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english college

English in Action

Impact English College

Level 5 620 Bourke Street Melbourne Victoria Australia 3000 Tel (61 3) 9670 2840 Fax (61 3) 9670 2896 CRICOS Provider No. 02995B

english college

Welcome message from Director of Studies One of the great joys of my youth was the opportunity to live and study abroad. It’s an experience that had a life-changing impact for me personally, and one that I would recommend to everyone. It is a real privilege now to be assisting students at Impact who are enjoying this same experience, and to be able to help them to fulfil many of their dreams - perhaps of using English for travel or working holidays, forming new friendships around the world, gaining new work or study opportunities and a better understanding of other nationalities, cultures and of the world. Not only that, but we learn so much from you as well. Yes, that’s what it is all about at Impact - listening and learning from each other in a friendly and supportive environment. It’s much more than just an English college. Join our committed team of teachers and staff in the adventure of a lifetime.

Chris Burgess, Director of Studies Location Impact English College is located in the heart of Melbourne, only minutes from the new Southern Cross Station with its award-winning architectural design, Telstra Dome, home to major sporting and cultural events, the Rialto Tower, with magnificent views of Melbourne, the newly developed Docklands area, DFO shopping precinct with its chic fashion stores, the Yarra River, and a multitude of cafes, trendy bars & restaurants, galleries and museums. Melbourne’s famous trams provide easy access to all the areas in central Melbourne and pass directly in front of the college.

Why Impact – points of difference 1 Smaller classes - average 12 with maximum 15 2 Quality Accredited Courses 3 Strict English Only policy 4 Practical/real life English learning programs 5 Continuous assessment 6 Qualified and experienced teachers who are committed to your improvement

7 A wide range of courses 8 Individual academic and personal counselling Facilities & Services • Modern, comfortable and well equipped classrooms • The latest computing resources with free internet and email access for study purposes • Spacious student lounge with wireless internet access • Kitchen facilities with refrigerator, microwave ovens, and vending machines

• Orientation program for new students • Bi-lingual support services to assist students with issues related to crosscultural understanding, adjusting to a different way of life, study and visa questions

Courses Offered General English Elementary to Advanced Study period: 2 – 50 weeks Course description

CRICOS Code 064509G

Covers a wide variety of topics and situations to assist you in your everyday life. Focussing on real and practical usage. A course for those who really want to communicate. Professional teachers are keen to know what you want to learn and to assist you with what you need to focus on for maximum impact on your learning. Level completion: 10 weeks Minimum enrolment: 2 weeks

Business English Intermediate to Advanced Study period: 5 – 30 weeks Course description CRICOS Code 064511C A course to assist you in preparing for life in the world of business, or perhaps for further studies in a business related course at University or college level. The course incorporates practice for both the Cambridge Business English Certificate (BEC) and Test Of English for International Communication (TOEIC) *Students are not required to take these tests, however Impact can assist with this depending on numbers. Level completion: 10 weeks Minimum enrolment: 5 weeks

IELTS / Further Study Preparation Intermediate to Advanced Study period: 5 – 30 weeks Course description

CRICOS Code 064510D

Focus on preparation for IELTS (International English Language Testing Scheme). IELTS specific skills to help you gain the best possible score to enter certificate, diploma or degree level courses, skills to assist in further education and a continued development of essential communication skills. IELTS Academic and General streams are covered in this course. Level completion: 10 weeks Minimum enrolment: 5 weeks

Barista/Café English

Cambridge First Certificate in English Exam Preparation Upper Intermediate Study period: 10/12 weeks Course description

CRICOS Code 064512B

Cambridge University Exam Preparation Course. Highly sought after qualifications in General English assisting you in preparing for English speaking life in general, securing employment, or perhaps for further studies at university or college level. All students will take the 5 examinations at the end of the course and, if successful, will receive a certificate from Cambridge University. Closed classes, maximum 12 students Minimum enrolment: 12 weeks

English Skills for TESOL / TKT Completion of Upper Intermediate or higher Study period: 10 weeks Course description CRICOS Code 064514M A 10-week course in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages which includes the Cambridge Teaching Knowledge Test for those wanting to gain skills in teaching English. Improve your English skills while learning the language of English Teaching, the methodology and practical application of it. Gain real teaching experience and insights into the exciting field of teaching Entry into this course will depend on minimum English Language skills as determined by Impact English College. Students can elect to take the Cambridge University Teaching Knowledge Test at the end of the course. (additional cost) Closed classes, Maximum 12 students Minimum enrolment 10 weeks

