The Goodnews - July, 2017

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JUNE 2017


∙ Salvation Testimony

My Salvation Testimony

∙ Special Article

[Malawi] The Hearts of 2,000 Head Teachers Were Deeply Moved

∙ Memoirs of a Missionary

Broadening the Boundaries of the Gospel Through the World Camp

∙ Gospel Lesson

This is Salvation


04 Monthly Sermon We Have Peace With God Through Our Lord Jesus Christ

20 Memoirs of a Missionary Broadening the Boundaries of the Gospel Through the World Camp

10 Salvation Testimony My Salvation Testimony



Special Article [Malawi] The Hearts of 2,000 Head Teachers Were Deeply Moved

New York Times II How Can You Become Righteous?



Cover Story: Group photo taken with the head teachers of the Malawi School System. IYF featured Pastor Hyun Mok Lee to deliver mind lectures to the participants. The mind lecture program is in the process of being added to the formal curriculum with the objective to educate students about the world of the heart.

48 Preaching the Gospel to the Ends of the Earth It Hurts, But I'm Healed



Gospel Lesson This is Salvation

Church Directory


Sermon of the Month


"Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God." Romans 5:1-2


That is why I simply preached, “God does not look at our works or us, but He accepts us by looking at the blood Jesus shed on the cross.”

In living a spiritual life, the most difficult part is having peace with God. If we want to have peace with God, we have to go before God and reveal our hearts, but it is not easy. And even if we have done so, we have the heart to think that God will not accept us because of the things we have done in front of God, of which we are not proud. We are even affected when we are in a position where we can only pray. We think, “I have done so many wrong things, so God will not accept me.” As a result, it is not easy to go before God. That is why everyone wants to have peace with God. I AM INFINITELY THANKFUL TO KNOW THAT EVEN WHEN I DIE, I CAN GO TO HEAVEN IN PEACE

Not too long ago, we had a Senior Citizen’s Banquet. We invited our church senior citizens, the elderly neighbors, and many elderly acquaintances. A total of 800 people attended. At the event, we provided various performances, and we treated everyone to a meal after everything was over. Before dinner, I had an opportunity to deliver the message. I addressed the senior citizens: “We have grown old and do not know when we will die. I apologize for speaking to you about death, but when we die, it’s either: ‘Do we go to God or destruction?’ These are the two roads. I want to speak to you about the road to Heaven.” The greatest problem the elderly face is about going to Heaven. It is difficult for them to resolve this problem, and because they have many blemishes, they feel ashamed and burdened. As a result, they delay resolving this problem. When I spoke to them about how they can go to Heaven by grace, completely apart from our efforts or works, they were very happy. Actually, when people grow to be 70 or 80 years old, they contemplate death. If they are at peace with God, and their hearts freely connect with God, they will not feel that death is miserable.


Sermon of the Month

But instead, they often have the heart, “I have many blemishes and sins. It is too hard for me to go in front of God.” Then the heaviness of death comes to them. As people live their lives, various blemishes appear, and so when people have the opportunity, they want to resolve their sins and freely go before God. However, they tell themselves, “I don’t think the time is right.” At first, they delay it for a day or two, then ten years, and even twenty years pass. Eventually, their entire lives pass in a brief moment, and in no time, their hair turns gray. I, too, am a senior citizen with gray hair, and as I thought about the hearts of those who have grown old and are waiting for death, I wanted to resolve the sins in their hearts that had yet to be resolved. That is why I simply preached, “God does not look at our works or us, but He accepts us by looking at the blood Jesus shed on the cross.” As the senior citizens heard the Word, they were very glad. “I came to the Gangnam Church, and the program was good, as well as the food. But I am infinitely thankful to know that when I die, I can go to Heaven in peace,” someone said. I was very happy when I heard that the people who attended the Senior Citizens’ Banquet say things along these lines. THEREFORE BEING JUSTIFIED BY FAITH, WE HAVE PEACE WITH GOD THROUGH OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST

For us to not sin and live a clean life in order to stand before God is difficult. This is because we are human beings. We have various temptations, and we easily fall into sin when problems arise. Our hearts are weak and we are easily caught by darkness. That is why as people live spiritual life; it is easy for them to be tied down to their numerous weaknesses. God who knows us well does not tell us to live nicely. Even when we try to be good we are unable. Then what are we supposed to do when we sin? I will speak very simply about this. When a young child has a bowel movement in their pants, does the Father or Mother hate the child? Not at all. The parents wash the child clean, and then put clean clothing on their child. No matter how hard the child tried not to have a bowel movement, he does not have the ability to control his bowel movements. Likewise, no matter how we try to live well and not commit sin, we end up committing evil because we are human beings. Likewise, when we cannot do the things that please God, and instead, do the things that God hates, we are unable to go boldly before God. What does the Bible say? In Romans chapter 5, verse 1, it reads, Therefore being justified by faith… Being justified is not by being nice, by not sinning, nor by having some great faith. But through Jesus being crucified on the cross. Because He has forgiven all our sins, we are justified. Jesus -6-

No matter what sins we may have committed, God has washed them clean through the blood of Jesus, and therefore, we can boldly go before God and have peace with Him.

has washed our sins forever and has made it so that at any time we can go before God without lacking anything. Jesus has received the punishment for all our sins because He has finished all the work on the cross. Our sins have been washed clean where we can always go boldly in front of God. What else does Romans chapter 5, verse 1 say? It reads, “We have peace with God through our Lord, Jesus Christ.” If we distance ourselves from God because we think about our shortcomings and weaknesses, then we cannot have peace with God our entire lives. God is telling us to have peace with Him through Jesus Christ. No matter what sins we may have committed, God has washed them clean through the blood of Jesus, and therefore, we can boldly go before God and have peace with Him. “God, we are lacking. We are weak. I have committed these sins, but these sins cannot lead me to destruction because the blood of Jesus Christ has paid for them. God, I truly committed such dirty sins, and I am an evil human being. I thank you for cleanly washing away my sin.” We can go boldly before God with this heart. HOW FEARFUL IT WOULD BE IF WE CANNOT GO BEFORE GOD

As we walk the path of life, there are many things we have to go through before God to receive His grace and blessings. We feel burdened because of various problems and cannot go before God. How fearful that would be! That is why God tell us, “Through the blood of Jesus Christ, I have perfectly washed you. Therefore, have peace with me.” God loves us; therefore, He makes us go before Him through faith in Jesus, and He allows us to have peace with Him. All things can be done if we go in accordance with the Word of God. However, we think, “I’m lacking. I don’t have faith.” When we pray, we believe that God will not hear us. When we work, we believe God will not help us. When we witness, we believe -7-

Sermon of the Month

there will be no works of salvation. Many people have fallen into these thoughts given them by Satan. This is not true. The blood of Jesus has washed us clean, and God is always pleased to accept us. We should not carry our works with us when we go before God, but go with the faith to believe that Jesus has justified us. By faith in Jesus we are justified. Believing in this is how we have peace with God. We must have faith and work believing the truth that God hears our prayers and lives and works in us. “Since I have peace with God, whenever I work, God will help me. He will protect me. He will bless me.� When we go before God with this faith, God blesses us and bestows grace upon us. GOD LOVES US AND IS PLEASED WITH US

As we live our spiritual lives, we must never look at our works. Instead, we must look at the blood of Jesus, and boldly go before God by faith and have peace with Him. It is important to live with the faith to believe that God loves us. Additionally, because He has perfected us, He lives and works in us. If we try to go before God by performing perfect works, we could try for our entire lives, but it would never work. We are people who often make mistakes, like the little child who had a bowel movement in his pants, but if we run forward believing that the blood of Jesus has perfected us, God bestows grace and blesses us. He loves us and is pleased with us. God is the one who adds all of His grace unto us. He lives and works in us.

