Annual Report 2021 - Basil & Elise Goulandris Foundation

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Annual Report 2021



Contents 4

Instead of a Prologue




2021 in numbers

8 Exhibitions 13

Guided Tours – School Programmes


Creative workshops





21 Café-Restaurant – Venue hire 23



Temporary exhibition


Creative workshops




Shops – e-shop


Members’ Programmes


Public benefit


Internship Programmes


Web presence


Sponsors – Partnerships


Aims – Administration/Management




Instead of a Prologue Under this unprecedented, in modern times, condition, during which we all witnessed how a virus can affect the entire world and cause us to revise much of what we had hitherto perceived as a given, which took countless human lives and hit even the most powerful economies in the world, cultural organisations, including the Basil and Elise Goulandris Foundation, were also called upon to face the consequences of the pandemic and test the limits of their resilience. The Foundation’s Museum in Athens, like all museums in the country, remained closed, by state order, from November 2020 to May 2021. This resulted in the Museum’s ascendant course experienced in the period after its opening, to be halted for a second time, considering also the first period of closure between March 2020 and June 2020. Taking these developments into account and utilizing the lessons learnt from the first lockdown, which highlighted the absolute need for museums to develop alternative means of communication with the public, the Foundation ensured that the largest part of its Collection became digitally accessible, providing the public with the opportunity to immerse themselves remotely in most of the works of the Collection, accompanied by an audio guided tour. Additionally, via the programme “Game for adults”, it offered people aged 65+ the opportunity to interact remotely with selected works from the Collection, highlighting the therapeutic dimension of Art and its benefits for social health which was intensely tested by the pandemic. In a spirit of extrovertness and by utilising digital tools, the Foundation curated a cycle of short videos entitled “Vanishing Points”, dedicated to the Collection’s landscapes, which it offered the public via its social media channels, and secured its Members exclusive access, via the internet, to the Athens Museum’s renewed exhibition spaces; they were also 4

able to enjoy the thematic guided tour “War and Peace”, during which they were able to interact with exhibits by leading artists of the 20th century on whom the war has left its indelible traces. News of the reopening of museums on 14 May 2021 and the overall reintroduction of cultural activities in the everyday life of the public could not but make bring joy to the people of Culture. This resumption, apart from offering the Foundation the opportunity to welcome visitors to the renewed exhibition spaces of its Museum in Athens, also offered the opportunity for the Museum to reintroduce its programme of activities such as guided tours, workshops, library, café and restaurant operation, venue hire, etc., which had also been suspended. The arrival of the summer season also intensified expectations for the reopening of the Museum on the island of Andros; 4 July 2021 saw the opening of the important tribute to the work of one of the greatest Greek artists of his generation, with strong ties to the Foundation, George Rorris. The exhibition, entitled “George Rorris – The Nobleness of Purity”, was embraced by the public, attracting a significant number of visitors despite the prevailing difficult conditions. Particular mobility was also observed during the summer months at the Museum of Athens where the majority were overseas visitors. At the beginning of autumn, visitors to the Museum in Athens had the opportunity to ‘travel’, artistically and cinematographically, to Minamata - the coastal town in Japan where one of the greatest ecological disasters of the 20th century took place through the sculptures and film by the same name of the multifaceted American artist Andrew Levitas which were presented by the Foundation for the first time in Greece.

The end of 2021 saw the opening at the Museum in Athens of the artistic tribute to distinguished Greek painter Sotiris Sorogas, entitled “Sotiris Sorogas – The time of memory in his artistic language”, in which, through the artist’s favourite subjects, decaying matter and landscapes of abandonment, visitors are immersed into the artist’s personal universe, in an imaginary dialogue about decay, time and memory. 2021 was, undoubtedly, another difficult year because of the pandemic. The Cultural sector and museums by extension were intensely and extensively hit by its consequences. Despite this and within a short period of time, the Foundation’s Museums displayed prolific activity, as will be reported in detail herein. Our wish for 2022 is that it leads us to the epilogue of this testing period and will formulate conditions which will favour the healing of the wounds left by the pandemic. Specifically for the Foundation, we hope it contributes actively to the collective effort for the eradication of social isolation that was intensified by the pandemic wave and to the timely and productive dialogue for the redefinition of the identity of museums as places of democratization, integration and pluralism.

