Annual Report 2022 - Basil & Elise Goulandris Foundation

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Annual Report 2022

2 3 Contents 4 Instead of a prologue 6 Athens 8 Exhibitions 14 Guided Tours 18 School Programmes 22 Creative Workshops 30 Events 34 Library 35 Café-Restaurant 36 Venue Hire 38 Andros 41 Temporary Exhibition 41 Creative workshops for children 44 Other Activities 46 Publications 47 Shops - e-shop 48 Members Programme 51 Public Benefit actions – Synergies 54 Internship and Volunteering Programmes 55 Web Presence 2022 58 Sponsors & Supporters 60 Mission 60 Governance 61 Staff The report is also available in electronic format at

Instead of a prologue

2022 gave back to museums what had been taken away from them by the pandemic: life!

The central stairwell of the Museum finally came back to life. The echo transported the joyful exclamations of children excited by the sight of the exhibits, the sound of their feet in the race to get to the upper floors of the exhibition first, the slower steps of teachers, parents and grandparents in their fruitless attempts to keep up while exclaiming “Ssshhh… we don’t make a racket in the Museum!”, to our ears. If only they knew how much we missed that racket!

2022 marked the re-operation of all activities at the Museum in Athens. Thousands of visitors of all ages, from different parts of the world, connected by their love of Art, passed through its doors. Some came for the permanent collection, others for the temporary exhibition, some to attend a guided tour, a workshop, a concert, a conference, while others to have a coffee or visit the shop.

It was also a landmark year against the erosion of collective memory, for the remembrance of the events that took place only one hundred years ago in Asia Minor and culminated with the Destruction of Smyrna. With the exhibition “Photis Kontoglou and his influence on the younger generation”, which came under the auspices of the President of the Hellenic Republic, the B&E Goulandris Foundation participated in the anniversary memorial events for the Asia Minor Disaster. This tribute to the painter and author from Aivali, who was a genuine expressor of the need for a return to established and folk tradition, but also an inspirational figure for numerous younger artists, was warmly received by the public and attracted a significant number of visitors.

The dialogue with loss, the desire for life which emanates from it and their transformation into art, brought us face to face with the deeply personal world of Alexandra Athanassiades. The retrospective exhibition dedicated to the artist which was presented by the Foundation at the Museum of Contemporary Art on Andros in the summer of 2022, included numerous well-known works but also a number of works less known to the public. The proud horses, the torsos with a slit which suggests the vulnerability of man, figures made of metal, wood and paper but also books-sculptures inspired by Cavafy, composed this artistic tribute which impressed art-loving audiences.

Beyond its exhibition activity, the Foundation continued to enrich its programmes aimed at children and the elderly. It conceived and delivered a large number of educational activities, for schools but not only, which place children at the centre, offering them the opportunity to play an active and creative part during the activity, aimed at encouraging and strengthening characteristics such as natural curiosity, spontaneity and the spirit of discovery. Creative expression in the Museum space which aims at strengthening self-feeling and self-esteem is also at the centre of the programmes for the third age and people with mild cognitive disorders which the Museum has offered with particular pride from the beginning of its operation.

As such, 2022 was a beneficial year during which museums regained their capacity as multi-potential cultural centres at the service of society. Our aim for 2023, is to continue to play a fundamental role in the upgrading and optimization of our cultural environment.

It would not be possible to end this prologue without paying tribute to two important personalities from the Art world who passed away in 2022: the Director -for over thirty years- and “soul” of the National Gallery Marina Lambraki-Plaka, and Dimitris Pantermalis who was associated with the establishment and successful operation of the new Acropolis Museum, both of whom were servants of culture and of Greece with the noble and primary sense of the term.


Athens 2022 in numbers

67.500 visitors

Local and overseas visitors

Age range of visitors

Frequency of visit Whom they visited the Museum with

Greece 70% Overseas 30% Within the ΕU 12% Outside the ΕU 18% Under 25s 8% 25 to 34 23% 35 to 44 24% 45 to 54 18% 55 to 64 19% 65+ 8% With friends 30% With their partner 24% Family 21% Alone 22% Within the 3% framework of an organised visit 1 visit 71% 2 visits 19% 3 visits 5% Over 3 visits 5%

Exhibitions Permanent Collection

Visitors to the Museum in Athens had the opportunity to visit the recently renewed exhibition areas where the scientifically referenced presentation and excellent and contemporary design proposal, highlight the eclecticism and quality of the Collection created by Basil and Elise Goulandris.

