The Goodnews - April, 2016

Page 1

April 2016


Special Article I National Broadcast ZNBC Features Pastor Ock Soo Park and Gracias Choir

Salvation Testimony

Special Article II

I Discovered a New World: Absolute Forgiveness

2016 Easter Cantata




04 08 12


Monthly Sermon Let The Mind Of Jesus Be In You

Salvation Testimony I Discovered a New World: Absolute Forgiveness Special Article I: Zambia National Broadcast ZNBS Features Pastor Ock Soo Park and Gracias Choir

About the Cover

There was a ground breaking ceremony at Chilanga, Zambia to celebrate the commencement of the construction of the IYF Youth Center in Zambia on the 50 acre land donated to the IYF by the Zambian government. Pastor Ock Soo Park and President Edgar Lungu of Zambia were in attendance.





Special Article II: 2016 Gracias Easter Cantata Part 1: The Cantata Brought the Cross Right Before Our Eyes Part 2: Easter Cantata at Mahanaim Resurrection of the Promise


Memoirs of a Missionary “Myanmar Christmas Welcoming Event”


New York Times The Already Received Punishment


Gospel Lesson The Event That Opened The Gates of Heaven


Church Directory


Sermon of the Month

LET THE MIND OF JESUS BE IN YOU Pastor Ock Soo Park | Good News Gangnam Church

“For God is my record, how greatly I long after you all in the bowels of Jesus Christ.” - Philippians 1:8 “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.” - Philippians 2:5

Apostle Paul was called Saul before receiving salvation. He heard the saved saints say, “Jesus was crucified on the cross and after three days, He resurrected.” At that moment, Saul immediately had a heart to think, “That is misleading the innocent people! How can a dead man resurrect? It makes no sense.” Therefore, he began to persecute the Christians who were preaching the gospel. He arrested them, beat them, and inflicted all kinds of persecution. Afterward, Saul heard there were many Christians in Damascus and on his way to Damascus to arrest them, he met Jesus. Jesus said: “Saul, Saul, why persecutes thou me?” “Who art thou, Lord?” “I am Jesus of Nazareth whom thou persecutest.” As he heard this, Saul was completely shocked. “I didn’t even verify if Jesus had resurrected and thought that it was just a fraud and I persecuted the Christians, but truly Jesus came back to life!” Saul found out exactly how foolish it was for him to believe in himself and his judgment. From that moment on, he no longer believed in the thoughts that arose within him.



Apostle Paul states “For God is my record, how greatly I long after you all in the bowels of Jesus Christ.” (Philippians 1:8) Paul’s heart cannot love the saints of Philippi, but Jesus loved them and Paul says that he loves the multitude of the Philippians Church with the heart of Jesus. While Paul lived spiritual life, he knew precisely that Jesus had entered him and was guiding him. I, WITH THE BOWELS OF JESUS CHRIST

“Before Jesus entered, there was the evil nature that ruled over my heart, but after Jesus entered, there is the precious heart of Jesus who lives and works in me!” Apostle Paul for the first time realized how wrong it was to follow his thoughts in the past. Before I received salvation, I too had a time to discover myself as I was attending church. I attended church from a young age and as I grew older I slowly fell into sin and I was so afraid that I was going to hell because of sin. That is why every early morning I went to church to confess my sins. As I continually confessed my sins, I told myself, “Today, I am not going to sin!” and made resolutions after resolutions. But after the early morning services each day, I would naturally find myself lying, hating others, and having an evil heart. At times, I would get angry and fight and make mistakes. As I lived this way, there was something that I often felt: “The thoughts rising up within me are not good. They are truly evil, dirty, and filthy.” No matter how I resolved myself to be good, honest, and live according to the scriptures, I naturally gravitated toward a life which became evil and dirty. As I repeated these steps, I realized that only evil and dirtiness were in me. I came to know the fact that I can only be evil. Then, as I lived inside of Jesus after receiving salvation, I felt a heart that I didn’t feel before. “I didn’t have this heart of tolerance before…, I didn’t have this good heart before….” I often experienced a heart that I didn’t have before and thought this often: “This is not my heart. The reason for this good heart to rise up is because I received salvation and Jesus entered me and gave me this heart!” I can precisely see two kinds of hearts inside me. One is the original heart and thoughts that come from me and the other is the heart and thoughts that flow from Jesus. The thoughts that flow from me and the thoughts that flow out of Jesus are completely different. Jesus, when I pray or read the Bible,

Two Kinds of Hearts


Sermon of the Month

He raises up His thoughts inside me: “It would be good to preach the gospel. It would be good to preach the Word this way.” Sometimes when I am reading the Bible, “Oh, this is what this Word means!” He allows me to realize the Word and gives me a new heart that I did not have before. Likewise, when I look back after receiving the new heart, the original heart that was within me was only filthy, dirty, and evil. There was a clear distinction: “Before Jesus entered, there was the evil nature that ruled over my heart, but after He entered, there is the precious heart of Jesus who lives and works in me!” I precisely realized these two kinds of hearts. When I look upon the days past, all the things I did following my thoughts seemed good and profitable at the time, as time passed I found out that it caused me to be evil and dirty and became ruined. Therefore, I was afraid to follow my thoughts and judgment. Even now my good thoughts often rise up, but I don’t follow them. Sometimes, unknowingly, I live following my thoughts and then I discover, “This is my thought, I should not do this. I’ll become ruined!” and often I forsake my thoughts.

“If the heart of Jesus enters and leads us I surely believe that we will live the same life of Jesus” After I came to know the two different hearts within me, when I read, “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 2:5) I had the heart believing, “That’s right, there is a heart that the Lord raises up and the Word that He gives me. If I follow that heart and the Word, it will truly go well!” One time, I visited a brother in the hospital who was near death because of cancer. The doctor and everyone else said that the brother would die in two or three days and the brother laid in the hospital bed as if he was already dead. Then all of a sudden I thought, “If Jesus came into this patient’s room instead of me, what would have happened?” And then I had this heart, “If Jesus is going to save this brother, and Jesus is inside of me, then Jesus would save this brother!” As a human, I thought something that I could never imagine. I called upon the brother. “Brother, open your eyes.” The brother opened his eyes. “Pastor….” “Everyone in the hospital says that you will die within two or three days. This is the circumstance. If Jesus came to this place and was here, why IF JESUS CAME INTO THIS PATIENT’S ROOM, WHAT WOULD HAVE HAPPENED?


wouldn’t He heal you? Although we can’t see Him with our eyes, Jesus is here. Jesus can easily heal you. Brother, try having faith just this one time.” I explained faith to the brother. Amazingly, the brother had faith that Jesus would heal him and less than ten days later he was completely healed of his sickness and was discharged from the hospital. “Ah, Jesus wants to do the same work through us that He did Himself 2,000 years ago!” Most people don’t read the Bible much. They read a few parts of the Bible but because they don’t know it in detail, in front of certain problems they simply judge for themselves and follow those thoughts. Likewise, as they follow their thoughts considering themselves to be wise, but often they are being led by the evil spirit. When the evil spirit enters our hearts, right away we must recognize that it is the evil spirit and be afraid to follow it. “How good or evil one is does not depend on how good or evil one lives. It depends on whether I am being led by God’s good heart and His Word or by evil Satan and by the thoughts that the evil spirit places inside. When we are not led by evil thoughts, but by the spirit of Jesus inside God’s Word, then the Lord who is the King of Peace will give us joy and peace in our hearts and bestow grace. When we are in difficulty, we use wisdom. But just because a certain thought seems wise and good doesn’t mean you should follow it, but we must think deeply, “This wisdom, did it come from God or from Satan?” If bitter envy or hate or strife is in the heart, that is not wisdom that descended from God. It is wisdom that is earthly, sensual, and devilish. The Bible states that wisdom that descends from God is pure, peaceable, gentle, easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and hypocrisy; and the fruits of righteousness are sown in them that make peace. IF THE HEART OF JESUS LEADS US

Pastor Ock Soo Park

Pastor Park is currently the senior pastor of the Good News Gangnam Church. He is the founder of the Mahanaim Cyber Theology School and International Youth Fellowship. Annually he is the guest speaker for Bible Crusades domestically and internationally and serves as a guest lecturer to university students. He is the author of several titles such as: The Secret of Forgiveness of Sin and Being Born Again, Repentance and Faith, Navigating the Heart. These books have been translated in 17 different languages, and in addition he is the author of 40 other books on spiritual life.