Viviane Koutsomallis Head of Administration Legal Department 5


Athens 2021 in numbers

Local and overseas visitors

Age range of visitors



Under 25s




25 to 34


35 to 44


45 to 54


55 to 64




Visitor from top 10 countries

Whom they visited the Museum with

France 27,7%

With friends


Germany 19,6%

With their partner


United Kingdom








Cyprus 5,4%

Within the 1% framework of an organised visit

USA 5,3%

Belgium 5,4%



Israel 4,4% Italy 2,7% 7

Exhibitions Permanent Collection After an almost seven-month suspension of operations due to the pandemic, the Museum in Athens welcomed its visitors once again on 14.5.2021 with a renewed presentation of its permanent Collection and the exhibition, for the first time in Athens, of 58 works which bear witness, alongside the other works exhibited in the Museum, to the initiated perception and eclectic aesthetic with which Basil and Elise Goulandris composed their collection. Specifically, the second floor, dedicated to “Gazes of the 19th and 20th century” and to works on paper, was improved in order to highlight the particular relationship Basil and Elise Goulandris maintained with the artists themselves, emphasise the diversity of materials and techniques included in the Foundation’s Collection but also the significant contribution of women to the artistic developments of the previous century. The third and fourth floors, which house modern and contemporary Greek art, were also renewed; the third floor highlighting the exploration of representation and the human form through the particular gaze of some of the most important Greek painters, and the fourth the avant-garde researchers and poets of abstraction who often transcended the borders of Greece.



Temporary exhibitions Andrew Levitas Let truth be the prejudice Sculpture installation on occasion of the film Minamata 21.10.2021-28.11.2021

“And each time I pressed the shutter release it was a shouted condemnation hurled with the hope that the pictures might survive through the years, that they might echo through the minds of men in the future, causing them caution and remembrance and realization“ (W. Eugene Smith)

In the autumn of 2021, the Museum in Athens hosted the Minamata project by multifaceted artist and film director Andrew Levitas. Levitas’ path crossed with that of top photo reporter W. Eugene Smith on the occasion of the 2020 screening of the film Minamata which brought to the surface Smith’s attempt to record and highlight, via his perceptive photographic gaze, the ecological disaster caused to the Japanese town in the 1970s by the massive dumping of heavy metal into water sources by a local factory.


Using the Metalwork Photography® method, which relates to the transfer of photographic transparencies onto metal sheets, Levitas creates large metallic sculptures, seven of which were exhibited in the Museum within the framework of a multifaceted project. Using mainly aluminium, because of its flexibility, endurance and recyclable quality, Levitas highlights the ambiguity, duality and contradiction hidden in man’s relationship with the environment and in the technological evolution of humanity. Curator: Marie Koutsomallis-Moreau Exhibition design: Andreas Georgiadis, Paraskevi Gerolymatou, Elix

Sotiris Sorogas The time of memory in his artistic language 22.12.2021-17.04.2022

“His work as an elegy on mortal matter and the expectation of resurrection“ (Kyriakos Koutsomallis, exhibition curator)

“When I accidentally discovered that one could become a painter, I felt as if I had found the way to my salvation. My life gained meaning and purpose which fulfilled greater needs, simultaneously formulating shadowy answers to the existential questions of a young man who remained stuck at dead ends“ (Sotiris Sorogas – excerpt from “A conversation with Sotiris Sorogas” Thanasis Th. Niarchos)

22.12.2021 saw the opening of an exhibition of works by distinguished painter Sotiris Sorogas from the Foundation’s Collection at the Museum in Athens. It contained around 20 mostly large works, covering the entire range of the painter’s artistic career through four thematic units: Stones, Horses, Portraits and Openings. At a time during which traditional values are being doubted, Sotiris Sorogas was and remains a scholarly painter who attempts, through his work and the modest colour range which dominates his painterly world, to balance between light and darkness, record the ravages of time and preserve the memory of absence and loss. Curator: Kyriakos Koutsomallis Exhibition design: Andreas Georgiadis, Paraskevi Gerolymatou, Elix



Guided Tours

School Programmes

Since its opening, the Museum in Athens offers its visitors guided tours of the permanent Collection, in groups or privately and in three languages, Greek, English and French. In 2021, apart from the permanent Collection, visitors also had the opportunity to take guided tours of the temporary exhibition ”Sotiris Sorogas - The time of memory in his artistic language”. Towards the end of 2021, the Foundation inaugurated the “Family Guided Tours” programme, which invites children and their families to discover the magical world and stories hidden in the Collection’s unique artworks through experiential artistic activities.

