The Goodnews - January, 2016

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New Year’s 1st issue

JAN 2016


Special Article 2015 World Christian Leaders Workshop in Dallas, Texas

Salvation Testimony

You Just Believe

Gospel Lesson

The Person Who has Faced Death





New Year's Message Gratefulness of 2015, Hope for 2016


Monthly Sermon For to Be Carnally Minded is Death


Salvation Testimony You Just Believe


Special Article Abraham's Old Servant [2015 WCLW in Dallas Texas]

About the Cover

The WCLW was formed to address the issue where many Christians having fallen away from the true meaning of the Bible. During this workshop we discovered what true faith means and how to live spiritual life. Many pastors who usually are accustomed to teaching their saints, were able to gather to have spiritual fellowship and learn precisely the mysteries of the gospel. God is working strongly to establish more churches across the United States.




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Memoirs of a Missionary Dispatch to Myanmar

New York Times And Noah Found Grace in the Eyes of the Lord


Gospel Lesson The Person Who has Faced Death


Preaching the Gospel to the Ends of the Earth The Drill Sergeant and the Private


Church Directory


Gratefulness of 2015, Hope for 2016

“But we are not of them who draw back unto perdition; but of them that believe to the saving of the soul.� (Hebrews 10:39)


Recently, among the pastors who preach the gospel in our church, some have left the church and have fallen into darkness. Honestly, as a gospel preacher, there is nothing in the world that brings more happiness than preaching the gospel. If you preach the gospel and witness the works of salvation, then you would not leave the path of a preacher even if you were forced to. Through what kind of people is the work of the gospel manifested and through what kind of people is it not manifested? People think, “I can’t do it.” “I’ve tried.” There are many people who have that heart.

Sister Ul-soon Son Receives Salvation

I, too, was like that. From the day I entered missionary school and until I graduated, there was not one person who received salvation through me. The works of the gospel were manifested through other students, so once they graduated, they were called to this church and that church. At that time, I was younger than the other students, and I did not preach the word very well. No one received salvation through me, so there was not one person who called me. I was finishing up missionary school but I had nowhere to go. I decided to go to Ap-gok Dong because I had been there before. There was no one I knew, and on my way there, I had to bring food that would last me two to three days. While there, I tried hard to preach the gospel. When I look back at it now, although I wanted to preach the gospel, I did not have the heart that was fit to preach the gospel. I just tried hard to preach the gospel, but there was not one person who received salvation. I rented a room at a certain house and lived there. My landlady was a very good woman. Even I thought, “How could a person be that good?” She, too, was very poor, living in the countryside. She, also, did not dress well but her heart was as precious as an angel. But she smoked heavily. She could not afford to buy expensive cigarettes, so she would farm tobacco, tie them up to dry, and then roll them up in a newspaper to smoke them. I asked her, “Why do you smoke so much? There is lead in newspaper ink, so smoking is very bad for your health. You should cut down on your smoking, why are you always smoking?” The lady would say to me, “Young man, you have no idea. I get headaches if I 5

don’t smoke.” This lady smoked so heavily. During the mornings, I would read the Bible at home. With only a door between us, she would smoke in the patio as I read the Bible in my room. The neighborhood was so quiet. It was so quiet, all you could hear were the sounds of roosters crowing and dogs barking. One day as I was reading the Bible, I heard the landlady talking to a friend who came to visit. “How’ve you been? How’s business?” They were talking about this and that, and I could hear the whole conversation. The landlady’s friend would go around town, carrying on her head dried, kelp, seaweed and anchovies to sell. Because people in the countryside were so poor, they did not have money to buy things. They would barter with wheat and rice. This lady would carry those heavy things on her head to sell in the mountainside. They were talking for a while when that lady asked, “Are you renting out that room?” The lady noticed the aluminum pot in front of my room. “Yeah, a church preacher came.” “A minister? Where is he from?” “He’s from Daegu.” “Oh, really.” She began to ask questions about me, one by one. “When did he arrive? Are there people who believe in Jesus in this town?” “Some kids come.” She kept asking questions about me. As I heard their conversation, I could tell for sure that this person went to church. I took my Bible and went outside. “Excuse me, lady. Do you attend church?” She denied ever going to church. I then proceeded to preach the gospel to her. She was a poor woman living in the countryside. Her husband was blind and she had four children. She lived a poor life, just getting by with selling those things. I wanted to preach the gospel of Jesus to her. I opened up the Bible and preached the gospel for about an hour. After an hour passed, she received salvation. I preached the gospel to a lot people and hoped that one person would receive salvation through me. She was the first person to receive salvation through me. She and I were about 20 years apart. Had she been a lot younger 6

and single, I probably would have married her. She appeared so lovely because she received salvation through me. That sister cared deeply for me as well. I was a young man, just over the age of 20. She would call me “minster, minster” and listened to the Word well. We would have Bible study at my house late into the evening. She would then return home late. The next morning, she would bring rice and bean paste soup in a pot. “I met a fox on my way home last night. I got quite a scare.” I was so happy and thankful to see that sister grow in faith. Whenever I prayed, 70 percent of my prayer would be for that sister, and I prayer for her. Not long after she received salvation, I had to move to Guh-chang. I had to move all of a sudden, so I was not able to tell her. I moved when she was not in town.

“Sister, Start Bible Study”

One day, the sister came to see me after I had left. She noticed that there was no aluminum pot in front of my room and realized that I had moved. She later told me that she felt so devastated. She did not know my new address or anything. She came to Guh-chang to look for me. That sister was looking for me at the market. I was witnessing at the market so we met very quickly. I was so glad to see her. We did not have the money to go to a restaurant, so we sat under the shade of a tree by the market. People were coming and going but we opened up our Bible to have fellowship and pray. And then I thought to myself, “I don’t think this sister can travel to Guh-chang every Sunday. How will this sister live a spiritual life?” There was no one to lead her; I was very concerned. Then I had an idea. “Sister, you should start Bible study.” “What is Bible study?” I told her to gather people every evening to teach them songs, hymns, and the Bible. She was taken aback. “Minister, I grew up in Japan so I don’t even speak Korean very well. I’d have to know something about the Bible to teach it. I don’t know anything, not even a hymn.” She insisted that she could not do it. I could not step back. I felt that if she did not have Bible study, then that would be the end of her spiritual life. “Sister, you must have Bible study.” “I really can’t.” 7

“No, I’m telling you you have to do it.” She kept insisting that she could not, so I then said to her, “Sister, are you despising me because I’m young?” “No, why would I despise you?” “Sister, I may be young, but I am the servant of God.” “Yes, I know.” “Then if the servant of God is telling you to do something, then why don’t you just do it? Why do you have so many excuses?” The sister did not have anything to say. She returned to her village, and gathered a few children to start Bible study. She did not speak Korean well. She did not know anything about the Bible. I visited one day, without her knowing, to see how she was doing. There are no big pieces of paper in the countryside; the only thing they have are calendars. She would write the hymn lyrics on the back of these calendars. “This life full of sadness and grief, my house is on top of Mount Calvary. Jesus my lord.” She would teach these hymns to the children. The lyrics were correct but she was completely off tune. After singing the hymns, she would teach about the Bible. I thought, “It’s not going to work out. She can’t do it.” I returned back to Guh-chang. I would go visit every few months. The amazing thing was that people began to receive salvation through her. She lived in a village called Gwon-bin. There were about 180 households. Of the 180 households, around 40 of them worshipped idols and had altars in their homes. There was so much superstition and many demons as well. Many people were demon possessed, but these people would meet this sister and receive salvation. They would be healed of their diseases. The members of the church would grow one by one; it became ten, it became twenty. When I saw that sister, she was so precious and lovely. Pastor Hee-jin Park, whom we know well, also received salvation through that sister. Many people received forgiveness of sins through that sister. People who were demon possessed went to her, and when she prayed, the demons departed. Once again, I think about that sister. She passed away seven years ago and returned to the Lord. She lived a joyful life, living her whole life for the gospel, before she returned to the Lord. I made deeper realizations when I think about that sister. At first, when we met at Guh-chang and I told her to start Bible study, she said she could not do it. I kept insisting and 8

she kept refusing. She really did not know how to witness. She did not know about the Bible. She did now know how to witness but she started to witness. Then God began to work through her and many people received salvation through her.

Pastor Hee-jin Park’s Salvation Testimony

Pastor Hee-jin Park told me his salvation testimony. He was attending a soccer academy in Seoul when he contracted tuberculosis. At that time, tuberculosis was a very serious disease. There were no good medications for it, so it was difficult to cure. Tuberculosis is very contagious, so if one person had tuberculosis, the whole family would get it and die from it. Pastor Hee-jin Park was a bachelor at that time, attending a soccer academy. He caught tuberculosis, so he returned home to the countryside. His elderly mother, his older brother, his sister-in-law, and their two children all lived together. One day his brother told him, “Hee-jin, I know I shouldn’t be saying this, but I have to say it. It wouldn’t be a problem if it were just you and me living together. But my children are living here as well. If you stay here, then my children will get infected and our whole family will die. I know I shouldn’t be saying this, but you need to leave.” Pastor Hee-jin Park thought about it and his brother was right. “Yes, brother, I shouldn’t stall a day longer. I’ll leave right now.” He left the house empty-handed. He did not have any place to spend the night. He did not have anywhere to eat. He starved the whole day. It was getting harder, and he still did not have anywhere to spend the night. It was so cold that he thought he would freeze to death if he slept outside. He was looking for a house when he found a coffin shed in a discreet part of the village. He took shelter at the coffin shed because he could escape the cold and wind. He woke up the next morning and went to wash his face at the stream nearby. At that village, there lived sister Son, who was sister Ul-soon Son’s younger sister. She received salvation through her older sister. She was older than Pastor Hee-Jin Park, so she would call out to him, “Hee-jin, Hee-jin.” That day, after washing his face at the stream, sister Son called out to him, “Hee-jin, want to go with me somewhere?” “Where are we going?” 9

