The Goodnews - August, 2016

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Special Article Meeting with the President of Uganda

Salvation Testimony

Special Article

True Joy

The President Promises to fully support IYF








Special Article: Malawi Meeting with the President for the Education of Youths: The President Promises to fully support IYF


Monthly Sermon Ruth's Happiness, My Happiness


Salvation Testimony True Joy


Memoirs of a Missionary Rejoice! Work That God Has Already Finished


Special Article: Uganda The 'Education Needed in Uganda' Meeting with President of Uganda and Pastor Ock Soo Park


New York Times Nimrod, a Mighty Hunter


Gospel Lesson The Gospel, God’s Great Love


Preaching the Gospel to the Ends of the Earth How Could I Doubt Such a God?


Church Directory

About the Cover Pastor Ock Soo Park meets with the President of Uganda and the minister of education. This meeting was the fourth time pastor had met with the President. Major road plans are in place with the support of the government and the president for the Good News Mission to initiate mind education through higher learning programs in the country. The president has offered to give full support with real estate and facilities to enable this education program. Through the mind education, we hope to teach the mind of Christ and plant hope and joy in the hearts of many people. This will be the turning point to building a bright future for the country.

Sermon of the Month

Ruth’s Happiness, My Happiness Pastor Ock Soo Park | Good News Gangnam Church

“And she went, and came, and gleaned in the field after the reapers: and her hap was to light on a part of the field belonging unto Boaz, who was of the kindred of Elimelech.” (Ruth 2:3) Let’s Leave the Cursed Land and Go to Bethlehem

In the world there are many beautiful stories, but it is difficult to find one as beautiful as the Book of Ruth. The Book of Ruth is comprised of four chapters and chapter 1 ends with a curse. Elimelech, Naomi, and their two sons, Mahlon and Chilion, the family of four left Bethlehem to go to Moab and while they were in Moab, the curse continued. Elimelech died, Mahlon died, and Chilion died…, while they were in Moab for ten years, there was only death and curse in that household. About that time, Naomi discovered that the curse was caused by leaving Bethlehem and she decides in her heart to return to Bethlehem. Naomi and her two daughters in law, Ruth and Orpah, the three widows were on their way to Bethlehem. Naomi speaks to her two daughter’s in law: “You both should go back. I am not confident that I can help both of you get married to make you happy. I am too old.” Then Orpah kissed her mother in law and returned to Moab. But since Ruth firmly decided in her heart to follow Naomi, the two arrive in Bethlehem and this is how the Book of Ruth chapter 1 ends. Ruth Could Not Find Hope in Her Life

Ruth was different from Orpah. Ruth married with the hope and expectation of living happily with her husband, but within a few short years, her husband died. As she lived a life of pity, Ruth realized the fact that she had no hope in her life. Orpah thought, “Since I am still young, 4

Wherever I looked in my life, there was only failure and I could not have any expectations or hope in anything. It was then that I found a way back to God. I can go back to Moab and meet a nice man and live happily,” but Ruth was not the same. “How happy was I when I married my husband! I had such great expectations of our future life together! But instead of happiness, only curses came. It was not enough that my father in law died, but my husband died, then my brother in law…” Ruth could no longer find any hope in her life. “That’s right, misery is destined in my life. I am a woman of misery. If this is true, then can I ever become happy just because I meet and live with another man? When I first married I dreamt of happiness, but I wasn’t happy. My husband died and I became a widow. My marriage is ruined and although I may meet another man and marry, is there any guarantee that I won’t be miserable? I will be miserable again. I don’t have the confidence.” Ruth could not place any hope in a new marriage. I Will Place My Hope in God Like My Mother-In-Law

She looked upon her mother-in-law Naomi, who lived like her without any hope, then at a certain point she saw how Naomi had hope in God and in Bethlehem. As she saw Naomi’s image, Ruth began to have the same hope: “That’s right, I too am a miserable person like my mother, but now I will place my hope in God. I will no longer search for happiness within me, but from the Lord God on whom my mother-in-law depends on, I will seek His grace.” Ruth began to take a step in forsaking her failed life to begin a new life together with God. She followed her mother-in-law and returned to Bethlehem. When Naomi and Ruth arrived at Bethlehem, they didn’t have money or anything else. What is amazing about the help of God is that when they arrived in Bethlehem, it was the beginning of the barley harvest. Although they had nothing to eat, since they could glean and eat of the barley, Ruth began to glean after the reapers. From the time that Ruth arrived in Bethlehem God incredibly began to bless Ruth. All the things that happened to Ruth were so beautiful and blessed. 5

Sermon of the Month

Things Ruth Could Not Imagined Came Upon Her

Just as Ruth placed her hope in God and came to Bethlehem, there was a day like that for me. I too, like Ruth, lived placing my hope, not in God, but in something else. I wanted to earn a lot of money and wanted to live better than others…, but when I was nineteen years old there was no joy or happiness in my life. Wherever I looked in my life there was no hope or happiness. What was more tormenting was that although it may be hard now, it would have been nice to have some expectation that later I would live better, but wherever I looked, there was absolutely nothing for me to depend on. Although I was young at the age of nineteen, I thought a lot about life. Wherever I looked in my life, there was only failure and I could not have any expectations or hope in anything. It was then that I found a way back to God. Although Ruth failed in her life, Orpah went on looking for a new happiness with another husband, but Ruth had no confidence. Her expectations were not on herself, but on the God that her mother-inlaw Naomi was looking to. Orpah returned to her hometown, to her people and to her gods, but Ruth looked to God and followed Naomi to Bethlehem. When they arrived in Bethlehem, just like being in the darkness they had nothing, but a gift of the barley harvest awaited them. They were so glad that by gleaning after the reapers, they were able to eat day by day. And God continued to bestow his grace upon Ruth. Ruth went to glean after the reapers and happened to come to the field belonging to Boaz and she began to receive his love. Things Ruth could not have imagined came upon her. Boaz said to Ruth: “My daughter, listen to me. Do not go to another field to glean and do not leave here, but abide with my maidens. Look upon the fields where they reap and follow after them. I’ve charged the young men to not to touch you. When you become thirsty, go to the vessel and drink of that which the young men have drawn.” Ruth received Boaz’s grace and she began to receive his love. Blessings that she could not have imagined were now opening right in front of her. At mealtime during the harvest Boaz spoke to Ruth: “Come here and eat of the bread and dip your morsel in the vinegar.” And for Ruth, Boaz commanded the reapers: “Let her glean even among the sheaves and reproach her not and let handfuls of grain fall on purpose for her to glean and reproach her not.” In Ruth’s life, such blessed and thankful things continued.


The Path Itself Was Blessed

The Bible teaches us well about the path we are on. The path I was on was like the path that Ruth took. My life itself was a curse and a misery; it was a life of iniquity. Just as Ruth left the land of Moab to go to Bethlehem to live a life of blessings, God also allowed me to be free from my life to place my hope in God. God also permitted me the way of living looking up to God. After I received salvation in 1962, the past days have been a series of happiness. 1963, 64, 65, 66, 67… when I reflect upon the years one by one, there was not a year that wasn’t a blessing. God has given us unspeakable grace and blessings. It was neither because I was good nor because I did something well. Merely, I walked down a path where the path itself was blessed.

Today, I still Walk Down That Path

The path of leaving Bethlehem and going to Moab may seem good, but it was a cursed path. Oppositely, leaving Moab to go to Bethlehem meant to forsake any expectation and hope in myself and to place hope in God and to follow Him. That path is beautiful and precious beyond words could explain. By the grace of God, today, I still walk down that path. Whether to go glean or work, each step I take is underlined with blessings and filled with grace. I truly like the Book of Ruth. It’s because the life of Ruth is so much like mine. When I see how Ruth, starting at a certain moment began to receive the love of Boaz and marries him to have son, she seems infinitely happy. God has also worked upon me in the same way. There is nothing that I have done, I just came in front of Jesus, and He blessed my life like Ruth’s life. Even though the life that I live now is blessed, when I think about how much more precious and beautiful blessings will continue, I want to thank and glorify God.

Pastor Ock Soo Park

Pastor Park is currently the senior pastor of the Good News Gangnam Church. He is the founder of the Mahanaim Cyber Theology School and International Youth Fellowship. Annually he is the guest speaker for Bible Crusades domestically and internationally and serves as a guest lecturer to university students. He is the author of several titles such as: The Secret of Forgiveness of Sin and Being Born Again, Repentance and Faith, Navigating the Heart. These books have been translated in 17 different languages, and in addition he is the author of 40 other books on spiritual life.


Salvation Testimony

a little child. Ever since I was a kid, I always enjoyed the stuff that my sisters did because they were always around me when I needed someone to play with. I found it easier for me to befriend the female gender more so than the males. Things felt so different towards men when I tried to have a conversation with them. One day, I found myself being more attracted towards the male gender. I did not know how that thought came up, but it popped in my head like a daisy. It was from there on, that I could not escape these thoughts that kept appearing in my head. I knew that it wasn’t right to think like that, but a part of me wanted more of the fantasy that my thoughts began to draw.