Pastor Ock Soo Park

Pastor Park is currently the senior pastor of the Good News Gangnam Church. He is the founder of the Mahanaim Cyber Theology School and International Youth Fellowship. Annually he is the guest speaker for Bible Crusades domestically and internationally and serves as a guest lecturer to university students. He is the author of several titles such as: The Secret of Forgiveness of Sin and Being Born Again, Repentance and Faith, and Navigating the Heart. These books have been translated in 17 different languages, and in addition he is the author of 40 other books on spiritual life.



Salvation Testimony


My Testimony

Dexter S. Carter | Good News Manhattan Church


started drinking at the early age of 22 years old. I would frequently drink on the weekends and in large amounts. I thought drinking would be a good way to meet other women. I would go to parties, clubs, and bars. I met and dated many women from going to the bars and clubs for the past 20 years, but that did not make me happy and fill the void in my heart. I thought drinking and meeting women would make me happy but it did not. Although I lived drinking like this I still felt proud that I never missed a day of work. This made me feel good about myself and made me trust in my heart. I believed in Jesus, and would pray but I rarely attended church service. I would go to church only on special occasions, about once or twice

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a year. I had spent most of my time drinking and going to comedy clubs that I had never focused that time to church and worship. I struggled most with my lustful heart and this lead me down a hopeless path. I would often feel down and would lock myself in a dark room. It felt like there was a dark heavy cloud casted over me and I didn’t know where to turn to. In the midst of all this, I met a missionary team handing out flyers for a Bible Crusade on my way to work. I frequently saw these flyers in restaurants and other people received these flyers and threw them on the ground. I picked up one of the flyers and asked for more information about the Bible Crusade. The church sister explained and took my information to reach out to me later on. Sometime later I received a phone call from Pastor Inho Choi. We met and he preached the Gospel to me. He showed me the Word where my sins were washed for the past, present, and future for eternity. God has justified me and made me righteous. He no longer remembers my sins. I did not have faith in the beginning when I saw these words. After reading and hearing the Word for multiple times I finally received salvation and could understand the heart of God. Amen.

Left: Dexter with Tracy Morgan Right: Dexter on stage

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Special Article The Hearts of 2,000 Head Teachers Were Deeply Moved


The Hearts of 2,000 Head Teachers Were Deeply Moved

From June 6th to the 8th, we held the first week of Mind Lectures for 2,000 Malawi head teachers and directors. Pastor Hyun Mok Lee and Pastor Kyung Ho Lee gave mind lectures for the first week. During the second week, Pastor Jung Hwan Oh from the Sunbuk Church in Korea will give mind lectures. - 12 -

The Mind Lectures were held at the Katoto Elementary School in the Mzuzu Regions. We were expecting 300 head teachers to come but over 500 head teachers attended. Abraham Sineta, the Director of Principals of the Linglowe Region, came to the Malawi Church to meet with pastor to discuss the mind lectures in advance and have fellowship. Over 500 head teachers of elementary, middle and high schools from the Lilongwe Region came to listen to Pastor Hyun Mok Lee's mind lectures. 110 head teachers of Eastern Lilongwe attended the mind lectures, however, Director Otantika expressed the small number of participants and promised to bring more teachers to the next mind lecture. 110 h e a d t e a c h e r s o f e lement a r y a nd m idd le schools came to listen to the mind lecture by Pastor Hyun Mok Lee.

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Special Article The Hearts of 2,000 Head Teachers Were Deeply Moved

For two weeks, Mind Lectures will be held for head teachers of elementary, middle and high schools. The Mind Lectures were held in Lilongwe Central, Eastern, Western, Kasungu, and Mzuzu regions.

On the 9th, we held the mind lectures at Nazenta School located west of Lilongwe Region. Over 100 head teachers attended. On this day, Pastor Jung Hwan Oh spoke about the importance and need for mind education. "The reason Korea was able to prosper was because their thoughts changed. Once their thoughts changed, the actions changed. And once their actions changed, their habits changed. This led to the change in their future. Just like this, a change in the hearts of the people of Malawi will change its future." The particiapants were not able to hide their reactions and were overjoyed with the mind lectures. They requested that the next mind lecture last for at least three to five days. Pastor Jung Hwan Oh gave mind lecture for over 100 head teachers of west Lilongwe region. After the lecture, Director Alfred Hauya of the West Lilongwe expressed the need for mind lectures for all teachers.

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Photo op with the 100 head teachers who participated. They were sad that the event was too short.

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Special Article The Hearts of 2,000 Head Teachers Were Deeply Moved

The following Monday, they left for the next region which was Kusungu, about 120 km away in the northern part of Lilongwe. Over 250 head teachers attended to hear the mind lectures. From Kusungu, they headed out to Mzuzu which was 360 km away. This is the third biggest city in Malawi and the capital of education. Director Tema attended two previous mind lectures held by Pastor Hyun Mok Lee and was in charge of preparing this mind lecture in Mzuzu. He initially prepared a stadium were over 2,000 people would be able to listen to the lectures, however, because of lack of funding he was only able to secure an elementary school for 500 head teachers to attend. They greeted us with warm hearts and were mesmerized by the mind lectures. They requested to continue these mind lectures on a regular basis. During each and every lecture, the faces of the teachers began to soften up and they grew more and more interested in the words of the world of the heart that was being taught by the lecturer. During the mind recreation time, the teachers who were of position became as little children and they opened their hearts to IYF. After the second week ended, a teacher who attended Mind

Over 350 head teachers came to listen to Pastor Jung Hwan Oh's mind lectures.

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Director Billy Bandan of the Kusungu Region came to meet with pastor after the lecture and request that the next mind lecture be three days long because one day was too short.

The Director of the Temazou Region of Mzuzu came to meet pastor after the lecture. She apologized that only 500 teachers attended this lecture and promised to bring 2,000 teachers if we have another lecture again.

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Special Article The Hearts of 2,000 Head Teachers Were Deeply Moved

Education Program last April invited pastor to her school to hold a mind lecture for the 300 students there. For Pastor Jung Hwan Oh's final schedule he headed to the region of Dezaro, 100 km from Lilongwe. That weekend, brothers and sisters of the Malawi church, as well as IYF members, were able to listen to the word of Pastor Jung Hwan Oh. "Abraham lived in the realm of time but he was able to see in the realm of eternity with his heart because of his faith. Just like this, we don't need to be tied down to the temporal realm because we can enter into the eternal realm with our hearts. He moved our hearts so that we can see our circumstances through the eyes of faith. In front of problems, we think that we cannot do anything and it would be difficult. But God is sincerely fulfilling the promises that He shows the servants. The great works do not just end as great works but God continues to pour His grace and love to the church of Malawi. We were overjoyed. God was manifested through the many works that arose in Malawi: the construction of the new church, GBS broadcast station, IYF, taekwondo, Mind Education Program, etc. We thank and glorify God who is working greatly in Malawi.

Photo op with the participants of the lecture held in Mzuzu. They were sad that it was too short and requested to have mind lectures at their schools.

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Memoirs of a Missionary_Cote d'Ivoire

Memoirs of a Missionary Episode 9

Broadening the Boundaries of the Gospel Through the World Camp We were able to hold the 2012 World Camp at a performance hall in Hotel Ivoire because God helped and worked according to His promise. We tried to avoid burdens and problems that were hard to solve, but through them, God revealed how He is with us and working with us. Testimonies about the 2012 World Camp were thankful because we saw how God helped us with His power to preach the Gospel and to gain lives. Pastor Jeongdo Lee (Missionary of Cote d'Ivoire)

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“The dates for the World Camp and SATs exams are overlapping!”