On the first floor, where the “Classics of Modern Art” are exhibited, visitors wander among beloved works by El Greco, Paul Cézanne, Auguste Rodin, Camille Claudel, Claude Monet, Edgar Degas, Vincent van Gogh, Paul Gauguin, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, Pablo Picasso, Georges Braque, Joan Miró, Pierre Bonnard, Fernand Léger, Wassily Kandinsky, Paul Klee and Jean Hélion, and can also admire a selection of French 18th century furniture and decorative objects from France and China.

On the second floor, dedicated to “Glances at the 19th and 20th century” and works on paper, works by Jackson Pollock, Francis Bacon, Alberto Giacometti, Max Ernst and Roy Lichtenstein cohabit with those by Picasso, Braque, Miró, Hélion, but also Marc Chagall, Jean Fautrier, César, Germaine Richier, Robert Rauschenberg, Barbara Hepworth, Ben Nicholson, Henri Michaux, Claude Lalanne, Christo and Jeanne-Claude, Fernando Botero, Nicholas Krushenick and Igor Mitoraj, presenting the variety of materials and techniques included in the Foundation’s Collection but also the important contribution of women to the artistic evolution of the previous century.

On the third floor, emphasis is placed on the exploration of representation and the human figure through the particular gaze of some of the most important Greek painters. Wellknown works by Constantinos Parthenis, Yannis Tsarouchis, Spyros Vassiliou and Yannis Pappas are re-exhibited in dialogue with newly hung works by George Bouzianis, Michalis Tombros, Agenor Asteriadis, Chronis Botsoglou, George Rorris, Andreas Kontellis, Michalis Madenis, Giannis Parmakelis. Particular tribute is paid to Panayiotis Tetsis with the presentation of a large section of his emblematic Street Market

Finally, the fourth floor presents the avantgarde researchers and poets of abstraction who, in many cases, surpassed the Greek borders. Already popular works by Yannis Moralis, Nikos Hadjikyriakos-Ghika and Jannis Kounellis are presented next to Takis, Chryssa, Thanos Tsigkos, Theodoros Stamos, George Zongolopoulos, Pavlos, Aris Koutroulis, Nassos Daphnis, Alexis Akrithakis and Nakis Panayotidis.


Temporary Exhibition

Anniversary tribute

“Photis Kontoglou and his influence on the younger generation”


The exhibition entitled “Photis Kontoglou and his influence on the younger generation” was a tribute for the 100 years from the National disaster of the uprooting of the Greeks of Asia Minor from their century-old roots. It also marked the three-year anniversary of the opening of the Museum of the B&E Goulandris Foundation in Athens.

The tribute consisted of two parts: In the first part of the Exhibition the aim was to highlight the cultural and intellectual contribution of Photis Kontoglou to the fine arts and letters of the 20th century, while in the second part the aim was to highlight the influences received by the younger generation starting with his renowned students

Nikos Engonopoulos and Yannis Tsarouchis but also distinguished artists such as Moralis, Loukopoulos, Vourloumis, Kopsidis, Karousos, Papadelis, Chochlidakis and Xynopoulos. 36 distinguished artists contrasted iconographically with works by the eminent Teacher.

135 works from 52 organisations and private collectors, composed the tribute which was the result of a collaboration between the B&E Goulandris Foundation, professor Dimitris Pavlopoulos and research doctoral historians Spiros Moschonas and Georgios Mylonas.

Curator: Kyriakos Koutsomallis

Design: Vivi Gerolymatou, Andreas Georgiadis, Elix

On Sunday 11 December 2022, within the framework of the Exhibition “Photis Kontoglou and his influence on the younger generation” two separate guided tours were organised in the presence of artists who participated in the Exhibition. Participants had the opportunity to hear the artists themselves talk about their works and about Photis Kontoglou and his influence on them.


Guided Tours

Visitors have the opportunity to prepare and enhance their visit to the Museum in Athens through the rich audio-visual material relating to the Collection on the B&E Goulandris Foundation website (, but also by downloading the relevant application on their mobile phone (Basil and Elise Goulandris App).