True Joy Alexander Yang Lawson | Good News Anchorage Church

My name is Alexander Lawson and I received salvation on January 12, 2015, after coming to the bible seminar at the Anchorage Good News Mission whose guest speaker was from L.A. The words that lifted me from all of my sins and despair that day is in Hebrews 10:17 then He adds, “There sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more.” In December 2014, I ended a relationship with a person who I no longer can take care of. It all started in June 2014. I wanted to experience the feelings and emotions that I have been coping for years since I was 8

In June of 2014, I met a person who was looking for the same thing I was: hope of building a future and life together. I never told my family about my relationship until I knew for sure that was the person I would choose. I knew that once I tell my family about my relationship, that they would oppose it and would chastise me for my behavior and actions. My eyes became blind to see the true image of this “ my past needed to person I wanted to be with, and deaf to hear the worries happen so that I can and love from my family. It wasn’t soon afterwards that meet god and Receive I decided to move in with his grace to salvation. him. I was desperate, selfish, senseless, and full of hope that this is surely the person that I wanted to be with even though I barely knew him. Even though I had my doubts about this relationship, I stayed because I wanted to prove to myself I can do something. I felt self-satisfied during the time I was with him because there was someone there who waited upon me and someone who actually noticed that I was there. We shared special moments and grew stronger in the relationship. There were many times where we argued because of his and my bad habits, but we always tried to sort things out and talk about our feelings. Even though we talked about our feelings many times, he still had his insecurities about me due to his past relationships, therefore causing most of our arguments. As time went by, I began to see more and more of his lacking and more of what my family was trying to warn me about him. Nevertheless, I ignored the red flags I saw within the relationship because I didn’t want to just simply give up. I wanted to hold onto something. I wanted to have joy in someone. I wanted to feel loved. 9

Salvation Testimony

In July, we went to a parade, where we passed this church booth that was advertising that they accept same-sex couples and were willing to guide us into spiritual life. I grew up as a Christian so I wanted to go to church. I talked about going to a church with my partner and he said that he liked the idea of going to church. We never did, but when I thought about my religion, I knew that it was important for me to continue to pray to God and ask from God. One day as I was sitting at home with my partner, I opened up the bible and turned to 1 Corinthians 6:9 – “Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals…” (NKJV) After reading this verse, I began to have fear inside of my heart. Because I am living this lifestyle, does this mean that I will not go to heaven? I began to question my sexuality. But inside of my thoughts, I told myself that everything will be okay because God loves me for who I am. I wanted to justify things according to what fits my circumstance and thoughts. I didn’t want to accept the words that I read, so I closed the Bible and tried hard not to think of what I just read. I kept telling myself that it was okay to be different. This is true love between two people even though we are of the same-sex. I kept telling myself this, but my heart was still at distress. At the bottom of my heart, I wanted to discuss this verse with my partner to see what he thinks. But I knew if I did, he would have many complicated thoughts thinking that I am finding ways to leave him. There were multiple times where I wanted to end the relationship with him because I just couldn’t handle his childish behavior anymore. But I always found myself coming back to him because of the memories we had shared the past months. My relationship with this man continued for about six months until Christmas Eve. I was in a bad mood the entire day because the day before I


worked super hard at my workplace and my partner forgot his medication at the hospital. He and I had to go all the way to the hospital and back on Christmas Eve. I just wanted to stay at home and relax on Christmas Eve. I shouldn’t be going out to pick up his medication. With this thought inside of me, I began to have a fit and started throwing temper tantrums. I lost control of myself and I began to go berserk. I wanted to leave him and I wanted to escape the lifestyle I had with him because it seems like nothing was ever working out anymore with him. He apologized, but after the first few time I didn’t care much for his apologies anymore because he was constantly apologizing in tears. The week before I kept debating whether I should leave him or not, and I finally decided that day to just run and go. He wouldn’t allow me to leave the bedroom so I punched the door and it frightened him. He became extremely emotional and said that I am a harm to him. In a way I understood what he was saying, but I purposely punched the door to show him that I can’t take any of his load anymore. I am tired. So he called the police, and I called my parents. My parents arrived, and so did the police, but I was just glad that my parents were there with me on Christmas Eve. The police told me that because I was in a relationship and I punched the door, it was considered domestic violence and the police told me that I will be going to jail. I didn’t like the sound of that, but I accepted it. I went over to my parents, and I told them what the police had told me. I didn’t know why my parents weren’t concerned, but they smiled and said that I deserved it. They started to laugh and to my surprise, I laughed with them. I told myself that this was probably for the best. I am finally freed from this relationship. The only problem left was going to prison. During the car ride to the police station, I prayed to God. It was the only thing I could think of doing. I was brought into a room to talk with the judge about my court date, and all I kept hearing was O.R. The police went to turn in my paper work to have me sent into the prison cell, but the people in charge of that facility didn’t accept my paperwork. Instead, the police had to call his


chief because he didn’t know what was going on too. After hanging up the phone, he told me that I will be walking out of the prison and will not be serving time. There was no specific reason why I didn’t go to jail nor have a record. All I knew was that this was the mercy of God. My sister Ruth introduced me to the Good News Anchorage Church. I used to go to a Lutheran Church, but then my family was forced to leave by the pastor there. We didn’t go to church for about six months until Ruth came to our house on January 12, 2015. It was on a Monday and I didn’t have to go to work on that day. Ruth showed up and said that she was here to pick up my parents to go to the bible seminar her church was hosting. Since I didn’t have any plans, I tagged along. January 12, 2015 was the first day of the bible seminar and on that night, Pastor Ahn the main speaker preached from Hebrews 10:17, “then He adds, “Their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more.” Upon hearing those words, I received salvation. I realized that all the struggles I experienced all led me up to this point. From that moment on, I continued attending the Good News Anchorage Church and am now actively involved in all the work the church asks me to do. It wasn’t really me who decided to attend the bible seminar, but God made the circumstance perfect to where I can’t help but attend the bible seminar. Now I am learning how to live by faith and by grace. By the guidance of the church, I am led spiritually to come to know more of God and to know more of the evil that is in my heart. When I look at myself, I have to deny myself and only acknowledge God in all things. Whether good situations or bad circumstances, it is all grace from God that He wants to give unto me. My past needed to happen so that I can meet God and receive His grace to salvation. Nowadays, God is allowing me to preach the gospel and to testify how God worked inside of me to save me from the depths of hell. It wasn’t through my own strength and wisdom, but by the power of God. God knew that I needed salvation, so He chose me and held onto me. He saved me from myself and is turning me away from my own desires. I am truly blessed to have gone to the bible seminar that week in January 2015. By hearing the true gospel, I became freed from the condemnation of sin and this unexplainable joy entered my heart and is continuing to grow each day.



Special Article_Uganda

The 'Education Needed in Uganda' Meeting with President of Uganda and Pastor Ock Soo Park “We will support you with the land and buildings for the mind education.� Scheduled to meet again with the President and Minister of Education on August 5th for detailed plans







n July 26th, the meeting with the President of Uganda and Pastor Ock Soo Park took place miraculously. Originally, the schedule of the President was to attend the retreat of cabinet ministers and vice-ministers from the morning, but he made time especially to meet with Pastor Ock Soo Park. The meeting between Pastor Ock Soo Park and the President of Uganda is the fourth time but each time, the meeting did not take place by coincidence. The heart of meeting the President was in the Pastor’s heart long before and he expressed this to Missionary Hyeong Jin Kim of Uganda every time they met. For the mind lecture and inviting Pastor Park, Missionary Kim requested a meeting with the First Lady and finally met in late May. The First Lady was happy about the mind education and expressed her wishes for Pastor Ock Soo Park to visit Uganda and to meet with the President and educate the youth about the mind. Therefore, another appointment was requested for the First Lady’s office and the President’s office in July when the camp was scheduled to be held. However, there was no call from the office for over a month and a half. When finally contacted them, we were told that the President would be gone on a retreat for the cabinet ministers and vice-minister from the 26th of July until the 2nd of August. The circumstances were impossible, but we received a call on the day Pastor Ock Soo Park arrived in Uganda, which was the 25th. A meeting with the President was confirmed for the morning of the 26th.

Pastor Ock Soo Park entered the State House on the 26th escorted by the police vehicles prepared by the State House of Uganda. There were many reporters and the General Manager of the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development was also present. They were called by the President for the meeting. The President greeted us in Korean, “안녕하십니까?” and immediately recognized Pastor Ock Soo Park saying, “Didn’t we meet in Korea?” The President asked how the mind education was going to be carried out and Pastor Ock Soo Park answered, “Most people educate the youths saying ‘don’t play games or don’t take drugs,’ but we explain the structure of2people’s minds and lead their hearts. As a pastor, after I discovered the world of the heart through the bible, I am writing books and teaching many people. Among the parables spoken by Jesus in the bible, there is the story of the Prodigal Son. The second son’s body was dirty and in difficulty but when his heart went to his father, we can see him gain hope and happiness. I give education that plants hope in the hearts of people such as those who have lost their jobs and fallen into difficulty and make them bright and happy. Mr. President, we want to work in Uganda for with a ten year plan.”

