Hatch, Clement Alfonso William

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Gosford District Casualties of World War One Bragg, Edmund Allen Hatch, Clement Alfonso William

Service Service Number Number 1494 1123 Killed in Action 19th May 1915 Killed in Action 23rd August 1915 Gallipoli Gallipoli Peninsula Peninsula

Gosford City Council gratefully acknowledges the voluntary efforts of Benalyn Campbell And Vivienne Tranter in compiling this resource

The information in this file has been extracted from official records held in the The Australian War Memorial and National Archives of Australia (Š Commonwealth of Australia [National Archives of Australia] 2013) Further information on this soldier may be found online at: Commonwealth War Graves The AIF project Content advisory: This file may potentially contain disturbing accounts of service-related injury and death, disease and family grief. Adult supervision is recommended for children using these resources. Individual files should be viewed within the context provided by wider research on service conditions in the 1st AIF. This resource is presented by Gosford City Council for research purposes only. Please note that copyright for resources contained within remains with the original copyright owners.


Hatch – Clement Alfonso William

Service No.



13th Batt. Infantry – “C” Coy



Age of Enlistment

18yrs 3 mths

Place of Birth

Wisemans Ferry, NSW


Coal Miner

Date of Enlistment

1914 – Oct 29

Place of Enlistment

Liverpool, NSW

Previous Service

The Militia 41 R Inf – 3 years

Next of Kin

Mr William Hatch, Brook St, Oakley Park, Lithgow, NSW

Physical Description

Height; - 5’8” Weight; - 8st 11lbs. Chest; - 33-36” Complexion; – Fresh. Eyes; Grey Hair; - Fair. Scar left wrist



Wounded / Illness

1915-May 2, Dardanelles – GSW Left shoulder – admitted to 1st Aust. Gen. Hospital Heliopolis


1915-Aug 23 Gallipoli Peninsula KIA


1914-15 Star no 12972. British War Medal no 6082. Victory Medal no 6058. Memorial Scroll and Plaque no 307649


Mother; - Catherine Hatch Oakey Park Lithgow pension of £13 pa amended to £1 per fortnight

Personal Effects

Package no 4157; - Testament, Card, Prayer Book. Brown paper parcel; - Disc, Prayer Book, Letters, Wallet, Religious charm Package no 4702; - Testament Names Mother Mrs Catherine Hatch as sole beneficiary dated 1915-Mar 26th

Will Correspondence

Letter from Father Wm Hatch requesting official notification of death for “Lodge” records

The Sydney Morning Herald 15th May 1914, pg. 10 Last to come first to go. Mining Prosecution Lithgow, Thursday. The Oakey Park Company were summoned at the Industrial Court by Inspector Dunleavy on the ground that they did not comply with the Coal Miners’ Award principle of “Last to come and first to go”, by discharging Samuel A Ray and retiring Clement Wm Hatch. The company claimed that Hatch was not an experienced miner, and Mr Barbour, manager, deposed that when he discharged the men some time ago, it was because fewer men were required owing to the decision of the men not to work an afternoon shift. He claimed in this respect that the miners had acted illegally. Mr Jennings, PM, imposed a fine of £2 and costs.

Freeman’s Journal 28th March 1918, pg.27 The Appeal for 20,000 Stones 19,111 Still Required The stones for the Eucharistic Memorial which is being erected by the Very Rev. Father Piquet, SM., are coming in splendidly in response to his appeal. So far 889 stones have been donated, but it is a far cry from 889 to 20,000 the number that Father Piquet must have in hand by May 8. This is a project in which every single reader of the “Freeman’s Journal” should have a hand, because the proposed memorial is to commemorate the first centenary of the wonderful preservation for two years of the Blessed Sacrament, which took place in 1818. This week’s donors are as follows: St. Patrick’s Day church collection, £15 3s 3d ; his Lordship Bishop Carroll of Lismore, £5 5s ‘ F. McDonald, £5; Mr and Mrs M Lebane, £3 3s ; A G McShane on names of Vincent, Gregory and Zita and in memory of his wife Frances, £2 10s ; Sacred Heart Nuns, Rose Bay, and Stephen Mylott (Q.), £2 each ‘ P. Gallen, Mr and Mrs F. Curr (in memory of deceased relatives), M. Reboul (in memory of his son Edward, killed in action), Mrs B Cassells, £1 1s each ; Mrs S Riordan (in memory of Thomas and Ann Brennan), Mrs S Riordan (in memory of Lieut. E J Kernan, killed in action), Garton Lievain, Thomas O’Neill, Mrs J M Taylor (in memory of her father and mother), John Gill, Mrs M Jenkins, Mrs R W Hardcastle, Mrs M Clarke, Miss E Moore, Miss M A Murphy (in memory of deceased relatives), Mr Parmentier, ??? Each ; in memory of Nicholas and Margaret Flynn, Miss Fotheringham, Miss B Clancy (in memory of Hugh McCusker), Mrs J Clancy (in memory of deceased relatives), T Clancy (in memory of deceased relatives), J P Kealy, The Holy Souls, in memory of Elizabeth Doyle, Mr and Mrs Daking, Mrs Desprez, Mrs M Weir (V), Mrs H Avery, in memory of JW Lyons (killed in action), Miss Lena Sullivan, M. O’Grady, JD Lambert, Miss Bona Hatch (in memory of Clement Hatch and Nicholas Broderick), Miss W. Vych, Mrs C Collins, Miss Toomey (in memory of Michael and MJ Toomey), 10s each ; Harriet Nilson and Mrs Nora Phelan, 5 s each. The names of the benefactors are enrolled and Holy Mass will be offered for their intentions by the Marist Fathers from date of laying of foundation-stone to completion of building. Donations for stones should be sent to Very Rev. Father Piquet, S.M., St Patrick’s, Harrington-street, Sydney.