Every Sunday, we gathered and held a meeting to prepare for the 2012 World Camp. However, Brother Rafael who was a teacher told us that the dates for the World Camp and the SATs exam date were overlapping. It was a serious problem. In order to hold the World Camp, we had to use the high school next to the hotel as one of the accommodations. Yet, if the dates overlapped, the school would be used as a venue for students to take the exam. Brother Rafael told me. “Pastor, we have to contact the main office of the World Camp in Korea and reschedule the dates for the Camp.” “Brother, it’s hard to change the dates for the World Camp. Many countries all around the world are having World Camp as well, so the schedule is packed for the whole year. If we change the dates, it will effect World Camp dates of other countries. Also, there are no other dates available. Then, is it possible to change the date of the SAT exam?” “It would be only possible through a minister conference.” “Then, let’s try to change the SAT dates thinking that this is the minister conference. When would be a good time? Is a week before the World Camp better, or the week after?” “I think one week before the World Camp would be better. If so, students could participate in the camp after taking the exams.” “Yes, let’s pull the exam date forward. Now, since the date is changed, should we work on preparing for the World Camp?” Few days later, I visited the Minister of Youth, Allele Robonyan, who helped us with the World Camp in 2011. “Minister, we are preparing for the World Camp this year as well, but there is one problem.” “What is the problem?” “The dates of the World Camp and the SAT exam dates are overlapping. For that reason, we would like to change the date of the exam. What should we do?” - 21 -

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Memoirs of a Missionary_Cote d'Ivoire

“Hahaha! Pastor, even the Minister of Education or the President cannot change the exam date. The date is decided by four international organizations that support the exam. So you’d have to change the dates for the World Camp.” “Minister, if the exam date were changed, would you support the World Camp?” “Yes, I would.” “We would like to hold the World Camp at the performance hall in Hotel Ivorie. Could you help us?” “Yes.” Because the minister knew how much it cost to rent the performance hall, he could not easily reply. However, he said he would support us at last. Two weeks later, Brother Rafael called me. “Pastor, a miracle happened!” The SAT exam date was moved a week forward!” The next day, I went to see the minister. However, the minister would not meet with me anymore. “Hoping for a Miracle Like the Word”

Each day, I was busy spending time preparing for the World Camp. In the mornings, I went out to look for sponsors and worked on publishing Pastor Ock Soo Park’s book for the growth of the mind, Who are you, Who is dragging me?, in French. For about two months, I continuously worked and could not sleep any more than two to three hours a day. Many businesses and companies promised to support the World Camp, yet everyone turned us down at the end because the rent for the venue was too expensive. Meanwhile, we got connected with the city hall of Abidjan and received $40,000. With that money, we were able to pay the deposit. After that, God continued to open ways and sent people to help us. The presidential office decided to support us with $30,000 and other places supported us with food and drinks. In addition, Pastor Kyung Hwan Jung and Pastor Si Young Kim came from Korea and prepared for the World Camp together with us. - 22 -

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With the Minister of Education, Kandia Camara (Second from the left)

While it seemed that everything was going well, another problem occurred. The high school that we were going to use to accommodate room and board was chosen as the venue for grading the SAT exam. Now, we were about to lose the accommodations. I quickly went to see the Minister of Education. Yet, we were not able to meet him because that was the busiest time of the year for him. The World Camp was supposed to start on July 26th, but we could not meet the Minister of Education until July 22nd. On July 22nd, after the Sunday service, all the brothers went out to look for where the Minister of Education lived. Around 5 p.m., one of the brothers told me that he had found the house of the Minister of Education so we went there. Many police officers were guarding the house. I approached them and said, “I must meet the Minister of Education now. This is my business card. Please, give it to him.” “This is the minister’s private residence. If you want to meet him regarding official work, visit the Ministry of Education tomorrow and go through standard procedure.” “I am not doing this because I don’t know about the procedure. I’m doing this because the situation is so urgent. Please, pass my business card onto the minister.” The police officer went in and came out with my business card.

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Memoirs of a Missionary_Cote d'Ivoire

“The minister does not want to meet you.” The minister was Muslim, so I was certain that he would go out for prayer at 7 p.m. I waited in front of the gate, and the minister came out around the time of prayer. He saw me but just passed me by and went to the temple. I approached the guarding police officers and gave them IYF promotion material and documents, asking them to deliver them to the minister. Just like the Word in Esther 6:1, “In that night could not the king sleep, and he commanded to bring the book of records of the chronicles; and they were read before the king,” I could not help but pray. The next morning, I sent one sister to the Ministry of Education to find out what was going on. The sister called me. “Pastor, the minister read all the documents you left with him yesterday. He was very pleased saying that the purpose of the World Camp was the same as what the president wants to do. Also, he told us to use the high school for accommodations. Pastor, come quickly and speak with the Minister of Education.” “It May be Possible to Move It”

Right away, I went to the Ministry of Education and met the Minister of Education. I explained about the World Camp and various activities of IYF and asked for his cooperation. Since the high school that we wanted to use was chosen as the venue for grading the SAT exam, there were many problems that we had to solve. On Tuesday morning, I visited the minister again. The minister called the superintendent of education who oversaw all middle and high schools in Abidjan and told me after the conversation, “Pastor, that school was designated as an exam site, so you can’t use it.” “Minister, that’s not it. That high school is not the exam site but the venue for grading the exam.” “The superintendent of education said it is the exam site.” “No. It’s for grading.” The minister and I called the superintendent and after - 24 -

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The Hotel Ivoire Theater, where the World Camp was held (behind is the hotel)

a long conversation, we confirmed that the school was the venue for grading the exam. The minister told me to discuss with the superintendent and proceed with the work. I quickly went to the Office of Education. The superintendent saw me and said, “Are you the one who was trying to move the venue for grading the exam? There are more than 300 teachers from all over the nation that are waiting for the grading. Where should we move them to? This is impossible.” “Superintendent, I’m very sorry. Please, help us.” “I will call ten people who are in charge. If they said no, then it’s no. Do you understand?” The superintendent called ten people who were in charge of grading the exam and asked each of them. “Can we move the venue for grading?” “No, we can’t.” “No, we can’t move it.” Nine people said that it was impossible, but the tenth person said, “It might be possible to move it.” I was so shocked and looked at the tenth person who was in charge. He explained thoroughly how they could move the venue and everyone agreed with it. The superintendent said, “Let’s go to the school and meet the principal and professors who are in charge of grading before it’s too late.” - 25 -

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Memoirs of a Missionary_Cote d'Ivoire

There were more than 300 teachers and police officers gathered at the school. Immediately, we started a meeting with three of the professors who were in charge of grading and the principal. When the superintendent started to speak, the professors were angry and raised their voices. Surprisingly, the superintendent actively explained about the situation. After the superintendent spoke, the atmosphere had changed. The professors said they would try to explain to the teachers and receive an agreement. If one teacher opposed, it was impossible to move the venue. I was worried and thought, “How will these professors, who don’t know much about the World Camp and IYF explain to the teachers?” However, I was able to wait calmly because I saw how God helped me moment by moment in the past. About 10 minutes later, the professors came out. They said everyone agreed with moving the venue, not one opposed. I stood by the gate and greeted all teachers with thankfulness. “Thank you for your understanding!” “You are doing a great work. Good luck. Please, work for the teachers as well.” Everyone encouraged me with bright smiles. It took about 30 minutes for everyone including the police officers to leave the school. Then, the school was completely empty. As I was looking at the empty school, ironically, I felt more afraid than happy. In Genesis 28, Jacob was on his way to Beersheba from Haran. By sunset, he laid his head on a rock and fell asleep. He heard God’s blessing in his dream. In verse 17, Jacob said, “How dreadful is this place!” He should have felt happy if he heard blessings in his dream. However, why did he say that he was afraid? What was he afraid of? And Jacob awaked out of his sleep, and he said, Surely the Lord is in this place; and I knew it not. And he was afraid, and said, How dreadful is this place! this is none other but the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven. (Genesis 28:16-17) Jacob did not say that he was afraid because he committed - 26 -

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Inside of the Hotel Ivoire Theater

sin or the situation was bad. He was afraid of himself living normally without acknowledging God’s being with him. As I was left alone by the gate, I asked myself as I looked at the empty school, “Was the God who I believe in this big and great?” I was afraid of myself who lived ignoring and not acknowledging God. “God Who Worked According to the Written Word in the World Camp”

Two days after organizing the school on Thursday, about 1,800 World Camp participants crowded into the school. From Thursday to Saturday, we decided to have the World Camp on the outdoor stage that was set up in the school field. From Sunday to Tuesday, we decided to have the camp in the theater, but there was a problem again. Among the visitors who were coming to Ivory Coast from Togo after the World Camp there, there were people who did not receive free visas from their own countries. The Police Department was strict on this issue. People without a visa were about to be kicked out the country. On Sunday, Pastor Ock Soo Park and other World Camp participants arrived in Ivory Coast. Surprisingly, everyone was able to come in without any problem. I did not know what was going on. After the World Camp was over, Brother Juju who was in charge of arrivals and departures gave a testimony.