1. Pastor Park and the President of Uganda 2. Gracias Choir members sing in front of the president.


An appointment was made for Pastor Ock Soo Park, the Ugandan President and the First Lady to meet again on August 5th. The President expressed that he had a lot of interest in Pastor Park’s mind education saying that living with negative thoughts will make people give up their life while living with positive thoughts will awaken the potential and consciousness within a person. He wanted to show the positive way to the youths and the bible showed many examples of turning away from the bad way and going to the good way. Therefore, it would be better if Pastor Ock Soo Park taught the youths, and real outcomes of this education have been realized in Korea. Moreover, there are many conditions to utilize for their advantage, but there needs to be a change in attitude first. Hence, the mind education is important and formality without contents of change can never be successful which is why mind education should be implemented in higher education first. Afterwards, there was the performance of the Gracias Choir. They sung a Ugandan local song and the President listened joyfully as he tapped his hands on the table along with the rhythm. After listening to the song, the President spoke about Christianity. He remembered Pastor Ock Soo Park as the pastor who preached the gospel. Although the meeting lasted only 30 minutes, the President understood that the mind education was needed in Uganda and scheduled to meet again and discuss detailed plans on August 5th. Before Pastor Ock Soo Park left for the airport, he preached the Word to the brothers and sisters at the church for 15 minutes. Although it was a short visit to Uganda for half a day, we could see God open a great door of the gospel. 19


The President was delighted and he asked what Pastor Park would like to do first and how he could help. Pastor Ock Soo Park replied, “First, we want to carry out education for the teachers. If you give us land, we will build a building there. Before we build the building, if you give us a building where 1,000 people can gather, we will begin the mind education immediately. The First Lady seemed to be extremely interested in youth education and I heard she has recently become the Minister of Education. If your Excellency and the First Lady would help us, we will begin working immediately.” The President gave a satisfied “OK” and asked when the Pastor was scheduled to return to Korea, suggesting that they meet again a week later with the First Lady to discuss detailed execution plans.

Meeting with the President for the Education of Youths: The President Promises to fully support IYF



n July 28th, Pastor Ock Soo Park, founder of IYF, met with Peter Mutharika, President of Malawi. The former First Lady of Malawi and the Minister of Youth attended the World Camp in Korea, and through their help, arranged this meeting. Because the National Assembly is held in Malawi every June and July, it would be difficult for the Minister of Youth to attend the World Camp in Korea, however, he received special permission to attend this time. During the camp, the Minister of Youth heard the gospel through Pastor Park and received salvation. He opened his heart completely towards IYF. The Minister of Youth returned to Malawi with an open heart and gave the President a hand written letter from Pastor Ock Soo Park as he reported about his time in Korea. He recommended that the president meet with Pastor Park, so President Mutharika scheduled a meeting. Afterwards, while Pastor Park was in Africa, the work was not easy and they were very lacking, but despite this impossible situation, the Minister of Youth was able to confirm a meeting with the president. 21

IYF's Pastor Park's Meets with President Mutharika to discuss the education of youths

PastorPark'smeetingwiththeMinisterofEducationand other educational leaders The Minister ofYouth who is completely open to IYF and Pastor Park.He is helping all IYF activities.

PastorParkmeetswiththePresident,MinisterofYouth, MinisterofEducation,MinisterofCulture,FormerFirst LadyofMalawi,andthePermanent-DeputyMinisterof each department

The PresidentofMalawi promisesto supportall ofIYF's activities, and to establish mind education

IYF is promised to sign an MOU with the Department of Youth


Despite the busy affairs in the government, God allowed us the perfect date to meet with the president for a short time. Because the meeting with the president was not initially confirmed, Pastor Park's party requested for an official document regarding the meeting, and were presented with one an hour later. They also requested for an exact time for the meeting because they had to fit it in Pastor's Park tight schedule in Africa. In all honesty, it is not common for the president of any country to disclose their meeting information because of security reasons, however, the President of Malawi was considerate and informed Pastor Park's party to meet at two in the afternoon at the Presidential Palace in Lilongwe. God knew about this meeting and prepared it as He opened up the way. On July 28th at 8:30am, Pastor Park arrived at the Kamuzu International Airport and was greeted by the former First Lady and the Minister of Youth. In preparation for Pastor Park's arrival, they issued a visa waiver, four cars for transportation, and police escort. After a brief summary of the day's schedule, Pastor Park headed to his first stop, the National Police Agency. The MOU signing was possible when the chief of the National Police Agency attended the Malawi World Camp last March and heard Pastor leading to the MOU signing that took place with the chief and deputy chief in front of 100 high ranking executives. The MOU states that for the next five years, IYF can freely hold 23


MOU signing with the National Police Agency

Special Article_Malawi

2 1)TheMinisterofYouthandtheFormer First Lady prepare to meet with Pastor Park30minutesbeforehearrives;MinisterofYouthwarmlygreetsPastorPark 2) The former First Lady greets Pastor Park at the airport 3)PastorParkmeetingwiththechiefof the National Police Agency


mind lectures at the National Police Agency, the Police Academy, the Police Training School, as well as other police affiliated entities. Their purpose is to instill the correct mind set in the minds of the young police force. Before the signing ceremony, Gracias Choir's Jin Young Park and Hye Mi Choi performed a duet. The audience was captivated as they performed native Malawi songs in Malawi. Pastor Park spoke of the story of the Chinese King Jang. He said that the police officers should serve the people of Malawi with this mind set. He said that with this mind set, the people of Malawi will surely respect them. The chief of the National Police Agency expressed his hopes of the Malawi police officers to receive the best mind education in the world. Afterwards, Pastor Park attended a meeting with the Minister of Youth and 15 other professionals in the education sector. Pastor Park spoke about the prodigal son and about how the heart flows. He spoke about the need for mind education. After hearing this message, the Minister of Youth, along with education professionals, discussed how to incorporate mind education to the current curriculum. 24

2 1)PastorParkmeetingthebrothersand sisters of the Malawi Church. 2)PastorParkpreachingattheMalawi Church.Theyarecurrentlyconstructing achurchontheplotoflandthatwasdonatedbytheMalawigovernment.They plantobuildanIYFcentertohousevarious programs for the youth. 1




Despite his busy schedule, Pastor Park and his party met with the Malawi church congregation in Linglowe. "There is peace on your faces. Even though there are many difficulties around us, we were able to meet with the president of this country and boldly preach the gospel. How is this possible? It is possible because of we have Jesus." Pastor testified in detail how he preached the gospel to the Malawi Minister of Youth during the World Camp in Korea. During that short time, they were able to hear the heart of God that is holding onto the church with peace and happiness. At 1:30 in the afternoon, Pastor Park and his party headed towards the presidential palace. The Minister of Youth escorted and ushered Pastor Park throughout the whole trip. The Minister of Youth, the Minister of Culture, the former First Lady, and the Deputy-Minister from different departments all gathered during the meeting with the president. The Minister of Youth moderated the meeting. After, President Murthrika gave a welcoming speech. "54% of the population of Malawi is under the age of 18. This means there are many economic difficulties for the rest of society. Youths who are raised well are invaluable resources for the country. However, those who are not raised properly can't help but to fall into trouble." The president mentioned the current status of Malawi in his speech. Pastor Park congratulated President Murthrika for his appointment of UN Youth Champion. He explained that IYF has the same intentions in resolving issues pertaining to youths. "It takes wheat

Special Article_Malawi








1)ThefirstscheduleinMalawiistheMOUsigningwiththeNationalPoliceAgency.TheNationalPoliceAgencyheld a mind lecture with Guest Speaker Myung Kyu Lee last March. 2) Gracias Choir's Jin Young Park and Hye Min perform a congratulatory song for the occasion. 3) MOU signing with the National Police Agency 4)Beforemeetingwiththepresident,PastorParkmetwiththeMinisterofYouthand40otherprofessionalsinthe education sector. Pastor Park introduced the IYF mind education during this meeting. 5) Malawi Press covering the meeting between President Murthrika and Pastor Park. 6)PastorParkintroducingmindeducationandpreachingtheword.(MinisterofYouth,secondfromtheleft). 7) The president and prime ministers from different departments official meeting with Pastor Park. 8)PastorParkexplainingmindeducationinfrontofthepresidentandotherministers.(PastorParkfirststoodupto speak but the president was considerate and allowed him to sit as he presented) 9) Photo Op after the Meeting with the President






6 months, apples 3 years to bear fruit. But people tend to give up after started the work of educating the youths. The distance between New York and Los Angeles is 4,200 kilometers. The Americans were able to pioneer the frontier because they tamed wild horses. When people are trained, they are 100 times, 1,000 times more productive. Please allow me to work for Malawi for the next 10 years." They requested an MOU signing with the Ministry of Youth, and the president approved it that very day. They also requested to establish mind education for teachers and to incorporate mind education in the curriculum. The president also approved for this as well. The meeting was initially scheduled to be 30 minutes long, but it lasted for an hour and 20 minutes. They were able to have real discussions with the president. No president of any other country would allow such a long meeting with the president. The meeting ended with Gracias Choir performances. The president was very happy to hear them perform. After the photo op, the president asked them to perform for the press again. The president gave Pastor Park a gift and said to Pastor Park, "Please feel free to stop by the presidential palace whenever you are in Malawi. We are always open to you." As Pastor Park exited the presidential palace, he said, "This all feels like a dream. Something like this happened to us. That one hour felt like a lifetime." He was sad to leave as he headed out for Kenya. We were able to see the fruits of the Ministers Forum held during the World Camp every year. We are very hopeful for the works that God will open in Malawi.

They Said it was “Dengue Fever”


Work That God Has Already Finished Pastor Dae In Kim | Myanmar Missionary

Brothers and sisters from the Indaryarzar church were discharged after being locked up in prison.