“We’re going to church.” He did not have anywhere to go and it was cold, so he followed her to church. When he got there, sister Son’s older sister was preaching the word. Brother Hee-jin Park was shivering in the cold all day; when he got there, it was so warm and cozy that he began to fall asleep. He propped himself against the wall and fell deep asleep. Someone woke him up, and when he opened his eyes, the service was over and they were getting ready to eat. He thought to himself, “I have tuberculosis. Should I eat with them? Should I tell them I have tuberculosis? What if I tell them and they don’t let me eat?” He did not say anything and just ate. He said he was so thankful to have been able to eat. After lunch, Sister Son opened up the Bible and began to preach the gospel to him. He received salvation. They spent the afternoon like that, and when dinner came along, they ate again. After evening service, he returned to the coffin shed. Pastor Hee-jin Park told me that after receiving salvation, he prayed to God for the first time. “Dear God, it is so cold outside. I don’t think I can survive the winter like this. God, this is the first wish I ask of you. Please give me a room to get through this winter.” He prayed sincerely for a room. The next day, he ran into an older man from the village. “Hee-jin, where were you? I was looking for you all day yesterday.” There was an apple orchard at the foot of the mountain. That man would farm apples during the spring. He would trim the trees and gave the trees fertilizers. During the fall, many apples would grow and he would harvest those apples. He had nothing to do during the winter, so he did not stay at the orchard but returned home to his family. He needed someone to tend the orchard while he was not there. So that man said to him, “Hee-jin, it’ll be nice if you stay at the orchard. The room is warm and you can use the branches for firewood. It’s very warm.” That owner was begging him to stay there. He went to the orchard and cleaned the room. He used the branches for firewood and heated his room. The room was warm and he was so happy. He was so grateful to God. While he was there, he did not take any medication 10

but he was healed of his tuberculosis. Around that time, he applied for missionary school. I asked him why he applied for missionary school and he told me his whole testimony. Had this brother not met sister Son, then he probably would not have lasted the winter and died. He met Sister Son, heard the gospel and is now working as a precious gospel preacher in Gwang-ju. If Sister Son did not have Bible study because it was too burdensome, then it would have been the end of it. Folks, the Holy Spirit of God works through us, but Satan works very strongly as well. If we try to preach the gospel, then Satan gives us a very burdensome heart. We think that even though we preach the gospel, people will not get saved. We think that God will not help us. Satan gives us the thought that we cannot preach the gospel. If we witness with this heart, then it is very burdensome and difficult. That is why we do not witness and continue to not witness. One or two years would pass like that, and we think to ourselves, “I can’t witness even if I try.” Our hearts flows toward this direction and we do not preach the gospel.

“We Are Not of Them Who Draw Back unto Perdition”

In Hebrews chapter 10, verse 39, it says, “We are not of them who draw back unto perdition; but of them that believe to the saving of the soul.” Many people go to church and read the Bible. But the words of the Bible are very different from the thoughts Satan puts in our hearts. The Bible says that the blood of Jesus Christ washed away all our sins, but Satan deceives us to believe that we still have sin in our hearts. Many people are deceived by Satan and are unable to be freed from their sin. That is why we must believe in the Bible, regardless of what we think. We are not trying to receive forgiveness of sins, but believe in the truth that our sins have already been washed. But when we read the Bible and try to believe in this, Satan gives us the thoughts to make us think that our sins are not forgiven. After receiving salvation, God works in us. But we think that God will not work in us because of our shortcomings and lack of faith. The Bible says that we will not draw back unto perdition. Who, then, draws back unto perdition? God gave us the faith to believe the saving of the soul. The Bible says that we are not them who draw back unto perdition but of them that believe to the saving of the soul. Folks, it 11

says that as people who have received salvation, we have the faith to save souls. But Satan gives us these thoughts, “You can’t save souls. God is not with you. You committed a lot of sin.” He tells us this nonsense to make us believe that God will not work in us. I have told you before, the moment the alcoholic brother believed that he was perfect, he stopped drinking. Folks, we are those who believe to the saving of the souls and we must believe these words. But many people do not believe these words. They listen to the words of Satan and think, “I received salvation, but God will not work through me. God will not help me. God will not protect me.” Satan continues to put these thoughts in our hearts.

“Those Who Believe to the Saving of the Souls”

Let us not listen to anything else but believe only in the word of God. It says that we are not those who draw back unto perdition but believe to the saving of the soul. Folks, if we here today are all saved, then we are people who have faith to believe the saving of souls. If Sister Son did not preach the gospel because it was too burdensome, then she would have lived her whole life not being able to lead one person to salvation. What did Sister Son say? “I can’t do it. I tried but I can’t. No one will receive salvation through me.” But that sister did not do that. Although she had shortcomings, she began to witness. She opened the Bible and preached the word. And many people received salvation and changed through her. Why do we not preach the gospel, and why does the work of the gospel not manifest through us? Satan says to us, “You committed sin. You were disobedient to the word of God. You made mistakes. You love things of the world. You are lustful. You are carnal. That is why God will not work through you.” This is how Satan deceives us. We heed to the words of Satan and many people believe that God will not work through them. Please disregard all the thoughts that you have. Let us believe in the word of God. What did God say? He said we are those who believe to the saving of souls. But Satan tells us, “No, not you. You can’t do it. No one will receive salvation through you.” We believed in these words until now. That is why it was so burdensome to preach the gospel. We did not preach the gospel, so that is why the works of the gospel were not manifested. From now on, let us not believe in our thoughts. Let us believe in the words of God. 12

I was just like Sister Son. After receiving salvation, no one received salvation through me for a long time. “I can’t do it.” After Sister Son received salvation, I was amazed to see new people receive salvation every day. Folks, let us not look at our circumstances but believe in the word. It does not matter if not one person received salvation through you until now. “I have never preached the gospel until now. There is no one who received salvation. I don’t have the calling.” Satan tells us these things. Let us not listen to these words but let us believe in the word of God. “We are not those who draw back unto perdition, but believe to the saving of the souls.” The moment we received salvation, we have the faith to believe to the saving of souls. Satan deceives us so that we do not believe in those words, and that is why God cannot work through us.

Let Us Preach the Gospel in 2016

2016 has begun. Let us preach the gospel in 2016. It does not matter whether we preach well or do not preach well. Because we have the faith to believe to the saving of souls, if you preach the gospel with that faith, then God will give you fruits of salvation. I hope that for those who have not preached the gospel once until now, that in 2016, you will preach the gospel and the works of the gospel will manifest through you. Not just one person, but I hope that all of us will partake in the precious work of leading many people to the Lord every year. God will be pleased and I hope that you will live lives glorifying God. God has prepared people to receive salvation through you. Just open your mouth and preach the gospel. God will work. I hope that in 2016, your lives will be more valuable, brighter, and vibrant.


This Month's Sermon

For to Be Carnally Minded is Death Pastor Ock Soo Park | Good News Gangnam Church

“For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit. For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.” (Romans 8:5-7)

Why Did God Destroy Man Through the Flood?

The book of Genesis records God destroying man through the flood. Why did God destroy man? Romans 8:6 records that “For to be carnally minded is death,” and verse 7 records, “The carnal mind is enmity against God.” No matter how right, good, or useful something seems in our eyes, the carnal mind is enmity against God, and eventually leads to death. When God created man, he made Adam and Eve, and blessed them to multiply on the Earth. He placed them in Eden and blessed their lives. God told Adam not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. God made it so man would not distinguish good from evil on his own, but rely to on and be led by Him. But Adam and Eve, tempted by the serpent, received a heart different from God’s Word and ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. When Eve looked at the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, she saw that it was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise. Her standard of good and evil, which were different from that of God’s made her walk a path different from God. From then on, God decided to destroy all that is done from standards and thoughts different from that of God’s. 14

Is it that Big of a Sin to Keep Back Part of the Land?

In Acts chapter 5, Ananias and Sapphira sell land to offer before God, but they keep back part of the price of the land. Even while doing such a thing, they had the heart to say, “We sold our land and offered it to God!” God cursed Ananias and Sapphira and killed them. In the book of Joshua, when the Israelites take over the city of Jericho, Achan is destroyed by God when he disregards the Word of God and takes two hundred shekels of silver, and a wedge of God. God showed us how Ananias and Sapphira were cursed and killed. By showing us the end results of those who follow their thoughts, God is warning us not to take that path. Ananias and Sapphira thought to themselves, “Is it really going to be that big of a sin to hide just a little bit of what I’m offering to God?” Achan also thought, “God told us not to take anything from the city of Jericho, but we did something so huge through God’s help. Is it really that big of a sin to take a few things?” These people did not think greatly of what they did, but they clearly went against the Word of God. During Noah’s flood, God clearly told Noah, “There will be a big flood, so prepare an ark and go inside.” However, Satan works cunningly in people’s hearts to give them a thought completely opposite from God’s Word, saying, “God will not bring rain.” People were led by that thought, which was clearly being carnally minded. But because that thought was close to man’s heart, people were tempted by Satan to believe that it was not going to rain, and boldly went against the Words of God. This made them despise and persecute Noah, a man who followed the Word of God. God Warned Them From Walking That Path

People did not die during Noah’s flood because they murdered, committed adultery, or stole. They were destroyed because they followed their thoughts, which were different from God’s Word. The Bible clearly distinguishes “God’s thoughts” and “The carnal mind.” God clearly said that, “To be carnally minded is death,” and that “To be spiritually minded is life and peace.” Regarding our thoughts, even more clearly, “Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be” (Romans 8:7). Jesus was crucified on the cross to take away all of our sins. But Satan cunningly deceives people into thinking and believing, “But I will sin again, so aren’t I a sinner?” The Bible clearly states that Jesus was 15

crucified to wash our sins as white as snow, and that there is no more offerings to be given for sin. God said He remembers our sins no more, but because people are led by Satan, they say, “I still have sin.” This is because what they see seems right, they follow their own thoughts, which are different from God’s Word. Satan makes them have these types of thoughts. In the Bible, God showed us the images of those who were destroyed. God showed us how Achan, Ananias, and Sapphira were cursed and destroyed. By showing us the end results of those who follow their thoughts in the Bible, God is warning us from taking the same path. No matter how right and good it may seem in our eyes, God is leading us to throw such thoughts away, and to follow God’s Words. Following Our Thoughts Eventually Lead Us to Go Against God

When people first receive salvation, they are led by the Holy Spirit to live a truly blessed and happy life. But that is when Satan cunningly begins to deceive saved brethren. “This is nothing. This isn’t going to be a problem,” Little by little Satan deceives the brethren to accept humanistic thoughts and fleshly thoughts. When Satan tempts, many brethren think, “Since we’re human, it’s okay for us to do things like this,” and they take in fleshly thoughts. Let’s allow God’s Word to take control of our hearts. Say to yourself, “Being carnally minded leads to curse and destruction!” and be afraid. Let’s break free from the thoughts of our flesh and follow God’s Word. When we accept our fleshly thoughts, following the Word of God begins to feel vain and ambiguous. If that happens, being led by the Word becomes difficult, so naturally, we give into following our own thoughts. Eventually, as we live thinking that our judgments are right, we stand in a position to go against the church as well as God. Satan leads us to stand in that position. Brethren who continue a life of following their own thoughts after receiving salvation read about what happened to Achan, Ananias, and Sapphira in the Bible, but many times, they pass over it without being affected. One thing we must surely remember is that all those people were eventually destroyed in the Bible. As the Word Says, “To Be Carnally Minded is Death”

