The Goodnews - April, 2015

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APRIL 2015


Special Article

South America IYF English Camp

Memoirs of a Missionary

Living Anew By the Power of Life

Special Article Benin, Africa

Salvation Testimony God Always By My Side


Like Dirt, God Made Us to Bring Forth Flowers and Fruit in Africa

About the Cover The seeds of the Gospel planted in Benin are sprouting from the promise of God. The president of Benin opened his heart towards IYF and donated real estate where hospitals, media centers, and youth facilities will be constructed. Through this project, a multitude of dreams and hope will be instilled in the Beninese people. We are excited to see how this good news will unfold. (After praying for the development of the ground, Pastor Ock Soo Park speaks about future plans with the Mayor of Calavi and the Minister of Youth; Photo by Jong Han Lee)





Monthly Sermon


Salvation Testimony


Jacob Brought a Kid of the Goats to His Mother God Always By My Side


Like Dirt, God Made Us to Bring Forth Flowers

and Fruit in Africa

Special Articles 24

English + Gospel = English Camp


Partaking in the Promise of 500 Churches - Miami


We Will Help You with Everything - Benin


A Dream Come True - Benin


Memoirs of a Missionary


Gospel Lesson


Naaman: A Mighty Man of Valor, but a Leper

Preaching the Gospel to the Ends of the Earth


Living Anew By the Power of Life

From Missionary School to Apkok-dong

Church Directory

This Month's Sermon

Jacob Brought a Kid of the Goats to His Mother Pastor Ock Soo Park | Good News Gangnam Church

“And Jacob said to Rebekah his mother, Behold, Esau my brother is a hairy man, and I am a smooth man: My father peradventure will feel me, and I shall seem to him as a deceiver ; and I shall bring a curse upon me, and not a blessing. And his mother said unto him, upon me be thy curse, my son: only obey my voice, and go fetch me them. And he went, and fetched, and brought them to his mother: and his mother made savoury meat, such as his father loved.” (Genesis 27:11-14)

The Thoughts of Man are Different from the Thoughts of God

Through the Bible we see man is born as a corrupt descendant of Adam and because man is led by Satan, we can see that all of his thoughts and plans dwell in a place opposite of the will of God. When God said to Abraham, “Your wife Sarah shall bear you a son,” Abraham rejects the Word of God by saying, “Shall a child be born unto him that is a hundred years old? And shall Sarah that is ninety years old…” When Jesus said to Peter, “Before the cock crows, thou shalt 4

What we see and think is completely different from what

God sees and thinks in front of the same circumstance.

deny me thrice,” Peter quickly rejected the Word of the Lord and said, “Though I should die with thee, yet will I not deny thee.” There are many stories in the Bible where God interacts with man, and every time the thoughts of man were different from the thoughts of God. “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord” (Isaiah 55:8). Therefore we cannot believe in God with our own natural heart. Our thoughts clash with the Word of God as we try to follow it. The result is that the more we try, the more we become exhausted and often give up on spiritual life. Not Because of Evil, Lack of Effort, or Lack of Sincerity

What we see and think is completely different from what God sees and thinks in front of the same circumstance. Even our best thoughts are still fundamentally different from the thoughts of God, and as long as we keep them, we cannot be with God. In the Bible, we see God appears and works inside of man, but there is one thing that Man must do. Man must forsake their thoughts and accept the Word. I can not hear the Word of God precisely if I accept the Word of God according to my thoughts. I could never join my heart with God by trying to make the Word fit the frame of my thoughts. Forsaking my thoughts and accepting the Word of God lays the groundwork for God to work inside Man. Why doesn’t God work through us? It is not because we lack the effort and sincerity or because we are evil. The problem is we try to follow God with our thoughts. No one is perfect. Everyone makes mistakes, commits sins, and goes against God. It is completely different when we deal with it according to our thoughts compared as opposed to with heart of God. I have had individual counseling with numerous people thus far, and 5

There is no one else but Christ who can receive the curse.

each time I encourage people to forsake their thoughts and follow the Word of God. If they forsake their thoughts, they can easily accept the Word, be saved, and experience the grace of God. Nevertheless, Jacob Believed His Mother Rebekah

God said to Abraham, “Your wife Sarah shall bear you a son,” and Abraham thought, “We are too old and can’t have a child.” But Abraham heard the Word of God and changed his heart. He saw that it was impossible, but since it is the Word of God, he told himself, “If God does it, it can be done!” He accepted the Word of God and from then, the works of God arose. There are many stories like this in the Bible, such as the story of Jacob. Jacob’s father Isaac loved Esau and did not love Jacob. One day, in order to bless Esau, he tells him, “Go hunt, and take me some venison that I may eat that my soul may bless you.” Rebekah heard these words, and as soon as Esau left to hunt, she said to Jacob, “Go quickly to the flock and fetch me a kid of the goats. I will make them savoury meat for thy father, such as he loveth and shalt bring it to your father that he may eat, and that he may bless thee.” Rebekah’s plan was precise and perfect, but from Jacob’s perspective it seemed like it would not work. Jacob thinks the complete opposite of Rebekah and says, “Esau, my brother, is a hairy man, and I am a smooth man, and although father’s eyes are dimmed and cannot see, he will feel me, and instead of receiving a blessing, I will receive a curse.” It is then that Rebekah says, “Upon me be thy curse, my son: only obey my voice, and go fetch me them.” There is no one else but Christ who can receive the curse. Rebekah is revealed as a shadow of Jesus who works to receive the curse in our place. If we listen to the Word of 6

Jesus, then He takes the responsibility even if something goes wrong. In other words if we become cursed, Jesus will receive the curse in our place. Jacob could have exerted his heart and said, “Mom, stop saying that! My voice sounds different from Esau’s voice. My stature is different from his. How can I be blessed? I don’t have to be blessed so just quit.” But Jacob believed in his mother Rebekah. Jacob, for the first time, forsook his thoughts. He thought, “Although my father can’t see well, if he touches me, my identity will be discovered. Then I will be deceiving him and I will be cursed.” But he believed in his mother who said she would take all the responsibility. “Will I follow my thoughts or follow the words of my mother?” Jacob had to choose between the two, and the faith to believe in his mother allowed him to forsake his thoughts. Jacob brought a kid of the goats according to the words of his mother, Rebekah. She made delicious food that Isaac loved, and she used the fur to disguised Jacob’s hands and the smooth parts of his neck. She removed his lacking image in order to receive the father’s blessing. When We Listen to the Lord’s Word

Jacob did not have any qualifications to stand in front of his father, but because Rebekah prepared everything, in the end he received the blessing. But in the beginning, he nervously looked upon his mother’s work. He thought that it would not work. Today, as we too listen to the Lord’s Word, we think that if we listen to the Word that it will not work and that we will be ruined. We should not fall into those thoughts, but just like Jacob believed in his mother, we have to accept the Word of God.


This Month's Sermon

The Word of God and our thoughts are different and therefore it is only natural that the Word does not fit our heart and seems like it will not work. But all the 66 books of the Bible have never told us once that it would not work. What Changes Our Lives?

We are always trying with our methods to seek or to serve God. The one fact we have to know for certain is that in the Word of God, it states that God’s thoughts and our thoughts are different. Therefore if we see with our thoughts, we think that it will not be done according to the Word of God. At that time, if we forsake our thoughts and see with the eyes and heart of God, we can quickly gain faith and realize that God is going to work. Why is spiritual life difficult? It is because we try to do it with our thoughts and experiences. Now, no matter how important my knowledge or experiences may be, we have to exchange them for the thoughts of Jesus. We have to exchange them for the Word of God. The thoughts of God are different from our thoughts in regards to healing sickness, resolving sin, and changing one’s life. The man with the 38-year infirmity, the blind, the paralytic, and those who came before Jesus to receive grace, all shared something in common. They forsook their thoughts and believed in the Word of Jesus. Jacob forsook his thoughts and judgment which seemed right to him, and chose his mother’s words. We do not have to read the Bible many times to gain knowledge. We have to discover the heart of God in the Bible and forsake our thoughts that differ from His heart to accept God’s Word. We can work being held by the power of God’s hand when we accept the Word and become one heart with God. 8


Now, no matter how important our knowledge or experiences may be, we have to exchange them for the thoughts of Jesus.


Our church has many ministers, but there is only one reason why they cannot be used strongly. They persistently work according to their thoughts. I emphasize this whenever I share fellowship with them, and at times I see that a certain brother accepts this Word and becomes renewed. What changes our lives? The heart changes our lives. We are focused on our flesh. We must forsake this heart by putting down our decisions that seem good and beneficial, and open the Bible to accept the Word. That is when God becomes alive in our hearts and begins to work. Not only will the Holy Spirit work abundantly to bring great happiness to God, we will experience His great works.

