Positivity 4Ever Magazine by Glenda Staten Positivity 4 Ever is a quarterly mini magazine designed to promote positivity, and provide helpful resources to enrich everyone’s life. You will enjoy reading positive conversations from authors, entertainers, and entrepreneurs. The Positivity 4 Ever magazine was created by Glenda Staten in 2011.
Copyright 2011 by Glenda Staten, North Carolina Printed in the United States of America
Table of Contents Positive Conversation with Montrel Miller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 4 Relationship Resolutions by Pamela Reaves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 7 Inspirational Women (Kim McKoy) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 10 Special Thanks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 11
Positive Conversation with Montrel Miller
Glenda: Hello Montrel, how are you? Montrel: Hello Glenda, I'm doing great, happy to be here on Earth another day and delighted to be here with you. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else in the world, but right here, right now, with you! Glenda: Tell us a little about yourself. Montrel: I'm from Newton, Georgia, a small town. I’m the youngest of four. I have a great relationship with my family; I'm a product of them. I was a typical kid. I played all sports growing up and I really loved basketball. I played basketball in middle school and high school. I was always on top of my grades; my family made sure of that. I graduated Salutatorian of my high school. I attended Florida A&M University. I majored in Agriculture Business/Economics, and I graduated Summa Cum Laude with a 3.89 G.P.A. I was very active in college, and I joined the Beta Nu Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Glenda: Why did you choose to become an Actor? Montrel: I have to contribute a lot of my decision to the Step Team of my Fraternity. As a part of their performance, they chose to play a video skit on the jumbotron. The skit was about P. Diddy's show "Making the Band." One of my Frat brothers was scheduled to portray Diddy, but something came up the day of filming and he couldn't make it. I was asked to perform in his place and I accepted. I was nervous, but something inside told me to go for it!
We recorded the video and it felt natural. When the video was played at the Step Show, everyone loved it! They were saying to me: " I didn't know you could Act." My response: "I didn't know either!" This was the trigger, and I have been going forward with my acting career since that day. After the skit, I looked back on my life, and I realized that I was always an entertainer. I connected deeply with people, and I noticed the affect I had on them. In school, teachers would always tell my mom that I was a great student with great grades, but I just couldn't keep my mouth closed! Well, I was entertaining my classmates, and it's gratifying to see that acting was always in me, I just had to embrace it. Glenda: There is so much rejection in this profession. How do you maintain a positive attitude? Montrel: Yes, in this profession you hear “No” a lot. I always go into an audition with the mindset that this is the only thing that matters in life right now. I don't think about issues I have in my life, auditions I've had in the past, what I'm cooking for dinner, etc. For that moment, that audition is my only priority. Martin Lawrence once said that when you’re selected for a role, it makes you forget about the times you were not chosen. I always remember that. That's motivation! Rejection is good; I flip it around and call it a "Character Building Situation." Rejection keeps me on my toes, helps me continue to improve, and reminds me to never settle. Most importantly, I believe in my gifts, and I believe if something is for me, I will get it. Glenda: What advice would you give anyone who wants to pursue acting? Montrel: Learn your craft in and out. Take classes and read books from famous acting instructors. Find out what works for you and master it. Theater is an excellent way to work on your craft because Theatre is the true essence of acting. Also, learn the business of acting. Business is involved in whatever you do. You must have your headshots, resume, an agent and/or manager. Networking is very important as well. Surrounding yourself with the right people can make the process go more smoothly. Go “ALL IN”! If this is the path you choose, put two feet in because there is no reason to put just one foot in. I am not opposed to having a backup plan because you need to have options in life, but while you are pursing your career, give it everything you have. The important thing is to Have Fun! Glenda: How important is education to you? Please explain your answer. Montrel: Glenda, education is very important to me. The more you know, the more you expand your mind and adapt to situations better. Various situations in this profession include learning your script, working with different people, and being on the set for long hours. Also, since this field has a lot of uncertainty, you want to be fully prepared and cover all of your tracks.
