Pemberton, Bertie

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Gosford District Casualties of World War One Bragg, EdmundBertie Allen Pemberton,

Service Service Number Number 1494 4891 Killed in Action 19th May 1915 Died of illness 3rd February 1919 Gallipoli Peninsula France

Gosford City Council gratefully acknowledges the voluntary efforts of Benalyn Campbell And Vivienne Tranter in compiling this resource

The information in this file has been extracted from official records held in the The Australian War Memorial and National Archives of Australia (Š Commonwealth of Australia [National Archives of Australia] 2013) Further information on this soldier may be found online at: Commonwealth War Graves The AIF project Content advisory: This file may potentially contain disturbing accounts of service-related injury and death, disease and family grief. Adult supervision is recommended for children using these resources. Individual files should be viewed within the context provided by wider research on service conditions in the 1 st AIF. This resource is presented by Gosford City Council for research purposes only. Please note that copyright for resources contained within remains with the original copyright owners.


Pemberton, Bertie




1st Pioneer Battalion



AGE at Enlistment

19 yrs 5 mths- (dob 16 Apr 1898)


Warre Warren, NSW


“East Lynne” Wyong Creek, via Wyong




24 Sept 1917


18 mths 16th Btn Senior Cadets


Father;- Thomas Pemberton, “East Lynne” Wyong Creek, via Wyong


Height-5’ 8”.Weight-154lbs. Chest-36-39”. Complexion-Fair. Eyes-Blue. Hair-Fair. Birthmark R/Hip, Mole R/Groin, Scar L/Buttock




19 Dec 1917- Sydney per A38 “Ulysses”


13 Feb 1918-South Hampton


29 Apr 1918- Bronchitis-Sutton Veny, France


3 Feb 1919-Influenza- France


Charleroi Communal Cem. Plot 1 Row R Gve 5.


British War Medal-59466, Memorial Plaque & Scroll-355263.


Letter, photo, 1 pipe, 1 devotional book, 1 knife, 1 fountain pen, 1 wrist watch & strap, 1 bill, 1 receipt, 9 foreign coins, 1 wallets, 1 drivers licence, 3 coins value 1 franc 50 centimes & ¼d, cash for 50 piastres & 2/- forward to Estate Branch AIF HQ, London, to be combined with monies due & credited to Pte Pemberton’s Ledger Account/ 1 pay book no 507254 passed to Estate Branch AIF HQ London/


Beneficiary;- Father, Thomas Pemberton



Gosford Times 22nd November 1917 I hear the postponed send off to Private B Pemberton is to be held at the Literary Institute here on Friday next.

Gosford Times 20th June 1918 Private B Pemberton, of Wyong, has been officially reported seriously ill.