Salvation Testimony

I Discovered a New World:

Absolute Forgiveness Jimmy Beltran | JesĂşs Mi Amor Church

My name is Jimmy Beltran and I was born in Queens, New York of Colombian parents that immigrated to the USA in search of a better future like most Colombians of that time. I was raised as a Roman Catholic most of my childhood and teenage years as it is traditional in Colombian families. I grew up in a dysfunctional family since my father left us before I was born. I had two stepfathers during my childhood and there were many problems in my household which involved alcohol, domestic violence, anxiety, depression and many other problems. My mother and I travelled back to Colombia when I was five years old. I was a very rebellious kid and never settled for the lies that I was hearing from my mother so I rebelled against her and 8

since I became very difficult to deal with, I was sent back to the USA when I was 11 years old. I came back to the US with my biological dad and things just went downhill for me. After a few years I found myself involved in drug abuse, gang violence, alcohol abuse, and domestic violence. I was totally lost and I felt that I didn’t deserve to be forgiven because I was too filthy for God in my eyes. Since a young age I was always inclined to search for the truth and in that search I did yoga, meditation, occultism, rune card reading and other things that without my knowledge were just sinking me deeper into the abyss. At the age of 18, I was in a rehabilitation center for drug addiction when someone preached the gospel to me and I received Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. Later on I was in a near death accident and was hospitalized, the next day I was diagnosed with viral meningitis and the doctors said that I was going to suffer severe consequences. I remember asking God that time to heal me and save me from that illness and I promised to serve him the rest of my life. The problem lasted for two weeks “I did everything in and I was finally healed and went back home. Since 1994 church from cleaning I lived a very active life in the church always wanting all the way to ministry to please God because I but nothing would had always felt dirty and unworthy. I did everything satisfy me.” in church from cleaning all the way to ministry but nothing would satisfy me. I was called to the ministry at the age of 21 years old and was very active since then but I always ended up feeling the same guilt and blame because of my sin. I was a slave to the law and was going straight to hell because I believed I was still a sinner. I always lived a double life in church with a double moral. I would sing, preach, and minister on Sundays but the rest of the week I would fornicate, drink and consume drugs. I was in a downward spiral and I felt there was no way out. I was just waiting for judgment. I lived that way for 20 years, fearing for my salvation every day of my life and feeling guilty for my sin. In December, 2013 I re-encountered Pastor Leo Argañaraz who had had the revelation of the grace and total forgiveness of sins which he shared this truth with me. After sharing with me he 9

Salvation Testimony

proceeded to ask me if I was a sinner or if I was righteous, so then I answered that I was righteous and my eyes were open and I received the revelation of the grace at that moment. Since then, I have been learning about the absolute forgiveness of sins and the true repentance as Pastor Ock Soo Park writes in his book. I have been free of sin since Jesus took all my sins on the cross and set me free once and for all. I have no guilt or shame anymore, and I have no condemnation of sin and all my burden has been lifted. Now after two years in the grace I can say that I am truly free and I live a joyful life walking in the grace of Jesus every day of my life. I have recently attended a seminar with the Good News Mission with Pastor Leo and I have learned so much about the meaning of the absolute forgiveness of sins and the true repentance. A new world has Top: Interviewing on Good News TV opened for me and our church. I am very Bottom: Audience watching the Easter Cantata at Connecticut grateful to God for putting me in the Good News Mission path and all I could do is to thank God and announce to the world the good news of salvation that comes not by works but by faith in the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross; shedding his blood for my sins and giving me eternal redemption. Now we preach and bring the true gospel of grace to wherever God sends us with my pastor, Leo ArgaĂąaraz and Jesus My Love Church. I want this opportunity to thank the Good News Mission for giving us the chance to share this with the world and for being there to teach us more about the true gospel. Blessings to all. For if by one man's offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ. Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life. For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous. Romans 5: 17 - 19 10


Special Article_Zambia

Zambia... National Broadcast ZNBC

Features Pastor Ock Soo Park and Gracias Choir At 8am on the 17th of March, we headed towards the national broadcast station ZNBC (Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation) located in Lusaka. ZNBC is the largest and most popular national broadcast station in Zambia, with three TV broadcasting channels and three radio broadcasting channels. Recently, a Christian broadcasting channel has been added under orders from the President. Pastor Ock Soo Park was invited for an interview on his youth mind lectures and spiritual life. 12




1. President Edgar Lungu (center) and Minister of Youth (first from the right) attended the groundbreaking ceremony. 2. Gracias Choir members sang the national anthem of Zambia and traditional songs during the ceremony. 3. The cornerstone 4. At the groundbreaking ceremony, the President of Zambia gave a speech - "Here, we will establish a youth center and sports facilities. Through learning the Bible, youth who fear God will be raised. The future of Zambia is bright."



Special Article_Zambia

Pastor Ock Soo Park and Gracias Choir arrived at 8 o’clock for a short introduction with the show host in the waiting room before starting the show. During the 30 minutes in which the recording took place, Pastor Ock Soo Park preached the (Mon) March.14 - (Wed) March.16 gospel. He explained in detail about The president attended the ground the gospel by answering questions breaking ceremony where 60,000 such as: How do we join hearts with Pyung of land was donated by the God?; How do we solve the problems government to build a youth center. The mind lecture, pastoral meeting, of sins?; We have committed sins but and other events were held as well. what does the Bible say?; etc. While the show host listened, she expressed amazement with words such as, “Amen! Amen!” as she rejoiced and gave thanks. After the recording ended with Pastor Ock Soo Park, there was a oneon-one interview with the Director of the broadcasting station. Director General Richard M. Mwanza said that it was rare to find pastors who could preach the gospel for over 15 minutes and requested to broadcast his sermons. Pastor Ock Soo Park mentioned that Russia’s TBN is broadcasting the 70th lecture, out of a total of 153 lectures, on the book of Matthew. He received 1,000 emails of appreciation and a meeting with the viewers is scheduled in April. Moreover, Pastor Ock Soo Park added that broadcasting is needed in Zambia and that he is happy that ZNBC already exists so that we can provide broadcasting content. Next, recording for the Gracias Choir took place at the studio. The broadcasting manager was very happy to hear the music of the Choir and orchestra, requesting an encore performance. The four-day trip in Zambia felt like a dream. The gospel was preached to many students through mind lectures, university presidents also received salvation through personal counseling and departments dedicated to the mind education will be established in the schools. Over 500 Christian leaders listened to the gospel through the Christian Leader’s Forum and are requesting Bible seminars. Just as the gospel was able to reach different places throughout Russia through the nation’s TBN broadcast, through today’s broadcast recording we are extremely happy and hopeful to think that we have already gained all of Zambia. We are hopeful that the gospel will be preached to the people of Zambia through ZNBC. 14


2 1. The national broadcasting station ZNBC requested an interview. The pastor preached the Gospel for 30 minutes. 2. The president of the Copperbelt University in Kitwe came by airplane to meet Pastor Ock Soo Park. He heard the Gospel and received salvation. 3. The president of the University of Lusaka in Zambia received salvation through spirit counseling with Pastor Ock Soo Park.



Special Article II_Easter Cantata (Part 1)

The Cantata Brought

The Cross

R ight Before Our Eyes


Part 1 2016 Gracias Easter Cantata Tri-state Tour February 21 - March 27, 2016


Special Article II_Easter Cantata (Part I)

“After Jesus died on the cross, the place of redemption of sins is at the tabernacle in Heaven... That is why that offering has made us eternally righteous!� 1


3 1. The Gracias Choir holds the Easter Cantata at The New Hope Baptist Church 2. Pastor delivers the Easter Message to the church congregation 3. Aubrey Lynch the choreographer of Lion King watches the Easter Cantata


any people receive salvation wherever the Gracias Choir goes. This year, throughout the 2016 Gracias Easter Cantata Tri-state Tour, we have once again witnessed such miracles happening in different parts of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut. From February 21st, the Easter Cantata performance was held at various churches who invited the Gracias Choir to deliver music and a deep message of the Gospel. In that context, one of the most emblematic presentations was held on March 19th at the Grand Hall of Fair Haven Middle School located in New Haven, Connecticut. This was also the first time we introduced the theatric new version of the 2016 Gracias Easter Cantata to the world. 18


