The Goodnews - April, 2017

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APRIL 2017


∙ Salvation Testimony

∙ New York Times

∙ Special Article

∙ Testimony of Pastor Ock Soo Park God Opened the Door to Publishing Ministry

Do You Know the True Gospel? Helping to Overturn the Entire Earth With the Gospel

How Did They Become Men of Faith?

Table of Contents

04 Monthly Sermon Jesus Will Save Eutychus!



Salvation Testimony Do You Know the True Gospel?

Memoirs of a Missionary To Them That Love God, to Them Who Are Called According to His Purpose

30 New York Times II How Did They Become Men of Faith?

14 Special Article New York: Christian Leaders Fellowship (CLF)



Cover Story: Pastor Oscar Morales and his family, from Argentina, attended the Christian Leaders Fellowship (CLF), together with 850 pastors from 42 different countries that God led to Mahanaim in New York. As the first CLF meeting of this magnitude we have had in the U.S., we are thankful to see a new chapter of the Gospel unfold.

46 Preaching the Gospel to the Ends of the Earth God Opened the Door to Publishing Ministry



Gospel Lesson The Law (Part 2)

Church Directory


Sermon of the Month

JESUS WILL SAVE EUTYCHUS! Pastor Ock Soo Park | Good News Gangnam Church

And there sat in a window a certain young man named Eutychus, being fallen into a deep sleep: and as Paul was long preaching, he sunk down with sleep, and fell down from the third loft, and was taken up dead. And Paul went down, and fell on him, and embracing him said, Trouble not yourselves; for his life is in him. (Acts 20:9-10)

Jesus, Who Dwelt in the Apostles, is Alive in Us

In the Bible, there are many stories written of how the power of Jesus was manifested through apostles in the Book of Acts. The Holy Spirit of God that was at work at that time is also in us who are saved. However, it is regrettable that the works of God that arose in the apostles do not rise among us. This does not mean God is not working inside us. God works among us, who are saved, but because we don’t have faith to believe in God, God is unable to work. God, who was inside Jesus, is also in us. Jesus, who worked inside the powerful servants of God like Peter and Paul, is now alive and working inside us in the same way. A person who received salvation has accepted Jesus Christ by faith, and Jesus is then with that person. Jesus cannot be seen or touched, and at times, it seems that He is


The Bible precisely says that Eutychus died. He stopped breathing. But Paul saw Eutychus and spoke differently. And Paul went down and fell on him, and embracing him said, Trouble not yourselves; for his life is in him.

not there and we are alone. But this is never true. It is just that He is unseen to our eyes. But Jesus, who worked in the apostles 2,000 years ago, is alive and working inside us in the same way. In the Eyes of Paul, He Was Alive

In the Book of Acts, chapter 20, Apostle Paul explains very well how to participate in the work of God. Paul, on his way to Jerusalem, stayed in Troas for a short while, and as he planned to depart the next day, he preached the Word in the third loft late into the evening. Then a young man named, Eutychus, sat in a window listening to the Word and fell asleep. As Paul continued to preach, since Eutychus could not overcome his sleep, he fell from the third floor: And there sat in a window a certain young man named Eutychus, being fallen into a deep sleep: and as Paul was long preaching, he sunk down with sleep, and fell down from the third loft, and was taken up dead. (Acts 20:9) The Bible precisely says that Eutychus died. He stopped breathing. But Paul saw Eutychus and spoke differently. And Paul went down, and fell on him, and embracing him said, Trouble not yourselves; for his life is in him. (Acts 20:10) Through the eyes of an ordinary person, he is surely dead, but in the eyes of Paul, he was alive. Jesus Dwells in Me, What Can He Do?

With the things we can see with our eyes and touch with our hands, we judge and decide on a certain problem or situation. But it is foolish to say something does not exist because we cannot see it. Air cannot be seen with our eyes, but everyone believes that there is air and they also


Sermon of the Month

know what an important role it plays. Jesus also cannot be seen with our eyes or touched with our hands, but He is certainly in the hearts of the saved saints and is realistically alive and working. When Eutychus died, if Paul had tried to resolve that problem on his own, it would have been difficult and tormenting. It was a fact that Paul could not provide even a little help to Eutychus who died. But Paul, at that moment, thought, “Jesus dwells in me, what can He do?” As Paul thought of Jesus, it would not be a problem for Him to bring Eutychus back to life. That is why within Paul’s heart, there arose a heart believing, “Jesus is going to save him!” He Will Not Ignore the Brother, But Will Save Him!

As we live in this world, we encounter and experience various problems. At times, we encounter problems that we cannot endure with our own strength. I, too, encountered a problem when a brother was sick and dying. Right then, a heart arose within me. Paul thought about Jesus, and came to the conclusion that for Jesus it would not be a problem to bring Eutychus back to life. That is why there arose a heart believing, “Jesus is going to save him!” “The Lord is certainly in my heart, and the Lord gives me problems that I cannot resolve. If the Lord came here and saw this brother dying, what would He do? He would not ignore the brother, but He would save him!” Faith formed in my heart, and I told to the brother, “Brother, electricity flows through wires, and the work of God flows through the heart. If you believe in your heart that Jesus is able to save you, then according to that faith, Jesus will live and work.” No matter how much I thought about it, there was no reason why Jesus wouldn’t save that brother. I had the sure heart to believe that He was going to save him. I explained to the brother the fact that God was going to work. I told him that when he had the faith to believe that Jesus was going to save him, it will turn into a reality. The brother accepted my words into his heart. He believed that Jesus was going to heal him. I laid my hands upon the brother’s head and prayed. Then, as I proceeded to leave the room, I said, “Brother, get well soon. I’m leaving.” Ten days later, I received a call from the brother, “Pastor, I’m being discharged. I received an examination yesterday and the results came back stating that I did not have cancer anywhere


Paul believed that Jesus will save Eutychus. And according to faith, Eutychus revived.

in my body. I am completely healed. That’s why I’m being discharged today.” I saw infinitely happy that brother was. According to Faith, Eutychus Revived

It is amazing if we believe in the things we cannot see. That is true faith. Although we cannot see Jesus with our eyes, but Jesus is alive and working among us. We believe in this fact: “If it were Jesus, what would He do with this problem? Jesus seeing that this brother is sick, what would He do? Would Jesus pretend to not have seen him and pass by? No, not true. Jesus can easily heal the brother.” As we think about Jesus, this is how we gain faith. Apostle Paul saw that Eutychus died. The brothers, who were listening to the words Paul preached, saw Eutychus fall from the third floor of the loft, and when they ran down to bring Eutychus back up, he had surely stopped breathing. Paul thought, “Eutychus is dead. But if it were Jesus, what would He do in this situation? Jesus can easily save Eutychus. That’s right, let’s believe that Jesus will save him.” Paul believed that Jesus will save Eutychus. And according to faith, Eutychus revived. Whether It Was Yesterday or Today, Jesus Is The Same Forever

Everything begins in the heart. Whether it’s stealing or lying, sinning begins in the heart, and doing good also starts in the heart. Previously, we lived and worked centered around what we could see or touch. We were unable have a heart to believe in the unseen things. However, after believing in Jesus, our lives changed. It’s because even though


Sermon of the Month

we cannot see Jesus with our eyes, we saw countless times of how He was working in our lives. Now, when we have to calculate something, we don’t calculate by the things we see, and no matter what the circumstances may be, we think about Jesus: “If Jesus is living within us, would He do? Could He not do it? He would do it! Would Jesus not like this brother to be healed? That’s not true. Then, He will heal this brother!” Jesus Who Worked in Peter and Paul Is Also Alive in Us Today

When we have this faith, we can be healed according to faith. To believe in Jesus is to believe that He is alive and working. It is to believe that just as Jesus appeared in the New Testament, He is working exactly the same way now. Whether it was yesterday or today, Jesus is the same forever. Jesus, who worked inside Peter and Paul, is also alive in us today. That is why, no matter who it is, if they have faith to believe that Jesus is working in their lives, then Jesus begins to work with His power. That is how God is glorified through that person. Even today, we must know that Jesus is the one who works, and who deserves the glory of God.

Pastor Ock Soo Park

Pastor Park is currently the senior pastor of the Good News Gangnam Church. He is the founder of the Mahanaim Cyber Theology School and International Youth Fellowship. Annually he is the guest speaker for Bible Crusades domestically and internationally and serves as a guest lecturer to university students. He is the author of several titles such as: The Secret of Forgiveness of Sin and Being Born Again, Repentance and Faith, Navigating the Heart. These books have been translated in 17 different languages, and in addition he is the author of 40 other books on spiritual life.