Intermediate/Upper Intermediate Study period: 5 weeks Course description CRICOS Code 064559J This course is designed to improve your English language skills to assist in the successful completion of the Barista Course and to assist you to improve your employability in the café and hospitality industry in particular. This course includes 11.5 hours of coffee training and up to 8 hours of work placement with William Angliss Coffee Academy in addition to 100 hours of English classes, and students who successfully complete the course will receive two TAFE certificates plus their Impact certificate. Closed classes, Maximum 15 students Minimum enrolment 5 weeks

english college

Program Structure Weeks






Pre Intermediate







Upper Intermediate



General English *Progress will depend on the individual student and promotion to the next level is not guaranteed simply on number of weeks studied. *Acceptance and placement into all courses will depend on entry test or level check results.

Barista/Cafe´ English IELTS/Further Study Preparation

*The minimum age requirement for all students of Impact English college is 18 years of age.

Business English FCE

Minimum enrolment: General English – 2 weeks IELTS/Further Study Preparation, Business English – 5 weeks English Skills for TESOL/TKT – 10 weeks; FCE – 10/12 weeks Barista/Café English – 5 weeks

School Hours: Open Monday – Friday from 8:30 AM to 6:00 PM Class Contact Hours: 20 Hours per week

School Rules: English Only - All students must only speak English in school. Students who break this rule will be dismissed from school for the remainder of the day and marked as absent. If a student has a problem and needs assistance in their native language, they may request the services of an Impact staff member or translator.

Assessment Methods: Students are assessed on most or all of the following: regular class tests, written assignments including essays and reports, oral and written presentations of tasks, homework exercises, and class participation.

Impact Pathways Impact’s direct pathways provide students with some wonderful opportunities to study with leading education providers in Melbourne. Satisfactory completion of 10 weeks in an Impact Upper Intermediate level class (generally IELTS/Further Study course) will enable you enter Certificate, Diploma and Advanced Diploma courses at our partner institutions without worrying about an IELTS score. Degree courses require satisfactory completion of Advanced level. Step 1. Study English at Impact Step 2. Meet the partner institution’s entry requirement. Step 3. Enjoy your further study in Melbourne

Direct Pathway Institutions • Australian College of Natural Medicine

• Pivot Point International Academy


Sample Timetable:

General English Intermediate Monday





75 minutes

General Warmer

General Warmer

General Warmer

General Warmer

General Warmer

* 8:50am – 10.05am

Homework check

Homework check

Homework check

Homework check

Homework check


Lead-in Speaking Catch me if you can

Discussion on yesterday’s excursion.

Create and present an advertisement

Test and correction

1:20pm – 2:35pm

Grammar: modals of obligation & prohibition



Vocabulary/Speaking – Phrasal verbs


Stock exchange – how to get rich.

75 minutes

Grammar: question tags

Writing: letters and emails

Spend more

Running dictation


Reading & Speaking

Vocabulary: confusing words

Students’ choice

*10:15am–11:30am or

Communicative activity using the above with magazine pictures

Inviting/accepting/refusing Vocabulary – opposites Pronunciation, Speaking


2:45pm – 4:00pm

Topic/study point decided by students earlier in the week

BREAK 90 minutes

Getting rich quick


* 11:45am – 1:15pm



Vocabulary – qualities

Australian Stock Exchange

4:15pm - 5:45pm


Worksheet completion, vocabulary extension, discussion stimuli, cultural experience

Homework Tasks

Homework Tasks Grammar extension tasks

Grammar: First conditional Communication – What with ‘if/when/unless/as a waste soon as’ Speaking skills

Progress Test

Homework Tasks

Homework Tasks

Homework Tasks

Homework Tasks

Excursion Report

Workbook exercises

Review and Practice

Watch the movie ‘Catch me if you can’

Prepare for discussion

Film Bank – From Rags to Riches

• Sample times only – times may vary by 15~30 minutes depending on the class.

Social Clubs Impact is running exciting social clubs in the morning and afternoon, and most of the activities are arranged by Impact teachers. • • • •

Pronunciation Club - Get your tongue around English pronunciation Movie Club - Great listening practice with students from all classes Activity Club - Visit Melbourne’s museums, galleries and sports centres. Job Club - weekly workshops available regarding resume preparation, job interview language and techniques, customer service, Australian workplace routines and regulations and travel information. Students can also get assistance with tax file number applications and opening an Australian bank account.

english college

Student Services Academic Counselling Students receive ongoing feedback on their academic progress from their teachers. Student services and the Administrative staff are also available at all times to address students’ needs and concerns. Test and Progress Reports are issued every 10 weeks.

