PREVIEW Avoid A Collision With A Positive Vision A Guide for Living a Responsible Life and Making Positive Decisions
Glenda Staten
Avoid a Collision with a Positive Vision A Guide for Living a Responsible Life and Making Positive Decisions
Avoid a Collision with a Positive Vision by Glenda Staten
Printed in the United States of America
Copyright 2012 Glenda Staten
ISBN 978-0-615-77428-5 (paperback)
Table of Contents
Introduction Chapter 1 . . . . . . . . . Who Are You? Chapter 2 . . . . . . . . . Strength Chapter 3 . . . . . . . . . Be Open to Change Chapter 4 . . . . . . . . . Set Goals Chapter 5 . . . . . . . . . Friendship Chapter 6 . . . . . . . . . Bullying
I enlisted in the Army at an early age. My military experiences made a profound impact on the way I live my life. I worked with many wonderful people from different cultures. I learned to respect everyone, have compassion for all people, and always move forward. Avoid a Collision with a Positive Vision will help you make positive decisions, and live a responsible life. As you get to know yourself better, and focus on your purpose, I hope you realize that you are the world’s greatest gift. Always remember that you should make the world a better place regardless of the path you take.
Who Are You?
I believe that it is extremely important to know who you are. When you know who you are, you will make better decisions because you are aware of your likes and dislikes. You are the world’s greatest gift, and you should always represent yourself with pride and dignity. You can have fun, enjoy life, and make responsible decisions while maintaining your character. Focus on being yourself instead of trying to be someone else. You are unique and you are special. Allow yourself to be the amazing individual that you are. Sometimes we focus on what other people think and we allow their way of thinking to become our way of thinking. Think for yourself. Do not let the past control you. Figure out how to reconcile your past in a positive way. This doesn’t mean that you will forget your past; it simply means that you will not allow it to determine your future in a negative way. Stop talking about your problems and find positive resolutions for them. You cannot continue to be confused and angry about the same issues. Seeking help from a qualified, honest professional is an option to help you make peace with your past. When you are centered and focused, you will handle your issues better. Set the example instead of caving in to peer pressure. Learn to be a positive leader instead of a negative leader or a negative follower. Respect yourself and respect others. Stop associating with people who do not respect you. If you are a pessimist, there are many things you can do to become an optimist.
What do you like about yourself?
What do you dislike about yourself?
What can you change about yourself?
If you can’t change something about yourself, are you willing to make peace with the issue?
Are you willing to put in the work it will take to make the necessary changes?
Glenda Staten grew up in Georgia. She enlisted in the Army and worked for numerous organizations in the United States and abroad before retiring in 2004. Glenda is the owner of Positivity 4 Ever. Glenda wrote Avoid a Collision with a Positive Vision to help teens and young adults make positive decisions and live a responsible life. Glenda received numerous awards while in the military including two Defense Meritorious Service Medals, the Meritorious Service Medal, and the Joint Service Commendation Medal. She completed her Master of Arts Degree in Management from City University of Seattle in Bellevue, Washington before she retired. Glenda enjoys helping others by contributing to local and national charities. Purchase Avoid a Collision with a Positive Vision at, call 424-248-8254 or send an email to Available in e-book, Kindle, or paperback format (size 4x6--$5.00).
Avoid a Collision with a Positive Vision is published by Gossamer Wings Publications 7