Nicholas Atanasov Component 1

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Component 1 Nicholas Atanasov

Architectural Presentation



• This shall be the exact location of un used land that I shall be constructing in

I have decided to build my project in an used plot of land in the Oldchurch Park located at the rear of Queens Hospital, Romford



To create my final project I would need to first have some ideas on how I want my building to turn out, this is why I chose to look into the themes of organic matter, sustainable building and flow

To begin the process of creating a functional gym restaurant I first needed a starting point that would help me get an idea as well as grasp the possible outcome of my final result

This is why I looked into organic sculptures with interesting shapes and forms for inspiration, as they would provide a possibility for forms which are unobtainable otherwise by looking at other buildings

This sculpture was very reminiscent to the Kigali Cricket Pavilion in Rwanda with its intriguing arches, which I could possibly choose to develop further

Overall I believe this process was very useful at giving me good launching points for ideas, as it inspired me effectively • •

I noticed how that sculpture looked almost as if it was made of components arranged together to make one larger structures This could be a technique I use to create my design ideas and possibly final concept

Here you can see how I experimented with the shapes and forms to create structures that could possibly inspire me when creating my final model

Here are some more different variations of more possible design ideas

However, I do not believe these ideas are worth me pursuing as they seem too final and feel completed as well as being not very interesting, so there wouldn’t be much room for development

The most outstanding sculpture to me, that caught my eye and imagination was this sculpture with the many flowing spaces and gaps, this is because I could easily envision its form resembling layers to a building if they were manipulated and stretched to help create larger area, thus greater room space


The sculpture that I found interesting reminded me of a specific structure know as the Levene House ( Casa Levene). I chose this structure to aid me in my creation of a final idea because this houses was specifically built to fit into the space in between all of the trees, like the holes in the sculpture, meaning no trees were destroyed to create this building. Therefore, this building is taking a step in the right direction in terms of sustainability.


Furthermore, as the building destroyed any tress due to its construction, it in turn means that the home flows around the trees, filling in any negative space.


A plan view of the plot of land looks something like this

It is visible to see how if the sculpture easily Casa Leven with it being shaped and moulded by the area it is based in, just like the sculpture being moulded around the empty spaces, making it a perfect candidate for my research starting point

By understanding this building it will make it easier for me to create my own building with similar interesting shapes •


The interior of this building, and understanding its construction and placements are crucial to its beauty and look as a whole, as well as how it is perceived by the visitors and public in general This is why I will try to gain inspiration from it, with its aggressive lines and bold sheer facades •


I decided to experiment with this idea myself. So I plotted some dots, representing trees, with a large enough area left amongst them to create a building. This is the result from my effort These plotted tree points, however are not based off of my chosen site, but rather are random, meaning if I was to implement this idea for my final design I would need to incorporate the trees that are already there

Overall, it is a very ingenious and interesting approach towards sustainable building, and I believe it works very well for its intended purpose and I might consider using this idea for my final model, but applying the pre-existing trees at the site so that I have to manipulate my building around them

I created my design on Sketchup, adding levels to it so that it becomes a more interesting and unique shape and it becoming easier to understand

After creating my model I took pictures of it from various angles to show more clearly, and easier to understand, all of the different elevations of the different sections of this building

I then added in the trees so that I could show how my building would fit in amongst the trees, making it even easier to understand the shape and layout of the building

This building which sits comfortably in between the trees, flows around the trees and almost becomes part of the canopy its self.

Restaurant & Kitchen

Exercise Rooms


Free Weights


It is essential for any building to be easily navigated and used by people, this is why I created a possible layout for this design

This is a possible layout for how the building could be traversed, mainly using staircases to reach the various levels, without the use of escalators or elevators as visitors are forced to take the healthier option (stairs) as well as stairs being carbon neutral

I chose to focus on the idea of fluidity in nature more for this piece of experimentation

By researching flow in nature I was able to get an idea of some interesting shapes and forms which occur naturally in an ecological area

One of these shapes and forms was the fiddle head fern, which while blooming slowly unravels itself from its coil, expanding and revealing more and more of its leaves, from within

This gave me the idea to create something similar, based off of and inspired by this magnificent flowing motion