Salvation Testimony

DO YOU KNOW THE TRUE GOSPEL? Maria Monroe Brooklyn, New York


raise the Lord everyone. My name is Maria Monroe, and I am from Brooklyn, New York. It has been a great blessing to attend the CLF (Christian Leaders Fellowship). I came to know about this conference through meeting Brother Caleb Kim and Brother Ruben from Argentina. We had a pastoral meeting in Brooklyn, which we have every month, and it so happened that I was there at that meeting. Brother Ruben and Brother Caleb came out and spoke about CLF. I did not know anything about CLF, and as a matter of fact, I never knew about a great man of God, who had founded this mission I was meeting for the first time, whose name is Pastor Ock Soo Park. He has been preaching the Gospel for over 50 years. We all know about the Gospel, but the question is, do we know the true Gospel? It is important because salvation is extremely important for one and all. Even after having only attended four days, it had already been a great, great blessing. And I was able to know and expound on the Word of God, which I never knew, in great depth. I am a servant of God, and I have done evangelistic work. I am also the Director for Outreach, and we go out and evangelize. We go and speak about the Gospel. The Word of God is true and alive. We also know that without Jesus we cannot make it to Heaven. However, the question is, do we truly know the depth of the Bible? When Pastor Ock Soo Park delivered and dissected the Word of God, from the Old Testament

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to the New Testament, it opened up the next dimension about who God is. I felt that my ministry was lacking. I know you’ve heard it before, I’ve heard it before, and many people have heard it before. My ministry was not doing well. My ministry was not doing this, and my ministry was not doing that. In fact, the ministry had become a burden, as you know most of us pastors talk about this, because we are not rightly giving the true Word of God, which is the message of salvation. When Pastor Park preached about salvation, it came to me like, “Is that in the Bible?” However, it was there! We are the kinds of people who don’t read the Bible the way we are supposed to read it. We just glance through and take out what we want to hear and say, but that is not how the Word of God works. So, after four days, my heart was blessed. I came to know the knowledge of how to spread the true Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world, and how to be a missionary that is appointed by God. The Word is true and alive. I do believe the Word of God that I have learned at the CLF. The Word of God came to me so clearly, so beautifully, and so easily because the way, the truth, and the knowledge of God are simple and true. The Word of God was what really manifested and resonated in my spirit. This is what I will be telling my people, my congregation, and everyone I meet long after this CLF has ended. Many of us know of salvation, but what is the message of salvation? These words are taken from Hebrews 10:14: For by one offering he has perfected forever them that are sanctified. Do you know how powerful this is? Jesus gave Himself and offered Himself, and in doing so, His death perfected us. It was not my doing. It was not your doing. Jesus Christ did it. Another part of the Bible that really shows us that we are justified, not by our own works, speaks about when Jesus was on the cross, He said, “It is finished.” This means that He died for my sin and your sin. We are no longer sinners. We are holy and sanctified because Jesus did everything for us. And so, in order to walk with Jesus, to be with His teaching, and to be with His spirit, our hearts must connect to His heart. He will show us the way of salvation. In Romans 3:24, it says, Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Jesus Christ. So, my brothers and sisters out there, if you are hungry; if you have been thirsting for the righteousness of God, I pray that you take an opportunity to come to the next CLF. I thank you for listening to my testimony and the Word that God gave me. I pray that your heart is blessed and open to Jesus.

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Special Article Helping to Overturn the Entire Earth With the Gospel

Helping to Overturn the Entire Earth With the Gospel

throughout his life. The hearts of the pastors attending CLF also became one with God, who will likewise work in their hearts. On the evening of March 9th, he Christian Leaders Fellowship something very disturbing happened (CLF), which allowed pastors in the Mahanaim building in Hunfrom all over the world to ruminate tington. While the Gospel was being the Gospel, and to learn about faith, is preached passionately during the getting more and more passionate with evening sermon, one pastor suddenly each passing day. Through the words, stood up and shouted in an arguing and the programs that continue each tone, “If you have sin, you’ll go to day, the attendees are experiencing a hell! If you have sin, you’ll go to deeper world of the Word of God. hell!” The hall was full of whispers, Pastor Ock Soo Park (CLF’s Main and people were tuning their ears to Lecturer) shared testimonies about hear the answer Pastor Ock Soo Park how God had miraculously worked would give.


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New York:

Christian Leaders Fellowship


The faces of the attendees singing the hymn, “I Come to the Garden Alone,” were full of peace and joy that could only come from Jesus - 13 -

Special Article Helping to Overturn the Entire Earth With the Gospel

“He’s right,” Pastor Park answered, “If you have sin, you go to hell. If you’re a sinner, of course you have to go to hell! But my sins are washed, so I no longer have any. I’m righteous and holy!” Replies of, “Wow!! Amen!!” began to spread throughout the audience. The hearts of the attendees began to cheer and shout, “Amen,” more passionately than ever before. Everyone was overwhelmingly moved. This incident proved to allow the Gospel to be explained even more accurately and clearly. “Everyone, in 1 Corinthians 6:10 and 11, it says that we have surely sinned. However, in verse 11, it says that we’ve been washed, sanctified, and justified in the name of Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God. Whoever claims that they are a sinner after reading these words are claiming that Jesus has failed. Jesus has washed our sins away 100%. You have to believe in the Word of God. If Hyundai Motor Company Chairman, Jung Joo Young, promotes a Hyundai employee to the position of Director, then he’s a Director. If God says that He has made us righteous, then we’re righteous!” (From the first day’s message) Empowered by the fervor of the attendees, Pastor Ock Soo Park preached even more passionately.

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The Easter Cantata portrays in detail about Jesus' crucifixiction for our sins. The audience was able to see the Gospel which they had only heard about until now.

God Has Made Us Perfect


he 2017 Christian Leaders Fellowhip (CLF) came to a passionate close with the Easter Cantata performance by the Gracias Choir. In the afternoon of March 10th, eight Ministers were ordained Pastors to the joy of many brothers and sisters. Despite the CLF taking place for the first time, everything was perfect: the high-quality Academies, the clear words of the Gospel, and even hearts of the attending that were enflamed with the Word of God. On March 10th, the Mahanaim stage, which is located in Huntington, was taken back 2,000 years into the past, as it opened the first scene capturing the moments before Jesus’s im-

minent death. The full production of Gracias Choir’s Easter Cantata was being performed for the first time this year, and it made the audience feel like they were actually there, through the upgraded scenery that displayed even more detailed stage effects and produced amazing music. The audience was able to vividly see the manifestation of the Gospel, of which they could only hear of until now, through the performance, which clearly depicted how Jesus washed all of our sins. Pastor Ock Soo Park (the guest speaker of the CLF) earnestly asked the attendees who would be returning to their country to live not by their own works, but through the grace of God during his final lecture. “If you have to pay a price, it is not a gift. If you must do something to obtain

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Special Article Helping to Overturn the Entire Earth With the Gospel

something, then that cannot be grace. Grace does not come from me being compensated for my efforts. Not even a little bit of my effort should be included. The reason why spiritual life doesn’t seem to work is because we try hard to receive grace. God wants to give us grace freely, without cost. Everyone, don’t live by your efforts! I hope you can live by grace.” (From the final night’s message) “Spiritual life is so easy and simple. God’s work flows from heart to heart. If anyone unites their hearts with God, they will taste the work of God. Everyone, God wants to work in your heart today. If you throw away your thoughts, God will change your life into a bright, happy, laughter-filled one. I hope you’ll live a life of leading others to God as you follow the Word of God.” (From the morning message of the last day) “CLF was a great chance to meet - 16 -

pastors from all over the world. I’ve learned a lot through the Bible, and through Pastor Ock Soo Park. I’ve also listened to a lot of the Gracias Choir’s music, which seems to contain clear messages in them. I am blind, so I couldn’t see the Gracias Choir with my eyes. But as I listened to the Easter Cantata, I was able to hear the message they sought to deliver. I heard the sound of Jesus speaking joyfully with His disciples. The sound of Jesus’s hands and feet being nailed to the cross; the sounds of Jesus’s resurrection; Jesus’s words, saying, “It is finished,” and even when He said that He would be with us unto the end of the world! Listening to those sounds, I felt my heart become free. Jesus is with me unto the end of the world!”- Pastor Jean David Desroses from Haiti “The performance was great! I was able to see the things Jesus actually had to go through clearly before my

eyes. Especially during the part when Jesus suffered on the cross, my heart shed many tears. Everything was great during the CLF. Personally, I felt that the Symposium was the best part. The guest speakers truly knew so many things about the Bible. Also, as I listened to the Word during the Academy sessions, I was able to see the Bible in a totally different point of view. Throughout the camp, Pastor Park continued to mention that Jesus washed our sins away once and for all, regardless of what kinds of sins we have committed. If we were to commit sin after that, Jesus is sitting by the right hand of God as an advocate for us. Now that CLF if over, I’ll be returning to my church in Brooklyn. My ministry from this moment will surely have changed. I want to continue mission work with you. I’m also planning on taking several of the theology classes offered here at Mahanaim. I want to receive training here! The part that many people tend to miss is that our thoughts differ from Jesus’s blood. God’s thoughts are different from ours, and God’s path is different from ours. Following our thoughts is what gets us into trouble. Jesus shed His blood on the cross, and we were freed from sin. This didn’t happen through us, but through God’s heart towards us. Everything in this CLF was perfect!”-Pastor Teresa from the Children of Light Church, Brooklyn “I am ministering in Mexico. I came all the way here because someone