In the short period in 2021 that school guided tours were allowed, the Foundation welcomed pupils on an interactive journey of discovery within the world of modern and contemporary art, through programmes designed by its experienced staff and fully adapted to the characteristics and needs of every age group, from pre-school to secondary school. At the same time, the Foundation sought to develop its digital educational materials setting as its medium term goal the elimination of geographical limitations and the provision of digital educational programmes of the highest standards around the thematic axis of Art, to as many pupils as possible in schools all over Greece, and beyond.


Creative workshops Creative workshops for children Pavlos’ Confetti! (for children aged 5-6)

While the Earth sleeps… Christmas Camp (for children aged 6-10)

Through a retrospective look at the work of artists from the Collection who worked mainly with paper and upcycling, children were inspired to create their own magical constructions, turning paper into confetti and confetti into Art.

Through interactive guided tours, group games, Christmas constructions and creative workshops, inspired by Ernst’s dream world, Lichtenstein’s motifs, Pollock’s pseudonym, Rouan’s braids, César, Dubuffet και Hundertwasser’s bizarre chairs and Kandinsky’s colourful keyboards, children had the opportunity to observe, discuss and finally put themselves in the place of the artist and construct their own handmade, festive zine (art book).

Concept/Implementation: Katerina Georgopoulou, Ioulia Marousi

Concept/Implementation: Katerina Georgopoulou, Rena Gyftoula, Ioanna Koutsouki, Ioulia Marousi, Vicky Christaki

Cubism, my portrait and recycling! (for children aged 9-12)

Parents and children celebrate at the Museum! Creative Christmas workshop for the whole family

Through an interactive guided tour and an experiential exercise of observation and comparison, children learnt about the artistic movement of Cubism and one of its greatest exponents, Pablo Picasso. Using various recyclable materials they experimented with the technique of collage and created their own cubist sculptures while also learning about the benefits of recycling.

On Sunday 26 December 2021, the Museum in Athens welcomed its visitors, children and adults, in the children’s workshop, for an innovative rendezvous with Henri Matisse and Roy Lichtenstein. The children and their entourage approached the works and techniques of these two great artists in a creative way and then made their own original cards and Christmas decorations.

Concept/Implementation: Katerina Georgopoulou, Ioulia Marousi


Concept/Implementation: Katerina Georgopoulou, Ioanna Koutsouki, Ioulia Marousi, Vicky Christaki

Creative workshops for adolescents and adults The Artist’s Mind – Filmmaking Masterclass by Andrew Levitas

Introduction to artistic jewellery Handmade jewellery workshop

Within the framework of the multifaceted Minamata project hosted by the Museum in Athens in the autumn of 2021, the American film director, producer and artist Andrew Levitas presented a four-day Filmmaking Masterclass based on the course he teaches at the NY University Gallatin School of Individualized Study. Participants had the opportunity to explore the broader process of creation, starting from the initial inspiration, which become the impetus for the creation of a short film. At the same time and through various experiential exercises such as the painted representation of their emotions, photography and writing, they acquired a more rounded awareness of their skills. After the completion of the Masterclass, participants had a year to create their own short film.

The art of artistic jewellery unfolded through an innovative cycle of three workshops. Participants had the opportunity to express themselves creatively and learn various flexible handmade jewellery construction techniques whilst also gaining important theoretical and technical knowledge from the world of contemporary artistic jewellery. Concept/Implementation: Eleana Karoumba




Events Youth dance performance Move More Morph It The dance performance «Move More Morph It» performed by Belgian dancer Sarah Huby and choreographed by Anna Konjetzky took place on 12.6.2021, with free entry, on the roof of the neoclassical building of the Museum in Athens. Konjetzky’s new work, intended for a youth audience, poses questions which could be posed by any child on the threshold of adolescence, such as “how do I feel, how do others see me, how do I see myself?” It involves the effort of a body to compose its own soundtrack, embarking thus on a journey through a variety of identities and imaginary characters. Production/project/organisation: Explore dance network-youth dance performances, Fabrik Potsdam, Focus Tanz/Tanz und Schule e.V. Munchen, Κ3 Dance Centre/Tanzplan Hamburg, Fabrik moves gUG Choreography/concept: Anna Konjetzky Dancer: Sarah Huby Composition, live performance: Sergej Maingardt