In the Bible, the people are destroyed not because of any other sin, but because they followed their fleshly thoughts, which were not God’s Word. Murder, adultery, theft, etc. are the results of following one’s 16

fleshly thoughts. But when a fleshly thought first enters us, it does not appear to be leading us toward a bad direction. That is why people who have received salvation just accept the fleshly thought, thinking, “I don’t murder, commit adultery, or steal.” However, that fleshly thought continues to grow in our hearts and make it so that we cannot but to fall into destruction eventually. Satan is leading our brethren in such a manner, and many brethren are being deceived. The Bible is coldheartedly telling us, “For to be carnally minded is death: but to be spiritually minded is life and peace” (Romans 8:6). Just like these words, being carnally minded is death. Being spiritually minded is life and peace. That is why if we accept even the tiniest fleshly thought will eventually lead us to continue accepting more thoughts, and will lead us to be cursed and destroyed. Still, many brethren are laid back in the fact that they received salvation, and do not turn back from following their fleshly thoughts. Just like that, there are so many people who gradually followed their fleshly thoughts only to have their spiritual lives crumbled down! Preaching The Word Of God To All Those Following The Path Of Destruction

As we confront 2016, I feel that we are a year closer to when God will return. Let us allow none other than God’s Word to take control of our hearts. In order for us to be led by God’s Word and His Spirit, let us kill our fleshly works through the Spirit. Let us say, “Following the flesh leads to curse and destruction!” and be afraid, so we can be free from our fleshly thoughts and follow the Word of God. I hope through us, God’s will, will be delivered to everyone in 2016. Just as Noah preached the way to salvation, saying, “I must prepare the ark for the coming flood,” to save all those who followed their thoughts, I hope we can preach the Word to all those who are lost on the road to destruction. I hope we can save even one soul, and give the glory to God to live a blessed life.

Pastor Ock Soo Park

Pastor Park is currently the senior pastor of the Good News Gangnam Church. He is the founder of the Mahanaim Cyber Theology School and International Youth Fellowship. Annually he is the guest speaker for Bible Crusades domestically and internationally and serves as a guest lecturer to university students. He is the author of several titles such as: The Secret of Forgiveness of Sin and Being Born Again, Repentance and Faith, Navigating the Heart. These books have been translated in 17 different languages, and in addition he is the author of 40 other books on spiritual life.


Salvation Testimony

You Just Believe Christina Yang | Good News Anchorage Church

“For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more.”

-Hebrews 8:12

“For by one offering He has perfected forever those who are being sanctified.” -Hebrews 10:14

“For sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under law but under grace.” -Romans 6:14


Before I begin, I would like to thank my Lord and Savior for his love and patience. Receiving salvation gave me this feeling of joy and happiness. It gave me a feeling of greatness and thankfulness. Although these are things that maybe only I can feel, I do hope that you all can feel a little bit of the peace and love that I feel inside. Three years ago, I was diagnosed with kidney failure from a silent disease called Wegener’s Disease. I had only turned fourteen at the time. That time was around the time I was the most stubborn. As a young teen, I often got into fights with my parents, mostly my mother. I was born as a Christian baby but growing up, I began to hate going to church. I would come up with many excuses to skip church. Most of the time, I would just tell my mom that I would go the next Sunday. Of course, that was just another excuse to escape going to church. I don’t know what it was, but I just didn’t like the idea of going to church. Maybe I hung out with the wrong group of friends. Or maybe I didn’t want to go to church because I thought it was cool to skip church. Maybe all of it was just my thinking. Regardless of what it was, I was against it. Because my kidneys had failed on me, I had to be on dialysis. Every week for three days I would have to get treatments done at the clinic for a total of four hours every time. Although I was still young, I lived a very dark life. I lived everyday thinking that this was God’s way of punishing me for the pain that I caused to my family. I would often sit myself in the bedroom and just cry myself to Only I didn’t feel like I was sleep. I was always in pain going myself. I didn’t even feel like through treatments. Eventually I grew tired of dialysis. I didn’t feel I was living life anymore. like I was myself. I didn’t even feel like I was living life anymore. I was just living everyday as it passed by because I was able to get up. I started to get depressed. That led to suicidal thoughts. I just wanted to give up. That was when I started blaming God. I said, “God, it’s your fault I’m in so much pain. It’s your fault I can’t go out with my friends. It’s your fault my parents are worried about me. It’s your fault I have all these nasty scars on my arms and body.” I wanted to give up dialysis but because I was under age, I had


Salvation Testimony

no choice but to continue doing I just gave up hope. dialysis. Even though I had these thoughts, I asked myself, “How selfish would that be of me to give up my life? I gave up everything. There are those who are wishing that they could see the night sky. There I became lazy. are those wishing they can step foot outside. And there are those who I became tired. truly care for me.” I was very grateful for that. These thoughts I was having I became nothing. helped me out of suicidal thoughts. Throughout the months, dialysis became my life. I was living waiting to go to the next treatment. I had nothing to live for anymore. I just gave up hope. I gave up everything. I became lazy. I became tired. I became nothing. I didn’t care for my life anymore. My parents saw that I was struggling so they would always push me to go to church. Sometimes I would go, not by my will, but to make my mom happy. I realized that throughout the years, I was nothing but pain to my family. I fought with my parents. I fought with my siblings. I was hurting anyone and everyone who came my way. So I told myself that I was going to stay on dialysis for the rest of my life, knowing that it was a painful treatment, as a form of punishment for me. I told myself that the pain I was feeling didn’t hurt as much as the pain I was putting the people I love the most through. I was really regretful. The only people who loved me and believed in me more than myself was my family. They were my support system. But slowly, they gave up on me because I wasn’t accepting their love and care. These thoughts that I was feeling were earlier this year (2015) in February. I was okay with staying on dialysis. I was happy. I was happy I was able to stay near my family. So nothing that I was going through mattered anymore. I have nine siblings and my parents but I couldn’t even share with them how I was feeling because I am not a very open person. Sometimes I just thought to myself that if I had told them about myself, they would worry, so most of the time I decided not to. I wanted to be the only one to know about my pains. I wanted to be the only one going through everything. Even though they knew I was going through a lot, they still loved me and gave me lots of comfort. I realized how much


my family loves me. I was thankful to God for giving me such a loving family. I turned 17 on February 28th. Shortly after that, I received a call from an unknown caller during the week of spring break of March. I never pick up calls that don’t show a number, so of course I didn’t pick up. They called a second time and I picked up but I didn’t say anything. The person who called didn’t either so I just hung up. Two minutes later, I get notified about a voicemail. I listened to it and it was a lady calling from the Seattle Children’s Hospital. She called and told me that they have a kidney ready for me. If it were a perfect match, they would have me fly down to Seattle right away. I was so shocked! I just couldn’t believe it. I was thinking to myself, “Not long ago, I already agreed with myself to stay on dialysis.” It really didn’t hit me that I was going to get a transplant. I didn’t have any emotions. It felt like a dream. I just kept asking myself if it was real. Even though I didn’t go to church, I thought to myself, “Wow, this must be God’s blessing. I should be thankful right? Why am I feeling upset? I don’t deserve this kidney. Someone out there needs it more than me. I have done nothing good to deserve this kidney. Why? Does God really love me this much? Will I be able to take good care of this kidney? How long will I have with this kidney?” All these questions and worries came to my mind. I wasn’t even sure if I was going to be able to take good care of such a precious kidney. My mind just went blank. March 13, 2015 was the day I successfully had my transplant. I don’t remember much but my dad was right by my side after the transplant. He told me I was in a lot of pain. I kept saying, “Hurt, hurt, it hurts.” I woke up on a hospital bed in so much pain that I couldn’t even move. That’s when it finally hit me. Wow!


Salvation Testimony

I really did have a transplant. Wow! I no longer need dialysis. Wow! I can have a regular routine now! I was truly grateful. I felt blessed in every way. Although I couldn’t show my dad how happy I was, I saw that he was relieved so that made me happy inside. The doctors came in and asked me for my age. I told them I was 17. Then one of the doctors just told me not to worry. He said, “You are still very young. You will have 15, maybe Kidney Transplanted in recipient 20 years with this kidney IF you are lucky. You will need another Donor's transplant when you are 40.” My Kidney heart just sunk. I didn’t want to believe that I was only going to get a certain amount of years to live. I started worrying about my future… if I would ever be able to achieve my goals and accomplish my dreams… I had so much going inside my head.. I did not like what the doctors were telling me because I was not going to live a long healthy life. At the time I just hated them so much. My dad and I stayed in Seattle for a total of 3 months. I told my parents I would attend church. I was positive and excited. But for some reasons, after returning home, I became the old me. Giving up, not caring for anything, and deceiving my parents. Even after the transplant, I didn’t have a perfect life. I had to take medications, go to check-up appointments, and drink a lot of water to keep the kidney running strong. I wanted to give up right away. It was just so much responsibility to take care of. I had so many bladder infections that I probably broke the record of the most bladder infections in a year. Because of these infections, I was always in the hospital. It hurt me so much. I was feverish, had headaches, and of course, bladder pain. It felt so uncomfortable. At one point, I stopped taking my medications on time. I wanted to give up.


I asked God, “Why must you give me such difficulties? Why don’t you just take my life away? Why must you torture me in such a way? Just kill me. What did I do so wrong to deserve this?” I was so angry. I was so mad. I was so upset. I cried every day because it was so much stress and I felt very weak. I couldn’t handle everything that was happening. I had so much on my plate. I had to fly back down to Seattle so many times after coming home. There were problems with the kidney. I wasn’t getting enough blood flow through the kidney. When that happens, it could be dangerous for me. I could get high blood pressure and the kidney could possibly fail on me. I remember having to do two balloon procedures where they open up the narrow artery. They would leave a stent in, which meant that I could easily get bladder infections. I was already on immunosuppression medications that make my immune system really weak. The stent wasn’t any help to avoid infections. After so many procedures and ultrasound appointments, the doctors decided to have me do a kidney re-implant. I was in a lot more pain than the actual kidney transplant itself. If you were to ask me what the most painful experience was after so many years of being sick, I would probably tell you that my re-implant was the most painful. I had bloody urine. I couldn’t even relax. I hated my life, everything about it. I didn’t know what it was going to take to have me go to church. I already had so many procedures done but because I had already given up, I was living life doing nothing, absolutely nothing. As you can tell, everything I said was only complaining. I always complained. I didn’t have the Lord in me. I didn’t have any faith, let alone any hope. I wasn’t thankful for going through what I did. I had zero knowledge of the Bible. Of course I only knew that Jesus died on the cross. But that was it. I feel grateful to have my brother Alex invite me to the Bible Seminar. I didn’t have the heart to go, but I went anyway because I saw that he has changed in many ways after receiving salvation. He too was going through his own difficulties. The first two nights to me, were long and boring. The second night was a little better. I started listening more. But I had a minor nosebleed both nights. I was wishing that it would be major

I was so angry. I was so mad. I was so upset.