Representative pastors from Indiana, Long Island, Boston, L.A., Hungary, Zambia, Tanzania, Ecuador, and Amarillo received certificates of attendance - 17 -

Special Article Helping to Overturn the Entire Earth With the Gospel

from Mexico invited me here. I was amazed at how beautiful and professional the Easter Cantata was as I watched it today. Everything, from beginning to end, was fantastic, and the last scene was especially moving to watch from my seat in the audience. Everyone was so generous during the CLF. It’s amazing to see how such a huge event is carried out so smoothly. I noticed that this church has a lot of young people. Being young, there must be so many things they have to do, but I was very moved to see them receiving us with their hearts. Also, as I continued to listen to the Word, the thing that most strongly touched my heart was the fact that there’s nothing for us to do! Until now, I thought we had to continue to ask for forgiveness of sins, but listening to the Word, I realized that there’s nothing left for us to do. I believe this camp will be a huge turning point for my ministry. It is a given for me to preach the Word that I’ve learned here. Of course, I will continue to do so.” - Pastor Merely Lopez from Mexico Throughout the Easter Cantata, the scene where the resurrected Jesus visits His disciples deeply touches the hearts of many. Jesus did not just leave His faithless disciples to live by themselves, but He visited each and every one of them and embraced them. This is the manner in which the Christian Leaders Fellowship, which was filled with pastors from 46 different countries receiving salvation each day, came to a close. The attendees will be returning to their countries the following day. However, what’s truly hopeful is that Jesus will lead their next footsteps. Most importantly, they no longer have to try to preach the Gospel, work, or try hard. Because just as Jesus led His disciples, we are bursting with hope that Jesus will lead each and every one of the attendees, to lead their lives towards the Gospel, and in so doing, have the whole world bloom with the Gospel.

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Memoirs of a Missionary_Cote d'Ivoire

Memoirs of a Missionary Episode 6

To Them That Love God, to Them Who Are Called According to His Purpose This is like a beautiful painting when you see people living their lives receiving the love and grace of God. Though they face difficulties and fall into trials, they receive salvation through the Word of God and gain peace in their hearts. God has prepared the eternal Son of Man for His children. You can deeply feel this fact in the testimonies of Missionary Jung Do Lee. 

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Elim, Who Was Completely Healed by Jesus Christ, Through Believing the Word of God

In 2008, Sister Elim Jeon came to the Ivory Coast, in Africa, as a Good News Corps volunteer, and stayed here for a year. It was when she was staying at one of our regional churches, when I received a call from Pastor Bolou, who was ministering there at the time. “Pastor, Elim is sick. Should I send her to Abidjan?” She hadn’t gotten any better with the minor treatments she received there, so she came to Abidjan to receive diagnosis at a local health center. During her medical tests, Elim’s nose started to bleed. Over time, the bleeding had not stopped, but instead bled more and more. I did not know what to do, so I applied pressure under her nose and the back of her neck. Luckily, the bleeding stopped. Eventually, for more precise and thorough blood analysis, we went to a bigger hospital. After arriving at the hospital, a nurse inserted a syringe into Elim to draw blood. All of a sudden, blood shot out like a fountain. I was scared. Our church sister, who was a nurse, then checked the results of Elim’s blood analysis and told me, “Pastor, Elim’s platelet count came out to be 3,000. A normal person’s platelet count is 300,000. There is a high possibility that she may have another major disease like cancer.” I came back home and researched online about platelet count. There were stories of people suffering from thrombocytopenia, but their platelet counts were higher than Elim’s. I was lost in tears not knowing what to do. “God! Elim is just 20 years old. Please save her!” I called Pastor Ock Soo Park. Pastor Park told me. “Pastor Lee, the Bible says, Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. Do you believe the Word?” I answered, “Yes.” Pastor told me to deliver this Word to Elim. I talked with her over the phone, relaying the Word of God Pastor Park gave me. Then, Pastor Park told me to take Elim to the best hospital in Ivory Coast. After moving hospitals, I returned home, and read the Bible and prayed all night. The following day was Sunday. While I was preaching, I cried because I had fear in my heart, even though I was outwardly preaching about faith. Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth. And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears, Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief. (Mark 9:23-24) This Word was talking about my image. At that instant, I remembered what Pastor Ock Soo Park said to me: “Do you believe this Word of God?” When I discovered my - 21 -

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Memoirs of a Missionary_Cote d'Ivoire




1,3. Sister Elim, immediately after recovering from yellow fever. 2. Our whole congregation received vaccinations for free.

faithless heart towards the Word, I was able to throw myself away. Doctors could not identify Elim’s sickness. For a complete medical examination, Elim’s blood was sent to France. However, a surprising thing happened. Without any special treatment, Elim was recovering and was even discharged from the hospital a week after. After a short recovery time, Elim participated in IYF activities as usual. Around 2 weeks after Elim was discharged, one day, suddenly, ambulances came to the house - 22 -

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“Do you believe this Word of God?” When I discoverd my faithless heart towards the Word, I was able to throw myself away.

as French doctors, native doctors, and nurses got out of their cars to ask questions. “Where is Elim Jeon?” “She went out in the morning and has not returned yet.” “Please, bring her here quickly and gather everyone who had physical contact with her. This morning, we received the results of her blood tests. Elim Jeon caught yellow fever. Yellow fever is lethal and very contagious. So, everyone who had any physical contact with her must receive vaccination for yellow fever.” Through this incident, all of the members of my church, and even the surrounding regional churches received vaccinations for free. After all this, French doctors drew some more blood from Elim on their way back because they wanted to study her blood more. A few days later, the test results came out and the doctors were surprised. They thought, “Even though Elim Jeon had not received specific treatments, she was still healed from her yellow fever. This is impossible.” The only people who knew how the water turned into wine at the wedding at Cana of Galilee were the servants. Just like those servants, I witnessed how the Word that was spoken by Pastor Ock Soo Park through faith, and how the Word of God healed Elim. But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them; And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. (2 Timothy 3:14-15) There were things that Pastor Ock Soo Park and the Bible taught me. They weren’t secret tips on how to live life, or how to solve problems, or how to overcome situations. But rather, it was like the wisdom of how to receive salvation by faith in the midst of problems. Elim taught me the way to receive salvation through believing the Word of God. It was the way of salvation through Jesus Christ by believing the Bible. Though Elim was hospitalized for less than a week, more than $2,000 - 23 -

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Memoirs of a Missionary_Cote d'Ivoire

had been charged to her in the form of hospital bills. We spent the money the brothers and sisters offered to buy land for building a new chapel to pay for the hospital bills. Thus, we had to pay the money back. However, it was about the same time that we hosted our first World Camp in the West Africa. Many people donated and offered money. After the World Camp was over, I gathered all the money that we collected. It was more than enough to pay back the debt for the hospital bills. I was thankful that we were able to pay off all of the hospital bills. “Send Your Children to Our School. I Will Take Care of Everything.”

After paying off the hospital bills, I had no money left to send my children to school. At the time, by the consideration of the principal, my eldest daughter, Do Hee, and second daughter, Sun Kyo, were paying only half the tuition. Yet, we were unable to pay even that amount of money, so my children were not able to go to school for 2 months. One day, Brother Cuaci’s aunt came to church and received salvation after listening to the Gospel. Her name was Suzan. On the day that she decided to come to our church, she shared her testimony. “Pastor, I am running a local elementary school around here. I promised God that when I started the school, I would educate the children of the pastor of the church that I would attend at my school. So, please send your children to my school. I will take care of everything.” I gathered my children and told them about the new school they will be attending. We prepared for their first day of school. Do Hee had two pairs of school uniforms, but one was too small. We decided to give the smaller uniform to Sun Kyo, we would alter the other uniform, so that Do Hee could wear that one for one more semester. Do Hee took 50 cents, and went to an alteration shop with another youth sister. When she came back, she had two pairs of clothes. She said, “Dad, the lady from the alteration shop gave me these clothes for free.” When Do Hee visited the alteration shop, the owner saw Do Hee’s clothes were worn out and told her to try the clothes that were on display. The clothes fit Do Hee so well, it seemed as if they were tailored for her. The lady was surprised and said, “Hey, I tailored these clothes to give my daughter. However, I don’t know why, but it doesn’t fit my daughter. So, for the last month, I had put them on display. They are pretty clothes. Many people came and tried them on, - 24 -

