feel the heart of God, wanting to work in America through the servant. During the morning sermon, Pastor Park read from Genesis 1:1-12, and delivered the Heart of God towards America. “The ground itself can never chase the darkness away, but just like light appeared when God said, ‘Let there be light,’ the earth which was without form, void, and dark, if even one Word enters the heart, darkness, sadness, and pain are chased away automatically. People with the Word, can live a life of bearing fruit, even when difficulties come.” Although the camp is over and the brothers and sisters have all returned to their homes, we can expect Pastor Ock Soo Park’s New Year message, and the overflowing words of faith heard during the camp will abundantly plant the gospel in North America for 2015.
Special Article 2015 IYF English Camp in Mexico
Special article: 2015 IYF English camp
Brightening the Eyes into a New World
On January 1st, 2015, around 400 American volunteers arrived in Monterey, Mexico for the 4th English Camp, as they watched the first sunrise of the New Year at the border. Although the air of Monterey felt chilly after a 4-day workshop and a 10-hour bus ride, the volunteers passionately ran to their assigned schools as soon as they arrived. The English camp is comprised of a Song & Dance Class, an English class, an English Grammar class, an Academy class, Play class, and etc. For each class, volunteers from America taught and managed the students. Not only did students learn English, but through the IYF mindset, they learned how to open their hearts and how to be freed from their limits by overcoming burdens. More than anything else, they gained a new life, free from sin, through listening to the Gospel. The Mexico English Camp was held in 15 different schools, but on the first day of the camp, I visited the Song & Dance class in the Manuel Gonzalez Rangel School. “Aloha, Aloha Oe, Aloha, Aloha Oe~” Despite 40
the gloomy weather, students were learning a bright Hawaiian dance called “Aloha Oe.” "Get down and get up,” giving instructions slowly in English, the teachers taught one motion at a time. Students did not Camp Specs: care about their pants getting dirty Jan. 1 – Jan. 5, 2015 while they danced, and they weren’t 400 Volunteers shy as they shook their bodies. They 15 Schools 3500 Participants actually looked so adorable, paying careful attention not to forget any of the dance moves. On the second day of the Camp, I visited Jeronimo Siller Middle School, a school located at a high altitude that made it seem very close to the sky. “What kinds of classes will we have today?” The students’ faces were full of curiosity as they waited for class to start. There were various types of students who fidgeted, put their hands into their pockets, or looked only at their notebooks as they introduced themselves. Although they each presented themselves differently, seeing them floundering through their words showed their innocent shyness. Students overcome their lacking images once more as they partook in their classes. The small experience that they gained through overcoming their burdens today, serves as a foundation for them to overcome bigger problems in the future. On the third day of the camp, I met some of the participating students of the Mexico English Camp. Students of Prof. Oziel Hinojosa Garcia Middle School #33, were very busy doing the scavenger hunt with their teachers, when I arrived past lunchtime. They were busy running past classrooms together and completing a mission that required making a human bridge. While everyone was busy running around all over 41
Special Article 2015 IYF English Camp in Mexico
the school, I found one student who was sitting still at the corner of a classroom. She must have hurt her leg, since she was just watching everyone else play the games. I asked her if it wasn’t boring to just watch others play, but I got a very unexpected answer from her.
“I couldn’t even imagine this. I’m truly nothing, but it’s amazing to see that I actually had an influence on someone. All I can say is that it’s through God. Honestly, having been here many times, I can’t remember who I’ve met in which school, their names, or their faces 100%. Even though I spend a great time in Mexico, when I go
“I am little sad because I can’t run around together. How is the camp you ask? It’s really, really fun. More
Eun Hee Kim
really thankful to God that one student remembered
than anything else, what I like most is speaking and
Los Angeles, CA
me and waited for me this much. Listening to the mind
spending time together with the American teachers.
lecture yesterday, I realized that I am a person who really
I’ve been contacting my teacher, Grace, from last year
needs to receive grace from God. Whether I come to Mexico English Camp or not, it’s
through Facebook. She said she’s coming again this
not like that helps or changes anything, but I’m thankful that someone remembers me
year, but she must be busy since I haven’t seen her.
just because I’m together with the camp. Thank you for delivering Yarithza’s heart.”
Yarithza Lara,
Teacher! I really, really, miss you. I couldn’t see you this
English Camp participant
year, but I hope to see you next year.”