At the Museum, visitors can be guided through the permanent Collection, free of charge, using audio guides available in Greek, English and French. Also available are individual or group tours offered by the Museum’s guides. During the reporting year, the public were also offered thematic guided tours which highlighted unknown aspects of the Collection. In the thematic tour “War and Peace”, participants became aware of the unique stories of ten important artists of the 20th century who were affected by the vortex of war. The thematic guided tour “Women in the Collection of the Basil & Elise Goulandris Collection” took place on occasion of the International Day for Women; it presented the different ways in which the female form is presented in the works of the Collection through the eyes of foreign artists such as Chagall, Toulouse-Lautrec, Bonnard, Degas, Rodin, Picasso, Braque as well as Lichtenstein, Giacometti and Niki de Saint Phalle. The thematic guided tour “Theatre of Memory”, presented the different ways in which international and Greek artists deal with memory in terms of both landscape and the human form, sometimes also by highlighting the metaphysical element.

The programme “Guided tour for the whole family”, in which the Foundation invites children and their families to discover the magical world and stories hidden behind the Collection’s unique works through experiential artistic activities, also continued with great success.

School Programmes

The B&E Goulandris Foundation prioritises the planning and realisation of educational programmes for schools, adapted to pupils’ educational levels, in order to promote their active and constructive participation in the programmes and their intellectual and psychological solidification.

Pre-school and Nursery

What was Basil and Elise Goulandris’ favourite habit? How can we travel from the Museum to faraway destinations without a plane, train or boat? In this educational programme, children have the opportunity to discover emblematic works from the Collection by experimenting with sounds, movement and colours. Inspired by paintings and sculptures from the first two floors of the permanent Collection, they embark on a journey with a suitcase which gets filled with stories and memories at each station.

1st and 2nd class Primary School

What exactly is a collection of art works? How can we experiment with the art works of a collection so that we can be transported through their stories to far-away countries? Every child hides a great artist within them! Children, based on their intuition, recreate important events of their lives in their creations. This is why children’s art is so moving, just like the works of great artists in the collection created with love by Basil and Elise Goulandris. Inspired by emblematic works from the Collection and the stories of the artists, children collect shapes and colours on their paper as they become familiar with the Collection and the Museum itself through sensory, audio and movement experimentation!

3rd, 4th and 5th class Primary School

Children experiment with different approaches to the works: they handle replicas, observe, close their eyes and listen, converse and express themselves. At the same time, they discover important landmarks in the History of Art, study the works and influences of important artists, distinguish basic movements of Modern Art and discover the relationship between the works and nature, history, other cultures and, above all, themselves!

6th class Primary School and 1st class Secondary School

We think, imagine and try to make sense of the world around us through images as well as through words. How can the images from the Museum’s art works activate words and, by extension, release

personal creativity? Pupils study the art works, the materials and the influences of great artists from the Collection and experiment with different ways of approaching them. Aimed at active participation in a dialogue and at composing their own interpretations, pupils touch, silently observe, close their eyes and listen, discuss and discover the world of the Museum’s exhibition halls through script.

2nd and 3rd class Secondary School and Lyceum

Teenagers focus on themselves. They doubt, develop and change significantly as their personality develops. Authentic self-expression is directly influenced by maturation and it is very important to discover the way to feel, to think and to create. Pupils have the opportunity to bring their own questions, statements and disagreements to the world of Modern and Contemporary Art, with the aim of participating actively in reading the Collection. Through a series of different approach and analysis techniques of the art works, dialogues but also silences, pupils record their emotions and thoughts on a small personal leaflet (Zine) thus strengthening their relationship with Modern and Contemporary Art.

Every year, the B&E Goulandris Foundation collaborates with one or two public schools in order to strengthen the relationship between pupils and Art. These schools have the opportunity to participate, free of charge, in a scientifically referenced but, at the same time, imaginative guided tour of the Collection. After this, pupils select a related theme which will be the subject they will focus on until the end of the school year and which they will present at the Museum’s Amphitheatre in the company of fellow pupils and teachers. During the study period, the Foundation’s group of instructors encourage meetings with the pupils for the creation of a constructive dialogue.

In 2022, the B&E Goulandris Foundation collaborated with the 7th and 17th Secondary Schools of Athens and had the pleasure of presenting their projects entitled “Contemporary Art inspires and travels us on musical paths” and “Impressionists”

5.176 students visited the Museum of Athens in 2022

18 19

Creative Workshops

Creative Workshops for children

“Pavlos’ Confetti!”