I could possibly work around the trees in m location to create an idea that marries the themes of Casa Levene and the Fiddle Head Fern

This basic, unravelling shape became the basis for the next set of ideas

This shape is very simple, meaning it was very easy to add complexity to it and transform it into something more functional, with a purpose

I then cut the card piece into half to get two similar triangular pieces which curl around into a circular shape,

This then allowed me to create multiple design ideas stemming from how these two similar shapes can be arranged and changed their orientation to allow for different forms to get created allowing for different ideas for a building to be envisioned

This is the main idea I came up with, when using the simple, round shapes, to help me in my inspiration, in my attempt to find a final solution to my design brief.

This building uses the same coils found on the paper model, to help create an exterior wall for the central glass tower, shielding it from the natural elements which it may face, such as over exposure to sunlight, rain, snow and especially strong winds.

I believe that overall this model turned out positively, more so than I expected, and was able to generate some ideas and more possible experiments to do with this shape and form.

By re-arranging the swirling shapes with the swooping curves, I was able to create this design,

However this model was too open and needed cover to become an actual building that would serve and actual purpose and not just be a sculpture.

Furthermore, I wanted to experiment with textures and materials that could possibly be used to create this structure in real life,

Meaning the material has to be strong enough to support the building up but also has to malleable enough to shape it into the correct curved shapes.

The building, whose smooth, distorted grid-work of polyesterreinforced fibreglass panels do not have visible connections, appears less “as built” and more “as landed”. • In the construction, they used 121,000m³ of reinforced concrete, 194,000 formworks and 19,000 tonnes of steel moulds. To create the shape of the external skin, 5,500 tonnes of structural steel were required, creating the base for a surface of 40,000m² formed of panels of fibreglass reinforced with polyester or concrete. There were a total of around 17,000 individual panels with various geometries. • As you can see these materials are not sustainable, so I must try use other materials My design is very reminiscent of the Heydar Aliyev Centre Designed by world renowned architect Zaha Hadid This is why I researched the materials used for this structure to influence my own design, by finding the limitations of the materials I might use •

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By simplifying this swirling column, it means there is more usable space within the building


This next model turned out very positively overall, with its large over-arching curve acting as what I envision it as structural support, possibly holding up the whole structure


However it can also be viewed as a roof if this basic shape is manipulated, this is also my plan for this model, to manipulate the shape of the buildings main features so that it can become a more viable structure for the intended purpose


This model I have made is reminiscent to works of Ben Fasham, this is why I was inspired to try using an aquatic theme as the sculpture is based next to the sea front, Also I will use this theme in this model so it differentiates from the two previous models.


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I experimented with the nautical theme and found that sea shells were an interesting idea to create a building from This is because this shell I have chosen specifically, appeared more dimensional than regular shells, with what appears to almost be layers composited on top of one another to help create this shell This inspired me to create this idea

This was the starting point for my idea, using a shell as the roof of my building

Overall I believe this idea was very successful and could be used to aid me with my final design

I also tried experimenting with the idea of keeping this idea land based, however it wasn’t nearly as successful as the ocean based idea

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Next, I re-arranged the components once again to create this design

Overall, I believe this model was successful and was a good experiment, however this model was too open and needed cover to become an actual building that would serve and actual purpose and not just be a sculpture. It was also far too complex to work as a feasible design

The similarity of this model and the ribbon chapel inspired me to use the flowing shape of a ribbon and create a new model

Overall I believe that this design was a good example of experimentation however I think this model is too complex and if developed further, should be simplified

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This model was reminiscent of the Ribbon Chapel in Japan, which is the inspiration for the development of this model into a building

This is a possible way this building could look if it is further developed, with the arches acting as protection for the fragile interior glass core, protecting from excessive sunlight and strong winds

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This new ribbon model I hade made was reminiscent of Frank Gehry’s work, if this model was developed further it would be with inspiration from his work

The highlighted component is at an angle, that is not easily visible from the other views, so this is an explanation of how it fits into the building structurally

Adding these walls made it a more usable space than before

Plan •

I developed on from the ribbon model by adding structures that resembled walls to provide a more enclosed feeling to this building