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nosebleeds so I could to the hospital instead of attending the seminar. I had these careless thoughts. My mom told me to believe in God. She told me He would make a way for my nosebleed to go away so I can attend the seminar. I really did just laugh at that. But, I felt thankful to be able to have fellowship with Pastor Park’s wife on the second night. She has a really sweet accent. She asked me if I believe in the Lord. I told her I didn’t and that I wasn’t exactly sure. But I was being truthful. I told her that I didn’t fully believe and that maybe if I continue to hear the words, that I would believe more. I wanted to tell others that I received salvation because I truly believe. I didn’t want to just say that I did because I wanted to look good. She told me that there was no such thing as believing more or not enough. She said, “You just have to believe. We don’t live under the law anymore. We live by grace. Jesus Christ has washed away our sins 2,000 years ago. Jesus has made us free from the law of sin and death. These laws were made to make us weak so that we can see the love that God has for us. We are no longer under the law, but under grace. God has everything planned for us. We just have to seek in him. Christina, you just have to believe in the words. It’s very simple.” I thought deeply through the many things that she had said. 1. Christina attending the Bible Seminary with her family. 2. Reading the scriptures. 3. Having 1 on 1 fellowship with the First Lady.


On the third day, I attended the seminar. It was the most memorable day for me. As I started listening, I wanted to continue. I wasn’t sleepy and as I continued to listen, slowly, my heart began to accept the words. Time went by so fast without even realizing it. I thought to myself, “Wow, The Lord is good. Did He really die on the cross to wash away all of my sins? Did he really do it willingly? He truly is good. Where have I been? Why haven’t I taken the time out of my life to listen to the gospel? I am wrong… I am wrong.” I believed in only my thoughts and my feelings. Those harsh words that I thought and the blaming that I said were truly wrong in every single way. I felt embarrassed. But I believe in the words. I believe that my sins have been completely washed away forever, for eternity. After receiving salvation, I felt so much calmness inside my heart. I’ve never felt this great. All of my negative thoughts just went away. I have become so happy with life. Every time I look back on the day I received salvation, I can’t help but to cry. It is tears of joy, tears of greatness and thankfulness.

I believe that my sins have been completely

washed away forever, for eternity.

I found piece in me. I feel at rest. It’s a great feeling, a feeling of happiness. Nothing feels better than knowing that our Lord has saved us eternally. He’s our God, our Savior. I’m so very thankful. Words just can’t seem to explain this thankfulness that I feel inside. The greatest gift that we were all given is life through His love. I truly believe that I was given a second chance to receive salvation, to become closer to God because I distanced myself from him for so long. It wasn’t just a coincidence that I came to the Bible Seminar and received salvation. It was God who led me there. It was God who allowed me to attend the seminar no matter what I was thinking inside. I feel very thankful for that. He always has a way, not just for me, but also for everyone. I cannot be anymore thankful to have gone through what I have these passed years. I am the person I am today, one who believes

in the Lord, because I was able to overcome my difficulties through Christ. Seek in him and you will find. I have come to 25

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realize that all the pain that I have been through is nothing compared to the love that Jesus gave. It is nothing compared to the love that he gives. Let us remember the love that Jesus shares. Let us be grateful for all that we have. Let us give Him all our worries and cares. For with God, nothing will be impossible. For these reasons, I am thankful to the Lord for his love and patience after all these years. He truly is good. He is pure, He is perfect, and he is righteous in every way. Let us remember that forever. Because I know I can trust in Jesus, I am not worried about my future anymore. It’s not up to the doctors to tell me how many years I will have. And it’s not up to me to believe how many years I will have with this kidney because only God knows the outcome of my life and career. I believe that he will guide me and give me the heart to do what it is that he has planned for me. We will go through our own difficulties. We will face our own obstacles. But we don’t need to worry because we can do all things through Christ who gives us strength. I am healthy. I am alive. Thank you Jesus for the gift of life and good health. Thank You,

Christina Yang




Special Article WCLW Testimony

Abraham’s Old Servant


Pastor Sang Rok Ryu Good News Philadelphia Church

fter the America Christmas Cantata Tour, we began to invite the pastors who attended the pastoral meetings during the cantata to the Dallas WCLW. However, this was not easy. Many pastors already made plans for the holidays and some did not have the funds to come. It seemed as if not even one pastor would attend. I heard Pastor Park’s Sunday sermon on the internet where he said, “I preached the Word to 1,100 pastors in America during the Cantata Tour and I have invited them to come to Dallas. All of them liked that and said they would attend. He said that although everyone wouldn’t be able to come that many still would.” A huge burden came upon me. I started to think negatively about the situation. I had fellowship with the NY pastor where he mentioned, “The pastor in Korea called me and said that many pastors coming to Dallas right?” At that time I didn’t want to just talk about the circumstances. If I listened to the circumstances that would be rejecting pastor’s heart and I did not want to ignore pastor’s heart so I replied, “Yes many are coming.” Pastor Park saw that many pastors came during the Cantata Pastor’s meeting and therefore many would attend Dallas. This is the heart that God showed pastor and God was going to fulfill His Word. Let’s persevere to the end 28

If you come to know yourselves precisely you will be doing a ministry and spiritual life that is not of your strength but through the strength of God which becomes very easy. and invite them until the very end. My heart slowly changed through the fellowship. I could see that I lived my spiritual in this way until now. I would proceed with the work that looked possible and with the work that looked burdensome I would hesitate and proceed with the heart if it works, it works and if it doesn’t, it doesn’t. I thought about the old servant in Genesis 24. It was like Pastor Ock Soo Park was like Abraham and I was like the old servant going out to invite the pastors to the workshop. At first the old servant had a frustrated heart thinking about having to bring Abraham’s daughter-in-law home. What lady would follow me? Even before she comes home with me, she will first ask to see who her mate would look like. Then do I have to bring Isaac all the way here? At that point the old servant spoke about his heart and had fellowship with Abraham. Abraham says, “God in heaven spoke to me to leave my father’s house and kindred and promised me a land for me and my descendants. He sent an angel ahead of him to bring the future wife of Isaac. If she would not follow you, then may the bond between you and I be no more. Only do not take Isaac over there.” We need fellowship to receive the flow of God’s heart, in order to revive the heart so that God can work within it. As the old servant heard the fellowship from Abraham the faith started to flow into his heart. This was no longer the old servant’s responsibility but Abraham’s. Although it was the old servant moving, it was by the heart of Abraham. As I looked at this Word, I started to have faith in my heart. God would send the angel ahead of me to do the work. God had shown the pastor His will and in order to fulfill His will he had prepared the pastors. One week before the start of the camp, I came to Dallas and by chance I discovered a Spanish pastoral meeting where I was given the chance to talk about the WCLW. At that time, about 10 pastors registered for the event, and it was amazing to see that happen. It was just like the old servant who brought Rebecca. With my power I cannot bring even one pastor, but because God is working many pastors got connected to the workshop. In the end, 150 Christian leaders were able to attend the World Christians Leader Workshop regardless of the tornados and inclement weather. “Folks, we humans have no good in us. We are only evil which is why God had to send Jesus on our behalf. If you come to know yourselves precisely you will be doing a ministry and spiritual life that is not of your strength but through the strength of God which becomes very easy. The butler only focused on Jesus. The grape vine was before him, however the baker placed 29


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1. The Gracias Choir Female Ensemble. 2. Pastors recording the performances.

3. Pastors have a joyful time sharing the word. 4. Pastors have quiet time before God.


all kinds of baked meats on top of the bread because Jesus alone was not sufficient which is why he tried to add extra.” The guest speaker Pastor Ock Soo Park was talking about the differences of when we are doing the spiritual living and ministry compared to when God is running our spiritual life and doing the ministry. He shared the words of Genesis 6:5 and Psalms 14:2,3 about how God sees no good in man and only evil. There were some pastors who collided with this Word and debated about it. However, through the holy spirit of God we saw the pastors’ hearts kneeling before the Word. The thoughts that man is good was something the pastors have been preaching about for a long time, and it was the first time they heard that Word. We woke up at 6 am and started the day with quiet time, followed by hearing the word from Pastor Young Joo Park who shared his experiences of failing in his ministry but after meeting the world of God he could see the works of God arising in his life. In the afternoon there were group fellowship sessions where people could share and discuss the Word. They spoke about how Joseph was able to throw away his humanistic heart to end his relationship with Mary, and accept the Word of God where Jesus the Savior would be born through Mary. The people were able to discover many places in the Bible where people threw away their own thoughts in front of the Word of God. Afterwards, Pastor Sung Hoon Kim preached the Word about how our thoughts originate from Satan, and when we accept the Word of God we are actually accepting God at the same time. After the evening conference the group fellowship would have another session until 11 pm, where people could reflect upon their own spiritual lives. On the first day of the World Christian Leaders’ Workshop, the participants did not stand in front of the Word of God as pastors or Christian leaders but as a single soul before the Word. Although the day went by fast many were able to have a deep and meaningful day through the Word. On the second day of the workshop, the Word of God was spreading light upon our hearts which were grasped by darkness. This felt like the sun was coming out after a gloomy day. Pastor Ock Soo Park shared his testimony during the workshop about how although he would attend church he would still be conflicted but through the grace of God he received the forgiveness of sins. “I had no way. I tried to confess my sins through prayer but I would see my sins just grow. I could not be freed from sin. Then I looked at the Word, and I discovered the heart of God. I realized how our sin was washed away completely through Jesus. In the Old Testament, the sins were removed by laying hands on a sheep or goat and transferring the sin over, thereafter giving the sheep or goat as a sin offering. Jesus who came as the Lamb of God was 31


