The Goodnews - February, 2016

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FEB 2016


Special Article 2016 IYF English Camp in Mexico

Salvation Testimony

How Can I Work Together with the Good News Mission?

Preaching the Gospel to the Ends of the Earth

Continue on with your Religion!




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Monthly Sermon In the Valley Which Is Neither Eared Nor Sown, the Heifer With the Stricken Neck Salvation Testimony How Can I Work Together with the Good News Mission? Special Article 2016 English Camp in Mexico Part 1: "We Waited All Year Long!" Part 2: "Although I Am a Sinner, I Am Righteous"

About the Cover

The cold stony ground represents the state of our hearts. Although it is a hard and solid ground, the Word has the power to penetrate the hardness and soften the ground to bear fruit. This year we look forward to how God will change the hearts of many people to bear the fruits of salvation.





Memoirs of a Missionary Joy from Gleaning a Handful of Grain


New York Times Pitch It Within and Without Pitch


Gospel Lesson For the Lost Souls the Well of Jacob and the Water of Eternal Life


Preaching the Gospel to the Ends of the Earth Continue on with Your Religion!


Church Directory


Sermon of the Month

In The Valley Which Is Neither Eared Nor Sown, The Heifer With The Stricken Neck Pastor Ock Soo Park | Good News Gangnam Church

“If one be found slain in the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee to possess it, lying in the field, and it be not known who hath slain him: Then thy elders and thy judges shall come forth, and they shall measure unto the cities which are round about him that is slain: And it shall be, that the city which is next unto the slain man, even the elders of that city shall take an heifer, which hath not been wrought with, and which hath not drawn in the yoke; And the elders of that city shall bring down the heifer unto a rough valley, which is neither eared nor sown, and shall strike off the heifer's neck there in the valley:” (Deuteronomy 21:1-4)


Some time ago, I was reading this word and all of a sudden I thought, “A valley which is neither eared nor sown.” What does this mean?” “A valley is always flowing with water, what kind of a valley is it that the land cannot be eared or have seeds sown in it?” I could not help but to think that it was a valley of solid boulders. A valley is always flowing with water and as I thought about its condition of being made of solid boulders which could not be eared nor sown with seeds, I suddenly thought about my heart. My heart was so solid and stiff I discovered my heart was just like the image of that valley. WHY WAS THE HEIFER’S NECK STRUCK IN THE VALLEY THAT COULD NOT BE SOWN?

Since I was young, I lived like a frog in the pond. It was because I did not encounter a thought better than mine or a heart more beautiful than 4

In my view I was always right and I couldn’t understand why my friends wouldn’t accept my thoughts. mine; I always lived according to my thoughts and I was always right. Therefore, even when I spoke with my friends, I could not easily accept someone else’s words. It was because I always considered myself to be right, when there was a difference of opinion, we argued and fought. When my friends didn’t accept my opinions, I tried to stop them from following their opinions. This is why my friends didn’t like me very much. In my view I was always right and I couldn’t understand why my friends wouldn’t accept my thoughts. Likewise, because I was right, I discovered that I couldn’t receive anyone else’s words, which in fact is the land which is neither eared nor sown. The elders of the city took a heifer, which had not been wrought or drawn in the yoke, to the valley which neither can be eared nor sown and there struck the heifer’s neck. Leaving the other places aside, why was the heifer’s neck struck in the valley which neither can be eared nor sown? Thinking about it now, I see how great the grace of God is: I was a person, who fought and argued always insisting I was right but God has done many works in my heart. Until I was 19 years old, I wanted to do something well and wanted to live well, but there was nothing that turned out right. When I look back on the days past, I thought I was better than others, but I failed in everything. And the things that I did were evil and dirty. The moment I discovered this fact, the thoughts that I was doing well and that I was smart and right began to crumble and I could feel that I was losing strength. Surely, I thought I was right which is why I insisted, but later I saw I was wrong. I acted thinking that I did well, but later I saw I was not better than others. I thought I was honest, but I was lying and committing evil. As I saw my image, the heart to trust in myself broke down, and my heart that was solid and stiff like a boulder, started breaking apart little by little. Afterwards I believed in Jesus and received the forgiveness of sins. When I think about Jesus who shed his blood on the cross and died for the sins of a dirty human being like me, I was infinitely thankful and happy that I could strongly feel my heart crumbling down. I changed from that moment on. I did not change because I tried to change. Being such a bad and filthy human being, I was a person who failed in everything I did, but when I think about the grace of the cross where Jesus shed his blood and died for me, my heart crumbled down greatly and was softened. In the past, any words that didn’t fit my heart, I didn’t want to keep them in my heart and I WHY WAS THE HEIFER’S NECK STRUCK IN THE VALLEY THAT COULD NOT BE SOWN?


Sermon of the Month

didn’t even want to hear it, but I could feel that my heart had changed to a heart that received the seed. After salvation the first thing that changed was in the past when I read the Bible, I didn’t see anything no matter how much I read it, but then the more I read the Bible, the word softened my heart. As I read the Bible, the woman caught in the act of adultery had to be stoned to death, but incredibly she wasn’t. The scribes and Pharisees brought the woman to Jesus and in order to trap Jesus they asked, “This woman was taken in adultery, in the very act. Moses said to stone a woman such as her, but teacher sayest thou?” If Jesus says to stone her, they would denounce him for saying to stone her since he came to save sinners and if he says to not stone her, he would be going against the law and an accusation would be brought against him, so Jesus would be trapped either way. Right then, Jesus said “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.” By this word alone, I saw the wisdom of Jesus that defeated the Pharisees and scribes and saved the woman who committed adultery. How could Jesus speak in this way? Jesus had this wisdom! Then the Jesus inside me also has this wisdom! If I am close with Jesus, then I would gain this wisdom too! Like this, my thoughts and my good things crumbled down again. I saw how the words of God, that are so mysterious, entered my heart sprouted and grew. It was amazing beyond words and I was thankful to God. HOW COULD JESUS SPEAK IN THIS WAY?

Within my heart, that was solid and rough like a boulder, the words of Jesus entered and changed me into a land where it could sprout. “The heart of Jesus is this kind of heart!” I saw how God was inside accomplishing his work of changing me. “This is the heart of God, the heart of God!” In the past whenever I read the Bible, my head would ache and I felt agitated and sleepy, but the Bible which I really didn’t want to read began to enter my heart and take hold one by one. My heart that was so stiff like a boulder which could be neither eared nor sown, as God worked upon it, my heart changed to become soft. The woman who was caught in the act of adultery was a pitiful woman who could not help but to be stoned to death. But Jesus saved her and from her heart came pouring out indescribable thankfulness and love toward God. Jesus changed me like her. I considered myself to be better than others and in my heart, where I would not allow even the smallest thing that didn’t sound right or fit my thoughts, the words of Bible that didn’t fit me at all and that I didn’t want to read, began to enter one by one and became the treasure in my heart. Those words began to sprout in my heart and I saw them bearing fruit. JESUS CHANGED ME LIKE HER


Jesus had this wisdom! Then the Jesus inside me also has this wisdom! If I am close with Jesus, then I would gain this wisdom too! While doing the work of the Gospel for over 50 years, I often thought, “I can no longer witness the Gospel anymore. It doesn’t work. It is over!” In front of some problems, it seemed like it would never be resolved. But God continually worked and at times by changing the heart of the others, and at times by changing the heart of the public official, and other times by changing the unbelieving hearts of the saints’ parents. Recently, there is a sister who married. In the Gospel, as she was serving the Lord, it became time for her to marry so she received an introduction and told her parents that she was going to marry. But her parents strongly opposed it. It was because they believed that their daughter would suffer if she lived as a wife of a Gospel Preacher. I thought, “Her parents are so opposed to it; could she get married?” But because her parents were people who thought deeply, as they thought about their daughter’s future, one day they changed their hearts and permitted her marriage. I felt, “Ah, God changed their hearts!” If God changes people’s hearts, if He changes the hearts of those who oppose the Gospel, then we can know precisely that the great and small problems we encounter would not be difficult to resolve through God.


Right now, I see many people with a heart which can be neither eared nor sown. Their hearts are stiff and rough, but if they discover their wickedness and discover the heart of Jesus they will change. They will forsake their thoughts and their hearts will change into a heart that can receive the words of Jesus Christ which does not fit their thoughts or heart. God, who softens the boulder-like heart to now have the seed sown and flowers bloom to bear fruit! Today, no one realizes how God is changing so many people. I thank and glorify God.


Pastor Ock Soo Park Pastor Park is currently the senior pastor of the Good News Gangnam Church. He is the founder of the Mahanaim Cyber Theology School and International Youth Fellowship. Annually he is the guest speaker for Bible Crusades domestically and internationally and serves as a guest lecturer to university students. He is the author of several titles such as: The Secret of Forgiveness of Sin and Being Born Again, Repentance and Faith, Navigating the Heart. These books have been translated in 17 different languages, and in addition he is the author of 40 other books on spiritual life.