This is how this building would look if it was developed with motifs from Frank Gehry, overall I do not believe this development is very successful

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The ribbon building was a step in the right direction and reminded me of an obvious example of flow in nature , which was flowers, this is because of their smooth shapes, that including their stems, leaves and especially their petals

Also the symbolism found in different flowers would help me create a building with a greater impact to the local community, as if I chose a flower to base my building off of that has symbolism behind it, such as a rose symbolising love/passion or a poppy symbolising consolation of death, the public will feel a greater connection to it, meaning, overall, my project would be easily accepted by the public

When researching suitable flowers to help me show fluidity in nature, I first thought of the Calla Lily as it has smooth, long curves which turn around the central point, a perfect example of flow I recreated the shape of the Calla Lily using a technique which painted string is dragged through a folded piece of paper creating the shape, similar to that of the Calla Lily

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Overall, this idea was unsuccessful as the scale is wrong and the building is too large for a gym, restaurant

I decided however to look into a different kind of flower, a frost flower, A frost flower is formed when thin layers of ice are extruded from long-stemmed plants in autumn or early winter. The thin layers of ice are often formed into exquisite patterns that curl into "petals" that resemble flowers.

This idea is similar to the Space Needle in Seattle, thus I will research the materials used to create this structure

String Painting

Through my research I was able to find out that in many paintings and other works of art throughout history, the calla lily has been depicted with the Virgin Mary or Angel of Annunciation. For this reason, it has been associated with holiness, faith and purity. Additionally, as the cone-line flowers blossom in spring, they have become symbols of youth and rebirth.



I created this model, making it relatively basic and left it open, with no windows allowing me to add a cover over it, one that mimicked the flowing forms and shapes found in the frost flowers, this helped make the building more enclosed and thus a more effective building Even though this model is based off something that isn’t even a flower, even more so one with no meaning, I believe, overall, that this model turned out successfully as it incorporates the themes of flow within nature and also is a viable option for a building with the intended purposes of being a gym with a restaurant

Elevation • •

Moving away from the idea of flowers I decided to instead look into trees, this was to allow myself to experiment in different ways

I took main parts of trees, such as the main branches of a tree, to help me get inspirations, this inspiration came from these shapes and forms gathered from the trees branches, and arranged them in different ways to get different experimental results

This creates a very unique shape that wouldn’t have been possible to achieve If I had chosen to create more models with the themes and ideas of flowers

By using this first hand research of this willow tree I was able to look at the tree in more detail, from more angles, allowing me to get a deeper understanding of how it is composed, which in turn helped create this plan view by taking the boldest most striking parts of the tree to help create shape and later forms.

I created these sets of drawings using a willow tree as inspiration They were created to help me understand spaces in future buildings I will create Overall, however, they are very simple and just a reference point for me, and will not be developed any further



• Entrance

• Restaurant • Reception • Corridor • Toilet • Gym • Changing room

Furthermore, I used the most prominent lines that I thought were the most eye catching and chose to create a different design from the same pieces, except stretching them out in a different way to give me new ideas and results

Overall, these drawings are too simple • and didn’t turn out to the quality I expected, however they aren’t useless as they can be used for the development of other ideas, even if these design wont be developed themselves

The way these lines overlapped and intertwined amongst each over gave me this idea for a building with a rectangular inside and the overlapping structures coiling around it, to create shelter for the building

This is a plan created from a willow tree again, but rather than taking sections from it, I used the top-down view of the tree to help me creates this shape, with the sections and rooms of my gym and restaurant combination being displayed

I decided to move on from the spiral shapes as I had exhausted all of the ideas possible from them

This is why I began looking into contemporary designs for gyms with a different shape to the circular spirals of my fist set of designs.

This building is one of the public buildings of Dashte Noor residential complex in north of Iran which provides body building facilities for the resident. The client’s main demands were two separate halls, being coordinated with the other parts of the complex while being a unique mass. As a result the concept was designing a building with a dynamic mass which is an integral and a part of the surrounding landscape.