She had been waiting a year to meet her teacher from last year. With the description of Teacher Grace that the student gave me, I found Grace to deliver the student’s message of how much she had missed her teacher. Group meeting
back to my life, I’m busy going to school. However, I am
The reason why the Mexico English Camp is loved by the volunteers is because although they went to Mexico to deliver hope, they return home having received hope themselves. There is one student whose life changed after meeting IYF at her school. Now, Gbemi Soyoyoe, who can smile brighter than anyone else, shares her story. “I got to know IYF through the Mexico English Camp
Students participating in outdoor activities
promotion team that came to my school. I attended the IYF Bible study for the first time when the minister asked me to come to the Bible study that was being held at my school. I had listened to countless stories of the Bible since I was a churchgoer, but the words that I heard through IYF were words I had never heard before. Gbemi Soyoyoe
Although I knew that Jesus died for our sins, what I
English Camp volunteer
learned from my previous church was that I have to do good things to receive Jesus’ love. However, the words spoken at the IYF Bible study told me that there was
nothing that I have to do. For sure, I had learned that ‘Jesus will not like us if we do bad things,’ but I was confused since IYF told me that Jesus loves me no matter what I do. So, I started attending the Bible studies, and asking questions. I was really thankful for the words that I am righteous no matter what I do because Jesus already died for our sins. But I started to have doubts
Gbemi Soyoyoe with her student
right away. I thought, ‘If I’m righteous no matter what I do, can I just start sinning?’ When I asked myself this, God showed me these Words: ‘But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now, if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his. And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness.’ Romans 8:9-10 I continue to sin. God made me righteous, so can I keep sinning? I had thought this. However, they told me that after receiving salvation, God gives me the Spirit, and that Spirit and the Word are what overcome sin. I was so thankful for the Words that all I need to do is to look to the Words, since I have no power to overcome sin."
The best part about the Mexico English Camp was sharing my heart with my team. I never share the problems that I have with other people because my pride is too strong. I always kept them in my heart until they turned to fear, but for the first time, at the English Camp, I opened my mouth to share. To be honest, I wasn’t the first to open my mouth. The minister began to talk about himself, and I saw that he too, experienced the pain of his father leaving him. Listening to his story, I felt that I’m not the only one with such difficulties. That is how I got to share my heart and discover that other people in my team also had similar hardships. I felt that I had been considering myself to be the most miserable person. I do not 44
Happy English Camp students
know how much we cried as we shared the things that were hidden in our hearts as sadness. I was really happy for the fact that there are people who can understand my heart and accept my weaknesses as they are. Now, I feel like my team is my real family. We eat together, and we can talk about anything that is inside of our hearts. As I am learning about the heart through the English Camp, I am slowly learning to speak to my father as well. Until now, I only trusted myself, piling everything up in my heart and never sharing it, but I am learning to put down the things that weighed down my heart as I learn to share my heart. I am so happy to have met IYF. If you type in “Mexico” in the internet search bar, the related search words usually turn out to be “mafia, gangs, security, economy.” Many people live their lives with a closed heart due to unstable safety. The English Camp served as hope for the students of Mexico, who can easily fall into a crooked path from an isolated life. The biggest change brought from the 4 years of English Camp is that the Mexican students, who had lived with a closed heart, now want to participate in the Camp as volunteers. After seeing how much heart the American volunteers used for this Camp, the Mexican students too, want to use their hearts for others. I look forward to seeing the Mexican students, who have felt the happiness of receiving the heart, to become future leaders of Mexico as they lead the country to become a land of hope. 45
Special Article Mahanaim Bible Seminar with Pastor Ock Soo Park
Mahanaim Bible Seminar with Pastor Ock Soo Park
January 9th to 11th
Pastor Ock Soo Park had a brief meeting with the brothers and sisters at the Dallas Winter Camp on New Year’s Day. Pastor wrapped up his busy schedule with World Camps in Peru and Argentina, and quickly came back to the Mahanaim campus, inNew York, where brothers and sisters anxiously awaited his return. While memories of the winter retreat were still lingering in brothers’ and sisters’ hearts, they gathered together with joy and excitement when they suddenly heard that there would be a Bible conference with Pastor Ock Soo Park. The brothers and sisters from Los Angeles came across America on a 48-hour bus trip to attend the conference. This conference was almost like having a second winter retreat with the servant of God. We could see that pastor wanted to deliver the heart of God to the brothers and sisters, where we admired the 46
Word together and enjoyed a very exciting time. The conference kicked off with the Word about the earth, which was without form, void, and in darkness. “Though the earth could not defeat the darkness for millions of years, when God said let there be light, the darkness was gone. Such a difficulty was so easily resolved when the Word of God came upon it. As the Word of God came to my heart, my dark heart was filled with the light. The Word of God is amazing. It frees us from darkness, sorrow, pain, and sin.” Pastor Ock Soo Park spoke about the marvelous and wonderful power of God, and the audience was deeply engaged in the Word. Pastor Ock Soo Park spoke about how Satan always shows us misery and how God always shows us hope. He then testified how God worked in his life. “When I was a communications private in the army, it could have been a difficult time. But I was so thankful and happy because God gave me 2 hours every day to pray and read the Bible, and He allowed me to preach the gospel.” The power of God changes despair to hope and reaches to the hearts of brothers and sisters. They were able to cast away the thoughts from Satan, which for the longest time, made them think 47
Special Article Mahanaim Bible Seminar with Pastor Ock Soo Park
that they are unable and that God does not work in them. “Loving brothers and sisters, believe in God. God does not give us sorrow or pain for no reason. If sorrow and pain are surely from God, then that is the process of changing into the blessings to fulfill the will of God. Last year, in 2014, our mission received the miraculous grace of God. In the new year of 2015, God is leading us to preach the gospel to the end of the world. I hope for us to join in this joy and glory and live a life full of the grace of God. I am happy to be in New York.� After the last sermon, Pastor Ock Soo Park greeted the brothers and sisters and departed to his next schedule with the hope of meeting again very soon. God established Abraham, who was lacking and weak, as the father of faith. Likewise, God will train our hearts with the Word and will continuously lead us to the promise. God will accomplish the work of the gospel this year through us, and when we think about that, we are truly thankful and hopeful.