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Sister Suzan and my son, Woo Sung, in front of the school

but they never fit any of them either. Amazingly, they fit you so well. Your father is a pastor of the church across the street, isn’t he? Then consider this my offering. Just take them, they’re for you.” The lady also altered Do Hee’s old clothes as well. God fulfilled everything in every way. Elim has come to the Ivory Coast twice as a Good News Corps volunteer: once in 2009, and once in 2011. In 2011, she stayed for 8 months, working in the publication office of the church. She also received funds monthly from her University. Elim did not spend the money she received from her University on herself, but gave the money as offering. And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28) These are words Apostle Paul wrote. We may feel, “I know that.” This verse is not saying anything new. This verse was a statement of a fact that we already know of. The verse says, “ them that love God.” How could we, who are only evil, love God? What this means is that the person, who has received the love of God, through Jesus Christ, is the one who could love God. In other words, the people who love God are the people who know how much God loves them. Then, who are the people who are called according to His purpose? The person, who loves God, also acknowledges that everything was done by the will of God, whether it is the place a person is sent to, or whatever situation one finds his self in. Because God, - 25 -

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Memoirs of a Missionary_Cote d'Ivoire

who loves us, is the one who has sent us to a certain place, and He has placed us in certain situations, then everything must be good. The words, “…all things work together for good…” is explaining that when people look at every situation, the situations might not look good, but everything will work out and end up for good. Elim getting sick, the hospital bills, and not being able to send my children to school were not by my want or will. Everything was by the will of God. When I knew this assuredly, and acknowledged this in my heart, God made all things work out for good. My youngest son still attends and studies at Sister Suzan’s elementary school. His lunch is free, and his tuition is free. Everything is free. It was not easy to pay tuition for all three children, but God made everything work out for good. God Who Gave in His Time and His Way

One sister from Korea called me and told me that she wanted to purchase a car for the church. Although we really needed a car at the time, I wanted to receive a car through the brothers and sisters in Ivory Coast. The sister sent me money to purchase a car, but instead, I gave it to the church in Egypt because they were in the process of establishing a new church. Although we could not buy a car, we were able to discover the heart of God, who wanted to give us a car through that incident. Few weeks later, Brother N'Guessan brought his big truck that he had purchased for his business, and said that he wanted to offer his truck to the church. We were able to load canopies, speakers, and chairs in the truck, and held conferences visiting different places. If I had money to buy a car, I would have bought a minivan. There was no way I would have bought that truck. Yet, what we needed the most at that time was a truck. During the world camps in Ghana and the Ivory Coast, that truck did all dirty work. Soon afterwards, Brother Joel drove his brand-new sedan to church and asked me to take a look. Three days later, he returned and said, “Pastor, I feel really burdened to drive this car, while you walk without one. Pastor, you should drive this car. I can no longer drive it.” Brother Joel dropped his car off at the church, and quickly left. Four months later, Brother Joel drove into church with a big smile on his face. He said that his friend gave him another car at a very cheap price, and said that it was by the - 26 -

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1. Elder N’Guessan’s couple, with his children and grandchildren 2. The truck that was given by Elder N’Guessan

grace of God. There was a publication office, and the IYF office in our church, so we needed a vehicle many times. Brothers usually drove my car to run errands. Brother Joel came to me and said, “Pastor, the brothers are driving the car I gave to you. Don’t do that. I will leave my car here, so let the brothers drive my car, and you can drive your car.” After that, God gave Brother Joel another great car. I felt that his life was the best life to live, receiving things from God in His time and in His way. God also gave my wife things that He prepared. When I was married, I could not even buy a ring for my wife. I could not do much for her financially, so I always felt sorry to her. My wife still wears a ring that she had before our marriage. I entered the missionary school right after I was married, and since then, I have lived as a missionary. Because of that, it was hard for me to do something for my family and myself. I could not even buy a pair of new clothes for my wife. Once, I got a call from Sister Yoon, who was working in the Ivory Coast at that time. “Pastor, bring your car to my office quickly. I have so many gifts to give you.” When I arrived at her office, her office was filled with donated clothes. Sister Yoon packed boxes of clothes for my wife and I, and told me to take them. On my way back, in my car filled with clothes, my - 27 -

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Memoirs of a Missionary_Cote d'Ivoire

Brother Joel (middle of the front row), his family, and in-laws

heart was filled with tremendous joy. As soon as I arrived at my house, I picked up the box with the clothes for my wife, and yelled out her name as I was opening the front gate. I went into our room, and slammed the box on the floor, which made a loud sound. Then I said to my wife, “These are all yours!� It felt like God was giving my wife all the clothes that I was never able to provide at one time. We gave away the clothes to the brothers and sisters and threw a party on that day. Indelible Thankfulness Toward God and the Church That Was Engraved in My Heart

The Lord will perfect that which concerneth me: thy mercy, O Lord, endureth forever: forsake not the works of thine own hands. (Psalm 138:8) God worked in my mother, who was living alone in Korea, according to these words. My mother sold fish-shaped waffles, filled with sweetened red bean paste, in front of Busan University during the winter. One night, she was working late, and around 2 a.m., she packed up everything and was about to leave, when a taxi hit her, and she collapsed on the spot. Luckily, the taxi driver did not run, but took her to the hospital. She was hospitalized for more than a month. I did not even know that my mother - 28 -

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In May of 2014, my mother and brother preaching during the conference in Ivory Coast

was in a car accident. However, Sister Geun Hye Shin, who was a former Good News Corps volunteer in the Ivory Coast called me and told me about what happened to my mother. She said, “Pastor, how are you? It’s me, Geun Hye. Your mother was hospitalized after an accident, but don’t worry. I will stay with her and take care of her. Thankfully, God is giving me a chance to repay the grace that I received. I received so much grace from you in the Ivory Coast.” I could not do anything for my mother. However, God was with my mother and worked to lead the heart of the taxi driver to take my mother to the hospital. There was nothing I could do for my mother, lying in a hospital bed. Nevertheless, God put Geun Hye next to her. In addition, God allowed my mother to receive a lot of money from her insurance company. “The Lord will perfect that which concerneth me.” Because God worked according to what was written in the Bible, He protected my mother with His kindness. The hands of God made everything: my living in Ivory Coast, my brother living in Hungary, and my mother living alone in Korea. God did not forsake us, but instead, protected us with His kindness. I am so thankful. In May of 2014, I invited my older brother, who was ministering in Hungary, to hold a conference in the Ivory Coast. My brother preached and I interpreted for him. After the service, I had fellowships with the married brothers, and my mother and my wife had fellowship with the married sisters. My sister-in-law and Do Hee had fellowship with the youth group members. Everything looked like a beautiful painting. “How could we receive such grace?” Indelible thankfulness towards God and the church has been engraved into my heart. - 29 -

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New York Times: Notes on Genesis II

How Did They Become Men of Faith? Pastor Ock Soo Park | Good News Gangnam Church

And God said unto Abraham, As for Sarai thy wife, thou shalt not call her name Sarai, but Sarah shall her name be. And I will bless her, and give thee a son also of her: yea, I will bless her, and she shall be a mother of nations; kings of people shall be of her. Then Abraham fell upon his face, and laughed, and said in his heart, Shall a child be born unto him that is an hundred years old? and shall Sarah, that is ninety years old, bear? And Abraham said unto God, O that Ishmael might live before thee! And God said, Sarah thy wife shall bear thee a son indeed; and thou shalt call his name Isaac: and I will establish my covenant with him for an everlasting covenant, and with his seed after him. (Genesis 17:15~19)

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Jesus after He resurrected. However, no one believed those words. I was curious as to why this was because Jesus had often said while He was alive that He would be crucified and resurrect after three days. So then, when they saw Jesus being crucified, the disciples should have thought, “Jesus said that He was going to die, and so He is. He also said that He will resurect in three days, so He will.” Yet, none of the disciples believed the words of those who saw the resurrection. Thomas later says, “Except I shall see in His hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and thrust my hand into His side, I will not believe.” I feel that even we would not have felt that way, and that the disciples were truly despairing people. But it is so amazing how they could change into such powerful servants and men of faith. I always lived blaming myself. “What is wrong with me? Why am I so weak-willed? Why do I not have any faith and am so bad at living spiritual life? Why do I keep falling into sin and making mistakes?” As I saw myself, I often thought, “I cannot live a spiritual life.” However, as I read the Bible, I discovered that the men of God were not perfect or brilliant people but were all the same filthy, sinful, lacking, weak, and pitiful human beings like I was. As I discovered that,