Through dengue fever, God once again engraved in Missionary Dae In Kim’s heart that, “Dae In Kim is a person who cannot do anything for the Gospel.” God then gave him “new strength” that does not exist in this world. Missionary Dae In Kim happily testifies that all the works that he does with this new strength are simply “enjoying the work that God has already finished.” Missionary Dae In Kim was saved on February of 1989. While working as an elementary school teacher and serving the Gospel, he joined the missionary school by the calling from God. After gaining faith by discovering the will of God who called him by grace and regardless of his lacking image, he was dispatched to Seoul Dobong Church and currently is ministering in Myanmar as a missionary. Throughout 12 issues, we will see God who powerfully worked in his life and ministry.


In 2013, I visited “Myitkyina” in Myanmar. It was because we had a preconference before the grand conference at an indoor gymnasium in Myitkyina. I finished the conference well and came back home but I started to have a fever and my body ached. I thought it was merely a cold, so I rested at home for five days. However, instead of getting better, it got even worse. Eventually, I was carried to the hospital on someone’s back. The doctor did a blood test twice, and the result came out to be “dengue fever.” Usually, a person’s platelet count is at least 200,000, but mine was only 60,000. They told me that it was an emergency situation and that I must go to the emergency room in a big hospital. Yet, I was too late. The doctor told me that I was lucky that I did not have any bleeding in my organs. I was lying on a bed and had a severe headache due to my illness. When I turned to the right side, the right side of my head hurt and vice versa, so I was rolling around on the small bed. When I was young, I would catch a beetle and flip it upside down. It would then, start to spin around. That was exactly how I looked. My blood pressure shot up and it was hard for me to breathe. I felt dizzy and on top of that, I had side effects from my panic disorder. It was really difficult. “Just how there was Elisha for Naaman, I have the servant of God. Let me connect this problem to the pastor!” With that heart, I told my wife to call Pastor Ock Soo Park in Korea. The pastor said something over the phone, but I could not remember what he said because I was in much pain and was not in my right mind. However, thankfully, the conversation with the pastor was saved on my wife’s phone. Actually, there was no such function on my wife’s phone, but she coincidentally downloaded a recording application on her phone. When I thought about how the sermon of Pastor Ock Soo Park was automatically recorded and saved, I was amazed and thankful. I listened to the sermon by Pastor Ock Soo Park over and over again. “If a bird's nest chance to be before thee in the way in any tree, or on the ground, whether they be young ones, or eggs, and the dam sitting upon the young, or upon the eggs, thou shalt not take the dam with the young: But thou shalt in any wise let the dam go, and take the young to thee; that it may be well with thee, and that thou mayest prolong thy days” (Deuteronomy 22:6-7). “Missionary Kim, we are different from the people in the world.


Even if we get dengue fever, we won’t die. It’s because there are many works of the Gospel for us to do in Myanmar. You are a mother bird. God cannot help but save you. We do not die because of malaria or dengue fever. We can die when God calls us. There are works of salvation happening in Myanmar. Many missionaries are arising as well. Though the situation seems like you would die, didn’t God say that you would ‘live?’ You can’t help but to live according to the Word. ‘Those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.’ Wait upon the Lord and don’t worry about anything. I will pray for you.” Through the word of the pastor, the heart of God had flown into my heart. “Then, I too will live! Thank you, God!” After a week, I was completely free from dengue fever. I heard later that there was an announcement on the website saying, “Missionary Dea In Kim from Myanmar is at risk of his life due to dengue fever,” and brothers and sisters from all over the world prayed for me. I was able to live because of the church’s prayers. For such a person like me…. I was overwhelmed with deep love for the church. Through dengue fever, God once again showed me my image of not being able to do anything for the Gospel and led me to be reconnected with the Words of the servant of God. To Whom Are these New Strengths Poured Upon?

’New strength’ does not exist in this world. It is one hundred percent from God. There is no energy on Earth. All energy is produced through the light of the Sun. Recently, a meteorite fell in Jinju, Gyeongsangnamdo Province, Korea. The meteorite actually costs hundreds of thousands of dollars, so it was called, ‘“the lotto meteorite’ There was a meteorite from the Gobi Desert in China, which people could not even put a price tag on. They are valuable because they do not exist on Earth. When we wait upon the Lord, we will receive new strength that does not exist in this world. Those who gain this new strength will mount up with wings as eagles and will run without being weary and faint. If a person listens to the sermon, he will receive strength. However, if that person makes up his mind again thinking to go to early morning service and witness with all his heart, then that is not new strength because that determination will eventually fade and he will become weary. Determination is the power of the law based on deeds. Just how people get drunk when they drink and get sleepy when they take sleeping pills, people who received the power of God surely will experience not being


weary and faint. Not only that, they will mount up with wings of faith. The new strength is that fact that it is finished.” Because God has finished everything, there is nothing for us to do. When I stood before God with my problems, God told me, “It is finished and taken care of. Just enjoy.” In Exodus 17, there is a story of Joshua fighting against the Amalekites. Joshua had to look at the hands of Moses while battling because it was a battle that he could only win as long as Moses’ hands were up. It was a battle in which he could rest and be joyful. Bezaleel and Aholiab who were used for the construction of the tabernacle also lived a joyful life. Although they did not have wisdom, a fully built blue print of the tabernacle was in Moses’ heart. All Bezaleel and Aholiab had to do was enjoy hammering because a fully built blue print of the tabernacle was in Moses’ heart. Since Jesus has cleansed our sins perfectly, we no longer have to try to wash our sins. Likewise, all we have to do is be joyful, giving thanks to God and glorifying Him in the world where God has already accomplished everything. Then, to whom would this new strength be poured upon? It would be poured down upon people who do not have strength to dig the ground and are too ashamed to beg. To those whom death has come upon, God gives wisdom – “I am resolved what to do! “In Luke 16, when the master gave the steward all power, it was meant for the steward to enjoy himself, not to work. Why would God who already gave us the whole universe ask for us to work? “According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue” (2 Peter 1:3). This Word shows that the master gave the steward not a portion, but everything. If the master gave the steward a hundred thousand dollars, the steward would work to double the money. However, the master gave him everything. Thus, there was no work necessary for him to expand the master’s wealth. Giving “everything” means “to enjoy.” It does not mean “to work.” The steward’s living diligently as a steward and living as himself were lives of work following the law. If he could not enjoy the possession of the master, he was living a life of wasting the wealth. Just like how the steward has to work with the same heart as his master, we have to live as new creatures and as Jesus, not as ourselves. The life of living as Jesus is a life of challenging things that are impossible for men. When we live as Jesus, nothing is a problem. God led me so that



I could do ministry with that faith. I was sincerely thankful that God was providing me with spiritual wisdom through His servants. Doors of the Gospel that Continue to Open Whenever We Went Forward

Myitkyina, where we were supposed to have a grand conference in 2013 was a city that was located in the northern part of Myanmar, close to the borders of China. It took a 3-hour plane ride from Yangon. Myitkyina is the central city of the Kachin tribe, which consists mostly of Christians in Myanmar. In addition, there is continuous conflict between the Myanmar government and the Kachin tribe due to prosperous natural resources such as jade in the Kachin Tribe territory. After a church was established in Myitkyina in 2007, the congregation annually attended the Christmas Welcoming Event in Yangon and learned about spiritual life. The brothers and sisters eagerly wanted the servant of God to come and visit Myitkyina. I too had wanted to invite Pastor Ock Soo Park to Myanmar’s central city of Christianity for a long time. However, there were some problems for us to hold a grand conference in Myitkyina. Until March of 2013, there were battles between the Myanmar government and rebels in the northern mountainous area. There were warplanes bombing the area and many people died due to the continuous battle. Because of bombing, electric plants, railroads, highways, and bridges were damaged. In addition, a city named, “Pakan,” was shut down. It seemed it was impossible to hold the grand conference there. However, during the 2013 World Camp in Korea, the mission decided that Pastor Ock Soo Park would be a guest speaker for the conference in Myitkyina, Myanmar. Amazingly, the following August, the government and rebels concluded a peace treaty and called a truce. We received permission for the conference from the government. I could not believe it. For a foreigner, being a guest speaker for the conference was nearly impossible. Also, the situation in Myitkyina was hopeless. By the grace of God, we received permission for the grand conference and I got on the airplane from Yangon to Myitkyina with Pastor Ock Soo Park. Although it was a domestic flight, I felt like I was riding a car on an unpaved road. I felt so dizzy, but the pastor was continuously reading the Bible on the plane. We stayed at the best hotel in Myitkyina. It was newly built with teak trees, top quality construction material. We were able to get a half price off because of their grand opening discount. The owner of the hotel




