The 2024 Vendor Recruitment Packet for the
Put the marketing power of Texas and the State Fair behind you.
The 2024 Vendor Recruitment Packet for the
Put the marketing power of Texas and the State Fair behind you.
FormerlyknownastheFoodandFiberPavilion,the TexasDepartmentofAgriculturehostsTexasmakers, associations,andbusinessesinthe30,000square footGOTEXANPavilionall24daysoftheState FairofTexas.Whetheryourbusinessisbigorsmall, joinusforourlargestoutreacheventoftheyear. Wehaveopportunitiestosellproduct,advertiseor becomeasponsor!Thiscomprehensivepacket containsallyouneedtoknowabouttheGOTEXAN PavilionattheStateFairofTexas. Toparticipateyouwillneedbeanactiveparticipant intheGOTEXANprogram.Ifyouarenotsureifyour accountisactiveorneedhelpaccessingit,e-mail GOTEXAN@TexasAgriculture.govforassistance.
This year GO TEXAN is celebrating 25 years of promoting Texas products! Since 1999, GO TEXAN has proudly connected Texas-based businesses with consumers all around the world. We invite you to celebrate this milestone with us this year inside the GO TEXAN Pavilion at the State Fair of Texas.
The GO TEXAN General Store is a retail store inside of the GO TEXAN Pavilion. This retail store is open all 24 days of fair. This opportunity is open to all qualifying GO TEXAN product partners. Partners rent shelving units through GO TEXAN to display their products inside the General Store. GO TEXAN products are sold via a consignment model. GO TEXAN coordinates with a store contractor to manage your inventory, stock shelves and track sales.
4 Food and snack products;
4 Gifts and textiles;
4 Refrigerated and frozen products;
✗ NO products containing CBD or Alcohol are allowed to be sold in the General Store, per State Fair of Texas rules.
4 You may ship or hand deliver your product(s).
4 You will register your business with an online portal that will allow you to track sales in real-time and ensure that you have the information that you need to keep your shelves stocked.
4 The store contractor will retain 30% of your gross sales as commission.
4 GO TEXAN Account Status — You must be an active GO TEXAN
Partner. Any tier level may purchase space in the General Store but Tier 2 +will have application priority for the first 2 weeks.
4 Permitting — Food vendors are also required to have a valid Food Manufacturer License or equivalent.
4 Insurance — A copy of your company’s Product Liability Insurance with minimum coverage of $1,000,000 is required. Additionally, you must list the Texas Department of Agriculture as “Additional Insured.” All partners are required to submit product liability insurance.
The prices below are for purchasing space inside the General Store. Store layout and product placement are at TDA's sole discretion. Your products may be placed by TDA anywhere in the General Store. All placement decisions are final, and no changes are made on site.
Metro Entire Unit (All Five Shelves) .................................................... $700 per unit
—72" high x 47" wide x 17" deep
Metro End Cap (Entire Unit in End Cap Position) $1,050 per unit
—72" high x 47" wide x 17" deep
Unit Topper Signage (must purchase Entire Unit or End-Cap to purchase unit topper signage)
.....$40 per unit
Pop-Up Porch Sign (Company branded sign)....................................$250 per sign
4' wide x 3' high
End Cap Signage Combo Placement..............................................$1,400 per unit
End Cap Unit and Unit Topper Signage place directly under company branded Pop-Up sign
Metro Premium Shelf (Any of the Top Three Shelves that can be grouped together or separated)
—11" high x 47" wide x 17" deep
$225 per shelf
Metro Standard Shelf (Any of the Two Bottom Shelves)........................ $55 per shelf
—11" high x 47" wide x 17" deep
Promotional Display (Unit provided by TDA)................................ $250 per display
Shipper Displays (Company branded shippers) ................................ $50 per display
Must not exceed 12" wide x12" deep and requires prior approval
Cash Register Basket Bundle (One basket at each checkout counter, three baskets total) ................................................................ $200
—Basket: 11" diameter x 7” deep
Bring Your Own Cooler Unit (Drink or Food Coolers. You agree to provide your own cooler unit, including delivery.)