That evening, the audience seemed to be in a great state of anticipation. A long line of people from all ages waited outside the venue before the beginning of the performance, and then filled the 1,350 seats inside the hall. When the orchestra opened the doors and entered, a roaring of applause and cheers greeted the musicians. Soon after, the curtains opened, the audience was overwhelmed by the choir’s great scale shown through the stage, music, and acting. The new version of the Easter Cantata presented a beautiful background set which was truly beyond imagination. After long hours of deep meditation on the Scriptures, the Choir was able to bring to life various scenes such as the Last Supper as well as enriching the actors’ scripts in order to unravel the Bible in more detail. There are two defining moments throughout the Easter Cantata. The first is when Jesus carries the cross while passing through the audience. As the people watched this scene of Jesus being whipped as he passes by, the audience was not only watching a performance but soon became submerged in the plot. They discovered no one other than Jesus went through this pain for our sins. The audience was immersed in sadness as He was nailed to the cross, sharing His pain. When Jesus died, the hall was filled with the sounds of sorrow. In beautiful contrast, the other moment was the scene when Jesus resurrected from the tomb. The Choir’s song “He Arose” reverberated throughout the hall as Jesus arose with a bright shining light and the serious expressions of the people suddenly turned into bright smiles. “Amen! Hallelujah!!!” Each time Jesus showed himself to his disciples and the women after he resurrected from death, the sound of applause and cheers was heard from the seats. The last part of the Easter Cantata was the Easter Message. Senior Pastor Yeong Gook Park of Good News New York Church shared the message of the comparison between the tabernacle in heaven and the one on earth. He carefully explained how Jesus had fulfilled eternal redemption, through the Scriptures in Hebrews 9:11~12 and 1 Corinthians 6:10~11, as follows: “When the tabernacle on earth cleanses sins, it is temporary. This is because everything on this earth is temporary. But after Jesus died on the cross, the place of redemption of sins is at the tabernacle in Heaven. Heaven is an eternal place. That is why that offering has made us eternally righteous!” The expressions of the people after the event concluded had changed 180 degrees. We could see it was not only because they had listened to a music performance but because the Word had entered them. 19

Special Article_WCLW Testimony

“The expressions of the people after the event concluded had changed 180 degrees.”

The places for the venues Union City High School in NJ

“To be honest, every part was so touching I kept on tearing. Today I saw Jesus die and come back alive again. It was very beautiful. Jesus didn’t simply die but came back alive to make us righteous. Also, the Pastor talked about how Jesus fulfilled eternal redemption and as the Pastor had said, we are sanctified, righteous, and holy. It was really amazing. I am so thankful.” —Alicia and Danny “I saw the synergy effect of the Choir’s music, powerful story, and amazing harmony. Every scene was good but I liked the part where Jesus comes out carrying the cross and came back alive the most. Everyone else was also happy. The pastor’s message was very clear. By the law coming into this earth, we have become sinners and we had to give sin offerings. But not anymore. Jesus himself became the offering and made atonement for our sins forever. What has been washed is washed. We are righteous even in the future. I can surely say we are eternally righteous.” —Jordan & Federico “We are neighbors living in the same neighborhood and Bennet invited me so I came. I liked every moment in today’s Cantata. The musicians really performed whole-heartedly and the Cantata let us see the cross right before our eyes. It was as if we were in that era. It was truly touching. The pastor explained clearly the true meaning of Easter; about the death, funeral, and resurrection of Jesus. What Jesus did on the cross was for us. Our sins have been completely washed once and for all. That is why we no longer have to ask forgiveness of our sins every day because redemption took place once and for all through Jesus. Jesus gave himself to fulfill eternal redemption. The sermon was so complete. What happened today will be remember in our hearts.” – Bennet and Berenice 20

Iglesias Aliento de Vida

The Easter Cantata in New Haven, Connecticut is just an example of all the miracles we have recently experienced. This one in particular began with Pastor Jose Champagne who received salvation last year at the World Christian Leaders’ Workshop (WCLW). Pastor Jose met with Pastor Park Ock Soo while he attended the WCLW in Dallas last year and received salvation through the sermon of Jesus fulfilling eternal redemption in the tabernacle in heaven. He said, “I have ministered for over 30 years and read the Bible many times and taught the Bible to the brothers and sisters but I have never understood it so simply and clearly before.” He prepared for the Easter Cantata in order to teach this gospel to his church members and to preach the gospel to the many people of New Haven. While preparing for this year’s Easter Cantata, there were difficulties in finding a venue and preparing for the event but only God worked in everything. The brothers and sisters of New York Church made 30,000 ‘Dear Neighbor’ letters to promote the Cantata. Despite the rain and cold weather, 60 volunteers went around each house in New Haven, Connecticut and invited the people. Pastor Jose while experiencing this always felt alone while preparing for many big and small events to preach to the people of Connecticut. He said in tears that God has given him a new family called the Good News Mission. Before this event, the church members of Connecticut Church experienced the grace of God as they handed out flyers, and we were thankful to see how they resembled our Good News Mission and they were filled with testimonies.


Special Article II_Easter Cantata (Part I)

“It was so wonderful and I am happy. First, I want to truly thank Pastor Ock Soo Park and, I had really wanted to work with the Good News Mission. From December 2015, this church has brought great change to my life. The Cantata today was something I had never experienced in my life. Through the many scenes, emotions, and people, a really clear message was delivered. I thank Pastor Yeong Gook Park and all the missionaries as well as the volunteers. I was alone all this time. But what I realized today for sure is that I have a family. I could feel I was being loved not for my outward appearance but just as I am. Many people don’t know Christ. I kept on crying while watching the Cantata. It was a truly beautiful Cantata and I hope that God blesses them all. The church members also said that the Cantata was really grand and beautiful. The mission gave me so many things and I have received a great blessing. My life and heart has changed. The love of many pastors and the union of brothers really embraced me greatly.” — Pastor Jose Champagne

Pastor Jose asked, “Is there a Good News Mission Church in Connecticut?” having received a reply “None,” immediately he declared, “Then from now on I am Pastor Champagne Jose of the ‘Good News Mission Connecticut Church.’” The promise of 500 churches throughout the US spoken through the servant of God is being fulfilled through events like the Gracias Choir Easter Cantata. He works powerfully even today, and we truly look forward to seeing what He has prepared for all of us.

It is Finished...

Special Article II_Easter Cantata (Part II)

Easter Cantata at M ahanaim:

Resurrection of the


Part 2 2016 Gracias Easter Cantata at Mahanaim March 27, 2016


od had given us the promise through Pastor Ock Soo Park that He would work five hundred times more greatly through us in the year 2016. God bestowed much grace upon our church last year as we invited many pastors to the Dallas World Christian Leaders Workshop in December 2015. From January of 2016, God has opened new doors of the gospel in the New York area through many pastors. God allowed Gracias Choir Easter Cantata concerts to be performed in 22 churches in the New York area, and an additional 40 churches had invited the Good News New York Church to share the gospel with them. On March 27, Easter Sunday, the Gracias Choir Easter Cantata was held at the Mahanaim auditorium in Huntington, New York. There were two performances: one for the Good News Mission brothers and sisters at 10:00 am, and one at 7:00 pm for newly invited people of the community as well as people from churches all around the New York area. Many people who had seen the Gracias Choir Easter Concert performances during the months of February and March as they toured the New York area churches also came to the evening cantata. Before the evening cantata, there was also a Pastoral Reception to welcome the many pastors of the New York area who had invited the Gracias Choir and Good News Mission to their churches to perform and to preach the gospel. About 80 people attended the Pastoral Reception, and the pastors heard about how to participate in the upcoming Bible Crusade in Manhattan. Many pastors and their members who had hosted the Gracias Choir during the months of February and March came to see the full production at Mahanaim. Many pastors brought their vans with their members, and some churches brought their church buses to transport their members to

witness the Easter Cantata. Some came from the Bronx, Brooklyn, New Jersey, and Conneticut, all the way to Huntington to enjoy the Easter Cantata. The Easter Cantata was a full theatrical performance that featured the passion, betrayal, death, and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Many were brought to tears as they witnessed for themselves the suffering Jesus endured for our sins and the victory He gave us through the resurrection. Many people invited by the brothers and sisters enjoyed the Easter Cantata and came to receive the gospel in their hearts. Many children also came and watched the cantata and saw how the pain and suffering Jesus endured to save them. Many hearts were touched and revived through the Easter Cantata at Mahanaim. With the Bible Crusade only two weeks away, we are very thankful to God who allowed this Easter Cantata at Mahanaim. God will continue the fellowship with the pastors in the New York area through the Christian Leaders Workshop with Pastor Ock Soo Park during the Bible Crusade. It is truly amazing to see the works of the gospel He has already prepared for us.