Salvation Testimony

How Can I Work Together with the

Good News Pastor Jose Champagne Good News Connecticut Church

More and more pastors want to be a part of the Good News Mission. During the World Christian Leaders Workshop (WCLW), many pastors were amazed to hear the word preached so clearly for the first time. They heard the words of true faith, forgiveness of sins, and the gospel. The Blessing of a Generation that Happens Only Once in a Lifetime I run a FM radio station called “Alma� in Connecticut. I met the Good News Mission for the first time when I attended a fundraiser for my radio station on December 1st, 2015. The music concert was held by LIHPA, the Long Island Hispanic Pastors Association. It was there when I heard the sermon of Pastor Joseph Park and the musical performances by the Gracias Music students. Pastor preached about the testimony of the young man who was stung by a scorpion. That young man survived by gaining 8

Mission? strength through the word. When I heard that sermon, I felt that the living power of God was together with this church. The music students had bright, clear smiles as they sang songs in Spanish; they were like angels singing. Nowadays, where more and more youths fall away from church, the students of the Good News Church sang hymns and praised the Lord with all their hearts. I wanted to learn more about the Good News Mission. I then invited Pastor Joseph Park and Brother Caleb Kim to my radio station. The original allotted time was two hours of live broadcasting, but as the interview started and we spoke about the beginnings of IYF, the founding of the Gracias Choir, and the World Christian Leaders Workshop, we went over the scheduled time by 40 minutes. I felt that if I belong to the Good News Mission, then I would be able to see the works of God. More than anything, I wanted to meet Pastor Ock Soo Park in person, so I decided to attend the WCLW held at Dallas with my wife. I have attended pastor’s meetings before with the purpose of promoting my events, but this time, God gave me a different purpose; He gave me the heart to receive blessings for me, my wife and my church.

This Is the First Time I Have Attended Such an Event I was a little burdened in the beginning because there was not one time I missed the year-end holidays with my family or church congregation. I also decided last minute, so it was not easy coming up with the funds for airplane tickets and expenses. However, after I purposed my heart to attend the WCLW in Dallas, I could see God helping me in each and every aspect. After watching the Gracias Choir Christmas Cantata in Manhattan, we boarded the bus and were off to Dallas. I have held Bible Seminars for the past 15 years and, for the past 10 years, I served the


Salvation Testimony

Lord as the head Regional Pastor in my church. I have visited many organizations, and not only have I attended regional conferences and grand conferences at my church, but I have also attended leadership lectures and was also invited to preach at conferences around the United States. But my wife and I were in complete awe when we saw the Gracias Choir Christmas Cantata at United Palace Theater in New York. The people who ushered, the singing and acting of the choir, and the pastor’s message—we were touched when we saw how each and every moment was connected to the gospel. I have never attended an event performed by people of another background, but I could feel God leading me and my wife into a completely different world. We then boarded the bus and drove 26 hours to Dallas. I just saw Pastor Joseph Park on stage, but even without taking a break, he was driving our bus, taking turns with another brother. I was moved when I saw this. Also, five minutes before we arrived at Dallas, he changed into a suit and tie on the bus and when straight to the pulpit to interpret for Pastor Ock Soo Park. Once again, I was completely moved.

The Demanding and Tight Daily Schedule A day in Dallas went like this: Wake up at 5:30 am and Quiet Time from 6 am. After Early Morning Sermon, there was breakfast then Morning Service. After lunch, there were topic discussions and group meetings. After dinner, everyone gathered for the main service in the evening. We ended the day with group fellowship. It was a very tight schedule that was not easy to follow. But even with so many pastors from other regions, and the large number of people who attended the Winter Retreat that was held at the same time, the program was run in such

Pastors receive the certificate of completion for the WCLW


1. Pastor Ock Soo Park shares the Word at WCLW. 2. Pastor Jose takes a picture with Pastor Park.

orderly fashion; I had the heart to learn from God who made everything work orderly in the Good News Mission. During the first session of morning sermons, Pastor Ock Soo Park spoke about how humans are evil continuously. We then had time for Q&A when a pastor raised his voice and began to refute what pastor was saying. Pastor maintained his composure and explained in detail using evidence taken from the Bible. When I saw this, I thought, this is the true servant of God. We continued to have service and fellowship. We also had time to analyze the Bible. I have been so busy that I did not have time to read the Bible, but during this time, I was able to completely immerse myself in the word of God. More than anything, the different lectures by visting pastors from Korea helped guide my spiritual life. The food prepared by the mission was very delicious and the whole program felt more like a family gathering. I was so happy.

I Realized the Truth That My Sins Are Already Forgiven One day, Pastor Park preached about the eternal sin offering. He spoke about the difference in the Old Testament from the New Testament in regards to the cleansing of sins. He also spoke in detail of the role of the tabernacle on Earth and role of the tabernacle in Heaven. These were words that I already knew of through my ministry, and these teachings had been taught by the church for a long time, but I have never heard of these words in such detail and with such supporting evidence from the Bible. I attended church since birth through the influence of my grandfather. I believed in Jesus but I lived a life completely void of Jesus. I left home when I was 13 years old and wandered aimlessly as I fell into drugs. When I was 19, it was like any other day and after getting high on drugs, I walked across a bridge when I heard a voice saying, “Those who follow me will not walk in darkness.� I thought I was hallucinating from the drugs and went home to tell my mother. My mother told me 11

this was the calling of God. I then started my path as a minister under the guidance and training of a pastor. I thought at that time that I experienced God and was leading a true spiritual life. But when I heard Pastor Park’s sermon on the eternal sin offering, I realized that we all became sinners through one man, Adam. God saw that we were evil continuously and crucified Jesus Christ as our eternal sin offering. It was then when I realized the truth that we have already become righteous. We did not become righteous through our good deeds, visions or emotions; we became righteous only by believing in the word of God. I was truly amazed and thankful.

If I Am Together with the Good News Mission Our radio station is funded through Christian Music Concerts and donations. Our system is set up so that we are able to run our programs online and in Connecticut, as well as other states. My dream is to deliver the word of God through our station to places where the word of God is not easily accessible. I want to make our radio station like the Enlase Radio Station in South America. But not too long ago, I got into an argument with an anchor working at our station. He then left our radio station. I went through a lot of difficulty because of that incident. I discussed these matters with Pastor Joseph Park and asked for prayer over the phone. God gave me the promise that this was not a bad thing but a good thing. Five years ago, a pastor from our church established another church two minutes away from our church and took 30 members of our congregation with him. This also caused me and my wife a lot of hardship. But when I attended the WCLW this time, I saw that Pastor Park also went through many difficulties during his ministry. But just as God always helped Pastor Park, I had faith that God will bless me greatly if I am together with the Good News Mission. Pastor Joseph Park traveled for two hours from Long Island to Connecticut to invite me and my wife to the conference. He also gave fellowship to a sister who left our church five years ago but recently returned to learn about spiritual life. He also calls to ask how I am doing. I have learned a great lesson through this. I learned that great happiness came from continuous fellowship with a lost soul, praying for that lost soul and meeting heart to heart with that person.


1. Pastor Jose with the Sunday school children at his church. 2. The venue where the Easter Cantata will be held.

Just As a Small Spark Lights a Great Fire Lately, I have been very busy but I have never been happier. We are preparing to broadcast Pastor Park’s sermon and the music of Gracias Choir through our radio station. I asked Pastor Yeong Kook Park if we could hold the Gracias Choir Easter Cantata here in Connecticut and he gladly said yes. I then met with the Supervising Manager of the venue and God poured grace to allow us to rent the venue for free. Also, every September 10th for the past 13 years, there is a Christian parade where an average of three to four thousand people gather. It can hold up to ten thousand people at any time. I want to invite Pastor Park and the Gracias Choir to spread the gospel in Connecticut. I do not only want all the blessing to only go to New York alone, but I also wish that Connecticut can receive grace to spread the gospel to the many souls in Connecticut. I learned about the history of the Good News Mission recently. It started off poor and with difficulties, but through the promise of God, it is now spreading the gospel to the whole world. The Gracias Choir also started off as a small choir but now it is the world’s best choir that sings for the gospel. The International Youth Fellowship is also an organization that nurtures future leaders of the world by changing the heart of youths. I believe that the gospel in the Good News Mission will spark the fire of the gospel in Connecticut and God will work greatly in Connecticut. I am now Pastor Jose Champagne of the Good News Connecticut Church.


Special Article IYF English Camp in Mexico


2016 IYF

English Camp

Mission Trip to Mexico


here were many difficulties in preparing for the fifth English Camp in Mexico. In order to get camp venues, we sent out official notices to the fifteen schools where we held the camps last year. However, December 31st being the biggest, most important holiday spent with family in Mexico, we were told that it would be difficult for students as well as school officials to attend the camp. That is why only two of the schools granted us permission to hold the camp. It was even hard to find a place to stay, as the hotel where we stayed in last year raised its prices. Even at the hotel we finally found, there was no event hall to hold gatherings for the volunteers.