1. A conference at the indoor gymnasium in Myitkyina 2. An advisement signing for the Myitkyina conference. 3. After the conference, there was an ordination ceremony. 4. Many people came to the conference on motorcycles. 4


was a Christian. He completely opened his heart to us and attended the conference with more than a hundred of his employees. Pastor Ock Soo Park preached the Gospel with all of his heart. More than 2,000 people came to the conference, and more than half of the attendees were new comers. They heard the Gospel and most of them received salvation. Nyan Win, the vice chief of the police department, said. “I came here because my friend, Wooroing, invited me. Wooroing is now an elder of the Yangon church, but he was an alcoholic and had a bad temper. However, from a certain point, his life had drastically changed, so I wanted to come to the Good News Mission. I attended the conference and met Pastor Ock Soo Park, the author of A Secret of Forgiveness of Sin and Being Born Again, and listened to his sermon. More than anything, I am happy that I became righteous through God’s laying our sins on Jesus and letting him to be responsible for them.” Nyan Win was actually in charge of the security of the area. He decided to be in charge of the security for our conference as well. We also held an IYF camp while we were having the conference with around 200 college students. Through the camp, six presidents of universities were able to attend the conference. Among them, four people had spiritual counseling with Pastor Ock Soo Park and received salvation. Those presidents of universities requested to hold IYF camps in Myitkyina continually. After the year of 2013, we could no longer hold any other events beside sports activities in the indoor gymnasium due to changes in the rental regulation. There were also still conflicts with rebels. I thought that it was a very good thing that we had the conference by faith in 2013. On the last day of the conference, there was an ordination ceremony for two native missionaries, one elder, and two deacons. Whenever the servant of God visited Myanmar, new workers of the Gospel were established. Now, twenty-two churches have been established in Myanmar. However, we were always short on people to preach the Gospel. Like the Word, “There said he unto them, The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth laborers into his harvest” (Luke 10:2), we had to pray for more Gospel preachers. Now, there are around 400 brothers and sisters coming to the Myitkyina church. They recently purchased


1,800 pyeong to build a new chapel because the current building is too small now. The brothers and sisters are praying with their all hearts for the construction of the chapel. God has Established and Protected the Indaryarzar Church

In the mist of persecution and difficult situations, the works of the Gospel were manifested even more greatly, from the northern part of the country to the southern part of the country. There is a village called Indaryarzar in the southern part of Myanmar. It takes around 17 hours by car to get there. Our church is there with approximately 100 brothers and sisters. Each time we held a grand conference in Yangon, one or two people were saved and connected to our church. They invited us to the village and we held a Bible conference there. Through that, a church was established in the village. Recently, the brothers and sisters built a big chapel. When they hold a conference at the church that God has prepared, people from different churches would come and receive salvation. Those people were searching for a church that preaches the true Gospel. One pastor from Indaryarzar was not happy with the situation, so he started to persecute our church. He was close to the chief of police, the chief of township, and provincial governors. He was also a community leader. He used his connections to persecute our church. Once, they reported that we built our church illegally. Actually, in such a small village in the countryside like Indaryarzar, that was how people normally built houses. There were other buildings built same way, but they tried to find fault in our building in order to kick our church out of the village. They used gangsters to throw rocks and shoot sling guns at the chapel at night. A sling gun in Korea is a toy for kids. However, in Myanmar, sling guns are weapons. They shoot a bead, a size of a quail egg. If it hits a person on the head, that person could die. They would use the sling guns at 1 a.m. or 2 a.m. and caused trouble for us. When I heard that they broke all of the church’s windows at night and gave us hard time, my heart was not at ease. Did we establish the church in Indaryarzar because we wanted to establish it? God established it. We did not build the chapel by our will, A brother had donated land saying, “It would be good if we could build our chapel here.” Through that, the brothers and sisters were able to build the chapel with one heart. As I thought of


1. With the brothers and sisters in I ndaryarzar church. 2. Recently, we built a new chapel in Indaryarzar. 3. A brother from the Indaryarzar church.

how we preached the Gospel and how many people already received salvation in this chapel, I stated to have a heart that God would protect us and I was able to have a peaceful heart. It was August of 2013. The month of August is monsoon season, so there are heavy rains and thunderstorms. There was one electric pole by the Indaryarzar church. However, the chief of township cut off electricity and running water. As a result, those electrical wires, which looked like spider webs, didn’t deliver any electricity to us. We had to dig our own groundwater and use a generator for ourselves. One day, there was severe, and lightning hit that electric pole. The lightning traveled through the wires and killed the person who was the leader of the people who


persecuted us by throwing rocks and shooting sling guns at night. After that, persecution from the village toward us disappeared. One provincial governor filed an administrative litigation and made the brothers and sisters criminals because the brothers and sisters gathered and were having services at a place where he forbade any religious activity. Some sisters had to cut their hair and locked were locked prison for a month with prison uniforms. However, they were not discouraged, but rather, they testified, “Even if we try to pay to go to prison, we wouldn’t be able to. Because of the Gospel, we received grace to be locked in without crime.” Prison guards knew that the brothers and sisters did not do anything wrong. For that reason, they treated the brothers and sisters nicely and allowed us to have prayer meetings and services. They even allowed us to witness in the prison. The brothers and sisters of Yangon church cared for the brothers and sisters who were locked in prison with all their hearts and preached the Word. “Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you” (Matthew 5:11-12). This Word gave much strength to the brothers and sisters of the Indaryarzar church. Through the persecution that the Jerusalem church received, the Gospel was able to be spread and churches were able to be establish all over the world. I was hopeful that the Myanmar church would also grow and prosper through persecutions and difficulties. There was one more thing that I was thankful for. In Myanmar, there are 8 big tribes. Each tribe has a different language, army, and flag. Myanmar is a federation, which consists of eight small countries. The brothers and sisters belong to specific tribes. The Kaylin tribe, the Chin tribe, and the Kachin tribe. Because of that, there was a tendency for people of the same ethnic groups together in church and there were invisible conflicts and frictions. However, all of the brothers and sisters became one before the problems in the Indaryarzar church. I said to the brothers and sisters, “I am no longer Korean. I am a person who belongs to the kingdom of heaven. All of you are also citizens of the kingdom of heaven. We are all the same. Faith is living in this world as people of the kingdom of God.”


New York Times: Notes on Genesis I

Ham had four sons: They were Cush, Mizraim, Phut, and Canaan. The land where the descendents of Canaan lived was called Canaan. Today I would like to talk about Nimrod, who was a descendent of Ham.

Pastor Ock Soo Park | Good News Gangnam Church

And the sons of Ham; Cush, and Mizraim, and Phut, and Canaan. And the sons of Cush; Seba, and Havilah, and Sabtah, and Raamah, and Sabtechah: and the sons of Raamah; Sheba, and Dedan. And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth. He was a mighty hunter before the LORD: wherefore it is said, Even as Nimrod the mighty hunter before the LORD. And the beginning of his kingdom was Babel, and Erech, and Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar. (Genesis 10:6~10)



New York Times

Nimrod, a Mighty Hunter

To Enter the Level of True Spiritual Life Most people think, “I should live a good spiritual life, but I am not good at keeping the law. I cannot pray well. I don’t have faith. I don’t know the Bible well. I constantly commit sins.” But in reality, people fail in spiritual life because they do so well. What do most people say when they begin spiritual life? They say, “If I go to church, do not commit sin, and live as a good person, I will live my spiritual life well,” and they try hard to live according to the words of the Bible. But as they try to do this, they are unable to live a true spiritual life. This is the manner in which they begin their spiritual lives, but in order to reach the next level in spiritual life, they must then realize that spiritual life cannot be done that way. If you were successful in business, would you be able to give that business up and go work under someone else? You would only do that when your own business fails. Who would do such a thing when their own businesses are doing well? In spiritual life, if you could keep from sinning, do good, and live pleasing God as the

Bible says, why would you need Jesus? We receive the grace of Jesus because we cannot do it through our efforts and labor. Therefore, the reason your spiritual life does not work out is not because of your inabilities, but because you do too well. Anyone who is trying zealously to live a spiritual life at one point says, “Why do I continue to sin when I am trying to do good?” and reaches his limit. Then he must say, “I cannot do any good!” and give up on himself in order to begin a true spiritual life. In regard to Noah, people think, “Noah must have been good. He must have lived honestly. He must have lived without sinning, according to the Word of God. That is why he was saved.” But that was not true. As I said in the last sermon, we can see that Noah was not a person of high class. He got drunk and took his clothes off. A person with class would not do such a thing, even if he were drunk. Genesis chapter 6, verse 8 says, And Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. How could Noah receive grace if he had not sinned? Rather, the people who did not enter the ark thought, “How can God destroy me when I have lived such a truthful life?” They did not enter the ark because they had the heart to believe in themselves. Spiritual life is believing in the Word of God more than your own thoughts and experiences when you stand before a certain problem. It is putting forth the Word of God rather