Pastor Ock Soo Park Pastor Park is currently the senior pastor of the Good News Gangnam Church. He is the founder of the Mahanaim Cyber Theology School and International Youth Fellowship. Annually he is the guest speaker for Bible Crusades domestically and internationally and serves as a guest lecturer to university students. He is the author of several titles such as: The Secret of Forgiveness of Sin and Being Born Again, Repentance and Faith, and Navigating the Heart. These books have been translated in 17 different languages, and in addition he is the author of 40 other books on spiritual life.


Salvation Testimony

God Always By My Side

Heidi Vanessa Amaya | Good News LA Church

Heidi (bottom left) with her English Camp group, Cohesion 12 10


hen I was a child my sister and I had a difficult life growing up. Something was taken away from us that changed our lives forever. Our innocence was taken away. Could you imagine a three-year-old girl being touched by an older man? I was only three years old and my sister was five years old. I would blame myself for not being able to stop it. He robbed us of our childhood.. I was too small to understand these things but unfortunately I was exposed to this life. The day my mom found out about my sister, I saw how hurt she was. I remember her tears coming down her cheeks like it was yesterday. That day I decided to hide the truth about what happened to me because I didn’t want her to be hurt anymore. Since that day, I decided to become strong so I could protect my family and myself. I became an independent young lady. I did not allow my parents to take care of me because I wanted to make their life easier. Growing up, I did not allow my parents to be a parent. They saw I was able to take care of myself and they trusted my judgment, so they allowed me to have a lot of freedom. I moved on by hiding my truth and erasing my childhood memories. I started to live day by day and my life seemed to get better. I had my family together, a home, and everything else a child could wish for. I felt lucky because my parents were still together, when other families were going through divorces. For the first time, I felt like I was home and I was able to overcome what I went through as a child. 11

Salvation Testimony

After a while, I thought everything was perfect until my biggest fear came true. One day, my dad never came back. My parents were getting separated. I truly believed life was getting better until my dad left. I felt like a big piece of me was taken away. The one person that made me feel protected was gone. I felt lonely, scared, lost, sad, and unloved. I did not know how to handle the situation. When my dad left home I started to rebel do things I had never done before. I was hurting my mom with my actions and she couldn’t even recognize me. Because I had a lot of freedom I took advantage of that. At the age of 14, I started to get tattoos, drink a lot, and I would walk home at 3 am by myself. I did not know who I was anymore. I felt lost and in need of seeking for something. When I turned 18 years old, I fell in love with the sweetest boy on earth. He made me feel safe and protected. Something I have not had in a long time ever since my dad left home. He had just moved from Arizona and he was going through some difficulties as well with his parents' separation. I wanted the world with him but one day that came to an end. I was heartbroken and I started to curse God. Although I did not


know God, I started to curse him because he took two people I loved: my father and the boy I fell in love with. After a while, I started to go to church because I thought that would help. I was desperately looking for something but I did not know what. When I went to church, I felt good at first because I felt like God was with me. I was taught to repent after I sinned but that was difficult for me. I was always sinning and condemning myself. I would punish myself and I eventually stopped going to church because I felt like I was a hypocrite. I went based on what the church was teaching me, but deep down in my heart I felt empty. I wanted to believe God was working, but I couldn’t see any results. I continued to feel tired until I went back into the world. I felt like I was able to control my life better than God. After a year passed by, I had everything, I was going to college, I worked at a pharmacy, and I had money to buy whatever I wanted; a new car and freedom. I worked hard to get all these things, but I still felt broken and lonely. The more materialistic things I had, the more empty I felt. I became a bitter person who had anger issues. I would easily get frustrated and impatient. I felt like I was going crazy with my thoughts. Many times I couldn’t control myself. I had anxieties, panic attacks, and restless nights. Because I was good at hiding my feelings, no one knew what I was going through. I started to take supplements from the pharmacy such as Magnesium Chloride, Melatonin (insulin), B6, Gaba, Valeriana, and other herbs to help me relax and to help me sleep. I didn’t want to face the world and all I wanted to do was sleep all day and all night. Slowly, I was killing myself without my realizing it. One day, as I was walking to my car from class, a guy was passing out flyers. He was saying “Bible Seminar” and when 13

Salvation Testimony

2015 IYF English Camp in Mexico I heard the word “Bible” I stopped to see what the flyer was about. I normally ignore people who give out flyers because I always end up throwing them away but this time it was different. I received the flyer and he started to talk about an English Camp in Mexico and a Bible Seminar. After talking about the events, he asked if I had a few minutes to have Bible study. I thought it was weird and I hesitated but ironically I said yes. I remember Israel asking me if I had sin in my heart and if I was free from sin. At that moment, I did not know what to say. No one had ever asked me that question and no one from my old church had ever talked about being free from sin. In my old church, they only spoke about repentance. I remember telling him we are all sinners and his response shocked me. He told me, “Then you don’t believe in God.” At that moment I was offended thinking, how can a stranger tell me what I believe and what I don’t believe in! After telling me I didn’t believe 14

in God, he had to leave. I wanted to know what he had to say because I was not satisfied with his answer. I was so angry and I wanted to argue but his group had to leave. From there we continued to have Bible study once a week, where he explained how I was righteous and had no sin. Even though I didn’t like what he said, I still wanted to hear more. I guess I was still looking for something. One of the questions I asked during Bible study was, “If you have no sin then, what do you do after you sin? You don’t ask for forgiveness?” It was hard to accept what he was saying because all my life I thought I was right about everything. I thought I was better than others, I thought I deserved more than those who did wrong, and I thought I was a good person. Because I was independent, I believed in myself. Another part that was difficult during Bible study was opening up. Since I was good at hiding my feelings, I did not open up about what I was going through. I hated telling people what was wrong. I never wanted people to know what was going on with me. Through Bible study with Israel, I learned to open up and have fellowship, even if it took 30 minutes to say what was in my heart. The moment I knew I was righteous was during the Bible Seminar on December 8, 2014. From that moment I felt free and I stopped condemning myself. Through the verse Romans 5:19, “For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience 2014 Bible Seminar in L.A. of one shall many be made 15

Salvation Testimony

righteous.” I was able to accept what Jesus Christ did on the cross. Moreover, after receiving salvation, God started to work in my life so quickly. I was amazed how he turned my life around in such a short period of time. Right after being saved, God took my job and school so I could only rely on Him. Since I am used to being independent, God wants to teach me to only rely on Him. He is teaching me that I am not capable of anything without His help. Right now I am living by grace and through his Word and I have faith that He will continue to take care of me. Not only is God working in my heart, but in my family as well. My two sisters received salvation about the same time I did and my father received salvation about a few weeks ago. Right now my grandmother and my mom have not received salvation, but by faith they are already saved. I can see God’s work through my family and I. I can feel God’s Word carved in my heart. God continues to show His love. He continues to show that He never left me and that He will never leave me because I am his daughter. We are his children.


or at your local Good News Church (See appendix)



Like Dirt, God Made Us to Bring Forth Flowers and Fruit in Africa Derell Jones | Good News New York Church


ecently, I had the marvelous opportunity to volunteer in the very first IYF English Camps in Africa. The English Camps were held in three countries; Togo, Benin, and Côte d’Ivoire. We began our journey in Ghana. When we arrived in Ghana in the evening, the weather was unimaginably hot – totally opposite of the freezing weather in New York. Despite the heat, it was my 18

first time in Africa, so I was extremely excited. After arriving at the IYF Center in Ghana we ate dinner, a West African dish called in Ghana ed cassava Fufu - mash Fufu (mashed cassava served with stew) and then we got settled in our rooms. That night I became so anxious. I thought to myself, I am actually in Africa, what is God going to do with me here? The following morning we had many things to do. First, we drove four hours across the Ghana/Togo border and arrived at the IYF Center in Togo. The weather was much hotter. Then, we immediately began the English Camp orientation with the IYF Ghana/Togo volunteers. Shortly after the orientation we departed to the English Camp location. The location was a school, but not like the schools in America. As you walk pass the school’s metal gate, there is an open rectangular courtyard where we set up approximately 500 chairs and a stage with a blue tarp above it to block the sun. Surrounding that area were classrooms. The classrooms were simple, with a blackboard and about five or six long benches for the students to sit on. As soon as we arrived, there were already many students eagerly awaiting the start of the camp. We quickly organized the enthusiastic students and began the English Camp. That day, our English Camp team was amazed that the students in Togo followed the program so well. Later, pastor told us that he visited many schools in Togo and requested that they only send their students who had the most interest in learning English. Thus we had the best students in Togo. They were always on time, followed the program very well, and listened to the Mind Lectures with open hearts. I could see that God loved the students in Togo 19


