The Goodnews - October, 2017

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∙ Monthly Sermon

∙ New York Times II

∙ Special Article

∙ Gospel Lesson

Jesus Is Made Unto Us Wisdom 2017 Gracias Christmas Cantata Tour - Detroit

Cast Ishmael Out Righteousness



18 Memoirs of a Missionary Departments of the Church of Ivory Coast: Running Towards the Gospel

Monthly Sermon Jesus Is Made Unto Us Widsom



Special Article 2017 Gracias Christmas Cantata Tour - Detroit

New York Times II Cast Ishmael Out



Cover Story: The 2017 Gracias Christmas Cantata US Tour has begun, and thousands of people will discover and receive the heart of Jesus into their hearts. As darkness disappears when the light enters, the love, forgiveness, and mercy Jesus brings will fill the hearts of the audiences and their lives will be transformed with hope. That is the true meaning of Christmas.


50 Preaching the Gospel to the Ends of the Earth Brother, Do You Have a Father?

52 Gospel Lesson Righteousness

Church Directory


Sermon of the Month

JESUS IS MADE UNTO US WIDSOM Pastor Ock Soo Park | Good News Gangnam Church

“But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption…” (1 Corinthians 1:30)


I am not a wise person, but because God gives me wisdom, God leads me to a place where I could never go and shows me the deep world in the Word, and reveals to me God’s secret that is within it. This path is so mysterious beyond words.


In reading 1 Kings Chapter 1, there is a story about Adonijah. When David had grown old, Adonijah believed that, because he was wiser and more intelligent than others, he would become king. He conspired with Joab, the son of Zeruiah, the captain of the host and Abiathar the priest to become king. Not long after, Adonijah invited the princes and King David’s servants and held a feast for them as he pretended to be king. But the king that God had chosen was Solomon. When the feast that Adonijah was hosting was coming to a close, the people who attended the feast heard a sound from afar. Adonijah, curious to know what was going on, at once looked into it, and he was told that Solomon had become king. And the people who were seated there had now become traitors. They all deserved to face destruction. After Solomon took the throne, Solomon said this about Abiathar who held the horns of the altar being afraid that he will be killed: “If he will shew himself a worthy man, there shall not a hair of him fall to the earth: but if wickedness shall be found in him, he shall die.” Abiathar received Solomon’s grace and avoided the wrath deserving of death. When we look in 1 Kings Chapter 2, verse 13, Adonijah goes and finds Bathsheba, Solomon’s mother. Bathsheba asks, “Comest thou peaceably?” And Adonijah answers, “Peaceably.” But, actually in Adonijah’s heart a new plan arose and in order to accomplish it, he went looking for Bathsheba.


Sermon of the Month

“Although Solomon became king this time, but someday I will be king. What can I do to become king?” As Adonijah was thinking about this, a great idea arose in him. “That’s right, if I could take Abishag, the Shunammite, as wife, it would be beneficial for me to become king!” The Shunammite, Abishag, was a woman who lay with David under the blanket to warm his body when David had grown so old because he could not stay warm with blankets. Adonijah thought that since Abishag was comely and knew well about what was going on in the palace, he would marry Abishag and live together for a while to wait for the opportunity to try to take the throne again. Adonijah said to himself, “But how do I make Abishag my wife?” and he again was locked in his thoughts. And then he thought, “If I make a request to Solomon’s mother, Bathsheba, and if she tells him, perhaps he will heed her,” and he went looking for Bathsheba. When Bathsheba asked him if he came peaceably, he said yes and afterward he said: “Thou knowest that the kingdom was mine, and that all Israel set their faces on me, that I should reign: howbeit the kingdom is turned about, and is become my brother's: for it was his from the Lord.” As he continued, he brought out the will he had in his heart. “And now I ask one petition of thee, deny me not.” “Say on.” “Speak, I pray thee, unto Solomon the king, (for he will not say thee nay,) that he give me Abishag the Shunammite to wife.” Adonijah said this because he believed that if he went to Solomon himself, Solomon may not heed him, but if Bathsheba speaks with him, he would certainly listen to her and not deny her. God Do So to Me and More Also, If He Has Not Spoken Against His Own Life Bathsheba said to Adonijah, “Well; I will speak for thee unto the king” and went to the palace. Adonijah thought, “Now, when


Most people are drunk with their own wisdom and think that they are so wise and better than others. But our wisdom cannot reach the wisdom of God, and when we rely on our wisdom, we always fall into satan's trap.

Bathsheba goes and speaks with Solomon, since it is a request from his mother, Solomon will heed her. Then, I will marry and live with Abishag for a while and wait for a chance to become king. I’m so clever.” When Bathsheba went before the king, Solomon bowed to his mother and prepared a seat for his mother. Bathsheba sat next to Solomon and spoke. “I desire one small petition of thee; I pray thee, say me not nay.” “Ask on, my mother: for I will not say thee nay.” “Let Abishag the Shunammite be given to Adonijah thy brother to wife.” After listening to Bathsheba’s request, he became startled. “And why dost thou ask Abishag the Shunammite for Adonijah? Ask for him the kingdom also; for he is mine elder brother; even for him, and for Abiathar the priest, and for Joab the son of Zeruiah.” Then he swore by the Lord and said: “God do so to me, and more also, if Adonijah have not spoken this word against his own life.” And according to Solomon’s words, Adonijah is killed in the end. BECAUSE SOLOMON HAD THE WISDOM OF GOD

Most people are drunk with their own wisdom and think that they are so wise and better than others. But our wisdom cannot reach the wisdom of God, and when we rely on our wisdom, we always fall into Satan’s trap. Adonijah, because he thought of himself as being wise, he thought he could have Abishag according to his plan, and later become king. Bathsheba had sided with


Sermon of the Month

Adonijah’s wisdom and agreed with him, but Solomon was different. It was because Solomon had the wisdom of God. I meet with a great many people, and among them there are those who think they are wise and are satisfied with their own wisdom. I also often think, “I did it so wisely.” But quickly I say, “This wisdom did not come from man, but God gave it to me,” I reject my wisdom and go forward relying on God’s wisdom. TO ALL OF US GOD GAVE US HIS WISDOM

As I live spiritual life, there are times when I read the Bible and realize something particular. I am not a wise person, but because God gives me wisdom, God leads me to a place where I could never go and shows me the deep world in the Word, and reveals to me God’s secret that is within it. This path is so mysterious beyond words. But this wisdom is not only with a special person. “But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption…” (1 Corinthians 1:30) The word “us” in this verse signifies all saved brothers and sisters. To all of us, God gave us His wisdom. But we are deceived by Satan and think that we are wise and live relying upon our own wisdom. In this way, when you go forward relying upon our own wisdom, we cannot help but to fall into a trap and fall down. Adonijah considered himself to be wise and fell into his own wisdom; and he took the path of losing his life being cursed and destroyed. We must break free from the path that Adonijah took, and run toward God within the faith in God.

Pastor Ock Soo Park

Pastor Park is currently the senior pastor of the Good News Gangnam Church. He is the founder of the Mahanaim Cyber Theology School and International Youth Fellowship. Annually he is the guest speaker for Bible Crusades domestically and internationally and serves as a guest lecturer to university students. He is the author of several titles such as: The Secret of Forgiveness of Sin and Being Born Again, Repentance and Faith, and Navigating the Heart. These books have been translated in 17 different languages, and in addition he is the author of 40 other books on spiritual life.