Memoirs of a Missionary_Myanmar

“Myanmar Christmas Welcoming Event” Pastor Dae In Kim | Myanmar Missionary

During the Christmas Welcoming Event at the Lion City Hall

Since 2006, the “Christmas Welcoming Event” has been held in Myanmar where 89.5 percent of the population believe Buddhism. Behind all of this was the will and love of God to save people in Myanmar. In this issue, Missionary Dae In Kim testifies about the Christmas Welcoming Event that was held in Lion City Hall. People living in poverty and difficult situations have eagerly been waiting for the Gospel. It is touching to see how they find joy and happiness in the Gospel. Missionary Dae In Kim was saved in February of 1989. While working as an elementary school teacher and serving the Gospel, he joined the missionary school by the calling from God. After gaining faith by discovering the will of God who called him by grace and regardless of my lacking image, he was dispatched to Seoul Dobong Church and currently is ministering in Myanmar as a missionary. Throughout 12 issues, we will see God who powerfully worked in his life and ministry.


By The Way, Are You Selling Kimbap

“Ring, ring, ring!” “Hello?” I received a call in September, 2005. I heard a familiar voice on the phone. It was Pastor Ock Soo Park. “Pastor, how are you?” “I am well. By the way, are you selling Kimbap?” “What? No. I’m not selling anything, but I ask people who come from Korea to buy some dried seaweed for the brothers and sisters because there’s no seaweed in Myanmar.” “Pastor Kim, a long time ago, I stopped my wife from trying to sell fishcakes when we were really poor while doing the ministry. If you continue to live like this, you will only see Kimbap whenever you read the Bible, go out witnessing, or pray.” It struck me. Actually, I fought with my wife about Kimbap not long before I got the call from the pastor. I wanted my wife to teach other sisters how to make Kimbap, but she disagreed with me. I felt disappointed because she did not understand me. It also hurt my feelings to argue and fight with my wife because of this. My wife eventually sent a letter to Korea saying that I was pouring my heart into selling Kimbap and not on the Gospel. Pastor Ock Soo Park read the letter and called me. Honestly, from time to time, I was curious about how much the brothers and sisters made selling Kimbap. I also imagined expanding the Kimbap business if it worked well, and supporting the Gospel with the profit. “Wow! How did the pastor know that I only see Kimbap even though I try to read the Bible?” I surrendered in my heart and told him. “Pastor, I’m sorry. I will change my heart.” “Ha ha ha. Yes. I’m thankful that you are going to change your heart. Though it is difficult, God will help you with everything when you pray and live for the Gospel.” Pastor Ock Soo Park comforted me with his kindness. I Was The Same As Baasha

During the Water Festival, we were able to make $1,000 a week selling Kimbap due to the Korean culture wave. All the money we earned was wet because of the Water Festival. When we laid down the wet bills on the floor, they filled the room. We literally had a wet money carpet. This was a great amount of money considering an average monthly wage was 29

Memoirs of a Missionary_Myanmar

$25. I wanted to open a way for the poor Myanmar brothers and sisters to sell Kimbop. However, that was not the way to teach them faith. It was like raising them as salesmen rather than raising them as fishermen who catch men. Baasha who became a king from nothing forsook the way of the King David and went the way of Jeroboam. I was the same as Baasha. After I repented in my heart, the heart of God for the Gospel flowed into my heart. I was naturally a person who goes astray if there is no guide. In this crucial point of my ministry in Myanmar, I was able to give all my heart before the Gospel once again. When an aircraft carrier travels, there is also a nuclear-powered submarine that travels with it. Just how David became a wall to Nabal to save his life, the servant of God was protecting my spirit. We Were All So Happy In A New Chapel

There were continuous works of the Gospel by the grace of God, and our house was packed with no more space after many people got connected to church. We tried to find a bigger house but we could not find a suitable one. One day, my daughter Minhwa did not come home from her friend’s house even though it was getting late, so I went to pick her up. Although her friend’s house was right next to our house, the house was barely visible from the outside because there were so many trees. When I opened the gate and went in, it was almost 80 meters from the gate to the house along a curvy road. I had a hard time getting to the house because leeches kept getting on my legs. There was an enormous two-story house with a 3,000 pyeong front yard. My daughter’s friend’s parents were housekeepers of that house and were renting a room within. I thought that it would be great if we could rent this house. I contacted the elderly landlord several times, but he angrily hung up every time saying that I had to pay $6,000 a month. We just kept praying because


we wanted to rent the house with $500 a month. It seemed impossible for us to rent that house. One day a few months later, our landlord stopped by our house and talked about the elderly landlord next to us. He said that the elderly landlord passed away due to a stroke while he was traveling. He told us that it had been a month since the elderly landlord passed away. The next day, I called that house and the grandmother who owned the house picked up the phone. After hearing that we would like to rent the house, she said that we could rent that house for $650 a month. The house hadn’t been maintained for the last 10 years, and there were many places that had to be fixed. However, all the construction materials were in storage. We asked the grandmother and brought the wood to a lumber shop to check if they were okay to use. They checked it and said everything was okay. On the outside, it looked dark and rotten, but it was from a teak tree, which was very expensive. With the best wood, we were able to make a podium, tables, chairs, and so on. After moving to the new chapel, we had breakfast while hearing the birds chirping in the beautiful garden. Every night, I went up to the cool roof with the missionary students to look at the stars, pray, and sing hymns. I was so happy to see the same twinkling stars in Myanmar that I used to see in Korea. I heard that the house we just moved into was the house of a Kayin tribe chief. There was probably no other house that had as big a garden as our house in Yangon. The work of the Gospel arose more abundantly in the new chapel. I Could Do Nothing Like Dirt

In 2005, Pastor Ock Soo Park came to Orissa, India as a guest speaker for the conference. Regardless of threats and persecution from Hindus, the pastor risked his life to come preach the Gospel. At that time, all the missionaries from Southeast Asia region went to Orissa also risking their lives to listen to the sermon from Pastor Ock Soo Park. During that time, a sincere heart to invite the servant of God to Myanmar arose in me. During the conference, I was reading the book of Ruth and there was a verse that said, “Uncover his feet, and lay thee down.” So, I slept on the sofa in the living room of the Orissa church. Around 4 a.m., Pastor Ock Soo Park came out to the living room to pray. I was able to talk to pastor briefly. Pastor said that he wanted to come to Myanmar. From what pastor said, I was able to strongly feel that the father’s heart to meet his second son was much greater than the heart of the second son to meet his father. In Myanmar, you must receive permission from the government 31

Memoirs of a Missionary_Myanmar

1. The Water Festival 2. Sister Komai singing during the conference 3. Our happy family in the Gospel 4. A group picture of the brothers and sisters, Rio Montana, and missionaries from the East Asia region in the church’s front yard during the conference at Lion City Hall


to hold an event where more than 100 people gather. The Myanmar government hated events where crowds gathered. It was a bigger crime for a crowd to gather around a car accident than to cause the accident itself. Sometimes, there were warnings prohibiting groups of three from walking together. It was because gatherings of people were perceived as potential terrorist threats. Actually, there were occasional terror bombings causing many deaths. Once, there was a terror bombing in a big supermarket 10 minutes away from the church and many people died. We were able to avoid the attack because we were having a regional group meeting. It was the grace of God. There were still terrorist attacks from rebels in Myanmar. Thus, safety was not guaranteed in places where many people gathered. Also, it was even more difficult for a Christian event to be approved. We prayed for the conference in Myanmar. At 5 am, I prayed kneeling down on a dirt floor with the missionary school students. It was not a problem to place my cheek on the dirt, or if dirt went into my mouth because, like the dirt, I couldn’t do anything. “God, please, have mercy! Please, have mercy on my heart which could not be humbled!” That was how I prayed while crying. While I was searching for a venue for the conference, I got a call from the manager of Lion City Hall, which was a big event hall in the center of downtown Yangon. He indirectly suggested that I get approval by using the name “Christmas Welcoming Event” since Christmas day was coming in December. Thankfully, we received grace from Sister Komai and Brother Bereki of the Myanmar church who were saved popular singers. They occasionally came out on TV or in the movies, so most Myanmar people knew them. Sister Komai was connected through her younger sister who worked in the same company with Sister Ingingmo, and Brother Bereki was saved when, through the suggestion of his relative, he came to receive hands-on prayer for his first son who had autism, Through the participation of these recognized popular singers, we were able to receive permission from the government a month later. God Helped

God helped the Myanmar conference in many aspects. The dates for the conference were postponed from September to December. This was not a coincidence. In December, the high temperatures cooled down, and the weather was really nice. It felt like even the weather was welcoming the conference. In addition, we had to set up tents on our yard because the chapel was too small for the post conference and other events. For that, we needed thick bamboo trees. At that time, we were 33