New York Times: Notes on Genesis I

became a pastor. One day, while praying, I thought, “God, why did you save me and make me a pastor? I am so unfit to be a pastor. God, if you had saved Chungnam Jeon and made him a pastor, he would be in such favor with the congregation. But why did you save a person like me?” Because Chungnam was such a better person than me, I often thought that he would have been much better at ministering than I, had he become a pastor. Why Did You Make a Person I once went to my hometown and like Me a Pastor? heard news about Chungnam. We find Nimrod in Genesis chapter “Have you heard about Chungnam?” 10. Of the sons of Ham, Cush had “No.” Nimrod. And Cush begat Nimrod: he “He got married, and I heard she began to be a mighty one in the earth. is a very pretty woman. She’s from (Genesis 10:8) Nimrod was a mighty Busan City and I heard that she person. He was an outstanding man. almost competed in the Miss Korea I had a friend named Chungnam pageant.” Jeon when I was young. He was tall, “Oh, really? Well, he was tall and good looking, and very good with good looking. It is only fitting that people. Everybody liked this friend of he marry such a woman.” mine. I was ugly, short, and did not Then a few years later, when I have a good personality, so not many again went to my hometown, I heard people liked me. Once, a friend broke more news about Chungnam. something that belonged to me and I “Ock Soo, have you heard about was yelling at him. Chungnam then Chungnam?” came to me and said, “Hey, Ock Soo, “No.” don’t fret over such a thing, he’s a “I heard he committed suicide.” friend of yours. Here, you can have “Oh my . . . !” mine.” That was how big-hearted he I could not understand it. I could was. I was so ashamed. I wanted to be not understand why a big-hearted, better at something than Chungnam brilliant friend like him would when we were in school, but I was commit suicide. not better than him at anything. Afterwards, as I continued to I lost contact with him as time serve the Lord, I came to know why passed. I later received salvation and God would make me ‒ someone


who is short, ugly, and ill-charactered ‒ a pastor. If I were smart, I would bring out my eloquence, traits, and character, and minister relying on myself. Once in a while, as I look at the list of the pastors in our mission, I deeply feel that there is no one as pitiful as I because I am no better than anyone else. I have a bad personality; I have a heart unfit for a pastor; and I cannot believe in myself. In front of God, I feel myself saying, “God, why did you save me? I am too lacking to be a pastor.” Even now, when the congregation of the church I minister at calls me, “Pastor!” I often think, “Are you a pastor?” I must pray before God and rely on God because I have many blemishes and faults. That is why none of the things that happen at our church are because of me. They are all accomplished through the Lord. This is the reason God always works through the people who have nothing the weak and the powerless.

in everything and do not know about their wickedness or weaknesses. Nimrod, a person who excelled and was so brilliant that he was admired and followed by others, was the person chosen by Satan. He was a mighty hunter before the Lord: wherefore it is said, Even as Nimrod the mighty hunter before the Lord. (Genesis 10:8) A mighty hunter in the Bible represents people who hunt for the souls of man. There are many pastors who are like Nimrod today. They are good, benevolent, and speak well about the Bible. Their congregations say, “Our pastor is excellent. He’s great. He’s spiritual,” and they keep their congregations from looking to God and only to the pastor. They capture the people’s heart so that they cannot have a relationship with God. Such a person is Nimrod.

Who Can Have an Easy Spiritual Life? You say, “I sinned again! I wanted Satan’s Chosen People to be good, but what is wrong with However, Satan wants to establish me? I’d better not sin from now on!” and use able people. It says that and resolve your minds, yet you Nimrod was a “mighty one in the sin again. This is the foundation earth.” He excelled, had class, was of a true spiritual life. People who aggressive, was wise, etc. Such people do not know this try to do well on can do well without relying on God. their own in order to live spiritual However, such people do not know life, but people who do that cannot their lacking aspects. They are confident rely on God.


New York Times

than your own perspectives. Then, who prefers to believe in the Word of God? Is it easier for a person who has lived honestly without sinning to believe in the Word of God? It is easier for such a person to believe in himself rather than God. People who cannot do good, people who cannot live honestly no matter how hard they try, such people can give up on themselves and reach the faith to believe in God.

People who cannot do good, people who cannot live honestly no matter how hard they try, such people can give up on themselves and reach the faith to believe in God.

New York Times: Notes on Genesis I

Bible has written about this in such an interesting way. We can see that the rich man only exerted his own thoughts in hell. “Father Abraham, send Lazarus to me that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue.” “No, that cannot be.” “Then send Lazarus to my father’s house that he may testify to my five brothers.” “They have Moses and the prophets. They will hear it from them.” “Not so. They will repent if a man comes from the dead.” We can see that, even in hell, the rich man did not break his heart. Our hearts cannot be broken through trying to break it ourselves. You must discover, before God, how truly pitiful and lacking a human you are. Then you can naturally break your heart. On the other hand, if you believe that you can do good and that you can do well, you will not break your heart, but go forward believing in yourself. When you cannot give up on yourself, you may call Jesus your Lord, but you will only follow Him when He fits your perceptions, thoughts, and methods. But people who distrust themselves, throw their thoughts away and accept the Word of God when their thoughts differ from it. Ultimately, who can live spiritual life easily? Is a person who prays well, reads the Bible well, does not


sin, and lives kindly and sincerely in a better position to live spiritual life? Or is a person who cannot pray well, who cannot keep the law, and who only sins better off? Because spiritual life is relying on God, it is extremely difficult for people who do well to rely on God. It is extremely difficult for a rich person to act like a beggar. Because there is no good in us, spiritual life is not going to heaven as a result of our good deeds, but we must go to heaven by being strengthened through Jesus. Your will must be denied and thrown away in order to receive the grace of Jesus. Who, at the time of Jesus, came before Him and received grace? A person like Nicodemus could not receive grace even though he came before Jesus. The Samaritan woman, the man with the infirmity for 38 years, and the blind men had conversations with Jesus and received grace. However, Nicodemus, the scribes, and the Pharisees did not receive grace. Because they had done well themselves, they always thought, “Those sinners! Those publicans! Those filthy people!” and believed in themselves while condemning others. None of them received grace while the sinful people like the woman

taken in adultery, the Samaritan woman, and Zaccheus the publican all received grace. You Must Go the Path of Seeking Grace Because Nimrod was good and was a mighty hunter who excelled in every way, he could not receive the grace of God. He was held by Satan because he believed in himself. Like the words, And the beginning of his kingdom was Babel . . . in the land of Shinar, (Genesis 10:10) he became the founder of the Tower of Babel. Once again, spiritual life is not you keeping the law well and living according to the words in the Bible. It is the opposite of that. Jesus was crucified for those who sin and commit wickedness. He was not crucified for people who did not sin. There are two paths for us coming before God. The first is to keep the laws perfectly without sinning, and coming to God through your good deeds. The other is saying, “God, have compassion on me and save me!” and seeking grace because you are evil, filthy, and can only go to hell. God wants us to take the latter path. Receiving the grace of God to


New York Times

I seek the grace of God because I am weak. “God, I cannot fast, read the Bible, nor preach the gospel well although I am a pastor. I am short in many ways. Lead my heart to read the Bible. Lead me to pray. Lead me to discover your precious will inside of the word.” Rather than thinking, “I should do this and I should do that,” I know that I cannot do anything unless God does it for me. All people try and labor to keep the Ten Commandments well and live according to the Word when they begin their spiritual lives. In the beginning, this is enjoyable, and it seems that they will succeed if they do this. But not long afterwards, they discover that things do not go as they had planned, and they see themselves sinning. After repenting, they say, “This time, I can do well!” but they fail again even though they are determined and labor much to live properly. As they repeat this many times, they say, “Everyone else is doing fine, why can’t I do it? Has God thrown me away?” and feel remorseful toward themselves. They must enter the process of giving up on themselves. Then they can have the true faith to believe in God. The story of the prodigal son returning, the story of the beggar, Lazarus, entering paradise are all stories about this. The rich man who went to hell in the story of Lazarus never broke his heart and lived as he wanted. The

People who distrust themselves, throw their thoughts away and accept the Word of God when their thoughts different from it.

There has to be failure in your spiritual life. You must give up, saying, "I cannot do it!" in order to leave yourself to God.

go to heaven is true spiritual life. However, Satan deceives us to have us come before God with what we have done well and to make us labor and toil. People labor to not commit sin. People labor to keep the law and to do good. People labor to please God, but such people can never please Him. As I have said earlier, when people repeatedly sin, commit evil, and reach their limit, they realize, “I cannot do it! I am such a filthy, dirty human being!” and come to deny themselves. Then God begins to help them. Nimrod could not break his heart and unite it with God’s because he was smart and a great person recognized by others. As a result, he became a servant of Satan to be used in building the Tower of Babel to lead many people to go against God. Then or now, if it is you who are at work, it is a problem because that is believing in yourself. If you would rather become a person who cannot live by the words of the Bible, who sins, and cannot do anything, you can say, “I cannot do it,” before God. You can give up on yourself, and leave everything to God. From then on, God begins to work powerfully

inside of you. Become an Unable Person Loving folks, have you ever tried to do well, and tried to reach heaven through keeping the law? Have you ever felt disappointed, pained, or saddened because you were unable to do so? That is the place from which faith develops. There has to be failure in spiritual life. You must give up, saying, “I cannot do it!” in order to leave yourself to God. If you can do well, why would you leave yourself to God? Nimrod was used by Satan because he excelled and was great. On the other hand, during Jesus’ time, the people who sinned and who were evil, dirty, pitiful, and people who could only be destroyed, received grace and were saved. I hope that you will not do well before God, but become a dirty sinner who cannot do anything in order to receive the grace of God, the forgiveness of sin, and the blessings of God. That is the way the Lord is leading you. You will be fatigued and exhausted if you try to do it by yourself. But if you give up and Jesus works, spiritual life is very easy.



Gospel Lesson

The Gospel, God’s Great Love Pastor Kim Sung Hoon Good News Daegu Church

Washing Of Feet

If You Want To Speak

When I was a missionary in Japan, I had to pay rent, which was about $3,000 in American dollars a month. One time, I couldn’t pay for two months and I fell into great difficulty and worry. During that time, I went to visit one brother’s house. He was also in great difficulty because his wife had left him at the time. I was thinking about what word I should give that brother. I thought of John chapter 14, verse 1. “Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.” (John 14:1)


Jesus washing the feet of the disciples (John 13:1–17) occurred in the upper room, just prior to the Last Supper and has significance in three ways. For Jesus, it was the display of His humility and His servanthood. For the disciples, the washing of their feet was in direct contrast to their heart attitudes at that time. For us, washing feet is symbolic of our role in the body of Christ.