Special Article 2017 Gracias Christmas Cantata Tour - Detroit

2017 Tour

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“If I Say You Are Righteous, Then You Are Righteous� The 7th Christmas Cantata US Tour kicked off on September 20th at the New Jersey Performing Arts Theater. The tour stopped at all the major cities including Washington, Toronto, Detroit, Chicago, and Denver to name a few. This article will focus on the grace and testimonies that God gave us during this year's cantata. More to follow on next month's edition. After the Gracias Choir and staff ended their Canadian tour, then drove all night to Detroit. Detroit was once the capital of American made automobiles, however, after General Motors bankrupted in 2009 everything went downhill from there. The population that was over 1 million back in 2000 is now only around 670,000. At night, aside from the lights coming from buildings and street lamps, it was a dark city. There were homes that caught fire at one point but were never restored, and dilapidated buildings that never finished construction. Anchorage Seattle

Minneapolis Chicago San Jose



New Jersey Fort Wayne Washington D.C. Indianapolis

Las Vegas Kansas City

Albuquerque LA



Oklahoma City


New Orleans

El Paso San Antonio

Jacksonville Orlando Miami

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Detroit is the largest city in the midwestern state of Michigan. The municipality of Detroit had a 2015 estimated population of 677,116, making it the 21st-most populous city in the United States.



Special Article 2017 Gracias Christmas Cantata Tour - Detroit

“We put our focus on what God wants to do in this city of Detroit. So we prepared the CLF along with Cantata. We had the heart that God wants to work together with the pastors of Detroit, so we visited many churches here. Together with the brethren we went out to invite pastors and introduce CLF.� (Pastor Dale Noh of Good News Detroit Church) Because of the decline in the economy, many resident abandoned their homes, only to have it become hideouts for crime. The ctiy center eventually became crime zone. It was difficult to handout Cantata invitations in this part of the city. As he prayed, Pastor Dale Noh had the heart to go out to public school principals and receive permission to hand out invitations there. He initially was afraid of getting rejected due to the religious nature of the event, but in reality many of the principals were open and allowed him to hand out invitations. They were able to take a step forward and experience the works of God. It was 6:45 PM when Pastor Park ended his sermon for the CLF. Right after, the participants of CLF entered the Masonic Temple

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theater and saw it was already filled with 3,500 citizens of Detroit. The citizens of Detroit lost all expectations and hope once the automobile industry closed down. Only Jesus Christ can fill the void in this “City of Darkness.” “The Late President of Hyundai, Joo Young Jung, was the founder of the company. After passing ownership to his son, he one day called up his son to announce that he would be visiting. The whole company was in chaos preparing for his arrival. Of those people was a newly recruited employee who was told “Go outside and clean.” This new recruit was busy cleaning when President Jung's car passed by. President Jung exited his car and went up to the employee and said, “Hey Manager Kim, working hard!” That's when the new recruit said to the president, “Excuse me, sir, but I'm not a manager. I'm just a new recruit.” To this President Jung said, “Hey, if I say you're manager, then you're manager!” Today God is speaking to us as well. “Hey, if I say you're righteous then you are righteous.” Amen? Amen! Hallelujah! We praise the Lord who was made us

Special Article 2017 Gracias Christmas Cantata Tour - Detroit

1. The baker reveals the cake for the mayor's wife in Act 2 2. An audience member moved to tears 3. The end of Act 1 glorifying the birth of Jesus with music from the orchestra 4. The audience cheers and enjoys the Cantata Production.

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clean. I've been to many cities in the US, but I won't be able to forget the people of Detroit. I want to continue speaking but unfortunately I can't do to time constraints. Merry Christmas!” Many people listened to Pastor Park's sermon and shouted out “Amen” and “Hallelujah.” That energy continued on to the Third Act when they sand “Feliz Navidad” and “God Bless America.” Even after the show had ended, the audience were hoping for more and didn't want to leave. Pastor Dale Noh testified how he wants to work together with the pastors who attended this CLF meeting and also work with those educators who got connected through the Cantata. He wants to educate the youths in Mind Education. There are still many rundown buildings across Detroit. But God has a plan to make that Detroit beautiful once more. He wants to fill the empty hearts of the people of Detroit with the gospel. In actuality, the city of Detroit gets brighter with ever Cantata held there for the past seven years. Many people are returning back and there are more cars on the streets, according to audience members who attended the Cantata. Just as one small light sparks a greater light and lights up the darkness, the Christmas Cantata is the turning point for change in Detroit. The people who were once in darkness and despair now have their hearts moved over to hope and lights. This is why the Christmas Cantata is the most beautiful and worthwhile musical performance in this world.

Special Article 2017 Gracias Christmas Cantata Tour - Detroit


"It was my first time coming to the Cantata. It's a performance I won't forget."

“For years I've received tickets to see the Cantata, but was never able to come. As always, someone lef t tickets at my door a nd I decided that I was going to go this time. The story of troublemaker Anna receiving change was fun. And I thank Pastor Park who preached the message. There is nothing more important than the preaching of God's words. If we revere God and His Works, then we will be able to see the glory of God.”

- Bill Cathwell “I saw the ad on the Christian station for the Christmas Cantata and decided to come. The performance was great but the story of Hyundai President Joo Young Jung was most memorable. He explained very well how our souls become righteous. Jesus took all ours past, present and future sins, so we no longer need to ask for forgiveness. Many people don't know this truth. There are many people in Detroit who don't attend church that is why many more people need to listen to this message. I hope everyone comes to see this. It made us cry and laugh. It's a great performance to see with family.”

"The story of President Joo Young Jung was most memorable for me."

- Mary Milneim - 16 -

-Susan Moore (center)

Daughter Ashely (left), and sons Joshua (right) and Christopher (below) all attended

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"This is the 7th Cantata I've attended. It has now become an event I look forward to every year."

“It was a joyous and wonderful performance. The birth of baby Jesus was portrayed so realistically. It felt as if the spirit of God was among us. I felt that God was speaking to me. Act 1 is about Jesus' birth; Act 2 is about Anna realizing the love of family; Act 3 is the whole choir singing--all the acts touched my heart dearly. This is the 7th Cantata that I've attended. It has now become an event I look forward to every year. Pastor Park preached the word so that anyone can easily understand it. It was a great sermon that conveyed the heart of God. It was like living water for the soul.�

Memoirs of a Missionary_Cote d'Ivoire

Memoirs of a Missionary Episode 12

Departments of the Church of Ivory Coast: Running Towards the Gospel In this issue, we introduce to you the different departments of the Ivory Coast Church that preaches the Gospel in various ways through God’s grace and with the heart of the church. The brothers and sisters testify how they received God’s help and were overjoyed as they warred for the Gospel within God’s will. David’s psalm to God, saying “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want” (Psalms 23:1) became their own song.