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the eternal offering for sin having removed sins once and for all. This was an eternal sacrifice, not a sacrifice that was bound by time or would expire. After this offering, there would be no more need of another sin offering. We saw the pastors say “Hallelujah” and “Amen” to the Word, from Hebrews 9:13, where Jesus came as an eternal sacrifice to sanctify us once for all. In the early morning, Pastor Jung Soo Yun talked about how God had him draw a clear line in his heart, and during the group time Pastor Min Chul Lim shared the words about “Another Gospel” which is of the law. We were thankful for each and every second that passed. In the fresh evening air, the people boarded the bus to the final Christmas Cantata of 2015 at the Verizon Theater. On the bus, the pastors shared the Word they heard and were joyful in doing so. As they heard the glorious praises and saw the birth of Jesus, the pastors were praising and sharing testimonies as we saw their faces filled with smiles. “When did the prodigal son change? When the words proceeded out of the father’s mouth, the son had already been changed. Our spiritual lives and ministry does not change based on our effort and labor. If the word of God precisely enters you, the Word and your hearts connect and the amazing works of God start to arise in your lives.” Pastor Jae Hong Kim during the early morning session of the workshop passionately spoke about how our lives are to be filled with a new spirit of faith rather than a heart filled with doubt. Pastor Jose Champion from Connecticut was so excited to share that he was able to return to God through this workshop. Pastor Theresa Unda from Ottowa, Canada said, “I came to only believe in the Word. This Bible is the true Word. This gospel is the truth, and the only thing left for me to do it to share this truth with others.” We are hopeful to see many of the pastors who have committed to attend the World Christian Leaders’ Workshop in Korea next year. We have high hopes to see how God will work according to His will. We look forward to many more pastors in the United States will hear the Gospel and work to spread the word across the nation. We are very thankful to witness this great work of God and able to participate in it. “Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.” (Amos 3:7)



1. Pastors look up the scriptures to discover the Word. 2. QA sessions with Pastor Ock Soo Park. 3. Group photo of all the pastors who attended the WCLW




Memoirs of a Missionary

Dispatched to Myanmar

This was his first place of missions. He followed the heart that God gave him and preached the gospel. Missionary Dae In Kim was joyfully dispatched to Myanmar where he would witness a new world that God prepared for him. He testifies how everything was new to him and therefore he would rely upon the grace of God.

Pastor Dae In Kim | Myanmar Missionary 34

The First Ministry Where God Worked: Good News Dobong Church

My first ministry was in the Good News Dobong Church in Seoul. There were two elderly sisters and two married sisters in the beginning. The sermons and the world of heart that I learned during the training in the missionary school greatly impacted my life. I often thought about the testimony of Pastor Ock Soo Park where he could only kneel down before God because he was so lacking. I, thus, went to Mount Dobong, which was 40 minutes away to occasionally pray. When I went up the mountain at night wearing a parka in the winter, the whole mountain was shining from the reflection of the moonlight on the snow. I kneelt down under a big tree by the mineral spring to pray, but I heard a beeping sound. What was that? When I put my head down, I heard the sound and when I lifted my head up, the sound was gone. Was it a ghost? It was scary but I ignored the sound and prayed. Sometimes, I would shock myself while praying because I would pray about becoming a missionary. Because it was cold and I was sleepy, my prayer was not very passionate, but my heart was at peace while praying and seeking for God’s grace. After praying, I was coming down from the mountain and I noticed that my phone was in my shirt pocket. The beeping sound was the sound coming from the phone. It was a a bit of relief to know. After I came down from the mountain, the Seoul Garden Apartment Complex was at the base of the mountain. Whenever I saw the complex, this hope arose in my heart – “God, I wish that at least one couple could receive salvation from these many apartments!” One day, someone rang the bell. I went outside and there was a middle-aged gentleman standing outside. He actually found out about the Good News Mission and heard the sermons from the website. He liked the sermons and visited our church while searching for the closest Good News Mission Church from his home. He was a manager from a big company and his health was in bad condition. However, not long after he came to church, his whole family received salvation and his health got much better. Once, I visited his house to have a regional group service. I was shocked when I opened the car window, because it was the Seoul Garden Apartment which I often saw on the way down from the mountain. It was truly amazing. When I was doing my ministry in the Good News Dobong Church, I witnessed following the heart that God gave me. I passed out booklets and borrowed a big TV from the church next to us and held a video conference. I was thankful to see people receiving salvation one by one and being connected to the church when I preached the Gospel. One lady opened her heart by looking at me from the window and later became saved. Truly, I could not deny that God had worked. Approximately two years passed since I was dispatched to the Good News Dobong Church, and there were around 45 people attending the service. As the congregation increased and the 35

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financial situation got better, doing the ministry was fun and joyful. After the winter retreat, three days before New Year’s Day, the Pastors’ dispatch roster was announced. “That Was Fast. You Are Already Done With Packing!”

Minister Dae In Kim of the Good News Dobong Church dispatched to Myanmar.’ I felt like my head was struck by a hammer. I had a feeling that I would go abroad as a missionary within three years after graduating from the missionary school, and it actually happened. “Oh my God! No one told me anything; I had never been to Myanmar. Where is Myanmar?” It was the first time hearing that name. I was not even sure if it was the name of a city or a country. I researched online and found out that in 1989, Burma was changed to Myanmar. I started to have a headache as I saw pictures of the Buddhist country of Myanmar. When I searched for “Tourism sites of Myanmar,” all the pictures were full of statues of Buddha and the Myanmar alphabet looked like curly noodle crumbs. Myanmar was the poorest country in South East Asia, the military autocracy, and it did not have a global bank. I could not sleep for three days after I saw the pastors’ dispatching roster. All the food tasted bitter. I could not eat ramen noodle, juice, and fruits because they were so bitter. I was able to now understand why people die of stress. I felt frustrated as if something was pressing on my chest and anger sprung up. I wanted to preach the Gospel but I did not want to go to Myanmar. “How can I go there? I don’t know anyone there. How am I supposed to learn the language and preach the Gospel in the Buddhist country?” Everything was burdensome because I did not have faith. “What is this? I threw everything away to follow the Lord…. What is blocking me from following the Word? Let me run away! Where should I go?” I could not sleep for three nights and spent the nights in sorrow. In the early morning the next day, I brought down the luggage from the top drawer and told my sleeping wife to start packing. I was about to shed tears thinking that everything was over. I quickly unplugged the phone because I thought my wife might call the pastor. However, a little after 6 a.m., Pastor Gyu Yoon Jo from the Good News Seungbuk Church came to visit us. I was surprised and said, “Pastor, what brought you here this early morning?” He said, “Wow! You are quick. You are already done packing!” Later, my wife told me that she called Pastor Jo and the phone was disconnected when she was about to say, “My husband told me to pack…” That was how I got caught and, a few days later, I went to the Good News Hanbat Church where Pastor Ock Soo Park ministered. 36

“Wow! That was really fast.”

“I Would Live There If God Works. It Would Not Be Late To Leave After Three Years If He Does Not Work.”

I heard the sermons of Pastor Ock Soo Park in Daejeon. The pastor preached about, “Let us pass over unto the other side.” For the first time, I saw the servant of God who was already living on the other side – heaven. I also saw my image being on the side of this world. Because I was bound to the flesh, everything was in my way such as problems of educating my children, my future, my family, and so on. Just how a shaman performed exorcisms when people got sick, I preached the Gospel to fulfill my spiritual desire. My true image of not living with the heart of God was revealed. Once, I told Pastor Ock Soo Park, “Pastor, there are only statues of Buddha. Statues of Buddha that are sitting down, laying down, standing up, green, white, gold…” The pastor said, “No! There are also many people who live there!” The servant of God was telling me that there were many people who would receive salvation in Myanmar. “God may work. Yes, let me go! Let me live just three years there! If God works, then I would live there. Even if He does not work, then it is not too late to run away three years later. People say that you purposely go through difficulties when you are young.” I remembered the Word in Exodus chapter 3 verse 10. “Come now therefore, and I will send thee unto Pharaoh, that thou mayest bring forth my people the children of Israel out of Egypt” (Exodus 3:10). “Ah, it is not that I am going but God is going. Jesus is going.” In April of 2002, I went to Myanmar with Missionary Hakcheol Kim from Thailand and rented a house with a slate roof. In May, I went to Myanmar with my family and took the first steps of ministry in Myanmar. I really admired missionaries who went before me and felt like they were the stars in the sky. Unfamiliar Sceneries of Myanmar

My family arrived at Yangon International Airport in Myanmar with all of our luggage. When we arrived there, it was the rainy season. We felt like 37

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we were in sauna because of the heat and humid climate. An indescribable smell of Myanmar rushed into my nose. When Myanmar people with red teeth rushed to us to help with our luggage, I got scared and thought their teeth were the teeth of Dracula. I realized that their teeth were red because of fruit juice from a fruit called “kon.” When you chew the fruit, the red fruit juice that makes people hallucinate comes out. Women’s faces looked weird as well. Later, I realized that women put the powder from the “thanakha” tree instead of lotions to protect their skins from ultraviolet rays. We unpacked our luggage on top of an old desk. Our preparations came to nothing. I got cold easily, so I prepared a down jacket and blankets for the winter. However, Myanmar was part of subtropical region, so I did not need any of those. We barely got a taxi to the house that we rented. Though we arrived at the house safely, every little thing was a problem because we could not speak the language. “Oh, my God!” Although Yangon was the capital of Myanmar, there were many people who cook rice with charcoal fire. It was because there were many places where electricity would only be available for two to three hours a day. When I visited Thailand to renew my visa, I often purchased big candles. Myanmar was a country that had a great gap between the rich and poor, and used a language that I cannot comprehend, men and women wore skirts, and most people wore black flip-flops instead of sneakers. Also, if you saw a man crouching down in a dark alley, the man was probably urinating. In Korea, when it rained, people go inside. However, children and students came out and play soccer with plastic balls when it rained. On a rainy day, young students were playing soccer around the corner in front of the church. One got hurt and his foot was bleeding, yet he played soccer joyfully. I could not understand why they would play soccer though they were shivering after getting rained on, but I came to understand one year later the reason why. In Myanmar, from November through April, there was no rain because it was dry season. Because of hot weather, there were captions on TV saying, “Stay at home from 11 a.m. through 3 p.m. and take a shower to cool your body.” While living like that and hoping for rain, when it rained, they were so happy! That was why everyone came outside and played. Sometimes, people played soccer in front of the church and the ball came in the church yard over the wall and people came to get the ball. At first, I was scared of those people thinking what if those people came to our house at night to rob us? 38

1. Brothers and sisters from the DoBong Church 2. Sisters with thanaka on their cheeks from the Myanmar Church. 3. The monks who wait in line to ask for charity.