Minamata avant-première On 20.10.2021, the Foundation, in collaboration with Odeon, hosted the avant-première of Andrew Levitas’ film Minamata. In the film, award-winning actor Johnny Depp plays famous photo reporter W. Eugene Smith, recounting, in a powerful performance, his insistent three-year struggle to highlight the teratogenicties and diseases suffered by the population of the Japanese town as a result of industrial pollution. The avant-première took place in the Amphitheatre of the Museum in Athens and was attended by Andrew Levitas, who apart from director and producer also co-authored the film script alongside David Kessler, Stephen Deuters και Jason Forman. The film, first presented at the 2020 Berlinale, was released in Greek cinemas on 21.10.2021. Meetings at the Museum George Rorris and Marie Koutsomallis-Moreau On 21.7.2021, within the framework of the retrospective exhibition “George Rorris –The nobleness of purity”, George Rorris and exhibition

curator Marie Koutsomallis-Moreau met at the Museum in Athens and discussed the painter’s artistic career inspired by ten works from the exhibition. The meeting was broadcast online via live streaming and the Foundation’s Members had the opportunity to attend the discussion in the Museum’s Amphitheatre for free.

Open discussions “Environmental awareness through art“ Once again, within the framework of the Minamata project, an open discussion took place at the Amphitheatre of the Museum in Athens on 24.10.2021, entitled “Environmental awareness through art”, with the participation of the Executive Director of the A.C. Laskaridis Foundation Dr Angeliki Kosmopoulou, film director Lefteris Charitos and film director and artist Andrew Levitas. The discussion was coordinated by radio producer and Managing Director of the ATHENS 9,84 radio station Margarita Mytilineou. The discussion took place in the Amphitheatre with free entry and was also broadcast online via live streaming.

Visit by the Ecumenical Patriarch H.A.H. Bartholomew to the Museum in Athens

“From childhood we were touched by art, which, together with the faith in God, we considered a guide to the depth and truth of things“ Excerpt from speech by the Ecumenical Patriarch H.A.H. Bartholomew during his visit to the Museum in Athens

On 23.11.2021, within the framework of his official visit to Athens, Ecumenical Patriarch H.A.H. Bartholomew visited the Museum in Athens. He was welcomed by the President of the Foundation’s Board of Trustees Fl. Karadontis and Director Kyriakos Koutsomallis, in the presence of the Board of Trustees. Following the welcome speeches in the Museum’s Amphitheatre, the Ecumenical Patriarch was guided by Mr Koutsomallis through the Foundation’s permanent Collection. The Ecumenical Patriarch, well-known for his love of the arts but also his environmental sensitivity and activity, emphasized the close relationship between Orthodoxy and Art and welcomed the Foundation’s efforts to contribute to the public’s environmental awakening through the presentation of the multifaceted Minamata project.


Library The Library of the Museum in Athens is a mean of exploration and access to Art for the public. Its book collection includes over 7,000 items, which correspond to around 6,000 titles, mainly in Greek, English and French. Most of the books come from the personal book collection of its founders, Basil and Elise Goulandris as well as from more recent acquisitions and donations. The collection includes exhibition catalogues, monographs and reference works on distinguished Greek and international artists, Greek and overseas museum and Art foundation publications, art journals, encyclopaedias and art dictionaries. Visitors to the Library can use the reading area subject to making prior arrangements. The Library also hosts educational programmes for children and adolescents, lectures and activities relating to art and culture.


September 2021 saw the publication to the public of the Library’s Digital Catalogue (http://library. available in both Greek and English. Requiring only internet access, visitors can search basic or complex reference information. More and more visitors use the Library Digital Catalogue and are already aware of the material available to them before their visit.


Venue hire

Throughout 2021, the operation and menu of the B&E Goulandris Café-Restaurant remained under the attention of the experienced team of “IT Restaurant”, in collaboration with talented chef Chrysanthos Manolopoulos. It offers visitors an original and creative taste experience which showcases small producers from every corner of Greece and authentic local ingredients, with an emphasis on organic products, in an elegant space which is in direct harmony with the Museum’s overall aesthetics.

Due to the extended period that the Museum in Athens remained closed and the restrictions imposed on gatherings within the overall measures for the prevention of the spread of Covid-19, venue hire in the Museum in Athens was particularly affected. Despite this and as of May, venue hire was permitted again, with strict health and safety measures in place. The Museum’s spaces available for hire proved particularly popular for numerous events by well-known organisations, as well as public and private companies.