Students listen to Mind Lecture in Togo

and that He was pleased with preaching the Gospel through the English Camp. We all felt that God will change Togo through these students. When the camp was finished in Togo, our whole team of Ghanaian, Togolese, and American volunteers, as well as pastors all departed for Benin. We arrived in Benin and God give us more IYF volunteers from Benin and Nigeria. We were overwhelmed with joy that God was giving us so much help. Things were going extremely well. The English Camp location in Benin was at The University of Abomey-Calavi. The facility we used was an ideal place to have the English Camp. We could not have asked for a better venue. It was a huge tent that seated more than 1,000 students. It had great resources like a stage, screens, projectors, a broadcasting system, lights, and air conditioning. On the first day just before camp began, we meet with the Chancellor of the university who knew of Pastor Ock Soo Park and the IYF already. He was extremely excited to have the IYF English Camp at his university. In our meeting he said that students at his university do not need to only be good at studying, but more importantly, they need to know about how to have a strong heart and hope. And he said, “Only Pastor Ock Soo Park can teach 20

that.� The Chancellor was so happy, but he regretted the news that he had to deliver to us. He told us that there was a campus-wide career day happening on the second day of the English Camp and the facility that we are using would not be available for us to use in the morning. We asked the Chancellor if there was another place we may use in the meantime and he said unfortunately there was no place. In addition to the career fair, he said, the entire university were taking examinations so all of the rooms were occupied. When we heard that news we thought it would be impossible to have the English Camp in the morning the day. So at the end of the first day, we told the students to arrive by 1 pm the next day because we would not start the English Camp in the morning. Later that evening, Pastor Ock Soo Park arrived in Benin and came directly to the Benin church and shared the Word of God with the brothers and sisters. I remember that evening very well. Me being interview by the #1 News It seemed like a dream. With my channel in Togo own eyes I could see how much God loves Benin and how powerfully He is working through our mission in Benin. Brothers and sisters from Ghana, Togo, Nigeria, and Benin, our missionaries from across Africa, the Good News Medical Volunteers, members of the Gracias Choir, Pastor Ock Soo Park, and our English Camp team were all in attendance. There were so many great works happening all at once. I was so thankful to see such a sight and to feel the presence of the Holy Spirit. That evening Pastor Park preached about Genesis chapter 1. Like dirt, God made us to bring forth flowers and fruit. When I 21


heard Pastor’s words, the heart that I had was that God is making flowers bloom in Africa. He will make the English Camp and my heart bloom with ‘flowers’ too. When Pastor Park heard about the circumstances that lead to canceling the Doing Missions morning schedule of the second day, he with Togo Volu nteer told us, “You all must have the English Camp starting from the morning, you must. Even if you have to have the English Camp under a tree you must start the camp in the morning.” The next day, we arrived at the university and the facility that we used on the first day was occupied by the school. We knew the only way we had was to follow the words of pastor.So we started looking for a tree. Nearby there was a big giant tree that cast a lot of shade – we thought we were going have the camp under that tree. However, about fifty feet from that tree there was a vacant classroom even though the Chancellor said the classrooms would all be occupied. However, this classroom looked like it had not been used in a long while – it was empty (no chairs or benches) and dusty. Nevertheless, it was perfect. We ran over to the tent and asked if we could borrow the chairs that were not being used. We brought more than a hundred chairs. Later we found out that the electricity worked and the ceiling fans worked too. The place was perfect; prepared by God. That morning more than one hundred new students registered. We thought no students would come, but according to the heart God gave Pastor Park, we went forward and there was a classroom and everything worked out well. The fact that God worked like that gave us new strength. The camp became sweeter and sweeter. Despite Pastor Park’s busy schedule, he participated in the English Camp too. 22

Every afternoon he delivered the Mind Lecture. The students in Benin loved Pastor Park. Over 700 students attended the English Camp in Benin. God was continually helping us even until the very last day of the very last English Camp in Côte d’Ivoire. 500 students participated in the English Camp there. The day before the camp ended in Côte d’Ivoire, Pastor Ock Soo Park spoke with me and he said, “On trips like preach the Gospel when you have time. Between your English lectures share the Word here and there, and even do mind lectures.” When I heard these words from Pastor my heart filled up with hope and joy toward preaching the Gospel. I felt because Pastor said it, God would give me an opportunity to preach the Gospel. The next morning I found out that I would have time during the Mind Lecture period to share my salvation testimony and my testimony about how God sent me to Africa. This is the heart gave me in Africa. When I looked at myself there are a lot of shortcomings and lacking aspects; this is what I felt. However, despite my weaknesses, God uses me. The person who is used by God is not the ‘best’ person, but the lowest, dirtiest, incapable-of-doing-anything-well person. God is powerfully working in our lives and I pray that He continues to pour His Grace and Mercy on all of us in Jesus Christ name, Amen.


Special Article ENGLISH CAMP



Language is a necessary tool in order for people to communicate globally. There are thousands of languages and amongst them English is considered the universal language, which makes it so important. What could be more valuable than teaching English to the youth for their dreams and hope while also sharing the good news with them? This is how the English Camp came to life. Each year, the Mexico and Haiti English Camps touch thousands of youth and transform them. Last year we experienced so many testimonies from the South American English Camps. This year for the second South American English Camp, pastor Terry Henderson and other IYF volunteers visited Brazil, Paraguay, and Argentina. We heard news that the students had never experienced this much fun and excitement before.


Special Article ENGLISH CAMP

On February 2nd, Pastor Terry Henderson of the Good News New York Church and five other team members gathered at the airport to get ready to travel to Brazil. Unexpectedly the weather conditions held the team back from traveling. Many flights were cancelled and through the long wait God opened the way for the team to finally board the plane to Brazil. When Jesus said, “Let us go over to the other side,� a huge tempest arose, but Jesus was able to calm the storm. In the same way we could see that God made the way for the English team members to travel to Brazil. The English Camp team arrived later than scheduled, therefore, went directly to the event location. It was the first day of the event and it was packed with students ready to participate. The students participated in the exciting song and dance time and listened attentively to the lectures. The academy sessions gave the opportunity for the students to practice their everyday use of English. The English camp was highlighted with the mind lectures by Pastor Terry Henderson, which were fun, engaging, and humorous. He pointed out the misunderstanding of how to resolve sin and reversed their stereotypes that learning English is difficult. If


you throw away the thought that English is difficult, then it becomes easy. And if you throw away the thought that you are a sinner and believe in the fact that Jesus eternally washed away our sins once for all, then we become justified through Jesus. Many participants were not only freed from their burden of English, but from their burden of sin. On the third day, the English Camp was featured in a popular Brazilian TV program. The camp director, volunteers, and participants were interviewed all day long and all the activities were filmed as well. We could see that God was pleased with this English Camp because the news of this camp was published all throughout Brazil. The Brazil English Camp was very beautiful. However, the preparation for the camp was not easy. The preparation team searched everywhere for a venue but could not find one and recruiting the students was challenging. There were many problems while preparing but God had the team pray to perform the works that man could not do. Right before the started, the preparation team visited the Piaget Private School nearby the church. The manager who heard the explanation


Special Article ENGLISH CAMP

about the camp was very enthusiastic and permitted the use of the school facility for free and sent 400 students to attend the camp. Furthermore, they sponsored the camp with food, snacks, and drinks so that all the students had plenty to eat. We could feel very closely that God was helping us. The Brazil camp ended, and the team traveled to Paraguay to host the English Camp there for the second time. The camp kicked off in two locations: Paraguay IYF Center and the National University of Asuncion. Many of the volunteers who received salvation during last year’s camp attended this year to help prepare. The volunteers had such a great time last year that they shared that with the new participants this year. It was touching to hear about the joyful time they had. There was definitely lack of money and time to prepare but God opened the way to connect the preparation team with several media companies, such as Unicanal Broadcasting, Paraguay TV, and Red Guarani news station. The camp preparation team was featured on a talk show where they freely promoted the English Camp and focused on an opportunity where anyone could learn English.


Two days prior to the start of the camp, the ABC newspaper published an article in the paper and on the web speaking critically about the IYF. A certain reporter did not collect all the facts and wrote a negative article about the English Camp. Many volunteers saw that and posted blogs on the IYF homepage about how they changed so much through the IYF. Governor Blas Lanzoni, who sponsored the English Camp at the National University of Asuncion, also read the article. After hearing the other side of the story about the article, the Governor said, “Anytime you do good there will always be people who go against you.� Afterwards, the Governor arranged Pastor Terry Henderson and IYF branch director Abraham Leeyong Han to be interviewed on a major televised talk show program called Dia a Dia on the Telefuturo Broadcasting station. After the talk show had ended, four hundred people called in to register for the English Camp! The auditorium was short 350 seats so the students had to sit on the steps. The governor saw this, and promised to sponsor us with an auditorium that would fit 800 students for next year. We were very thankful to see God change the problem into something positive. Lastly, the team moved to Buenos Aires, Argentina to hold the English Camp. We could see the students had a very sincere attitude to learn because they were not given many opportunities to learn English in their regular schooling. The Argentina camp overlapped with the school vacation so it was difficult to promote the camp. One of the colleges the preparation team promoted at was the National University of Matanza, and by coincidence, many students who


Special Article ENGLISH CAMP

came to register for classes on that day also registered for the English Camp. About 200 students registered. God, who controls time and chance, sent the students. The English camps in three different countries came to a close, and the joy was widespread through each camp. The students who overcame the burdens of English had big smiles on their faces and we are sure that they will share those smiles with their friends and family. The Gospel that was with us beautified the English camp all the more and gave the power for the youth to become born again and change for the future.