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Memoirs of a Missionary_Cote d'Ivoire

“Pastor, in order to bring in sound equipment and other materials, we needed a warrant, but we could not get it until Friday. On Saturday, suddenly, there was an emergency situation. For that, the Police Department, the Department of Inferior, the Department of Foreign Affairs, and officers from military police gathered in the National Assembly building. There, officers of the Department of Foreign Affairs, who were helping our event, requested to the Police Commissioner to help us. The commissioner told his secretary, “Issue the paper works, so that all the materials can come in.” However, he said that no one can enter without a visa. Miraculously, God helped us. The secretary did not write, “all materials,” but “all” when he sent the notice to the airport police. Police officers at the airport were confused about how they should interpret the word, “all.” Eventually, they concluded that “all” included not only materials but also people. That’s how everyone was able to come in without any problem.” With Pastor Ock Soo Park, we started the World Camp at the Hotel Ivoire Theater. Yet, because we could not receive $30,000 that the presidential office promised to support, the electricity was cut off while the Gracias Choir was practicing. However, 5 minutes after the electricity was cut off, we received the check from the office, so we were able to continue with the event. As we prepared and proceeded with the World Camp, there were so many incidents. Among those incidents, there was not one that was not connected with God. Finance was also amazing. In 2011, we were sponsored with $40,000 and sponsored with $80,000 in 2012. Then, it would be normal for us to receive more sponsorships in 2013, but we did not receive anything in that year. Yet, we were not short on finance. In 2011 and 2012, we spent a lot of money because we held the World Camp in Abidjan, but, in 2013, we did not spend as much as the previous years because we held the camp in Yamoussoukro, a local city. And the children of Israel did so, and gathered, some more, some less. And when they did mete it with an omer, he that gathered much had nothing over, and he that gathered little had no lack; they gathered every - 28 -

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The World Camp participants eating in the field of the high school that we used to accommodate room and board

man according to his eating. (Exodus 16:17-18) God worked according to what was written in the Word. Where no oxen are, the crib is clean: but much increase is by the strength of the ox. (Proverbs 14:4) If we did not have any difficulties and burdens, we would live without problems. However, if we lived that way, we would not be able to gain things that we could have gained through the ox. As a result, we would have to live poorly and difficultly continuously. The clean crib with no oxen is not the clean crib but it is no longer the crib. Likewise, a church that does not bear the burden of the Gospel and does the work of the Gospel is no longer a church. Through the World Camp that was held each year, many students received salvation. After the World Camp was over, we visited houses of the students who participated the camp and explained about the camp and held conferences. Through those events, many people received salvation and got connected to the church. In addition, there were many students who came to the World Camp from cities in which our church was not established. We visited those cities and preached the Gospel through conferences. Through those students, we are establishing five churches a year. The World Camp broadened the boundary of the Gospel and made the lives of the brothers and sisters prosperous as it is written in the Word of God. - 29 -

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New York Times: Notes on Genesis II

How Can You Become

Righteous? Pastor Ock Soo Park Good News Gangnam Church

And he said, Behold now, I have taken upon me to speak unto the Lord: Peradventure there shall be twenty found there. And he said, I will not destroy it for twenty's sake. And he said, Oh let not the Lord be angry, and I will speak yet but this once: Peradventure ten shall be found there. And he said, I will not destroy it for ten's sake. And the LORD went his way, as soon as he had left communing with Abraham: and Abraham returned unto his place. (Genesis 18:31~33)

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can never completely keep the Word of God. What Will You Do if There Are Ten Righteous? God is talking to Abraham about the destruction of the city of Sodom and Gomorrah in today's scriptures. Here, it speaks of the “righteous.” Abraham contended with God, saying, “God, will you destroy the city even if it has 50 righteous people? Should you not be fair when you are judging the world?” Just as it is written in 2 Peter, “...and delivered just Lot,” Abraham's nephew, Lot, was a redeemed, righteous child of God. Abraham had assumed that since Lot, his wife, and his two daughters were living in the city, there were four righteous persons, so there must be at least fifty people who had received salvation through the four of them evangelizing. Then God spoke. “I will not destroy the city if there are fifty righteous there.” Upon hearing this, Abraham thought, “Why is God so willing to adhere to my proposal? I don't think there are fifty there. Then let me take away five.” Then he once again spoke to God, “Will you destroy the city if there are five people short?" "No, if there are fortyf ive righteous, I will not destroy the city.”

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Spiritual Life Is Difficult Without Clarity Spiritual life, once you know what it is, is truly easy. Once we learn something at school and come to know something, it is easy, but when you don't, it is very difficult. Spiritual life, for the most part, is difficult because of the lack of clarity. People are deceived by Satan and simply think, “All I have to do is not sin according to the Word of God and be good, don't I?” If you could become good and have the ability to live according to the Word, the Bible would only have to be a few pages long. It would only have to say, “Be good. Live according to the Word. Then you'll be fine.” The Bible teaches us our image through completely revealing to us the world of our hearts. The conclusions we arrive at are different from the ones God arrives at. When I meet with people and speak to them about spiritual life, many say to me, “Pastor, although I am weak now, I think I can do well if I try. Right now, my heart is not settled and it is difficult but, when things do settle down, I will live as a good person.” They think that it is that simple. The important thing is that it may appear on the surface to be this way, but they must know that we

New York Times: Notes on Genesis II

Abraham thought, “Does this mean that there are not even fortyfive righteous people there?" “What will you do if there are forty?” asked Abraham. “I will not destroy the city,” said God. “What will you do if there are thirty righteous people?” “I will not destroy the city.” “What will you do if there are twenty righteous people?” "I will not destroy the city.” Lastly, Abraham was sure that there were at least fifty righteous people and he had contended with God again. However, that was not true and he was discouraged. Then he spoke once again to God: “God, I will speak only this time. “I will not destroy it for the sake of the ten,” replied God.

What Will You Do If There Are Ten Righteous? Lot, who was saved, his wife, and his two daughters entered the city of Sodom. But rather than testifying of the grace of God to have ten people, twenty people, or fifty become righteous, the four of them fell into the world. This was the reason for God passing down destruction. God is ready to destroy this world, but He is not doing so because He wants at least one more person to be saved and not destroyed. Nevertheless, the works of people being saved did not happen as Lot entered the city of Sodom. Rather, it was Lot who started falling more and more into the world. God did not feel the need to wait any longer. He decided to destroy Sodom. There were nowhere near fifty righteous people, and lastly, when the judgment came upon Sodom and Gomorra, Lot's wife was also thrown away and only three were delivered. Quickly Throw Away Trying to Be Good Was Lot saved because he lived as a good person while he was in the city of Sodom? That was not so. Did he keep the law well? He

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The miracle of the water turning into wine arose when they accepted the words of Jesus to draw out and serve. All the miracles achieved by God happen following such principles.

