Positivity 4Ever April June 2012 Preview

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Positivity 4Ever Magazine by Glenda Staten Positivity 4 Ever is a quarterly mini magazine designed to promote positivity, and provide helpful resources to enrich everyone’s life. You will enjoy reading positive conversations from authors, entertainers, and entrepreneurs. The Positivity 4 Ever magazine was created by Glenda Staten in 2011.

Copyright 2011 by Glenda Staten, North Carolina Printed in the United States of America


Table of Contents Positive Conversation with Montrel Miller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 4 Relationship Resolutions by Pamela Reaves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 7 Inspirational Women (Kim McKoy) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 10 Special Thanks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 11


Positive Conversation with Montrel Miller

Glenda: Hello Montrel, how are you? Montrel: Hello Glenda, I'm doing great, happy to be here on Earth another day and delighted to be here with you. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else in the world, but right here, right now, with you! Glenda: Tell us a little about yourself. Montrel: I'm from Newton, Georgia, a small town. I’m the youngest of four. I have a great relationship with my family; I'm a product of them. I was a typical kid. I played all sports growing up and I really loved basketball. I played basketball in middle school and high school. I was always on top of my grades; my family made sure of that. I graduated Salutatorian of my high school. I attended Florida A&M University. I majored in Agriculture Business/Economics, and I graduated Summa Cum Laude with a 3.89 G.P.A. I was very active in college, and I joined the Beta Nu Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Glenda: Why did you choose to become an Actor? Montrel: I have to contribute a lot of my decision to the Step Team of my Fraternity. As a part of their performance, they chose to play a video skit on the jumbotron. The skit was about P. Diddy's show "Making the Band." One of my Frat brothers was scheduled to portray Diddy, but something came up the day of filming and he couldn't make it. I was asked to perform in his place and I accepted. I was nervous, but something inside told me to go for it! We recorded the video and it felt natural. When the video was played at the Step Show, everyone loved it! They were saying to me: " I didn't know you could Act."


My response: "I didn't know either!" This was the trigger, and I have been going forward with my acting career since that day. After the skit, I looked back on my life, and I realized that I was always an entertainer. I connected deeply with people, and I noticed the affect I had on them. In school, teachers would always tell my mom that I was a great student with great grades, but I just couldn't keep my mouth closed! Well, I was entertaining my classmates, and it's gratifying to see that acting was always in me, I just had to embrace it. Glenda: There is so much rejection in this profession. How do you maintain a positive attitude? Montrel: Yes, in this profession you hear “No” a lot. I always go into an audition with the mindset that this is the only thing that matters in life right now. I don't think about issues I have in my life, auditions I've had in the past, what I'm cooking for dinner, etc. For that moment, that audition is my only priority. Martin Lawrence once said that when you’re selected for a role, it makes you forget about the times you were not chosen. I always remember that. That's motivation! Rejection is good; I flip it around and call it a "Character Building Situation." Rejection keeps me on my toes, helps me continue to improve, and reminds me to never settle. Most importantly, I believe in my gifts, and I believe if something is for me, I will get it. Glenda: What advice would you give anyone who wants to pursue acting? Montrel: Learn your craft in and out. Take classes and read books from famous acting instructors. Find out what works for you and master it. Theater is an excellent way to work on your craft because Theatre is the true essence of acting. Also, learn the business of acting. Business is involved in whatever you do. You must have your headshots, resume, an agent and/or manager. Networking is very important as well. Surrounding yourself with the right people can make the process go more smoothly. Go “ALL IN”! If this is the path you choose, put two feet in because there is no reason to put just one foot in. I am not opposed to having a backup plan because you need to have options in life, but while you are pursing your career, give it everything you have. The important thing is to Have Fun! Glenda: How important is education to you? Please explain your answer. Montrel: Glenda, education is very important to me. The more you know, the more you expand your mind and adapt to situations better. Various situations in this profession include learning your script, working with different people, and being on the set for long hours. Also, since this field has a lot of uncertainty, you want to be fully prepared and cover all of your tracks.


To read the rest of this interview, as well as all of the other articles and interviews in the April – June 2012 issue of Positivity 4Ever, please visit http://shop.positivity4ever.com

Special Thanks Montrel Miller, thank you for your positive conversation. You are an inspiration to everyone. Pam Reaves, thank you for providing positive insight in your column Relationship Resolutions by Pam Reaves. Jeanette Miller, thank you for editing the Positivity 4 Ever magazine. Kim Mckoy, thank you for being an inspirational woman. Ordering Information: Purchase the Positivity 4 Ever magazine at http://shop.positivity4ever.com Email and regular mail orders are accepted. Send email orders to info@positivity4ever.com. Send mail orders to PO Box 1703 Statesville, NC 28687. Payment methods: Visa, Discover, Master Card, American Express, check or money order payable to Glenda Staten. Magazines are published quarterly. 1-Year Subscription: $11.00 or $3.99 each.

Glenda Staten Glenda Staten retired from the Army in 2004. She created the Positivity 4 Ever mini magazine to promote positivity. Glenda enjoys sharing positive conversations from authors, entertainers, and entrepreneurs with her readers. She also provides positive tips, and a host of helpful resources to enrich everyone’s life.


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