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Promise Being Fulfilled: 500 Churches

Miami is being flipped over by a wave of the Gospel. A total of over 7,000 people attended both performances of the 2014 Gracias Christmas Cantata in Miami.

Partaking in the Promise of 500 Churches - Miami Pastor Philip Song | Good News Miami Church

God spoke through the servant that 500 churches will be established in the United States. The Bible says that a church is not just a building, it is a place where saved brothers and sisters come together in the will of God. More than anyone else, God wants the Gospel to be preached to those who are suffering because they have not heard the true Word yet. God has led thousands of people to hear the Word through many events such as the Bible Crusade, regional Bible Seminars, English Camps, World Camps, and Cantata Tour. This will be the first of many examples of the promise of God to establish the 500 churches throughout the United States.



came to the United States as a missionary in the winter of 2010. I was dispatched to Miami and have been serving the Gospel ever since. God opened the doors of the Gospel to fulfill His promise through events such as the Christmas Cantata, Bible Seminar, and Pastoral Meeting. I believe God worked through me to establish His promises in my heart and continues to do so to this day. Now He has allowed us a chapel, a promise that He has given us. In the spring of 2013, I heard Pastor Yeong Kook Park would be visiting Orlando and I decided to go there as well. It was there when he asked me, “How much do chapels cost in Miami?” I told him I didn’t know. I couldn’t help but to answer in such a way because it’s been only two years since I started my mission work in the States. There were only ten people attending our church, and there were so many things that I didn’t know when it came to purchasing a chapel. It was for these reasons that I never looked into purchasing a chapel. That was when pastor rebuked me. He told me that the reason why I didn’t look into purchasing a chapel wasn’t because our congregation was small or I didn’t know how things worked in the U.S. It was because I didn’t have faith in God. I thought I didn’t look into purchasing a chapel because our situation didn’t allow us to, but actually it was because I didn’t have faith in God in my heart. It was then when God first gave me the promise of a new chapel. Also, the promise that Pastor Ock Soo Park received entered my heart as well—the promise that God will allow 500 churches in the United States. When I first heard those words it had nothing to do with me. But once that promise entered my heart, it moved me. “The Miami 33

Promise Being Fulfilled: 500 Churches

Church is already under that promise. That means the Lord will give us a big chapel so that we can preach the Gospel to many people.” Whenever I went witnessing or had free time, I would drive around to look for chapels. Some places were nice but were too expensive; other places were less expensive but were in bad neighborhoods. It was just last year when I finally found a chapel. The only problem was that the building was in need of much repair. I wasn’t able to make a decision and was debating what to do when I heard of another building not too far from this one. I went to see it for myself, and it was big and in good condition. The only problem was that the building resided in one of the poorest neighborhoods in Miami. Many of the brothers and sisters were against buying that church. They said things like, “It’s a bad neighborhood,” and “That town has a high crime rate.” After hearing this and seeing how everyone didn’t like that place, I didn’t want to look into it any further and just forgot about it. However, whenever I went around handing out the “Dear Neighbor” letters, I kept passing by that chapel. It wasn’t that I purposely went out of my way to pass by it, but when I went home to check out the map, the amazing thing was that chapel was right in the center of where we’ve been witnessing. The more I saw it, the more I came to like it. It was the negative things that I heard about the chapel that kept me from going any further.

Miami church

Christmas Cantata volunteers


Last year, around 100 pastors came to the Pastoral Meeting, held before Chistmast Cantata in Miami. Because it is the will of God to preach the Gospel to people in Miami, there are many ways continuously opening up.

I began to pray to God, “Lord, what is it that you want? I want to know. The brothers and sisters don’t like it, and people say it’s a dangerous neighborhood. What is it that you want?” One day, while reading the Bible, God showed me the words of Matthew chapter 5. “You are the light of the world.” When I read these words, the heart of God shined through my heart. God is saying we are the light of the world. That’s right, the light shines brighter! Darkness can never overcome the light. And once light enters, all darkness turns into light. The light of the Word entered my heart. The amazing thing is that once light entered my heart, the situation was no longer a problem. If it is the Lord’s wish, then I will do it. I spoke with the brothers and sisters. Amazingly, once the Word entered their hearts, they began to change


Promise Being Fulfilled: 500 Churches

as well. “That’s right, we are the light,” they would say. “When we enter that neighborhood, that neighborhood will change.” When we looked through the lens of hope, there was hope in that neighborhood. The light has already entered that town and it’s been changed by the words. In January of 2015, we had the Good News Mission Pastoral Camp. I was able to share my heart and listen to the words during that time. I spoke to Pastor Park of the New York church and Pastor Ahn of the Los Angeles church about the new chapel. After they discussed it amongst themselves, Pastor Park asked me, “The pastors say it isn’t a good neighborhood. But so what if there are nightclubs and it isn’t good. The only thing that’s important is the heart that God gave us.” He asked me about the heart God gave me. I told him of the heart that I received and that we are the light of the world. Finally, pastor decided that we should buy the chapel. The truth is that we haven’t purchased that chapel just yet. It’s not like we have the finances to buy it. But there is a chapel that God showed me in my heart. That is the promise He gave the servant. The promise He allowed the servant illuminated my heart. I can see God wants to preach the Gospel to the people of Miami. I can envision the people who’ve been living in pain and darkness becoming overjoyed and hopeful once the light of the Word enters their hearts. I am so grateful to be able to be a part of this blessed promise.

God's promise to establish 500 churches in America is given to us all. Through this month's special article, we hope you will also be able to discover God's heart of preaching the Gospel in America and partake in the amazing works of God. Please pray until the promise is fulfilled. Look forward to our next issue's article.




300 Nassau Road, Huntington, NY 11743 631.944.4403 |



Special Article We Will Help You with Everything - Benin

BENIN, AFRICA pastor ock soo park visits benin

“we willㅈ help you with everything!” On March 9th, at nine in the evening, Pastor Ock Soo Park arrived in Benin through the VIP room at the airport. This visit was possible as the President invited Pastor Ock Soo Park as a State Guest. In the VIP room, the Minister of Youth, the Special Envoy who visited Korea, the son of the President, and many Ministers of important departments were waiting to welcome Pastor Ock Soo Park and his company. During the entire visit, pastor would use the transport, security, and two motorbikes that had all been provided by the President. Pastor Park, who was welcomed in the VIP room, headed straight for the church, where many people were waiting for his visit. Although it was late, 1,000 people gathered to cheer his arrival and welcomed him with all of their hearts to express

At approximately eleven in the evening, thousands of brothers and sisters gathered to welcome Pastor Ock Soo Park (left). Pastor Ock Soo Park preaching the Word after arriving at the Benin church (right). 38

The reunion between President Thomas Yayi Boni and his son with Pastor Ock Soo Park (left). Pastor Ock Soo Park greets the government officials, including the Minister of Youth (right).

their happiness. Although they wanted to shout and sing together, they were hushed when Gracias Choir’s performance began. But when the song ended, the audience responded with roaring applauses. After the welcoming performance, Pastor Ock Soo Park stood on the podium to preach the sermon. He spoke about the female student whose mother was blind and thought, for that reason, her life was ruined. However, he said that as she was dispatched to Tanzania as a Good News Corps Volunteer, her heart had changed completely to become the most loving person to her mother. This story resonated in the hearts of the people. Pastor finally added that we become amazingly happy when our hearts are opened and flow with one another. News came that due to a delayed flight, the President's official welcoming event will be at the President’s VIP room at the airport. Upon arrival at the VIP waiting room, we saw that ten important government Ministers and Secretaries were already there. The Minister of Youth and the Special Envoy of the President greeted Pastor Ock Soo Park warmly and introduced him to the other Ministers and Secretaries. While talking with the Minister of Youth, the President arrived and invited Pastor Ock Soo Park and the Ministers into the President’s VIP room. The Special Envoy of the President gave a short briefing to the President about this visit. During the briefing, the President 39

Special Article We Will Help You with Everything - Benin

1) told all the Ministers that while Pastor Ock Soo Park is in Benin and working for the country, the Ministers must help him with all their strength should their department be related to the work that he is doing. The initial blueprint of the building to be built on the new land was submitted. The President heard that the design was completed and he wanted to examine it. As a result Deacon Hyuk Chun Kwon, who is the architect of the design, briefed the President on the blueprint. The initial design consists of three floors on a plot of land that is 1,000 square meters large. It had been designed to be an all-purpose building including a hospital, a broadcasting station and a youth center. The President was very satisfied and called the mayor in person to advise him to help with any necessary matters. Moreover, when adding that we would help the business of researching a cure for the disease that many people in Benin are suffering from, called the Buruli Ulcer, the President was very thankful and said that the government would do everything within its powers to aid the effort. He was also grateful towards the medical volunteers who were currently working in Benin. After the official briefing of the visit was over, Pastor Ock Soo Park said that the choir had prepared a song for the President. Once the President called them in, the Gracias Choir began to sing in the local language of Benin. The slightly nervous and tense atmosphere disappeared and a smile appeared on the President’s face. As the song came to an end, he stood up to approach the




1) The President greeting Pastor Ock Soo Park at the welcoming event at the airport (far left). 2) Pastor Ock Soo Park explaining the design to the President of Benin (top right). 3) The President giving a standing ovation after the Gracias Choir's perforance (bottom right).