My mom and one of my uncles always tell me to have a Plan A, B, C, D, and E! With that said, you still want to go after your Plan A with 1000% and go after it as if you have no other plans in place. Glenda: What are your goals? Montrel: My goals, wow, I could be here all day with this one! I want to continue to grow as an actor, and consistently book roles in film, television, and theater. One of my main goals is to be a Series Regular on a Television Show. Growing up, I always enjoyed watching Martin, The Cosby Show, Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, and Seinfeld, to name a few. I loved them because it seemed as if they were a family on and off camera. Also, I want to get into directing much more. I produced a few of my comedy skits on YouTube; I had a great time, and I learned a lot. I want to be involved in every aspect of acting. Glenda: Do you have any projects coming out this year? Montrel: Yes, I have several projects coming out this year. I play the role of "Rashard", a recurring role in Tyler Perry's "House of Payne" (Season 6). The season airs this spring. Also, I have a supporting role in the feature Film "Unconditional", starring Michael Ealy, Lynn Collins, and Bruce McGill. It will be released in theaters this Fall. I have a supporting role in the feature Film "Papa", starring Korean Actor Yong-Woo Park. The film was released in Korea December 2011 and will be released in the U.S. in 2012. I booked a role in the TV Pilot "Stuff You Should Know" based on the successful podcast, "How Stuff Works" at howstuffworks.com. The Principal Actors in the show are Chuck Bryant and Josh Clark, two senior staff writers. They have a huge following around the world. The show airs this spring. I will continue to entertain you with my comedy skits on YouTube because we all need laughter. More skits will be coming soon. You never know who I might portray next! Glenda: Montrel, thank you for having a positive conversation with us. Montrel: You’re welcome, and thank you. Visit www.montrelmiller.com to get re- lease dates for Montrel's projects, and to subscribe to his email list. Follow Montrel on Twitter @MontrelMiller.
Relationship Resolutions by Pam Reaves Ask anybody about the type of relationship they want to experience with their spouse, partner, or mate and most people will emphatically state, “A good relationship”.” Well, as wonderful as that sounds, a good relationship may mean different things to different people. That’s why it is so important to be open and honest about what we mean when we express our desires to have good relationships. All of us have certain expectations when we commit to relationships. So when you tell your love interest that you want a good relationship, you need to explain what your idea of good is and make a determination as to whether or not his or her definition of the good relationship compliments your definition. If your respective definitions are so far apart that the two will never meet, you have a recipe for disaster that makes it impossible to ever experience anything good. Notwithstanding our individual ideas about what constitutes the “good relationship,” it is always interesting, educational, and stimulating to talk about relationships. So let’s talk. What is a good relationship? This is a broad question and if you ask a million people, you will probably get a million different answers, and believe it or not, the answers can change as relationships evolve. Since we all have our individual ideas and perceptions about what is good, there is no one answer that will satisfy everybody. However, there are certain expectations when it comes to good relationships that are shared by most of us. Personally, I believe the basis of a good relationship is that you love yourself. When you love yourself, you are demonstrating to the other person how you are expecting and requiring them to treat you. If both individuals come to the relationship possessing selflove, they understand the concept of enhancing what each of them already has (i.e. self-love). Self-love is not synonymous and should not be confused with conceit. When we love ourselves, we bring the spirit of love within us into the relationship and everything we do and say is a reflection of the love that is within. The spirit of love creates an environment of love, and the environment surrounds us. When you dwell in an environment of love, you embrace and walk in love. The air about you says that you will accept nothing less. When we are anticipating a good relationship, we are expecting to feel good; we are expecting to receive and give
pleasure; we are expecting this good relationship to flourish with synergistic results – the sum of the relationship between two people being greater than the whole of each individual whose idea of love is healthy, substantive, and sustainable without diminishing either individual in any way. If a relationship makes you sick (emotionally and/or physically); attacks and/or destroys your confidence; demoralizes you; diminishes you as an individual in any way, it is not good. Do you want to have a good relationship? Of course everyone is going to answer “yes” to this particular question. However, careful attention should be given to each individual’s definition of a good relationship. An individual cannot claim to want a good relationship when his or her actions are to the contrary. Saying it is not enough. Our actions must be consistent with our verbal declarations. If a man or woman wants a good relationship, he or she needs to voice this desire to the other individual in order to avoid any misunderstanding. Leave nothing to chance and have the conversation about a good relationship as often as necessary. You cannot hold another individual responsible for loving you like you want to be loved if you haven’t clearly articulated your desires and needs. You are also required to show the other individual that you want a good relationship. Be creative and come up with ideas that promote oneness, love, affection, intimacy, etc. Fill the time the two of you share together with wonderful experiences and memories. We usually default back to what we’ve become accustomed to. So, if you are creating positive experiences and memories, that’s what one or both of you will default back to in almost everything you do. Your conversations will be positive, interesting, and stimulating because you will be alluding to the positive experiences and memories on which your relationship has been built. It’s what you’re used to and you will want to repeat that which brings you pleasure. If you fill your time together with negativity, that is what you become accustomed to and will act accordingly. So, if you want a good relationship: say it, build upon it, and behave like it! Are you willing to put in the time and effort to make your relationship work? You had better be willing to invest both time and effort into cultivating and maintaining a good relationship. Just like any masterpiece, good relationships take time and effort. A good relationship does not happen magically, although the good feelings we experience may make us feel as if something magical is going on.
