Kai Brochure

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He’s never late. He never gets sick. and he never goes on break.

Kai helps you keep your players happy while your slot team runs at maximum efficiency, lowering your costs and time to respond. Think of Kai as a virtual slot manager, who is on the job 24/7/365. Kai eliminates the need for a human dispatcher and replaces handheld radios.

Meet the future of casino operations. Meet Kai.

When Kai detects a problem, it is instantly sent to the most qualified, available person on the floor. Kai even provides the player’s name, making courteous personal greetings the rule rather than the exception.

Kai knows… • Jackpots • Bill jams • Ticket paper fills • Customer service requests • Game failures • And much more

in this business time is money… and Kai has managed to give us more of both.” art navarro, General ManaGer blueWater casino & resort ParKer, arizona

averaGe YearlY return reduced call coMPletion tiMes $12,461.46 X 12


increased PlaY (reduced jacKpoT Times) $2,768.30 X 12 $33,219.60 reduced fte eXPenses $31,200 X 3 averaGe YearlY return



*based on acTual cusTomer daTa from may 2012 – feb 2013

see how Kai did it.


4:49 Min/sec WitH Kai

av e


Keep your best players playing and deliver the service they expect and deserve.

Kai instantly recognizes and initiates jackpot payouts and procedures.

despite an increase in overall calls, Kai decreased call

despite an increase in jackpot calls, Kai decreased total

completion times casino-wide. The average call completion

jackpot completion times casino-wide. The average jackpot

time in may 2012 was 6 minutes 21 seconds. Kai reduced

time in may 2012 was 14 minutes 11 seconds. Kai reduced

that to 4 minutes 49 seconds in february 2013, for a

that to 10 minutes 22 seconds in february 2013, for a

decrease of 24%.

decrease of 27%.

reduced JacKPot tiMes

no Kai

reduced jackpot times.

JacKPot tiMe redu aGe ce er db av Y


% 27

reduced coMPletion tiMes

6:21 Min/sec

reduced completion times.

l ca lc

= $12,461.46 Minutes


averaGe MontHlY savinGs

14:11 Min/sec no Kai

= $2,768.30 JacKPot calls


averaGe MontHlY revenue increase

*$.50/minute is based on an average player worth of $30/hour.

10:22 Min/sec WitH Kai

na u ct



da ta fro M 20 1 2 - 2 0 13

reduced fte eXPenses

WitH Kai


*$.25 is based on the average cost per employee per minute at $15/hour.

1,457 X 3.8 X $.50* b as e

letion reduc oMP

ed b Y2 4%

e st sY bas ed on sino actual ca

32,579 X 1.53 X $.25*

ca s


012 sYst eM data froM 2

01 -2


averaGe YearlY return


despite an increase in overall calls, Kai decreased call

resources by eliminating three full-time employees (fTe).

response times casino-wide. The average call response

at a cost of $2,600/month per employee, this saves more

time in may 2012 was 5 minutes 21 seconds. Kai reduced

than $93,000 a year in labor and associated costs.

that to 2 minutes 59 seconds in february 2013,




= $93,600 Year Per eMPloYee


averaGe YearlY fte savinGs

*$31,200 is based on a $15/hour rate per full-time employee.

for a decrease of 44%.

5.35 - 2.98

= 44% Minutes


faster service

r Ge


e re d u ce d se tiM bY 44% P on

5:21 Min/sec

no Kai



01 -2

by using Kai, our casino partners were able to reallocate

Min/sec WitH Kai

012 -

012 teM d ata froM 2

Kai knows when there is a problem and in the next instant so does a member of your team.

fr oM 2

,200 a Yea $3 1 r

al tu ac


Maximize your resources and efficiencies to improve ROI.

*based on actual customer data from may 2012 - feb. 2013.

t da




reduced response times.


raGe ave

Y ea r

$31, 200 a


b as e d

ca s

reduced fte expenses.

av e


r ea


$31 ,

0a 20


More tHan $93,60 0P ves sa er

reduced resPonse tiMes


ba sed on a ct

te M sYs ual casino

Kai has reduced customer waiting times by 25% at our property.” donavan durbin, director of it santa Ysabel casino santa Ysabel, california

ready to interview Kai? He’s ready to apply! acres4.com/kai

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