(for children aged 5-6)

Through a retrospective of the work of artists from the Collection who were mainly concerned with paper and upcycling, children were inspired to create their own constructions, transforming paper into confetti and confetti into Art.

Concept: B&E Goulandris Foundation –Katerina Georgopoulou, Ioulia Marousi

“Cubism, my portrait and recycling!”

(for children aged 7-9 and 9-12)

Through an interactive guided tour and an experiential observation and comparison exercise, children learnt about Cubism and one of its most important exponents, Pablo Picasso. Using various recyclable materials, they experimented with the collage technique to create their own cubist sculptures while also learning about the benefits of recycling.

Concept: B&E Goulandris Foundation –Katerina Georgopoulou, Ioulia Marousi

“Unravel your hero…”

(for children aged 5-6)

Looking for the end of the thread through the works of François Rouan and the different weaving techniques he uses in his paintings, children had the opportunity to get acquainted with the traditional art of weaving and experiment with various yarns and textiles.

Concept: B&E Goulandris Foundation –Katerina Georgopoulou, Ioulia Marousi

“A coiled ball of knitting thread!”

(for children aged 7-9)

Through a tour of works from the Collection, older children also had the opportunity to discover the work of François Rouan, while learning the knitting technique he applies in his paintings.

Concept: B&E Goulandris Foundation –Katerina Georgopoulou, Ioulia Marousi

“Something is moving… in the Museum”

(for children aged 9-11 and 12-14)

Combining the use of contemporary digital tools with the learning process, children created an original story, made cut-out figures and gave the works of Sorogas a new dimension. Through this process, they become familiar with all different stages of animation, such as scriptwriting and direction and had an active role in the creation of their own original stop motion movie.

Concept: B&E Goulandris Foundation –Ioanna Koutsouki, Vicki Christaki

“The Great Fruit Escape”

(for children aged 7-9)

Exotic grapefruit, juicy oranges, fragrant lemons and fruit no one has ever seen before escaped early this morning from the Xenokratous Street farmers’ market and found refuge among the works of art of the B&E Goulandris Foundation Collection! The Museum invited children to look for the lost fruit and be inspired by the Collection to create their own favourite fruit using the needle felting technique. Children played with sounds, smells and textures, solved puzzles and riddles and discovered the magic of needle felting, using colourful wool and needles to make their own summer fruit.

Concept: B&E Goulandris Foundation –Katerina Georgopoulou, Ioulia Marousi


“The line is just the beginning…”

(for children aged 7-9)

Is it possible to take a line for a walk? The B&E Goulandris Foundation invited children to bring to life the lines of artist Jean Dubuffet’s Hourloupe cycle and take them for a walk on the moon, by participating in a workshop where the line is just the beginning… Children took part in games invented by the surrealists and “enriched” some of the Collection’s most prominent works with unusual elements. In the workshop, children became surrealist artists and made an original stop-motion movie, starring a line!

Concept: B&E Goulandris Foundation –Ioanna Koutsouki, Vicki Christaki

“The Surrealist Riddle”

(for children aged 9-12)

How do artists manage to fit so many colours and materials in a work of art? Drawing inspiration from surrealist games, the B&E Goulandris Foundation invited children to give their own answer to this question. In this stopmotion workshop, children explored some of the Collection’s most prominent works in order to solve “The Surrealist Riddle”. They also experimented with the endless possibilities that art provides in terms of inspiration and tried to bring together different works of art that are part of the Foundation’s Collection in order to create a group stop-motion animation.

Concept: B&E Goulandris Foundation –Ioanna Koutsouki, Vicki Christaki

“Magic Filters and Prints!”

(for children aged 5-7)

How magic filters are hidden in the lively colours of Roy Lichtenstein’s Sunrise? In this creative workshop children explored the great artist’s work and techniques and then printed a unique pattern on a fabric bag that they could take home with them! The programme was designed to help children discover the three primary colours - red, yellow and blue - and geometric shapes, seek possible combinations and learn how to screen print while drawing inspiration from Roy Lichtenstein’s works.