Memoirs of a Missionary_Myanmar

Having worship in the church court

able to receive around 50 tall bamboo trees from the house right in front of the church. The brothers were so happy. It was really not easy to get these bamboo trees in downtown Yangon, and, even if we found them, the transportation fees were too expensive. Just looking at the bamboo trees, we had the heart that we received grace from God. Pastor Ock Soo Park’s schedule for conferences was already packed, so it was impossible for him to spare time to come to Myanmar where there was no direct flight from Korea at that time. Because we so heartily wanted for pastor to come to Myanmar, we made a flyer even before we received permission and sent it to the pastor. Pastor Park saw the flyer and thought that the conference was confirmed and was already being advertised, so he could not help but come regardless of his tight schedule. One day, there was a call from Timor-Leste. Six months before, a man from Myanmar who lived in Timor-Leste visited his hometown and received salvation while attending our conference. He was working as a cook for Australian soldiers who resided in Timor-Leste. He said that he wanted to send $1,000 for the conference. He also testified that it was from God. Not only that, Myanmar brothers and sisters who lived in Japan, the United States, and Malaysia started to send offering. Because they received salvation, they could not forget the church that preached the Gospel to them even after they moved to other countries. We were so thankful and gained much strength in our hearts. The Myanmar church seemed poor but was actually rich. 34

Though we were thankful, we faced our limitations when we thought about how we could advertise the conference. In Myanmar, we could not pass out flyers for a Christian-related event, nor put up banners or advertisements on TV. Although we could not do anything, God worked with the Word of promise, “There is a sound of abundance of rain.” From the first day to the last day, about 500 new people attended the conference every day, and almost everyone was assured of the forgiveness of their sins by the last day. When five Korean short-term missionaries performed a Myanmar traditional dance, everyone was amazed and opened their hearts because of the fact that they were foreigners yet danced so well. “I’ve Never Seen Such A Beautiful Church!”

After the conference was over, Myanmar brothers and sisters wanted to treat the pastor and brothers and sisters from Korea by inviting them to a famous restaurant in Myanmar. However, Pastor Ock Soo Park suggested inviting the people who came to the conference for a feast and serving them with the best food with the money that they were going to spend in the restaurant. We quickly rented small buses and took more than 200 new people from the venue to the church. After having a wonderful dinner, we had an ordination ceremony for two Myanmar ministers and two elders. Though we were lacking, we had hope that we could be ministers and elders if a servant of God ordained them. With that hope, we enjoyed the feast with great joy. The brothers and sisters who attended the conference were so happy as if they were in heaven. They loved the songs from Rio Montana, and danced while singing along. The hymns from Rio Montana melted the oppressed hearts of the brothers and sisters. Even the workers from Lion City Hall said that they had never seen such a beautiful church though there had been many festivals and events in that venue. They also wanted to come to our church on Sunday. Since Myanmar people are conservative, they do not usually sing while putting their arms around each others’ shoulders or dance. Even though Rio Montana cheerfully sang songs, no one would come out and dance because they felt so awkward. However, on the third day of the conference, when the hymn, “Jesus is higher, Satan is lower,” was sung, all the people’s hearts were opened. They all got up from their seats and danced and praised. As I saw that, I was so happy that I got goose bumps. In certain aspects, Myanmar people harbor greater resentment than Koreans do. They were colonized by the United Kingdom and then 35

Japan, and have often been victim to terrorist attacks. In addition, there have been wars between the government and despised minority groups. Because it is not an open economy, poor youths only think about going abroad to make money. In a reality where the whole family has to work to survive, “a cultural life” seems like a luxury. Thus, our “Christmas Welcoming Event” was more than enough to move the hearts of the Myanmar people. Just Receive What God Has Already Accomplished During the conference, Pastor Ock Soo Park said that living a spiritual life is so easy. He said David and Joseph became rulers by the promise of God regardless of their will or effort. He shouted that all we had to do was just rest and receive what God had already accomplished because sending Jesus to this world was the strong will of God to give people eternal life. The Word became the sweet rain of grace to the Myanmar people who were worn out with poverty and spiritually tired. Around 400 people received salvation, and so many people were touched and came to church after the conference where 250 seats could not accommodate everyone. These days, there are more conflicts with the police because many people are gathering as the congregation has increased. Sometimes, they visit the church for an inspection. God empties our hearts and allows us to pray because of the police. I received a heart that God gave a fish not only a fin, but also the ocean to freely swim and He gave a bird not only wings, but also the sky to freely fly. This same God would not only give brothers and sisters, but also a place where we could praise him. When I received this heart, I felt a peace which could not be described with words.



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New York Times: Notes on Genesis I

The Already Received Punishment Pastor Ock Soo Park | Good News Gangnam Church

And God remembered Noah, and every living thing, and all the cattle that was with him in the ark: and God made a wind to pass over the earth, and the waters asswaged; The fountains also of the deep and the windows of heaven were stopped, and the rain from heaven was restrained; And the waters returned from off the earth continually: and after the end of the hundred and fifty days the waters were abated. And the ark rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, upon the mountains of Ararat. (Genesis 8:1~4)


because it was filled with wickedness, He did not punish those who stole, committed adultery, or committed murder. He punished those who did not enter the ark when He had said to make the ark and enter it. Who entered the ark and who did not enter the ark? Those who thought, “I will be destroyed if I stay here like this. I’d better enter the ark,” were the ones who entered the ark. Those who thought, “Why would God punish the world? I don’t have to enter the ark because I’ve been a good person,” did not enter the ark and followed their own thoughts. It rained for 40 days during the flood, and those who were cursed and destroyed were those who followed their own thoughts. When we read the Bible, God does not tell us, “Be good. Be honest.” God wants us to throw away the evil and dirty thoughts that are inside of us and coordinate our hearts with His. God wanted to destroy every evil heart with water because we cannot become good no matter how hard we try, since we have such filthy and evil hearts. Then He told man to enter the ark. God wanted to save only those who entered the ark. Only the people who do not follow their own thoughts, but follow the heart of God, can enter the ark. Ultimately, those who did not follow their own thoughts were saved by God, while those who followed their own thoughts were all destroyed.

To Whom Does the Judgment Come Upon? Forsake Your Thoughts and Return Noah’s ark is teaching us things Genesis chapter 8, verse 1 says, of deep meaning. When God was And God remembered Noah, and punishing the world with water every living thing, and all the cattle 39

New York Times

People Who Try to Be Good Most people try not to sin and try to be good because they think that they will be cursed by God if they sin. When they first start going to church, they feel that they can do well if they try. They think, “This is great. I will soon become good and holy. Then I’ll be able to go to heaven.” But as they live this way, they commit sins. Then they say, “I’ve made a mistake this time, but from now on, if I try harder, everything will be fine.” And again they try hard to live as good people, but only end up continually sinning. Then they become regretful of their spiritual lives. Spiritual life is not simply trying to become good. The Bible says that we humans have all become dirty and that we are filthy. If we live according to the evil thoughts that arise from the center of our hearts, we would truly become pitiful people. Therefore, no one lives according to whatever arises in their heart, but instead they try to live as good people. However, dirty and evil thoughts still continually arise in their heart. They cannot be good no matter how hard they try because such evil thoughts are springing up from the core of their heart. Even if they do live as good people, it is only on the surface. Their heart inside is all dirty.

New York Times: Notes on Genesis I

that was with him in the ark: and God made a wind to pass over the earth, and the waters asswaged. People remembered by God were inside the ark. People who did not follow their own thoughts, but united their hearts with the Word of God, were the ones who had the same heart of God and were not destroyed. God punished those who had hearts that were different from God. When people get cancer, they remove the cancerous part of the body. If they do not do this, the cancer will spread through the entire body and kill the person. People remove the cancerous part in order to spare the rest of the body. Likewise, if we throw away the parts that are different from the heart of God, we do not have to be destroyed. Isaiah chapter 55, verses 6 and 7 say, Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near: Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD. Adam and Eve, the ancestors of mankind, threw away the heart of God, and received the heart of Satan. Man has lived in this state of heart ever since then. Therefore we cannot help but to continue sinning because only hatred, distrust, lust, and ambitions arise in our hearts, regardless of how much good we wish to do. We can only commit evil. Therefore, the Bible says, “Let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man his thoughts.”