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If So, I Too Many people say that spiritual life is very difficult. There are many people who handle computers well or play the piano with expertise, but I have never met anyone among Christians who say they are confident in their spiritual lives. Why is that so? As I read the Bible, I thought about how the men of God, such as Abraham, David, Paul, and Peter became men of faith. When we look carefully into their lives, we see that they were not people of faith to begin with. Abraham, also, was a tremendously faithless man, as were Noah, Moses, and David. That was how they all were. The Bible records in detail how they lived ordinary lives but one day became people of faith. When I read the Bible, the stories of Noah becoming drunk and naked, Abra- ham lying and saying that his wife was his sister, Abraham taking a handmaid and having a son with her, David taking Uriah's wife and sleeping with her, and many other such stories were very encouraging. I always thought that I did not live my spiritual life well because I was lacking and weak. But as I saw the flaws of Abraham, Noah, and David, I came to know that they were no different from me, and I felt that I, too, then can live a life of faith. In the book of Mark, the disciples hear from some women that met

New York Times: Notes on Genesis II

I was not so different from Abraham was pregnant, he wanted to hide it. or Jesus' disciples. I thought, “Then Then he called her husband from all a person like me has to do is properly the battle and said, “Go and sleep at learn spiritual life!” your home tonight.” He was doing this so that when the child would Man, Who Is Dirty by Nature be born later, it would seem as if that When we look at the steps taken was how the child was conceived. by the people of faith in the Bible, However, when Uriah did not go their blemishes are not hidden but home, David made Uriah drunk to are recor- ded in detail just as they are. get him to go home, but that did Seeing those things, I gained hope not work either. Then David has in my heart, and I became curious Uriah killed on the battlefield. We to learn how they, who were so evil can see that this David is not the and pitiful, became people of faith. bold, broad-hearted David, but a Then I looked through the Bible and, narrowminded, low, and ruthless person by person, the process was human being. precisely shown. "Ah, that was the kind of man When I read about the life of David originally was. He was bold David, I envied him because he was and broadhearted through receiving bold, manly, and a man of faith while the heart of God. His real image is I am narrow-minded and vulgar. that he was a low, vulgar, narrowBut one day, I saw the David who minded, and dirty human being!” I committed adultery with Uriah's could clearly see David's true image. wife. And when he saw that she Turning Point Then how was David able to obtain faith? How was Noah, Abraham, Paul, or Peter able to obtain such faith? They all have something in common in their lives, and it was the fact that they all had a turning point. The scriptures I am talking about today are talking precisely about that. Abraham followed the Word of God, left his kindred, his country,

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There are no problems when the Heart of God and my heart are the same. It is a problem when they are different.

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and she shall be a mother of nations; kings of people shall be of her. (Genesis 17:15~16) What God was saying was so different from Abraham's thoughts. Abraham thinks that since he is 99 years old and Sarah is 90 years old and it has ceased to be with her after the manner of women, she cannot have a child. However, God says that he can have a child. Here, these two thoughts collide against one another. It was so definite to Abraham that he could not have a son, and therefore, he could not accept the Word of God. Think about it. Abraham was old, Sarah was old and it had ceased to be with her after the manner of women. She had no strength to conceive a child. However, God spoke: “Not so. Your wife, Sarah, shall surely have a son, and you shall call his name Isaac." Now Abraham was confronted with the problem of deciding whether to accept the Word of God or proceed with his own thoughts. We, too, need to think about this. I lived believing in myself before I started living the life of faith. I thought that if I tried, I could do it. I thought if I tried to keep the law, I could, and that I could live spiritual life as well if I tried. But as a result of


his father's home, and went to the land of Canaan that God directed him to. But when a famine hit the land, he followed his own thoughts rather than the Word of God and went to Egypt. On his way there, he saw how beautiful his wife was. He felt that the Egyptians would kill him in order to take his wife. So rather than seeking guidance from God, he used a humanistic method, telling his wife, Sarah, “Say that you are my sister.” In addition, when he did not have a child after 10 years had passed since he received the promise of God that he would have a son, he thought, “I guess God is not giving me a son. I would then rather listen to my wife and take her handmaid in order to have a son.” He lived relying on his own thoughts rather than relying on the guidance or the promise of God. But God appeared unto Abraham when he was 99 years old. Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram; but thy name shall be Abraham: for a father of many nations have I made thee. (Genesis 17:5) And God said unto Abraham, As for Sarai thy wife, thou shalt not call her name Sarai, but Sarah shall her name be. And I will bless her, and give thee a son also of her: yea, I will bless her,

New York Times: Notes on Genesis II

When Abraham was able to accept the Word of God, and when his heart to believe in himself was changed, then his thoughts and his judgment crumbled down as he heard the Word of God. my zealous efforts, I came to realize that it cannot be done through my determination, and that there were wrong aspects about my decisions. As I came to discover that I could not be trusted, little by little, I began to feel regretful towards myself. Before this happened, I had completely believed in myself and simply went forward according to what I thought. But as I came to have a heart of regret and despair, I was able to accept the Lord into my heart. There are no problems when the heart of God and my heart are the same. It is a problem when they are different. In such times, I used to live following after my thoughts. But one day, I came to know that I was a pitiful, low, and evil human being. I was then able to distrust myself when the Word of God collided against my thoughts, and the Word of God was able to enter me.

his name Isaac,” and Abraham thought, “It is impossible to have a child because I am too old and my wife is too old.” Here, these two thoughts strongly collide against one another. At this moment, a person who believes in himself will exert his own thoughts until the end, and he will follow his own thoughts rather than follow the Word of God. But the people who saw how they have made mistakes and how they have sinned lose strength in their heart and receive the Word of God. When Abraham was able to accept the Word of God, and when his heart to believe in himself was changed, then his thoughts and his judgment crumbled down as he heard the Word of God. He had moved from his thoughts to the thoughts of God. Noah had first put all expectations for his life on earth. However, one day God appeared to Noah and said, “I will judge the world with water, so Something that Happens Where go and make an ark.” Upon hearing There Is the Works of God these words, Noah's heart moved. God said, “Your wife, Sarah, will Everything on earth was aleady dead, surely have a son, and you shall call and only the things that were inside

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I remember the sins I committed, and I do feel guilty. Nevertheless, I am righteous because the Word of God says that my sins are washed away and that I have been made righteous.

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this work when they have their own thoughts. But the servants denied their thoughts and accepted the words of Jesus. At that moment, the servants were able to experience the miracle of the water turning into wine. There is something that happens in all places where the works of God appear. It is your thoughts being denied and you accepting the Word of God. The Two Attitudes in Receiving the Word Although they open and read the Bible, people who believe in their own thoughts understand the Bible through their own thoughts, and thus, the meanings they gain are completely different from the Bible. On the other hand, people who have emptied themselves accept the Word as it is, and the words become


the ark lived. Noah not only moved his heart into the ark, but moved everything of his into the ark as well, and he did not leave a single thing on this earth. Likewise, we need to move our thoughts from the world of our heart to the world of the Word of God. For people who so surely believe in themselves, this is impossible, but when you experience and measure yourself, you see that you are someone not worthy of being believed. When you realize that your heart is filthy, dirty, and deceitful, then you can deny yourself and accept the Word of God. Afterwards, regardless of how correct your thoughts appear to be, you will accept the Word of God to be correct. This is so with all the stories of the Bible. When the wedding at Cana of Galilee ran out of wine in John chapter 2, Jesus told the servants of that house to fill the water pots to the brim with water. When the water pots were filled, He said, “Draw out now, and serve unto the gov ernor of the feast.” The servants could not understand this. “This is water. How can we serve this?” They cannot do

New York Times: Notes on Genesis II

graceful. Who does not know the fact that Jesus was crucified to forgive our sins? Everyone knows this. But although people know, those who have their own thoughts say, “It is true Jesus died on the cross for my sins, but I am a sinner because I have sinned.” They add their own thoughts and that is the conclusion they arrive at. Such people continue to suffer in sin, but the people who completely throw their thoughts away and simply accept the Word of God are completely different. "I remember the sins I committed, and I do feel guilty. Nevertheless, I am righteous because the Word of God says that my sins are washed away and that I have been made righteous." A certain man told his two sons that he would buy both of them a car. The older son, upon hearing this, thought, “Why is my father saying that? I know he can't afford it. He is only saying that to make me feel good.” If that is how he believes, then there is no car in his heart. The second son told his friends, “Hey, I am getting a car. Let's go on a trip to- gether.” In his heart, he has a car already. Although the father said the same thing, the younger son, who accepted the words of his father exactly as they were, is completely

different from the older son, who added his own thoughts. God recorded in the Bible that He sent His son, Jesus Christ, and He forgave all of our sins. And He has called us righteous, holy, and clean. He said He does not remember our sins any more. If we accept these words as they are, we do not have sins. We are righteous and holy. But if you add your own thoughts to them, you will only say, “That's what the Bible says, but how could I so arrogantly say that I am righteous and holy? I have many sins. I have to wash my sins away." Simply Accept by Faith Noah, Abraham, David, and the other men of faith were humans exactly like us. They, too, wanted to eat when they were hungry; wanted to drink when they were thirsty; and wanted to enjoy themselves. However, how did they become such people of faith? One day, they broke free from the condition of believing in their own thoughts. When the Word of God was different from their thoughts, they did not simply ignore it and proceed, but they accepted it. "God, I am one hundred years old, and Sarah is ninety. How can we have a child? I would that Ishmael may live before you."