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Now man must submit to how God sees him.”Yes, if you say that there is none that is good, then that is right.” However, people try to be good because they feel that they can accomplish it if they try. God, on the other hand, says that there is no good in man, and that He could not find any goodness, righteousness, or holiness in any man. But seeing things from man's perspective, man disagrees with this. If Korea Is on the Other Side, Let Us Dig Until We Get There There was a missionary who once ministered to a South American Indio tribe called Nambikwara. This missionary had a chance to visit Korea and told the Indios, “I'll be visiting Korea for awhile.” How could the Indios, who live in the jungle, know where Korea is? “How far is Korea?” “It is very far. On the globe, we are here, and Korea is completely on the other side. That is why I am taking an airplane there.”


did not do that at all. He became righteous through the grace of God. People do not know about this aspect very well so they only think, “If I listen to the Word to be a good person and keep the law without sinning, I shall become righteous.” This is a thought from a human perspective, but the image of man from God's perspective is, the Heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked (Jeremiah 17:9). In the eyes of God, there is no one who appears to be holy, righteous, or good. The Lord looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there were any that did understand, and seek God. They are gone aside, they are all become filthy: there is none that doeth good, no, not one. (Psalms 14:2-3) Man thinks that he can be good if he tries, but God says,“No, you humans have no good in you because you are filthy, dirty, and evil by nature.” This is the difference between the thoughts of God and the thoughts of man.

New York Times: Notes on Genesis II

When the missionary explained this, one Indio said, “If we are here, and Korea is on the other side, why do you have to take a plane to get there? Just dig into the ground until you get there. As you dig, if there is water then you can drink it. And if you keep digging and reach Korea, you'll be there.” That was what the Indios thought. The Indios also have a very simple way of counting. One “cana cana.” Two “ha-ri.” Three is expressed as “hari cana cana,” and four is “ha-ri ha-ri.” After that, there is no more. The rest is simply expressed as “many.” They have no five, six, or even seven. If we tell these Indios that Korea is 15,500 miles from Brazil, how could they know a number as big as 15,500? They only express it as “many,” or “far away.” Since they have no idea how big the earth is, they simply think with the knowledge they have, which is that you can dig until you reach Korea. We a re more adva nced in our numeric concept than the Indios, but there is not much of a difference between us and them in the eyes of God. Although you may appear to be a little better than your neighbor; though you may be more honest than some church goers; everyone is the

same in the eyes of God. We have all fallen into evilness and into sin. We just make up some goodness from within our filthy, dirty, and sinful nature and try to show that off. In spite of that, it disappears quickly. Because evil and dirty hearts continually spring up inside of man, God can never discover any goodness that comes from man. There are many people who think that they are good, righteous, godly, and honest. It seems that way at man's level. We are able to do more good than our neighbors. We can be godlier than other people. We can even be more honest than someone who is always deceiving people. We can also be more truthful than a person who lies continually. All of these things are relative from man to man. You appear to be good when you judge yourself in this way, relative to others. Nevertheless, you are not good in the eyes of God. You Said that There Is None Righteous, and Now You Say There Is? Romans chapter 3, verse 10 says, There is none righteous, no, not one. But the interesting thing is that the “righteous” are often mentioned in the Bible. Noah was a just man. (Genesis 6:9) It says that Noah was

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How did Noah become righteous? God is righteous. Therefore, the people who receive the righteousness of God are those who become righteous people.

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righteous. The Bible also says that righteous people. This is not their Abraham was righteous. Lot was righteousness, but the righteousness also recorded as a righteous person of God. Apostle Paul said this as in the words, delivered just Lot, in Philippians: ...not having in 2 Peter chapter 2, verse 7. The mine own righteousness, which Apostle Paul also said, “I have is of the law, but that which is righteousness.” The Bible also says, through the faith of Christ, the in James chapter 5, verse 16 that, righteousness which is of God by the fervent prayer of a righteous faith. (Philippians 3:9) man availeth much. The Bible also Because We Are Crooked and mentions a “righteous Job.” As we can see, in the Bible, there Evil by Nature I had no idea that I had a are many righteous people. It is here where people feel confused. crooked walk. I once went jogging, “The Bible says that there is none and for some reason, there was a righteous, but why are there large mirror there. I ran in front righteous people in the Bible?” of the mirror and I could see People are unable to find an answer that my left foot went forward to this and simply conclude, “There properly, but my right foot is none righteous. I am a sinner swung outwards. Right then, I until the day I die. The Bible says came to know that the way I walk was crooked. Afterwards, I there is no one who is righteous.” However, when we look deeper tried to walk straight whenever into this, there is a precise answer. this came to mind, but when I There is no one righteous among asked a doctor about this, he said, man because we humans are all “Pastor, your leg muscles have filthy and dirty. If so, how did already developed accordingly, so Noah become righteous? God is unless you constantly concentrate righteous. Therefore, the people on this, you will subconsciously who receive the righteousness walk crookedly.” I can walk straight when I think of God are those who become

New York Times: Notes on Genesis II

We became righteous through the righteousness of Jesus although we did not live righteously. It was not by my righteousness, but the righteousness of Jesus. to, but when I don't think about it, my right foot goes forward crookedly because my muscles have developed in a crooked way. This is how people are. Because people have crooked personalities, they have some images of goodness when they remember to be good, but quickly, they become crooked again. Because you are filthy, honest images come from you occasionally when you are trying to be truthful, but after a couple of steps, the filthy things come out from you. Dirty things, lustful things, and deceitful things come out from you as well. This person is not a proper person but a crooked person. Man cannot become good when he is consciously trying to become good. While he may be honest and truthful, then, when he is not to tally concentrating, he quickly becomes evil, dirty, and filthy. That person is evil. He is a crooked person. However, people remember for a long time the one good deed they have done, and

think that they can live properly. They walk crookedly all of the time, but when they take one good step, they think, “I can walk straight.” That is total nonsense. A long time ago, a teacher was teaching English to children at a small school in a village. He could not pronounce, “Windy wind.” Therefore, he said to them, “Repeat after me. Vindy vind.” Then all the children said, “Vindy, vind.” He said, “Hey kids, it's not vindy vind. It's vindy vind.” Then the children again said, “Vindy vind.” The teacher realized that his pronunciation was wrong. Then he said to the children, “Hey kids, even though I say, ‘Vindy, vind,’ you guys should say, ‘Vindy vind.’” This teacher could not say, “Windy wind,” no matter how hard he tried. We Are Righteous Through the Righteousness of Jesus That is exactly how we are. We cannot become righteous through - 36 -

Finally, this needs to become achieved in our hearts. How cou ld t his become achieved in our hearts? Saying, “Ah, my sins have moved onto Jesus and were ended on the cross! I have the righteousness of Jesus, so I am righteous! That is why God called me righteous!� and realizing and accepting it into your heart is what achieves righteousness in your heart. Nevertheless, people do not know this, and labor to become righteous through trying to live righteously. It is impossible for us to become righteous through our efforts to be good. On the contrary, it is so easy to accept the righteousness that Jesus has achieved. There is no one who can become righteous through not sinning and committing righteousness, but it is very easy to become righteous if you accept what Jesus has done. Can a woman make a child just because she wants to? She may draw out the image of a person in the dirt but how can she make blood vessels, a heart, and pour life into the drawing? A woman can have a

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our actions. We cannot do it no matter how hard we try. That is why we need to give up on ourselves and receive the righteousness of God. That is how Apostle Paul became righteous. Jesus committed righteousness and did not sin once during his 33 years of life on this earth. Jesus lived a holy life. On the contrary, we both ate and drank sin our entire lives. We could only be destroyed because of this. Hence, God gave us the holy righteousness of Jesus who had not sinned for all of His 33 years, while casting the dirty sins we committed throughout our lives upon Jesus. He made an exchange. We could never have been saved unless this was done. God cast all the sins we committed onto Jesus and gave to us the holy righteousness Jesus lived with. Whether you wanted it or not or whether you know it or not, God has already accomplished this. Because our sins have moved over onto Jesus, Jesus became a sinner although He had not sinned. On the other hand, we became righteous through the righteousness of Jesus although we did not live righteously. It was not by my righteousness, but the righteousness of Jesus! This was achieved in heaven, in the heart of God, and in the heart of Jesus.