This model is very simple as it only the same shape just layered on top of one another, however it came out very successfully as with the correct scale used it becomes a clear image of how the building would look and function if was built in my site where I plan to create my final model

The plan view of this building helps greatly in helping me understand how this building functions, with its unique shape, I will use this to help me create the interior for my building

This building turned out successfully as it met the requirements for criteria and I believe it would work well in my chosen space, the building also turned out well because of the interior which helped me understand the space of the building very easily


The previous model was made of layers which inspired me to take these layers and rearrange them to allow myself to experiment in different ways, thus creating this model, which might seem like the components are placed randomly, however they are arranged in that certain way, mimicking fallen timber and logs located in a forest


This creates a very unique shape that is still inspired by the ideas of flow, more metaphorically then literally, as the building represents the flow of life and death, represented by the fallen logs

I took the basic ribbed shapes of my building as it was a prominent feature of this model and I wanted to accentuate these features

This is why I made them even more prominent by making them more curved and made them jut out of the building even further I also made the reverse of this building completely flat so that exaggerates these curved features even more, making them even more noticeable

Overall, I believe that this model turned out extremely positively, as I could easily envision the building in my chosen location site This building will definitely aid me when trying to create my final model

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For this next set of researched, I looked at several interesting buildings which had components, as I wanted to further experiment and develop the idea of components shown in the previous model One of these buildings that interested me was the Beirut Terraces in Lebanon as this innovative apartment building took a new approach to building vertically and stood out so much from the other towering buildings around it, It done this through its miss-matching layers which did not line up to create a simple symmetrical shape, overall increasing its appeal to me This is why I continued experimentation with the idea of compartmentalisation

These are some of the main components used to help me in the creation of my next model Some of these components are based off of previous shapes I have used through out the project, while others were just filler shapes Example of how the building is created from the layering technique

I tried developing the model into something more functional, however it was proving difficult to do, so I will try developing in other ways

Small experimentation where I tried layering the components on top of one another to create plan drawings of a possible idea These did not turn out successfully, so this idea was abandoned


This model turned out successfully, and if developed further it would easily be able to be functional for the purpose of becoming a gym, restaurant


These are the types of shapes I used as the changed site (location) to create this model


This model turned out successfully, however, it is too complex and open so needs to be developed further

By adding limitations to my building I was able to change its shape, this limitation being the change in location, even though this shape is not the same as the site for my location, it did help inspire me By drawing a shape on paper I used the components from the previous model and placed them inside this new confined space, creating a different form, which made for a new intricate building which was slightly too complex for the purpose I needed it to serve This is why I had to further develop it so that it became a more usable space for my gym restaurant

…but if executed correctly they become an extremely attractive focal point to any building This is why I will try to incorporate this into my final concept design

I tried experimenting with arches as they were such a prominent feature of this model, what I discovered was that they are very difficult to make work in a real situation….

To experiment further I took some of the paper pieces and replaced them with metal rod in a shape intended to represent the pieces which were lost I recreated the overall shape with these metal rods in place of the paper ones, however this proved rather difficult as the metal was much harder to mould to the shape I wanted, which was as close to the original form as I could get it, therefore the model was not a perfect replication of the previous paper model

The metal structures were reminiscent to that of the struts that hold up the canopy of a circus tent, this is why I decided to experiment with this idea

Overall this model is a good bridge point for future models and ideas I will create as it is very incomplete and allows me to develop it much further to become more functional

The structure was too skeletal, meaning it was closer to being a sculpture than a building, this is why added I removed the paper elements and added a canopy over the metal components, not too de-similar to the canopy of a circus tent

Overall I believe that this model is a successful example of experimentation with material to add different textures and properties to the building, through these materials This is why I will develop this idea further

I took the basic shape of the canopy of the previous model and changed the material it was made from and ended up recreating it from plaster cast

This gave the model new properties, such as stronger more bold and well defined lines and edges, giving the impression of a much more solid structure compared to the previous model,

However it was too simple so I needed to add complexity to it, so that it would become more interesting for the public to look at

This model reminded me of a cliff face with its strong edges, this is why I will further experiment in this theme of large rock structures, as it helps create interesting shapes

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I added these metal structures with string draped over them to add complexity to the model, however this did not go well as the model became chaotic and difficult to understand