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will collide with God. But if you break your heart and say, “Yes, I believe I will have a son,” God's heart and your heart become one and the heart of God flows in you. Power flows together in that heart and the strength to conceive and have a son springs forth. Loving folks, believing in God is throwing your thoughts away and believing. It is not merely accepting the parts that fit your thoughts. Although you appear dirty, evil, lustful, and deceitful, if God has called you righteous, you are righteous. Throw all your thoughts away and say, “God has called me righteous. Then all my sins are washed away, and I am righteous!” and simply accept that by faith. That is how all the men of faith became men of faith. I hope that you will throw your thoughts away and become people of faith who believe in God.


"No. Your wife shall surely bear you a son. You will call his name Isaac." Right then, Abraham's heart changed. "That's right! If God allows me a son, what is there I cannot do? Then I will have a son!" In his eyes, it was clear that he could not have a son. But when he erased his thoughts and accepted the heart of God, a strong conviction that he would have a son took place in Abraham's heart. That is faith. When he had that faith, Sarah gained the strength to conceive. God's heart and our heart need to be connected through a channel, and our hearts need to become one. If God says that you will have a son and you say that you cannot have one, then that is a heart that is different from God's. The heart of God cannot flow into yours, and you

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ThePartLaw 2 Pastor Han Gyu Lee | Good News East Seoul Church

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“It Is Clear That You Can’t Become Righteous Through the Law” The last time, we spoke about how it is more important to meet the true heart of God behind giving us the Law, than discussing if one has kept the Law or not. In summary, God said, “There is not a single person, who was born of Adam, that can keep the Law.” In other words, there is no one, who has never sinned in front of God. If you look at Exodus chapter 32, the Israelites broke the Law the very day it came to them. Even the actual stone tablets of the Law were physically shattered the very day it came down as well. But that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God, it is evident: for, the just shall live by faith. (Galatians 3:11) Although God gave us the Law, He knew that we were too weak to keep it before we would come to know this. He knew that we would fail to keep the Law from the very beginning. Then why did God establish a law that we could not keep, and then tell us to keep it? Did God make a mistake or was there a different reason for why He gave us the Law? The reason why God gave us the Law is not for us to keep, or for us to become righteous through the Law. The Law is the Law from Heaven, and for people from Earth to attempt to keep the Law of Heaven is like for dogs or pigs to attempt to keep the laws of men. For a sinner to attempt to live like a righteous person is no different than an apple tree trying to bear persimmons. Jesus Christ, who is from Heaven, is the only person able to keep the Law. Then why did God give us the Law? Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin. (Romans 3:20) This is correct. The Law is what allows us to gain the knowledge of sin. The Law was not given to make us righteous. However, there are many people, today, who do not realize that they are sinners

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through the Law. Instead, they think that they must keep the Law to become good people so they can receive salvation and blessings.

The Role of the Law: to Know Sin Everyone probably knows this law: “You shall not commit adultery.” When people hear about this law, they think to their selves, “Oh, I should not commit adultery. That’s right, I should not do such a thing.” However, the true heart of God that has given us the Law is not telling us, “You must not commit adultery,” “Do not commit adultery, or at least make an effort not to commit adultery.” What did Jesus say was the true meaning behind this law? Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery: But I say unto you, that whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart. (Matthew 5:27-28)

God does not say that when we lust, we have become lustful people. Instead, He says that because we are originally lustful people, we embrace lust and commit adultery. What do these verses mean? Is He saying, “Since adultery is a bad thing, try not to do it? Be careful and make sure to never commit adultery?” Let us look at the words of Jesus precisely. The words, “You shall not commit adultery,” does not possess that kind of a meaning. When lust arises in our hearts, we can realize the truth, “I have already lusted in my heart. I am a lustful human being, and therefore, I have already committed adultery in my heart. I am a person who has already broken the law of God. I am a disobedient person. I am a sinner that cannot help but to go to hell.” Let us look at the following verses. And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell. And if thy right hand offend thee, cut it off, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast

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into hell. (Matthew 5:29-30) When many people in this day and age lust, they do not realize that since they are lustful, they have to go to hell. They do not feel that, “If God does not have mercy upon me, I am in big trouble.” If they have lust, they just confess and pray that they have done wrong. This is the so-called, “repentance prayer,” and they think that their sins can be washed from doing such things. However, according to Matthew chapter 5, verses 29 and 30, you cannot receive the forgiveness of sins through that kind of repentance. What does Jesus mean when He said these words? He meant that if you have lust, you would surely be thrown into hell because of that sin. People read the Bible half-heartedly, and since they deal with the Bible through their thoughts, they are like open-eyed blind people. Although they read this Scripture, death does not enter their heart, nor do their hearts stand in front of the gates of hell. Because they do not think they are sinners that cannot help but perish, they have become extremely arrogant. Although you try to make them realize their sin and lead them to receive the precise forgiveness of sins, they cling to their own thoughts and do not humbly receive the Word of God. When a lustful heart arises within us, we have to confess in front of God that we are a lustful human being. However, people do not know who they really are, and so they think that all they have to do is not commit adultery. They receive the Commandment, “You shall not commit adultery,” as a verse that tells them to make an effort not to commit adultery. God does not say that when we lust, we have become lustful people. Instead, He says that because we are originally lustful people, we embrace lust and commit adultery. We do not become liars because we have told a lie, but since we are lying human beings, we lie. As we see ourselves lie, we should realize, “Oh, I am a liar.” However, people merely think, “I should not lie again.” If a liar makes a sincere resolution and puts forth maximum effort, can they stop lying? They even wonder about this very subject as they telling a lie once again. They are deceiving themselves. They pay lip service about repentance, but that repentance cannot make them realize their true image, humble their hearts, and lead them to truly return to God. They confess the fruit of sin that appears through them, or in other words, the crimes that they committed, but they cannot realize that they are human beings that can only sin.

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They do not think that they are people fit to be cursed and destroyed if God does not pour mercy upon them. Those types of people are unable to receive the limitless grace of God. Just like a person with a chronic disease, they use their poor version of repentance to lesson the guilt of their conscience and their fear of the judgment, while still dwelling inside of sin. The core of their hearts never change, their spiritual life is merely a formality, and they experience no happiness, peace, nor thankfulness in their hearts.

The Two Demands of the Law No matter how good a medicine may be, it damages the body if people do not know its effects, or if they use it the wrong way. Likewise, if you know the Law and use it properly, it becomes a guide to lead you back to the path of life, but if you do not know the precise reason why God gave us the Law and accept it, then it becomes the Law of curse. But we know that the law is good, if a man use it lawfully; knowing this, that the law is not made for a righteous man. (1 Timothy 1:8-9) In other words, depending on how you understand the Law, it can become the “Law of sin and death,” or it can act as the guide that leads our hearts to the “Law of the Spirit of life.” At first glance, the Law seems to be telling us, “Do this and do not do that,” while demanding many works of us. In addition, when we break even one of the laws, the Law demands us to be put to death. In Romans chapter 8, verse 4, the “demands of the Law” are revealed. The Law demands two things: the first demand is, “Obey all of the Law. Then I will acknowledge you to be righteous. If you keep the Law perfectly, you become righteous, and you will have eternal life.” The second demand of the Law is, “On the other hand, if you break even one of the commandments, then you must be cursed. You must be judged, and then sent to hell. Thus, the Law declares, “If you keep them all, then you are righteous. If not, then you will die.” The Bible is proclaiming that there is no way for us to become righteous through the works of the Law (Galations 3:11 and Romans 3:20). If that is the case, because we cannot even keep the first demand of the Law, then we will be put to death according to the second

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demand of the Law. We would definitely not want to experience this. However, there is someone who came to this Earth to accomplish the demands of the Law that we could not accomplish. His name is, Jesus Christ. The precious Son of God came to receive the all of the curse we were supposed to receive because we have broken the Law. We could keep neither the first nor the second demands of the Law. We cannot live according to the demands of the Law. So if we stand in front of the Law, we cannot help but to die. However, many people today are trying very hard to live according to the demands of the Law. Because we cannot actually live according to those demands, Jesus came to fulfill those demands. However, people still try to live according to the demands of the Law through their own effort. But because they are standing in the place of Jesus, in the end, they are a people who do not need Jesus. They are lost in their own works, and so they do not rely on Jesus, who came to emancipate them from the curse of the Law.

