Littluns and the Book of Darkness
by Mark Glamack
Littluns by Mark Glamack Littluns is a story for all ages, depicting everyone’s journey through life facing choices for the Light or darkness. Beginning with a simple scavenger hunt, the reader is taken on a fast, roller coaster ride into a volatile unknown.
Littluns is a powerful book about faith and trusted friends that gives positive celebration to traditional Judeo-Christian values and the human spirit. It is a story of extreme good and innocence in a world of chaos from the resulting seductive effects of evil. This book clearly defines the differences and becomes the family friendly alternative. As one parent wrote in her review, “Refreshing, from a parent’s point of view, is knowing that “Littluns” is written absent of inappropriate and offensive language, and will not affect the onset and continued interest of the reader. The book stays in balance with humor, terror, innocence, action, morals, truth, sadness, hope, and feelings. The reader will find this novel impossible to predict and full of surprises.”
About Littluns Littluns . . . Of Light and Life there is The Book of Light Of all that has been or will be corrupted, there is The Book of Darkness One empowers individuals The other has power over them Hidden within the impenetrable snow-covered exterior walls of Powder Mountain, and secret to the rest of the world, is the protected, self-contained, pure and peaceful valley of Hollow Hills. The crater valley is thousands of feet above the base of the mountain with only one accessible entrance and one exit, keeping outsiders out. The outside world below holds little interest to Littluns. It’s not that they don’t know about such things and what goes on out there; they know very well about the chaos and discord and the importance of remaining removed from such things. However, once every year or two, around the third and sixth full Moons, the Littleton Town Council selects five of its citizens to journey down Powder Mountain into the outside world. It’s a scavenger hunt. The only rules are that anything they bring back must not belong to anyone. An example would be; you aren’t allowed to climb a tree to get an apple, but you can take the apple if it’s fallen onto the ground. No one ever worries about the rules because every Littlun is taught, from a very young age, that stealing is wrong and no Littlun would ever consider such an act - it just wouldn’t be Littlun. Now, it should be noted that this is not just any outing. It is very dangerous and requires much skill and knowledge. The journey down the mountain is treacherous. More importantly, there can be no contact with the outside world making a costume necessary. To do otherwise, could put their very existence in jeopardy. No one looks forward to being selected, but each accepts the responsibility in the knowledge that they are fulfilling a community obligation and that the scavenger hunt will provide new seeds for planting, news of the outside world, and any surprises that will provide for good eating and/or interesting reading. This is one of those days for a scavenger hunt . . . .
The Littluns: Braybe, Miskey, Letsen, Brandywine, and Sneetz go down the mountain together on what should be a cautious, but pleasant outing. However, there was no way that they could have known about the evil permeating throughout the land. Disguised as Eqassym Enturim and The Necromancer, the Evil One had placed most of his dark powers into words; words reserved for his wicked purposes. By doing so, it provided him with the benefits of both worlds while carrying out his plan to deceive and corrupt its inhabitants. But, ‘The Evil One’s’ ominous Dark Book becomes lost, resulting in him becoming trapped somewhere between the living and the dead. To fulfill his plan, he must have his Book back at all costs. This faith-based story of innocence, takes you into a magical, fantasy world of imagination.
Littluns is a story for all ages, depicting everyone’s journey through life facing choices for the Light or darkness. Beginning with a simple scavenger hunt, the reader is taken on a fast roller coaster ride into the unknown.
Littluns is an action packed, exciting alternative for millions of readers. It too will have controversy due to its powerful theme, but in contrast, its enlightened values cannot be disputed and will live forever in this mythical world of wonder and enchantment that will warm your soul.
Littluns is a book for the entire family - recommended reading is for twelve years of age and above. The novel’s Judeo-Christian values should appeal to both religious and secular readers. Even others may find the read to be, at the very least, entertaining and thought provoking.
Uniquely, Littluns is written in the present-tense, third omniscient voice with the intent for the reader to have a live experience as if they are watching a movie. The sixty-three color illustrations complete the visual reading experience. This is a page-turner where the reader will never be able to predict what will happen next…surprised, but never disappointed. “Littluns” will also stir the reader’s every emotion while presenting real-life examples that everyone can relate to.
Meet the Littluns . . . . Braybe Livingston teaches Littlun history to younger than young younguns. He can be quite impatient and has no problem expressing himself. One day he kept his whole class after school because he felt that they were not grasping the forefather’s text on the importance of selfgovernment. Every one really did understand how democracy has provided peace and harmony for all Littluns; they just liked to hear him talk. While most Littluns’ round ears stick out, Braybe’s ears point slightly backwards. His nervous temperament, quick walk, and lots of Crick-golf force him to eat more to keep up his weight.