“God, Have Mercy On Me� During the dry season, I could not take a nap even if I wanted to because it was hot. Sometimes, when I woke up after falling asleep, I was drenched in sweat and felt dizzy. Rather, taking a nap was painful. Once, after jogging, I suffered from body ache due to sweating too much. After the dry season was over, from May to October, the rainy season started. It rained almost everyday. We did not have a laundry machine so we hand washed clothes. However, even though we hung the clothes in front of a fan for 3 days, it would still not fully dry. We could not have any leather products because of mold. If you put money in your wallet, there would be mold on your bills after a month. Once, I took out a pair of dress shoes that I kept in a shoe drawer during the rainy season and wore it. It was demolished after taking a few steps because it was moth-eaten. We often prayed for sunlight to dry our laundry during that time. When I first came to Myanmar, there was no one who visited us and there was no place to visit. Visitors who came to us all the time were ravens and Myanmar monks. The barefooted monks were walking around in line for offerings. Sometimes, they were grouped with male monks, female monks, and children monks. Or, they went out alone. In Myanmar, the monks were respected. Thus, when the monks got on a bus, the driver gestured to offer a seat for the monks. There was also a seat for the monks instead of a seat for elderly people. No matter how small the car was, people had a statue of 39

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Buddha. While driving, if people saw a temple afar, they quickly bowed. In Myanmar, Buddhism was not a mere religion but was a part of people’s lives. Once, I was walking back in the evening, there were many dark clouds out of nowhere. It seemed like it could rain at any time. During the rainy season, it quickly rained and the sun came up right after. One day, it rained while I was holding an umbrella in one hand and my son, Minchan, on the other hand. I tried to walk fast but suddenly I felt empty and weird. I quickly looked down and my Myanmar skirt was gone. A grandfather from a comic book store saw me and laughed out loud. If a person wore pants, most of time, the person was a foreigner. Myanmar men often were skirts called “paso.” On a day that rained a lot, it felt like it thundered right on top of our roof. It was dark everywhere due to the blackout. Claps of thunder were so loud. Even the thunder and lightning was scary to me as I was staying in a foreign land. There was no internet in Myanmar, so I was frustrated because I could not hear the news about the churches in Korea or listen to the sermons from the servant of God. One rainy day, I came out to the front yard and looked up to the sky while lying down. I felt gloomy. I wanted to kneel down and pray. I wanted to pour everything out to God. “God, have mercy on me. Have pity on me.” I just repeated these words like a broken record. My three-year-old son, Minchan, and six-year-old daughter, Minhwa, were wearing yellow raincoats and running around me. My children did not know where Myanmar was and often asked me to go to their grandmother’s house. After that, God really had mercy on us.

Missionary Dae In Kim was born again in February of 1989. While he was an elementary school teacher, God had called him into the missionary school in 2000. He was later dispatched to the Seoul Dobong Good News Church, Currently he does his missions in Myanmar. Through these 12 issues we will hear more about how God works in his life.



New York Times: Notes on Genesis I

And Noah Found Grace in the Eyes of the Lord Pastor Ock Soo Park | Good News Gangnam Church

And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them. But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD. (Genesis 6:5~8)



they cannot obey or follow the Word of God because they are evil by nature. Alchemists tried to make gold during the Middle Ages. When they mixed copper with zinc, brass was formed and when they saw that, they said, “Wow, this looks like gold. If we try a bit harder, we’ll have gold.” Many alchemists sold their houses to invest money into making gold. However, no one today tries to make gold. It is because they know that gold is an element, and that it cannot be made through formulas. The biggest obstacle to Korea’s economic advancement is petroleum. Korea pays tremendous amounts of money to buy petroleum each year. Korea exports cars and computers abroad and with that money it buys petroleum. A long time ago, Korea drilled for oil in its seas in search of petroleum. It hoped for petroleum and invested much into drilling, but no petroleum was found. Now Korea no longer drills but imports petroleum although it is extremely expensive. Likewise, in spiritual life, when one discovers that he cannot do good, he puts his efforts to do good to rest. To Will Is Present with Me, but How to Perform That Which Is Good, I Find Not Genesis chapter 6, which speaks about the time of Noah’s flood, says, “I will destroy man from the face of the earth; both man and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air.” Why did He say this? If there were good or righteousness inside of man, God would not have to destroy man.


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The Path to the Next Level in Spiritual Life Many people live spiritual lives, and there are many experts in many different fields, but it is difficult to find people who say, “I am confident in my spiritual life.” It always seems that people have no confidence in their spiritual lives. Spiritual life does not just happen; it is achieved through the passing of different levels. When one first goes to church, it seems good and refreshing to him, living according to the words of the Bible and going to church on Sundays. For the most part, people think, “All I need to do is live according to the Word of God and zealously live my spiritual life.” But the real question is how long that period will last. People must go through the following to enter the next level. People try to go to church on Sundays, keep the Ten Commandments, give tithes, and keep from sinning when they first begin to attend church. However, it does not go very well. Then they try again, saying, “I made mistakes, but this time, I will do well.” Yet, they fail again. As they fail twice, three times, four times, they say to themselves, “I failed this year, but from the New Year, January 1st, I will do well.” Or they make up their minds and become determined, saying, “I will do well following this time of fasting and prayer,” or, “I will do well following our church conference.” They endlessly make up their minds and become determined, but they fail. When they begin to think deeply about the Bible, they come to discover that

New York Times: Notes on Genesis I

However, God says in verse 5, and God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. Man, in the eyes of God, is not sometimes good and sometimes evil, but the thoughts of his heart are only evil continually. Hence, no good can come from us. Nevertheless, Satan deceives us. As Apostle Paul said in Romans chapter 7, there is no good inside of us, but we have the heart to want to do what is good. Thus, we try to do what is good, and it seems to a certain extent that we are doing good things. However, that is only like the efforts of the alchemists trying to make gold. God said that there is no good inside of man. Perhaps you feel full of complaints about this, but if God says that there is no good in you, then there is none. If He says there is no righteousness in you, then you do not have righteousness. Yet, Satan says, “No, you are good. You helped that person last time. You provided relief for those other people. If that’s not good, then what is? Just try a little harder. Then all will be well,” and deceives you. Therefore, people try and labor to do good. In a certain village in the African jungle, a chief was passing by when he saw children playing with a baby leopard. The chief was stunned. “Isn’t this a baby leopard?” “Yes, Chief, it is.” “It must be put to death!” The chief picked up a spear to kill it, but immediately the children stepped in his way.

“Chief, don’t kill him! This leopard has never even tasted meat. It has only had porridge. He’s really gentle.” The baby leopard was indeed gentle. The chief then simply stared at the leopard then walked away. Afterwards, the children fed only porridge to the leopard, and the leopard was still very gentle even though it had grown into an adult. It was wonderful because all other animals would run away from the children when they would enter the jungle with the leopard. One day, one of the children was running in the jungle when he fell, cut his knee open, and started to bleed. The leopard quickly ran to wipe the blood away and began to lick the blood. But as he tasted the blood, he began to suck the blood. Then the look in its eyes changed, and with its paws it tore open the child’s chest. The children did not know why the leopard did so, and it leaped onto and killed the other two children who were following behind. “Leopard, what’s wrong? Leopard, what’s wrong?” The frightened cries of the children echoed out, but it inevitably became silent. The leopard seemed to be gentle when it was fed porridge, but its true, the violent nature within was never gotten rid of. It was an illusion to think that the leopard was gentle. This is how it is with man. It seems that we have become good when we keep the law and do good things. On the other hand, the nature of sin that’s inside 44

The Reason We Seek the Grace of God Spiritual life does not work out until this has been realized. Korea must import petroleum because it cannot produce any. Likewise, in spiritual life, you must receive goodness because there is no goodness inside of you. One incurs greater losses the more he tries to find petroleum in Korea. Likewise, the more you try to do good, the more the wicked image of yourself is revealed. Because there

is no goodness in us, we must gain goodness. From where do we acquire it? We must gain the goodness of God, the righteousness of God, and the grace of God. I was once riding in a car in India when it came to a stop at a red light. Then a person on crutches limped his way to me. I could not speak Hindi, so he gestured that he was very hungry and that he needed some money to buy something to eat. He sincerely signaled to me that he would like some money. But I gestured to him that I was sorry and that I did not have any money. Then he again entreated me to give him some money because he was so hungry. He entreated me about three times this way, but I could not give him any money. Right then a miracle happened. The begging man all of a sudden picked up his crutches and walked away. He was not a lame man. He was only limping to appear lame so he could beg from people. So I joked, “I made a miracle happen.” Who would beg if they could make money? The reason beggars beg is for no other reason than the fact that they do not have the ability to make money. This is also true with us receiving the grace of God. Grace is exactly like begging. Grace is freely received. We seek the grace of God because there is no good or 45

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of us has not been eliminated. That is why filthy, evil, and lustful thoughts still come from us. The reason God wanted to judge man with water at the time of Noah’s flood was that there was no good inside of man. If there was a way man could have become good, God would not have punished man. This is what Apostle Paul says in Romans chapter 7. For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good, I find not. (Romans 7:18) Because man commits evil things, he has the heart to long for goodness. All people have the heart to like good and do what is good. In addition, it seems at first that people are able to accomplish that which is good; however, at the core of their heart, they have no good inside and ultimately everything falls apart. You must know that if there are those around you who appear to be good, they are hypocrites. It is because the Word of God has said that there is no good inside of man.