What Is the Reason Behind Jesus Coming to Earth? Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: (Galatians 3:13) If Jesus comes and fulfills the demands of the Law, then we are free from the curse of the Law. That is why it is written that Jesus became the end of the Law. Since Jesus came and received the entire curse of the Law in our stead, we are free from the Law, which is the Law of sin and death. The people who try to keep the Law and try to live according to the demands of the Law do not actually rely on Jesus. Because they put their expectations upon their own works and effort, they are under the curse. For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse: for it is written, Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them. (Galations 3:10) The people who are under the works of the Law, and the people who are under the grace of God are completely different. You must surely know the difference between the heart, “I must do well,” and the heart, “I must receive grace.” These hearts are unable to be mixed, even a little.

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People try to do well to receive grace, and they think that they will be blessed if they do well. If I do well, all I will ever do is trust myself who does well. Why on Earth would I ever need the grace and mercy of Christ? People think that they must keep the Law well in order to receive grace, but because there is no one that can become righteous through the works of the Law, people under the Law are under the curse in the end. People that think that they can live a good life if they try to keep the Law cannot help but to be under the works of the Law. In other words, the people that have expectations in themselves are always under the Law.

he people who are under the works of the Law, and the people who are under the grace of God are completely different. However, the person that knows that their efforts or works cannot fulfill the righteousness that God demands will not put their expectations in themselves, but they will beg for the perfect grace and mercy of God. God pours His grace upon that person. The person who tries to live a righteous life still has their expectations in his own self, and still trusts himself. To these people, the Law becomes the Law of works, and the Law of sin and death. However, if the Law enters precisely into a person’s heart, and if they face death, their hearts will be lowered and they will truly become poor in spirit. They will realize that their labor and effort is useless. The person, who received the curse of the Law precisely into their heart, only earns and begs for the grace and mercy of God who established the Law. God has never turned His face away from those kinds of people, not even once. If you read the Bible, you can see that God does not pour His grace upon the people who can do something well on their own. Because we are lumps of sin, who cannot do good even when we try to, there is no other way for us other than to receive the mercy of God. God’s grace is prepared for

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those who completely rely on the mercy of God. People think that they cannot receive grace because they sin a lot or do not do well. However, the truth of the matter is that, they cannot receive God’s grace because they try hard to do well, and because they are good people. They depart from grace. If you look in the Bible, you can see how the grace of God is poured upon the people who have no way of their own, those whose righteousness has completely crumbled, and those who have failed.

The Law That Stops Every Mouth and True Repentance Curse and death enter into the heart of a person that has stood precisely in front of the Law. They are able to see the gates of hell through the Word. Those people have nothing to say in front of God. The woman caught in the act of adultery, in John chapter 8, also stood in such a position. Until Jesus spoke to her, she did not say anything. …that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God.” (Romans 3:19) There are many sinners who have not become sinful in front of the Law. They do not receive the Word of God because they think that they know many things, they are great in many aspects, and they have many of their own experiences. As they say things like, “I also go to church. I am a deacon. I spoke in tongues. I know everything. Are you saying that every single church is wrong except yours?” They turn a deaf ear to the Word of God. As they continue under the works of the Law, they think that they are under the grace of Jesus. They also think that they are keeping the Law of grace very well. Although they have never experienced death in front of the Law and without knowing the Bible precisely, there are many people that are arrogant according to their arrogant hearts. You have to receive death into your heart through the Law in order to go out in front of the mercy and grace of Jesus Christ. Through the heart of wanting to receive mercy from the people of God, who preach the Gospel of life, those people sweetly listen to every word that comes from their lips. True repentance is not to sin and confess your sin, or sin and beg for forgiveness regarding what you have done. It is to realize the truth that you are under death because of sin and to turn your heart around. “Repentance,” means to, “turn the heart that has departed from God back to Him.” It does

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not mean, “Ask for forgiveness for the wrong things you have done.” True repentance is to realize that no matter what work or effort you put forth, you cannot fulfill salvation. You must throw away your own righteousness. You must go in front of God to earnestly request His grace and kindness. Repentance is the “conversion of the heart.” The Law seems and appears to be demanding our works, but it actually makes us realize that we cannot fulfill the requirements of righteousness through our works. And, it makes us to turn from our way of relying on our own works, to relying only upon the grace of God. This means to use the Law as the Law. The Law is not the Law that makes us righteous. It is not the Law that makes us good or clean, but it is the Law that shows us how filthy and weak we are. It does the work of teaching us that we do not have righteousness on our own, and it makes us able to accept the righteous of God that is given through grace. Not one of us can keep the Law. Thus, there is no other way to salvation besides God pouring His grace and mercy upon all of mankind. Since God knew who we were, He widely opened the way for us to receive His grace and mercy through Jesus Christ. There is no other hope besides this way. We can never become righteous by living a righteous life. The Law is not the Law that saves us. It is the Law that makes us realize the need for salvation. You all know that God is almighty. If God wants to make you righteous, then no matter how filthy of a sinner you are, you will be made righteous. If God forgives all of our sins, we have become much more righteous than if we have lived a righteous life. We have no righteousness, but if God gives us righteousness, we become righteous. The person who has sin is a sinner. The person who has righteousness is righteous. Jesus came to give righteousness to those who do not have any. But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption: (1 Corinthians 1:30) And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith: (Philippians 3:9) The “gospel” is to testify this righteousness precisely.

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The Law That Increases Offense Many people today misunderstand the Law. They think that the Law was given to “decrease” offense. They think, “God gave us the Law because we sin so much, and He probably wants us to keep the Law to become good people.” However, if you look in the Bible, the Law was not given to make man good. The Law came to reflect our image to look upon the grace of God. The Law does not fix us. It reflects the state of our heart. The Law is the mirror that allows us to see the image of our spirit. However, people try to use the law to fulfill righteousness or as a tool to judge and condemn others. The law is not to make our works to reach righteousness, but to reveal our image as a sinner and to lead us in front of the mercy of God. Moreover the law entered, that the offence might abound. But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound: (Romans 5:20) Please look here. The Law did not come to decrease offenses, but to increase them. So, if you stand in front of the Law, your sins increase.

Moreover the Law Entered, That the Offence Might Abound The Law did not come to decrease offenses, but to increase them. What does this mean? Let’s look at an example: When a patient with tuberculosis goes to the hospital and gets X-rays taken, the tuberculosis does not go away. It just becomes revealed more clearly. The tuberculosis is like sin and the X-ray is like the Law. If someone has tuberculosis, then the tuberculosis should be revealed as tuberculosis. If there is tuberculosis, but it is not revealed to be what it is, then that is truly a frightening matter. If tuberculosis is revealed as tuberculosis, one can lower their heart in front of the doctor and receive the proper treatment. They can take the medicine that the doctor prepares for them, and they can receive a shot. They pay if the doctor charges for the medicine, and even though it is time-consuming, they go to the hospital. The reason is that if the tuberculosis does not get treated, the person will die. So between a person who has his tuberculosis revealed on a large scale, and a person who has his tuberculosis revealed only in a very small scale, which person will have

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a more earnest heart to be treated? It is the patient whose tuberculosis is revealed in a greater way. The grander a disease is revealed, the more humble the patient becomes, and the larger the heart to survive grows. In the same way, wouldn’t realizing more of your sin, create more of the heart to have your sins washed by the grace and mercy of Jesus? That is why the Bible says, But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound: (Romans 5:20)Satan has deceived so many people today into believing that the grace of God will abound more where sin has “decreased.” People know the Bible backwards. Because they deal with the Bible through their own thoughts, they cannot receive the Word, as it is. Because their own thoughts are alive, they cannot see the heart of God that flows through the Bible. That is why God says: Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon. (Isaiah 55:7) If one throws away their thoughts, that person will have the heart to surrender to the Word of God. They will earnestly seek the grace of the forgiveness of sins with all their hearts, and that person will surely receive the grace of God.