Andros Temporary exhibition

Creative workshops

George Rorris The nobleness of purity 04.07.2021-03.10.2021

Rorris’ portraits, the mirror and my reflection! (for children aged 6-9 and 10-13)

“The hand comes first and the gaze follows, I do not believe the hand serves the gaze… The act of painting has moments during which you are not consciously focused on what you are doing, you are distracted… your hand works for some moments, despite you, despite your consciousness“ (George Rorris, Meetings at the Museum)

What is hidden behind George Rorris’ portraits? What emotions are caused by a journey through the multiple layers of his colours? What are the first words that come to mind looking at his works? Children had the opportunity to discover the answers to all these questions and not only, through the interactive guided tours organized by the Foundation within the framework of the retrospective exhibition of George Rorris which took place at the Museum on Andros in the summer. After their tour of the painter’s portraits, the children were called upon to be inspired by his works and seek their own reflection in a mirror in correlation with the space reflected around them.

This summer, the Museum on Andros hosted the retrospective exhibition of painter George Rorris who is now recognised as one of the greatest artists of his generation. Collectors and cultural organisations accepted the Foundation’s invitation to bring together some of the painter’s most important works, spanning his entire career. Including almost 60 paintings and drawings, the exhibition attempted to trace his artistic evolution through three intentionally indistinguishable units: the artist’s relationship with his studio, the influences he received from his teachers and the ceaseless exploration of the body, made “of flesh and bones”.

Concept/Implementation: Katerina Georgopoulou

Visitors to the temporary exhibition had the opportunity to enjoy guided tours, which proved very popular and successful, by George Rorris himself. Curator: Marie Koutsomallis-Moreau Exhibition design: Andreas Georgiadis, Paraskevi Gerolymatou, Elix




Publications The B. & E. Goulandris Foundation collection in stickers Playing with the 100 stickers contained in the book, children become familiar with the artists from the Foundation’s collection, learning about their life, their favourite subjects and painting movements. Texts: Marie Koutsomallis-Moreau Book design: Mikri Arktos Illustration: Nikolaos Stefadouros Exhibition catalogue George Rorris The nobleness of purity The retrospective exhibition dedicated to painter George Rorris presented by the Museum on Andros from 4.7.2021 to 3.10.2021 was accompanied by a trilingual catalogue (Greek, English, French). Catalogue texts: Marie Koutsomallis-Moreau Translations: Efi Koromila, Andrea Schroth, Véronique Briand, Klio Panourgia Photographer: Christophoros Doulgeris Editor and proof-reading: Spyros Tsougkos Catalogue design: Mikri Arktos


Catalogue of sculpture installation Andrew Levitas Let truth be the prejudice The sculpture installation dedicated to the multifaceted artist Andrew Levitas which was presented at the Museum in Athens from 21.10.2021 to 28.11.2021 was accompanied by a bilingual catalogue (Greek, English). Texts: Marie Koutsomallis-Moreau, Katerina Vousoura Translations: Efi Koromila, Klio Panourgia Editor and proof-reading: Spyros Tsougkos Catalogue design: Mikri Arktos Exhibition catalogue Sotiris Sorogas The time of memory in his artistic language The sculpture installation dedicated to the artistic course of artist Sotiris Sorogas which was presented at the Museum in Athens from 22.12.2021 was accompanied by a bilingual catalogue (Greek, English). Texts: Kyriakos Koutsomallis Translations: Klio Panourgia Photographer: Christophoros Doulgeris Editor and proof-reading: Spyros Tsougkos Catalogue design: Mikri Arktos

Shops – e-shop The Shops in the Museums in Athens and on Andros continued to present original products inspired by the permanent Collection and temporary exhibitions organized by the Foundation. At the end of 2020 and beginning of 2021, a Bazaar of books and printed Art materials took place in the Temporary Exhibitions Hall of the Museum in Athens. The monograph and thematic exhibitions organized by the Foundation at the Museum on Andros from 1979 to this day (dedicated to, among others, Matisse, Kandinsky, Balthus, Giacometti, Klee, Chagall, de Chirico, Rodin, Picasso, Braque, Miró, Toulouse-Lautrec, Hadjikyriakos-Ghikas, Egonopoulos, Moralis, Tetsis etc.), were accompanied by high quality catalogues, colour posters of various sizes, cartes postales of works and select collectors objects, which visitors were able to purchase at discounted prices at the Bazaar.

