About Us

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...a college that will teach you how to cure diseases, restore the Earth, create businesses, win a Grammy and make peace in a polarized world.

But don’t just take our word for it!


Top Baccalaureate Colleges in Indiana – Washington Monthly


in Indiana in percentage of graduates going on to get doctorates - National Science Foundation

98 %

of graduates were employed, in grad school or in service within one year of graduation.

academic excellence

As any Goshen grad will tell you, four years here is an intensely intellectual and interdisciplinary experience. Classes are small (most with fewer than 25 students), so the format is likely to be more discussion, less lecture. Regardless of your major, you’ll benefit from hands-on learning opportunities and internships around the country and the world, as well as the chance to conduct original research, working alongside professors.


The Goshen Core Sometimes called “general education” at other schools, the Goshen Core is the set of courses and requirements that applies to all students no matter what major they choose. In our uniquely designed program, students learn how to think critically, communicate clearly and solve complex problems in a global context — skills they will need to craft tomorrow’s solutions. With it, all full-time students receive an iPad to explore, learn and dream. Learn more at goshen.edu/core

92 %

of Goshen students who applied to medical school were accepted in the past five years

Undergraduate Research You could also have the chance to conduct research alongside a Goshen professor during our Maple Scholars summer research program. Undergraduate research is a great way to build up your résumé, set you apart and get ready for graduate school.

Courage + compassion + creativity = Goshen College students Whether you’re majoring in physics or business, at Goshen you’ll have the chance to dig in and develop interdisciplinary solutions to global problems. And with small classes, you are guaranteed to genuinely engage with the subject matter and your professors, who will know you by name and become lifelong mentors. This will make all the difference when you need good references for getting a job or into graduate school.

A few examples:

• Interested in sign language interpreting? You will get the chance to interpret during chapel or convocation. • If science is your calling, you can study marine biology at Goshen’s Florida Keys research facility. • Numbers your passion? Every year, students in our top-ranked accounting program offer free tax filing for local, low-income residents.

Love words, images and stories? Aspiring journalists and broadcasters will find their outlets in our nationally award-winning student-run radio, TV, newspaper and film programs: Globe Radio, Globe TV, The Record and FiveCore Media. If you have literary ambitions, you’ll be able to share your voice with The Pinchpenny Press, which publishes chapbooks by senior writing majors, and Broadside, which focuses on poetry.

Make art, make music and make the best friends of your life Here’s one thing you should know about Goshen students: They love to sing! They sing at soccer games. They sing during chapel. They sing while walking to classes. And, of course, about a third of first-year students sing or play in the college’s musical ensembles. But if you can’t carry a tune, don’t worry, there are plenty of other ways to share and grow your creative

passions. Develop an act for Kick-Off, our own version of “America’s Got Talent” that takes place every year and will wow you each time. Audition for a role in a mainstage play or help behind-the-scenes in our theater program. Sign up for the three-week Arts in London May term class. Mount your own senior art exhibit.

Music ensembles: All-Campus Band Chamber Choir Lavender Jazz Men’s Chorus Parables traveling worship team Symphony Orchestra Voices of the Earth

Music Center Goshen College offers a world-class Music Center. The acoustics in Sauder Concert Hall have been described as “better than Carnegie Hall.” You’ll be able to perform on this same stage that has hosted many Grammy Awardwinning musicians.

Meet some of our professors, your future mentors




Brenda Srof, Ph.D.

Scott Hochstetler, D.M.A.

Michelle Horning, M.S.

Brenda gets excited about preparing nurses to offer holistic care to their patients and be leaders with a vision because there are few other professions that have such great adaptability to society’s needs.

As a choral conductor, professor and professional baritone, Scott is passionate about making music come to life on stage and helping his students make the best music possible.

Michelle’s passion for teaching about entrepreneurship and balancing the accounting books takes on real-world application in Java Junction, the student-run coffeebar on campus that she supervises.


With a 10:1 student to faculty ratio, you’ll be on a first-name basis with most of your professors.




Duane Stoltzfus, Ph.D.

Regina Shands Stoltzfus, Ph.D.

Ryan Sensenig, Ph.D.

A former copy editor at The New York Times, Duane shares his passion for journalism with students in class and as adviser to the student newspaper, The Record.

Whether teaching a class on women in the Bible, race relations or transforming conflict, Regina has a special way of making theories applicable through thoughtful analysis and the pursuit of justice.