—Single Door Cooler..................................................................................... $750
—Double Door Cooler $1,500
TDA Cooler Unit Shelf
—Single Cooler Unit Shelf $200
You agree to purchasing space in Cooler Unit provided by TDA. Shelves are heavy duty PVC coated wire shelves that measure 20 7/8"L x 14 3/4"D x 10"H. Products cannot exceed 9". TDA will provide limited storage to those who rent a shelf in a TDA cooler unit. Partners can purchase up to 2 shelves inside the TDA cooler.
Round Table .................................................................................................... $750
—47" diameter x 29" tall
Large Wooden Barrel $375 (each)
—29" high x19” wide x 19" diameter
Bird House #1 Sides A&B $750
—Display total: 36" high x 44" wide x 47" deep
—Top shelf: 36" high x 44" wide x 23.5" deep
—Bottom shelf: 22" high x 44" wide x 23.5" deep
Bird House #1 Side A $375
Bird House #1 Side B $375
Bird House Display #2 Sides A&B .................................................................. $750
—Display total: 53" high x 44" wide x 47" deep (Bottom shelf: 35" high x 44" wide x 44" deep, Top shelf: Top shelf: 36" high x 44" wide x 23.5" deep)
Bird House Display #2 Side A $375
Bird House Display #2 Side B ......................................................................... $375
Rectangle Table ............................................................................................... $750
—31" high x 35" wide x 47" deep
Picket Fence Sides A&B $750
—Display total: 72" high x 49" wide x 26" deep
—Each shelf: 21" high x 49" wide x 13" deep
Picket Fence Side A ........................................................................................ $375
Picket Fence Side B $375
Wooden Spools Stacked Display #1 (one large, one small) $750
—Display total: 67" tall x 35" diameter
—Large bottom spool: 35" high x 35" diameter
—Small top spool: 32" high x 35" diameter
Wooden Spools Stacked Display #2 (one large, one small) $750
—Large spool: 40" high x 58" diameter
—Small spool: 31" high x 40" diameter
You agree to bring your own display unit. Space to bring your own display is subject to availability. You will be required to submit measurements and photos of your display for approval. Your display’s footprint cannot exceed 5’ in any direction.
Bring Your Own Display Under 6ft tall .......................................................... $1,125
—Up to 5’ 11" high x 5’ wide
We highly recommend branding your shelves to fit YOUR business! We encourage the personalization of the shelf space and displays that you purchase. All signage and displays must fit inside the 11" high x 47" wide x 17" deep shelf space and cannot obstruct the view of other shelves that you did not purchase.
We welcome partners to include signage and promotional materials on shelf space! Use this opportunity to build brand recognition, tell your story and give contact information. *Signage on all sides only guaranteed for End Caps.
display containers can draw consumers in to view your products. Display containers can help keep your product from falling over or off the shelf. Find display containers that work best for YOUR size.
If you have a variety of products to show in a small space, we recommend using elevated displays so your products are visible.
The Retail Porch opportunity is booth space that allows Partners to sample and sell from their own booth every day of fair. We require this booth to be staffed everyday, all 24 days. All sales and inventory are managed independently from GO TEXAN.
Cost does not include the required health permit fee. You will be responsible for obtaining your own health permit.
4 Single Porch: $4,000
4 4
Double Porch: $8,000
NEW! General Store Entrance porch: $8,000
4 Daily, 10 am to 7 pm
Due to the Pavilion’s structural columns, the front portion of the booth will be 9’ across.
4 Single Booth: 10’ wide x 10’ deep
4 Double Booth: 20’ wide x 10’ deep
4 4 Inventory storage space directly behind each booth’s pipe and drape
4 One metro shelf unit
4 One 6’ table and one folding chair
4 GO TEXAN branded sign with your company name
4 GO TEXAN Account Status — You must be an active Tier II or higher GO TEXAN Partner.
4 Permitting — Food vendors are also required to have a valid Food Manufacturer License as well as obtain a Temporary Event Permit through
NEW! General Store Entrance Porch: 6' deep x 10' wide the City of Dallas – Consumer Health Division.
4 Insurance — A copy of your company’s Product Liability Insurance with minimum coverage of $1,000,000 per occurrence is required. Additionally, you must list the Texas Department of Agriculture as “Additional Insured.”
4 Tax — You will be required to provide a copy of your State of Texas Sales and
Use Tax Permit.