New York Times: Notes on Genesis II

child through receiving life from a man. Even if the woman cannot draw or sculpt well, she can have a truly beautiful child who has eyes, a nose, a heart, and everything else if she receives the seed from a man. We cannot make righteousness with our efforts. However, we can have righteousness if we accept it. This is what God did for us. We do not become righteous through our efforts or good deeds, but He has us accept the righteousness of Jesus which was accomplished t hrough a 33 year-long life without a single sin, and a life of righteousness. If we accept the life of Jesus, we are more righteous than anyone because we then have the righteousness of Jesus. He did this whether you are good or bad, have zeal or no zeal, regardless. God did not care whether you were dirty, filthy, evil, or full of lies, but He gave you the righteousness of Jesus. He had Jesus take away all of your sins. He exchanged Jesus for your sins. Jesus, who was without sin, bore your sins and became a sinner. You became righteous through being clothed with the righteousness of Jesus. Jesus is righteous and we are sinners. But through this exchange Jesus became a sinner and we became righteous. As a testament of this, Jesus was crucified on the cross to shed His blood for your

sins. When you accept this by faith, the righteousness of Jesus comes upon your heart, and you become righteous. Then it is extremely easy to become righteous. You Are Righteous if You Have Righteousness It is not that we have to make righteousness, but we become righteous through receiving the righteousness of Jesus. Because Abraham realized this, he thought that Lot preached the Word of God to the people of Sodom while Lot was there. Abraham thought there would be at least fifty righteous people there. On the contrary, Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed because Sodom did not even have ten righteous people. Someone who has received the righteousness of Jesus is righteous. Who is rich? If someone inherits a lot of wealth from his father, he is rich. Even though you have no money, if you win the lottery and receive $10 million U.S. dollars, you are rich. Whether you made the money or not, you are rich if you have much money. In becoming righteous as well, whether it was you who made it or not, you are righteous if you have righteousness. We become righteous, not through our effort, but through receiving the righteousness of Jesus.

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Gospel Lesson

This is Salvation Pastor Han Gyu Lee | Good News East Seoul Church

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Jesus and John the Baptist

The usual sin offerings that were given whenever an individual committed sin, and the sin offerings that were given to pardon the sins of all the people for a entire year, during the Old Testament era, were not sin offerings that were supposed to wash mankind’s sins forever. They were merely the models, or shadows, to teach us that Jesus was coming to this world to take care of all the sins of mankind. In addition, through His crucifixion, He forgave man’s sins forever. The sin offerings that were given repetitively, according to the Law, could not solve all of our sins from their roots. For this reason, God prepared a lamb that could take care of every man’s sins. He was the Scapegoat, Jesus Christ. Jesus used the womb of Mary and was conceived through the Holy Spirit approximately 2000 years ago. He came as the “seed of a woman” like it was prophesized in Genesis chapter 3. Due to the Law stating that Jesus must be 30 years old to do the work of a priest, Jesus took care of man’s sins the year he turned 30 years old. Matthew chapter 3 records this amazing scene: Then cometh Jesus from Galilee to Jordan unto John, to be baptized of him. But John forbad him, saying, I have need to be baptized of thee, and comest thou to me? And Jesus answering said unto him, suffer it to be so now: for thus it becometh us to fulfil all righteousness. Then he suffered him. (Matthew 3:13-15) John the Baptist was baptizing people with water unto repentance at the Jordan River. I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance. (Matt. 3:11) But one day, Jesus suddenly came to the Jordan River and said that He was to be baptized by John the Baptist. John could not understand this because Jesus was not a sinner. He did not need repentance. However, Jesus came to John the Baptist, who was baptizing people unto repentance, and said that He was going to receive baptism. To this, John said, “Jesus, you are the holy Son of God, and I am a

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descendant of Adam who had departed from God. I should kneel down before you and be baptized. How is it that you are trying to be baptized by me?” Jesus responded by having fellowship with John the Baptist.

The Sin of the World That Passed Onto Jesus

Jesus told John, “John, it’s not what you think. You must baptize me.” “Why is that?” John asked. “Do you know who you are? Aren’t you the greatest among those born in the world through women? You are the representative of all of mankind. I am the representative of Heaven. Therefore, you and I must meet like this. And just like the sin offerings given in the Old Testament era, it is you who must be the representative of all of mankind. Therefore, you must baptize me by placing your hands on my head. This has to be done in order for mankind’s sins to pass over to become righteous.” In Luke chapter 7, verse 28, Jesus said, For I say unto you, Among those that are born of women there is not a greater prophet than John the Baptist: John the Baptist represented all of mankind. He was the last priest of the Old Testament era. And as the representative of all of mankind, he had to baptize Jesus so that our sins could be charged and laid upon Jesus. In turn, Jesus’s righteousness becomes ours. John the Baptist realized this after he heard Jesus speak. “Is that so? Then you came as the Lamb of God who takes away of all our sins.” For even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many. (Mark 10:45) John the Baptist realized, “Now I understand. There was clearly a reason why Jesus came to me.” He then placed his hands on Jesus’s head right immediately and baptized Him. Jesus said that all these things had to be done in order to fulfill all righteousness. The same way that the sins committed by the people during the Old Testament era would pass over onto the goat, the sin of all mankind passed over to Jesus when John the Baptist, who was representing all of mankind, baptized Jesus. All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all. (Isaiah 53:6) Since it is a fact that our sins passed over onto Jesus like this 2,000

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years ago, and since it is a fact that Jesus actually died, it is a fact that we actually became righteous. We are not being labeled or dismissed as righteous, even though we are actually sinners. If we actually have sin, and God is just letting us say we are righteous, then that would make God a liar. Then God’s unbiased image would crumble down. Suffer it to be so now: for thus it becometh us to fulfil all righteousness. (Matt. 3:15) By accomplishing what Jesus did, He attained, for everyone, all righteousness. What percentage does the word “all” pertain to? It can only be used to mean 100 percent. The statement, “to fulfill all

By accomplishing what Jesus did, He attained, for everyone, all righteousness. righteousness,” means that all our sins have been passed over onto Jesus. The words, “laying of hands,” means, “to go over,” but it also means, “to become one.” We were separated from God because of sin, but now all of our sins have gone over to Jesus. Therefore, we have become one with Jesus. All our sins have become Jesus’s, and the righteousness of Jesus and all spiritual things within Him have become ours. All our sins have passed onto Jesus; therefore, there is no need to give another sin offering for our sins on this Earth any more. The priests also have nothing more to do. So when John the Baptist baptized Jesus, he gave the sin of the world and the priesthood over to Jesus. Jesus is now an eternal priest. And inasmuch as not without an oath he was made priest: (For those priests were made without an oath; but this with an oath by him that said unto him, The Lord sware and will not repent, Thou art a priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec. (Hebrews 7:20,21) For the law maketh men high priests which have infirmity; but the word of the oath, which was since the law, maketh the Son, who is consecrated for evermore. (Hebrews 7:28)

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The Heavens Opened

Jesus had now been baptized by John, and He came out of the water. In Matthew chapter 3, verse 16, it states that the heavens were opened, and the Spirit of God came down like a dove. The opening of the heavens means that God has opened His heart towards us. It means that the barrier between God and we has been completely removed. Now there is no sin nor blemish that can interfere between God and us. In fact, here where it says the heavens were opened means that it had been closed before. It was not that God had shut His hearts towards humans from the moment He created us. Then from when were the heavens closed? When the heaven is shut up, and there is no rain, because they have sinned against thee. (2 Chron. 6:26) I searched in the Bible to discover when God had closed the heavens, and it said that from when man sinned, the heavens were closed. From the moment Adam and Eve sinned, God closed the doors of Heaven. Now, however, after Jesus came and was baptized by John the Baptist, Jesus opened the doors of Heaven by accepting the sins of the entire world. What a wonderful and thankful thing!