To the brother who was worrying, I opened this word and said, “Brother, God said don’t worry, right? Then don’t worry.” I told him, “When my wife says, “Come eat, honey.” she says it in a short sentence. But what if I went to the table and nothing was there? Do you think my wife would call me if she didn’t make any food? She has to work for at least 1 hour before she can say that. Even my wife does that, so what about God? If God told me not to worry, then that means that He said that after H e solved my problem. If He hadn’t, then how could He say that? Brother, do not worry. God has solved that problem first and then told you to not worry.” Then, God in heaven told me, “You. You’re good at preaching aren’t you? Why don’t you stop worrying?” I was so ashamed in my heart. That day, I went home and I prayed. “Yes, God. I will not worry from today on. If I fail because I believed in you, then I will just fail. Is this my church or God’s church? Please do whatever you wish to do.” The next day, one lady came to church for the first time. She listened to the word for a while and had a very moved expression on her face. She suddenly took out her wallet and took out ten thousand yen. Because she did that during the service, other people were looking at her. However, she didn’t seem to notice and she counted the money and left after giving offering. She came out to church for two months, and over the course of five times, she gave over $10,000 for offering. Then she disappeared. Our brothers and sisters all saw, but I really don’t know who she was. God told us, “Do not worry in your hearts.” He said this in a short sentence, but He did


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not just say it. As Jesus died on the cross, He said, “It is finished.” That will never be just a simple word. Everyone, receiving salvation is easy but Jesus, in Gethsemane, He prayed desperately, “Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done.” When Jesus said, “It is finished.” it was not something that was easy to accomplish. For three short words, Jesus had to do something so great and for thousands of years, God was making plans for our salvation. Also, the Bible is not such a simple word. We can be bold in front of God because of Jesus and we have become one through that word.

The True Meaning of the Washing of Feet

Some people have a certain opinion about the word of John chapter 13, where Jesus washes the feet of the disciples. They say, “Since Jesus said that only people who bathe need to wash their feet, then shouldn’t people who bathe wash their feet every day? Although we received salvation, don’t we have to wash our sins every day because we get dirty as we live?” Everyone, one sure fact is that God had finished our sins on the cross. This is a steadfast truth. It is not that Jesus Christ finished just a little bit, but He finished all of it. When Jesus was crucified on the cross, He did not leave off your future sin because it was too heavy. He washed our sins perfectly. Then, what does the story of washing feet in John chapter 13 mean? ‘Feet’ in the Bible represents ‘walking.’ “For the Lord shall be thy confidence, and shall keep thy foot from being taken.” (Proverbs 3:26) “He will keep the feet of his saints,…” (1 Samuel 2:9) What the Lord meant by ‘keeping the feet’ is that He will keep our steps so that we do not stumble. In John chapter 13, Jesus washed the feet of the disciples. Those feet will hold the Gospel in the future and they are feet that will go over the mountains of hardship. In the Bible, it says, “How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the Gospel of peace…” (Romans 10:15) The feet of the disciples were the feet that were going to preach the Gospel. Even in the book of Ephesians, it talks about how we are the army of Jesus, “And your feet shod with the preparation of the Gospel of peace;” (Ephesians


The reason why Jesus washed the disciples' feet meant that Jesus was giving rest to those who were stepping to preach the Gospel.

6:15) This shows God’s wanting for the saved to walk towards the Gospel. It says in the Bible that we are in debt to the Gospel. If you accepted the Gospel in your heart, you will have the love of God in your heart. God wants you to now share the love with the people around you who do not have that love. Jesus also wanted his disciples steps to go towards the Gospel. However, the devil always tries to become a stumbling block to the steps of the disciples so that they will not be able to preach the Gospel. What did Peter really do after Jesus died? He said “Hey, let’s go fish.” Jesus came to Peter who went to go fish, right? He said, “Peter, Where are you going? You must preach the Gospel.” Where did he send Peter after speaking with him? He sent him where he could preach the Gospel. Now the reason for Jesus washing the feet of the disciples is that Jesus was washing the feet of those who would preach the Gospel and He had given them strength. When do you wash your feet? You wash them when you are finished with work, when you rest. The reason why Jesus washed the disciples’ feet meant that Jesus was giving rest to those who were stepping to preach the Gospel. It has the meaning of “You might feel tired after running to preach the Gospel, but I will surely wash away that tiredness and give you new strength.” After we received salvation, we sometimes don’t run towards the Gospel solely and fall into the lusts of the flesh. That is when Jesus guides our steps again and wants us to move the direction of our footsteps towards preaching the Gospel. You only have to receive salvation once, but we have to turn our hearts towards preaching the Gospel every day. That is why we need the church. Jesus said, “If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet; ye also ought to wash one another’s feet.” It means that brothers should wash brothers’ feet and sisters should wash sisters’ feet. That means to brothers should hold other brothers through fellowship when they stumble to run towards the Gospel together. Through fellowship, sisters should wash the hearts of the stumbling sisters from the lusts of the world and hold their hearts so that they may run towards the Gospel. If the story of washing feet was talking about washing sins, then Jesus cannot talk about brothers washing each other’s feet. Jesus is the only one who can wash sins. This story is not


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about washing sins, its talking about our hearts receiving a new heart of God every day. In the church, it is not only Jesus who guides our steps, but brothers wash brothers’ feet and sisters wash sisters’ feet and our steps are guided by the work of the Gospel. If we fellowship, our hearts obtain new strength to go towards the Gospel.

People Who Are Clothed by Jesus

Although I was so lacking and weak, God sponsored my heart as time passed. God will never let go of His children, the children who have been made righteous. I hope none of you are being afraid. As I was first preaching the Gospel, I fell into my weak self, often. I was many times disappointed at myself. However, in Genesis chapter 3, I saw that God had clothed Adam in coats of skin. There are two types of clothing in Genesis chapter 3; clothes made out of fig leaves and clothes made out of skins. The clothes made from fig leaves were made by Adam himself and the coats of skin were made by God. He was sweating when he made clothes out of fig leaves, but when the coats of skin were made, blood was shed. In order to use those skins, one life had to die. Also, Adam himself put on the clothes made out of fig leaves, but God clothed Adam with the coats of skin. Coats of skin After Adam wore the clothes that God Genesis 3 : 21, 'Unto Adam also and to his wife did the gave him, he looked at himself because he LORD God make coats of remembered his nakedness when he was skins, and clothed them. about to go out in front of God. However, he The coats of skin with which did not see his shameful nakedness but he saw the Lord clothed Adam and the coats of skin. The coat of skin perfectly Eve represent righteousness provided by Him in hid his shame. The coat of skin represents which they could stand in Jesus Christ. In order to cover our shame, His holy presence. These the lamb, Jesus Christ, who was sacrificed coats of skin are a type of became our clothes of righteousness. God what God provided for us had already put the whole Bible into Genesis in the imputation of His righteousness through chapter 3. Jesus Christ. As Adam wore the coats of skin, he


could no longer look at himself. The cross of Jesus Christ covered us with His righteousness. The reason we can stand boldly in front of anyone is because of this. Jesus’ righteousness is covering us so we can no longer look at ourselves. As God has nailed us on the cross, we should stop looking at ourselves who have rotted and run with the faith in the word that is alive in our hearts. We stand boldly in front of anyone with the righteousness of Jesus Christ that is covering us. Einstein who discovered the theory of relativity was originally a German Jew, but he was exiled to America. As he lived in the eastern area, he lectured about the theory of relativity at universities. One time, he was invited to lecture at Washington University which was a little further away and he was really tired that day so Einstein told his chauffeur that he was tired and his driver named Cole said, “Professor, you should rest today if you are tired. I will lecture instead of you today.” “But, how are you going to lecture? Especially when it is at Washington University in front of many famous doctors…” “Professor, I heard your lectures many times as I followed you around,so I can give a lecture. And it shouldn’t be a problem because those people don’t even know what you look like.” Then the chauffeur Cole explained the theory of relativity, and he was doing a good job. So Einstein decided to let him do the lecture. In return, he agreed to take the chauffeur’s job. They arrived in Washington and Einstein and Cole changed clothes. Einstein sat in the driver’s seat and arrived at Washington University. Finally, Cole went up to the podium and started his lecture. He lectured well for one hour without any mistakes. However, the problem was that when Cole was about to get off the podium when one person stood up to ask a question. “I don’t understand the process of how that has moved over to that. Please explain.” Who do you think was nervous when they heard that question? It was Einstein, not Cole. At that time, Cole tapped the desk and asked three times, “Which University do you teach at? Are you really asking because you don’t know?” As that professor was hesitating, he said as he called on Einstein, “Even my chauffeur knows the answer to that. Hey, why don’t you explain to us?” Then Einstein stood up and went to the podium and explained. The whole room went dead silent. After the explanation, Cole asked if there were any more


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questions and no one asked any more. Because even if people asked questions, the driver could explain to us so Cole didn’t have to worry. Jesus’ relationship to us is like this. The reason we are bold is that although we do not have wisdom, if we look for Jesus, then Jesus will come out and solve those problems. We can be bold in front of anyone.