Ryan might be teaching about the campus’ native prairie project, conducting summer research on Kenya’s savannas or leading the marine biology class in Florida, but no matter what, the natural world comes to life for his students.

vibrant community

Goshen students are serious about learning and creating a better world. They also know how to relax and have fun. You may be invited to a soccer game or concert, or pulled into an Ultimate Frisbee game or midnight snowball fight. And you’ll find a friendly community where everyone is on a first-name basis, including with our president.


Community standards Residence life at Goshen really stands out thanks — in part — to our Commitment to Community Standards, which fosters a strong sense of community and a spirit of hospitality. These guidelines for living ask us to respect ourselves and one another through the choices we make.

Java Junction On the way to class in the morning or during a late-night study session, pick up a cup of coffee, a bubble tea or a smoothie from this studentrun coffee shop. It’s also a great community meeting and study space connected to the residence halls.

Your home away from home With all that goes on in the classroom, it’s nice to have a relaxed and comfortable place to call “home.” If you live on campus, you’ll have great opportunities for learning and growth while residing close to your peers and have easy access to campus activities, services and facilities. If you commute, you can be as involved on campus as you want to be, and our comfortable commuter lounge will be your home base.

Goshen offers great housing options that include traditional residence halls, apartments and small group houses. In these close-knit communities, roommates and floormates become the best friends of your life as you study for exams together or take a break for late-night pizza.

A sample of our clubs: Eco-PAX (environmental club) | International Student Club (ISC) | Goshen Student Women’s Association (GSWA) | PAX (peace and justice club) | Ultimate Frisbee Club | Hymn Club | Pre-Med Club | American Sign Language Club | Black Student Union (BSU) | Art Club | Advocates (LGBTQ education and communication) | Catholic Student Association | Latino Student Union (LSU) | Commuter/Nontraditional Student Club | PRSSA (Public Relations Student Society of America) | Swing Dance Club

Varsity sports Baseball (men’s) Basketball (men’s and women’s) Cross country (men’s and women’s) Soccer (men’s and women’s) Softball (women’s) Tennis (men’s and women’s) Track & field (men’s and women’s) Volleyball (men’s and women’s)

See how much you can give on and off the field Whether it’s being a champion in competition, a champion in the classroom, or a champion in the community, Goshen College student-athletes embody what it means to pursue excellence in all areas of their lives. Not only will you play hard together, but you’ll become a second family to each other. In the classroom, Goshen College student-athletes

are consistently among the best in the nation, as coaches give priority to academics and mentor you to become a well-rounded individual. And in the local (and global) community, Maple Leaf student-athletes are servant leaders who are passionate about giving back.

Crossroads League The Maple Leafs are members of the Crossroads League in the NAIA, a conference that’s competitive at both state and national levels.


Good of Goshen The amazing thing about the broader Goshen community is that diverse groups of people work together to make our small city spectacular. The unsurpassed student achievement, strong business base, vibrant downtown, historic neighborhoods and thriving arts and entertainment scene reflect our community’s uncommon willingness to collaborate and create. Learn more at goodofgoshen.com

First Fridays Check out First Fridays, downtown Goshen’s hottest monthly event all year long. The community gathers as businesses stay open later, and they offer lots of special activities, like street concerts, dancing, movies, art displays, ice sculpting and running races. And there’s lots of extra food options!

Small town charm and a world of experiences There’s plenty to keep you busy on our 135-acre campus, but the community around the campus also offers you many wonderful opportunities. In downtown Goshen, enjoy lots of live music, authentic Mexican food and shopping at the Farmer’s Market. You can meet friends for a latte at the local coffee shop, eat the best ice cream in Indiana or grab a quick meal from a food truck.

If you’re craving something cultural, take in an independent film, drop in to one of Goshen’s many art galleries or browse the aisles of the independent bookstore. And we are just a short drive to a number of large cities for a fun weekend away: Chicago: 2 hours Indianapolis: 3 hours Detroit: 3 hours

Meet our students, your future peers




Diana Ramirez

Ethan Lapp

Yejin Kim

Ligonier, Indiana

Goshen, Indiana

Seoul, South Korea

“I really like the small campus because everywhere you look you see people you know. There’s a strong community feel that makes it easy to make friends.”

“I came to Goshen to be in smaller classes and regularly see friends around campus. You can tell that professors are actually invested in what you’re wanting to get out of your college experience.”

“Meeting other international students here at Goshen College reminded me that the world is a diverse place and I bring diversity and parts of my culture wherever I go.”

38 %

of students are commuters

35 %

of students participate in intramural sports


of students are international students




Delphin Monga

Brandy Lowe

Nathan Pauls

Lansdale, Pennsylvania

Angola, Indiana

Kinzers, Pennsylvania

“I chose Goshen because of the size, the community and the Christ-centered base. All the professors are friendly and always there for you if you ever need help, and the friends I have made have become like my brothers and sisters.”