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Publishing Company - ‘4 Young Men’

I want to introduce how the many departments within the Ivory Coast Church received God’s grace as they were used for the work of the Gospel. The first department I would like to introduce is the 4 Young Men Publishing Company that was created through Brother Michael, who in April of 2004 received salvation and translated the Word. After completing his Masters in English Literature, Brother Michael had been job hunting, in vain. So, he had gone daily to the church to translate the “Monthly Sermon” of the Good News Magazine into French. Beginning on the latter half of 2005, he had begun to translate Pastor Ock Soo Park’s The Secret of Forgiveness of Sin and Being Born Again. Brothers and sisters would sit around a single computer and edit each page that Brother Michael had translated. In the pastoral meeting that were held in Ghana in 2005, I testified about the work of translating The Secret of Forgiveness of Sin and Being Born Again, and the Togo and Benin Churches said they wanted to work together in doing it. As a result, the Benin, Togo, and Côte d’Ivore Churches decided to split the 9 sections of the book into 3 parts to do the final edit. We had already begun translating the sections, so we completed it quickly. A month later, when the work was collected from the 3 countries, each translation was done in the translators’ color, making it seem like it was written by 3 different people. Eventually, we decided to do the translation in a single country, and Côte d’Ivoire was given the job of completing the translations for The Secret of Forgiveness of Sin and Being Born Again. At first, we asked a professor in the French department to edit our work, but because he wasn’t saved, he didn’t understand the Word and had edited it the way he wanted to. That’s why we couldn’t help but to pray for a person officially educated in the French language to receive salvation. We had hoped to publish the book in its lacking state and for God - 19 -

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Memoirs of a Missionary_Cote d'ivoire

to work, but God worked aside from how lacking we were. As God saved the Israelites through the four lepers, God saved many people through our publication of The Forgiveness of Sin and Being Born Again. Elder Engesang is among those who received salvation after reading the book. Prior to receiving salvation, Elder Engesang attended one of the strictest law-teaching churches in Côte d’Ivoire, but one day he bought the book The Forgiveness of Sin and Being Born Again from his church’s bookstand. He read the book with his wife and the both of them had received salvation. At that time, Elder Engesang was serving in the Marines as a major. He had come to our church through the phone number printed on the back of the book. Due to his work, he always came at 11pm to have spiritual counseling at the church and would leave around 2am. As Elder Engesang and his wife began attending church, his friends and family came to listen to the Gospel as well, resulting in 40 people receiving salvation that year. Brother Bethas also received salvation through the book. Once before receiving salvation, Brother Bethas was so grieved by sin that he fasted for a week. However, on the day his fasting ended, he got angry at his wife for not making him his favorite porridge, and right then, he realized that he could not overcome sin. A while after that, he found The Forgiveness of Sin and Being Born Again at a Christian bookstore, and received salvation after reading it. Soon after, all of his family members living in Senegal also received salvation. Through his eldest son, who had been a leader of a meeting preached the Gospel to the many people in that meeting, connecting them to the Senegal Church. Brother Bethas is currently working as a plane mechanic in Dubai, and has hopes of working as our church’s plane mechanic, should our mission purchase one. After The Secret of Forgiveness of Sin was published, Brothers Ninjaco Terespo and Ninjaco Polabien received salvation. Both brothers were in the process of achieving a PhD in French Literature. They were later placed in charge of - 20 -

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The brothers and sisters of 4 Men Publishing

editing the books. Brother Terespo is currently working as a Professor of French Literature at the National University, and Brother Polabien is working as a French teacher at a state-run high school. God listened to our prayers saved people, sending us people one by one to help translate and edit our books. This is the process of book production. When Brother Michael translates into French, Sister Ami edits it, then I compare the translation to the original in Korean and made edits once more. For the next step, the Ninjaco brothers read and edit, I compare it with the Korean version and look it over, and finally, the Ninjaco brothers edit one final time. Brother Michael was persecuted by his family members for translating books in church instead of finding a real job. In 2014, he became a state-registered translator, which even university professors have a hard time getting selected. On the day he received the permit, I saw that everyone who received the permit had white hair, save Brother Michael, who had black hair. His family members were overjoyed, and the persecution came to an end. In 2015, Brother Michael established an afterschool, teaching English and a few other general subjects, and is receiving a lot of grace. After The Secret of Forgiveness of Sin and Being Born

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Memoirs of a Missionary_Cote d'ivoire

Again was published, we translated Repentance and Faith, Out of Despair, Notes on Genesis I, II, Navigating the Heart, A Grain of Mustard Seed, and during the process of our translation, we began the publishing department. Now, we have a printer and other material necessary to publish books, and we’re able to run the publishing department without the church’s help. Now, outsiders were putting in orders for the books. In 2014, we even bought a car with the money from the publishing department. From 2011, we’ve also been publishing “Mind Magazines,” targeting the youth. When there are advertisements to put in the magazine, we would print that month’s issue, and when there weren’t we would publish it via internet. More than 16,000 are avid readers of the internet issues. We also subscribed various advertisers to make the magazine and the IYF’s mindset known. Many people show interest and are asking about it. The Play Team ‘SAJDI’

The second department I would like to introduce is the Sages de la justice divine (SAJDI) play team, which means, the wise who’ve received God’s grace. The play team was formed in 2005 to preach the Gospel through plays, and the beginning was through Elder Baba receiving salvation. Elder Baba was the sole professor of The Department of Theater and Arts at a School of Arts, who preached the Gospel and helped many students receive salvation after receiving salvation himself. Elder Baba is presently the Dean of the Department of Theater and Film, and the students who received salvation through him are present Theater and Film professors. Elder Baba and the brothers and sisters who graduated from that department made the play team and are preaching the Gospel through it. They first began by acting out the previous week’s sermon before Sunday service. Such detailed expression of the sermons, helped the brothers and sisters more readily accept the Words. With each chance that was provided the play team participated in play festivals, receiving prizes, and even - 22 -

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The brothers team ‘SADJI’

went on overseas performances. In 2011, they made a movie out of a parable in one of the sermons, participating in the “West African Short Film Festival” and receiving the grand prize of $10,000,000. That year, they gathered the prize money received from various festivals and bought a 26 seater bus that they used to travel the country for performances in order to preach the Gospel. In 2012, they invited a puppet show team from one of our churches in Korea in order to learn how to perform glow-in-the-dark puppet shows, putting on many performances and even doing some overseas. Also, with TV broadcasting as their goal, they created a film company called “BLEU CIEL” (blue sky) and prepared dramas, short films, and plays. Many students of the church applied to related departments in college to learn broadcasting skills, and some have been hired at the company and are learning skills. Radio Broadcasting Station ‘3J FM’

The third department is the radio broadcasting station. Pastor Ock Soo Park had said that he hoped for all the churches in each country to preach the Gospel through broadcasting. Having received pastor’s heart, we filed - 23 -

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Memoirs of a Missionary_Cote d'ivoire

many documents in order to receive a broadcasting permit, and are waiting for it. Once we begin the radio broadcasting, we have to do filmed broadcasts and on air broadcasts together, which means we have to prepare at least 3 month’s worth of filmed broadcasts beforehand. For this, we are dubbing Pastor Ock Soo Park’s sermons into French. We also invited professional radio announcers to train our brothers and sisters, and several brothers went to actual broadcasting stations to learn broadcasting skills. Our broadcasting studio lack a lot, but through the equipment we’ve purchased until now, we have been producing several programs. We are also in the process of preparing Web TV to allow us to broadcast the filmed material through the internet. The Mind Education Team ‘Mind Bank’

The fourth department is the Mind Education team. There’s a condition required for those who want to be an active member of the Mind Education team. He/she must be able to preach the Gospel in the Gospel class, and must have experience of having preached for a week at a Bible Seminar. Mind education isn’t simply education, but there

The managers of the radio broadcasting ‘3J FM’

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are several conditions to be able to preach the Gospel. Currently, about 50 brothers and sisters have received training to become educators and are carrying out Mind Lectures to middle school, high school, university students, and those working in the borough office. The Mind Lectures are extremely popular even along the International Schools where students of rich families attend, and has become an official subject. Brothers and sisters are paid to lecture at those International schools. As our Mind Lecture program has become widely known, even the Department of Education and the Office of the President are showing optimism towards it. We are praying to be able to do mind lectures in front of the Minister of Education and the president as well. Dance Team ‘La Famille des justes’

The fifth department is the dance team. The dance team was formed around sister Hayoung Yoo, who had come as a 4th class short term missionary in 2005. At first, they only performed before official IYF events, but as performance themes began to expand, they began to be invited to many organizations and have grown. The

The dance team ‘La famille des justes’

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a H w r

Memoirs of a Missionary_Cote d'ivoire

dance team participated in various dance contests and have received prizes. Beginning from 2 years ago, they’ve been doing free concerts. Also, they participated in the “World Culture Dance Festival” held in Korea and won the 1st place prize. The dance team have been preaching the Gospel through their many concerts and are using the prize money for necessities in their performances. They also support World Camps held in other countries in Africa. The members of the dance team not only perform, but work in different teams of the World Camp, recruiting new dance team members. The Praise Team ‘Gracias C.I.’