The Pop-Up Porch is very similar to the Retail Porch opportunity. This is another opportunity where you can sample and sell directly from a booth space. What makes the Pop-Up Porch unique is that you can choose the days that you would like to sample and sell. This is a great opportunity if you would like the face-toface contact with customers all day, but do not want to commit to attending the show all 24 days. Please note, you will have to purchase at least one standard shelving unit or signage in the General Store to be eligible for a Pop-Up Porch.
Cost does not include the required health permit fee. You will be responsible for obtaining your own health permit. Pop-Up Porch sampling will occur daily from 10 am to 7 pm.
4 Monday - Thursday: $150/shift
4 Friday - Sunday: $300/shift
4 Columbus Day, October 14th: $300/shift
Companies may sign up for a maximum of 6 days. Of those days, each company is limited to 1 Friday, 1 Saturday and 1 Sunday.
Due to the Pavilion’s structural columns, the front portion of the booth will be 9’ across.
4 Single Booth: 5’ wide x 10’ deep
4 Inventory storage space directly behind each booth’s pipe and drape
4 The choice of one metro shelf unit OR one refrigerated unit
4 One 6’ table and one folding chair
4 GO TEXAN branded sign with your company name
4 GO TEXAN Status — You must be an active GO TEXAN Partner.
4 General Store — You must purchase at least one shelf or one Light Tower in the General Store ($250/per sign).
—3’ high x 4’ wide foam core sign hung on General Store Light Tower
4 Permitting — Food vendors are required to have a valid Food Manufacturer License and TDA will obtain required Health Department
Permits for Pop-Up Porches.
4 Insurance — A copy of your company’s Product Liability Insurance with minimum coverage of $1,000,000 per occurrence is required. Additionally, you must list the Texas Department of Agriculture as “Additional Insured.”
4 Tax — You will be required to provide a copy of your State of Texas Sales and Use Tax Permit.
While you cannot sell your wine, beer or spirits directly from the booth, this opportunity will give you the chance to sample your product directly to the fairgoers. This is a great marketing opportunity.
4 Monday - Thursday: $25/shift
4 Friday - Sunday: $50/shift
4 Columbus Day, October 14: $50/shift
Only samples may be served. No alcohol may be sold on site. To ensure the health and safety of fairgoers, maximum allowable sample sizes are as follows:
•Spirits - 0.5 ounce
•Wine - 1.5 ounces
•Beer - 2 ounces
Daily: 10 am - 7 pm
Companies may continue sampling until the Pavilion closes.
Featured space in the Tasting Pub.
4 Inventory storage on-site
4 One metro shelf unit
4 One 6’ table and one folding chair
4 GO TEXAN branded sign with your company name
4 GO TEXAN Status — You must be an active GO TEXAN Partner.
4 General Store — Mixer companies must have their product available for purchase in the General Store or purchase a Light Tower Sign.
4 Required Certification — All staff must have their Texas Alcohol Beverage Commission (TABC) Certification.
Five spaces are available for companies to distribute free product samples to the public from a kiosk inside the GO TEXAN General Store.
4 Mon-Thurs: $30/day
4 Friday - Sunday: $60/day
4 Columbus Day, October 14th: $60/day
Sampling inside shifts start at 10 am and end at 4 pm. Sampling start and end times are strictly enforced. Samplers are responsible to clean up their kiosk after their shift. Failure to comply will result in cancellation of all your remaining sampling slots. *Samplers have an optional break from 12pm - 2pm
4 4’ wide x 2' deep metal kiosk
4 Customized company signage
4 One featured metro unit on sampling day for storage
4 General Store Shelving — Only products for sale in the General Store may be sampled.
4 Health Permit — TDA will obtain health department permits for sampling.
The State Fair of Texas® is a spectacular showcase of exhibits, shopping, live entertainment, food, and competition presented each fall, all located just two miles east of downtown Dallas inside historic Fair Park. The GO TEXAN Pavilion continues to be a cornerstone of the State Fair of Texas. Sponsoring the GO TEXAN Pavilion provides a company with onsite branding, exposure and the opportunity to reach more than 200,000 fairgoers who enter the Pavilion through face-to-face interaction and activation over the course of 24 days.
To view the 2024 GO TEXAN Pavilion Sponsorship opportunities, click HERE.