Riley, Claude Ernest

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Gosford District Casualties of World War One Bragg, EdmundErnest Allen Riley, Claude

Service Service Number Number 1494 2138 Killed in Action 19th May 1915 Killed in Action 27th June 1918 Gallipoli Peninsula France

Gosford City Council gratefully acknowledges the voluntary efforts of Benalyn Campbell And Vivienne Tranter in compiling this resource

The information in this file has been extracted from official records held in the The Australian War Memorial and National Archives of Australia (Š Commonwealth of Australia [National Archives of Australia] 2013) Further information on this soldier may be found online at: Commonwealth War Graves The AIF project Content advisory: This file may potentially contain disturbing accounts of service-related injury and death, disease and family grief. Adult supervision is recommended for children using these resources. Individual files should be viewed within the context provided by wider research on service conditions in the 1 st AIF. This resource is presented by Gosford City Council for research purposes only. Please note that copyright for resources contained within remains with the original copyright owners.


Riley, Claude Ernest




35th Battalion/3rd Reinfs.



AGE at Enlistment

22 yrs


Wiseman’s Ferry, NSW


Wyong, NSW




4 Aug 1915


18mths Militia, Wyong


Mother;- Elizabeth Riley, Wyong, NSW re-married Lervey


Height-5’8½”. Weight-160lbs. Chest-? Complexion-Dark. Eyes-Grey. Hair-Black.




24 Aug 1916- Sydney per HMAT “Anchises”.


11 Oct 1916- Devonport


4-14 Jun 1917- Adm. Hosp- Boils


27 Jun 1918 -France


Aubigny Military Cem., 1¼ mls SW Corbie, France


British War Medal-46507, Victory Medal-45970. Memorial Plaque & Scroll 347179


Letters, photos, cards, 1 YMCA wallet, 1 book of views, 1 waterproof wallet/


P W Sheridan & Co. of Kempsey Public Trustee Newcastle- re estate of Edward M J Reilly (died 29 Jul 1953) Brother of C E Reilly. Mother;- E Lervey, Collombatti Rail, Kempsey.

Gosford Times 1st August 1918 The news reached the Creek last week of the death of Private E Reilley. “Killed in Action,” the message ran, which brings the horrors of the war closer to our peaceful parish Another sacrifice made-another distinction for Wyong Creek. The best wished of the district are extended to his family. The Australian flag was hoisted half mast at the local school (where he learnt his lessons) as a mark of respect to his memory.

Gosford Times 29th August 1918 B Company, 35th Battalion, France 1st July, 1918.-Dear Mrs. Larvey- I regret having to write to you to say that Lance Corporal C E Riley was killed in action on the night of June 27th. He was firing his gun when he was engaged by an enemy gun and was hit through the head by a bullet. He lived for a few minutes, but was not in pain. He was buried in Doors Australian Military Cemetery, France, and a cross has been erected showing where he lies. Riley was an “old hand” in the Company, a good soldier, and a very efficient Lewis Gunner. He will be greatly missed by us all. He had also been recommended for a promotion to the rank of Corporal. I will ask you to accept my very deep sincere sympathy. – Yours sincerely, D L McKENZIE, LIEUT.

Gosford Times 10th October 1918 Soldiers’ Letters Private W J Earl, of Wyong, writing home regarding the death of Lance-Cpl Ernie Reilly, who was killed in action on 27th June last says:- “Ernie was an old school mate of mine, and we have always been like brothers to each other. We have fought side by side ever since the 35th Battalion came to France. He was a good soldier and man, and was well respected by all who knew him. We buried him in an Australian cemetery in a little village a good distance behind the firing line, our Chaplain reading the burial service. We erected a cross with his regimental number and rank on it, and placed some artificial flowers and green violets on his grave. Since then a few of us Wyong boys have clubbed together and bought a very nice artificial cross composed of all coloured beads, and erected same on his last resting place.” Mrs. Lervey has received the following letter from the Chaplain:- “France, July 4, 1918Dear Mrs. Lervery, I expect that you will have already heard before you get this letter that your son, Lance Corporal E Reilly, fell in action a few days ago near Villers Bretonneux. He was in the front line when he was shot by machine gun fire, and death must have been instantaneous. The Colonel wishes me to assure you of his deep sympathy with you in your great loss, and I trust and pray that God will give you comfort and strength to bear it. Your son’s body was buried in a military cemetery near the line and I read the burial service at the grave side.- With kind regards and sympathy, I am, your sincerely, J E Norman Osborn, Chaplain, C E.

Abridged record/s courtesy of the National Archives of Australia (NAA) Series No: B2455 Item Barcode: 8034196

Abridged record/s courtesy of the National Archives of Australia (NAA) Series No: B2455 Item Barcode: 8034196

Abridged record/s courtesy of the National Archives of Australia (NAA) Series No: B2455 Item Barcode: 8034196

Abridged record/s courtesy of the National Archives of Australia (NAA) Series No: B2455 Item Barcode: 8034196

Abridged record/s courtesy of the National Archives of Australia (NAA) Series No: B2455 Item Barcode: 8034196

Abridged record/s courtesy of the National Archives of Australia (NAA) Series No: B2455 Item Barcode: 8034196

Abridged record/s courtesy of the National Archives of Australia (NAA) Series No: B2455 Item Barcode: 8034196

Abridged record/s courtesy of the National Archives of Australia (NAA) Series No: B2455 Item Barcode: 8034196

Abridged record/s courtesy of the National Archives of Australia (NAA) Series No: B2455 Item Barcode: 8034196

Abridged record/s courtesy of the National Archives of Australia (NAA) Series No: B2455 Item Barcode: 8034196

Abridged record/s courtesy of the National Archives of Australia (NAA) Series No: B2455 Item Barcode: 8034196

Abridged record/s courtesy of the National Archives of Australia (NAA) Series No: B2455 Item Barcode: 8034196

Abridged record/s courtesy of the National Archives of Australia (NAA) Series No: B2455 Item Barcode: 8034196

Abridged record/s courtesy of the National Archives of Australia (NAA) Series No: B2455 Item Barcode: 8034196

Abridged record/s courtesy of the National Archives of Australia (NAA) Series No: B2455 Item Barcode: 8034196

Abridged record/s courtesy of the National Archives of Australia (NAA) Series No: B2455 Item Barcode: 8034196

Abridged record/s courtesy of the National Archives of Australia (NAA) Series No: B2455 Item Barcode: 8034196

Abridged record/s courtesy of the National Archives of Australia (NAA) Series No: B2455 Item Barcode: 8034196

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