Eternal Guarantor

In Matthew chapter 3, there are five witnesses that guarantee the fact that everyone has become righteous the moment all our sins passed over onto Jesus. The first witness is God. Since God, himself, saw John the Baptist baptizing Jesus, He could not turn our sins upon us. The second witness is Jesus Christ, onto whom the sins were all passed. Therefore, Jesus cannot condemn us. The third witness is the Holy Spirit that came down to celebrate this truth. The fourth witness is John the Baptist, the representative of all mankind. There was no one greater before God than John the Baptist. Then if John the Baptist testifies that all the sins of the world have passed over onto Jesus, then they surely have been passed over onto Jesus. There is even yet another witness. Who could that witness be? It is the Scriptures. Aren’t the Scriptures, which will never change eternally, stating the truth that all of our sins have passed over onto Jesus? There are trustable witnesses who are our eternal guarantors. How reliable they must be.

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The Lamb of God, Which Taketh Away the Sin of the World

Then after Jesus started carrying our sins, He did not shed His blood right away and he was not killed the way the sin offering was killed in the Old Testament. Instead, He stayed in this world for another three years. During those three years, He set out to reveal to the people, who had not personally seen this done themselves, everything that He accomplished at the Jordan River through John the Baptist so that they could realize the truth. After Jesus received the baptism from John the Baptist, the next day, He was returning to John the Baptist. At that time, John the Baptist loudly proclaimed before the people about Jesus: Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world! (John 1:29) In the Bible it says, “taketh away the sin of the world!” So it expresses Jesus as the Lamb of God, who “takes away” the sin of the world. In the Chinese Bible, it expresses Jesus as the Lamb of God who “removes” the sin of the world. Can you all see Jesus in the Word of God, who takes away the sin of the world? The Chinese character for word, “world,” is a combination of two different characters: human 世, and top 上. In essence, it is referring to all the humans that live on top of the earth. The Bible refers to all the humans that have come from Adam as the “world.” Therefore, the phrase, “sin of the world,” includes every sin of the humans that are on top of the Earth. Jesus has carried away all the sins of man, starting from Adam to the last man on earth, all at once. In 1 Corinthians chapter 15, verse 45, it describes Jesus as the “last Adam.” Since Jesus is the last Adam of the world, He came at the “end of the world.” (Hebrews 9:26)

Look Up to Jesus

John the Baptist, who had been shouting, “Repent!” Is now shouting, “Behold, the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world!” Faith is not something that we, “do,” but it is “looking up to” Christ. Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God,

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and there is none else. (Is. 45:22) People constantly look at themselves, instead of looking up to Jesus and the Word of God. That is why they always feel that they lack and cannot escape from disappointment and condemnation. Spiritual life is not looking at your self. It is looking up to Christ and the promise of God. Depending on what you focus on, your heart can be under the curse or under the blessing. You are a sinner when you look at yourself, but you can escape from sin and become righteous when you look at Jesus Christ, who is the Lamb of God who took away the sin of the world. Incline my heart unto thy testimonies, and not to covetousness. (Ps. 119:36) Focus on the testimonies of God. Accepting God’s testimonies is faith. Jesus carried all of our sins and went to various places and met many people. Passing through John chapters 1, 2, 3…, Jesus met with a woman who was caught committing adultery in chapter 8. The whole world and the law condemned this woman, and even this woman condemned her own self, but then Jesus spoke. “Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee?” “She said, No man, Lord.” “And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.” (John 8:10,11) Why didn’t Jesus acknowledge this woman’s sin? It is because He already carried that sin through John the Baptist. Jesus came to this world for that sin, and then went to the cross with them. Jesus went to the cross instead of this woman. It means that Jesus, who loved this woman’s soul, went to the place of death where she was supposed to be.

It Is finished

When you look at John chapter 19, verse 18, Jesus is finally being nailed on the cross. Originally, the cross was a type of punishment used to execute heinous sinners. Jesus, who took all of our sins, carried that shameful cross for us. He readily carried the cross of tribulation and death to save us. The Roman soldiers whipped Jesus with pieces of metal hanging on the whipcord, and put a crown made with thorns on His head. They also nailed both of Jesus’s hands and feet on the cross with thick nails. Jesus’s body was ripped into pieces and blood gushed out of His

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precious body. That precious blood washed the sins of all mankind. That blood cleansed us from our sins. Much more then, being now justified by his blood… (Rom. 5:9) In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins… (Eph. 1:7) Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood (Rev. 1:5) Hallelujah! Jesus saw the blood gushing out from His body and was satisfied. He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied: by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many; for he shall bear their iniquities. (Is. 53:11) Jesus was satisfied when He saw God’s will perfectly fulfilled, which was to wash all of the sins of all of mankind through His death to make them righteous. By shedding His blood, He cleansed the sins of all mankind. Through His death, the price for all the sins of man had been paid for. Everyone has received eternal life through that grace. He saved all men from sin. Now, we have become one with God through Jesus. How thankful that is! There is no other greater news than this! This is the true Gospel that the Bible speaks about. This is why the name of our mission is, the Good News Mission. It is a mission that does the precious work of saving souls, which are more valuable than anything else in the world, from sin to guide them to Kingdom of Heaven. Right before Jesus passed away, He spoke the words, “It is finished,” and went up to God. “It is finished,” means that the price of all our sins have been paid for. Jesus washed away the sin of the world perfectly so that there is no longer anything left for us to do for sin. And then He went up to the Kingdom of Heaven. He also promised that He will come down again to take those who accepted the Gospel. …when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high.” (Heb. 1:3) Hallelujah! The promise is here for those who believe in this Word. Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life. (John 5:24) Since sin and the Law were finished on the cross, there is no longer death for us. It is because we have received eternal life. There is no more judgment. Jesus already received all judgment that we needed to receive. Those who believe in the Lord will not be judged when they leave this world. They will enter the Kingdom of God right away. How thankful that is! Let’s give infinite thanks and glory to the Lord. - 47 -


It Hurts, but I'm Healed


There was a time in the past when I used to suffer from a gastric ulcer. As a result, when I ate something even a little salty, spicy, or even bitter, I would get diarrhea immediately. Even eating porridge would make me run to the restroom. The doctor told me that the inner lining in my stomach had become paper thin, and that it could burst if I ate the wrong foods. Within three months, I had lost seven kilograms. I thought I would never be able to prepare for the summer retreat and preach as a guest speaker, so I prayed to God. “God, there is nothing that is impossible for you. Please heal my stomach,” I prayed. After praying, I remembered the words in Mark chapter 11. Therefore I say unto you, What things so ever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them. (Mark 11:24) If I truly believed that my prayers would be answered as these words promise, then it should only be natural that I can eat kimchi, meat, bean paste, and even drink coffee because I am healed. However, under the circumstances, I would get diarrhea even after a spoonful of food. I felt like my stomach would really burst as the doctor had told me. Therefore, if I were to have faith, I had to eat something. On the other hand, I felt that, as a pastor, if I were to not have faith or live by faith myself, I would not be able to preach to my congregation, nor instill faith in them. So I prayed again. “God, I do believe. If you heal me, I will believe.” However, God was saying that He would heal me if I simply believe. I opened the Bible once again and thought about it. “So, let’s say I do believe.