“We Waited

All year long!” “The situation has become so difficult. It was November 23rd when we had no hotel to stay in, and no schools to hold the English Camp. I thought this English Camp would be really difficult. Thinking about such problems late into the night, I asked myself, why I’m here, whether or not the work that I’m doing is my work or God’s work. I realized that it’s God’s work.” - Minister Sang Tae Park God, We Really Need the English Camp Here As I thought about the places which needed the English Camp most, I began to look into other venues. The venues which we eventually got connected to were prisons and an orphanages. We went to visit the director, who was in charge of five prisons in the city of Monterrey. Asking us why we came so late, he asked for us to begin the camp right away. He allowed us to preach the Gospel as well. Although prisons do not provide such a good atmosphere for an English camp, and although we were worried about the prisoners, we felt that God would be happy if only we could preach the Gospel to them.

“We even went to an orphanage. Most orphanages refused, saying they were busiest during the dates of the camp, but one orphanage contacted us. We went there to see that it was an orphanage run by a pastor. We looked around the orphanage and saw a four year old girl sleeping in the corner of a room, trembling from the cold. Seeing that, I prayed to God. 16

▲ We like the Mexico English Camp!

"God, we really need the English Camp here." Fortunately, they allowed us to have the camp there. Although we were unable to get in touch with the schools, we requested written permission from the Department of Education of Nuevo Leon, and were able to get connected to eleven schools.” The Day of the Camp!

On December 30th, volunteers boarded the bus to Mexico after finishing their workshop in Dallas. After a ten hour trip, all of the volunteers arrived at the Mexico police station. After volunteers were assigned to their schools, they boarded the bus again to go and meet their students.

The English camp began at 9am and ended at 5pm, with forty minute long rotating classes. There were classes such as writing, drama, song & dance, mind lecture, and Gospel Class. “I was so looking forward to another English Camp after last year. I’m so happy to be able to come again. All the teachers are so nice and the program is so packed! The mind lectures remain in my memory most. There are times when it’s difficult to open my heart, and there are times when I can’t control myself. But the mind lectures teach us to open our hearts and to strengthen it, so I think it’s great. Just like last year, I’m really looking forward to this year’s camp!!” - Andrea Perez



▲ Mexican students listening to a lecture

Special Article IYF English Camp in Mexico

Amongst the volunteers, there were some who came from places eighteen hours away.

“I came because my friend recommended it. It was a long trip here, but I think it was worth it. My favorite class was drama class. I learned how to act, use my voice, and many other things. Of course it was all in English! I was enjoyed dance class too!” - Toluca Fernanda The volunteers who arrived at the Ancira hotel held their meeting at 7pm. The performances prepared by the American staff and the Mexican volunteers melted their tired hearts. “Pastor Joseph Park from the New York church preached about the wedding feast at Canaan in John chapter 2. “There is a time when Jesus’ power appears. Wine represents joy; while there is joy, we don’t seek Jesus. But when there is no more wine, and joy is gone, that is when Jesus worked. He created the miracle of water turning in to wine. There is a time when Jesus’ power appears through you as well. That is when you are weak. Jesus wants to work through your weaknesses. Because we are weak and lacking, God made us perfect.” “Things were a bit confusing since it was the first day, but the students really followed well. The Bible says that God’s strength made our weaknesses perfect, and I was thankful for my weaknesses. It’s because of my weaknesses that I can receive grace from God. I want to receive God’s grace for the remainder of the camp.” - Faith Moore



▲ American staff performing ‘Tatad,’ an Indian dance)

▲ Volunteers give feedback in teams

▲ Minister John Choi gives his testimony during the sermon

▲ How can we prepare a better lesson for the students

After the meeting, volunteers gathered with their teams to give feedback and discuss plans for the next day’s English Camp. There was passion in the eyes of the volunteers who kept their first day’s mistakes in mind and discussed a better plan. The students awaited the volunteers for tomorrow... the long first day had come to an end. 19

Although I'm a sinner,

I Am Righteous

There is a difference in this year’s English Camp in Mexico, compared to all the previous ones. Doors were opened to venues other than schools such as prisons and orphanages. Nine middle and high schools, three prisons, two juvenile prisons, and one orphanage welcomed the 2016 IYF English Camp. Let’s first look at the English Camp in the prisons. As I thought about the places which needed the English Camp most, I began to look into other venues. The venues which we eventually got connected to were prisons and an orphanages. We went to visit the director, who was in charge of five prisons in the city of Monterrey. Asking us why we came only now, he asked for us to begin the camp right away. He allowed us to preach the Gospel as well. Although prisons do not provide such a good atmosphere for an English camp, and although we were worried about the prisoners, we felt that God would be happy if we could preach the Gospel to them. The second day of the English Camp began with a rainy morning. Inside the doors of a prison called Topochico, were prisoners living a life disconnected from the outside world. Amongst the people doing laundry, writing a diary, sleeping, there was not one face which showed laughter. But the sound of laughter was coming from a crack in the door of a room down a narrow hallway. That was the sound of 150 prisoners attending the English Camp and reacting passionately to the teacher with a pen and notebook in hand. 20


▲ English Camp at the prison

Rosa, who had attended the English Camp after having seen a poster hanging on a bulletin board, said the camp is so meaningful and joyful. She said the most memorable part of the English Camp were the mind lectures. “During the mind lecture, pastor talked about the story of John, and the person from Thailand who thought he had killed his sister. I was able to relate to those words so much. I’ve lived my whole life doubting and condemning myself. I had lived an unforgiving life with a closed heart, and these kinds of reasons led me to be put in prison. But as I heard pastor speak about the forgiveness of sins, I realized that my sins are all washed by Jesus’ blood, and there’s no more reason to condemn myself. Now, I’m free from condemnation!” - Rosa Elena One volunteer said her footsteps felt heavy when she came to the prison. The dark image of a prison had made her nervous. However, there was a smile on the face of the volunteer who had finished the day’s schedule. “The students that I met today were really pure, and they wanted to learn English!” 21

Special Article IYF English Camp in Mexico

At 11 am, the hall of the Apodaca prison, which had all of its inmates attend the English Camp was full of the beautiful sounds of instruments. It was a music class prepared by the Gracias Music School students. All of the inmates listened quietly. They put their hands to their chests and their eyes were bright. Everyone sang together along with the soprano duet, feeling that this might be the first and last time anyone might feel so moved. The harmony of everyone singing together broke the icy atmosphere of the prison. Prisoner Irving listened to the music in the very front row. He says that his favorite class in this camp was music class. “The sound of the flute was so beautiful. I want to learn an instrument too! There’s a class that helps us improve our English pronunciation, which is so fun, and I want to continue learning English!” “We Need the English Camp in Prisons”

The director of community purification Moises Ramirez said that the Apodaca Prison has many prisons who’ve committed heinous crimes. However, Moises is actively helping prisoners optimistically through many programs so that they can live a new life back in society. ◀ The Director of Community Purification, Moises Ramirez

“Our prison has three sides to helping prisoners readapt to society (religious, personal, and educational). A few days ago, when an English Camp manager came to our prison to promote the English Camp, I was ensured that this camp could give much help to the prisoners. That is because the IYF English Camp is a program which combines religion and educational values. Through this, I would like to make the English Camp even bigger and incorporate into our program. Especially during the end of the year, the prisoners are full of sadness because they can’t spend Christmas and New Years with their families. Yesterday, I spoke to a few inmates, and they said that they are so happy and thankful that the volunteers came here.” 22

▲ “The teachers’ acting is so funny!”

▲ Performance by the Gracias Music School students in a full hall

▲ Inmates listen to the mind lecture

There is a saying at the Apodaca Prison, “Leave the sins that you committed outside, and let us be equal humans here.” The English Camp treated us not as inmates, but as teachers to students. A total of 8,500 inmates attended the English Camp. They were united through the Gospel, and are finding happiness through the camp.