Miskey Honeywell is the librarian for the town of Littleton. He’s read every book and from memory can point to any title’s location in the library. He even wrote several spy novels himself; the subjects of which can spur animated conversations. One such novel was about a spy commissioned to find Littluns. It kept many a Littlun up very late reading to find out if the spy was successful. Of course, the mole slipped off the mountain before he could reach the In-NOut, which was a great relief to all of Miskey’s Littlun readers. Miskey has a slightly larger than normal head, which some Littluns credit with his great ability to store all that knowledge.
Letsen Overland is the most experienced of any young-un scavengers with, to date, a total of five outings under his belt. This will be his sixth. Normally, Letsen supervises all the gardening and tree trimming throughout Hollow Hills. He has a larger than normal nose and stands taller than the others by a staggering three inches.
Brandywine Weatherspoon, Brandy for short, is a gourmet cook, which is obvious when looking at him. He’s at least twenty pounds heavier than the average Littlun and quite proud of it. Brandy is often heard saying, “To be a good cook, all you have to do is buy a cookbook. To be a great cook, you write your own. That takes many tastings through trial and error, an insatiable appetite, which is no problem for any Littlun; and a tummy that welcomes change.”
There are many large and small waterfalls throughout the valley of Hollow Hills. By far, the most impressive waterfall in the entire valley is at the Littlun residence of
Sneetz Summerville
He actually has three waterfalls that drop from the top of a rocky aqueduct into several elevated pools that empty into a larger waterfall that fills a large pool at its base. Pool parties and fishing are commonplace at the Summerville home. Being a youngun, Sneetz is still single and doing just about anything he pleases. Littluns usually get married and start a family when they reach middleun status. For now, Sneetz has big plans. Somewhere between fishing, Crick-golf, parties, gardening, and general fun, he is contemplating expanding his living space. This takes a lot of thought and cannot be rushed. Sneetz comes from a long line of Summervilles who made their fortunes making and selling fishing lures. Fishing is easy with a “Summerville Lure,” and for as long as anyone can remember, there has never been any need for competition, making Sneetz a very wealthy Littlun. In his spare time, Sneetz continues to produce the Summerville Lure, which is sold in his store, appropriately named “Summerville’s” in the town of Littleton. Littluns means “little people who live within.” From the inner crater walls of Powder Mountain to their homes and businesses built into the environment and community of Hollow Hills, Littluns symbolize all that is good and true. Littluns measure about three feet in height, give or take a few inches, and are usually well-rounded in appearance, due to their insatiable appetites and the many social events that provide good reasons for good eating. They have very large ears, three fingers and a thumb, and furry feet with thick soles, eliminating the need for socks and shoes. The only exception is when going down the mountain on a scavenger hunt where boots also add several inches to their height, etc.
Birthdays are celebrated in a big way, but unlike humans, Littluns don’t measure age in terms of years. They sometimes refer to themselves as “younger than younguns, younguns, middleuns, or olderuns,” but without any number attached. They are forever young in appearance and retain a child-like innocence throughout their long life. It is estimated that Littluns live to be over three hundred human years, more or less. A typical Littlun abode, Sneetz’s home is built into rolling hills surrounded with manicured trees, bushes and a multicolored garden. His pool flows out and down throughout the valley of Hollow Hills where it eventually merges into other rivers and multiple lakes. The land of the Littluns is perfection personified, but today is Scavenger Hunt Day where the above five citizens of Hollow Hills will journey down from their secret mountain location to the lands of Terra Fermata and into the unknown. To purchase your copy of Littluns by Mark Glamack, please visit his website at http://www.littluns.net/pages/order.html You can also read much more about the adventures of the Littluns at http://www.littluns.net/pages/about.html You can also purchase
Littluns from the Ruby for Women community website at www.rubyfowomen.ning.com
Here is a book mark for you to print out and use as you are reading your copy of Littluns Littluns by Mark Glamack!
Littluns has been honored with this great award which represents the best in family-friendly media, products, and services.
To purchase your copy of by Mark Glamack, please visit the Littluns website at http://www.littluns.net/pages/order.html
Awards and Reviews
* Mom’s Choice Awards Gold, for Young Adult Fiction * Mom’s Choice Awards Gold, for Fantasy, Myths, and Legends
* The Dove Dove Award
* Indie Excellence Finalist Book Awards
* New York Book Expo, Honorable Mention
“"Littluns" A Journey in Time, Life and Spirit! One of The Most Amazing Books ever written!” Film Historian and Theologian, Dr. Joseph P. Sinda
A young person, in his early twenties, who read “Littluns,” sent me this e-mail.