Memoirs of a Missionary
How could so many people not be saved?
God Changed Me And Gave Me The Dream To Be A Missionary Pastor Joon Hyun Lee | Lomé, Togo I hated the church very much because I thought church goers are mentally weak, and the preaching was distant from reality. Thus, I hated religious people. I met Jesus in my heart on April 1, 1989, and I felt for the first time that, “This is not just a religion.” I was bound to many things in my life such as my studies. However, when faith precisely came upon my heart, it answered all the questions of my life.
People build rooms to live in. If a goat or chicken comes into the room, obviously, it will be removed from the room. People have a room called, the “heart.” In the room of the heart, the heart of God, who is the creator of man, must reside there. However, I often held unto dark things like: sorrow, pain, and agony in the room of my heart. I realized this after I was saved. I liked playing, hanging out, drinking, and playing cards all night. Even in the army, I spent my nights like that. After I was saved, I started to hear the Word of God and knew that the Bible was factual and the truth which answers our questions precisely. I wanted to share this with other people. I never went to church before, and I assumed they would believe the same way I believed. However, as I met people who attended church, I realized that was not true. They appeared to sincerely serve God with zeal and I appeared to be fake, however, it was the opposite when I got to know them. “This is strange! How could so many people not be saved?” I was shocked that most people who attended church were not saved. An Amazing new heart forms in me
I thought Air Force pilots were the elite soldiers. I thought the best soldier was a pilot who flies in the sky. When I joined the air force and lived with the pilots, I realized that this was not true. Pilots were stressed out due to large workloads and tight schedules, which often led to being roughed up, cursed at, and getting into bar fights. It was so disappointing. I realized people were different from their superficial images and true images. I became saved while serving as a private for 18 months. After my superiors were discharged, entry level soldiers came in and I became a superior in my 25th month. From then, I often read the 51
Missionary Joon Hyun Lee in his youth with his hometown
“Ah, that person should be righteous.” “Then, are you a sinner or righteous?” “I could say I’m righteous since I believe in Jesus.” I could see he was confused by my questions. I thought I merely just heard the gospel, but a new heart formed in me. It was like a new computer program had been installed in my life. I was able to feel the new program working incredibly in my heart. It was marvelous, amazing, and gratifying.
Brother, are you saved?
Bible in a boiler room next to my workplace while subordinate soldiers were on night duty. I read the Bible very much during the daytime as well. When I interacted with people, I occasionally wondered how they would react if I shared stories about the Bible. Everyone was a pilot except for 4 privates. Most pilots believed in a religion because all aircraft accidents were lethal and resulted in death. This became an issue on the base because I suddenly shared Bible stories, but I did not attend church. The Lieutenant Colonel, who was a squadron commander, read the Bible whenever he had time. One day, He said to me. “Hey, Sergeant Lee. Today, I want to eat with the soldiers in the cafeteria. Let’s go together.” “Yes, sir,” I replied. Although he was a Lieutenant Colonel and I was one of the ordinary soldiers, I wanted to ask him, “Lieutenant Colonel, I didn’t go to church when I was young and I recently heard the gospel from someone. I noticed you were reading the Bible frequently. May I ask you a question? People who don’t go to church and don’t believe in Jesus are sinners. If a person goes to church and believes in Jesus, is he a sinner or righteous?” The Lieutenant Colonel became very nervous. 52
One day, I received a phone call from an older colleague who was a Master Sergeant at the firefighting squadron at Suwon Air Force Base. “Jun Hyun, a memorial ceremony is in a few days. Now that you are superior, take a vacation at that time. I hope to meet you at home and attend the ceremony together.” “Okay.” I was miraculously approved for a special vacation and went to Nonsan. My friend and his wife were preparing food. My friend started to go to church with his wife after they got married. “Are they saved?” This question filled my heart. “I used to not go to church. You often go to church. Let me ask you a question. Are you saved?” “Yes, I am saved.” “Then, do you have sins in your heart?” “Yes, I have sins.” “If you have sins in your heart, what do you do about them? “When I repent before God, Jesus washes the sins away.” “After committing sins, if you just repent, the sins will be washed?” “Not immediately. You need to repent with a true, sincere heart, 53
and when the sincere heart touches God’s heart, the sins could be washed away.” My friend’s wife said the same thing. Both of them lived a different spiritual life than the one I imagined. “This does not mean that your sins will be washed away just because you have devotion and sincerity. You may not understand, but that is truly not being born again. Even though I have never been to church, I am surely born again in my heart. I was deeply moved after reading The Secret of Forgiveness of Sin and Being Born Again and Two Kinds of Spiritual Life. My friend and his wife should read them.” Two days later, I returned to the base. The next day, the squadron commander called me. “Hey, Sergeant Lee. You don’t take vacations?” “As of yesterday, I was on special vacation for 2 nights and 3 days! I am okay now.” “What are you talking about? Submit the paperwork and prepare to take a vacation.” It was very unexpected. “I just went home yesterday. Where should I go for 15 days on my vacation?” I was worried and thought, “Yes. I should get on a troop transport plane!” I asked my subordinate who worked in the base audio department if there were any troop transport planes going to the Suwon base which is where my brother worked, and there was one. All the pieces were coming together. For the first time, I got on a plane and arrived in Suwon. When I arrived, my friend and his wife wanted to treat me to pig’s feet downtown, since it had been a long time since I visited them. They were frustrated because they could not answer the questions from the books that I gave to them a few days ago. Afterwards, I called the pastor of the Suwon church for the address, and I went downtown and enjoyed the pig’s feet. Then, I brought my friend and 54