With this structure being so open and skeletal the next logical step to take was to add more structure to the building, this could be achieved through adding a roof, and after some research, a design that caught my eye was the roof of the Middelfart Savings Bank in Denmark

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I made a singular capsule with this interesting shape and duplicated it to create the roof structure Overall I believe that this experimentation was successful, but I am not happy with the actual outcome as it is too complex

As the last model was so complex I decided to take away some of the metal elements and string as well as changing the shape of the plaster cast model to something smaller and less bulky

Overall, I believe this made the model more fit for the intended purpose as well as a good development from the last iteration, however it is too incomplete

The most captivating point of interest for this roof was the aluminium panels making up the facades cladding, which point out of the otherwise ordinary roof This is why I decided to recreate this myself and played around with shapes and forms for a roof structure, which could later inspire my final models roof

I was inspired by the bold, strong cliff faces to help me create my next model, which further distanced me from the idea of flow, however it still keeps with the idea of being based off of structures which occur in nature, even though they are not made from organic matter.

To help create this building, I took some pieces from the wooden ‘log’ model but also added new pieces to it so that it created a new more unique form

Overall this model was successful as it helped me to generate new ideas which I had previously not thought about without the use of this model, however this model is not perfect and needs to be refined so that it would become more usable as a building

An idea I played around with was adding more structure to this building to create something more solid, this is an idea I could possibly develop

After experimenting with this idea for a while I found out that it was very difficult to make a model from this shape and from as it was such an awkward shape

This is why I decided to take the triangle shapes found throughout the main shape and to re-arrange the shapes so that it would become a more usable and functional shape, what I was left with was this new idea

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Exercise Rooms


Free Weights

Restaurant & Reception

This is a possible layout for this building, with the building having many floors with specialised sections for each floor

Overall I believe this model turned out successfully in terms of its construction, however this model is too large as the scale of the building is wrong for that of a gym, restaurant, and more closer to that of a skyscraper If the scale of this building was more accurate it would be much more functional for my intended purpose for this building

As the building was so tall it would need elevators and stairs to reach higher levels, it could look something like this

For my next set of experimentation , I tried a technique called wrapping in which my model was coated in another material or texture to change its shape as well as the look of the building

This idea was inspired from the works of Christo and Jeanne-Claude, who have created similar works to this but in real life and on a much larger scale

Like when they wrapped the Reichstag building in 1995

Before •


This helps create a unique shape unachievable in any other way

In my eyes this model looked very familiar texture to that of chain mail armour, this is why I decided to experiment with this idea

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Close up of what the chain structures could look like •

The developmental approach I took with this building was to make the building more manageable to understand as it was quite complex, I done this through cutting the building into layers, after I had done this I added chain shaped forms and structures to add some structure to this building Overall, I believe this development was unsuccessful as the final product is not very interesting, thus I will not be developing this chain idea any further

The inspiration for this idea was the Vegetal Rain-Chains Facade Building in Japan

Possible floor plan for this model


Exercise Rooms


Free Weights

Restaurant & Reception

This model develops on further from the original wooden one by using the same technique of wrapping as the previous model.

By wrapping the model in this other, transparent film I was able to create a more filled out and enclosed form allowing me to more easily visualise and develop on from the previous model.

This meant that this model would be more efficient in becoming a functional building, as without this unique technique, this shape would previously not have been possible

This therefore, has helped with my experimentation as I was able to receive new inspiration for ideas which I previously would not have thought of

This model, with its orange wrap, was reminiscent of honeycomb, which gave me the idea for the interior This idea was creating hexagonal areas around the elevator shafts, which would be made out of glass


Possible example of how the interior could be arranged to allow visitors to reach the higher levels

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This model further cemented for me to continue experimentation in rocks and geology and how I could adapt their shapes and forms to fit my specification

Overall, I believe that this design was unsuccessful at its purpose, but was a good point of experimentatnion

I tried making this building into layers so that it was easier to understand, similar to Mayan pyramids However, I do not think this idea was very successful, so was scrapped

For my next set of research I wanted to explore the juxtaposition of flow in geology, as I wanted to show how this paradox is possible, with these strong, bold lines also being able to convey flow to the observer