At the beginning of December 2021, in collaboration with the Society of the Study, Research and Promotion of Modern Greek Art – Studio Y. Moralis, six ceramic works painted by the great Greek artist Yannis Moralis were presented in the lobby of the Museum in Athens for the first time. On occasion of this presentation, numbered true copies of three plates painted by the artists were made available in the Shop of the Museum in Athens and a new series of utility and decorative items inspired by the work of the great artist was inaugurated. At the same time, the Foundation intensified its efforts to develop its e-shop which, as of 2021 can support product dispatch to most countries in the world and enhanced is web presence with the creation of a dedicated Facebook page (@begoulandrishop).




Members’ Programmes Despite the fact that 2021 did not encourage live communication with our Members, who for many months were unable to be physically present at the Museum in Athens, as soon as conditions allowed, the Members’ Programme returned dynamically with a rich offer of exclusive activities and privileges. Also, as a small token of appreciation for their practical support to the Foundation’s work and in order for them to fully enjoy their privileges which were reduced by the pandemic, all memberships were extended to 31.12.2021. Indicatively, our Members enjoyed the following activities: In April, B&E Members enjoyed the thematic guided tour “War and Peace”, a 21-minute tour of selected works from the Foundation’s permanent Collection and got to hear the stories of 10 important artists of the 20th century who were affected by the vortex of war. In May, on occasion of the International Day of Museums, B&E Members visited the exhibition halls of the Museum in Athens virtually and were guided around the renewed presentation of the permanent Collection. During the summer, within the framework of the retrospective dedicated to the artist George Rorris organised by the Foundation at the Museum on Andros, B&E Members had the opportunity to be guided around the exhibition by the artist himself and attend the meeting between G. Rorris and the curator of the exhibition M. Koutsomallis at the Amphitheatre of the Museum of Athens, where they discussed the painter’s artistic course focusing on works from the Andros exhibition selected by the artist himself.


In September, B&E Members enjoyed a guided tour of the Library of the Museum in Athens by librarian Filippia Cheilitsi, who presented the Library’s new digital catalogue. Special events exclusively for B&E Members within the framework of the multifaceted Minamata project were hosted by the Museum in Athens in October. More specifically, B&E Members had the opportunity to meet Andrew Levitas in person, converse with him and be guided by him through the sculpture installation of his works. Also, exclusively for B&E Members, the film Minamata was screened in the Amphitheatre of the Museum in Athens, before the official avantpremière. Finally, B&E Members enjoyed a special discount for the four-day Filmmaking Masterclass The Artist’s Mind by Andrew Levitas at the Museum in Athens. At the end of the year, the Foundation invited its B&E Members to an exclusive preview of the new temporary exhibition “Sotiris Sorogas – The time of memory in his artistic language”. B&E Members continued to enjoy free entry to the Museums’ exhibitions and special discounts at among, others, the creative workshops for children, adolescents and adults, the B&E shops και the B&E Café-Restaurant in Athens.



Public benefit Digital game for adults - Web-based activity for people aged 65+ in collaboration with the Seveneleven Theatre Group

Educational workshops in child-care foundations and NGOs all over Greece in collaboration with Aegean

The Foundation, sustaining its successful collaboration with Seveneleven and with the support of the TIMA Charitable Foundation, continued to offer the “Digital game for adults” activity, a series of web-based guided tours of works from the Foundation’s Collection, specifically designed for people aged 65+. “Digital game for adults”, which takes place via Zoom, offered people aged over 65 all over Greece the opportunity to become acquainted with the Foundation’s Collection via an innovative game, taking advantage of technology which opens up new paths for people who are unable to travel to Athens and get to know the Collection in person.

During the Christmas period, the Foundation and the volunteer group from AEGEAN offered moments of joy and presents to over 300 children who are currently living in or are supported by child-care foundations and NGOs throughout Greece. Members of the Foundation’s Education Department delivered educational programmes with the help of special museum props and, alongside AEGEAN volunteers who offered presents, entertained the children by making Christmas decorations and artistic constructions inspired by the Foundation’s Collection of art works. Children from the Melissa orphanage in Thessaloniki, the Greek Childrens’ Village in Filyro, the SOS Childrens’ Village in Alexandroupolis, the Ark of the World on Chios, the Child Protection Centre of the Dodecanese on Rhodes, the “ILIACHTIDA” Pan-Cretan Association of Parents and Friends of Children with Cancer on Crete and the Corfu orphanage took part in this very special activity.