In 2005, Pastor Dae Hyun Lee, and family, and mother come to Togo as a guest speaker for a conference
his wife to the church because I told them I really wanted to go there. That day, they became saved as they had fellowship with the pastor. It was December of 1989. I was thankful to God and it made me speechless. At that time, my friend was going to resign from his job and live comfortably with a retirement allowance. However, God amazingly moved his heart, so he decided to go to missionary school after he was discharged from the army. He is currently ministering in Eumseong Grace Church, and his name is Dae Hyun Lee. Wouldn’t it be great to live in a country without the gospel?
I thought for a long time that my life in the army was unlucky and miserable. Yet, that changed after I met the gospel. After being discharged, I went home to my mother, who was living alone, and she was very welcoming to me. I also prepared to go back to school for the next semester. I attended a newly established church in Iksan because it was close to Gunsan. After I was done with classes in Daejeon, I had to walk 1 km at night from the Nonsan bus station. I often asked myself as I was doing that for 2 years, ”I am really not interested in God? How could a person like me meet the gospel among so many people?” 55
Graduation at Pai Chai University. From the left, big brother, older brother, my mother and I
It was mysterious. I was the only one who was saved in my home. The gospel settled deeply in my heart. When I walked in the dark forest, often it was so dark that I could not see anything. However, when I looked up, there were countless stars shimmering. As l looked at the stars I thought; “There is life in the gospel! The gospel is amazing! How will I live my life? Wouldn’t it be so great to live in a country without the gospel?” Since I was young, I saw on TV how diplomats met foreigners and I admired them. I wanted to live like them. I gained a new dream after being saved. The hope to live in a country without the gospel often trembled my heart. I tried to ignore this heart, thinking that this did not make any sense and it was just a dream. This heart continued arising in me. Though I was not a pastor or a missionary, I wanted to live preaching the gospel. When I arrived at home at night, my mother was waiting for me because she was against my church, and we fought before going to bed. “You are crazy. If you are a student, you must study. Why did you change so much? I wish you would go back to being who you used to be. You are not my son! You are making me suffer!” Other family members spoke to me as well. ”Jun Hyun, can’t you just listen to your Mom? She is alone! Does a person who goes to church go against their parents and be disobedient? Why are you 56
doing this to your Mom and being a troublemaker!” When I look back at my life, many times I hesitated between two options. When I was worried and did not know what to do, God always led me to be on His side. He gave me hope that my mother would be saved. Five years later, my mother came to the airport to say farewell to my family leaving for Africa. “Where are you going?” “Ghana.” “Where is Ghana?” “It’s in Africa.” “You are that crazy? Why would you go to a poor place like Africa and not wealthy countries like USA, France, or England?” I bowed to my mother who was cursing at me, and she left the airport. After I spent another 5 years in Africa, my mother finally became saved. I thought God gave me a great gift while doing the missionary work. I seemed little because I was the only one who was saved. I was often perceived as an abnormal and foolish person. As time passed, my brother became a pastor after being saved, and my mother was saved. I was so thankful when I thought about this. Starting from tomorrow, come to work
During my senior year, most students were busy applying for jobs, but I was witnessing. Before I was saved, I used to stay in the library, but then I did not, so my friends thought I was weird. I prayed to God worrying about what to do after graduation. “Father God, I don’t know what to do after I graduate. If getting a job is your will, I would like to get a job.” A trading department from one company sent a request to our professor to recommend some students. The professor selected 3 students and asked, ”If you want to take this position, you need to consult with buyers in English, write faxes in English, and do office 57
work. Who wants to do it?” All of them wanted to get the job and they majored in English, but they were not able to answer due to lack of confidence. When the professor was asked by an assistant to recruit more students for the second round, I was called at that time. I was much burdened, but I remembered to pray thinking God might give me a job through this path. “Can you really do it?” “Yes, I can.” “Could you consult with buyers in meetings?” “Yes, I can.” “Could you write up a report and fax it?” “Yes, I can.” “Really? Then, go to the company for the interview tomorrow.” I wore my suit and went on the interview. A manager took me to the president of the company. Whatever he asked me, I spoke with confidence and did not speak from any doubt. The president of the company told me to start working at his company from the next day. I was ridiculed because I preached the gospel, but I was the first person who got a job in the English department. When I told the professor, he was very pleased. My friends who despised me also congratulated me and were envious. God rewarded my life. I was despised and called crazy, but God exalted me before them. I wanted to preach the gospel to the international people who attended the Expo
I met my wife in the church and got married in June, 1992. I worked in Daejeon, so I moved to the East Daejeon Church and continued spiritual life. One day, my wife told me, “Honey, I really like our lifestyle. Honey, don’t even think about going to missionary school. I don’t like it.” I never talked about missionary school, but I was starting to get 58
Left: In 1992, I met my wife in church and got married. Right: In 1993, at DaeJeon Expo with Kenyans.