The sixth department is the Gracias C.I. (CÔte d’Ivoire). There is a famous Gospel choir in Côte d’Ivoire. Countless Christians go to their concerts, regardless of their denomination. Wherever they perform, no matter how small or big the venue, their performance tickets are sold out. However, their performances simply end with music. The Gracias Choir’s performances are different. The Gospel is always delivered through the Gracias C.I.’s performances. The Gospel dwells in the hearts of th ose whose hearts have been opened through their music. The Gracias C.I. has produced their own songs and recordings and are making themselves known through their performances. Two years ago, Brother Paul Wasaba, who led the Côte d’Ivoire Broadcasting Station Choir when it was first established, received salvation. Brother Paul Wasaba, who was called the pioneer of music had immigrated to the U.S., and had returned, receiving salvation. He is currently leading the Gracias C.I. He will also be in charge of a music program run by a state-run TV broadcasting station beginning that following January. Through this, the Gracias C.I. will receive a lot of grace and be used for the Gospel. The Soccer Club ‘IYF Lincoln Football Club’

The seventh department is the soccer club. When Pastor - 26 -

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The praise team Gracias. C.I.’s performance

Ock Soo Park came to Benin early this year, he wanted us to make a soccer field with the land given to us by the government for the children of Africa who loved to play soccer. He wanted us to teach soccer to those children and to preach the Gospel to them. He also said for each West African country to create a soccer team so we can hold an African World Cup with the children, instilling dreams and hope in them. With pastor’s heart, we made the soccer team. The soccer club is run by Brother Jaques. Brother Ble and Vai are the coaches. Before receiving salvation, Brother Ble dreamed of becoming a soccer player and traveling to Europe. So, he had done what a shaman had told him to do, and slept with two corpses by his side. But as things failed to work out and his paths were blocked, he had been living a hopeless life, until his wife met the church in 2015 and received salvation. He received salvation a month later. With the church’s guidance, Brother Ble recently received a soccer coaching license and is living with a new dream given to him by God. Brother Ble’s friend Vai returned to Côte d’Ivoire a few months ago after working in Tunisia as a coach/manager. He got connected to the church and received salvation. - 27 -

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Memoirs of a Missionary_Cote d'ivoire

The soccer team ‘IYF Lincoln Football Club’

We were able to feel that God gathered the people needed to lead the soccer club. We needed a place to practice, but when we discovered that another soccer club was practicing on the plot of land we had reserved to build a chapel, their team got disbanded and we were able to use that land as our practice field. ‘The Lord is My Shepherd, I Shall Not Want’

Before meeting Jesus, Peter lived a diligent life, but it was a life in which nothing remained. But after Peter met Jesus and received guidance through the Word, he caught enough fish to break his net. However, Peter could not lift that net on his own. He needed people’s help. I too tried my best to live a diligent life. Nothing remained in that life, and all that remained was fatigue, sadness, and pain. But while I’m receiving the guidance of the church and the Word, I am doing truly blessed and precious works. The works I do within the Côte d’Ivoire Church are not things I can manage, and are things that I’ve never tried before, but that’s not a problem because

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The bright brothers and sisters of the praise team

God has sent me people to help me and because he is helping me. In Africa, there are so many young people who simply stare at cars speeding by because they have nothing to do. They do not live such a life because they’re uneducated or because they’re handicapped. They’re much more educated and better than I am, but I am able to live a blessed life through the grace of the church. There are works of the Gospel I can do with all my heart, and there are those who help me do these things with all their heart, and so I am thankful. I am 46; not too old, not too young. All day long, I have fellowship with the brothers and sisters, give lectures at the missionary school, and have fellowship with the ministers. 42 regional churches in Côte d’Ivoire are waiting for me to come and preach the Word at their church, we are undergoing construction at our chapel, and I have to lead many meetings. I’m living a very busy and happy life. Thanks to our Englishspeaking and Chinese-speaking brethren, I am learning English and Chinese. I’m so thankful to be able to live within the Gospel and the church. My wife and children are happy as well. I feel that this is - 29 -

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Memoirs of a Missionary_Cote d'ivoire

the will of the church and God towards me. I too hope for all the brothers and sisters of the Côte d’Ivoire Church to be happy within Christ. There was a time when I prayed for each and every one of the brethren in our church. “God, that brother needs this job. That sister needs to get married.” As I prayed, God asked me. “If I do everything you pray for, would they really be happy and satisfied?” “Yes, God.” “Then why did David, who lacked nothing in the wilderness feel that he lacked something as he resided in the palace, making him sin?” I stopped praying and opened the Bible. “And if that had been too little, I would moreover have given unto thee such and such things” (2Samuel 12:8). When the king was required to go to war, David stayed at the palace. He accepted the heart of wanting to rest, and to stop going further. When David bore the burden of the Gospel in the wilderness and fought the war of the Gospel, he lacked nothing. But after accepting his flesh, even within the palace which provided him with everything, he felt that he lacked. God asked me what would make the brethren truly happy. What they needed was a life of warring for the Gospel. It was true. They lacked a lot, but the brothers and sisters were happy living for the Gospel, and God filled what they lacked. “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want” (Psalms 23:1). As long as God is my shepherd and is leading me, he will fulfill all that I need. That is why David didn’t say “I lack nothing,” but said, “I will lack nothing.” Over a year, I’ve written 12 testimonies, but I feel as if I wasn’t able to say everything I wanted to say. What God did for me was surprisingly great. It was truly a blessed and thankful time. I am so thankful to God and to the church who allowed me to spend such precious times. - 30 -

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New York Times: Notes on Genesis II

Cast Ishmael Out Pastor Ock Soo Park Good News Gangnam Church

And the child grew, and was weaned: and Abraham made a great feast the same day that Isaac was weaned. And Sarah saw the son of Hagar the Egyptian, which she had born unto Abraham, mocking. Wherefore she said unto Abraham, Cast out this bondwoman and her son: for the son of this bondwoman shall not be heir with my son, even with Isaac. And the thing was very grievous in Abraham's sight because of his son. And God said unto Abraham, Let it not be grievous in thy sight because of the lad, and because of thy bondwoman; in all that Sarah hath said unto thee, hearken unto her voice; for in Isaac shall thy seed be called. (Genesis 21:8~12)