Concept & implementation: B&E Goulandris Foundation – Katerina Georgopoulou, Ioulia Marousi

“Mechanical Heroes”

(for children aged 7-9)

Are there human machines on earth? Can our eyes turn into wheels? The Foundation invited children to unleash their imagination in a creative workshop that defied the rules. Drawing inspiration from the Museum’s permanent Collection, they created self-portraits which in no way looked like their own self. In the workshop, children discovered

that a portrait, as an artistic depiction, does not necessarily need to be our true depiction in the mirror. New means such as photography and printing became tools for the creation of a collage self-portrait and offered children the opportunity to experiment and learn how to use different techniques to turn an idea into art.

Concept: B&E Goulandris Foundation –Ioanna Koutsouki

“Illuminated Screens!”

(for children aged 7-9)

What is the connection between a bag and an illuminated screen?

In this creative workshop children explored the work and techniques of the great artist Roy Lichtenstein. The aim of the programme was for children to discover the relationships of balance and contrast between warm and cool colours and the process for the creation on a motif. Children made stencils, sought possible combinations on a screen made of gauze and then, drawing inspiration from the works of Roy Lichtenstein, made prints using the screen-printing technique.

Concept: B&E Goulandris Foundation –Katerina Georgopoulou, Ioulia Marousi

“Two Portraits, One Click”

(for children aged 8-12)

The Basil & Elise Goulandris Foundation, as part of the tribute exhibition “Photis Kontoglou and His Influence on the Younger Generation”, on occasion of the 100 years since the Asia Minor disaster, presented a creative workshop for children that focused on portraits. In the workshop children were introduced to the portrait technique using alternative methods. Taking advantage of photography and printing, they discovered the endless possibilities these means can offer.

Concept: B&E Goulandris Foundation –Ioanna Koutsouki


Creative workshops in collaboration with other organisations

“E-textiles at the Museum!”

in collaboration with Decode Fab Lab, SYN Fab Lab and León Fab Lab

In this creative workshop, children had the opportunity to create works using “smart” textiles and develop new skills through play and construction. Following a brief introduction of the concept of electronics and new “smart” materials and the method of design & laser cutting which was used for the production of the textiles, children made their own smart textile. The workshop was addressed to girls and boys and was part of the Decode Fab Lab, the SYN Fab Lab and the León Fab Lab’s collaboration with the EU for the empowerment of women in the sustainable fashion industry.

Concept: Decode Fab Lab (Athens), SYN Fab Lab (Greece - mobile), León Fab Lab (Spain)

“Magnetic Sculptures”

in collaboration with the Takis Foundation and the “Culture in the Neighbourhoods” programme, organised by the City of Athens

By observing Takis’ iconic sculptures, children became acquainted with contemporary sculpture and its materials and understood, through play, how the rules of physics (magnetism, electromagnetism, gravity etc.) can be applied to unique works of art!

They experimented with invisible energy, engaged in role-playing and motion games and created a magnetic sculpture using recycled materials. Concept: Takis Foundation

“In the city: The sound of a line” in collaboration with the Drama Science Lab and Filippa Christofalou and the “Culture in the Neighbourhoods” programme, organised by the City of Athens By activating the body and the senses outside and inside the Museum, and enjoying an unconventional tour of the B&E Goulandris Foundation Collection, participants set in motion the Museum’s exterior space to create their own work of art.

Concept: Filippa Christofalou, The Drama Science Lab

Summer and Christmas Programmes

Summer Camp “Your very own garden” (for children aged 5-7 and 7-10)

The B&E Goulandris Foundation held a Summer Camp for the first time and invited children to discover the different aspects of the Art in the Museum and outdoors. The Summer Camp ran over three independent 5-day sessions from 27 June to 15 July 2022. Each session included multidisciplinary art workshops inspired by art works from the Foundation’s Collection on the subject of nature. Every morning, children visited the nearby National Garden to discover the “secrets” of artists’ inspiration. Through various group games that triggered their senses and released their creativity, they collected information about the Garden’s tall trees, blue sky, fertile soil and hidden sounds. The exploration of nature continued inside the Museum, where children discovered the unique landscapes in the Foundation’s Collection. Following their tour, they turned into artists and created their own garden using their imagination and simple materials. At the end of each series, they presented a threedimensional group installation in the Museum’s foyer, with the active participation of their parents/guardians.

Concept: B&E Goulandris FoundationΚaterina Georgopoulou, Ioanna Koutsouki, Ioulia Marousi, Vicki Christaki

Christmas Camp “My city celebrates!”

(for children aged 5-10)

Once again in 2022, the Basil & Elise Goulandris Foundation organised an original and fun Christmas Camp and invited children to end the year in a creative way!