tired of company work. I often went up to the roof and looked at Hanbat Central Church, thinking about the missionary school. I asked God many questions: “What should I do in the future? Why was I saved?” There was an Expo in Daejeon for three months, starting in November, 1993. It was a grand event where 106 countries participated. Pastor Jong Duk Kim was ministering at the East Daejeon church at that time, and he was interested in witnessing to international people because he had hope to do missionary work. I worked close to a place where the Expo was held, so I sneaked out from work and stayed there. I often followed the pastor because I also wanted to preach the gospel to the international people. Most foreigners I spoke with were not interested in the Bible, but there were people from Africa and the South Pacific who were welcoming, and listened to the Word. Some of the Africans became saved. Sisters from Kenya like Detso and Dorothy opened their hearts and visited the church. They were not used to the food, so they really liked it when we boiled sweet potatoes. One year after the 59
Expo, they invited Pastor Ock Soo Park for a grand conference at a stadium in Kenya. For the first time, our missions reached out to Africa in 1994. I was very thankful. Tomorrow, write a letter of resignation. Resign by tomorrow
One day, Pastor Jong Duk Kim called me and said, “Brother Lee, I want to go to Kenya for a witnessing trip. Take a vacation from work.” “Yes, sure. For how long?” “For a month.” I was shocked. What kind of company would allow a month-long vacation? If it were 3 nights and 4 days, that would be a lot! When I asked for a month vacation, the company flipped upside down. “Hey, do you want to work here or not? Can you be sensible? Let me at least hear your reason! I really can’t understand!” “I don’t understand either. However, I want to go because God gave me a heart to go to Kenya for a witnessing trip.” The HR person could not understand and was troubled. Three days later, he approved the vacation. I was really excited and gave a testimony to pastor about getting the vacation. After that, the pastor told me something shocking again: “Brother Lee, resign tomorrow.” I could not understand what pastor told me because it was so hard to get the vacation. I was dumbfounded but I told him that I would do it. The next day, after I submitted the letter of resignation, the company argued saying that this makes no sense, but they let me resign. “Brother Lee, after we come back from Kenya, you will receive training in the missionary school, and I will go to Kenya as a missionary,” He said. In 1994, I went to the witnessing trip in Africa with Pastor Jong Duk Kim. The word, “missionary,” seemed good, but when I went to Africa, it was desolate. A shabby place, which was so dirty and 60
In 1994, during the witnessing trip in Kenya
in a poor condition compared to Korea. “If I came to this place, would I like Africa?” Africa did not look good to me. I liked the word, “missionary,” yet when I thought about living in Africa, I did not like it. As I was in Kenya, one Word entered my heart. “And, behold, I am with thee, and will keep thee in all places whither thou goest, and will bring thee again into this land; for I will not leave thee, until I have done that which I have spoken to thee of”(Genesis 28:15). As I was reading this verse, the part of the verse, “… and will bring thee again into this land…,” kept churning in my heart. I had a heart that God would lead me and bring me back to this land, Africa. After I finished with the 1 month-long witnessing trip in Kenya, I came back to Korea and went to the missionary school. God bestowed much grace upon me.
Gospel Lesson
“Then Jesus answered and said: A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among thieves, who stripped him of his clothing, wounded him, and departed, leaving him half dead. Now by chance a certain priest came down that road. And when he saw him, he passed by on the other side. Likewise a Levite, when he arrived at the place, came and looked, and passed by on the other side. But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was. And when he saw him, he had compassion. So he went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine; and he set him on his own animal, brought him to an inn, and took care of him. On the next day, when he departed, he took out two denarii, gave them to the innkeeper, and said to him, ‘Take care of him; and whatever more you spend, when I come again, I will repay you.’ So which of these three do you think was neighbor to him who fell among the thieves?” And he said, ‘He who showed mercy on him.’ Then Jesus said to him, ‘Go and do likewise.’”