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not understand it. There are many parts of the Bible that we do not understand. But after some time, we come to know that God accepts nothing done through the methods of man and only accepts the things accomplished through God, having come from the heart of God. A story similar to this is the story of Cain and Abel’s offerings. Abel offered the firstling of the flock and the fat thereof to God. Abel did not know how to give the offering and wanted to gain the heart of God. “I wonder what offering pleases God.” Abel asked and sought of God, and came to know that the firstling of the f lock and the fat thereof is the offering that pleased God. Cain was not so. The crops and fruits from his farming looked so desirable that he offered them to God. This was Cain's heart, but


He Probably Loves Ishmael. Why Did He Say to Cast Him Out? There were two sons in the house of Abraham. One was Ishmael, who was borne through humanistic methods, and one was Isaac, who was borne through the faith to believe in God. These two sons grew up in the same home. Since the son who was borne following the flesh was much older than the son borne through the promise, Ishmael mocked Isaac whenever he had the chance. Sarah, upon seeing Isaac being mocked, tells Abraham, “Cast out this bondwoman and her son.” Abraham was the father of faith, yet he had many humanistic thoughts. “Although Ishmael was born of distrust as a result of me having no faith, he still is my son . . . .” Ishmael was already grown and Abraham had great expectations in him. Abraham had no intentions of casting Ishmael out. He was thus deeply worried when he heard Sarah's words. However, God told Abraham to cast this son out as well. Long ago, I used to wonder, “How could merciful God say such a thing? Ishmael is also a son of Abraham and God must love Ishmael as well. Why did he say to cast him out?” I just could

New York Times: Notes on Genesis II

was not something that pleased God. The “fruits of the ground” Cain offered refer to the fruits of the cursed earth, but also represents the product of the thought of man. It means that God cannot accept the fruits of the ground that come from the flesh. Though they may be things not of faith in God, there are things in our lives that seem to a certain extent good, honest, and holy in the eyes of man. People, for the most part, trust in this. “He is such a good person.” “That person is so good he needs no laws.” “He is such a moral person.” “That person is so godly.” But God has never said this. This is the difference between God and man. God said, The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. (Jeremiah 17:9) God said that good does not dwell inside man. It is completely different from our thoughts.

You Must Choose One or the Other Abraham took a handmaid and bore a child of distrust. Even so, Ishmael was held in high hopes by Abra ha m because he had grown so much. God, however, said for Abraham to cast out this bondwoman and her son. This means that God will not accept t hings accomplished by t he methods of man. That which you have done honestly and good, as well as the thanks you have given from your heart, God does not accept. God accepts the things that emanate from God, which are the things that come from the heart of God. There are two ways to receive the forgiveness of sins. There is the way of receiving it through repenting of yourself, praying zealously, and being loyal to God. There also is the way of receiving forgiveness through the crucifixion of Jesus. Both of these ways cannot be chosen. Humanistic methods must be done away with if forgiveness is to be gained through the faith to believe in God. On the other hand, everything Jesus has done must be thrown away if you are to receive forgiveness through your effort and zeal. Only one of the two can be chosen. Both cannot.

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Nevertheless, as God spoke to Abraham, God was telling me to throw away everything I did through my methods.

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was telling me that they were all useless. Alchemists, Who Tried to Make Gold There were the alchemists during the Middle Ages. They tried to ma ke gold by mi x ing copper and zinc. One day, when they came up with brass, the color was similar to gold and they rejoiced. They said, “If we experiment a bit more we can make gold!” and many alchemists experimented, trying to make gold. They sold their houses, land, and borrowed money to come up with funds for experiments in their efforts to make gold. However, they all ended in failure. As time passed and as their knowledge increased, people came to know that gold is an element. They discovered that since gold is an element, it cannot be made through mixing metals. Afterwards, people quit trying to make gold and there is no one today who tries to make gold.


The Bible tells us that God rejects everything that comes from man. Abraham was the father of faith, but placed hope in Ishmael. He thought, “Ishmael is growing so well and he will lead our family well from now on.” However, God told him to cast Ishmael out. As I read these verses I truly felt that I was like Abraham. In the past, when I did not have the faith to believe in God I said, “Since I went to church this Sunday, God will happily receive me. Since I tithed; since I showed compassion to a beggar; since I did church work; since I gave allnight prayers; since I repented; since I fasted and prayed . . . .” I put all my expectations in and upon myself. I did not want to receive what Jesus accomplished, but placed my hope in my accomplishments. Nevertheless, as God spoke to Abraham, God was telling me to throw away everything I did through my methods. He

New York Times: Notes on Genesis II

They can make metals similar to gold, but no one can make gold. Likewise, holiness and righteousness are things that belong to God and must come from God. You cannot become holy or righteous through your labor and effort. Regardless of this, however, just as the alchemists tried to make gold, many people today try to accomplish spiritual life through their effort, laboring to become righteous and holy. Just as the alchemists thought making gold was possible when they came up with something similar to gold in their experiments, many people today think that they can become righteous because they see that at times their ambitions and greed have been calmed when they fast and try not to sin. “Now I will reach the level of righteousness God requests! I will become holy! This is what Apostle Paul must have been like!” Actually, this was only a temporary shortness in lust due to fasting. Because one cannot continue going hungry, he starts eating, and the evil and lustful heart arises once again. Nothing has changed. Even so, people think, “This was just a bad ending. Let me begin again.” Again he fasts, reads the Bible, and

tries to become righteous. I, too, have attempted this anytimes. When I fasted the sinful heart would disappear, but would come back to life after I had eaten. It is because, by nature, the f lesh is ultimately f ilthy and dirty. God knows that we cannot become righteous through trimming and bettering the flesh. That is why He tells us to throw away everything that is of the flesh. Therefore, I threw away from my heart all the fasting prayers I had prayed. Sadly, some people keep the good they have done as crowns in their heart. “I fasted for 40 days.” “I read the New Testament 100 times.” “I have never missed a Sunday service.” But in the eyes of God, a person who has never missed Sunday service or a person who has never attended a service are the same sinners. We are righteous when Jesus comes into us. Everything that proceeds from man is the same. Among ants there are those with thick legs and those with t h i n one s . S ome a nt s b oa s t that they have thick legs and some boast that they are good

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Likewise, holiness and righteousness are things that belong to God and must come from God. You cannot become holy or righteous through your labor and effort.

If not Exposed, It Loses the Opportunity to Be Cured Because man cannot become righteous on his own, God sent Jesus Christ. We put Jesus aside, however, and try to become good, holy, and truthful ourselves. We try ourselves to not sin. To a certain extent, it seems as if it is working and people put their hopes there. But this should not work. It is a problem when it goes well.