“I chose Goshen because of the Sign Language Interpreting program and how involved Residence Life is with the students. There is always an activity happening, so you’re never bored on the weekends.”

“My favorite thing about Goshen College is the tightknit community. I made some of my closest friends while listening to records in the dorms, conversations in the dining hall and late-night runs to Taco Bell.”

32 %

of students are intercollegiate athletes

56 %

of students are from Indiana

26 %

of students participate in musical ensembles

active faith

Faith is at the center of everything we do and informs all aspects of campus life, including our Christ-centered core values of passionate learning, servant leadership, compassionate peacemaking and global citizenship. We are a private college rooted in the Anabaptist-Mennonite and historic peace church tradition. Service is an important way we live out faith, and our students and alums can be found rebuilding homes after natural disasters, confronting injustices, reducing international conflicts and working with those in poverty.



different Christian denominations and several world religions are represented on campus. We welcome persons of all faith traditions.

What would Jesus do? We may not know the full answer to that question, but we know some things. We know Jesus would be merciful. We know he would be selfless and seek a peaceful resolution to conflicts. We know he would answer hate with love. At Goshen College, we seek to do the same. Faith inspires us to have hope, to believe that we can make a positive impact in the world. And as a

college rooted in Anabaptist-Mennonite values, we have a long history of making peace as a way of following Jesus. At Goshen, the call to serve is at the very heart of our campus culture, so you’ll be surrounded by people who join you in wanting to use our God-given gifts to improve the lives of others.

On-campus faith opportunities Chapel (every other week) Fellowship of Christian Athletes Hymn Club Interfaith Club Parables traveling worship team Small-group Bible study Summer ministry internships TaizĂŠ prayer service Unity (informal worship hour) Worship and ministry leaders

Merry Lea Environmental Learning Center of Goshen College Environmental science majors may spend the most time at Merry Lea, but all students are invited to sign up for the Sustainability Leadership Semester or the Agroecology Summer Intensive, both at the college’s 1,189acre natural preserve.


Sustainability-related majors & minors Agroecology minor Environmental & Marine Science major Sustainability Management major and minor Sustainability Studies major Sustainable Food Systems major

green college Named one of America’s greenest colleges - Princeton Review and Sierra Club

Going green is easier than you might think At Goshen College, our core values call us to care for all of creation. To work at that, the college’s Sustainability Committee of students, faculty and administrators is leading the campus in collaborative efforts to encourage sustainable practices and reduce use of fossil fuels. What does that look like? Here are a few examples:

• 100% of Goshen College’s electricity comes from renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar power.

• Food waste and napkins are composted in a student-led program.

• And we love our trees. In fact, we have more than 1,100 on our main campus and we’ve been honored with Tree Campus USA® recognition.

• The college has restored 12 acres of lawn to native landscaping to reduce the use of chemical herbicides and fertilizer, reduce mowing and improve natural habitats.

global perspectives

Academically, socially and spiritually, you will be prepared to live and work in an intercultural world. More than 70 percent of our students study abroad, including in our unique study abroad program for a semester in such countries as China, Ecuador and Tanzania. We are a diverse community where students from all over the world call Goshen home.



Best study abroad program in America -Best College Reviews


If you want to change the world, it helps to have lived there Our top-ranked study abroad program: Study-Service Term (SST) will take you to destinations such as Ecuador, Indonesia and Senegal. Founded 50+ years ago, SST is one of the longestrunning study abroad programs in the country. Unlike most other programs, SST takes place over an entire semester and emphasizes total cultural immersion. In all locations, you’ll stay with host families, not in residence halls, and have the chance to absorb dayto-day life as a member of the community.

SST also focuses on service learning and the opportunity to make a contribution to your host community. The second half of the semester could find you helping at a health clinic, teaching English to local school children or working in ecotourism. And it’s not just fun and rewarding. International experience like this will set you apart when you apply for jobs or grad school.

Current Study-Service Term locations (and languages): Southeast Asia: Indonesia (Indonesian) Asia: China (Mandarin) South America: Ecuador (Spanish) West Africa: Senegal (French & Wolof) East Africa: Tanzania (Swahili)

71 % of students study abroad

May term In addition to campus classes and Study-Service Term, our innovative May term provides the opportunity to take a three-week intensive course like Marine Biology in the Florida Keys, History and Archaeology on Hopi and Navajo Reservations, Arts in London, Business in China and Spain, Nursing in Nepal, The Bible in Greece and Italy, Economics in Ecuador and Anabaptist History in Paraguay.