Who is My Neighbor? Pastor Sung Gyun Oh | Good News Ulsan Church, Korea
The gospel of Jesus Christ is portrayed through countless images in the Bible. Whoever discovers the true meaning will be able to receive amazing grace from the Lord. However, many people who read the Bible are unable to understand it because the meanings are hidden and worldly knowledge cannot help us unlock them. More often than not, the people who say that they understand these images usually understand it in the wrong light. It is for this reason that Book 2 emphasizes the “images of the gospel” in the Bible. This is the sequel to the cherished article titled, “Who Is My Neighbor?”
(Luke 10:25-29)
The lawyer asked Jesus how one can inherit eternal life. Jesus explained, through this parable of the good Samaritan, that the only way to eternal life was by meeting and knowing one’s neighbor. There are three categories of people that appear here: the man who fell among thieves, the high priests, and the Samaritan. First: the man who fell among thieves
This man, who was originally from Jerusalem, was traveling to Jericho one day. On his way there, he confronted these robbers and was left for dead. He was in the state of despair, and if no one had saved him, he would die. 63
The suffix, ‘-salem’ denotes peace or perfection. The etymology of “Jerusalem” means, “the capital of peace.” Additionally, the temple, a representation of God’s presence, was in the center of the city. This illustrates the correct relationship between man and God. However, the man in this parable departed from Jerusalem and headed to Jericho. “Jericho,” stands for, “aroma,” which can also be understood as the aroma of worldly sin. People who follow after sin and worldly pleasures instead of God travel to this place of corruption. In Romans 6:23, it says, “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” What is sin? Sin is breaking away from God and having a heart of distrust toward God. Just like the man who fell among thieves, our ancestor, Adam, did not believe in the Word of God and left the position God appointed him. God told man that it is possible to live a life of enjoying all the benefits of His power through having faith in the Word. In Genesis 2:17, it says, “But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.” God warned man that if they do not believe in the words that God spoke, they will die. Distrust is what makes us leave God; leaving God is ultimately a sin. Why was the man on the brink of death? He stood before death because he left Jerusalem, the presence of God. Leaving God is the beginning of death. Whether we know it or not, this is the truth. When he faced death, he was in a situation where he could not do anything. Once he reached that point, whether he felt regretful about the path that he walked and about his actions, that regret was unable to save him. He chose that path to benefit himself but that was the path of death.
In Proverbs 14:12, it says, “There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.” Now, the only way one can survive after choosing the path of death is by receiving the help of someone or something outside of one’s own actions or effort. Salvation is the absolute grace of God. Adam, who committed sin in Genesis chapter three, tried to cover up his shame by wearing garments made of fig leaves. However, it was the perfect grace of God that covered him with coats of skins. Genesis 3:21 says, “Unto Adam also and to his wife did the Lord God make coats of skins, and clothed them.” Was there anything for Adam, the sinner, to do? There was nothing he had to do. Then, how did God work? God clothed them with the coats of skins. When Adam and Eve believed and relied on the work of God, God clothed them with coats of skin. In Genesis 3:21, there was nothing that man did; only the work of God was recorded. This is a manifestation of salvation that is only by grace. Just like Adam, the man who fell among thieves was in the position where he had no choice but to look towards grace. Second: the high priest and the Levite
The high priest and Levite could not become a neighbor to the man who fell among thieves. The reason for this is because they did not possess the power to save someone who was dying. The high priest and the Levite represent the law in the Old Testament. The law is unable to save sinners. Moreover, the law can only condemn and judge; it can never give life. The law always requires that one fulfill it through his or her actions and, if one is unable to, the 65
law calls for death and condemnation. If someone asks a dying man to keep the law, can he do it? It is impossible. That was why the priests avoided the sinner, who was left for dead, and passed by him. These people had to pass by for the Samaritan to come. Jesus Christ had to come to end the law. From a different perspective, the high priest and the Levite were leaders who were supposed to guide and help the people. The high priest and the Levite, who appeared in this story, had left the temple and were on their way to Jericho. Not only were they unable to save a dying soul, they did not care whether that soul lived or died. The high priest and Levite worked for the people at the temple. However, because they were in the same position as a sinner who left God, they were unable to save the sinner who was dying. The high priest and the Levite represent leaders who are not born again through the Holy Spirit. They represent people who walked down the path of corruption. Jesus chastised the scribes and Pharisees who did not have God in the core of their hearts. He called out their hypocrisy and said, “They be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, what shall happen?” The same applies to this generation. A sinner who has never been born again is unable to lead another soul to salvation. Therefore, a person who cannot lead a soul to the assurance of salvation cannot be a true neighbor. Third: the Good Samaritan
The good Samaritan is the neighbor and savior to the man who fell among thieves. Jesus, who wishes to manifest himself as our savior, is portrayed as 66