When God told Noah, “The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth,” Noah threw his thoughts away and his heart became those exact words. “Ah, God is going to punish the world with water.” “Make thee an ark of gopher wood.” “Then we will be okay when the flood comes! God is bestowing grace upon us!” Noah’s heart was like the heart of God, but other people did not receive the heart of God. They were deceived by Satan, believed in their own thoughts, and lived following after those thoughts. “Why would God punish man? He will not punish man. He is just telling us not to sin, to be good, and to live that way.” Everyone followed their own thoughts. They all laughed at Noah who was building the ark. “Noah makes me laugh. He is showing off as if he is the only one who believes in God. If God destroys all of mankind, what kind of a God of mercy would He be? That’s nonsense.” Everyone believed their own thoughts. Then it rained for 40 days and nights, and all those people who were outside the ark and did not enter were cursed and destroyed. The people who had their own thoughts and had not thrown their thoughts away were all destroyed.


feet of rainfall per day. That means there would be about 30 feet of rain per hour. No matter how good a swimmer a person may have been, and no matter how smart he or she may have been, there was no one who could survive this. Everyone who believed their own thoughts were destroyed. People inside the ark are safe. No matter how heavy the rain, people inside will not be rained on. It is because the ark takes the place. This is exactly like a person inside of Jesus. Jesus takes the place of their punishment. Whether we have stolen, committed adultery, committed murder, or whatever sin we may have committed, Jesus received all the punishment we should have received. It is just like the ark completely being rained upon while not a single drop of rain comes upon the people inside. The judgment is over with for us if we are inside Jesus. It is because the punishment Jesus received was the punishment for our sins. Jesus was crucified as the result of us having lived by our own thoughts. The Lord already received the punishment for our sins. Even if we may have stolen, committed adultery, committed murder, or committed any other sin, all those sins and the sins to be committed were all paid for on the cross.


New York Times

Because the Ark Takes the Place What kind of a heart did Noah, his family, and the animals in the ark live with? They lived not with their own hearts, but the heart of God. Think about it. Would a zebra that roams out in the wild be able to enter the ark according to its own mind? Other zebras would not understand the zebras that were entering the ark. “Hey, why are you going there? Some lions just went in there yesterday. They’ll kill you if you go there. And I bet it’s really stuffy in there. Don’t go in.” That was what all the other zebras thought. However, a thought that this zebra could never have on its own entered it and led it into the ark. This was so with the giraffe, rhinoceros, elephant, ostrich, wolf, and so on. All the animals were led not by their own thoughts to enter the ark, but by the will of God. Whether it was animals or people, those who followed their own thoughts remained outside the ark while those who threw away their thoughts and received the heart of God were inside the ark. Then God allowed the rain to begin. It rained for 40 days and 40 nights. In order to cover the highest mountain in the world, Mt. Everest, which is 29,035 feet tall, in 40 days, there has to be 725

New York Times: Notes on Genesis I

Obtained Eternal Redemption When Moses went to Mt. Sinai in the Old Testament, God showed Moses, in detail, the tabernacle of heaven. “This is the altar. This is the water laver. This is the bread table. This is the incense. This is the mercy seat. This is the ark.” For 40 days, God showed Moses the tabernacle in heaven very closely. Then He told Moses to build the ark exactly as he saw it, but at a reduced scale on this earth. Moses then called Bezaleel and Aholiab, had gold, silver, bronze, and wood brought over, and built the tabernacle. God through Moses gave Israelites the way to have their sins forgiven. Each time they would sin, they would come to the ark, kill a sheep, put blood upon the horns of the altar, and sprinkle the blood upon the mercy seat. The Israelites followed Moses’ words and received the forgiveness of sin through killing lambs, goats, calves, putting the blood on the horns of the altar, horns of the altar of sweet incense, and sprinkling the blood on the mercy seat. Because the tabernacle on earth was only a model of the tabernacle in heaven, sin could not be washed away forever there: it only forgave sins committed right then and there.

Now God wants an offering not of the tabernacle on earth, but the tabernacle in heaven. Thus, after Jesus came to earth as the Lamb of God to give Himself as the offering for sin, He did not sprinkle His blood upon the temple on this earth. Jesus, the high priest, took His blood and entered the tabernacle in heaven. But Christ being come an high priest of good things to come, by a greater and more perfect tabernacle, not made with hands, that is to say, not of this building. (Hebrews 9:11) A more perfect tabernacle not made with hands is not the model built by Moses, but this is saying that Jesus entered the tabernacle that is in heaven. Sins were forgiven through the blood of lambs, goats, and calves in the tabernacle on this earth. But Jesus took His blood and entered the tabernacle in heaven, sprinkled His blood on the mercy seat, and redeemed our sins forever. The priests of the Old Testament only redeemed the sins of that time and could not wash away sins forever. But Jesus, to wash our sins away forever, went to the tabernacle in heaven, not the one on earth, and sprinkled His blood. Neither by the blood of goats 42

The Reason Punishment Departs Us After the 40 days of flooding, God allowed the wind to blow because the

judgment was over, and He allowed the waters to assuage. In the same way, God allowed the judgment to depart from our lives. I had clearly sinned. I committed terrible sins and did evil things, but God allowed the judgment to go further and further away from me, so that it can never reach me. . . . God made a wind to pass over the earth, and the waters asswaged. (Genesis 8:1) And the waters returned from off the earth continually. . . . (Genesis 8:3) The judgment that we should have received retreated. Surely I was an evil human being who sinned, but the judgment retreated from me. There is no judgment for me. There is no curse for me. It is because Jesus has received all the judgment and curse in my place on the cross. Noah entered the ark, but surely he, too, must have sinned. His wife must have sinned as well as his three sons and three daughters-in-law. But the judgment already came to the earth, and the ark took the judgment instead of them. Therefore, no matter what sin they may have committed, the judgment retreated because there was no more judgment left to be received. The waters retreated, the high mountains could be seen, the ark settled on Mt. Ararat, the waters assuaged further, and Noah exited at a vast peaceful field. Now they did not have to fear the judgment anymore. The judgment was over with. When I think about this, I am so thankful to God. I committed terrible and evil sins and should be destroyed


New York Times

and calves, but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us. (Hebrews 9:12) Offerings were given through the blood of goats and calves in the Old Testament, but Jesus obtained eternal redemption through His own blood. He received all the punishment we should have received, and ended all judgment for sin eternally. The Bible tells us that eternal redemption was accomplished through Jesus’ death. When we believe this, we are people who are inside the ark. The judgment Jesus received is not judgment for the sins He committed, but for the sins we committed. God passed the judgment, curse, and destruction that we should have received onto Jesus, and Jesus received them. It is with Him that our sins and the judgment for our sins have ended forever. That is why we do not have any sin whatsoever in the eyes of God. In Romans, it says that our sins have been washed away and that we have been justified. There are many words stating this in Hebrews as well. Hebrews chapter 10, verse 17 clearly says, THEIR SINS AND INIQUITIES WILL I REMEMBER NO MORE. We did commit sins and we will continue to sin, but because the punishment for those sins has already been received on the cross 2,000 years ago, there is no more punishment to be given for our sins.

New York Times: Notes on Genesis I

and cursed, but the Lord received all salvation. After people realized these the punishment for my sins on the words of promise, I saw how the cross. And for me, the judgment is judgment was truly retreating from over with. The curse that I should have them in their lives. I saw curse and received is over with. There is no record plagues leaving them. Jesus was living of my sin whatsoever in heaven. Even in them, and the righteousness, holiness, in the memory of God, there is no sin. preciousness, and glory of Jesus came Then God tells us, “You are righteous. upon them. You are holy.” Loving folks, Jesus died on the The judgment retreated after the cross to receive the judgment for your woman taken in adultery met Jesus. sin. Believe this truth! Your conscience It was because Jesus bore her sins, and that is inside of you will say loud and in her place, received the judgment. clear, “I am a sinner. I have done evil Jesus received the judgment for her and committed sins.” But consider the after she sinned. But for us, He has Word of God to be greater than the already received the punishment for voice of your conscience and believe. our sin completely. Say, “Right, it is true Just as this woman that I have sinned. Then God tells us, “You are But did not receive the the judgment for judgment, we do my sin is over with. righteous. You are holy.” The punishment for not receive the judgment in any my sins was received way as well. All judgment is over with. by Jesus on the cross. None of my sins Curse, plague, and judgment retreat remain. I am as white as snow. I am from us, and the peace, grace, blessing, sanctified.” Believing in this is true and mercy of Jesus remain in us. How faith. When you have this faith inside amazing and wonderful this is. of you, God will remove the judgment from you and bestow His grace upon Believe This Truth! you. Everyone, believe this truth! Many I have preached the gospel to many people during Noah’s flood believed in people. The Holy Spirit works upon their own thoughts only to be cursed. everyone who believes in the truth You, however, should not believe in that their sins have been redeemed. I your thoughts, but believe the Word saw how curse and judgment departed of God. The Word of God says that them. I hope that you, too, will believe our judgment is over with. It says that these words and both realize and have our judgment, sins, destruction, and faith that the judgment and curse for curse are over with. Thus, God had the your sins are over with and dwell in waters assuaged. God promised that the the Lord. And through this, I hope peace and blessing of God would follow. that the blessing of God will overflow I preached this gospel after receiving in you.