"the people who think that they can do good, keep the law, and please God can never reach faith or grace"

New York Times: Notes on Genesis I

righteousness in us. Therefore, the people who think that they can do good, keep the law, and please God can never reach faith or grace. There are two kinds of people who live spiritual lives. Those who zealously do good and those who have reached the level of saying, “I cannot do good. I cannot keep the law. I cannot please God. I can only be destroyed and cursed,” ending their efforts to do something themselves. When we do not have methods and when we end our efforts to do something ourselves, we can look to Jesus Christ and gain the righteousness of the Lord. Apostle Paul said, “The just shall live by faith,” and said that he had righteousness. In Philippians it says that although he himself had no righteousness, he gained the righteousness of God. Why Could the Others Not Receive Grace? We may appear to be better than other people, but in the eyes of God, there is no good in us whatsoever. Then what are we supposed to do? We need to gain the righteousness of Jesus. The Lord loved us and during His 33 years of life on this earth, He gave us the righteousness He achieved and put upon Himself the sins we committed our entire lives. He exchanged righteousness for sin. Thus, we need to gain the righteousness of Jesus when we come before God; not our own righteousness. The righteousness of Jesus is not gained through your labor and effort but freely gained through grace. There were two kinds of people

at the time of Noah’s flood: those who were destroyed and those who were saved. Many people think that Noah was saved because he was good and obedient to the Word of God. Not so. The Bible says, “Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.” Then from whom did Noah receive grace while the others did not? The other people tried to do good by themselves, but Noah knew that he could not become righteous by himself and that he could only be destroyed. He knew that no matter what he did he could not become righteous. Therefore, he gave up early on his trying to do good himself and left his soul in God’s hands. “God, I can only be cursed and destroyed. I am a wicked human being with too many sins.” Then God bestowed grace upon Noah. He said, “Make thee an ark of gopher wood,” and guided Noah. Noah then thought, “Ah, I am a person who should be destroyed, so I should make the ark!” and made the ark. Noah himself did not build the ark, but God worked through him. Everyone else laughed at what Noah was doing. They had believed in their own thoughts. “God is going to destroy the world with water? Sure, we commit many sins, but God only said that because He wants us to realize that we are sinning too much and wants us to stop sinning. So, all we have to do is stop sinning and obey God. All we have to do is please God.” Everyone else also thought that way. Today is exactly like the time of 46

Give Us His Righteousness and His Holiness Once again, spiritual life begins at the level where you try to do good things and obey God. Then, as you try to keep the law and be good,


New York Times

Noah. God knows that there is no righteousness in us and has given us the righteousness of Jesus. We need to receive that righteousness. Only through the righteousness of Jesus can we become righteous. There is no one who became righteous by not committing sin. The Bible says there is not one righteous person, but it also says that there are righteous people. You may think, “What is this? How am I supposed to understand the Bible if it says something like this?” But saying that there is none righteous means that there is not one person who has not sinned. And saying that there are righteous people means that there are people who have become righteous through receiving the righteousness of Jesus. For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; Being justified freely by his grace, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: (Romans 3:23~24) Like it says in these words, we have been justified freely. This is the promise of God; the Word of God.

within a year, you come to realize, “I cannot do any good!” unless you were only trying on the outside. You come to realize that you cannot keep the law. You discover how accustomed you are to evil, filthy sins; then you come to throw that path away and seek the grace of God. People who try to keep the law rather than seek the grace of God are trying on their own and are tired and in pain their entire lives. If we were told to make a car and drive it, we would be better off not driving at all. How could we make a car and drive it? It would be almost impossible for us to make a television and watch it. It is easy to drive a car that is already made and it is very easy to watch a television set that is already made. That is how it is in spiritual life. I cannot make a car, but I drive one. I cannot make a television set, but I watch one. In the same way, I cannot create righteousness, but I become righteous through receiving the righteousness of Jesus. I become holy through receiving the holiness of Jesus. Although Jesus lived righteously and without sinning for 33 years, He was crucified. It was because He bore our sins to give you and me His righteousness and holiness. If Jesus was crucified for our sins, it means that His righteousness and holiness is already upon us. That is why you cannot say that you are good through the good that you have done. That is imperfect. You have committed filthy, dirty sins, but you say that you are righteous and holy

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through Him because your sins have gone onto Jesus and His righteousness has come upon you. Accept into Your Heart What Jesus Accomplished Many people, during the time of Noah’s flood, tried to do good as they stood before the judgment of God. They were all destroyed. Noah had clearly realized that he himself could not do any good and could only deny himself before God. “God, I am a human who can only be cursed and destroyed. I leave my spirit to you.” Right then the path of salvation from God, which was not through Noah’s goodness, righteousness, or efforts, came upon Noah. “Make thee an ark of gopher wood.” Loving readers, are you still trying to come before God through doing righteous things yourselves? Do you feel confident before God when you tithe, do good deeds, or pray? Do you feel ashamed to go before God when you sin and do evil things? Then you are people who go forth with your own works. Such people receive destruction. There are many good people in the eyes of man, but there are none in the eyes of God. Jesus said, “There is only one good; it is God.” There is no one good outside of God and Jesus. Therefore, by faith we accept as our own the goodness of Jesus

Christ. Jesus gave us everything; His righteousness, His goodness, and His holiness. We all have the righteousness, goodness, and holiness of Jesus. Now, say, “Ah, Jesus made me righteous! He made me holy!” And when you look not at your own image but believe in what Jesus has accomplished, the power of God works inside of us. People were not destroyed because there was no ark. People are not destroyed because there is no path of salvation. People are destroyed as they try to do good themselves. There are so many people today who do not know that God has made them righteous, so they labor to become righteous all by themselves. All who come forth with such righteousness receive destruction. You must receive the power of God; then you can truly receive the gift of salvation. Everyone, the goodness that you have done: your own greatness, your faithfulness to God, your keeping the Ten Command-ments, your fasting and praying, your good deeds ‒ throw them all away. Receive into your heart the work Jesus has accomplished. I hope that the true righteousness and holiness that Jesus has accomplished will be in your heart so that you may lack nothing in standing boldly before God.

For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; Being justified freely by his grace, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: (Romans 3:23~24) 48


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The Person Who has Faced Death Pastor Kim Sung Hoon | Good News Hanbat Church

Sin is like Leprosy

Man had sinned against God and had departed from Him in their hearts. They departed from God—who is righteousness, who is the truth—and descended into sin. Many people were born inside of sin. Man, who was born inside of sin, could not help but to be dragged along by sin. Their hearts were under the rule of Satan. The distinct characteristic of man who is under sin, under the rule of Satan, is that they all believe in their own thoughts. If the Word of God enters into the heart of man, Satan cannot do anything against that heart which is caught up by the Word. Because of this, the fact that our hearts can be drenched by the Word is such an amazing thing. And the greatest thing that man can do is to receive the Word of God in our hearts. Inside of the Word, we realize our image, and tasting how the Word works in us is a very blessed thing. After man has departed from God, they are living inside of death, but because they do not feel it, they do not know it. In the Bible, there are a lot of lepers. There are so many stories of lepers that we could almost think, “In the time of Jesus, were there only lepers?” The reason is because leprosy and the disease of sin that is inside of man have deep connections.


If the mycobacterium leprae, which causes leprosy, enters a person’s body, it goes through a three year incubation period. When the incubation period passes, they say that the face turns white and clean. People then would say, “Why is you face so nice?” But then afterwards, red spots start to appear on the body. The first thing mycobacterium leprae does is kill the nerves of the body. People who catch leprosy lose the sense of feeling. There is a pastor that I know who has leprosy. When he was young, he would go to school and come home and one day his mother asked him, “Hey, what is wrong with your leg?” When he looked, he was bleeding because he had been scratched by a nail. But even though that happened, he wasn’t able to feel any pain. He actually liked the fact that he couldn’t feel any pain, but when his mother saw that he lost his senses, she told him that he had leprosy. A little while later, he was quarantined and sent to a leper colony. When leprosy proceeds further, spots start to appear on the body. People who have leprosy try to hide those spots. They wear long clothes to cover their body. Like this, without their knowledge, 3 years would pass. Then, spots appear on their face which they cannot hide, and their body starts to rot. Then they must be quarantined. They have to be quarantined, being pulled away from their loving parents, siblings, friends and all of their environment and live a pitiful life. Nowadays, medicine has improved so this is not the case any longer, but a long time ago, when their body began to rot; they would cut out the rotting parts, one at a time without feeling any pain. When they cut off the third part, they Mycobacterium leprae would die. also known as Hansen’s coccus spirilly, mostly found in Sin is exactly like this. When you first catch warm tropical countries, is leprosy, you have a shine, just as you first sin, a Gram-positive bacterium there is fun to it. It is more delicious to steal that causes leprosy. The something and eat it then to buy it and eat it. incubation period of M. lepWhen I was young, I stole a lot with my friends. rae can range between nine months and twenty years. If you see kids who steal, it is not that they don’t M. leprae has the longest have those kinds of fruits at home. The child of doubling time of all known the owner of an apple orchard goes to steal apples bacteria and has thwarted because eating what you’ve stolen is fun. every effort at culture in the Sin gives people pleasure and happiness. laboratory.


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There is a peculiar taste that sin gives you. That is why people develop how to sin. Nowadays, who teaches their child how to sin? But the child’s heart falls into all sorts of sin. When you see this, sin has a power to drag man’s heart. There is a sense of fun. It is fun to sin at first, but when sin enters our hearts, it kills the cells in the heart to “feel.” Our hearts start to harden. And so, even though we get into a grave state because of sin, even though we are becoming wicked, we are unable to feel this happening. Later, we find ourselves dying but we do not have the strength to block and overcome this. People become subject to destruction because of sin. But there is no one who feels this any longer. Even though they have sin, they will not move even an eyelash to resolve sin. Even though you tell them that they have to take care of their sin, people avoid saying, “Speak and I will hear you out.” Is that being sensible? That is the mentality of Satan. It is the heart that Satan has deeply infected their heart with sin. Even if you tell them that they are going to hell, it is no use. The hearts’ of people have already caught leprosy. This is why they are unable to feel that sin is leading them to destruction at all. If you look in the Bible, the law was given to those kinds of humans. God revealed the sin of our hearts through the law. Just like how the mycobacterium leprae which is bringing death is in the body of the leper, it is teaching us that we have sin in our hearts which is leading us to destruction. It is teaching us the truth that we have caught the disease of sin. “Hey! You are in a critical state. You are in big trouble! You will die because of sin!” It has shown us in many ways the truth that we are people that cannot help but to be destroyed. And so, this is why God doesn’t allow only good things to happen on the earth. He gives hardship, He gives earthquakes, He gives even death… He teaches us through all of these things that there is no hope within man. The Harlot

If you look in the Bible, all those who realized that they are people who will be destroyed all gain life. Because of that, it is very important to realize the truth that you are the person who will be destroyed. If you look at 1 Kings, chapter 3, there are two harlots. What kind of people do you call a harlot? A woman who sells her body. What is the difference between a harlot and a chaste wife? Both met a man but the chaste wife has a line towards


Because that blood overcomes sin, the children of God are never under sin.