Choir and shook hands with them. And he did so with a bright smile. The song of the Gracias Choir has the power to open the hearts of the listeners and to make them smile. We were so amazed by the fact that, despite his busy schedule, the President himself came to the airport to hold this welcoming event. As he was leaving very hurriedly, he invited us to the dinner where we would be able to talk to him in detail and he even promised to attend the Ground-breaking Ceremony. After the President had left, the Chief Secretary presented the visitors with the President’s guest house for accommodation and informed us that during the three days in Benin, we were scheduled to meet the President every day.

The overview of the building briefed at the welcoming event (top). After praying for the development of the ground, Pastor Ock Soo Park speaks about future plans with the Mayor of Calavi and the Minister of Youth (left).

Land dontated by the Benin government where IYF Center will be built


Special Article A Dream Come True - Benin


A Dream come true

The IYF Center Ground-breaking Ceremony & Pastor Ock Soo Park Awarded the presidential Medal On March 11th, sirens from two motorcycles could be heard throughout the cities of Cotonou and Calavi as they escorted Pastor Ock Soo Park during his state visit. God performed amazing works as we traveled between both cities all day. In the morning we attended an English Camp at Benin Calavi University hosted by the IYF USA branch. Having attended the camp and right before giving a mind lecture, pastor was able to have a short meeting with the former Vice Chancellor. After the meeting, pastor gave an hour-long special Mind Lecture to the English Camp participants. We could feel the students’ hearts become brighter as pastor gave a message on how people can live a joyful life when they open their hearts and converse with each other. The medical volunteer service will start from today and last until tomorrow inside the Calavi City Hall. The city of Calavi is located right beside Cotonou, the capital of Benin, and is also home to the government donated land where the Benin IYF center will be built. Many citizens came to receive


Good News Medical Volunteers providing medical service in Benin

medical volunteer service inside the city hall. Despite the hot mid-summer weather with scorching sunlight, no operational problems were experienced because of the shade created by trees located on the city hall’s yard. In addition, the Chairman of Benin Christian Association came to visit Pastor Ock Soo Park at the President’s guesthouse, in preparation for tomorrow’s Benin Christian Leader’s Forum. The one, who organized Pastor Ock Soo Park’s meeting with the Chairman was the Minister of Justice. After giving instructions for today’s ground-breaking ceremony, the Minister of Justice had special instructions to give and so he attended the discussion while dressed in casual clothes. The next agenda was a meeting with the Minister of Health & Welfare in order to have a united strategy concerning Buruli Ulcer treatment. The meeting lasted nearly an hour, and it was decided to follow along the guidelines set by the WHO


Special Article A Dream Come True - Benin

Korean guests seated in the VIP section during the ground-breaking ceremony

Pastor Ock Soo Park greeting the President

The President arriving by helicopter

Pastor Ock Soo Park giving a message

Gracias Choir’s performance

President smiling and enjoying the choir’s performance


From left to right: Mayor of Calavi, Minister of Health & Welfare, Minister of Youth, Minister of Justice, delivering congragulatory speeches.

and to sign an MOU Agreement for Buruli Ulcer treatment. The Minister of Justice was once again present and enabled the discussions to run smoothly. Ground-breaking ceremony for construction of IYF Center funded by the government

After meeting with the Minister of Health & Welfare, pastor was escorted by two police motorcycles to the ground-breaking ceremony. As we approached the venue, we observed flags erected by the roads which signaled a national event, and the magnitude of this event. However, we were totally surprised when we arrived. The land looked completely different from the day before. It was crowded with so many people, and armed soldiers were stationed on the site of the venue. People were moving busily in order to welcome the President. How was everything prepared in just one day? We were able to experience just how important the President and government considered this ground-breaking ceremony to be. The ground-breaking ceremony for Benin IYF Center was attended by President Boni himself, all cabinet members, assistants, over 2,000 citizens, police officers and even armed soldiers in case of an emergency situation. The ground-breaking ceremony began as soon as the President arrived in his helicopter. 45

Special Article A Dream Come True - Benin

Pastor Ock Soo Park participating in the digging ceremony with the President

First of all, the Mayor of Calavi explained how the land would be used, and then the Minister of Health & Welfare and Minister of Justice each gave opening messages. Pastor Ock Soo Park then praised missionary Kwon Yeong Go's martyrdom 14 years ago, and shared her stories to those in attendance. Furthermore, President Boni Yayi proclaimed that citizens would grow healthier through Buruli Ulcer treatment and that he would like to be remembered as a President who planted hopes and dreams inside the youth, and wished for God’s blessing to be upon Benin. The President announced, “The 2nd all-purpose IYF Center in Africa shall be constructed in Benin. The building materials will arrive soon and construction shall commence beginning from April. I thank Pastor Ock Soo Park for using all of his heart to develop Benin and construct an IYF Center.” He emphasized that the area would develop tremendously through the ground-breaking ceremony. A hospital, broadcasting station, soccer field, stadium, and a 46


1) Pastor Ock Soo Park’s medal awarding ceremony 2) Good News Medical Volunteers at the Presidential Banquet 3) Awarding Ceremony for Pastor Ock Soo Park’s meritorious service for Benin



polytechnic college are planned to be built on the IYF Center. The ground-breaking ceremony further boosted those plans. We moved to attend the banquet at the President’s palace. At first, only a few people were allowed to attend, however the entire team was allowed to come due to the President’s invitation. The President invited nearly 70 people in total: 20 Korean medical volunteers, choir members, staff members, missionaries from Western African and their wives, native pastors, and IYF USA members who came to host the English camp. During the banquet, the President awarded Pastor Park a medal of meritorious service in order to praise his service for Benin by sending Good News Corps volunteers, Good News Medical Volunteers, and hosting IYF World Camps. Medal of Meritorious Service After dinner, Pastor Ock Soo Park 47

Special Article A Dream Come True - Benin

Pastor Ock Soo Park preached briefly after the banquet. The President was pleased to listen to the sermon.

showed the President the story of David on his iPad, and preached the Gospel. The President wrote down the verses that were shown, and said he would read them before going to sleep. He also wanted to receive a private prayer, and informed pastor that he would be in contact with him again. The President of Benin has opened his heart completely to Pastor Ock Soo Park and the IYF. We observed how he wanted to implement everything Pastor Park proposed and what the IYF pursued. Benin is currently a poor environment and is not receiving much attention in Africa. However, Benin drawn inside the heart of God is truly a tremendous Benin. After the banquet and upon returning to his quarters, Pastor Ock Soo Park said that it was not he who received the medal, but it was for everyone. He felt like he was dreaming and was so grateful to God.


Left: Pastor Ock Soo Park signing his certificate for medal. Right: Gracias Choir performing at the President's banquet after the ceremony.

Before falling asleep, the President’s son and daughterin-law came to meet Pastor Park. The President’s son was worried that the Ministers might have been uncooperative. Did Satan know that such great works would happen? Satan was so jealous that he tried to prevent Pastor Ock Soo Park from going overseas. We have no doubts that God will prepare amazing works before us.

Presidential Palace of Benin


Memoirs of a Missionary

Living Anew By the Power of Life Pastor Joon Hyun Lee | LomĂŠ, Togo

God allowed difficult situations in my past so that I would throw my arrogant heart away. I was dispatched to Tema, Ghana in 1995. The poor surroundings of Africa did not affect me because people were receiving salvation one by one in our small chapel. I was rather thankful and joy filled my heart. People all the way from the capital of Ghana, Accra even began to be saved. We decided to establish a church in Accra by trying to find a house to use as a chapel for the time being. Unfortunately, we were not able to obtain a house and we suffered from unexpected problems. Through this experience, I was able to have a change of heart.


“Satan finds ways so that he can utilize people’s hearts. When Satan puts lustful thoughts, people are dragged without thinking about being led to destruction.”

Why Did He Create a Useless Worm?