Gospel Lesson


The Event That


The Gates of


Pastor Kim Sung Hoon | Good News Daegu Church


the times of the Old Testament, the Israelites continually gave sin offerings. Those offerings were a replica to teach them about the perfect sin offering. God showed people the replica in advance because, by showing it to them, He wanted to teach them about the perfect sin offering. Additionally, when the time came, He sent His son Jesus Christ to this earth. “And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name Jesus: for he shall save his people from their sins.” (Matthew 1:21) The name “Jesus” means “The one who shall save his people from their sins.” Jesus came to this earth to save us from our sins. If someone falls into water and they are able to swim and come out of the water, then they do not need a savior but when they need a savior is when they cannot swim.


Salvation is given when you face a situation, which you cannot solve on your own. If someone fell into water and is saved, then the only thing that person has done is to fall into the water. Salvation is not done by the one who fell but done by the one who takes that person out. Our salvation is not accomplished by our efforts but it is accomplished 100% of the efforts of Jesus. To add any human effort to salvation is the ruse of Satan. Satan always works in a different way from God. If anyone is trying hard to receive salvation that person is listening to the voice of Satan and following his will. We have to realize the truth that with our strength, we can never accomplish salvation and we have to examine how Jesus, our savior, has saved us.

The Heavens were Opened

“Then cometh Jesus from Galilee to Jordan unto John, to be baptized of him. But John forbad him, saying, I have need to be baptized of thee, and comest thou to me? And Jesus answering said unto him, Suffer it to be so now: for thus it becometh us to fulfil all righteousness. Then he suffered him.” (Matthew 3:13-15) Two thousand years ago, John the Baptist was giving baptism to people at the Jordan River. As the last priest, John the Baptist came as the one who will make straight the ways of Jesus. In other words, he prepared the way for people to go to Jesus. Jesus came to the place where John the Baptist was baptizing. John was shocked. “Wait, Jesus. I should be getting baptized by you but you came to me?” “Suffer it to be so now.” Jesus came to receive baptism from John. As a person is submerged under water and comes Baptism out, baptism means death and resurrection. The ceremony of initiation Jesus has no sin so He has no reason to die but into Christianity; in most Christian churches, it is conHe was standing in front of John to receive sidered a sacrament. Perbaptism. Why was this so? sons baptized either have “Suffer it to be so now: for thus it becometh water poured on them or are us to fulfil all righteousness” immersed in water; some What did Jesus want to fulfill through the groups of Christians insist on immersion. baptism? He fulfilled all righteousness. In order


Gospel Lesson

for all righteousness to be fulfilled, all sin must be taken away. Jesus receive baptism in order to take resolve all of our sins and fulfill all righteousness. But, who fulfilled this work? It is written that “us” has fulfilled all righteousness. Who was that “us?” It is Jesus and John the Baptist. Aren’t these words of Jesus amazing? The fact was that Jesus and John the Baptist were working to fulfill our righteousness. John baptized Jesus at the Jordan River. This seems like a simple task but it is immensely important. The only time God had opened heaven and expressed that He was pleased was at this moment. “And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him: And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased” (Matthew 3:16-17) God had strongly expressed his heart of joy. Why was God so happy? Jesus was the Lamb prepared by God and John the Baptist was the priest. In Matthew chapter 11, John the Baptist is described in detail. “Verily I say unto you, Among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist” (Matthew 11:11) John the Baptist is the greatest person of humankind. As the greatest, he is senior to everyone else and also the representative. “And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence …”(Matthew 11:12) From the time of John the Baptist, heaven suffered violence. The word "violence" means to puncture or breakthrough. This means that since the time of John the Baptist, the way to heaven was opened where people could now enter. When John the Baptist baptized Jesus, he laid his hands on Him. Just like how the high priest would represent the people and lay his hands on the head of the goat acting as the scapegoat and all sins were passed unto that goat in the times of the Old Testament. John the Baptist as the last priest represented all of mankind and put all the sins of mankind unto Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God. Jesus became the person who had to die for our sins because our sins were passed unto Him as Jesus was submerged and surfaced from the Jordan River. Jesus had shown how, in the future, He would die for our sins and resurrect on the third day. This short event showed a summary of the life of Jesus.


The fact was that Jesus and John the Baptist were working to fulfill our righteousness.

When Jesus received the baptism and surfaced from the water, the heavens were opened. “And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him…” (Matthew 3:16) If the heavens were opened at that moment, how was heaven before? It was closed. Why was heaven closed? Because of the sins of man. The fact that the closed heavens were opened when Jesus was baptized meant that sin had been all moved unto Jesus.

The Testimony of John

“There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all men through him might believe.” (John 1:6-7) John the Baptist was the man sent by God. The reason why John came to this world was to give people faith. God wanted everyone to believe in Jesus through John. God established John as a witness of the work that He and Jesus had done. We are unable to see how our sins were passed unto Jesus. But, we are able to know through the testimony of John. It is exactly like how in the times of the Old Testament, when the high priest entered the Most Holy Place and sprinkled the blood upon the mercy seat, the bells on his garments rang, signaling the Israelites that their sins were forgiven. “The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.” (John 1:29) John vividly saw our sins pass over to Jesus by the baptism that he gave Him. After Jesus was baptized, John could not contain himself when he saw Jesus approaching him. “Behold!” Because John yelled, the people thought to themselves, “What is he telling us to look at?” as they turned their faces. Then, John shouted, “The Lamb of God, which taketh away the sins of the world!” All the people of Israel gave offerings often so when they hear “lamb,” they think about a lamb for a sin offering. John the Baptist testified that Jesus was “the lamb of the sin offering that takes away the sin of the world.” If so, what is the “sin of the world” that Jesus is bearing? The world is


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from the time of the first man, Adam, to when the last man is on earth. Jesus took all the sins of the world. Our whole life is within the world and Jesus Himself took all of those sins. Just like how the scapegoat bore the sins of the people, walked into the wilderness, and disappeared, Jesus carried our sins for three years and then was crucified on the cross.

The Works Accomplished on the Cross

“And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46) When Jesus was on the cross, he said “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me!” which is not a lie. The truth that we can clearly see in the Bible is that God did forsake Jesus. God turned His head and looked away from Jesus. That is because Jesus did bear our sins. When you see how God forsook Jesus when He was on the cross, it is so sure that Jesus was bearing our sins. We are people meant to be forsaken but Jesus was forsaken in our stead. Just like how a sinner becomes one with a lamb as they lay their hands on its head, when Jesus received baptism from John the Baptist, Jesus and we became one. We entered inside of Jesus at that moment. That is why Jesus was crucified for our sins. It was that God had crucified us on the cross. At the cross, He completely ended the punishment that was Jesus on the Cross meant for us. The New Testament gives Just like how a sinner becomes one with a three different accounts of the words of Jesus on the lamb as they lay their hands on its head, when cross. In Mark and Matthew Jesus received baptism from John the Baptist, Jesus utters only one saying we and Jesus became one. on the cross, while Luke and “Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud John each describe three voice, yielded up the ghost. And, behold, the statements unique to them. "E′li, E′li, la′ma sabachtha′ni?" veil of the temple was rent in twain from the (Aramaic for "My God, My top to the bottom…” (Matthew 27:50-51) God, why have you forsaken When Jesus passed away, the veil of the Holy me?"). Place that the high priest opened to enter once


a year was torn from top to bottom. The veil is 5 meters tall so if a person were to rip it, it would be ripped from bottom to top. But the veil was ripped from top to bottom. That means that God had ripped it. The barrier that blocked man from God was no longer needed. When the body of Jesus Christ was ripped, the veil was ripped as well. All of the barriers of sin that blocked us from God became torn away. Sin was completely washed and the judgement had been finished. At the end, Jesus said this on the cross, “It is finished.” (John 19:30) Just like the meaning of his name, Jesus came to the earth to save us from sin. And, as soon as His life was finished on this earth, that work was completely finished. The work to save us from our sin was finished. “Suffer it to be so now: for thus it becometh us to fulfil all righteousness.” (Matthew 3:15) All righteousness was fulfilled. “For behold the stone that I have laid before Joshua; upon one stone shall be seven eyes: behold, I will engrave the graving thereof, saith the LORD of hosts, and I will remove the iniquity of that land in one day.” (Zechariah 3:9) The day that Jesus was crucified on the cross was the day that all sin on the earth was washed eternally.