Gosford Times 29th November 1917 WYONG CREEK (From Our Correspondent) The many friends and well wishers of the House of Pemberton gathered in full force on Saturday evening last, at Trigg's Hall, to do honor to their son, Private Bert Pemberton, who was on final leave and who expects to sail for the front at an early date. The hall was tastefully decorated with palms, ferns, lanterns and bunting, and was a credit to those who undertook the work. The floor was in first class order, and, under the capable supervision of Mr Thos Murray, who acted a MC, the dancers seemed to enjoy themselves to the full. The function took the form of a presentation and social evening, and the friends came from all over the district, to wish the young soldier God speed. The chair was occupied by Mr A F Chandler, and he was supported by Cr G A Palmer and Mr W Baldwin, who made the presentation. The Chairman, in opening the proceedings, said it gave him much pleasure to be present once more to join the residents in showing their esteem for their young guest. He felt sure that Private Pemberton would do his duty, and he earnestly hoped that early peace would give his friends as opportunity to welcome the young soldier home again. Cr Palmer said he felt proud to be present, and proud of the young man who was going to the front. He wished him every success, and he would watch anxiously for news of him, and would be glad to get a chance to welcome his home again. Mr Baldwin then placed upon the young soldiers wrist a handsome silver watch bearing the inscription: "Presented to Private Bert Pemberton by the residents of Wyong Creek, as a mark of esteem on his departure for the front." In a few well chosen words, Mr Baldwin urged Private Pemberton to be steadfast and true to the honored name he bore, and to himself, and the watch would remind him that he took away with him the best wishes and esteem of the residents of Wyong Creek. Three cheers were then given for the soldier, and the company joined hands and sang "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow." Private Pemberton returned thanks in a brief speech, in which he said he would always strive to do his duty. He knew he was not going to a picnic, and was not afraid to do his bit. He would value their gift all his life, and was grateful for the words of encouragement which had been spoken that night. The company then partook of a substantial repast, and singing, dancing and recitations were indulged in, and the National Anthem brought one of the most successful and enthusiastic of parties to a close about midnight. Heard in the doorway: "Now Bert, come and have a dance; you'll have to act the lady." Soldier Bert: "No, I can only act the man." At the Literary Institute on the previous evening Private Pemberton was presented with a fountain pen. Mr W Salmon acted as chairman, and Mr T Schofield made the presentation. Speeches were made by both gentleman named, supported by Messrs Kennedy and Hill.

Abridged record/s courtesy of the National Archives of Australia (NAA) Series No: B2455 Item Barcode: 8014186

Abridged record/s courtesy of the National Archives of Australia (NAA) Series No: B2455 Item Barcode: 8014186

Abridged record/s courtesy of the National Archives of Australia (NAA) Series No: B2455 Item Barcode: 8014186

Abridged record/s courtesy of the National Archives of Australia (NAA) Series No: B2455 Item Barcode: 8014186

Abridged record/s courtesy of the National Archives of Australia (NAA) Series No: B2455 Item Barcode: 8014186

Abridged record/s courtesy of the National Archives of Australia (NAA) Series No: B2455 Item Barcode: 8014186

Abridged record/s courtesy of the National Archives of Australia (NAA) Series No: B2455 Item Barcode: 8014186

Abridged record/s courtesy of the National Archives of Australia (NAA) Series No: B2455 Item Barcode: 8014186

Abridged record/s courtesy of the National Archives of Australia (NAA) Series No: B2455 Item Barcode: 8014186

Abridged record/s courtesy of the National Archives of Australia (NAA) Series No: B2455 Item Barcode: 8014186

Abridged record/s courtesy of the National Archives of Australia (NAA) Series No: B2455 Item Barcode: 8014186

Abridged record/s courtesy of the National Archives of Australia (NAA) Series No: B2455 Item Barcode: 8014186

Abridged record/s courtesy of the National Archives of Australia (NAA) Series No: B2455 Item Barcode: 8014186

Abridged record/s courtesy of the National Archives of Australia (NAA) Series No: B2455 Item Barcode: 8014186

Abridged record/s courtesy of the National Archives of Australia (NAA) Series No: B2455 Item Barcode: 8014186

Abridged record/s courtesy of the National Archives of Australia (NAA) Series No: B2455 Item Barcode: 8014186

Abridged record/s courtesy of the National Archives of Australia (NAA) Series No: B2455 Item Barcode: 8014186

Abridged record/s courtesy of the National Archives of Australia (NAA) Series No: B2455 Item Barcode: 8014186

Abridged record/s courtesy of the National Archives of Australia (NAA) Series No: B2455 Item Barcode: 8014186

Abridged record/s courtesy of the National Archives of Australia (NAA) Series No: B2455 Item Barcode: 8014186

Abridged record/s courtesy of the National Archives of Australia (NAA) Series No: B2455 Item Barcode: 8014186

Abridged record/s courtesy of the National Archives of Australia (NAA) Series No: B2455 Item Barcode: 8014186

Abridged record/s courtesy of the National Archives of Australia (NAA) Series No: B2455 Item Barcode: 8014186

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