▲ The church in the Apodaca prison

Memoirs of a Missionary_Myanmar

Joy from gleaning a handful of grain in the promise

We introduce a story of Missionary Dae In Kim, learning the language and preaching the Gospel after he arrived in Myanmar. We were curious how he learned such a difficult language and preached the Gospel. Yet, we are thankful to hear testimonies of how God helps him and is pleased of him taking steps forward for the Gospel in saving souls. Pastor Dae In Kim | Myanmar Missionary


God protected our family like He protected Daniel in the den of lions

Public schools in Myanmar do not allow foreigners to attend the schools. After hearing that my children could not go to school in Myanmar, I sought for grace from the school since there was no other way. The principal of the school gave us a chance for my children to learn. He said, “Though it would not be credited, your children could just attend the school with Myanmar Names.” Everyone said my children would be the only foreign students to go to public schools in Myanmar. My son, Min Chan, is really popular maybe due to the Korean cultural wave. When he walks around, people approach him calling him “Mingdda,” and give him a lot of candy and fruit. “Mingdda” is the name of a handsome character on a TV show. Thankfully, my children adjusted in Myanmar better than my wife and I. Regardless of the heat and mosquitoes, my children grew up healthily, made many friends, and learned the language. Now, my children correct my pronunciation. Myanmar schools do not have playgrounds and when it rains there are leaks in the roofs. The schools are built like an old storage in the countryside. Also, the school is full mosquitoes. Maybe, it was because of Myanmar people do not kill ants and mosquitoes due to their Buddhism religion. My children’s arms and legs are full of mosquito bites. Yet, amazingly, my children have never caught dengue fever or malaria although many students suffer and even die because of those diseases. Once, I met a Korean missionary couple that had been to Myanmar for 6 years. They saw how we lived and were challenged in their hearts. They sent their children to the public school, but, three days later, they moved their children back to the international school. In every classroom in Myanmar, there is a statue of Buddha. Everyday, 30 minutes before the first class, all students gather in the auditorium for the Buddhist prayer and start the day. Once, I asked my daughter who was 6 years old at that time, “Do you do the Buddhist prayer together?” My daughter unexpectedly replied, “Dad, when other students bow to the Buddha, I pray to God. I pray to God that all the students could receive salvation.” I was touched by her answer. I gained faith that God will protect our hearts, health, and lead us like He protected Daniel in the den of lions. Most of all, I was thankful to God that He was forming the world of heart in my children. How did I learn the language of Myanmar?

It had been a month since I arrived in Myanmar. One day, I was daydreaming in the living room. I suddenly remembered the sermon of 25

Memoirs of a Missionary_Myanmar

Pastor Ock Soo Park, who said, “This year, many religious people will be saved.” I thought I should visit a place where many religious people reside. Our town was called “9 mile.” There was no church but there were many temples, so I had to hear Buddhist prayers all day. When I went on two more stops on the bus, there was a town called “8 mile.” In that town, there was a church with approximately 500 people in their congregation. “Wow! There are also many people who seek God in Myanmar!” During the service, they were preaching in the native Myanmar language. I could not understand a word they said. We were just dully sitting there. After the service was over, we talked to a person right in front of us. It was Ingingmoe. Out of blue, we invited Ingingmoe to our Bible study. Thankfully, she came with us. Time to time, Ingingmoe came to our house to hang out and have Bible study. She also taught the language to us and she eventually received salvation after 6 months. It was the first fruit in Myanmar. “How can I learn the Myanmar language? Could I ever speak the Myanmar language as much as I speak Korean?” I doubted it. However, one day, we met Konaing from a real estate agent that introduced us to our current house. Konaing lived in Korea for 8 years, so she was fluent in Korean. I asked her to translate 500 sentences that I needed for Gospel preaching, and so I started to study the language by memorizing the translated sentences. Around 4 months after I arrived in Myanmar, Korean dramas were starting to broadcast on the television channels. I captured the subtitles of the drama and wrote them down on my notebook all night. I was actually more drawing than writing. With determination to study, I wrote them down diligently, but I could not read them. I was worried about it. One day, I called a girl who looked as though she was in the 4th grade playing around neighborhood to have a conversation. I later found out, she was a daughter of the head of a village. She had a clear voice and her pronunciation was good, we would learn the language over some Korean food. Korean dramas were more popular than Chinese dramas in Myanmar because Korean drama expressed more in detail the world of heart. For us who had to learn the words that express the heart, Korean drama scripts were the perfect textbooks for learning the language. Among the dramas, “Autumn in My Heart” was a great hit in Myanmar. You would see the posters of the main characters - Eun Seo, Jun Seo, Tae Seok, wherever you go. It became easier to preach the Gospel when I used the sentences from the dramas. Once I changed the line from the drama, “Though Eun Seo was physically with Tae Seok, there is only Jun Seo in her heart,” to “Though people physically go to church, they do not have Holy Spirit in them and only think about committing sin,” and explained to people. People were able to easily understand. 26

"My good heart” that goes against God

One day, I was waiting for bus “51” to go to downtown. I waited for one hour, but bus “51” would not show up. I then asked people why the bus was not coming. People told me that bus “51” had passed by a number of times. In Myanmar, even numbers were often written in Myanmar language not in Arabic numbers. If people looked for the bus numbers, they would easily miss the bus. There were many kinds of buses in Myanmar such as a truck bus, a regular bus, a delivery bus, and so on. Transportation fees for buses were one or two cents but it was, at least, 50 cents for a taxi. For that reason, buses were usually packed with people. When I rode on a packed bus in Myanmar during the summer time, I felt like I would be suffocated to death by how many people were crowded in there, along with the smell from everyone’s sweat. I had a rule that I made for myself. “A missionary should foster the habit of thrift and saving!” I often used a delivery bus to save one cent. One day, I barely got on the delivery bus. I had only my right foot on the bus and could not find a place to put my left foot. I was holding onto a pole, but my right foot was slipping away because I was wearing flip-flops. I put all my strength on my big toe. I felt even one stop was so far I started to have a cold sweat. “If I fall, I would get hurt really bad or even die! God, I don’t want to die like this. I want to die while preaching the Gospel.” I barely arrived to the next stop and got off the bus, but I had no strength left. I was just sitting there for 30 minutes. Suddenly, I started to have a complaining heart towards God. “I guess someone eat relish while the others eat ginseng." God, even those worldly people ride good cars. What about me?” In Myanmar, a cellphone costs $3,000 and even a small used car costs 27

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$40,000. Thus, cellphones and cars are symbols of wealth. As I saw people living well off without knowing God and other missionaries living splendidly with nice cars and houses, I complained to God. That incident made me realize that my good heart would eventually go against God. Meeting Didi and Nori while looking for City Hall

For foreigners to stay in Myanmar, a certificate of alien registration was required, but I found that out 3 months after I arrived in Myanmar. There were companies that would get me the certificate if I paid. However, I could not do that because of the prayer of Pastor Ock Soo Park kept ringing in my heart. Before I came to Myanmar, I visited Gwangju Grace Church with Pastor Ock Soo Park. After the service was over, we slept over at the church. I woke up in the early morning to go to the restroom and heard something from a piano room. When I listened carefully, I realized that it was Pastor Ock Soo Park praying. It was around 5:30 a.m. I could not hear everything what he was praying about, but could hear this clearly. “Lord! Please let us give a fearful heart to use humanistic methods.” Upon receiving the certificate, I remembered the prayer and decided to face it by faith. I heard that I had to go to the City Hall in order to receive the certificate of alien registration. I wrote the word “City Hall” in Myanmar language on a piece of paper and left home. I was looking for the City Hall with my wife by asking people, but they led us to wrong places. It was really exhausting and tiring. We were looking for a long time and decided to go back home because it looked like it was going to rain and we might get lost not

“Lord! Humanistic methods...”


finding the way back home. At that time, I saw a two-story house with a sign, “Jesus Loves You,” on its window. We just went there and knocked on the door. A person came out and welcomed us. There was a young man named “Didi” living there. Didi’s family attended a church and his father was doing ministry in a city called “Myitkyina.” I asked Didi to teach me some Bible vocabulary in the Myanmar language. In Myanmar, people used different vocabulary when they wrote and when they spoke. Especially, the vocabulary in the Bible were in old archaic words, which made them more difficult. For people who did not go to church, it was difficult for them to understand Bible vocabulary. Didi joyfully said yes and taught me the language, one hour a day for a month for free. As I was studying, I explained the meaning of the Bible to Didi but he did not accept easily. One day, my daughter, Min Hwa, said her teeth were hurting. We were about to go to the dentist, but Didi introduced us to a dentist who was his friend. His friend’s name was “Nori,” and was nice to us. I started a Bible study with Nori as well. Nori’s father was also a pastor. When Nori was studying in a college he was leading a Bible study, so he believed that he was saved. I wanted to gain Nori, but I remembered the Word, “If you are willing to gain, you will lose.” So I just lent him a book, “The Secret of Forgiveness of Sin and Being Born Again.” Some time later, when I revisited Nori’s hospital, he became a sinner. Nori said that he realized many things as he was reading one of chapters of the book, “Jacob and Esau.” He asked me how to receive the Holy Spirit and salvation. I was able to feel strongly that God was working. Whenever I think of the Word “Naomi bore Obeth,” I say amen. After brother Nori received salvation, we did not have to worry about our teeth any longer. In 2002, salary rates in Myanmar were low even if people worked in universities and banks. Their salaries were about $15. People who worked in foreign companies received better pay but still it was around $30 to $50. Because of that, for most Myanmar citizens, it was really difficult to travel abroad. However, thankfully, Nori was able to attend the World Camp in Korea. Because of the certificate of alien registration, I was looking for City Hall and met Didi and Nori. Later, I realized that I had to go to an immigration office and not the City Hall for the certificate. Through the grace of God, I was able to receive the certificate of alien registration. Even during the Water Festival, God worked according to His promise It happened in April of 2003. The Buddhist New Year Holiday in Myanmar is the biggest holiday. It goes on for 10 days starting from April 13th. When you go out on the street during that time, other people would sprinkle water from everywhere to wish for your blessing. It is chaotic. For that reason, it is also called the Water Festival. I thought it would be good if 29