This Great Salvation

I want to speak about the great work of the Gospel that happened in China not too long ago. We have some missionaries that went to China and are preaching the Gospel, but China has very strict religious laws so foreigners are never allowed to preach. Our church is the only church that has missionaries in China even in this present situation. For our church, if there are obstacles its even better. God helps us. Wings shine more when there are obstacles. In China, wherever our missionaries go, hundreds and thousands of people are receiving salvation. However, only a city named Zhèngzhōu, there was no work of salvation. Then, one of our missionaries who was dispatched there was witnessing at a marketplace and gave someone the book, ‘The Secret of Forgiveness of Sin and Being Born Again.’ That person took the book home and could not sleep for a few nights holding that book. He is now the most trusted Christian leader in Zhèngzhōu. He was not a pastor but there were very many pastors that were being guided by him. As somebody who graduated from theology school, he was searching to find the Gospel. He, along with a few elders he knew, were looking for the Gospel in the land of China. However, the Gospel was not in China. He read in a book that was written by Hudson Taylor, “I cannot do anything. A person who cannot do anything can do anything by believing in God.” For example, many missionaries from different countries including Korea came, but there wasn’t anyone with the Gospel that Hudson Taylor had. However, he was very impressed with the book, ‘The Secret to Forgiveness of Sin and Being Born Again”, not even the whole book but even by reading a portion of it that was divided into booklets. In that book, he read, “We have been crucified on the cross with Christ.” He was impressed because he felt, “It's not that we just cannot do anything, but we have died on the cross.” After he received salvation from reading the book, he was put into prison


"I cannot do anything. A person who cannot do anything can do anything by believing in God."

by public safety while he was preaching the Gospel with the missionary who had given him that book. Because he let a foreigner preach, he was tortured for three months and was beat immensely. He was happy regardless. His wife had received salvation as well, and the church she was leading was made up of 2,000 people. Because her husband was in prison, the missionary thought her heart would be in difficulty and he came to her to comfort her. However, she said, “Please do not say that. Did my husband go to prison for something he did wrong? He went to jail for the Gospel, how glorifying is that? We are truly honored.” That brother also did not despair and preached the Gospel. There is a religious cult in the Committee of Public Safety of China, a lot of those people were caught in that prison. That brother preached to them the Gospel and many of them received salvation. Also, that brother introduced us to the principal of his theology school named Elder Wang. He also listened to the Gospel and received salvation. After he realized the truth, he was so happy and asked us, “What should I do about our students?” “I will gather all the students, so please send us a pastor. Even famous pastors came from Korea but they are all the same. If you send us a pastor from your mission we will gather our students and have them listen to the Word. We will close the door and have class so please preach to us the Gospel for about one week.” That is how our mission’s Pastor Kim Dong Sung and two other pastors went for three weeks to preach to 200 theology students who received salvation. Elder Wang was leading three churches with 3,000 people. With a missionary, he went to those churches and gathered those church pastors. They preached the Gospel and those people received salvation. Truly, the work of the Gospel that happened there was very great. It is actually to the point where we cannot even estimate how many people received salvation in that area. Before, we were surprised at the work of 3,000 and 5,000 people receiving salvation in the book of Acts, but in China, as one person received salvation, tens of thousands of people came into the Gospel.


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Some of the sisters that attended Elder Wang’s church had husbands who were shot down because they believed in Jesus. Although they were fervently working, they were not able to know the truth or receive salvation. They woke up at 4 AM and all the way until 7 AM they kneeled and bowed down and prayed until their sweat came down like rain. But do you know what they prayed about? “God, please forgive my sins. Please let me go to heaven. What do I do with this sin?” They were earnestly seeking but because there was no one who preached to them the precise truth, they had no choice but to be in that torment. Then, our minister brought them the Gospel and preached it to them. They cried and ask, “Why did you come now? Why did you come now with this Gospel?” And when the ministers were about to leave, they said, “You, you’re not going to come back, are you? How can you leave us here like this? We truly need the truth that you are preaching.” They fervently asked. In China, many people are moving their hearts to the middle of this truth. What I am talking about now is not even close to what truly happened. Everyone, how amazing is this? The Gospel you have heard, is not just a Gospel. This Gospel is something that gains lives. Through this truth, a sinner receives eternal life in an instant. They obtain the eternal land. People who hear this great truth of the Gospel but say, “But still…” are fit to fall. We are truly thankful towards God who saved us. When we didn’t know the Gospel we tried really hard, but when we looked in the Bible, the truth was that Jesus had already finished everything. Jesus has told us the truth. We don’t even have to believe in those words. All we have to do is accept it. We have no choice but to just say, “Amen.” This love that took care of all our sins is so great and what God has done is so amazing. How can we not say, “Amen.” in front of God? If we just accept this word, we can only glorify God.

Pastor Kim Sung Hoon is currently the senior pastor at Good News Daejon Church. This is the sermon that he preached at the 29th Summer Retreat, titled, “For the Lost Souls.”



Preaching the Gospel to the Ends of the Earth

How Could I Doubt

Such a God? Testimony of Pastor Ock Soo Park

The day my daughter turned one, I established a church in Daegu. We were very poor back then, so although the following day was the Lunar New Year, we had no money, rice, nor charcoal. All we had left was kimchi, so we ate it everyday. My mother-in-law was scheduled to come, but each time she came, she felt so bad for us that she would use up all her money to buy food for us. I felt so bad about it, and hated it at the same time. Before I got married, I went to my mother-in-law to pay my respects. She had received salvation, but as she watched her little brother live such a difficult life as a believer of Jesus, she became sick of such a life. She asked me, “How do you plan on living once you get married?” I answered, “God will help me live my life.” Then, my mother-in-law said, “Although you’re single now, once you have children, that’ll be a different story.” So, I gave her my testimony. “A while ago, my shoes became all worn out, so I prayed for new shoes. One day, I opened a package that was delivered to me, and inside was a letter and box from a student I had preached the Gospel to. The letter read, ‘Upon becoming 56

a commissioned officer, I was given a pair of shoes. But the ones I currently have are also new. I thought of you and sent you these shoes. I hope they fit.’ Before opening the box, I knew that these shoes will fit me perfectly, because it wasn’t the student who sent me these shoes, but it was God who had answered my prayers. When I put the shoes on, they fit perfectly. “Mother-in-law - God knows me very well. Each time I prayed for a shirt or a tie, God always gave one to me. When I prayed for gloves, shoes, or socks, God always gave me a pair because God knows that I have two hands, and two feet. If I had five feet, God would’ve given me five shoes, and if I had ten hands, he would have given me ten gloves.” After giving her this testimony, I “passed” the marriage test. That’s why it was okay for me to starve, but I hated how my wife had to go hungry as well. The following day was the Lunar New Year, so the smell of delicious food being cooked was all around us! That night, instead of sleeping, I prayed. “God, please give us money and food!” I woke up, ate some kimchi, drank a glass of water, and went out to Daegu station to witness. People crowded the station in colorful traditional clothes for the New Year. I stopped a few people to witness to them, but no one seemed interested. Even though they’d listen for a while, once the train came, they would leave. If a person seemed interested, I would think ‘Maybe this person will receive salvation and give me some money to use for witnessing. I had prayed to God; perhaps God will act through this person.’ I witnessed until the night, and having eaten nothing for the whole day, felt too tired to do any more. I walked eight kilometers from Daegu station to my home. I came home thinking, ‘God must have given me something back home!’ But when I saw my wife, it was clear nothing had happened. All I felt was, ‘God didn’t give us food today! Let me just sleep early!’ The floor was cold because we hadn’t lit the coal. I lay down under several layers of blankets. My mother-in-law had given us thick blankets that made it hard for me to breathe when my wife married me. Today, those blankets were so nice and warm. Around 10:30pm, someone rang the doorbell, so my wife went out to see who it was. Upon talking to that person for 57

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a while, my wife walked in with an envelope. The sister, a wife of a professor at the Kyeongbook National University had returned home early for New Years, and was planning to pray throughout the night. While she was praying, a heart continually arose in her to give some money to Pastor Ock Soo Park. She just continued praying saying, “God, I’m praying at the moment, and I don’t know where they live, so I’ll go to them tomorrow.” But strangely, each time she bowed her head in prayer God gave her the heart to ‘go and give the money to Pastor Ock Soo Park’ so she had put the money in an envelope and brought it over. As she stepped out of her house, a brother from church passed by, so she asked, “Do you know where Pastor Ock Soo Park lives?” That brother led her all the way here. The sister gave us the envelope and left saying, “I wasn’t going to bring it, but God made me. I can’t think of any other reason.” When I opened the envelope, there were 10,000 won bills. Back then, 10,000 won was worth more than the present day 10,000,000 won. My wife was in tears, and my mother-in-law, who later heard of this was also in tears. My wife went out to buy this and that and we were as happy as we could be. As I sat in my room, I gave thanks to God saying, “God, you are my God, who is most definitely alive!” My wife cooked a meal, and I had not eaten for several days. I was so touched that I could not even swallow. Although I did not show it outwardly, I cried so much inside. ‘How could I not have believed in such a God! How could I not have followed such a God in my heart!’ I felt so sorry in my heart. Although I had a lot of difficulties and worries even after that day, God was always there with me, and he comforted me. I saw the living God by my side, and he is always working for me.



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