The Righteousness of God that does not Discriminate

There is no one righteous under the law. There is no one righteous that has kept all of the law but if you look from Romans 3:21, and after, the situation changes. “But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested…” (Romans 3:21) A righteousness is now revealed that is completely different from the righteousness gained from keeping the law. “Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference.” (Romans 3:22) It is the righteousness of God that is for those who believe in Jesus Christ. We do not become righteous because we act righteous. It is


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because the righteousness of Jesus Christ has come into us. The blood of Jesus Christ has washed our sins and we have become righteous. The righteousness of God is the holiness that God has and that holiness has come to us through Jesus. Through faith, the righteousness of God has reached us. And so, we are righteous. How amazing is this? Noah was righteous. It is because Noah received the righteousness of God. Apostle Paul also was righteous because Paul received the righteousness of God through Jesus Christ as well. That righteousness has no discrimination. Whether it’s Noah, Paul, or us, we are all righteous. The reason why is because that righteousness is not our own but it is the righteousness of God. “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.” (Romans 3:23-24) In Romans chapter 3 verse 23, there is a sinner, and in verse 23, there is someone who is justified. The one who is justified is someone who is righteous. The Bible precisely says that the sinner has become righteous. What caused this to happen? In the middle of this process, it is written that it has been done freely by the grace of God. “By the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.” (Hebrews 10:10) We have been sanctified freely by the grace of Jesus Christ. A person who is sanctified is a holy person. People do not understand this fact. One time, I told my friend that I was holy, and he said, “You are so arrogant! Have you never sinned before?” Many people say that. Those people know nothing about salvation. They think that sanctification depends on whether someone does or does not sin. Our justification depends only on Jesus. My sanctification is not gained if I do holy things but I gain it through Jesus Christ offering His body once for all. The Bible is precisely saying things like this but Satan says, “No. That could be the case, but how can I say that I am holy?” What disappoints Jesus the most is when you despise the works He has done. What Jesus hates the most is when humans judge the works of God however they want. Did we wash away our own sins? No. Jesus washed them. If so, who is being despised when someone says that we still have sin? “And every priest standeth daily ministering and offering oftentimes the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins: But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of God; From


We have been sanctified freely by the grace of Jesus Christ. A person who is sanctified is a holy person.

henceforth expecting till his enemies be made his footstool. For by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified.” (Hebrews 10:11-14) Through the sacrifice of Jesus, who became the offering, we have been made holy, and those made holy by Jesus have been made perfect forever.”(Hebrews 10:17,18) “And their sins and iniquities will I remember no more. Now where remission of these is, there is no more offering for sin. (Hebrews 10:17-18) There is no more offering for sin now. “Lord, please wash away this sin.” There is nothing to do. Of course, Satan will say, “That could be the case, I still need to ask for forgiveness for sin.” Even in the time of Jesus, the priests denied the offering of Jesus and said, “No, you have to wash sins every day. How can sins be washed away once?” At that time as well, there were two types of churches. The kind that says that sins have to be washed every day and there is the church that says since Jesus washed away sins forever, there is no longer a need to give offering for sin. This is happening now. We, who have received the perfect forgiveness of sins, praise the Lord. It is not because of us but because of Jesus that we have been made righteous and holy.

Pastor Kim Sung Hoon is currently the senior pastor at Good News Daegu Church. This is the sermon that he preached at the 29th Summer Retreat, titled, “For the Lost Souls.” 53

Church Directory (North America) EAST COAST Good News New York Church 718-878-4246 300 Nassau Rd., Huntington, NY 11743

Good News New Jersey Church 201-406-4677 1075 Queen Anne Road, Teaneck, NJ 07666

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Good News Bronx Church 646-339-6432 685 Morris Park Ave 2nd Fl, New York, NY 10462

Good News Indianapolis Church 516-231-8562 383 S. Emerson Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46219

Good News Brooklyn NY Church 917-526-7498 765 43rd St. 1st FL, Brooklyn, NY 11232

Good News Miami Church 954-667-7753 331 NW 65th Way, Hollywood, FL 33024

Good News Flushing Chinese Church 631-535-1169 134-24 Cherry Ave., Flushing, NY 11355

Good News New Orleans Church 504-432-6000 3205 Cherry St., New Orleans, LA 70118

Good News Atlanta Church 404-966-6352 11000 Rogers Circle, Johns Creek, GA 30097

Good News Jacksonville Church 904-800-7890 3850 Beach Blvd., Jacksonville, FL 32207

Good News Atlanta Spanish Church 678-387-9271 2635 Fairlane Drive, 2nd FL, Doraville, GA 30340

Good News Boston Church 617-943-9739 4 Church St. #8, Malden, MA 02148

Good News Philadelphia Church 215-379-0501 305 Township Line Road, Elkins Park, PA 19027

Good News Charlotte Church 704-500-6063 8731 Green Ivy Lane, Charlotte, NC 28217

Good News Chicago Church 847-329-0237 4825 W. Jarlath St., Lincolnwood, IL 60712

Good News Fort Wayne Church 260-797-3412 3316 S. Calhoun St., Fort Wayne, IN 46807

Good News Washington Church 703-309-7132 7461 Miramar Dr., Manassas, VA 20109

Good News Maryland Chinese Church 301-250-1138 85 Orchard Dr., Gaithersburg, MD 20878

Good News Memphis Church 901-206-7891 764 Chatwood Cove, Memphis, TN 38122

Good News Nashville Spanish Church 615-927-8980 120 Arbor Knoll Blvd., Antioch, TN 37013

Good News Minneapolis Church 612-354-3909 3000 West Broadway Ave., Minneapolis, MN 55411 Good News Orlando Church 407-456-0470 3164 Knotty Pine Ave, Winter Park FL 32792

WEST COAST Good News Central Church 213-386-0097 3500 W. 1st St., Los Angeles, CA 90004

Good News Tacoma Church 253-582-3599 10103 South Tacoma Way, Lakewood, WA 98499

Good News Hawaii Church 808-679-2800 1219 Keeaumoku St., Suite 400, Honolulu, HI 96814

Good News Albuquerque Church 505-301-7167 3001 Cuervo Dr., N.E. Albuquerque, NM 87110

Good News Houston Church 210-315-0346 6534 Rolla St., Houston, TX 77055

Good News Dallas First Church 972-272-4724 4502 Lawler Rd., Garland, TX 75042

Good News Phoenix Church 480-273-2199 9001 West ELM St. #5, Phoenix, AZ 85037

Good News San Jose Church 408-893-2267 1548 Curtner Ave., San Jose, CA 95125

Good News Sacramento Church 916-996-4655 7136 Fair Oaks Blvd., Carmichael, CA 95608

Good News Las Vegas Church 702-248-0572 2880 Red Rock St., Las Vegas, NV 89146

Good News Oklahoma Church 405-535-9553 5801 S. Pennsylvania Ave., Oklahoma City, OK 73119

Good News Salt Lake Church 801-656-5299 353 Park Creeke LN #B, Salt Lake City, UT 84115 Good News O.C. Baptist Church 714-226-0595 3330 W. Lincoln Ave., Anaheim, CA 92801 Good News Anchorage Church 907-258-9987 1020 W. Fireweed Lane, Anchorage, AK 99503 Good News El Paso Church 915-478-3576 8001 Magnetic Street, El Paso, TX 79904 Good News Portland Church 971-300-1127 6225 S.W. Dale Ave., Beaverton, OR 97008

CANADA & CARIBBEAN Good News Vancouver Church 1-778-881-5508 2291 Dorman Dr., Burnaby BC V5A 2V3 Good News Ottawa Church 1-647-770-3379 275 Rue Laramée, Gatineau, QC J8Y 3A1, Canada Good News Toronto Church 1-416-321-2004 70 Mcgriskin Rd., Toronto, ON M1S 4S5, Canada Good News Jamaica Church 1-876-318-0189 63b Deanery Road, Kingston 3, Jamaica W.I.

Good News San Antonio Church 210-993-9414 405 Walton Ave., San Antonio, TX 78225

Good News Dominican Republic Church 1-809-350-1429 Calle 26 #2, Valle Verde 1, Santiago, La Republica Dominicana

Good News Denver Church 720-308-3442 8279 E Kenyon Ave., Denver, CO 80237

Good News Haiti Church 509-70-8253-2511 Rue Jeremie #22 Delmas 33, Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Good News Kansas Church 816-210-0351 1301 E 100th TER, Kansas City, MO 64131

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