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1. Pastor's wife studying the native language. 2. Missionary barely gets on the delivery truck to get to his destination. 3. The missionary shares the Word in the Bible Study. 4. A group picture of the Myanmar Church after the Bible Seminar


we held a conference during the Water Festival, so I told our five brothers and sisters to invite people for the conference during the holiday. I had a thought that “Who would come during the holiday?” God strongly led my heart. Sister Feufeu who was living with us told us to go to a grandmother that she knew of to witness. My wife, sister Feufeu and I visited the grandmother’s house. When we visited her, the grandmother’s son and her daughter in law were praying. The son’s name was Uyabei. We waited until they finished praying and started a spiritual counseling. They were the people like Cornelius in the book of Acts. Mr. Uyabei told us that he just prayed because he did not know how to receive the Holy Sprit. While he was praying like that, he met us. After 4 days of counseling, Mr. Uyabei and his wife would receive salvation. Christians did not usually go out during the Water Festival because they did not want to get soaked in water and transportation fees were five times more expensive during that time. However, brother Uyabei invited his family members and six neighborhoods and brought them to the church. They walked about an hour to come and were soaked in water. After arriving at the church, they changed into dry clothes that they brought in plastic bags. When they went back, they wore wet clothes again. There was an empty lot in front of my house. The lot was full of garbage. One day, a few people showed up and stared to clean the area and built a house with reeds. After all, one family moved into that house. I heard that they were Christians. Amazingly, they attended our conference during the holiday and were saved. We prayed for people around us, and it really happened according to how we prayed. A total of 12 people received salvation during the two weeks of the holiday! It was really amazing. I felt like my heart would burst. I just thought a little bit about the heart of Pastor Park who prioritized the Gospel and did everything by solely focusing on the Gospel. I felt like I gleaned a handful of grain in the promise of the servant. Two brothers who received salvation at that time now became Gospel Preachers, and brother Uyabei is now serving the church as an elder. In the Buddhist country Myanmar, there were Christians, but they had their pride in believing in God in a Buddhist country. Just like how the people of Barma shaved their heads at least once in their lives and live like monks, most Christians in Myanmar graduated from Bible School. There were many pastors among their relatives. More than 50 percent of Myanmar’s minority races, Chin, Kachin, and Karen, believe in Christianity and 6 percent of total population are Christians. Most people who go to church in Yangon, the capital of Myanmar, are minority races, and they believe that conversion to Christianity itself is salvation. They also have much knowledge of the Bible, so they often vaguely say that they have sins, but through Jesus, they 31

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do not have any sin. Saved brothers and sisters have to go through invisible fights to spiritually separate themselves from their relatives who believe in Myanmar’s widely spread Christianity. The first conference in Myanmar In the early part of April of 2003, Pastor Young Gyo Kim called me from Korea. He told me that he would come to Myanmar for the conference. I was happy and thankful that we would have a conference, but the translation was the problem. After living in Myanmar for a year, I barely could preach the Gospel, but it was impossible for me to translate the sermon. I could not help but pray because it was so burdensome. On May 12th, Pastor Kim came from Korea. The conference had started with around 10 brothers and sisters who received salvation and were connected to the church. In Myanmar, a foreigner could not hold a conference for Myanmar people. For that reason, we could not prepare any posters and flyers. We did not have people to invite, but God prepared everything. Sister Feufeu visited her house during the holiday and preached the Gospel to her mother and sister. Thankfully, they received salvation and sent a lot of delicious gold bananas (it is a red banana that is sweet and tasty. It costs 2.5 times more than a normal banana). We were able to eat delicious bananas during the conference. In addition, it was the summer time, so even if people sat still, they would sweat a lot, regardless. However, because of rain, we were able to have a conference with nice weather. I was also thankful that the electricity did not go out though it rained. I was especially thankful that God helped me while I was translating for Pastor Kim during the sermon time. The brothers and sisters attended the conference and assured their salvation while listening to the sermon. After that, they grew as workers of the church. After the first conference in Myanmar, Pastor Kim went back to Korea. At that time, I got teary eyes. The tears were from thankfulness of listening to the sermon that I could not listen to due to no Internet and having fellowship. I also had teary eyes from missing the pastor and thinking about when he would return.

Missionary Dae In Kim was born again in February of 1989. While he was an elementary school teacher, God had called him into the missionary school in 2000. He was later dispatched to the Seoul Dobong Good News Church, Currently he does his missions in Myanmar. Through these 12 issues we will hear more about how God works in his life.



New York Times: Notes on Genesis I

Pitch It Within and Without with Pitch Pastor Ock Soo Park | Good News Gangnam Church

And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth. Make thee an ark of gopher wood; rooms shalt thou make in the ark, and shalt pitch it within and without with pitch. And this is the fashion which thou shalt make it of: The length of the ark shall be three hundred cubits, the breadth of it fifty cubits, and the height of it thirty cubits. A window shalt thou make to the ark, and in a cubit shalt thou finish it above; and the door of the ark shalt thou set in the side thereof; with lower, second, and third stories shalt thou make it. (Genesis 6:13~16)


attended, and accept the things God has done. Noah built the ark according to the Word of God at the time of the flood. But why did the other people not build the ark? Noah entered the ark. Why did the other people not enter the ark? They were intoxicated with their own good deeds. Perhaps this was what they said: “Since Noah is an evil scoundrel, he would have to build an ark. We are not like Noah. We have lived as good people. If we do well, God will not destroy us.” Because they believed in themselves, they were not interested in the goodness or the salvation of God. Rooms Shalt Thou Make in the Ark "God told Noah to build the ark. Make thee an ark of gopher wood; rooms shalt thou make in the ark, and shalt pitch it within and without with pitch." (Genesis 6:14) The ark did not come from the thoughts or heart of Noah. There was no ark in Noah’s heart. There was no judgment or salvation in his heart. But after God spoke to Noah about the curse, judgment, and inevitable destruction, He taught Noah the path to receive salvation through grace. If you search the layout of the ark closely, it says, “Make thee an ark of gopher wood; rooms shalt thou make in the ark.” This shows us the great plan of salvation. There were deer, rabbits, and goats in the ark, but lions, leopards, and tigers were there as well. If so, how afraid would the animals such as deer, zebras, and other herbivorous animals be to enter the ark?


New York Times

If Any Man Will Come After Me People, by nature, have no righteousness. Therefore, we cannot become righteous no matter how hard we try. When we are trying to do good, we may create a good image to a certain extent, but there is no one who can produce any true good in the eyes of God. When we go to heaven, people are divided into two types. One type goes forth with the good they have done, keeping the law, and providing relief to poor people. The good or righteousness you have done seems good and righteous, but it is vain in the eyes of God. Because God has said such things are not good, people who bring forth what they have done ultimately can only be destroyed. The other type is saved through accepting the righteousness of Jesus. Saved people realize that they cannot become holy and righteous through their own actions. They know their goodness is in vain, and throw away their own goodness and righteousness. The prodigal son could only go to the pig pen when he was at work. However, when he threw his own methods away and returned to his father, his father made him clean, holy, glorious, and changed him into a whole new person. For God to work inside of us, we must abandon all our righteousness, goodness, or any other thing that we have that comes from us. Jesus said, “If any man will come after me, let him deny himself. . . .” This means that one must throw away everything of himself. Throw away the good that you have done, the tithes you have tithed, the early morning prayer services you have

New York Times: Notes on Genesis I

“There are lions in there. If I go there, the lions will eat me.” God knew of this beforehand and provided rooms. A zebra would become afraid when it hears a lion’s roar, but all the lion can do is make noise. It cannot reach the zebra. The zebra is then not afraid of the lion whatsoever. Outside the ark, the zebra would be as good as dead in such close proximity with the lion, but it is safe inside the ark. God had rooms built inside the ark, and prepared everything perfectly, such as food so that there would be no lacking in making it through the flood. The ark represents Jesus Christ. All the conditions to avoid judgment, curse, and destruction are met when we enter Jesus. I was once invited by a church in Chicago to preach so I went there. I preached in San Antonio the day before and it was 100 degrees Fahrenheit there even though it was in the month of March. It is early spring in March in Korea, so I had not brought any short-

sleeved clothes with me. I went to a nearby mall, bought one, and wore it. I went to Chicago the next day. I was sleeping on the airplane when it was losing altitude to prepare for landing. When I awoke and looked out the window, and I saw Lake Michigan, the buildings along the lake, and O’Hare Airport, the airport was completely covered in snow. I got off the airplane and it was so cold I shivered the entire way to the church. There were glass windows at the church, the curtains were closed, and it was cozy because the heater was on. People would take off their thick coats as they entered and came in to have service. When I saw this church, it had all the conditions to overcome the cold. It was still winter outside the chapel, but inside the chapel it was spring. The chapel would probably say, “Whosoever comes to me shall not experience any cold.”The perfect condition of salvation is inside the ark; inside Jesus.