the Samaritan. How does the Samaritan represent Jesus? During those times, the people of Samaria were alienated and ostracized. They were disdained and scorned by the Jews. The Jews, who prided themselves as traditional and elitist, did not associate with those whose blood and customs were mixed with that of the gentiles. Another example of this aspect of Jewish culture is illustrated in John chapter four, when Jesus has a conversation with the Samaritan woman. Jesus Christ is the greatest and noblest, but He came to this world in the most humble form. From a humanistic perspective, there was nothing admirable about His outer appearance. The portrayal of the Lord as the Samaritan accurately depicts our feelings toward Him; He was disliked and forsaken, thrown away by man. Additionally, the Samaritan was on a journey. “Where are you coming from and where are you going?” “I’m coming from Jerusalem and going to Jericho.” The man who was hit by robbers, the high priest, and the Levite— while all these men walked the path of death by chasing after the pleasure of sin, the Samaritan was on a journey to save the soul of a dying man. Jesus journeyed through this world for 33 years. When He finished the work of saving sinners, He died and ascended to the right hand of God. The Samaritan had mercy on the dying man and approached him. Sinners are the enemies of God—who would sympathize with their enemy? The heart to sympathize for a sinner is the heart of Jesus. Jesus is the one who descended to the depths of death to abolish death. The Samaritan poured oil and wine on the man’s wounds and wrapped them. The wine sterilized the wounds by killing all the bacteria and the oil helped heal the wounds by preventing germs from entering. The wine represents the precious blood of Jesus that washed away all our sins. The oil protects us from the world’s sin and temptation as 67
we serve God. The oil symbolizes the Holy Spirit that helps us overcome the world. What can wash away our sin? The only way for God to wash our sins was by the blood; without the blood, there is no forgiveness of sins. Nothing but the holy blood of Jesus Christ can wash away our sins. Only Jesus Christ can lead us to salvation through the Holy Spirit. Have you really experienced the truth of being washed by the blood of Jesus Christ and being born again through the Holy Spirit? This is not about having theory or knowledge, but about having the experience in your life. The Samaritan placed the man who fell among thieves on his beast. This illustrates the position of one who is born again through the grace of Jesus Christ. That position is of that God’s children. Before, that seat was occupied by the Samaritan, but now the man who fell among thieves was sitting there. Jesus moved us from our seat of a sinner to the seat of a righteous man. He brought us out from the power of Satan to the land of the Son of God. (Colossians 1:13) In Ephesians 2:4-7, it describes the kind of freedom and position the Lord had allowed us. It is only in that position of humility and obedience to His will can we call God our Father and confess that Jesus is our Lord. The Lord leads those who are saved down a path that follows His disciple. The place where the Samaritan led the man who fell among thieves was to an inn. This inn represents the place where people who have met Jesus 68
and received salvation reside. It represents the body of the Lord, the church. Jesus did not save him and then leave him to himself; He nurtured him so that he can serve the Lord. The Samaritan left the man who fell among thieves to the inn keeper, and gave him the two denarii that was needed to care for the man. The inn keeper is the servant whom the Lord established. The Lord bestowed the necessary power upon the servant so that he can do His work. The man who fell among thieves was cared for by the inn keeper as he lived at the inn. The inn is where he lives a life of hope as he remembers and awaits the one who had saved him. The church is the embodiment of such a place. The church is the true place of gathering for saved members who had met Jesus Christ. God is showing us plainly through the Bible that a sinner cannot become a member of the church. Finally, the Samaritan promised the inn keeper that He will surely come back to pay the rest. This is the truth; the Lord who has saved me will return. He will come and He will calculate the work that we have done. When the Lord returns, we can certainly look forward to His compliments. He will say to us, “Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.” As we conclude, I ask again: how can we receive salvation? By meeting the neighbor that will save me. We need to meet Jesus Christ, the Samaritan, the neighbor. How can we meet him? Salvation is the gift that God bestows upon us once we believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for us. Salvation is not through our works, but through faith in Jesus Christ. Who is my true neighbor? He is the one who poured His grace on me. “Go, and do likewise.” This means to love Jesus Christ as my own body and to live for the gospel of His body, the church.
Preaching the Gospel to the Ends of the Earth
Brother, Do You Have a Father? Testimony of Pastor Ock Soo Park
When I was receiving spiritual training under Missionary Dick York, we were not allowed to ask for anything we needed from people, but only from God. During that time, our country was in poverty and starvation. Missionary York would not have gone through such hardships if he had sent at least a single letter to America, but he only relied on God as he starved and shivered in his cold room. We, too, often starved when the food ran out, and many days, we were gathered around drinking hot water for breakfast because the food had depleted. The missionary called us for one on one counseling. It was my turn. “Did you eat breakfast?” “No, I starved.” 70
“Why did you starve? “I starved because there is no food.” How could it be my fault for starving when there is no food? “Why is there no food?” I couldn’t understand why he was asking these questions, when he knew that it was because we had no money to buy food. So, I was sitting still without an answer, when he asked again, “Brother Ock Soo Park, do you have a father?” Since I had both a biological father and Father God, I answered, “Yes, I do.” “If you ask your father for food, does he provide it to you, or not?” “Sure, the Bible says whatever you shall seek, you shall receive, but that is not always true, is it?” I thought to myself. Although I professed to believe in God, the words were true to a certain point, and it did not have much to do with my life. The counseling I had on that day was unforgettable. Whenever I preached the Bible that the Lord washed all our sins, I could see most people continued to have sin in their hearts because the truth had not reached their hearts. Regardless of how well we know the Bible, if our sins are not washed, then that knowledge becomes a theory and not faith. The Bible is not a theory, but it is the power of the living God. Do I truly believe in God, who is working in my life? Is it truly the powerful Word that is manifested in my life? We can only use humanistic methods by seeking help from people if we do not believe God will aid us. From that moment, I learned how to live spiritual life and work for the Gospel by relying on God alone.