From 27 to 31 December, at the Christmas Camp, children explored works of art from the Foundation’s Collection and gained a different urban landscape perspective: what would their city look like if their imagination took over this holiday season? For this year’s Camp, the Foundation joined forces with the Athens Conservatoire and distinguished composer and director of the Conservatoire’s Music Schools, Philippos Tsalahouris for two special sessions, where children became acquainted with musical instruments and discovered the more subtle aspects of music.

Concept: B&E Goulandris FoundationΚaterina Georgopoulou, Ioanna Koutsouki, Ioulia Marousi, Vicki Christaki


Creative workshop of teens and adults

“The body in the Museum: Working towards a complete museum experience”

A body-based pedagogy workshop

On Saturday June 25 and Sunday June 26 2022, the B&E Goulandris Foundation hosted a bodybased pedagogy workshop for adults by museum educator and researcher Filippa Christofalou. Participants studied the Museum as a public space and place of learning, examined the role of the body in the museum experience (museum bodies) and applied body-based pedagogies as an essential element of an inclusive museum.

Concept: Filippa Christofalou

“Clay sculpture bas relief”

Series of 5 sculpture workshops for adults and teenagers

Artist Augustus Veinoglou taught relief sculpture, using selected works from the B&E Goulandris Foundation Collection, in a series of five workshops. In the workshops, participants became acquainted with the basic techniques of clay modelling. Using selected works from the Foundation’s Collection by Gauguin, Picasso, Nicholson, Giacometti and others as a starting point, they were initially introduced to the drawing technique so that they could then transfer their idea on to clay and give it shape. Finally, they made a plaster relief and completed their works with colour and surface finish.

Concept: Augustus Veinoglou

“The Artist’s Mind – Filmmaking Masterclass by Andrew Levitas”

In the framework of the multifaceted Minimata project hosted by the Museum in Athens in the autumn of 2021, American director, producer and artist Andrew Levitas held a four-day Filmmaking Masterclass based on the course he teaches at the NYI University Gallatin School of Individualized Study. Participants had the opportunity to explore the broader process of creation, starting from the initial inspiration, which became the motivation for the creation of a short film. At the same time and through various experiential exercises such as the painted representation of their emotions, photography and writing, they acquired a more rounded awareness of their skills. In 2022, participants had the opportunity to present their short films on the screen of the Museum’s Amphitheatre.



Open House Athens


Open House is one of the most important international events for the promotion of architecture. The idea began in London in 1992 and has, to date, spread to numerous cities around the world, gaining systemic visitors and supporters. Open House invites the public to explore and understand the value of architecture and the constructed environment. Every year, over a weekend, public and private buildings are open to the public for free and the city becomes a massive museum whose exhibits are its buildings and architecture.

The B&E Goulandris Foundation was honoured to accept the proposal by Open House Athens for the Athens Museum complex, which consists of a listed mid-War building and a contemporary annex, to be included on the list of buildings of architectural interest and open its doors for a weekend in April 2022 for public guided tours focused on the Museum’s architecture.

“To VIMA: 100 Years of Writing History” Anniversary Exhibition


The 100-year history of “TO VIMA” newspaper was unravelled in an anniversary tribute hosted by the B&E Goulandris Foundation from Tuesday 10 to Sunday 29 May 2022. The exhibition offered visitors a rare and exciting journey through Greek and international history as captured by important journalistic pens over the 100-years of the newspaper’s life.

Over 200 articles revived important and smaller events which marked society, politics, the sciences, the arts and sports, in an innovative and imaginative exhibition. At the same time, the course of Greek printed media, from lino prints and ink to the early days of the Web and continually evolving digital journalism, was presented through original newspaper sheets and digital films.

This is Athens City Festival


The B&E Goulandris Foundation participated in the “Τhis is Athens City Festival”, Athens’ first open Festival, organised by the Athens Development and Destination Management Agency of the City of Athens, which transformed the city centre into a big celebration with over 100 activities relating to culture, entertainment, gastronomy and sports. Within this framework, the Athens Museum hosted radio station Best 92.6 at its beautiful rooftop space, for a celebration of the station’s 20 years with a large party for its listeners. The Museum’s café-restaurant atrium also hosted a special gastronomy event which highlighted contemporary Greek cuisine and winemaking.