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looking, saying, “I am Miss Ant.� Even during the time of Jesus, However, in the eyes of man, it was the harlots, publicans, and this ant and that ant are all the people like the woman caught in same. A turtle that wins a gold the act of adultery who received medal for sprinting at the Turtle the grace of Jesus. The scribes and Olympics is still nothing but slow Pharisees who thought they did well all went against Jesus. in the eyes of man. A wild olive tree should bear You may be clean in your own eyes or in the eyes of your neighbors. wild olives. If it bears good olives, You may also be truthful. You may this is a serious problem. We dirty, even be honest. But in the eyes filthy, and evil humans should of God, we are all the same dirty bear wickedness and commit sins. humans. God has already crossed If we dirty humans do good, it is us out. There is none righteous, no, a problem. We should be dirty. There can be only one who is not one . . . (Romans 3:10)

New York Times: Notes on Genesis II

God tells you to throw away everything that is of man. You may not want to throw it away but keep everything, but they should be thrown away.

good, and that is God. Therefore, you must first discover that there is no good in you in order for you to have true faith. God told Abraham to cast Ishmael and the handmaid out. W hy did God say this when Ishmael is also Abraham's son? It was because he was of the flesh. Just as God said this to Abraham, God tells you to throw away everything that is of man. You may not want to throw it away but keep everything, but they should be thrown away. If you have good works such as, “I built a chapel. I established a church. I gave a large offering and was in charge of the church finances. I fasted for 40 days. I have never withheld tithes. I did not sin,” such things cover your sinful nature. It keeps your sinful nature from being revealed and distracts you from receiving salvation. If you are a dirty human being, your dirty nature should be revealed in order for

you to be saved. However, it is a problem when this is not revealed and only the cleaner things are. A person with cancer should have his cancer revealed; someone with leprosy should have his leprosy revealed; and someone with tuberculosis should have his tuberculosis revealed to have t he oppor tunit y to have t he disease cured. If the disease is not revealed, it is like someone dying without knowing the reason and losing his or her opportunity to be healed. We should not be good. If God says that we are evil, then we should be evil. When there is no good in you and the evil is revealed and you say, “Ah, a body of death I am! I am sick of this man! This dirty man!” giving up on yourself, you can accept Jesus. However, Satan constantly tries to reveal goodness in us and deceives us into thinking there actually is some good within us. This keeps us from going to the side of the

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faith in God and makes you put expectations in yourself.

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Throw Everything Away and Turn to Jesus Abraham was content with Isaac, but also put much expectation in Ishmael. God told Ishmael to be cast out. This is also true with us. We have many things we received when we relied on God, but we also have many things derived from the goodness we have done, the kindness we have bestowed, and the compassion we have given to others. These things become a distraction to our spiritual life and keep us from accepting true salvation. Because people do not know this, there are so many people who are deceived by this and proudly boast of what they

have done. Such people cannot receive the grace of God. The Bible tells us to coldly cast this flesh of ours out. It is because we lost the opportunity to receive the grace of God unless we throw this away. I was a truly dirty, evil human being but the little good I had done, having gone to church, and having gone to early morning services became my own righteousness, covering my sins, and I almost did not receive salvation. Thankfully, one day God lent me His eyes. For the first time I saw myself through the eyes of God. I saw myself till that day as an okay, faithful, and honest person, but my image in the eyes of God was so dirty and filthy. Right then I believed the Word of God. The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. (Jeremiah 17:9) This is when I discovered that there is no good, righteousness, or holiness inside of me. I then naturally began to give up on myself. I came to distrust myself. W hen I realized that I was a dirty human and that I could do nothing, all my expectations of receiving salvation through my good deeds fell apart. When

New York Times: Notes on Genesis II

that expectation fell apart, I was able to receive the grace of Jesus. Since I was now saved by the grace of Jesus, it did not matter what good I did or did not do. I once was attempting to travel somewhere by car, but my car was broken down so I had to ride in my friend’s car. Therefore, the fact that my car was broken would have nothing to do with me getting there. Whether my car had a flat tire, whether the ignition did not turn on, or whether the engine was broken, none of those things mattered. I can leave it behind and ride in my friend’s car. I left everything of me behind a nd a m riding in Jesus’ ca r. Now, my evil and filthiness are not problems anymore. I am strengthened by the righteousness of Jesus, and strengthened by the power of Jesus. Because the holiness of Jesus comes to me and sanctifies me, whether I do well or not has nothing to do with my sanctification.

It is achieved through Jesus. Therefore, our works are not necessary. It must completely be through Jesus. If you rely on your goodness, your works, and your efforts, you can never be saved. And God, to have us realize this, told Abraham to cast out Ishmael. He is telling us to cast out everything done through man. Loving folks, you must throw away all the good you have done in order for you to receive the grace of God, because with it, you can never stand before God. Those things may appear precious and beautiful in your eyes, but they keep you from being able to stand before God. We are humans who can only be cursed and destroyed. Only the blood Jesus Christ shed on the cross has cleansed us. We are, by nature, dirty humans and we can only go to heaven through the grace of the cross. We need to have this faith and must deny all the good we have done. When we deny the good we have Cast Out Everything Done done, true faith comes upon us by the Efforts of Man and the grace of sa lvation Salvation cannot be achieved ac c ompl ished at t he cross through your own goodness. reaches us.

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Pastor Han Gyu Lee Good News East Seoul Church

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Teacher Myung Sook Jung When I worked at the Jungmo High School in the Sangju of the North Gyeongsang Province, I shared an office with Sister Myung Sook Park, who is the wife of Elder Hyung Mo Lee at our church. We worked in the same office for a year but we never spoke about any personal matters for around 6 months. Then one day, she, who was an art teacher at the time, started to talk about her faith. I was so happy that I suggested, “every time we get the chance, let us have a Bible study” and we had Bible studies for a month. However, one day, the sister placed a slip of paper on my desk that read, “There has been so much opposition from my fellow teachers so I wish to stop having Bible studies for a while” along with a book and tapes that I gave for her to read and listen. As I saw how Satan was obstructing one soul while the gospel was being preached, I was very sad and miserable. I started to pray even more earnestly before the Lord. There was nothing I could do so I told her, “I always will have my heart open so if you ever want to hear the gospel, please come again” and we stopped our fellowship. One month later, however, she told me, “I do not understand the content of Matthew chapter 24 verse 19 and although I have asked many people, they do not know as well” and she asked me to explain it to her. After explaining the verse to her thoroughly, she said, “You gave me the most satisfying explanation” and she widely opened her heart. The sister felt that the word that we preached was more correct, we recontinued our Bible studies, and she acknowledged that she needed to receive salvation. It seemed that if I were to preach the gospel to her, she would receive salvation. But I thought it would be good to break her heart in at least

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once so I told her, “if you really want to live, go to our Kim Chun church and receive salvation.” Then, Teacher Jung went on vacation for a day from her job and went to the Kim Chun Church. When I met her on the next day, she had accepted the gospel in her heart. As she was ailing from bad health, she fainted twice in the car on her way to the church. However, she thought, “if this keeps on happening, I won’t be able to receive salvation and will end up in hell!” she went to find the words of life, just like the women with the issue of blood, and she was able to receive the precious grace of the Lord.

I Am Just? After she received salvation, friction developed between her faith and her husband’s beliefs and he started to persecute her. Deceived by the distrust put into him by Satan and false religion, her husband persecuted her for several years. Then, he said they were leaving to a place that our church was not near to and after living a couple years abroad, they returned to Korea. However, Sister Jung’s mother-in-law opened her heart completely towards our church and she attended the church I was ministering at for a couple of months. She said, “I will help you out so please come to my house when my son is there”, we made a promise between ourselves, and waited for the right time. At that time, we were having a Bible Seminar at the Chungmu Gymnasium in Daejeon. I went that night with a pastor to her house to visit but the husband of Sister Jung yelled at us saying, “Do you people not have any manners! Get out right now!” We barely were able to sit down as we begged him saying, “Let us please talk for just a moment” but he cut us off. “We don’t need to talk about anything else: my wife said she was righteous. But where in the BIble does it ever say, “I am righteous?” ” Just answer this one question.” If we were to say, “that phrase itself is not in the Bible exactly”, we felt that he would counter with “If you are saying things that are not

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in the Bible then what are you but heretics?” but if we were to say, “It does say that in the BIble”, he would reply with “Find it and show me” so instead I asked him, “Then if I find a place where it says you a righteous, will you acknowledge that what you believe is mistaken?” to which he replied, “Just find where it says in the Bible that “I am righteous.” I opened to Romans chapter 3 verse 23 to 24 and explained it to him. “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus:” “This scripture is combines to become one sentence and I ask you who is included in the phrase “for all”? Isn’t this a promise that God has established to all people? Mister, are you included in the word “all people” or are you not included? Since we have all sinned, we could not reach the glory of God. Let us look at verse 24. Didn’t God say that all has been justified? If all have been justified, mister, aren’t you righteous? Then, as he said, “Stop speaking nonsense. Find me the words, “I am righteous” he kicked his chair and went outside. Fortunately, he received salvation by the grace of the Lord, and now I am so

ㅉㄷㅖPowerful blood of Jesus Christ which can make any kind of sinner righteous. thankful to see him generously giving all of his life to preach the precious grace and love of the Lord.