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Preaching the Gospel to the Ends of the Earth

If I eat rice, kimchi, bean paste, and drink coffee, will I live or die?” The situation made it seem like I would die, but the Word tells me that I am healed. I had the heart to say, “God is not a liar. If I only believe, He will never leave me to die. God, I believe my stomach is already healed. I'm healed now.” It was easy to believe when one sees one’s self completely healed, but it was difficult to believe the Word that I am healed when I physically wasn’t. I tried to see that I was healed first, and then believe, but that was just believing in the result of being healed, not the Word of God. Believing in God is believing in the Word of God. So I thought to myself, “God, please forgive me for not having believed that you'll heal me.” That morning, we had many guests, so my wife grilled some meat and cooked bean paste soup for the guests. However, on the corner of the table, she had prepared some porridge, several sheets of seaweed, and some dried shrimp just for me. So when I sat in front of the bowl, containing the largest amount of rice, my wife was shocked and asked me, “Is it okay for you to eat rice?” I replied, “My stomach is healed, so it’s okay,” and I ate as much of the prepared food as I wanted. As soon as I put the spoon down, I ran to the restroom because my stomach started to hurt. Satan whispered to me, saying, “I thought you were healed. So why are you in pain? You’ll die at this rate.” I didn’t really have anything to refute that. I thought maybe this is how I was going to die, and pictured my wife and kids sobbing beside my dead body, who died of a ruptured stomach. Soon, God once again spoke to my heart, “God’s words are alive. Your stomach is completely healed.” “But if it's healed, why do I have diarrhea?” I thought to myself. “Regardless, if God says I’m healed, then I’m healed.” As I heard God speaking to my heart, my heart felt peaceful.” “That’s right. It hurts, but I'm healed,” I was able to say. I no longer had to fight Satan. My troubles were over. My stomach was completely healed. At lunchtime, I once again emptied my bowl of rice. I had to run to the restroom again, clutching my stomach, but my heart was at peace. At dinnertime, I was invited to a dinner at a hotel buffet, so I ate there. I went back and forth, emptying five plates of food, but that night, I did not go to the restroom. The next morning, when I woke up, my stomach felt so comfortable. I knew that my stomach was completely healed. Since then, my stomach has been fine no matter what I eat, and I have been able to travel to various places around the world in order to preach the Gospel.

Church Directory (North America) EAST COAST Good News New York Church 718-878-4246 300 Nassau Rd, Huntington, NY 11743 Good News Manhattan Church 917-678-3344 2152 3rd Ave, NY, NY 10035 Good News Bronx Church 646-339-6432 685 Morris Park Ave 2nd Fl, Bronx, NY 10462 Good News Brooklyn NY Church 917-526-7498 765 43rd St 1st FL, Brooklyn, NY 11232 Good News Flushing Chinese Church 631-535-1169 134-24 Cherry Ave, Flushing, NY 11355 Good News Atlanta Church 404-966-6352 11000 Rogers Circle, Johns Creek, GA 30097 Good News Atlanta Spanish Church 678-387-9271 2635 Fairlane Drive, 2nd FL, Doraville, GA 30340 Good News Philadelphia Church 215-379-0501 305 Township Line Road, Elkins Park, PA 19027 Good News Chicago Church 847-329-0237 4825 W Jarlath St, Lincolnwood, IL 60712 Good News Washington Church 703-973-7975 7461 Miramar Dr, Manassas, VA 20109 Good News Memphis Church 901-646-0055 764 Chatwood Cove, Memphis, TN 38122 Good News Minneapolis Church 612-275-3348 3000 West Broadway Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55411 Good News Orlando Church 407-312-4028 301 S Oak Ave, Sanford, FL 32771

Good News New Jersey Church 201-406-4677 1075 Queen Anne Road, Teaneck, NJ 07666 Good News Detroit Church 248-608-1409 1181 Harding Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48307 Good News Indianapolis Church 317-294-5329 383 S Emerson Ave, Indianapolis, IN 46219 Good News Miami Church 954-667-7753 331 NW 65th Way, Hollywood, FL 33024 Good News New Orleans Church 504-602-9930 3720 Saratoga Dr, Metairie, LA 70002 Good News Jacksonville Church 904-646-7885 3850 Beach Blvd, Jacksonville, FL 32207 Good News Boston Church 617-320-3296 180 Blue Hill Avenue #3, Boston, MA 02125 Good News Charlotte Church 704-500-6063 2009 W Arrowood Rd, Charlotte, NC 28217 Good News Fort Wayne Church 260-797-3412 3316 S Calhoun St, Fort Wayne, IN 46807 Good News Nashville Spanish Church 615-927-8980 120 Arbor Knoll Blvd, Antioch, TN 37013 Good News Maryland Chinese Church 301-250-1138 900 Westmore Ave, Rockville, MD 20850 WEST COAST Good News Central Church 213-386-0097 3500 W 1st St, Los Angeles, CA 90004 Good News Tacoma Church 253-582-3599 10103 South Tacoma Way, Lakewood, WA 98499

Good News Albuquerque Church 505-300-9807 3001 Cuervo Dr, NE Albuquerque, NM 87110 Good News Dallas First Church 972-272-4724 4502 Lawler Rd, Garland, TX 75042 Good News San Jose Church 619-559-6287 1548 Curtner Ave, San Jose, CA 95128 Good News San Jose Spanish Church 408-784-0163 1710 Moorpark Ave, San Jose, CA 95128 Good News Las Vegas Church 702-248-0572 2880 Red Rock St, Las Vegas, NV 89146 Good News Salt Lake Church 801-656-5299 2364 S Main St, Salt Lake City, UT 84115 Good News O.C. Church 714-814-9436 3330 W Lincoln Ave, Anaheim, CA 92801 Good News Anchorage Church 907-258-9987 1020 W Fireweed Lane, Anchorage, AK 99503 Good News El Paso Church 915-309-7075 6869 Enid Ct #74, El Paso, TX 79912 Good News Portland Church 971-300-1127 6225 SW Dale Ave, Beaverton, OR 97008 Good News San Antonio Church 210-993-9414 405 Walton Ave, San Antonio, TX 78225

Good News Hawaii Church 808-679-2800 1219 Keeaumoku St, Suite 400, Honolulu, HI 96814 Good News Houston Church 346-400-1812 2516 Wavell St, Houston, TX 77088 Good News Phoenix Church 480-273-2199 5239 N 17th Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85015 Good News Sacramento Church 916-996-4655 3501 Bradshaw Rd #115, Sacramento, CA 95827 Good News Oklahoma Church 405-535-9553 5801 S Pennsylvania Ave, Oklahoma City, OK 73119 Good News Amarillo Church 806-447-9993 927 N Mirror St, Amarillo, TX 79107 CANADA & CARIBBEAN Good News Vancouver Church 1-778-881-5508 409 Goyer Crt, Coquitlam BC V3K 6A2, Canada Good News Ottawa Church 819-431-0377 132 Rue Brodeur, Gatineau, QC J8Y 2R2, Canada Good News Toronto Church 1-416-321-2004 70 Mcgriskin Rd, Toronto, ON M1S 5C5, Canada Good News Jamaica Church 1-876-318-0189 63b Deanery Road, Kingston 3, Jamaica W.I.

Good News Denver Church 720-308-3442 6400 W 26th Ave, Edgewater, CO 80214

Good News Dominican Republic Church 1-809-350-1429 Calle 26 #2, Valle Verde 1, Santiago, La Republica Dominicana

Good News Kansas Church 816-437-5440 1301 E 100th TER, Kansas City, MO 64131

Good News Haiti Church 509-70-8253-2511 Rue Jeremie #22 Delmas 33, Port-au-Prince, Haiti

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