Recently, I participated in a witnessing trip to the countryside and held conferences there. The scenery of the African countryside made me reminiscence of my youth while growing up in my hometown countryside. As I was reading the Bible under the shade of the leaves, I then took a break laying on a bench. Then it started to snow while I was sitting outside. Have you ever seen snow in Africa? When snow touches your face, it should make you feel good and refreshed, but this snow made me feel angry and irritated. This was because the snowflakes were actually wood flakes. Worms had dug holes in the bundles of trees that were prepared to be used as pillars to support a thatched roof. The thatched roof in the kitchen of our regional church looked different, so I asked Pastor’s wife what had happened. She said, “Worms ate the inside of the tree that was being used as a pillar. It appeared fine outwardly, however after a year the pillar lost its support and collapsed due to rain and wind. That is why the kitchen looks different.” When worms attack a tree it may first seem as though there are just a few holes, however when you look inside there are tunnels made by the worm like a web, weakening the structure. This is why roofs that have trees attacked by worms collapse so easily from weathering. I would often get irritated when I would see a pile of wood flakes 51

Memoirs of a Missionary

Holding a conference in a small village during the beginning phases of the Ghana missions

on the window sill and in response I would spray insecticide. Upon spraying, long worms would crawl out from the holes and I would often crush their heads with a pen. I also saw wood flakes in a chapel that was built with wooden pillars and a tin roof. This made me think about why God had created these useless worms. Trees that are cut down are dead and eventually become infested with worms. Worms cannot inhabit and make holes in live trees because the moisture on the surface prevents them from doing so. The heart of man is like this. Ever since man’s heart became disconnected from God since Adam, from then on people were unable to receive life from God. Satan finds ways to exploit people’s hearts. Satan plants lustful thoughts. People get dragged by those lustful thoughts however while they are unaware of this they are lead to destruction. The heart is most important and valuable to man. When man’s heart is reconnected to the life of God, then the life that is within Jesus is drafted to man’s heart and flows. In the same way that worms cannot attack a live tree, Satan cannot attack our hearts that have Jesus. Many people follow after great and beautiful things. Even if 52

people cannot obtain that, if their hearts are not covered by the life of God, they eventually fall in vain. The difference between the heart being protected by life and not is tremendously great. Power to Overcome Impoverished Living

In 1995, Pastor Man Gil Jang arrived in Ghana approximately one and a half months after I arrived. My life to learn God through Pastor Jang had begun. Brother Samuel who lived in Germany lent us his house which is located in a small village called ‘Community Travel’ in Tema. Pastor Jang’s family and our family each lived in a small room. When the weather became hot, it was very difficult to bear. How could we overcome a poor and impoverished life in Africa? The power to overcome this obstacle came from preaching the Gospel. One by one we began to meet people and preach the Gospel through a conference held in a hall that could accommodate about 15 people. First, Assari received salvation and Assari brought Immanuel who was an elder of a countryside Pentecostal church to the conference. “Are you saved? Do you have assurance that you will go to heaven?” “I am an Elder of the church.” “Yes, I know. But, do you have assurance that you will go to heaven?” “Should I doubt that I would go to heaven?” “Are you a sinner or a righteous person? Can a sinner go to heaven? If you have sin in your heart, you cannot go to heaven.” Immanuel was greatly shocked because he had never been asked these types of questions before. He attended church from his youth and was sure that he firmly believed in God. He never once doubted that he would not go to heaven. After hearing my questions, there was much trembling in his heart and he could not sleep for days. “Am I an elder or a sinner before God? Can I go to heaven or not?” He became worried and concerned thinking that it did not make 53

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Missionary Lee and his wife on a witnessing trip in Togo

sense if he could not go to heaven. He eventually discovered that he was a sinner who had sin in his heart. From that day, he had a change of heart and listened carefully to the sermon. I Am No Longer an Elder!

Immanuel anxiously attended our Sunday service. “I would like to sing a hymn before I give a testimony, I sang this song meaninglessly before, but after becoming saved, now it touches my heart. I sang this song with my lips before, but now I will sing it with my heart and share my testimony.” “Jesus Christ died for me~ He carried my sins away~ He died on the cross to save my soul…” I still could not forget the lyrics of the song that he sang in 1996, “Jesus Christ died for me~” I thought no one could just make this sound, this is the sound that can only be made from a person who has truly met God! As we listened to his song and testimony, we were truly happy. After finishing Sunday service, Brother Immanuel went to his old Pentecostal church and gave a testimony before the congregation. 54

"Last week, I attended a conference in a church in Tema. Today, there is one thing that I would like to tell you. As of today, I am no longer an Elder of this church. I am just a saved brother." “Last week, I attended a conference in a church in Tema. Today, there is one thing that I would like to tell you. As of today, I am no longer an elder of this church. I am just a saved brother.” The people became restless as he gave the testimony about receiving salvation in his heart. Later, he separated from his old church and continuously preached the Gospel to people in the village. The brother lived in a rural village called ‘Camp Village,’ full of earthen houses. As he preached the Gospel to around 100 families, there was a rumor that he went crazy after coming back from Tema. People in the village began to ostracize him at first however after three to four months later, people were curious and started to show their interest in his change. The brother came to us and said he did not know what to do when people came to him to listen to the Gospel. We then held a conference in Camp Village. Ten people were saved through the conference and through that by grace the first regional church in Ghana was established. As we saw people gaining life one by one, our hearts were in great joy. After a few months 20 people were connected. Amazingly, so many people had changed their hearts after meeting God. People who were impoverished and living hopelessly received training in the Tema Missionary School and went out to be preachers of the Gospel. I thought, “Wow! The Word is life. There is power in the Word to move all the people’!” In Ezekiel it says when the Word was upon the dry bones, the bones were connected, gained flesh and came to life. People’s hearts are the same. Even people who are smart and great are like dry bones because there is no life in them. On the other hand, 55

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when the Word goes into people who are poor and have meaningless lives, they begin to be lively and hopeful. Imagine the image of a bunch of lizards, a somber wall, and countless ants crawling along the walls. We considered moving many times however people continuously came and received salvation. Brother Samuel’s family was not happy with us, but one by one they received salvation. A total of 15 people were saved and changed and this opened a way to move. God Blocked the Way

We relocated the church from the Tema community to the center of Tema. There was a hall that could fit approximately 40 people inside and up to 70 or 80 people if we setup chairs outside.Pastor Jang said it would be good if we could establish a church in Accra since people started to get saved there. I started to look for a house in Accra with Pastor Jang in early 1996. I left Tema to look for a house to start a church in Accra, but I could not find a good one. I felt disappointed because I could not find a house for three months. Fortunately, I found a suitable house for a church and signed a contract with the manager of the house. The deal was if we paid everything upfront, they would work on the interior renovation and allow us to move in a month. We paid one year’s worth of rent and commission. A month later, we visited the house and it was not renovated. I asked the manager and she said, “Pastor, I am sorry. The owner of the house goes to England often and he suddenly died. So, we could not proceed any further because we did not get the contract signed.” The lady said, “Please wait for two weeks and I think the owner’s son can sign the contract.” I said okay and visited two weeks later. However, she said the son also died last week. I thought to myself, “Is 56

“God! I desperately cried out to God. God is not allowing this! I cried from the core of my heart. I could not understand why God was blocking the way. I hated myself as well.”

this person joking with us? The owner and his son died in a matter of a few weeks…” I thought she was trying to scam us. Nevertheless, the lady told us that she would return the money and in fact she respectfully apologized and returned all the money within a week. She said, “It would have been good if the deal worked out. I am sorry this happened.” I thought to myself, “Did this really happen?” I was in pain because I felt God was blocking the way. “Is God not pleased with this work? I found this house after three months. Why is He doing this?” I came back to Tema with many questions in my head. Pastor Jang said, “I do not know why God allowed this, but I want you and your wife to go look for a house.” From then on Pastor did not get involved with that work. A few days later, while I was driving to Accra with my wife, we sought grace from God with sincere hearts. “It is Your will to establish a church. I don’t know why it is so difficult. God, I really want to receive grace! God, give me grace to find a house!” We arrived in Accra and while we were going uphill, the car made some strange sounds and then caught on fire. As I saw smoke and fire, my heart shattered. “God!” I desperately cried out to God. “God is not allowing this!” I cried from the core of my heart. We called Tema and had a hard time fixing the car. Pastor had a hard time because of that and it was expensive to fix. I was only causing trouble for pastor. After I 57

Memoirs of a Missionary

Early mission work in Ghana, preaching words in the gospel class during the Tema retreat

came back to Tema I did not go out for a month because I suffered so much. I could not understand why God was blocking the way. I began to hate myself. God Teaches Me Even Through a Dream

I came downstairs to the kitchen and read the Bible with the light turned on. I gave up on finding a house. I was so shameful and four weeks quickly passed. Then one day, in my dreams, I was in a pastoral meeting in Korea. I was not sure why I was there because I was a missionary, but I was attending the meeting and listening to the sermon. However, one pastor called me. “Minister Lee, do you know why you're here? Maybe, you don’t know?” “I don’t know.” “Pastor Park did not tell you yet. God does not work through you anymore, so you can no longer continue as a missionary. That is why you were called to Korea.” 58

I felt dizzy. I woke up in a cold sweat. I comforted myself thinking that it was just a dream and I continued reading the Bible. The words in Job caught my eyes. “For God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed; Then he openeth the ears of men, and sealeth their instruction, That he may withdraw man from his purpose, and hide pride from man” (Job 33:14-17). I was shocked while reading the Bible. The phrase, “In slumberings,” struck my heart. God really wanted to say something to me. “That he may withdraw man from his purpose, and hide pride from man” (Job 33:17). I always considered myself as someone who is not ill-tempered but nice, gentle, and good-natured. I thought I was serving God as well, but as the Word was clashing with my heart, the image of my selftrust was revealed. My heart had to be soaked in the Word of God in order for me to overcome Satan’s tricks and run forward for the Gospel. However, I was content with people receiving salvation even though I was not deeply connected to God. God exposed my arrogance and wit. It was evil to live a vague spiritual life with a humanistic heart in front of God. God wanted to extract that heart from me. After suffering for a long time, I finally realized His heart.