By the Righteousness of One It is written clearly in Romans chapter 3 verse 23 that “for all have sinned” and could not reach the glory of God. Thus, the sure conclusion is that if the only way to become righteous and go to heaven is to not sin, then not a single person go to heaven. However, if you look at the first part of verse 24, it is written that “all are being justified”. How can all of mankind who have sinned be made righteous? It is because there

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is a way to become righteous even if one has sinned. What does this mean? It is through the powerful blood of Jesus Christ which can make any kind of sinner righteous. “even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life.” (Romans 5:18) “For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so bythe obedience of one shall many be made righteous.” (Romans 5:19) Not through what we have done, not because we haved lived righteously, all people have been made righteous through “by the righteousness of one”. In other words, we are righteous “freely, by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus” (Romans 3:24). That is to say, between “us who have sinned” and “justified,” the promise of God, is redemption (In Ephesians 1:7 and Colossians 1:14, having the same meaning as “the forgiveness of sin”). We were born inside of sin and have committed sin so God sent Jesus Christ for our sin and because he redeemed all of our sin, we have become righteous through that grace. Therefore, we are not sinners who have never sinned, but the righteous who have received the forgiveness of sins. If we only look upon what we have done, we are sinners. But, when we look at what God has done for us, we are surely righteous. The person who believes not the God who calls a sinner righteous (the God that only says the words that a sinner is righteous) but the God who has called sinners righteous (the God who has made sinners into righteous people) -that person is righteous. When I looked up the words that appear in the Bible on a computer, the computer gave me the answer that in the Old Korean Revised Version the word “just” appears 187 times. I looked at a couple of other editions of the Bible and the total number of appearances were 202. However, the frogs of the well that do not know the secret of the gospel simply say, “Who is righteous?” and do not even try to find the way to become righteous. I want to respond to them in this way: “There are righteous people in the Bible. There is a way for sinners to become righteous! This is where spiritual life starts.”

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“But Paul said he was chief of all sinners” People that do not know the gospel rely on one word that Apostle Paul said in 1 Timothy chapter 1 verse 15; “Paul himself said that he was a sinner. How could you then say that you a righteous. You are so arrogant.” they say. If you read from 1 Timothy chapter 1 verse 13 to 16, the “original image of Paul who did not know the grace of God and who was possessed by Satan” and the “image of Paul who received grace and mercy from the Lord” is in distinct contrast. In verse 13, the scripture of “Who was before a blasphemer, and

Surely if we do not receive the mercy of the Lord, we are people that will only have the images of a filthy and arrogant sinner come out of us. a persecutor, and injurious” is the same part of his life as “because I did it ignorantly in unbelief.” Concentrate on the part “Who was before… ignorantly in unbelief…” This is written about the image of “Paul, who did not know the grace of God, the Paul who belonged to the flesh”. That image is the image of “chief amongst sinners.” God is telling us many times to remember our original image. Many people of the Bible have one “sticker” that brings them great shame stuck upon them. Ruth’s heart has surely moved from Moab but the sticker of a “Woman of Moab” remained upon her. Abigail is surely the wife of David but the sticker of “who used to be the wife of Nabal” remained upon her. God wants us to remember who we originally are because he wants us to remain in the place of grace and mercy. Because Paul knew that he was such a person he could not trust in himself but would deny himself every day and lived a life of seeking and relying on the grace and the mercy of the Lord. Surely if we do not receive the mercy of the Lord, we are people that will only have the images of a filthy and arrogant sinner come out of us. Please focus on the amazing mercy of God that Paul bears after his

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confession. “And the grace of our Lord was exceeding abundant with faith and love which is in Christ Jesus.” (1 Timothy 1:14) Is Paul, who realized this overflowing grace, still living a life like the chief of sinners? Before we receive salvation, more and more deeply we realize our true image as sinners through the law, the bigger the grace and salvation of Jesus, who redeemed our sins, will be in our heart. Even after we receive salvation, if we forget our nature in front of God, then we will not consider the grace of Jesus, who died on the cross, as grace. Just like how where sin abounded, grace abounded much more, as much as you realize our filthy and useless image, the grace we have received from God will become much bigger. Just like the expression, “The valley must be deep to have tigers, and the woods must be dense to have goblins.” The more we realize how pathetic we are, that is how deep the grace and thankfulness of the Lord which He pours upon us will grow. The people who consider themselves precious do not consider the Lord precious. In 1 Timothy chapter 1 verse 15, Paul said he was chief amongst sinners but didn’t Jesus Christ enter the world to save such a sinner? Thus, Jesus went to the cross for a sinner like Paul and He washed away all of his sins by shedding his blood on that cross. Therefore, Paul testifies of this many times in the new testament: “To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus.” (Romans 3:26) “But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption:” (1 Corinthians 1:30) “And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith:” (Philippians 3:9) Let’s say that I did not have a watch but someone gave me a precios watch as a gift. If I were to say “I have a watch. I am a person who has a watch. That person gave me this precious

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watch as a present,” would that be boasting or giving glory and thanks to that person? Is it arrogant to say, “We have no righteousness but Jesus made me righteous so I am righteous, I have righteousness?” The gospel is to testify about the righteousness, the precious gift of God. How can one stay still after receiving such a gift?

The Cause of Mercy Now let us look at 1 Timothy chapter 1, verse 16: “Howbeit for this cause I obtained mercy…” The chief amongst sinners received the mercy of the Lord. When the chief amongst sinners received mercy, he became righteous but if you take away his righteousness that he wears, he is still the chief amongst sinners. When Paul recorded 1 Timothy, did he make this confession while living a life of the chief of sinners? Or is he making this testimony as the laborer of Christ, more sincere and loyal than anyone else? After he realized his own image of which he could say nothing even if he was cursed or destroyed, he is so thankful to the love of the Lord bestowed upon him. He wants to give the rest of his life to serve the Lord and his service becomes thankfulness and grace. What is the reason for the Lord to pour such mercy upon Paul? “Howbeit for this cause I obtained mercy, that in me first Jesus Christ might shew forth all longsuffering, for a pattern to them which should hereafter believe on him to life everlasting.” (1 Timothy 1:16) God showed his longsuffering to Paul for all the people who come to the Lord to recieve this faith and hope: “God even forgives Paul, the chief amongst sinners. God waits even upon a person who has committed such deeds, accepts them, and loves them. He is surely someone worthy of praise and worship. If a sinner like me were to go in front of Him, He will forgive my sins and will take me as his child.” Even if a person has a great blemish or is deeply inside of sin, He wants them to come out in front of the infinite grace of God which even bestowed mercy upon the chief of sinners. The sin of Paul was large and serious, he realized the forgiveness and grace that God pours is incomparably larger and he became a guiding star to those who are to defect to the side of God. I wish that grace of God to be with you all.