Support of Greek Public Libraries with 2,300 art books In December 2021, the Foundation donated 2,300 art books to public libraries all over Greece, with the aim of supporting their work and helping the public to become familiar with important Greek and foreign artists. The activity was realized with the support of Courier Company ACS which undertook the delivery of the books to a total of 45 public libraries all over Greece, from Crete to Northern Greece and from the Ionian Islands to the Dodecanese. The books were detailed editions dedicated to foreign and Greek artists who left their mark on the 19th and 20th centuries, from the numerous exhibitions organized by the Foundation from 1990 to the present day. The donation was completed under the auspices of the Ministry for Education and Religious Affairs.


Internship Programmes Summer Internship Programme in collaboration with the Centre for Hellenic Studies in Greece – Harvard University

Paid Internship Programme

The Programme, which has been designed in collaboration with the Centre for Hellenic Studies and is fully supported by the B. & E. Goulandris Foundation, is aimed at Harvard University postgraduate and doctorate students and has as a purpose to encourage artistic education through an interdisciplinary approach and to broaden practical knowledge in museum programming and research. Interns gain valuable experience coordinating the digital transition of an art museum and a comprehensive overview of the Museum’s digital ecosystem, while conducting research and completing an educational project over a period of five weeks.

The Paid Internship Programme was inaugurated at the same time as the opening of the Museum in Athens, in October 2019, and is funded exclusively by the B. & E. Goulandris Foundation. Participants in the Internship Programme have the opportunity to apply their knowledge, develop communication, cooperation, adaptability and organisational skills, to be exposed to the structures and mechanisms of operation of a cultural institution of international repute and to acquire a substantial and multifaceted experience useful for their subsequent professional career and personal development. The Programme relates to the Customer Service and Educational fields.

“The practical training at the BEGF was a springboard for the development of new skills and an opportunity to become acquainted with a great collection of modern and contemporary art that makes you proud to be a member of the team that works in the Foundation’s new museum in Pagrati“ “The internship at the B & E Goulandris Foundation was, for me, a strong foundation of my future career, a creative journey during which I had the opportunity to test, develop and acquire new skills in a working environment of high cultural standards“ (Participants in the Internship Programme – Customer Service Department)


Web presence

Total visitors to the page Country




Greece 83,14% 179.828 USA 4,14% 8.950 United Kingdom 1,82% 3.927 France 1,47% 3.174 Cyprus 1,3% 2.812 Germany 1,05% 2.263 Italy 0,62% 1.343 Netherlands 0,57% 1.241 Switzerland 0,56% 1.212 China 0,49% 1.060 Other countries 4,85% 10.493

Total followers of the Facebook page @BEGoulandrisFoundation Country




Greece 92,57% 30.039 Cyprus 1,33% 432 UK 1,13% 366 USA 0,78% 253 Germany 0,63% 205 France 0,54% 175 Italy 0,42% 135 Belgium 0,3% 98 Netherlands 0,27% 86 Switzerland 0,23% 76 Other countries 1,8% 585

Ages of Facebook page followers @BEGoulandrisFoundation Ages Percentage


18 - 24 3,59% 1.164 25 - 34 19,42% 6.303 35 - 44 28,78% 9.338 45 - 54 26,21% 8.505 55 - 64 13,99% 4.539 65+ 8,02% 2.601 35

Sponsors – Partnerships


Sponsorship by the TIMA Charitable Foundation for realization of activities for the third age

Communication sponsors

TIMA Charitable Foundation joined forces with the B. & E. Goulandris Foundation for the social enhancement of the third age, by monetarily supporting the activities designed and realised for older people by the B. & E. Goulandris Foundation. Thanks to the support of the TIMA Charitable Foundation, the B. & E. Goulandris Foundation, in collaboration with Seveneleven, continued to offer the innovative activity “Digital game for adults”, a series of web-based guided tours of works of the Collection, specially designed for people aged 65+.