Student counselling Our welfare officer maintains an open-door policy for students. Confidential counselling and guidance on personal, health and further study issues are available as well as assistance with visa applications and process.

Orientation Program On the first day of your program, please come to Impact English College to begin your orientation. It is important to bring your passport and current Australian address – even if it is only temporary. The program includes specific information on enrolment into your program of study, study skills, College services & facilities, student responsibilities and shopping & recreational activities.

Accommodation Options Homestay The Homestay Program is administered through Familystay Australia along with a support team of bilingual counsellors at Impact. Together they are able to match you with a suitable family. Our Homestay Program staff are friendly, approachable and eager to provide counselling and follow-up support if you have any problems, concerns or questions. - Placement fee: $180 - Weekly payment - $220 including 3 meals per day - Location - Zone 1 area - Minimum booking: 4 weeks - Termination – two weeks notice in advance

Backpacker Accommodation King St Backpackers provides modern backpacker accommodation in Melbourne CBD, two minutes away from the college and is suitable for students who would like convenient and affordable short-term accommodation. - Placement fee: $55 - Daily payment: $28 for 4-6 beds, $24 for 16 beds - Weekly payment: $168 for 4-6 beds - Breakfast option: Included - Location: 197-199 King Street Melbourne Victoria Australia 3000 - Minimum booking: one day

Student Testimonials Miho from Japan

Woo Jin from Korea

I studied General English at Impact. During my study at Impact, I was able to make many friends and started to like studying English. I studied English on the Gold Coast but Impact students were more serious about study, and it was good for me. The strict “English Only” policy at school was a bit difficult to adapt to initially, but everyone tried to speak English with each other. So now it is natural for me to speak English and easy to make friends with people from other countries.

I have just completed a General English course and will start studying Business English from next week. I extended my study at Impact because of the teachers and useful activities. The teachers were always passionate, kind and know the most effective way to teach students. I really appreciate their help. On top of that, the strict “English Only” policy helped me to improve my English a lot. I am speaking English nearly all the time now. I sometimes go out with my classmates and we naturally speak English even though we are from the same country.

Andrea from Italy I have finished studying at Impact. I am going back to Italy and wish to work for a pharmaceutical company. Through my study at Impact, I have improved my English a lot, and have met many people from different countries and cultures. The “English Only” policy has also been very useful to improve my English, especially speaking skills which I need for my future employment. It is a beautiful school with great teachers, and everybody is very friendly. I also enjoyed a few soccer games with my classmates.

Pil Ah from Korea I am studying a “Skills for TESOL/ TKT” course now. I used to teach English grammar in Korea. I love warm up sessions and group discussions about teaching. Each lesson encourages me to learn more. I have two teachers who are very passionate about teaching. Through the practical lessons, I am learning a lot about professional teaching and can explain English grammar in a much better way now. I will definitely use all the teaching methods from the course in my class in the future.

Alejandro from Germany After I arrived in Australia I started looking for a way to improve my English and to get in touch with some young people. I didn’t have to look for a long time. Impact College offered me more than just an English course. I was able to meet people from other countries, who gave me a great opportunity to train my ears in a very realistic everydayspeaking environment. Teachers were constantly observing how we communicate and corrected me. The most impressive thing was that even outside the school the students kept speaking English and tried to improve it. Being totally focused on the language every day helped me a lot.

english college

Other Information Airport pick-up service

Other costs

If you choose the airport arrival service, you will be met when you arrive at Melbourne Airport and be taken to your accommodation. This service is available at any time of the day or night.

Melbourne is a reasonably priced city providing good quality affordable living and abundant accommodation. As a guide, you will need a minimum of $12,000 (excluding tuition) per year to cover accommodation, food, transport, books, clothing, entertainment, health services and other expenses.

Medical Insurance All students are required to have valid medical insurance while studying at Impact. If you are on a student visa, this will be added to your registration. If you are coming on any other visa you should purchase insurance before leaving home.

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english college





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The amount of money you bring with you is a personal decision. However, you must make sure you have enough funds to cover your bond/rent and moving expenses for your accommodation on your arrival. An initial cost of roughly A$3000 is needed to cover rental bonds and furniture. You should also have money to cover temporary accommodation expenses (homestay or youth hostel) including meal and transport costs. Please be aware that you should not carry large amounts of cash with you.


West Melbourne

How much money should I bring?

Kings Domain

Level 5 620 Bourke Street Melbourne Victoria Australia 3000 Tel (61 3) 9670 2840 Fax (61 3) 9670 2896 CRICOS Provider No. 02995B

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