I did this by looking at cliff faces which stand a testament to their unchanging and unmovable characteristics, the two characteristics that are the polar opposite of that what I am looking for

However, if I can marry these two opposite ideas into one building, I would be able to create a building with extraordinary and unique features found possibly no where else

I first looked into the idea similar to that of Casa Levene in Madrid ,which I had previously looked at, and how it didn’t take away from the surrounding landscape and nature but rather built around it

This was my aim with this set of ideas, in which I took a interesting crevasse on the side of a cliff face and implanted it with a building which flowed into the gap created through erosion

Overall, I believe that this idea turned out positively and allowed me to show how flow and sturdiness and resilience could be fused together, this also inspired me to think of other ideas

An idea I then had from this model was to take shapes and forms created by natural formations in cliff sides and faces and create possible buildings from these shapes These are some plan and elevation drawings of possible buildings

• Elevation

• Plan

Some more examples of carved buildings

A possible look at how the interior of my final model could be designed to fit around a certain window or other such similar idae

Overall, I believe that these ideas were a successful display of experimentation, however I do not think this will suit the purpose for my final model

In the search for fluidity in rocks, and more greatly geology, there was one idea that was very prominent to me, I knew that metamorphic rocks, created by immense heat and pressure, were smooth and had interesting patterns and shapes created by all of the layers of the earths crust that has compressed over the millennia to create these striking and beautiful patterns I selected a rock with a pattern that I liked and would start developing it, but first I experimented with picture effects on my chosen rock to help me develop this idea

I discovered that the most intriguing part of the rock was this strip right here, this is because as you can see from the experimentation to the left it was the most prominent and outstanding shape in the rock, and the thing that most caught my eye when looking at this rock

I selected this shape and decided to develop it by playing around with it, these are some of the results I was able to receive

This is the main shape or pattern within the metamorphic rock that caught my eye and I will develop further

I created this elevation by taking the main shape of the compressed layer and compartmentalised to create different sections to the roof structure I will not develop this any further as it doesn’t match my criteria


Exercise Rooms


Free Weights

Restaurant & Reception •

This is how I would develop this idea, by taking the components of the roof and re-arranging these components, overlapping them to create this shape which reminded me of two separate buildings with overlapping roof tops This is the idea that I developed into from the twin roof ideas

Looking further into the theme of fluidity in geology I wanted to explore metamorphic rocks which are a great example of how sturdiness and fluidity, two opposing themes, can be combined into one

This combination of the two themes helped me create this design, which I believe turned out very successfully as the building idea incapsulates perfectly what I had envisioned

This being, the functionality of the building, as well as it being aesthetically pleasing, and incorporating the themes I have looked at throughout the project

Possible floor space layout for this design

Overall, I believe this was a successful design idea that could easily be developed further

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The next set of research that I will be doing is that on volcanoes, this is because they are on obvious choice when talking about fluidity in geology, this is an obvious example to research as a volcano is sturdy and relentless but on the inside it is hot and full of liquid, and when this liquid is forced and expelled out it oozes and drips over the side, slowly cooling and forming amazing and unique shape. This is why I will be experimenting with the shapes and forms created by volcanoes when they erupt, this including, obviously, magma and the shapes created when it cools, but also the plumes of smoke and ash upturned into the sky during an eruption

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I saw that the plumes of smoke were quite similar to the shape I created when looking into the flow in nature, specifically the shapes created by the Calla Lily and the string paintings I created This is why I took the shape of the string painting and re-used it but this time as smoke I will then use this smoke shape as a plan to try and think of an idea for a building

This model was inspired by ash falling down after an eruption and covering the landscape in a thick layer of ash, this is what I tried replicating with this model, by adding a cloth over some objects Overall this was an interesting model idea, that could easily be developed further

Moving away from the themes of flow in geology, I wanted to focus on the idea of aridity inspired by the large cliff faces, that also inspired the previous set of wooden models

One approach, I could take was looking at this Ibex’s long curved horns which could easily resemble arches, however this idea was not very interesting to me, so I did not develop further