“…I truthfully don’t have enough viable proof to prove that god really exists, nobody does, but it doesn’t hurt to keep an open mind. This book changed my way of thinking and right in the middle I was crying in the metro train just thinking “wow he might really exist”…. This story should be the next big animation flick everyone has been craving for. Very good morals and story. Great for friends or family. Not like those new Disney films. Where’s the family values in those new flashy Hollywood scenes with bad values? Good job Mr. Glamack you open my eyes on a possibility that might change the whole world if they give it a chance. Thank you for all your hard work. Can’t wait for the next one.” -SALVE, Salvador C. Carrillo Kevin "James" Richardson wrote: "Littluns"
is to Christians what "Harry Potter" was to the secular world - yet "Littluns" is written for both.
Sandy A. wrote on Gather, "Every
one should read "Littluns: And the Book of Darkness" and hopefully it will lead them to read THE BOOK The Bible. Jan 12, 2011 KevaD rated it on Goodreads: "A
and, one that will stand the test of time."
story designed for families,
Mark Glamack is an animator, businessman, director, producer, writer, and patented inventor. He has worked in every area of the animation industry. Over the last twelve years he has created, written, and developed two motion picture projects and a television series. Also, he invented (Scoreguide) which doubles as a marketing tool that brings commerce to the golfer and the golfer to commerce. It also provides low cost advertising for the Dot-Com market. From 2000 to 2003, Glamack dedicated full time developing a new means for reversing runaway productions. This new process and invention blends a far-reaching business model with the technology that supports it. When implemented, it will reduce production costs from between one-quarter to onehalf or less the costs anywhere in the world. Instead of a company subcontracting their work overseas, they will be able to contract to a U.S. studio across town. Also, in the not too distant future Internet companies will need low cost, high quality content if they ever hope to compete in a global marketplace. From his early beginnings at Walt Disney Productions, Glamack experienced a level of quality unprecedented in the industry and the attention to details needed to achieve it. While there, he worked on the animated classic “The Jungle Book” and animated many of the special effects for the combination liveaction/animation “Bed-Knobs and Broomsticks.” He also worked on the EPCOT promotional film, animation inserts for “The Wonderful World of Disney,” and “The Story of Walt Disney,” a Disneyland attraction. Drafted out of Disney to serve in the Viet Nam War, Glamack spent a year as a medic with the First Air Cavalry Division based thirty miles from the DMZ. Additionally, he photographed and directed an ambitious documentary entitled, “Is Freedom Just a Word?” He was awarded the Bronze Star. Back home in the United States, Glamack continued his career working on countless projects for Hanna-Barbera, Filmation Associates, Film Roman, HBO, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, and others. Some of the titles he has animated, directed or produced are: “All Dogs Go To Heaven”, “Life with Louie”, ”He-Man and Shera-Princess of Power”, “Oliver Twist” “Bobby’s World”, “Zazoo – U”, “Spawn”, “Yogi Bear”, “Scooby-Do”, “Tom & Jerry”, “Dyno-Mutt”, “Future Flipper”, “G.I. Joe”, “A Flintstone Christmas”, “Last of the Curlews”, the animated inserts for “That’s Entertainment II”, and many more. Also, the direct to video projects; “Gen 13”, “Christmas Classics”, “Tom Sawyer”, “All Dogs Christmas”, and “All Dogs Go To Heaven.” In 1999 he was nominated for an Emmy in the Outstanding Special Class– Animated Program for “Life with Louie”.In 2003, Glamack completed his sixth term as Governor for The Academy of Television Arts & Sciences.
During those years he created the Over One Hour Program Category for animation and the first annual individual achievement awards’ categories (Emmy’s) for Animators / Background Artists / Background Stylists / Layout Artists / Production Designers / Storyboard Artists / and Voice Over talents. In 1996, he successfully brought the daytime Emmy awards structure for animation consistent with primetime. Appointed by the President, Glamack served as Vice-Chair for the ATAS Activities Committee 1991 – 1992. Additionally, he served on the Budget, Awards, and Membership Committees. Born and raised in Rochester, New York, Glamack attended Art Center College of Design, UCLA, PCC, Sherwood Oaks Experimental College and various animation courses. Mark Glamack’s philosophy includes the belief that future business successes in the entertainment industries will depend largely upon our abilities to compete on a global level through competitive production costs. “Also, we need to positively motivate, educate, enlighten, and inspire through entertaining content with more positive celebration to the human spirit.”
This preview of
Littluns by Mark Glamack is published by Gossamer Wings Publications Nina Newton, Founder and CEO Creative Director www.gossamerwingspublishing@hotmail.com