“Musicians in the Museum!”

An open rehearsal by El Sistema Greece’s “Kypseli Orchestra” within the framework of the “Culture is Athens” programme by the City of Athens 19.06.2022

Can children and young people of different nationalities and backgrounds, who don’t speak the same language, form a well-tuned orchestra? Of course they can, because the international language of music brings them together! On Sunday 19 June, the Basil & Elise Goulandris Foundation hosted a rehearsal by the “Kypseli Orchestra”, which is part of El Sistema Greece, giving the public the opportunity to enjoy its young musicians in action and get to know El Sistema’s music education programme.

The El Sistema Greece (ESG) social inclusion music program offers free music education to children and young people in Greece, aiming to create a music-based community without discrimination and exclusion.


“Jazz at the Museum”


With great joy, the B&E Goulandris Foundation revived the successful “Jazz at the Museum” series of concerts, with a new round of concerts dedicated to the cinema.

The start was made on 14 October with atmospheric “Jazz Noir” with the Dimitris Kalantzis’ quartet. Period films, many of which are in black and white, with a charmingly dark atmosphere that immerse the viewer in mystery, crime and passion, have a direct and almost associative relationship with jazz music. The quartet of Dimitris Kalantzis, with extensive experience in adaptations, explored this dark and attractive cinematic world through a moving selection of films and musical themes.

Participants: Dimitris Kalantzis, Andreas Polyzogopoulos, Giorgos Georgiadis, AlexandrosDrakos Ktistakis

Artistic supervision: Dimitris Tsakas

This was followed on 2 December 2022 by Spiral Trio with an evening dedicated to the memorable melodies by great Italian composer Nino Rota. Spiral Trio conversed musically with Nino Rota’s beloved compositions that have left their mark on the films of Federico Fellini and Visconti, in the first two films of “The Godfather” trilogy -and not only- which were adapted with boldness and imagination and transformed into a field for jazz improvisations.

Participants: Spyros Manesis, Arionas Gyftakis and Anastasis Gouliaris

Artistic supervision: Dimitris Tsakas

The cycle closed on 16 December 2022 with an evening dedicated to the great Ennio Morricone by Stavros Lantsias’ quartet. Stavros Lantsias opened a window into the musical universe of the beloved composer and presented his unforgettable melodies that have «dressed» emblematic films such as “Cinema Paradiso, Once upon a time in the West” and many more, through inventive orchestrations and inspired performances by charismatic soloists.

Participants: Stavros Lantsias, Andreas Polyzogopoulos, Michalis Kalkanis and Michalis


Artistic supervision: Dimitris Tsakas

“Scrooge: A Christmas Musical Performance” El Sistema Greece “Kypseli Orchestra”


On Sunday 18 December 2022, in the Museum’s Aphitheatre, the “Kypseli” Orchestra and the El Sistema Greece Youth Choir joined forces to bring to life the musical performance Scrooge, a cantata for children’s voices based on Charles Dickens’ famous Christmas Carol. Well-known actor and singer Jerome Kaluta did the narration for this popular work which reminded us of the values connected to the Christmas period. The performance was co-produced with Athens 9.84 and was broadcasted live by the radio station.

Christmas concert by the Young Musicians Choir of the Athens Conservatoire 23.12.2022

On Friday 23 December 2022, the “Young Musicians Choir“ of the Athens Conservatoire welcomed visitors with carols and other favourite Christmas songs in the Museum’s Foyer in front of the decorated Christmas tree.



The Library of the Museum in Athens continues to be a mean of exploration of and access to Art for the public. Its book collection includes over 8,000 items, which correspond to around 6,500 titles, mainly in Greek, English and French. The collection is continually enriched through art book donations by individuals and organisations, but also through acquisitions suggested by the Foundation’s staff. The collection includes exhibition catalogues, monographs and reference works on distinguished Greek and international artists, Greek and overseas museum and Art foundation publications, art journals, encyclopaedias and Art dictionaries. Visitors to the Library can use the reading area subject to making prior arrangements. The Library also hosts educational programmes for children and teens, lectures and activities relating to art and culture.

The Library’s Digital Catalogue (http://library., available in both Greek and English, is continually enriched with all new acquisitions so that everything that is physically available in the reading room is recorded electronically. Requiring only internet access, visitors can search basic or complex reference information.

