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aattheStateFairofTexas ttheStateFairofTexas
The State Fair of Texas is a spectacular showcase of exhibits, shopping, live entertainment, food, and competitions presented each fall. It is
The State Fair of Texas is a spectacular showcase of exhibits, shopping, live entertainment, food, and competitions presented each fall. It is located just two miles east of downtown Dallas inside historic Fair Park. located just two miles east of downtown Dallas inside historic Fair Park.
The GO TEXAN Pavilion continues to be a cornerstone of the State Fair of Texas. Sponsorships in the GO TEXAN Pavilion provide a company
The GO TEXAN Pavilion continues to be a cornerstone of the State Fair of Texas. Sponsorships in the GO TEXAN Pavilion provide a company with on-site branding, exposure, and the opportunity to reach more than 200,000 fairgoers who enter the pavilion through face-to-face with on-site branding, exposure, and the opportunity to reach more than 200,000 fairgoers who enter the pavilion through face-to-face interaction and activation over the course of 24 days. interaction and activation over the course of 24 days.
Sponsorship provides custom opportunities to engage with fairgoers throughout the Pavilion. Sponsorship provides custom opportunities to engage with fairgoers throughout the Pavilion.
$50k $50k
*All passes are subject to availability and you may be required to pick up passes daily at will call.
*All passes are subject to availability and you may be required to pick up passes daily at will call.
$50,000 1 available
Presenting recognition for the GO TEXAN Pavilion
Exclusive naming rights to the Pavilion and the opportunity to reach fairgoers who enter the Pavilion through face-to-face interaction and activation
Recipe placements in the recipe books
40'w x 8'h outdoor banner on the Pavilion north entrance
Logo recognition on the 16' south entrance banner
Co-branded ceiling banners on the interior
Door decal on the store contractor door
Advertisements on Pavilion maps
Back cover ad on each recipe book
Distribution of industry coloring pages on all 24 days of the fair
Discounted exhibit space
Boosted social media posts and digital map & guide listing
Logo inclusion on banners, recipe books, store bags, and billboard
Logo placement on GO TEXAN’s State Fair of Texas Webpage
1 available
Exclusive naming rights to the 8,000-square-foot
retail space in the Pavilion where GO TEXAN Partners, promote and sell their Texas-made products
Logo placement on 21' exterior wall graphic at the north entrance
Logo inclusion on banners, GO TEXAN store signs, recipe book, store bags, and on GO TEXAN’s State Fair of Texas Webpage
Recipe demo videos for the General Store Video Loop
Recipe placements in the recipe book
Advertisement on one Pavilion map
Coupon distribution with every purchase
Premium GO TEXAN General Store shelf space
$20,000 1 available
Exclusive naming rights to the GO
TEXAN Community and Friends Area
Logo on benches
Exhibit space in GO TEXAN Pavilion
Light tower sign (3'h x 4'w) in General
24-day parking pass
Access to unloading pass
Inclusion on ‘Thank You’ banner
Logo inclusion on shopping bags and Pavilion map
Social media posts and listing in digital map & guide
Minutes of video advertisement space on Pavilion and/or General Store TV
SPONSOR B $20,000 1 available
Branded door decal in the GO TEXAN Pavilion
Featured space in the Pavilion
Entrance Door Sign (3.5' h x 2.5'w) located at the Wine Garden Entrance
24-day parking pass
Access to unloading pass
Logo Inclusion on ‘Thank You’ banner
Logo on shopping bags and Pavilion map
Social media posts and listing in digital map & guide
Minutes of video advertisement space on Pavilion and/or General Store TV
$15,000 1 available
Exclusive naming rights and opportunity to emcee GO TEXAN's exclusive VIP event, Preview Night
Exterior wall graphic (16’h x 51”w) located at the Wine Garden Entrance
Branded café tables - designed by the sponsor and approved by TDA
Logo on shopping bags and Pavilion map
24-day parking pass
Access to unloading pass
Inclusion on ‘Thank You’ Banner
Dedicated sampling space at Preview Night
Social media posts and listing in digital map & guide
Minute video advertisement space on the Pavilion and/or General Store TV
Naming rights to sampling pub
8'w x 4'h banner in sampling pub
Branded charging station in pub area
Social media posts boosted
Logo on shopping bags
4'w x3'h light tower sign in the GO
TEXAN General Store
24-day parking pass
Access to unloading pass
Inclusion on ‘Thank You’ banner
Digital map & guide listing
Sampling shifts for your business/organization
Seconds of video advertisement on Pavilion TV
Exterior wall graphic
Floor graphic (3'x4') located inside the Pavilion
Featured space in GO TEXAN General Store
Logo on shopping bags
Coupon included with every purchase in the
General Store
24-day parking pass
Access to unloading pass
Inclusion on ‘Thank You’ banner
Digital map & guide listing
Social media posts boosted
Seconds of video advertisement space on Pavilion TV
$4,000 - $5,000
Waste receptacles are located throughout the GO TEXAN Pavilion and can include a sponsor logo.
$5,000 $5,000
Co-branded with GO TEXAN, our 8 café tables will feature full table decals that are perfect for brand awareness.
A unique transportation sponsorship includes the GO TEXAN golf carts. Sponsorship includes branding of the vehicles and the opportunity to provide branded materials.
$4,000 $4,000
$4,000 $4,000
Package includes: four Facebook posts, four LinkedIn Posts and one 2-minute Facebook Live Interview from the show floor. Posts will be scheduled as follows: 2 pre-State Fair, 1 during State Fair and 1 after State Fair to GO TEXAN social media followers.
(69,000+ Facebook followers; 17,000+ Instagram)
(Distributed with every purchase)
A great way to drive purchases after fairgoers leave the GO TEXAN Pavilion is through coupon distribution with every purchase in the GO TEXAN General Store.
Your message can be seen on one of the available doors throughout the Pavilion.
$4,000 $4,000 QUANTITY 1
$3,000 $3,000 QUANTITY 2 $2,000 - $4,000
$2,000 $2,000 LOCATIONS 2
$1,500 - $2,000
able" Sign Hung in the ion. $2,000 - $3,500 $2,000 - $3,500 SPONSORSHIP 1
Floor stickers are 4' x 3' or can be custom shapes. The package includes 2 stickers.
$1,500 $1,500 LOCATIONS 2
Logo on all kiosk sampling signs. 5 Kiosk locations staffed every day with samplers.
$1,500 $1,500 SPONSORSHIPS 1
Recipe books are distributed with every purchase in the GO TEXAN General Store.
$1,000 $1,000 1QUANTITY
Approximately 2.5' x 3.5' sign on entrance doors. 1 QUANTITY
$1,000 $1,000
3' x 4' sign on entrance doors.
$500 - $1,000 LOCATIONS 1
$1,000 $1,000
A great way to promote your company or product is through the sign on light tower.
$500 $500