Gospel Lesson

Naaman: A Mighty Man of Valor, but a Leper 2 Kings 5: 1 – 14


few years ago, I met some lepers at a leper colony. One individual I met was a leper since the age of 12; another had been a leper since he was 21. Amongst

the leper colony, there was one individual who had served as the governor.

These lepers were no different from anyone else, however, they were despised by everyone. They could not work for the government; they were refused jobs by companies; people would be offended even at the sight of them in a restaurant. One day, I was traveling by bus with an elder who was a leper. Because we were traveling to another city, we were given assigned seats. After we finished our conversation, I returned to my seat. I noticed the man seated beside me kept looking back and forth at me and the elder. Eventually, he moved his seat and it was then that I realized the man had mistaken me for a leper. This did not bother me since it was not true and I was not really a leper. However, I began to wonder how hurt a person must feel if this happened to someone with leprosy. 60

Lepers are not invited to special occasions, such as a relative’s wedding. No matter how beautiful a young woman is, she will never be able to get married if she is known to be a leper. There are children who grow up in a leper colony but attend regular public schools because they are not infected with the disease. These children do not reveal where they live. Such children ignore their parents when meeting them in public, just glancing at them as if they were strangers. How sad is it to live a double life, living as a family within a home but acting like strangers in public? There are some lepers who fall into despair and commit suicide. Rarely do you find someone with leprosy who has never contemplated taking his or her own life. Why does God, who loves His people, allow such a cursed disease as leprosy? There is a precise reason for this: God loves His people who have left His embrace, because it was His will to create them and give humankind all the divine blessings of heaven, even before the start of Genesis. (Ephesians 1:3-5) However, since humans can neither comprehend God’s plan nor have the will to find it, God wishes to show humans their sinful state through such a frightful disease as leprosy. In the Bible, God wishes to illustrate the image of sin through leprosy. A pastor with leprosy, whom I know very well, told me a story of his youth. One day his friend had kicked him in the ankle but it did not hurt at all. He went home and bragged about the incident to his father. His father was originally against his son attending church, but once he saw his son’s foot, allowed him to attend church. The pastor was so happy to have finally been given permission to attend church. However, as time passed, changes began to occur in his body. His eyelashes started to fall out, blisters formed on his skin and his fingers started to shrivel. Ultimately, he was 61

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condemned as a leper and was taken away from his town by the Myeon district’s employees and the Japanese police. When a person is infected with leprosy, the symptoms do not show instantly and one goes about his or her life without knowing. A person with leprosy only becomes aware of it once it begins to grow noticeably. By this point, it cannot be hidden from others. When first contracted with the disease, the skin appears whiter and even better. It is only towards the latter stages that the skin becomes completely unsightly. In the same way, humans are born into the world, and while they are young, they live without knowing what sin is. They commit sin, and sometimes, actually enjoy committing sin. Humans become aware that sin is wrong, and they cannot help but fall deeper into sin, not being able to hide their sins from others. In the past, lepers stayed at home to hide their disease, which resulted in worse conditions such as lost fingers and disfiguration of the mouth. These days, if someone finds out that he or she has contracted leprosy, they immediately go to a health center and take medication. These individuals go back to living their normal lives like everyone else. There is no cure for leprosy, and they have to take medicine for the rest of their lives. If the leprosy germ enters my body and does not affect me in any way or cause pain, it would not be a problem. Leprosy Leprosy is a disease that has been known since biblical times. This infectious disease causes skin sores, nerve damage, and muscle weakness that gets worse over time.

But because leprosy causes pain and agony, and ultimately death, leprosy is a problem. Just like this, if the sin inside us did not affect us in any way, sin itself would not be a problem at all. However, once sin entered the heart of man, a problem formed within the heart of man. Adam was afraid to meet God and hid amongst the trees because 62

he committed sin. He also knew that he was naked and made a

God is showing us that sin cannot be resolved through our own efforts or deeds.

skirt of fig leaves to wear. Despite all this, Adam realized he could not escape God’s sight and that the fig leaf skirt could not hide his naked body forever. Now, let’s think about Naaman in today’s Bible verse. Naaman was suffering from leprosy and it was becoming worse and worse to the point where he could not handle the pain. He held a high position as an army commander and acquired a lot of wealth, but the things that were visible to the eye could not satisfy Naaman’s heart. The reason for this was because leprosy was an incurable disease that would ultimately bring death. How agonizing it must be to live as someone with leprosy? Most likely he used all possible means to cure his leprosy; however, in the end, he ended up in despair. He was exhausted from trying to find a cure and had given up. During those days, because the wonders of modern medicine did not exist, we can assume that Commander Naaman gave up on his leprosy. A man such as Commander Naaman heeding to the words of a servant girl captured from Israel is a sign of a humble heart, one that is humble enough to depart to Israel. Why did God record the story of Naaman being healed of his leprosy? Just like Naaman’s leprosy could not be cured through humanistic methods, God is showing us that sin cannot be resolved through our own efforts or deeds. If you are infected with leprosy but are unaware of it, you would not try to find a cure. Likewise, because people are unaware of their demise in eternal hell fire and unimaginable torment, they do not seek forgiveness of their sins. After the leper realizes that he has leprosy, he will attempt to cure his disease with any possible means until he realizes that it is an incurable disease. Today, there are many Christians who know they are 63

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sinners and try to earn forgiveness of their sins. Amongst them, some believe that their “original sin” is resolved from the time they start attending church; however, they believe they must always repent the sins that they themselves have committed. There are those who attempt to keep the laws well and everything that is written in the Little Maidservant Among the captive girls taken out of the land of Israel as slaves, a young girl, whom Naaman had appropriated, served his wife. While in such a lowly state, the little maidservant became attached to her master whom she admired as a “mighty man of valour,” and to her mistress to whom she was most loyal and whose confidence she held.

word. Some believe they have to receive salvation through seeing a vision, speaking in tongues or experiencing a godly strength or sign. However, true salvation does not occur without the true repentance that is written in the Bible. If you want to receive salvation, you must give up all humanistic thoughts and methods. As long as Naaman tries to cure his leprosy through his own ways, he will not listen to the words of the little servant girl. It is only once he realizes that his own humanistic methods cannot cure his leprosy can he accept her words and make his way to Israel. Likewise, true repentance is giving up all humanistic efforts and methods and going out in front of God. It is to know that we have no choice but to go to hell unless we go out in front of God. If we do not go out to God as the tax collector did, and say, “I am a sinner. Lord have mercy on me,” then that is not true repentance. In order to cure his disease, Naaman made a decision; he listened to the little maid’s words and did not stay idle. He decided to go to Prophet Elisha so that he can heal his disease. When I lived in the countryside, I once ran into a viper snake. Usually, snakes avoid people when they see them, but this viper snake did not retreat and tried to attack me. Cold sweat ran down my back when it lifted its head, however, I knew that if I did not kill the snake, it 64

would bite me and I would die. I knew it was a very dangerous attempt, but unless I did something, I would get bitten and die. This is analogous to sin: if we leave sin alone, then it will ultimately lead us to hell. Therefore, it is imperative that we do not neglect resolving our sin. Because humans do not have the power to resolve their own sins through good deeds, we need a Savior to wash away all our sins for eternity. Naaman succeeded in going out in front of the Prophet Elisha in order to cure his leprosy. However, the way Elisha went about telling Naaman how to heal his leprosy was not what Naaman expected, so Naaman went away with an angry heart. Just like Naaman, there are those who go out in front of Jesus to cleanse their sins according to their own thoughts. These people attend church for more than five or ten years, but although they listen to their pastor’s sermons, their sin still remains. I have even met a person who attended church for 70 years, and listened to the pastor’s sermon, but had still

Repentance is when a sinner, who has no choice but to go to hell, decides to go out in front of God for forgiveness.

