During your stay with us, your care team is here to provide you and your loved ones with information about the medications being prescribed to you.
If you have any of the following questions about your medications, or any other questions not listed, always feel free to ask your care team for clarification. » What to do in case of an emergency » How to take your medication(s) » How to open the container(s) » What to do if there is an error » Identify each medication and why each one is prescribed » What to expect while taking multiple medications » What to expect when a medication is stopped abruptly » Reasons to take a medication and reasons to not take a medication » How you will obtain medication » What side effects to expect with your medication(s) » How to store your medication(s) » How you can best understand all the information about medication(s) Your medications are provided by the pharmacy throughout the hospital admission. All medications are based on an approved facility formulary list. An exception to this is a non-formulary medication. Non-formulary medications must be approved for use by Hospital and pharmacy administration. You are also responsible to provide the non-formulary medication during the full hospital stay. As an inpatient rehabilitation unit of the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, you will also have access to My Penn Pharmacy while at the hospital. To learn how to utilize this service, and to ensure that your medication is available to be filled and sent home with you the day of discharge, please contact your case manager.
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