The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked: who can know it?" (Jeremiah 17:9) and that the thoughts of man’s heart were only evil continually. However, He said that we are righteous after Jesus was crucified. "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; Being justified freely by his grace, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus:" (Romans 3:23~24) "And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God." (1 Corinthians 6:11) "Who shall lay any thing to the charge of God’s elect? It is God that justifieth:" (Romans 8:33) God sees and calls us righteous and holy not because we did not sin, lived as good people, and lived holy lives. God sees and calls us righteous because the sins we have committed, the sins we will commit, and all the sins of this earth were taken care of upon the cross by Jesus. That righteousness was not ours to begin with, but it was the righteousness of Jesus. And Jesus swapped that righteousness He had for the sins we had. All the sins we committed went over onto Jesus, and the righteousness Jesus possessed had come upon us. Just as Jesus, who was without sin, became a sinner, He exchanged His righteousness for our sins. We, who were sinners, became righteous through the righteousness of Jesus. Our sins have gone over onto Jesus, and His righteousness has come over onto us. Therefore, God sees that the 37

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Pitch It Within and Without with Pitch "Make thee an ark of gopher wood; rooms shalt thou make in the ark, and shalt pitch it within and without with pitch." (Genesis 6:14) God said to pitch the inside and the outside of the ark. Why did He say this? At that time, the machinery and techniques were not as advanced as today, so there would be cracks and blemishes in the ark. The people and animals aboard the ark would die if water were to enter through those cracks. Therefore, God told Noah to pitch the inside and the outside of the ark. But why should they pitch the inside and the outside? It was because Noah and his family saw the ark from the inside, and God saw the ark from the outside. God sees the ark pitched on the outside and says, “Water will not seep through. It is safe.” While Noah sees the ark pitched on the inside, he says, “Water will not seep through because the ark has been pitched.” That pitch represents the blood of Jesus, and it is talking about how the blood of Jesus stops the judgment. Jesus could have died in a secret chamber for our sins, but He died being raised high on the cross at Mt. Calvary. All the people saw this site. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John clearly saw Jesus being crucified, and each one of them recorded it. Jesus was hung on a cross on Mt. Calvary to die for our sins. As God sees Jesus being crucified, the curse and destruction that should be received for the judgment of the sin of man came to an end. All punishment for the sins committed by man was complete. "Before Jesus was crucified, God said,

New York Times: Notes on Genesis I

judgment for our sins has ended with the crucifixion of Jesus and calls us righteous. He called us holy. Not one of our sins remains in the eyes of God. But people feel guilty for having committed adultery, they feel fear for having stolen, they are torn by their conscience for having lied, they suffer in their hearts for having committed murder, and they live in such condemnation. Like God, We, Too, Must Look to the Blood of Jesus There was a Korean soldier who killed many people while fighting in the Vietnam War. Upon returning home after the war, the images of those he killed came to his mind and almost drove him crazy. He could not bear the pain, so he drank every day, straining to erase those memories. If you were to tell him, “You no longer have sin,” he would say, “How can I not have sins? I’ve killed people!” The memories of sinning are vivid in our minds because we committed those sins. But it is not important whether you have memories or do not have memories of sinning. In the eyes of God, we are holy even though we are masses of sin because Jesus received all the punishment for the sins we have committed. We are righteous. "I have blotted out, as a thick cloud, thy transgressions, and as a cloud, thy sins: return unto me; for I have redeemed thee." (Isaiah 44:22) "And their sins and iniquities will I remember no more." (Hebrews 10:17) God does not call us sinners. He said we are righteous, holy, and pure. That is why He calls us saints. A

saint means, “A holy party,” that is without sin. When two people marry, the groom should not only love the bride, but the bride must love the groom as well. Then the two can have one heart. This is true between God and us as well. Jesus was crucified in the eyes of God and man. God saw Jesus being crucified on Mt. Calvary, but people also saw the Lord’s death. God sees the death of Jesus and says that we do not have sin. Then, like God, we, too, should look to the death of Jesus and say, “My sins have ended upon that cross! The judgment for my sins is complete! The curse and destruction that were upon me are no more!” When a bachelor sees a young woman and says, “Miss, I love you. I want to marry you,” and the woman replies, “Really? I’m so thankful you love me. I love you, too,” the two can have one heart and can marry. God calls us righteous because all of our sins were washed away. But if we say, “How can I have no sin when I have committed so many sins? Jesus was crucified, but He did not wash away these many sins of mine,” it means we are on a path different from God. It means that we believe in our own thoughts. It feels as though you are a sinner because you rely and believe in your own thoughts rather than the Word of God. The hearts of such people are completely different from God’s, and God cannot work in their hearts. God feels the safety of the ark when He sees the pitch from the outside. 38

God does not call us sinners. He said we are righteous, holy, and pure. That is why He calls us saints. A saint means, “A holy party,” that is without sin.


New York Times

Noah and his family feel safe as well students who were drug addicts and lived when they see the pitch from inside riotously, the teachers would understand the ark. In the same way, the blood their hearts and treat them with love. Jesus Christ shed makes God see it and In the beginning the students would say, “All of man’s sins are washed away. say, “Why do you people show me such Man’s sins are paid for,” but also makes kindness? Stop acting so fake! I don’t man see it and say, “Our sins are no need it!” But as time passes, the students come to know that the teachers and the more.” pastors were not acting superficially but We, like God, must look to the were, with all sincerity, loving them. And blood of Jesus. the students open their hearts, little by “It is true that I have done evil and little. At a certain point, there is fellowcommitted sins. But the judgment ship between the hearts of the students for all those sins was finished on the and the teachers. Then the Jesus that is cross. Jesus received the eternal in the hearts of the teachers flows into punishment for all of my sins. Now the hearts of the students. It is difficult God cannot find my sins anymore. for the students themselves to have the I do not have sins! I am holy! I am faith to believe in Jesus, but it is easy if righteous!” their hearts meld together with the teachWhen the heart of God and our hearts become one in this manner, ers’. When faith enters, Jesus comes and lives in their hearts, and many students God works inside of us. It is not that we should try and become freed from liquor, drugs, and sinlabor to not sin when we are pricked fulness, and become youths who live for by our conscience to overcome sin. We the gospel. This is absolutely amazing. can only fall over and over again into sin no matter how hard we try not to Today Also, Look to the Cross Loving readers, God has erased His sin. But the heart of God enters you and frees you from sin when your memories of us committing evil sins as heart and the heart of God become He looked to the cross. God, who saw that the wickedness of man was great one. in the earth, and that the imaginations of the thoughts of his heart were only When the Heart of God Enters Within the International Youth Fel- evil continually, erased from His heart lowship (IYF), I am leading many young the memories of the sins of man. Now people to be freed from sin. Because I can- man appears good, righteous, and holy not do so, I introduce them to the heart in the eyes of God. When we unite our of Jesus. When we hold events with the heart with God’s and see things the way

New York Times: Notes on Genesis I

God sees them, although it is apparent that we are evil and filthy, we are actually righteous and holy. The sins we commit, the sins that torment our conscience, no matter what sin it may be, whether we remember them or not, we can no longer be judged by those sins because all the wages of sin have already been paid for on the cross. God saw the pitch from outside the ark while Noah’s family saw the pitch from inside the ark. Likewise, God sees the cross of Jesus from heaven and says that our sins are no more and we see the cross from the earth and say that our sins are washed away. “That cross simply isn’t about the death of Jesus, but the judgment for all my sins was completed there. All of my sins are forgiven. I have been justified there.” We become one-hearted with God when we have this faith. God is not the only one who should see the crucifixion of Jesus. You, too, must see it. Everyone, today also, come beneath the cross and look to the cross. “The cross! My sins ended there! The judgment, curse, and destruction that were to be upon me are now over!” You can be free from sin when you have this faith. You can be at peace. We have the memories of committing sins, but the actual power of sin has completely departed from us. The path of salvation God gave to Noah was perfect. With our salvation as well, God has made it perfect so that we would need nothing added or have nothing taken away. It is true that we have sinned and are filthy, dirty, and

evil. To lack nothing in saving such humans, Jesus did not achieve eternal redemption through the blood of goats or calves, but through His own blood. The power of the cross is alive even now, 2,000 years after the crucifixion of Jesus, to free and liberate us from sin. Loving readers, do not be deceived by Satan. The cross of Jesus is alive. The blood Jesus shed on the cross washed all of your sins as white as snow, no matter what sin you may have committed, or whether you remember your sins or not. When you dwell in that faith, the Holy Spirit of God will work powerfully in you.