not received the forgiveness of sins. There are people who hold positions in church, some even pastors, who have yet to resolve the issue of their sins: they still seek to receive forgiveness of their sins. Christians know well “The wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23). But because they do not know the true meaning of these words, they are confused and teach others in their ignorance. The

word “repentance” is “metanoia” in Greek, meaning humans will turn their soul towards God after realizing they are sinners who can only go to hell. For example, just as the apple tree does not suddenly become an apple tree only after it is fully grown, a human does not suddenly become sinners as an adult. The apple tree is an apple tree from the seed, 65

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and humans are born sinners from the time they are conceived. Because we were born in sin, humans will always be sinners until they grow old and die. That is why, no matter how good a person lives, they will be a sinner; there is no such thing as an evil sinner or a good sinner. Because people judge others according to their outer appearance, they differentiate between evil people and good people; but when God sees man, we are all sinners. Repentance is when a sinner, who has no choice but to go to hell, decides to go out in front of God for forgiveness. Naaman finally disregarded his own thoughts and washed himself seven times in the River Jordan, according to the the man of God's orders. His flesh was healed and became like the flesh of a little child. He was ashamed to unclothe in front of others, but he went down and washed in the River Jordan seven times. When he came up from the water for the seventh time, he was no longer a leper but was a completely healthy man. What does the sinner, who is illustrated through the image of a leper, have to do? We can only face the death penalty as sinners in front of God, who is the just judge. However, Jesus Christ died for our sin in our stead to save us. When we believe this fact and accept it in our hearts, we Jesus, Lamb of God The sacrifice of lambs played a very important role in the Israeliteʼs life and sacrificial system. When John the Baptist referred to Jesus as the “Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world” (John 1:29), it is referring to Him as the perfect and ultimate sacrifice for sin.

are able to experience salvation. It is written in the Bible, “Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins.” Our sins do not go away because we make an effort to get rid of our sins in order to receive salvation, but Jesus bore the sins of the sinner and died the death that man should have underwent. We need to accept this truth in our hearts: through the death of Jesus, God has forgiven us of all our sins. In John 1:29, 66

it says, “Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.” The “world” stands for all humans who are the descendants of Adam, and you and the sins that you have committed in your life are also included. Let us examine further. Naaman was healed from his disease because

“Do you believe that all your sins have been forgiven and you have truly become righteous? Can you enter into eternal heaven?”

he accepted the words of Prophet Elisha, which entered his heart as the Word of God. There is nothing for us sinners to do in order to receive salvation; all we have to do is simply believe in and accept the works of Jesus who is our Savior. When humans disregard their own thoughts and accept the work that Jesus accomplished, then they will be freed from all the sins in their hearts. I ask you, “Do you believe that all your sins have been forgiven and you have truly become righteous? Can you enter into eternal heaven?” The events that take place in the story of Naaman illustrate the process through which a sinner comes out in front of God and receives forgiveness of sin. First, Naaman’s realization of his leprosy signifies our realization of our sins. Second, just as leprosy is an incurable disease that leads to death, we sinners were born in sin, and this sin will ultimately lead to our death and eternal hell. Third, Naaman listened to the little servant girl, and with the assurance that Prophet Elisha would heal him, Naaman set off to Israel. This depicts the repentance for the forgiveness of sin. Yet, when Naaman stood in front of Elisha, Naaman had his own ideas on how to be cured of his disease. This illustrates how humans, who are sinners, each have their own ideas on how to receive salvation. I have 67

heard many people say, “‘If joy comes into your heart, you will receive salvation” or “If your life changes, you will receive salvation.” We have to disregard these thoughts. Fifth, Naaman obeyed the word of the servant of God and washed himself in the River Jordan seven times. This shows that Naaman decided to cure his disease by Naaman The healing of Naaman, the Leper is not just a story of the healing of a man from one of the most dreaded diseases of ancient times. It is a story of salvation, one which illustrates the spiritual salvation man finds only in Jesus Christ and how men come to find that salvation in Christ.

disregarding his thoughts and enduring embarrassment. Likewise, we also throw away our thoughts and pride to come out in front of Jesus. We have to accept the fact that Jesus bore the sins of the world, and through his death, not one sin remains within us. Sixth, the fact that Naaman’s skin was cleansed like the flesh of a little child means that whoever believes in the works of Jesus Christ, they will be completely freed. Lastly, when Naaman first came to the house of Elisha, Elisha did not meet with him because Naaman was a leper. Elisha only met with Naaman after he was cleansed completely of his sins. Just like this, the spirit of God cannot dwell in the sinful heart; it is only after we have received forgiveness of all our sins and have become righteous can the spirit dwell within us. The spirit will enter a righteous person’s heart and bring all of God’s heavenly blessings. Just like Naaman’s body became clean because he listened to the words of the little servant girl, I truly hope that all people can disregard their own thoughts and attend a church that preaches the true Gospel. I hope they listen to the word from the servant of God and receive forgiveness of sins.


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Preaching the Gospel to the Ends of the Earth

From Missionary School to Apgok-dong Testimony of Pastor Ock Soo Park



efore receiving salvation, I lived such a miserable life. But in missionary school, God continuously humbled my heart. The times when I would hear the Word in missionary school were great, but the problem was that nobody was receiving salvation through me. During the mornings, we would study the Bible and during the afternoons, we would go out to witness. Other missionary students would testify about how people received salvation when they preached the Gospel, but I felt so miserable when that failed to happen through me. During my training to become a minister, I had to know a lot about the Bible, receive answers to my prayers, and preach well. But most importantly, I had to receive grace when witnessing. The fact that I could not preach the Word well enough to save those suffering in sin, made me suffer so much. Sometimes, I would feel so bad that I would try to grab someone and speak to them with everything I knew from Genesis to Revelation, but nobody would receive salvation. People would come out during Sunday service to give their salvation testimonies. “A missionary student delivered the Word to me, and listening to it, my sins were washed as white as snow.” “A missionary student preached something to me that I never knew before, and through those Word, I changed…” Many people testified, but nobody testified saying, “I received forgiveness of sins after hearing the Word from brother Ock Soo Park.” Once, I met a young man, and I diligently spoke to him about the Bible, thinking, “I should lead this man to righteousness.” I preached to him for several days about why we are sinners and how 71

Preaching the Gospel to the Ends of the Earth

to receive forgiveness of sins. But whenever I would speak, he would daydream, look at his watch, or doze off. The harder I preached, the more strength I would lose. Later on, I completely lost the strength to preach, so I eventually let him go. However, the following Sunday Service, that young man came out and gave a testimony. I listened carefully, keeping in mind the possibility that this young man could have understood the Word I preached and be changed. However, he testified like this, “When brother Ock Soo Park spoke to me, it was so confusing, and I couldn’t understand anything. But when so and so brother told it to me, it was so easy. I’m so happy and thankful to have realized the fact that all of my sins are washed this easily.” I thought to myself, “How can he step on someone’s heart this cold-heartedly?” I hit rock bottom. The time came for us to go abroad as overseas missionaries since our training had ended. But the missionary said, “Before going abroad, go out and begin your ministry with Korea as your testing grounds for missions. All the other brothers had a place that wanted to invite them except for me. Nobody acknowledged me as a missionary, and nobody asked me to come to their village, or church to preach the Gospel. I had to go somewhere, but the feeling of having nowhere to go was something I could not express with words. The other brothers packed, planned their trip, and exchanged addresses with each other, but I felt stuck. Even when I sought God, it felt like he was not answering me. The only places I knew were my hometown Gyungbook in Daegu, where I received my missionary training, and a town in the mountains called Apgok-dong, which was a place I had gone previously for a witnessing trip. Having no other choice, I decided to go to Apgok-dong. Today, it takes no less than an hour to get from Daegu to Apgok-dong 72

via the intercity bus, but back then, it took four hours. For four hours the bus shook along the unpaved road, and finally arrived at Apgok-dong. Once I got off, the bus left, leaving my heart feeling empty. Right then, I recalled a song which goes like this, “In this mountain where no one is looking for me, only the leaves fall and pile up.� This song was a perfect reflection of my situation. Apgok-dong is made up of three towns, with about 30 to 40 houses in each town. During the day, all of the adults would be working in the field, and the only ones left in town would be the children. Back then, I did not understand at all why God worked in that way, but now I understand. God had to humble my heart before he would establish me. When we drive, sometimes we apply the brakes and turn the steering wheel in order to avoid an obstacle. But if you had to put all your strength into turning the steering wheel, to move it a tiny bit, how would you be able to drive that car? It is hard for Go every time God turns us, we would only spend the rest of our lives wrestling with God. That is why God empties and humbles the ones he wishes to use, so that they will not be full of their own efforts and stubbornness. God humbled and emptied me in missionary school and Apgok-dong.


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Good News Denver Church 720-308-3442 9825 E. Girard Ave. #3W-233, Denver, CO 80231

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