Good News Albuquerque Church 3001 Cuervo Dr. N.E. Albuquerque, NM 87110 | 505-301-7167 Anchorage Good News Church 1020 W. Fireweed Lane Anchorage, AK 99503 | 907-258-9987 Good News Atlanta Church 11011 Rogers Circle, Johns Creek, GA 30097 | 678-473-1594 Good News Boston Church 200 Beech St. #2 Belmont, MA 02478 | 617-943-9739 Good News Chicago Church 4825 W. Jarlath St. Lincolnwood, IL 60712 | 847-329-0237 Good News Dallas First Church 4502 Lawler Rd. Garland, TX 75042 | 972-272-4724 Denver Good News Church 9825 E Girard Ave. #3W-233, Denver, CO 80231 | 720-308-3442 Good News Detroit Church 1181 Harding Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48307 | 248-971-4151 Good News Hawaii Church 1219 Keeaumoku St. suite 400 Honolulu, HI 96814 | 808-679-2800 Good News Houston Church 6534 Rolla St. Houston, TX 77055 | 713-498-1980 Good News Indianapolis Church 383 S. Emerson Ave. Indianapolis, IN 46219 | 317-919-5640 Good News Jacksonville Church 1794 Rogero Rd. Jacksonville, FL 32211 | 904-402-2377 Good News Kansas Church 1301 E. 100th TER Kansas City, MO 64131 | 816-210-0351 Good News Las Vegas Church 2880 Red Rock St. Las Vegas, NV 89146 | 702-248-0572 Good News Central Church 3500 W. 1st St. Los Angeles, CA 90004 | 213-386-0097 Good News Memphis Church 4162 Owen Rd. Memphis, TN 38122 | 901-500-5717 Good News Miami Church 331 NW 65th way Hollywood, FL 33024 | 786-247-2308 Good News Minneapolis Church 3000 West Broadway Ave Minneapolis, MN 55411 | 612-354-3909 Good News New Jersey Church 1075 Queen Anne Road Teaneck, NJ 07666 | 201-406-4677 Good News New Orleans Church 3205 Cherry St. New Orleans, LA 70118 | 504-432-6000 Good News NY Church 300 Nassau Rd. Huntington, NY 11743 | 631-745-4734 Good News NY Chinese Church 765 43rd St. Brooklyn, NY 11232 | 917-526-7498 Good News Manhattan Church 268 West 44th St. 5th Floor New York, NY 10036 | 212-695-1294 Good News NY Spanish Church 685 Morris Park Ave. Bronx, NY 10462 | 646-339-6432 Good News Oklahoma Church 5316 Huddleston Drive Oklahoma City, OK 73135 | 405-535-9553 O.C. Good News Baptist Church 3330 W. Lincoln Ave. Anaheim, CA 92801 | 714-226-0595 Good News Orlando Church 1120 Arden St. Longwood, FL 32750 | 407-456-0470 Good News Philadelphia Church 305 Township Line Road, Elkins Park, PA 19027 | 215-379-0501 Good News Phoenix Church 9001 West ELM St. #5 Phoenix. AZ 85037 | 480-273-2199 Good News Portland Church 6225 SW Dale Ave. Beaverton, OR 97008 | 971-300-1127 Good News Salt Lake Church 353 Park Creeke LN, APT #B, Salt Lake City, UT 84115 | 801-656-5299 Good News San Antonio Church 405 Walton Ave. San Antonio, TX 78225 | 210-315-0346 Good News San Diego Church 4920 Ocean View Blvd. #3, San Diego, CA 92113 | 619-573-8340 Good News San Jose Church 1548 Curtner Ave. San Jose, CA 95125 | 408-893-2267 Good News Tacoma Church 10103 South Tacoma Way Lakewood, WA 98499 | 253-582-3599 Good News Washington Church 5044 Portsmouth Rd. Fairfax, VA 22032 | 703-309-7132 Good News Sacramento Church 7136 Fair Oaks Blvd., Carmichael, CA 95608 | 916-996-4655 Good News Charlotte Church 8731 Green Ivy Lane, Charlotte, NC 28217 | 704-500-6063 Good News Fort Wayne Church 3128 S. Calhoun St. Fort Wayne, IN 46807 | 260-797-3412 Good News Vancouver Church 9930 Lyndhurst St. Burnaby BC V3J 1G1 | 778-881-5508 Good News Toronto Church 70 McGriskin Rd. Toronto ON, Canada M1S 4S5 | 416-321-2004 Good News Ottawa Church #1,275 Rue Laramee Gatineau. QC. Canada J8Y3A1 | 647-770-3379
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