Gospel Lesson

Pastor Sung Hoon Kim | Good News Hanbat Church

“The woman saith unto him, Sir, thou hast nothing to draw with, and the well is deep: from whence then hast thou that living water? Art thou greater than our father Jacob, which gave us the well, and drank thereof himself, and his children, and his cattle?” (John 4:11 -12)

There is a well that a woman of Samaria always came to draw water from. Whose well is this? It is Jacob's Well. Until now, this woman lived by drawing and drinking water from this well. Jacob’s name was eventually changed to Israel. Israel had twelve sons which is how the twelve tribes of Israel came to be. Jacob, the forefather of all the Israelites, could be seen as the root of all the people of Israel and he is a representative figure of the Old Testament. The well of Jacob that appears here is the base of the lives of the people of Israel and it is something that they rely on in every moment. The imagination and the perceptions of Israel made this well their base. Because the woman of Samaria had never tasted a different spring water than from the well of Jacob, she did not know about the water that Jesus was talking about. So, when Jesus told her that He will give her living water, she heard those words within her own thoughts. She asked in return how He will draw and give her water from Jacob's Well if he does not have a well bucket. However, what Jesus wanted to give her was not the water from Jacob's Well, but water that the woman had never tasted of. Jesus was trying to give


her the water springing up into everlasting life, but the woman was only thinking about the water of Jacob's Well that she had seen until that time. At Jacob's Well, you need a well bucket. That is the condition to draw from Jacob's Well. Likewise, we think we need to fulfill needed conditions in order to gain something. And so, in good conditions, we have hope, and in unfavorable conditions, we fall into despair. This is the perception of those who have relied on their flesh as they lived their lives. But what Jesus wants to give is the well of water which springs up. If it springs up, then you do not need a bucket. Even though we have no condition to gain the water, it does not become a problem. In John chapter 4, there appears to be two wells. One is the well of Jacob. What is the other one? It is the well of water that springs up into everlasting life. “Jesus answered and said unto her, Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again: But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.” (John 4:13 – 14) What the woman of Samaria was thinking of was the well of Jacob and the water that Jesus had was the well of water that springs up into everlasting life. What does Jacob's Well mean? It means the law of Israel, in the time of the Old Testament, which the people relied upon and lived by. Until Jesus came, the people of Israel always relied upon and lived by the law. Wells in the Bible They relied on their own deeds and they tried All springs, wells and founto go before God by effort and endeavor. They tains were landmarks in the topography of Palestine. strived without end to do good and labored Abraham dug wells near to overcome sin. And so, if something good Gerara; Christ, sitting on the comes out of them, they were satisfied, and if brim of Jacob's Well, taught sin came out of them, they blamed themselves the Samaritan woman the and suffered. passing of the Old Covenant. An angel found Hagar at a That is exactly like relying on Jacob's Well. Just well in the Sinai, Beer Lahai like after drinking water, it is sufficient but a little Roi (Gen., 16). To own a while later, they thirst again, those who rely on well and to possess the surtheir own actions cannot help but to thirst once rounding country were synagain. It is because there is no good inside of the onymous terms


Gospel Lesson

flesh. The laboring person who tried to draw good things from the deep spring of this flesh was this woman and also, us. The law demands us to attempt to make the condition inside of our flesh to go in front of God. The people inside of the law, according to that demand, are made to find conditions to go out in front of God within themselves without end. However, they are unable and say that they are lacking. Sometimes, when you ask people if they are ready to stand in front of God, there are many people who answer, “I am still lacking now so I am trying harder.” Because they are looking for the condition from themselves to go in front of God, they cannot help but to say this. “Sir, thou hast nothing to draw with, and the well is deep: from whence then hast thou that living water?” Inside of this woman’s words, you can see her image of trying to find conditions within her thoughts. You can see an image of being locked inside of the law. However, since the things of Jesus spring up, even though I do not have anything to draw with, that does not become a problem. I do not have to struggle to draw. If I rely on the grace of Jesus, even though I have nothing, I am always satisfied with the things that spring up from Jesus. Everyone, do you live with this satisfaction regardless of your own conditions? Or, do you live with a frustrated heart because you remember your own lackings when you have to stand in front of God? Today, although many people attend church, they are trapped inside of the law like this woman. The distinct characteristics of the people who are inside of the law is that they trust in themselves. That is why they make an effort and labor to do well. Because they distrust what God has prepared for them, they are laboring to try to attain by themselves. However, Satan has deceived people so deeply; there are not many people who know that the idea of “I labor in order to go out in front of God by preparing something myself ” is the state of having no confidence in God. The World Controlled by the Law

The meaning of the word “family” first appears in Genesis chapter 1. Adam and Eve were a family. They were one flesh. Family means “and they were both naked and were not ashamed.” The relationship of being naked but not ashamed, that is what you call family. Between family members, there is no law. In front of your family, you can be in your underwear and it would be fine, right? It’s ok if some of your mistakes


The relationship of father and son is not formed by contract. That is why it is peaceful.

and wrongdoings are revealed. That is why when you are with family, you are at peace. There is no place like home. It is because at home, there is no law. One time I told my son, “Hey, for every meal you eat from now on, pay a dollar. That is giving a 50% discount.” But he said he was unable to pay that price. “Hey, do you know how expensive this is? If you go to the restaurant in the rest area on the highway, one bowl of rice is this much and kimchi is this much. If you pay a dollar, that is not even paying 50%. Pay a dollar.” Still, my son said he would not pay and when I asked him why he wouldn’t, he said, “I’m your son.” That is right. The relationship of father and son is not formed by contract. That is why it is peaceful. The state of being stark naked but not ashamed: that is the relationship of father and son. In front of the person I call my father, no matter what state I am in, I am bold. The family is a relationship without a law. The family is within the relationship of faith by trusting in each other. Adam and Eve were in the relationship of a family within the Garden of Eden. However, someone shattered that familial relationship. It was Satan. Satan broke the faith of believing in God and led man to be under the law. He made man move according to the law. This is why, where people live and where there is no faith, there has to be the law. The law must work strongly. The world of distrust is maintained by the law. People live according to the law. The law is the line that divides good things from the bad. Even gangsters who do evil have a strong heart to go toward what they see as good. In our mission, there is one person who, a long time ago, was a head gangster who rampaged throughout a city. Even if you look at his face, you can feel that certain air from him. Even though he is very large, they say that he was very agile. Because he had a natural talent for fighting ever since he was young, if he got into a fight, the adversary would be knocked out in an instant. When he was a young adult, he was a manager of a large bar. Although he was a gangster, he wanted to do whatever it took to look good in that world. And so, he would harm his own arm with a knife, and he placed a tattoo on the area that would be the most painful to put one on. All of those things was in order to be a right person in that world. Satan broke the faith to believe in God and led people to be under the


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law. He made man move according to the law. Likewise, no matter what world it is, the law of “what should be done” is always strongly in effect. For example, let’s say that students, when on a school trip, ten of them sat in a circle and said, “Let’s all smoke a cigarette.” If so, although there would be one child who would not want to smoke, a law was already made on the spot. If you smoke the cigarette, you are a right person in the circle and if you don’t, you are an outcast, a sinner. When a law is made, people are not able to go against that law. All of the people that have departed from the faith of believing in God are lead to be trapped under the law. Man has left God and live being detained by the law. No matter where you go, the law is formed without being seen by the eye. The standard of right and wrong is made. Without end, people are shined by that standard and labor to become people who are right. The Woman without a Husband

Water of everlasting life Jesus uses the phrase “living water” in the Bible. The first instance is found in John chapter 4. A Samaritan woman came to draw water, and Jesus asked her for a drink. He tells her, “If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water” (John 4:10). The other instance is Jesus is in the temple surrounded by a throng of worshippers. He suddenly cried out, “If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink...” (John 11:25).

The woman of Samaria of the city of Sychar lived by drinking from Jacob's Well. She tried to rid her thirst with Jacob's Well, or in other words, with her own labor and effort. However, she was still thirsty. The reason why is because if you drink of that water, for a moment you are satisfied but you get thirsty again. In the end, her thirst was never filled. Not just this woman, but everyone in the Old Testament drew water from this well and quenched their thirst. However, not even one person drank of this water and had their thirst solved. They had to come to the well, draw water again and again, they would draw water without end. Jesus told the woman about the well of water springing up into everlasting life. Different from the Jacob's Well, Jesus is the well of water springing up into everlasting life. If you drink Jesus once, you will never thirst again. I must draw from Jacob's Well with a bucket, but the well of water that Jesus gives springs up from the inside. And so, that is why there is no need to use effort to draw.


