Positivity 4 Ever Magazine Sneak Peek Jan - March 2012

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Positivity 4 Ever Magazine January – March 2012


Positivity 4 Ever Magazine Positivity 4 Ever is a quarterly mini magazine designed to promote positivity, and provide helpful resources to enrich everyone’s life. You will enjoy reading positive conversations from authors, entertainers, and entrepreneurs. Positivity 4 Ever was created by Glenda Staten in 2011. Copyright 2011 by Glenda Staten, North Carolina Printed in the United States of America

Table of Contents * Positive Conversation with Author Pam Reaves * Positive Topic (Decisions) * Positive Affirmations * Helpful Resources * Special Thanks


Positive Conversation with Author Pam Reaves Glenda: “Hello Pam, how are you?” Pam: “Hi Glenda, I am well and so honored to have this positive conversation with you. I know that you and I have been discussing the two of us doing this for some time. So it is indeed a pleasure to finally be having the conversation.” Glenda: “Tell us about yourself.” Pam: “Well, I am the Founder and CEO of NELLA LLC, a Maryland limited liability company. I am a Certified Professional Coach (CPC) with concentrations in Motivational Coaching and Relationship Coaching. NELLA LLC provides motivational and conference speaking as well. On my website, visitors will also find an On-Line Wellness Referral Center, where they have access to a variety of wellness experts. Although I have been in the corporate arena for well over thirty (30) years in areas such as human resources, legal, labor relations, finance and real estate, I find myself at that place in life where my value system is changing. My heart and energies are now directed at giving back to the human race rather than a one-dimensional focus of maximizing my wealth. I still want to maximize my wealth – it’s just not my sole purpose in life and not the only reason I do the work that I do. In any event, I am now pursuing many of my passions that have always been a part of me, but were not necessarily at the forefront of what I’ve been doing throughout my journey. Glenda, the workplace has changed so much and many of the opportunities in the past that used to drive ambitious people like myself no longer exist. But I’m perfectly fine with this shift because I’ve come to the conclusion that the changes in the workplace and in the world in general are for good reasons. These changes have caused many creative, passionate, and driven individuals to redirect their talents, skill sets, and energies. I’m finding that the volatile environment in which we live has actually created opportunities for individuals and groups that may not have otherwise had these opportunities available to them if things were still status-quo. I have seized the opportunities created by the marketplace’s reception to new and different talents, products and services, and decided to act on my passion for writing. My writing is a part of my overall business plan -- a model that includes writing books, life coaching, motivational and conference speaking. I felt that I needed a resource from which to coach and motivate. So what better way to


develop credibility than to author your primary resource to use in coaching and motivational/ conference speaking? I am determined to participate in the charge to motivate, empower, and enlighten people all over the world about their rights and the real chance to live abundantly. Abundant living is attainable for all of us. Now each individual’s definition of abundant living may be different, but once we know exactly what we want, we do have the power to pursue our individual expectations of the abundant life.” You can read the rest of this interview with Author Pam Reaves in the January – March issue of Positivity 4 Ever Magazine, which you will find on my website, Positivity 4 Ever at http://www.shop.positivity4ever.com

Glenda Staten retired from the Army in 2004. After Glenda retired, she created the Positivity 4 Ever mini magazine to promote positivity. Glenda enjoys sharing positive conversations from authors, entertainers, and entrepreneurs with her readers. She provides charity information, positive tips, employment information, and a host of helpful resources to enrich everyone’s life.


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