I looked at various shapes inspired by nature, but not by landscape, using their shapes and forms to generate various ideas and models

Small model showing how this would look like three dimensionally

The next set of experimentation was this idea based on a Pangolins sharp scales, which protrude from its body, assisting in better defence of itself This is why I took a similar approach to this idea of protection and added a roof with slanted sections to protect from sunlight

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This idea was created from the dry earth leaving patterns in the ground Overall this was a poor idea and will not be developed further

This model was inspired by the protective armour of a three banded armadillo, with its scale like skin, creating interesting shapes and forms, only found on these creatures I used these scale shapes to create a design which incorporated the shape of the scale but also the armadillos ability to curl up in a defensive ball Overall, I believe that this idea was successful at creating an idea, which could be developed further into something more complete, as the side of the model is wide open, but could easily be fitted with a glass front


Exercise Rooms


Free Weights

Restaurant & Reception

Possible floor space layout

From the previous ideas I decided to take the arid theme found in the other models and ideas and I decided to look at other shapes found commonly in this environment, and I found the idea of using skeletal shapes quit intriguing due to its strange yet intricate shape

This idea is similar to the works of Kendrick Bangs Kellogg, who is an innovator in organic architecture, specifically his dessert house

This idea of using decayed matter of an animal carcass seems counteractive to the point of this project, however the idea with these sets of ideas is based off of the flow of life, the circle of life almost, this is a unique take on the theme of flow and is less literal than my previous models

I created these various simple designs using the main curved components to help me get an understanding of the possible shapes and forms I might be able to create when I was making the model based off of these designs

These are the main components I was interested in when working with these skeletal forms

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The main components used when creating this model

This model is extremely well done and I believe it is one of the best so far through my research, however it could be better as it is extremely open and appears unfinished If windows, walls and a roof are added this will make an excellent candidate for my final concept


• • • • •

Organic Theme Fluidity Theme Sustainability Gyms Space Restaurant Space

Final Concept

The first design feature I would like to incorporate is the one inspired by this model, in which the building works around the tress and doesn’t destroy them

For my final concept I wanted to use as many features from as many possible of my design ideas and developments to achieve the optimum design, this would also allow me to make the most well rounded design taking the most interesting shapes and most inspired ideas to help create the most effective final model

These are some of the ideas and design features that I would like to include into my final design

Overall, I believe that these features, all provide a unique aspect to my building that would not have been possible if I had not gone through the stages of development that I went through

The next design idea I would like to see in my final design would be this spiralling shape created by this model

Following this I would like to incorporate the idea of overlapping layers created in this model

Next, I wanted o incorporate the idea of creating a building with two sections, just lik e in tis design

Finally I wanted to incorporate these ribbed structures in building to make it more interesting but also for structural support


This building has both strong, aggressive, straight lines which are accompanied by elegant curved ones which I think work really well together in this building and really accentuate some of the buildings features


This is where the windows would be located, between the ribbed structures

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It is clearly visible from this angle how these ribbed structures will help support the rooves Furthermore, it is visible how in some places the ribbed structure are more concentrated than others, this was intended to break the building up so it is not too basic and uninteresting


Exercise Rooms


Free Weights

Restaurant & Reception


This is the layout of this building, with the building being large enough to accommodate all of these amenities and spaces

In conclusion, my final model has been very successful as I managed to successfully incorporate all of the themes and ideas I had planned to while also being able to extract pieces from many of my models which I had developed, in an effort to create this final model, this model, I think, has also successfully accomplished the task of being aesthetically pleasing, which should attract more visitors.

However. this model is not perfect as the model doesn’t fit the allocated site perfectly meaning it was unsuccessful in terms of the limitations in which it was placed in

On the other hand, most importantly, it managed to have enough space to incorporate all of the required exercise spaces for different uses as well as having an area large enough to accommodate a kitchen and restaurant,

Also, although it isn’t visible within my model, I have incorporated moving wall structures to allow rooms to change size, meaning they could possibly be rented out

Another unsuccessful part of my design was that I did not have enough time to finish the building to a high enough standard and thus is rough around the edges, however if I had more time I would complete the model to a higher standard

Overall I am satisfied with my final outcome for this model

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