42 %

students of color (or from outside the United States)


international students


countries represented

You don’t have to be a world traveler to be a global citizen In fact, you can stay right here on campus and the world will come to you. It will start during the fall of your first year as you take your first Core class, preparing for college success, looking at your own identity and strengthening your skills to build relationships with people from all backgrounds. And because so many professors have spent time abroad, they incorporate those experiences into the classroom. But the opportunities for world engagement extend far beyond the classroom. You can attend the

annual International Student Club Coffeehouse, with dinner and a variety show put on by students, and experience cultures from around the world. Every January, classes are canceled and we hold an all-school King Celebration focused on the important values and ideals that characterized King’s life and work. Or join a student club, like the Black Student Union, the Latino Student Union or the International Student Club, to connect with other students who share your interests and passions, and want to take action together.

Meet our alumni, your future network




Doug Schwartzentruber ’78

Angie Miller Bastian ’83

Ellah Wakatama Allfrey ’88

TIME Magazine named Doug to its 2010 list of the “most influential people in the world” for his innovative cancer research.

Angie’s multimillion-dollar popcorn business, Angie’s BOOMCHICKAPOP, also raises money for breast cancer research and works to improve sustainability education.

Ellah is a leading literary editor and critic in London. She was awarded the title of Officer of the Order of the British Empire, one of the highest cultural honors in England.

Our amazing outcomes:

98 %

of graduates were employed, in grad school or in service within one year after graduation

As a Goshen graduate, you will join the ranks of 20,000+ alumni who are living, working and serving on every inhabited continent on earth. They are tackling some of the world’s most pressing problems and enjoying some truly remarkable careers and vocations. You will too!




James C. Strouse ’99

Gaurav Khandelwal ’01

Rachel Smith ’01

James is a Sundance Film Festival Award-winning writerdirector of such films as The Incredible Jessica James (2017), People Places Things (2015) and Grace is Gone (2007).

Gaurav founded and leads the Houston-based company ChaiOne, which designs intuitive and on-demand apps that are transforming field work at 25 percent of Fortune 500 energy companies.

Rachel created an English pronunciation video business on YouTube, called Rachel’s English, which now has more than 2 million subscribers, helping people from all over the world learn this difficult language.

83 %

of graduates complete their degree in four years, which saves them considerable money and gets them into their careers sooner


Ranking by Washington Monthly for small liberal arts colleges in the United States in percentage of graduates with doctorates

apply now goshen.edu/apply

Goshen, Indiana An hour from South Bend and Fort Wayne, and within easy reach of Chicago, Detroit and Indianapolis


42 %

Undergraduate students from 38 states and 28 countries

are students of color (or from outside the United States)

88 % of classes have fewer than 30 students

Programs of study Accounting * Agroecology American Sign Language American Sign Language Education Anabaptist-Mennonite Studies Art * Bible and Religion * Biology Broadcasting * Business * Chemistry * Communication * Computer Science * Conflict Transformation Studies Elementary Education Elementary Education/Special Education Elementary Education/English Learners Engineering Physics English * Entrepreneurship Environmental and Marine Science * Exercise Science * Film Production Game Development NEW Global Economics Graphic Design * Health

History * Information Technology * Interdisciplinary Studies International Studies Journalism * Marketing * Mathematics * Molecular Biology/Biochemistry Multimedia Communication Music * Music for Social Change Musical Theater Nursing Peace and Justice Studies Peace, Justice and Conflict Studies Philosophy Physical Education * Physics Piano Pedagogy Political Studies Pre-Architecture + Pre-Dentistry + Pre-Engineering + Pre-Law Pre-Medicine + Pre-Pharmacy + Pre-Physical Therapy +

Admissions Office 1700 South Main Street Goshen, Indiana 46526-9922 844.704.3400 (toll-free) admissions@goshen.edu

Pre-Seminary + Pre-Veterinary + Psychology * Public Relations * Recreation and Sport Secondary Education Sign Language Interpreting Social Policy and Advocacy Social Work Sociology * Spanish * Sport Management * Sustainability Sustainability Management * Sustainability Studies * Sustainable Food Systems TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) * Theater * Theological Studies and Christian Ministries Women’s and Gender Studies Writing *

major | minor * minor in addition to major | + program

Goshen College is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission and is classified as a Baccalaureate - Arts & Sciences college by the Carnegie Foundation. For more information, visit goshen.edu/accreditation.


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