A good relationship cannot be taken for granted and nurturing is essential to maintaining one. Nurturing involves development, and development takes time. The more attention you pay to the development of your relationship, and the more time you devote to the details of your development, the better the results. Never fall for the premise that everything is just going to fall into place. You have to pay enough attention and consciously make the effort to ensure that things will evolve into the good relationship you desire and envision. When couples who have good relationships are asked about their formulas for maintaining them over long periods of time, the consistent ingredients include time and work. They understand that you nurture relationships by staying in touch with what pleases your mate, as well as those things that please you. When you are sensitive to your mate, you are aware of those things that hurt them and make every effort to either avoid hurting them, or are willing to assume responsibility for hurting them--you become conscious of what not to do. Those couples who enjoy good relationships are willing and find ways to constantly demonstrate their love for their partners. This is life, and the reality is that problems and challenges do occur which threaten the wellness of relationships. The couples who survive challenges or threats to their relationships are those couples who refuse to hold on to injury; those people who do not retaliate when they believe they have been wronged; those people who are willing to assume responsibility when they have injured their loved one; and those people who are willing to forgive a partner who may have made a mistake. Remember, the environment you create and dwell in determines the type of relationship you will have. So the couples who enjoy good relationships do not allow themselves to dwell in negative environments although negative things happen. They move pass the negative incident (an episode) and move on and dwell in the positive environment (atmosphere). The episode is an occurrence that is short-lived. The environment can last for a lifetime. When it comes to love, you deserve the best. Accept nothing less than the real thing. © P. Reaves Pamela Reaves is the Founder and CEO of NELLA LLC. She is a Certified Professional Coach, with concentrations in Motivational Coaching and Relationship Coaching. Pam is also the author of the thought-provoking and powerful book, "Is It Love...Or Merely a Sick Attachment?" "Is It Love..." is published by Tate Publishing & Enterprises and has been well-received by readers as far away as Africa and Australia. Pam is a platinum level expert author who writes articles for EzineArticles.com. The next book Pam will release is entitled “Loving Scott Harrington,” a fictional novel based on the real-life story of Pam’s maternal grandfather who was born into slavery and became a free man at the age of 17.
Pam holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Management and has over 30 years experience in working and thriving in diverse corporate cultures in the areas of human resource, labor relations, finance, legal, and real estate. She has appeared on a number of radio talk shows, participated in numerous blog-radio talk shows, and on cable TV talk shows. She has co-hosted virtual think tanks, and she’s been a featured author and speaker at a host of other cultural events, book festivals, and expo. Visit www.pamreavesnellallc.com to learn more about Pam, her life coaching practice, upcoming books and events.
Inspirational Women Inspirational women are positive women who are high achievers committed to helping others accomplish their goals.
Kim Mckoy is an inspirational woman. Kim created 2BigWomenOnACouch.com, an online social community designed to provide a safe, fun place for plus size women to share with each other. Kim is known as “2Big Kim” at 2BigWomenOnACouch.com. Kim is a 30-year veteran in non-profit organizational leadership. Kim has been a lifelong advocate for those in need of all kinds of support and encouragement. She recently authored an eBook, Big and Bodacious: Insights from a Crazy Fat Chick. In the book, she takes a serious look, with her signature sharp and twisted humor, at the oppression of overweight women while offering suggestions for going beyond just coping. Kim hopes to inspire an attitude in many women to leave the pain of the past behind and start living in a healthy, big and bodacious way. You may purchase Kim’s book at the locations below: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0075LYYPO http://uploadnsell.com/buy/QIfQIq
Special Thanks Montrel Miller, thank you for your positive conversation. You are an inspiration to everyone. Pam Reaves, thank you for providing positive insight in your column Relationship Resolutions by Pam Reaves. Jeanette Miller, thank you for editing the Positivity 4 Ever magazine. Kim Mckoy, thank you for being an inspirational woman. Ordering Information: Purchase the Positivity 4 Ever magazine at http://shop.positivity4ever.com. Email and regular mail orders are accepted. Send email orders to info@positivity4ever.com. Send mail orders to PO Box 1703 Statesville, NC 28687. Payment methods: Visa, Discover, Master Card, American Express, check or money order payable to Glenda Staten. Magazines are published quarterly. 1-Year Subscription: $11.00 or $3.99 each.
Glenda Staten Glenda Staten retired from the Army in 2004. She created the Positivity 4 Ever mini magazine to promote positivity. Glenda enjoys sharing positive conversations from authors, entertainers, and entrepreneurs with her readers. She also provides positive tips, and a host of helpful resources to enrich everyone’s life.
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