Every single person has a weak point and the weak point of this woman was her husband.

Jesus introduced the well of water that springs up into everlasting life which if you drink it once, you will never thirst again to the woman of Samaria. “The woman saith unto him, Sir, give me this water, that I thirst not, neither come hither to draw” (John 4:15) The woman who heard about the well of water that springs up into everlasting life said, “Lord, is there such water as you say? If you have this water, please give it to me so I will no longer thirst and I won’t have to come back to draw water. Then Jesus said, “Go and call your husband.” The direction of the conversation of Jesus suddenly changes as he starts to speak about her husband. However, this woman was a woman with no confidence regarding her husband. Every single person has a weak point and the weak point of this woman was her husband. She had five husbands before, and she was living with her sixth husband. As soon as Jesus said for her to bring her husband, she replied that she did not have a husband. It seems like a lie but it is true. The husband is very important to a woman. The condition for a woman to bear children is the husband. Happiness and joy come from the husband. However, this woman changed her husband five times and was living with her sixth. She thought, “Will this man be fine?” As she lived with him, she found that he wasn’t. Then, “maybe, this other man will be fine” but, of course, there was no satisfaction. And so, when Jesus told her to bring her husband, the woman replied, “I have no husband.” Isn’t it such a sorrowful reply? She was saying, “In my heart, I have no husband to trust nor no husband to put my hope in. In Isaiah chapter 54 verse 1, “Sing, O barren, thou that didst not bear; break forth into singing, and cry aloud, thou that didst not travail with child: for more are the children of the desolate than the children of the married wife” Isn’t this Bible verse strange? Usually, a child is born from the relationship of husband and wife. And so, how is a woman without a husband able to bear many children? Of course, it does not make sense. But the Bible says this to be so. If you are desolate, you cannot conceive, and if you cannot conceive, you cannot have children; however, it is written for you to sing. Why is this so? It means that you will have many children. At first, I did not understand this word. However, the answer is in verse 5.


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“For thy Maker is thine husband; the Lord of hosts is his name.” (Isaiah 54:5) Here is our husband. In other words, the one who made us is also our husband. God is our genuine husband. But people are not connected to God, the true husband, in their hearts. It is because they are grabbing on to the husband that they see, the things they see that they feel are worth putting their trust in. The interesting fact is the woman in the Bible who are alone have many children. Let’s think about Jacob’s wife. There are two wives of Jacob, Rachel and Leah. Jacob loved Rachel so he always spent his time with her. Leah also had a husband but that was only in formality; in reality, she had no husband. Leah, who could not receive love from her husband, relied on God because she did not have a husband. God opened Leah’s womb and she bore many children. On the other hand, Rachel always had her husband by her side. Because of that, Rachel relied on the husband that she saw, her heart had never once been connected with God who she couldn’t see. Because she could not bear a child, later she would complain to Jacob, “Give me children, or else I die.” And so, what did Jacob do? His anger was kindled against her and he said, “Am I in God's stead, who hath withheld from thee the fruit of the womb?” All the women that appear in the genealogy of Jesus Christ in the book of Matthew are all women who are alone. All of them are people who have confessed from their hearts, “Lord, I have no husband.” Those people were able to connect to God who is their true husband. What have we been relying on as we have lived until now? We made our flesh our husband and we tried to bear satisfaction, and we tried to bear happiness. However, that is not our true husband. It is not the object that we can pour all of our hearts into. The woman of Samaria poured her heart into her flesh and she knew that it could not become her true husband so her heart became exhausted. In her heart, she forgot about her husband. There was nothing in the entire world that could fill this woman’s heart. The only thing left for her was pain and death. And that time, Jesus went to visit her. He spoke with that woman. “Bring your husband.” And then, the woman confessed from her heart: “Lord, I have no husband.” Everyone, have you ever made this confession? “God, I truly have no hope in this world. I have no expectation toward


If you realize the truth that you cannot go to God with diligence inside of the law, you will have a heart wanting to receive grace... To the person without a husband, Jesus approaches them as their true husband.

this world. In order to attain happiness, I tried this and that, but there was nothing in this world that could fill my heart. God, I have no husband.” Jesus wanted to hear this confession from the woman of Samaria. After hearing her say that she had no husband, Jesus spoke, “Thou hast well said, I have no husband. For thou hast had five husbands; and he whom thou now hast is not thy husband.” With a “thud,” Jesus has stamped the seal of approval onto the woman’s words that she has no husband that, indeed, the man she is now with is not her true husband. He was saying, “That’s right, the man you are with is not your husband. He is not something for you to rely on. You have spoken truly.” Jesus came as this woman’s true husband. He is our true husband as well. However, if this woman has another husband, she is unable to meet Jesus. In Romans chapter 7 verse 3, it is written, “So then if, while her husband liveth, she be married to another man, she shall be called an adulteress: but if her husband be dead, she is free from that law; so that she is no adulteress, though she be married to another man”. Here, the “husband” means the “law”. In the law, you are unable to meet Jesus. The law demands that I serve God diligently and to accomplish holiness by myself. If you realize the truth that you cannot go to God with diligence inside of the law, you will have a heart wanting to receive grace. When your hope toward yourself ends and you confess, “God, there is nothing left for me to rely on, you can meet Jesus who has already approached you as the one who helps you by your side. To the person without a husband, Jesus approaches them as their true husband. No matter who it is, after the confession that, “I have no husband,” they form a true meeting with Jesus.

Pastor Sung Hoon Kim is currently the senior pastor at Good News Daejon Church. This is the sermon that he preached at the 29th Summer Retreat, titled, “For the Lost Souls.”


Preaching the Gospel to the Ends of the Earth

Continue on with Your Religion! Testimony of Pastor Ock Soo Park

One day at the training base, I had gathered a few trainees and was leading a service. As I was preaching the Word, the back door suddenly opened and the drill sergeant walked in. I was so surprised that I paused what I was doing, but the drill sergeant said, “Oh, it’s okay. Continue on with your religion, continue on.” He simply sat in the back. After I finished preaching the sermon, the drill sergeant got up and asked, “Can I share something with you?” “Yes, sir.” The drill sergeant came to me and began to speak. “When I first began my post as a drill sergeant at this base, I saw that there was no church in our base, and that made me sad. During the Korean War, when the Battle of the White Horse was at its worst, I was the commander of the infantry troop. One day, I got a message from my superior, telling me to ‘attack and take over the hill of the White Horse.’ White Horse Hill was a hill surrounded by flat land all around. Occupying the hill was a strategic maneuver that enabled troops to advance. The hill changed sides more than twenty times a month. At the end of each battle, countless soldiers would be killed. “Our troops had been assigned to the front lines of the White Horse Hill and were awaiting orders at the air-raid shelter. In the Battle of the White Horse, one side begins its attack first and only around twenty people 50

would survive. Because everyone knew this, so the soldier assigned to this area would shake in fear. That night, I was on watch with my rifle, and all of the soldiers were crying, thinking of their hometowns. One soldier was murmuring to himself, kneeling. I asked, ‘Hey, what’re you doing?’ “The soldier answered, ‘Sir, I’m praying.’ That’s when it occurred to me; we have to pray to God! A strengthening heart arose in me. As I circled the base, I suggested to each person, ‘Hey, what do you believe in? I don’t care whether it’s God, Buddha, or the Dragon King. Just pray. Pray earnestly.’ “When I gave the command to commence forward two days later, my troops fought more bravely than ever before. That’s when I realized in my heart, ‘Ah, this is the power of religion!’ From then on, I became very interested in religion. I always felt bad that there was no church on our base. I never knew you would be having church services here. Let’s unite our hearts and build a chapel!” The drill sergeant had suggested that we build a chapel first. Even after the chapel was built, the drill sergeant continued to help. When the Vietnam War was at its worst and I had been drafted into the war, the drill sergeant pulled me out of the draft and ensured that the church services continued. Like this, he would ensure that I preach the Gospel. The communications base had hundreds of students coming in and out each week. For three years, I received the grace to preach to countless people at the chapel we had built. Before being enlisted in the army, I was the minister of a small church at Gyeongnam, Jangpali. I was happy to see the congregation members change through my words, but I had suddenly gotten enlisted into the army. At first, I was a bit sad, but I felt that this was something within God's will. He had sent me there with a clear plan. Wherever I go, God prepares a place for me and has plans for the work I am to accomplish.” Because the Wonju Communications Base was a place God prepared for me to preach the Gospel, I was able to preach to many of the trainees within the base. Even after leaving the army, I would often meet people from other bases who attended the church. Each time I meet them, I remember that despite how the national law required my enrollment into the army, it was God that had called me to the army to preach the Gospel.




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