God Opened the Door to Publishing Ministry


God opened the path for us to preach the Gospel through broadcasting, but He also stopped it. Since God had let us begin it in the first place, I knew it had to be God, who was causing us stop doing it as well. As a result, my fellow workers and I began a prayer meeting to seek and ask God for His will, as we wondered what kind of a path God had prepared this time. God showed us His will to preach through written material. Following God’s will, we took our first steps forward by establishing Minister Wook Yong Kim as the leader of our publication ministry. All of our ministers around the world were joyful. This was our first time doing such work. Things were very unfamiliar, and we did not know what we should or should not continue doing. However, we had no doubt that God would open a way. As our broadcasting sermons were discontinued in November of 1985, we began a monthly magazine called, “The Good News,” and the first issue was released in April of 1986. We were permitted to use some materials from a discontinued monthly magazine ten years ago, called, “Successful Lifestyle.” We

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Preaching the Gospel to the Ends of the Earth

added testimonies from brothers and sisters of the church, and sermons from missionaries overseas. On one hand, I wanted to publish a series of sermons, but I didn’t know how to begin. That year in October, we rented the auditorium of the Isabel Girl’s High School, and held a Seminar for the citizens of Busan. Through this event, countless people received salvation. Even after the seminar was over, I heard that many people received salvation through the tapes of the recorded sermons that were purchased. In another missionary school, 30 senior students caused great disorder in their school after listening to the tapes and testifying that they were, “Now we’re saved.” When we heard that many people, who had grown sick of living a religious life for a long time, had received salvation, we were deeply moved and could not hide our joy. I could see God’s heart of wanting to organize the sermons into a book. Therefore, I had several brothers transcribe the tapes, and organize the manuscript for the sermon collection. We needed the help of a publishing company, but the problem was finding a company that would accept our manuscript. It felt

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like Christian publishing companies, in particular, would not respond easily or positively, so I earnestly prayed before God, fasting for the day. In the midst of all this, someone introduced me to the Chairman of the Christian Literature Crusade (CLC), Professor Park. I testified about my spiritual life and showed him the manuscript. After hearing my testimony, he agreed to publish my book. However, the chief editor had the final decision on which books were published, so he contacted the chief editor to discuss the matter. When I arrived, the chief editor greeted me very cheerfully, saying, “Pastor Park, what brings you here?” Not knowing why he greeted me in such a manner, I answered, “I’m not sure I know who you are. How do you know me?” He answered, “I attended your Bible Seminar and received so much grace. If this is about publishing your book, I’ll pour all my heart into it.” With that, he received the manuscript. I was able to see that God had already prepared in advance so that this book could be published. When the book, Forgiveness of Sins and Being Born Again, was first published, we prayed sincerely, imploring, “God, please save many people through this book.” More than expected, many people ended up reading the book and turned to the Lord. However, there were people who opposed the publication of our book. Those people would call CLC and strongly protest, saying, “Why do you publish Pastor Ock Soo Park’s book?” Through these incidents, CLC was pressured into discontinuing the publishing of our books. We put together the necessary documents to submit a proposal to establish our own publishing company to City Hall, but we received the reply, “Due to conflicting issues against the Basic Press Act, we are unable to permit this registry.” CLC could not continue printing our book, and things became very difficult. CLC printed a large amount of books for the final print, and while all those books were being sold, God had to open up a new path for us.

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Preaching the Gospel to the Ends of the Earth

At that time, President Taewoo Roh announced the, “June 29th Declaration,� which established the abolition of the Basic Press Act. Previously, it had been a complicated permit system, but now, it had changed to an application system, through which people could freely register to publishing works. We quickly gathered the documents needed to request a registration for a publishing house at City Hall. We were registered as a publishing house on December 29, 1987. That is how we were able to begin publishing the sermon collections of the book, The Secret of Forgiveness of Sins and Being Born Again under the name of Good News Publishing House. That book was the stepping stone to publishing the second and third sequels to The Secret of Forgiveness of Sins and Being Born Again. Many other spiritual books were published as well. Now, more than 100 issues of the first book, The Secret of Forgiveness of Sins and Being Born Again, has been printed, and more than 500,000 copies have been published and send to various parts of the word. It has even become more widely delivered as it has been translated and published into English, Spanish, and more than ten other languages. When I hear how people in other countries received grace through these books, I cannot help but to praise God, who worked so greatly.

Church Directory (North America) EAST COAST Good News New York Church 718-878-4246 300 Nassau Rd., Huntington, NY 11743 Good News Manhattan Church 917-678-3344 2152 3rd Ave, NY, NY 10035 Good News Bronx Church 646-339-6432 685 Morris Park Ave 2nd Fl., Bronx, NY 10462 Good News Brooklyn NY Church 917-526-7498 765 43rd St. 1st FL, Brooklyn, NY 11232 Good News Flushing Chinese Church 631-535-1169 134-24 Cherry Ave, Flushing, NY 11355 Good News Atlanta Church 404-966-6352 11000 Rogers Circle, Johns Creek, GA 30097 Good News Atlanta Spanish Church 678-387-9271 2635 Fairlane Drive, 2nd FL, Doraville, GA 30340 Good News Philadelphia Church 215-379-0501 305 Township Line Road, Elkins Park, PA 19027 Good News Chicago Church 847-329-0237 4825 W Jarlath St, Lincolnwood, IL 60712 Good News Washington Church 070-4643-8245 7461 Miramar Dr, Manassas, VA 20109

Good News New Jersey Church 201-406-4677 1075 Queen Anne Road, Teaneck, NJ 07666 Good News Detroit Church 248-885-9646 1181 Harding Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48307 Good News Indianapolis Church 317-294-5329 383 S. Emerson Ave, Indianapolis, IN 46219 Good News Miami Church 954-667-7753 331 NW 65th Way, Hollywood, FL 33024 Good News New Orleans Church 504-602-9930 3205 Cherry St., New Orleans, LA 70118 Good News Jacksonville Church 904-800-7890 3850 Beach Blvd., Jacksonville, FL 32207 Good News Boston Church 617-320-3296 4 Church St. #8, Malden, MA 02148 Good News Charlotte Church 704-500-6063 2009 W. Arrowood Rd., Charlotte, NC 28217 Good News Fort Wayne Church 260-797-3412 3316 S. Calhoun St., Fort Wayne, IN 46807 Good News Nashville Spanish Church 615-927-8980 120 Arbor Knoll Blvd., Antioch, TN 37013 WEST COAST

Good News Memphis Church 901-206-7891 764 Chatwood Cove, Memphis, TN 38122

Good News Central Church 213-386-0097 3500 W. 1st St., Los Angeles, CA 90004

Good News Minneapolis Church 612-275-3348 3000 West Broadway Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55411

Good News Tacoma Church 253-582-3599 10103 South Tacoma Way, Lakewood, WA 98499

Good News Orlando Church 407-312-4028 301 S. Oak Ave, Sanford, FL 32771

Good News Albuquerque Church 505-301-7167 3001 Cuervo Dr, NE Albuquerque, NM 87110

Good News Dallas First Church 972-272-4724 4502 Lawler Rd., Garland, TX 75042

Good News Houston Church 210-315-0346 2516 Wavell St., Houston, TX 77088

Good News San Jose Church 408-893-2267 1548 Curtner Ave, San Jose, CA 95128

Good News Phoenix Church 480-273-2199 9001 West ELM St. #5, Phoenix, AZ 85037

Good News San Jose Spanish Church 408-784-0163 1710 Moorpark Ave, San Jose, CA 95128

Good News Sacramento Church 916-996-4655 3501 Bradshaw Rd. #115, Sacramento, CA 95827

Good News Las Vegas Church 702-248-0572 2880 Red Rock St., Las Vegas, NV 89146

Good News Oklahoma Church 405-535-9553 5801 S. Pennsylvania Ave, Oklahoma City, OK 73119

Good News Salt Lake Church 801-656-5299 2364 S. Main St., Salt Lake City, UT 84115

Good News Amarillo Church 806-447-9993 18 Memory Pl., Amarillo, TX 79109

Good News O.C. Church 714-226-0595 3330 W Lincoln Ave, Anaheim, CA 92801 Good News Anchorage Church 907-258-9987 1020 W. Fireweed Lane, Anchorage, AK 99503 Good News El Paso Church 915-309-7075 6869 Enid Ct. #74, El Paso, TX 79912 Good News Portland Church 971-300-1127 6225 SW Dale Ave, Beaverton, OR 97008 Good News San Antonio Church 210-993-9414 405 Walton Ave, San Antonio, TX 78225 Good News Denver Church 720-308-3442 6400 W. 26th Ave, Edgewater, CO 80214 Good News Kansas Church 816-210-0351 1301 E 100th TER, Kansas City, MO 64131 Good News Hawaii Church 808-679-2800 1219 Keeaumoku St, Suite 400, Honolulu, HI 96814

CANADA & CARIBBEAN Good News Vancouver Church 1-778-881-5508 409 Goyer Crt, Coquitlam BC V3K 6A2, Canada Good News Ottawa Church 819-431-0377 132 Rue Brodeur, Gatineau, QC J8Y 2R2, Canada Good News Toronto Church 1-416-321-2004 70 Mcgriskin Rd., Toronto, ON M1S 5C5, Canada Good News Jamaica Church 1-876-318-0189 63b Deanery Road, Kingston 3, Jamaica W.I. Good News Dominican Republic Church 1-809-350-1429 Calle 26 #2, Valle Verde 1, Santiago, La Republica Dominicana Good News Haiti Church 509-70-8253-2511 Rue Jeremie #22 Delmas 33, Port-au-Prince, Haiti

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