Educate Families About Healthy Living
arenting has never been so digital, especially post-pandemic, as families navigate safety boundaries. It would be almost impossible to be raising young children and have not been exposed to the explosion of kidfluencers and children’s musical shows like Blippi, Caitie’s Classroom, Super Simple Play and more taking to YouTube. The influx of kid-friendly content creators are responding to the unique needs and trends of millennial, and now Generation Z, parents whose own online scrolling habits are inspiring them to see YouTube as a resource for safe and healthy entertainment. “As a parent on the go, I love YouTube channels like Blippi because I can set a video in a hurry for my kids right from my smartphone or tablet,” shares Ralph Wrona, father of two living in Carol Stream. Many parents are also finding that their children are requesting play with technology devices like smartphones and game consoles, hoping to share in the fun they see parents and older siblings having. “When it is time for their allowed screen time, having channels like Blippi helps my wife and I feel good that our kids are learning safe topics and watching programs developed for their learning level.” Parents like Ralph see the benefits of technology for children’s entertainment and education, and although aware of the risks of exposure to screens, with moderation they find the benefits outweigh the risks. The Wrona family is not alone in finding a resource for entertainment and education on YouTube. Chicago families are taking up this trend, motivating local musical performers like beloved Batavia entertainer Miss Jamie’s Farm (YouTube. com/user/MissJamiesFarm) to join the YouTube arena. Teaming up with her music producer husband, professional vocalist Jamie Martin started the Miss Jamie’s Farm
Left: Jamie Martin 28
Photos courtesy of Jamie Martin
YouTube Kidfluencers
by Anna Marie Imbordino