Communication sponsors contribute decisively to achieving wider visibility of the exhibitions and other activities of the B. & E. Goulandris Foundation. Specifically:

Other sponsors

Air transport sponsor

Courier sponsor

Accommodation sponsor

Transportation Partner

Partnerships The Greek National Tourism Organisation and Mastercard, joined forces in a shared communications campaign with the B&E Goulandris Foundation and its two Museums, with the central aim of highlighting Greece as a top tourist destination and ideal holiday destination. The campaign, which lasted 4 months, was aimed at the tourist markets of Germany, France and the United Kingdom and its main vehicle was the specially designed webpage https://, where Mastercard holders had the opportunity to select exclusive benefits.


Aims The Basil and Elise Goulandris Foundation was established in 1979. It is a non-profit organisation whose main aim is to operate its museums on Andros and in Athens and the promotion of the visual arts at national and international level. This project was inspired and sponsored by the late Basil and Elise Goulandris who were characterised by their inexhaustible passion and love of Art. They envisaged a living cultural organisation on a par with best practices in the international visual arts sphere. Via the Foundation which bears their name, they endowed Basil’s birthplace, Andros, with two state-of-the-art museum spaces, the Old and the New Wing of the Museum of Contemporary Art, which exhibits works by Greek and foreign artists and organises, every summer since 1986, exhibitions of distinguished Greek and foreign artists. It was Basil and Elise Goulandris’ wish to create another museum in Athens in order to offer more visitors to opportunity to come into contact and become familiar with the Art that they loved so deeply. The Foundation’s Museum in Athens, which opened in October 2019, was designed to house the works of the Foundation’s Collection which includes rare artworks by famous name of the European avant-garde Cézanne, van Gogh, Gauguin, Monet, Degas, Rodin, Toulouse-Lautrec, Bonnard, Picasso, Braque, Léger, Kandinsky, Miró, Giacometti, Balthus, as well as works by important Greek artists such as Parthenis, Bouzianis, Vasileiou, Hadjikyriakos-Ghikas, Tsarouchis, Moralis, Tetsis, Takis, Chryssa, Stamos, and others.


Administration/ Management Board of Trustees Basil & Elise Goulandris Foundation President Fleurette P. Karadontis Vice-President Hélène Glykatzi-Ahrweiler Secretary Kyriakos Koutsomallis Members Dimitra Filipou Olga Mentzafou-Polyzou

Staff Administration Dr. Kyriakos Koutsomallis General Director

Business Development Katerina Markadaki Head

Security Sotiris Piperas Head

Viviane Koutsomallis-Kaniaris Head of Administration Legal Department

Harry Masouras Officer

Maria Vassileiou Chryssa Georgala Michalis Klaoudatos Dimitris Papakostopoulos Antonis Paspaliaris Nikolaos Roussos Guards

Kelly Skaftourou Financial Service, Head Konstantinos Gordios Financial Service, Officer Alexandra Papakostopoulou Secretary Collection and Cultural Development Marie Koutsomallis-Moreau Head

Shops – e-shop Gina Marnelakis Vassa Polena Heads Leonidas Issaris E-shop Coordinator Marian Tsoukala Shop Assistant Visitor Experience Maria Chatzimanolidaki Head

Alexandra Papakostopoulou Archive - Exhibitions’ Secretarial Support

Konstantinos Kormas Officer Guided Tours Coordinator

Filippia Cheilitsi Librarian

Ioulia Marousi Officer

Kyriakos Bakalis Leonidas Issaris Artworks’ Storage Facilities Conservation

Meropi Bakali Christophoros Botsis Athanassia Liatsi Ilias Stathopoulos Intern

Education – Learning Katerina Georgopoulou Head

Violetta Oshafi Coordinator Alma Agoli Marioga Gianissi Riki Pangkilinan Cleaning Andros Museum Maria Roussou Michael Salonikis Visitors Experience Martha Sideris Cleaning

Facilities – Security

Ioulia Marousi Assistant

Information Technology Yannis-Dimitris Prokopis Head

Ioanna Koutsouki Intern

John Stavrakas Officer

Vicki Christaki Collaborator

Technical Department Kyriakos Bakalis Head

Communications and Outreach Katerina Voussoura Head

Maintenance and Cleaning Marinos Lousides Head

Vladimir Madan Electrician

Yannis-Paris Ketipidis Digital Media Coordinator

Lefteris Malamos Assistant

Panagiotis Tsironis Graphic Designer

Giannis Oshafi General Duties 39


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