that man while the harlot does not have a line toward that man. A woman who meets any man without a line is called a harlot. Some people complain that our mission nosily nitpicks at things. In other words, when we say “Do you believe or not?” this is what they say: “If I say I believe, then they should just take it that I believe. I don’t get why they look at me with doubt and as if I might not go to Heaven when I tell them that I am going to Heaven.” The reason why we do this is because this is very important. There has to be a sure line drawn between, “Will I go to Heaven or will I go to Hell.” There has to be a sure line in the heart. The more pure the church is in front of God, the sharper and more distinct that line is. There is a clear line between those who are born again and those who are not. Adversely, the more corrupted a church is, there is no line for that aspect. They call anyone “Brother” and call anyone “Sister.” They tell anyone “You are going to Heaven.” At times, when you hear Christian broadcasting, when a listener is connected by phone, the host always says without fail, “Brother, how are you doing?” That is not having a line. Not everyone is a brother. The one who receives the one and only blood, those who have received the blood of Christ, together are in one brotherhood. The people who have received the blood of Jesus Christ in their heart have no sin. It is because the blood of Jesus Christ overcomes sin. Because that blood overcomes sin, the children of God are never under sin. Likewise, you must call the person who has a clear testimony of overcoming sin a brother, but they call anyone a brother and sister. That is a spiritual harlot. It is a dirty heart. God has always clearly differentiated. In Genesis 1, on the first day, after God made the light, He divided the light from the darkness. On the second day, He divided the waters that were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament. Just like this, God has always differentiated. Adversely, Satan has always mixed it. In Genesis chapter 6, what is the reason why the world was judged in the generation of Noah? That the sons of God saw the daughters of men, that they were beautiful; and they took wives for themselves of all whom they chose. (Genesis 6:2) The sons of God that should have been differentiated were mixed with the daughters of men. That is the reason why they were destroyed. Likewise, God does not fail to notice that the line between the holy


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things and the things which are not holy had collapsed. That is why He made an end to that world. This is very important. In your heart, there must be a clear line towards God. But people have all forgotten that line in their hearts. In the Bible, Israel is called “Virgin of Israel.” When God looks at us, we are all virgins. When a virgin is of age, she meets a husband, and God is that husband. In the Bible, God has expressed Himself as a husband. We have to meet God. We have to be connected with God. We have to give our hearts to God. But, man has dirtied the heart that he should give to God. He has given his heart to something else which is not God. Whether it be to fame, to money or to lust, he has given his heart to all of these things other than God. Man has become like an unclean woman. The Bible calls such a person, a harlot. In 1 Kings, chapter 3, there are two harlots, and this story is no one else’s story but your story. Departing from our husband, God, how tirelessly have we been running toward our own desires and pleasures. People who say that they believe in God consider spiritual life something like an accessory. They call upon God to help them only when they are sad or in need of things. They think of God as a tool to fulfill their desires. Two Harlots & Solomon Do not delude yourself. God only does His The notable wisdom and own work. If it is not the work of God, then intuitive sagacity of Solomon is revealed in his He does not do it. God will never want to appeal to the maternal help you with your work. Once you belong to instinct of these two harlots God, from that moment on, God can help you. who lived together, both of Because the person who belongs to God is a whom gave birth to children person of God, God helps that person for His within three days of each other. One woman’s child own sake. died during the night from However, He does not have any heart to help accidental smothering. In you with your objectives for your flesh. And so, the morning, discovering even though a person always asks for help, they that her child was dead, she do not receive any help. Adversely, even though accused her fellow-harlot of having substituted the dead, a person does not ask God to help them, you can illegitimate child for the livsee how God always helps them. It is because their ing one. heart and God’s heart have become one.


Because the person who belongs to God is a person of God, God helps that person for His own sake.

The Harlot Who Tried to Gain Life

In 1 Kings, chapter 3, two harlots both had a child. Giving birth means that God has given man the opportunity to remember his life and his soul. Both harlots gave birth, one harlot slept and crushed her baby so he died. How slowwitted is this woman? She is unable to feel her child dying. When the harlot awoke from her sleep and opened her eyes, her child was dead. Her child has died—how bitterly must she cry? But this harlot did not cry for the dead baby, she saw the child of the harlot next to her. That child was sleeping so well with his mother. At that moment, this harlot thought, “I should switch the babies.” This woman is surely a harlot. This woman does not have any love or a burning heart toward the child, she merely has a heart to want to possess him. She has no interest toward life but only has possessiveness and desire. This woman lived her entire life in this way. In order to gain a coin, in order to fill her desires, she lived giving up all of the most important things. How dirty is this woman? In the end, she switched the babies. When it became morning, the mother of the living baby looked at baby who was lying next to her and he was dead. And so she hugged the baby and wept. “Oh, my son! My son! What should I do? Because of your thickheaded mother, you have died!” But after she cried, when she carefully looked, it was not her son. And so, when she saw the baby held by the harlot next to her, there was her son. She demanded her son back from that harlot as she said that she had switched their babies. But that harlot insisted that the living baby was her own child. A scuffle occurred as both woman said that the child was their own, and because this could not be settled, it went all the way to King Solomon. In front of the King, both of the women insisted that the living baby was their own. Although, both of them displayed an image of being the mother, one is an imitation and the other one is authentic. When we stand in front of the judgement seat of God, it will be the same as this. Everyone will say that they believed in God. They will all insist that they have believed in God well. But God will not hear those words. Both express the image of the mother, one is the mother and one is


Gospel Lesson

just a harlot. One came out with the heart of a mother, the other with the heart merely wanting to possess something good. Solomon saw them fight each other that the living child was their son and then said: “Bring me a sword. Divide the living child in two, and give half to the one, and half to the other. Because both of them say that this child is their own, this is the only way.” What is he saying to do to the baby? He is saying to kill the baby. He is saying to plunge the sword into the baby’s body. Solomon the judge knew that the life of the child was connected with the life of his true mother. They are not separated but one. So if a sword enters the child’s body, in the mother’s heart as well a sword enters. If you try to kill the baby, death also comes to the mother. When the command of Solomon was carried out, death came to the heart of the true mother. And so, she thought, “I need to save my child.” There is only one way to save the child’s life. Because it was assured that the other harlot will not give up on the child, she had to give up on the child instead. “O my lord, give her the living child, and in no wise slay it. He is not my child. I have been lying up until now.” The mother gave up her child. Why? To gain what? In order to gain the child’s life. Solomon saw that image and said, “Give her the living child, and in no wise slay it”. Who gains life? Life is given to the one who had faced death in his or her heart before. People are inside of destruction and death, but they do not know this in their hearts. So, God gave us the law and taught us the truth that we are sinners and because of sin, we cannot help but to be destroyed. In the Bible, it is clearly written that, “The wages of sin is death.” With the blade of the Word, God has clearly stabbed into our hearts that, “Because the wages of sin is death, you will be destroyed.” Everyone, you are already people that will be destroyed. In Ephesians, chapter 2, it is written that we “were by nature the children of wrath.” You are the person that cannot escape destruction or death but because people are numb, the blade of the Word that God sends down did not enter their hearts. They do not get pricked at all. They are the harlot who lied. Even though King Solomon orders the child to be killed, death does not come to the fake mother. Surely, many people fling away their lives and their souls. With the heart of a harlot, they have lived only for their own body. And so, even though God strikes with the sword of death,


People are inside of destruction and death, but they do not know this in their hearts. So, God gave us the law and taught us the truth that we are sinners and because of sin...

they do not feel a thing in their hearts. They are a complete harlot. The only thoughts they have is to enjoy the flesh. How pitiful are they? In the real mother’s heart, she experienced death. “Oh, I will lose my child. My child will die.” Her child’s death was her own death. She was facing destruction. If one says, “Destruction has already come to me and there is no hope within me,” becomes someone without any hope, they bend their knees. They will try to gain life. And so, they will give up on themselves. The harlot who was the true mother gave up the things that were correct about her and even her own honesty. The living child was really her child, isn’t that the truth? It is true. But, she gave up even that truth in front of the king to save her son’s life. She laid it down. Even the things she thought to be true, she turned them into a lie. That is something precious. The heart that has given up in this way receives the mercy of God. They receive the grace of God. There are many stories like this in the Bible. The people who feel in their hearts the destruction that came down from God, the people who realize that they cannot help but to be destroyed by God, say in front of Him, “God, have pity upon me. Please pour grace upon me,” and seek for His mercy.

Pastor Kim Sung Hoon is currently the senior pastor at Good News Daejon Church. This is the sermon that he preached at the 29th Summer Retreat, titled, “For the Lost Souls.”


Preaching the Gospel to the Ends of the Earth

Testimony of Pastor Ock Soo Park


fter joining the army in 1965, I received initial training at the recruit center in Daegu, followed by 16 weeks of training at the Wonju Communications Training Area. One day after training, I noticed the drill sergeant was heading towards me and my friends. We saluted him with a loud “Sir!” The drill sergeant replied, “Hey you guys, come over here.” As a private in the army, I felt so intimidated by the drill sergeant. “Sir yes sir! Private Ock Soo Park and two others, at your command, sir!” The drill sergeant asked the aide behind him, “Aide, can trainees receive commendations? “Yes, it is possible.” “Then commend all three of them.” Saluting your superiors is something obvious in the army. Apparently, we were commended for saluting well. A few days later we were told to go to the main base to receive our commendations. The company commander made us practice receiving our commendations. “When the major admiral holds out his hand for a handshake, you can't just take his hand. Hold out your hand first, and if he decides to shake it...” We practiced for thirty minutes for a minute-long event. On the day of the ceremony, I changed my clothes and wore the shiny belt that my friend had waxed by hand. When all the troops were gathered, the award ceremony began. “Name, Ock Soo Park, soldier number... This commendation is awarded for his excellence in the army...” 58

We laughed so much after the ceremony. We laughed because we got a commendation for such a small reason. Surprisingly, I became well-known to the whole troop, not because of my salute, but because of my belief in Jesus. When we would travel outside of our base to do work, the driver would say, “Oh, it's Ock Soo Park. Since a Jesus believer is in the car, we won’t be getting into any accidents.” And when I cut someone in line, they would say, “Hey, even Jesus-believers cut lines?” Because God was with me, he let all of the troop members know that I was a person who believed in Jesus. The ceremony was God's means to establish me as His servant. In the military, there was hardly any time for me to pray or read the Bible. I secretly used the time while I was by myself at the mountain for guard duty to read and pray. One day, as I stood on guard duty, I became entrenched by the words of the Bible. My helmet and cartridge belt started to feel so heavy so I laid it down. Later on, I even laid down my gun and sat on my helmet. As I was reading, I heard a rustle and looked up to see the drill sergeant about 10 meters away, walking towards me in sports clothing. I was so surprised, and thought to myself, “I am so going to be put in the army cell for this.” I quickly got up, put on my gun, cartridge belt, helmet, stashed the Bible in the dugout, and mustered my best salute, “On duty, Sir!” The sergeant, just laughed. Strangely, although I was a nobody in terms of army rank, he recognized me. “Hey you, when you practice your religion, practice it. But when you’re on duty, stand duty.” “Yes, Sir!” The sergeant spoke to me for a long time. “Did you go on vacation?” “No, Sir!” “You didn’t go, or they didn’t let you? Seeing how tense I was, the sergeant treated me very warmly. “Continue on with your religion, not during guard duty, but during religion time.” Afterwards, thanks to the sergeant, I began to serve in the communications department and preached the gospel to the many trainees that passed though that base. 59



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