Corporal William Wayte, sone of the late Mr James Wayte of the Club Hotel, Armidale, returned home last week. He was wounded in action in France. His brother, Private A Whyte, was killed in action at Gallipoli. Mr and Mrs AR Gall have presented to St. Joseph’s Church, Orange, a handsome holy water font, in memory of their son, Private Norman Gall, who was killed fighting in France.

The Catholic Press 4th April 2918, pg. 39 Appeal for 20,000 Stones. 19, 111 Still Wanted Father Piquet is deeply grateful to the following benefactors who have sent donations to provide the 20,000 stones request to complete the memorial building about to be erected: St. Patrick’s Day church collection, £15 3s 3d ; his Lordship Bishop Carroll of Lismore, £5 5s ‘ F. McDonald, £5; Mr and Mrs M Lebane, £3 3s ; A G McShane on names of Vincent, Gregory and Zita and in memory of his wife Frances, £2 10s ; Sacred Heart Nuns, Rose Bay, and Stephen Mylott (Q.), £2 each ‘ P. Gallen, Mr and Mrs F. Curr (in memory of deceased relatives), M. Reboul (in memory of his son Edward, killed in action), Mrs B Cassells, £1 1s each ; Mrs S Riordan (in memory of Thomas and Ann Brennan), Mrs S Riordan (in memory of Lieut. E J Kernan, killed in action), Garton Lievain, Thomas O’Neill, Mrs J M Taylor (in memory of her father and mother), John Gill, Mrs M Jenkins, Mrs R W Hardcastle, Mrs M Clarke, Miss E Moore, Miss M A Murphy (in memory of deceased relatives), Mr Parmentier, ??? Each ; in memory of Nicholas and Margaret Flynn, Miss Fotheringham, Miss B Clancy (in memory of Hugh McCusker), Mrs J Clancy (in memory of deceased relatives), T Clancy (in memory of deceased relatives), J P Kealy, The Holy Souls, in memory of Elizabeth Doyle, Mr and Mrs Daking, Mrs Desprez, Mrs M Weir (V), Mrs H Avery, in memory of JW Lyons (killed in action), Miss Lena Sullivan, M. O’Grady, JD Lambert, Miss Bona Hatch (in memory of Clement Hatch and Nicholas Broderick), Miss W. Vych, Mrs C Collins, Miss Toomey (in memory of Michael and MJ Toomey), 10s each ; Harriet Nilson and Mrs Nora Phelan, 5 s each. The names of the benefactors are enrolled and Holy Mass will be offered for their intentions by the Marist Fathers from date of laying of foundation-stone to completion of building. Donations for stones (costing 10s each) to complete the memorial building are earnestly appealed for, and should be sent to Very Rev. Father Piquet, S.M., St Patrick’s, Harrington-street, Sydney.

Abridged record/s courtesy of the National Archives of Australia (NAA) Series No: B2455 Item Barcode: 4768207

Abridged record/s courtesy of the National Archives of Australia (NAA) Series No: B2455 Item Barcode: 4768207

Abridged record/s courtesy of the National Archives of Australia (NAA) Series No: B2455 Item Barcode: 4768207

Abridged record/s courtesy of the National Archives of Australia (NAA) Series No: B2455 Item Barcode: 4768207

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Abridged record/s courtesy of the National Archives of Australia (NAA) Series No: B2455 Item Barcode: 4768207

Abridged record/s courtesy of the National Archives of Australia (NAA) Series No: B2455 Item Barcode: 4768207

Abridged record/s courtesy of the National Archives of Australia (NAA) Series No: B2455 Item Barcode: 4768207

Abridged record/s courtesy of the National Archives of Australia (NAA) Series No: B2455 Item Barcode: 4768207

Abridged record/s courtesy of the National Archives of Australia (NAA) Series No: B2455 Item Barcode: 4768207

Abridged record/s courtesy of the National Archives of Australia (NAA) Series No: B2455 Item Barcode: 4768207

Abridged record/s courtesy of the National Archives of Australia (NAA) Series No: B2455 Item Barcode: 4768207

Abridged record/s courtesy of the National Archives of Australia (NAA) Series No: B2455 Item Barcode: 4768207

Abridged record/s courtesy of the National Archives of Australia (NAA) Series No: B2455 Item Barcode: 4768207

Abridged record/s courtesy of the National Archives of Australia (NAA) Series No: B2455 Item Barcode: 4768207

Abridged record/s courtesy of the National Archives of Australia (NAA) Series No: B2455 Item Barcode: 4768207

Abridged record/s courtesy of the National Archives of Australia (NAA) Series No: B2455 Item Barcode: 4768207

Abridged record/s courtesy of the National Archives of Australia (NAA) Series No: B2455 Item Barcode: 4768207

Abridged record/s courtesy of the National Archives of Australia (NAA) Series No: B2455 Item Barcode: 4768207

Abridged record/s courtesy of the National Archives of Australia (NAA) Series No: B2455 Item Barcode: 4768207

Abridged record/s courtesy of the National Archives of Australia (NAA) Series No: B2455 Item Barcode: 4768207

Abridged record/s courtesy of the National Archives of Australia (NAA) Series No: B2455 Item Barcode: 4768207

Abridged record/s courtesy of the National Archives of Australia (NAA) Series No: B2455 Item Barcode: 4768207

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