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Brother, Do You Have a Father?

When I was receiving spiritual training under Missionary Dick York, we were not allowed to ask for anything we needed from people, but only from God. During that time, our country was in poverty and starvation. Missionary York would not have gone through such hardships if he had sent at least a single letter to America, but he only relied on God as he starved and shivered in his cold room. We, too, often starved when the food ran out, and many days, we were gathered around drinking hot water for breakfast because the food had depleted. The missionary called us for one on one counseling. It was my turn. “Did you eat breakfast?” “No, I starved.” “Why did you starve? “I starved because there is no food.” How could it be my fault for starving when there is no food? “Why is there no food?” I couldn’t understand why he was asking these questions, when he knew that it was because we had no money to buy food.

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Preaching the Gospel to the Ends of the Earth

So, I was sitting still without an answer, when he asked again, “Brother Ock Soo Park, do you have a father?” Since I had both a biological father and Father God, I answered, “Yes, I do.” “If you ask your father for food, does he provide it to you, or not?” “Sure, the Bible says whatever you shall seek, you shall receive, but that is not always true, is it?” I thought to myself. Although I professed to believe in God, the words were true to a certain point, and it did not have much to do with my life. The counseling I had on that day was unforgettable. Whenever I preached the Bible that the Lord washed all our sins, I could see most people continued to have sin in their hearts because the truth had not reached their hearts. Regardless of how well we know the Bible, if our sins are not washed, then that knowledge becomes a theory and not faith. The Bible is not a theory, but it is the power of the living God. Do I truly believe in God, who is working in my life? Is it truly the powerful Word that is manifested in my life? We can only use humanistic methods by seeking help from people if we do not believe God will aid us. From that moment, I learned how to live spiritual life and work for the Gospel by relying on God alone.

Church Directory (North America) EAST COAST Good News New York Church 718-878-4246 300 Nassau Rd, Huntington, NY 11743 Good News Manhattan Church 917-678-3344 2152 3rd Ave, NY, NY 10035 Good News Bronx Church 646-339-6432 685 Morris Park Ave 2nd Fl, Bronx, NY 10462 Good News Brooklyn NY Church 917-526-7498 765 43rd St 1st FL, Brooklyn, NY 11232 Good News Flushing Chinese Church 631-535-1169 134-24 Cherry Ave, Flushing, NY 11355 Good News Atlanta Church 404-966-6352 11000 Rogers Circle, Johns Creek, GA 30097 Good News Atlanta Spanish Church 678-387-9271 2635 Fairlane Drive, 2nd FL, Doraville, GA 30340 Good News Philadelphia Church 215-379-0501 305 Township Line Road, Elkins Park, PA 19027 Good News Chicago Church 847-329-0237 4825 W Jarlath St, Lincolnwood, IL 60712 Good News Washington Church 703-973-7975 7461 Miramar Dr, Manassas, VA 20109 Good News Memphis Church 901-646-0055 764 Chatwood Cove, Memphis, TN 38122 Good News Minneapolis Church 612-275-3348 3000 West Broadway Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55411 Good News Orlando Church 407-312-4028 301 S Oak Ave, Sanford, FL 32771

Good News New Jersey Church 201-406-4677 1075 Queen Anne Road, Teaneck, NJ 07666 Good News Detroit Church 248-608-1409 1181 Harding Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48307 Good News Indianapolis Church 317-294-5329 383 S Emerson Ave, Indianapolis, IN 46219 Good News Miami Church 954-667-7753 331 NW 65th Way, Hollywood, FL 33024 Good News New Orleans Church 504-602-9930 3720 Saratoga Dr, Metairie, LA 70002 Good News Jacksonville Church 904-646-7885 3850 Beach Blvd, Jacksonville, FL 32207 Good News Boston Church 617-320-3296 180 Blue Hill Avenue #3, Boston, MA 02125 Good News Charlotte Church 704-500-6063 2009 W Arrowood Rd, Charlotte, NC 28217 Good News Fort Wayne Church 260-797-3412 3316 S Calhoun St, Fort Wayne, IN 46807 Good News Nashville Spanish Church 615-927-8980 120 Arbor Knoll Blvd, Antioch, TN 37013 Good News Maryland Chinese Church 301-250-1138 900 Westmore Ave, Rockville, MD 20850 WEST COAST Good News Central Church 213-386-0097 3500 W 1st St, Los Angeles, CA 90004 Good News Tacoma Church 253-582-3599 10103 South Tacoma Way, Lakewood, WA 98499

Good News Albuquerque Church 505-300-9807 3001 Cuervo Dr, NE Albuquerque, NM 87110 Good News Dallas First Church 972-272-4724 4502 Lawler Rd, Garland, TX 75042 Good News San Jose Church 619-559-6287 1548 Curtner Ave, San Jose, CA 95128 Good News San Jose Spanish Church 408-784-0163 1710 Moorpark Ave, San Jose, CA 95128 Good News Las Vegas Church 702-248-0572 2880 Red Rock St, Las Vegas, NV 89146 Good News Salt Lake Church 801-656-5299 2364 S Main St, Salt Lake City, UT 84115 Good News O.C. Church 714-814-9436 3330 W Lincoln Ave, Anaheim, CA 92801 Good News Anchorage Church 907-258-9987 1020 W Fireweed Lane, Anchorage, AK 99503 Good News El Paso Church 915-309-7075 6869 Enid Ct #74, El Paso, TX 79912 Good News Portland Church 971-300-1127 6225 SW Dale Ave, Beaverton, OR 97008 Good News San Antonio Church 210-993-9414 405 Walton Ave, San Antonio, TX 78225

Good News Hawaii Church 808-679-2800 1219 Keeaumoku St, Suite 400, Honolulu, HI 96814 Good News Houston Church 346-400-1812 2516 Wavell St, Houston, TX 77088 Good News Phoenix Church 480-273-2199 5239 N 17th Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85015 Good News Sacramento Church 916-996-4655 3501 Bradshaw Rd #115, Sacramento, CA 95827 Good News Oklahoma Church 405-535-9553 5801 S Pennsylvania Ave, Oklahoma City, OK 73119 Good News Amarillo Church 806-447-9993 927 N Mirror St, Amarillo, TX 79107 CANADA & CARIBBEAN Good News Vancouver Church 1-778-881-5508 409 Goyer Crt, Coquitlam BC V3K 6A2, Canada Good News Ottawa Church 819-431-0377 132 Rue Brodeur, Gatineau, QC J8Y 2R2, Canada Good News Toronto Church 1-416-321-2004 70 Mcgriskin Rd, Toronto, ON M1S 5C5, Canada Good News Jamaica Church 1-876-318-0189 63b Deanery Road, Kingston 3, Jamaica W.I.

Good News Denver Church 720-308-3442 6400 W 26th Ave, Edgewater, CO 80214

Good News Dominican Republic Church 1-809-350-1429 Calle 26 #2, Valle Verde 1, Santiago, La Republica Dominicana

Good News Kansas Church 816-437-5440 1301 E 100th TER, Kansas City, MO 64131

Good News Haiti Church 509-70-8253-2511 Rue Jeremie #22 Delmas 33, Port-au-Prince, Haiti


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