B&E Café-Restaurant

2022 sealed the expansion of the collaboration between the B&E Goulandris Foundation and “Dipnosofistirion”. The group, which has a successful 25-year history, with a philosophy that focuses on refined quality and aesthetic, on the Greekness of flavours and high-quality service, undertook the exclusive provision of catering services to the venues available for event hosting at the Museum in Athens as well as the operation of its café-restaurant. At the B&E Café-Restaurant, visitors can enjoy coffee, breakfast, brunch and lunch, selecting from a rich menu created by distinguished executive chef and “Dipnosofistirion” partner, Dimitris Skarmoutsos, with an emphasis on fresh and wholesome local products which reflect seasonality and can cover the requirements not only of the café-restaurant but also of the numerous events which take place in the Museum’s areas available for hire.

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Guided by love and respect, “Dipnosofistirion” and the B&E Goulandris Foundation have joined forces in a bringing together of culture, gastronomy and art and guarantee distinct flavour experiences in a unique setting.


Venue Hire

The B&E Goulandris Foundation offers the possibility for high aesthetic venue hire in the Museum in Athens but also on Andros, for the organisation of corporate and social events. The impressive hall of Modern and Contemporary Greek Art for hosting a private dinner, the state-ofthe-art Amphitheatre which can host conferences and artistic performances, the roof-top of the neoclassical building with its uninterrupted view of the Parthenon and the Saronic Gulf, an ideal setting for cocktail receptions, the café-restaurant with its green garden that makes you forget you are in the centre of the city, are some of the options available for events.

In 2022, the Museum in Athens attracted a host of events by important public bodies and embassies including the National Observatory of Athens, the Hellenic Association of Tourist and Travel Agencies (HATTA), the Belgian Embassy and private companies such as L’Oréal, Bayer, Menarini, Roche, Lilly, Vodafone, Antenna, Alpha Bank, Julius Bauer, Inditex, Qualco.


“Shaping the Intangible”

Temporary Exhibition Creative workshops for children


This summer, from 3 July to 2 October 2022, the B&E Goulandris Foundation hosted a retrospective exhibition dedicated to Alexandra Athanassiades at the Museum of Contemporary Art on Andros. Through a journey spanning almost five decades, from her student years in England and America to this day, visitors had the opportunity to discover Athanassiades’ multi-layered talent. Fragments of wood and paper, tarnished metals, collected painstakingly from seashores and boatyards, become raw materials for Athanassiades’ works and are transformed into proud horses, male torsos and books-sculptures inspired by the poems of Constantine Cavafy. This artistic tribute included around 65 works, many of which were shown in Greece for the first time. Visitors to this temporary exhibition had the opportunity to participate in guided tours which were hosted, with great participation and success, by Alexandra Athanassiades herself.

Curator: Marie Koutsomallis-Moreau

Exhibition design: Vivi Gerolymatou, Andreas Georgiadis, Elix

10.205 people visited the Museum of Andros in 2022

Seaside stories!

(for children aged 5-12)

What is the secret behind Alexandra Athanassiades’ wonderful creations? Where does she get her inspiration from to make these distinct sculptures made of metal, wood and paper?

Children had the opportunity to give their own creative answer by participating in the educational workshops which took place from 27 July to 21 August 2022 at the Museum of Contemporary Art on Andros, within the framework of the exhibition. The children gathered items forgotten on Andros’ seashores and brought them to the Museum where, with Athanassiades’ work as a starting point, they found ways to use them creatively and make their own sculptures.

Concept: Alexandra AthanassiadesB&E Goulandris Foundation


Other Activities


Catalogue for anniversary tribute

“Photis Kontoglou and his influence on the younger generation”

The anniversary tribute which was presented at the Museum in Athens from 21.9.2022 to 12.12.2022 was accompanied by a bilingual catalogue (Greek, English).

Texts: Kyriakos Koutsomallis, Spiros Moschonas, Giorgos Mylonas, Dimitris Pavlopoulos

Translations: Klio Panourgia

Photographer: Christophoros Doulgeris

Linguistic and typographic proofreading/editing:

Spiros Tsougkos

Artistic design: Mikri Arktos

Publisher: B&E Goulandris Foundation

Exhibition catalogue

Alexandra Athanassiades “Shaping the Intangible”

The retrospective exhibition dedicated to the artist Alexandra Athanassiades held at the Museum on Andros from 3.7.2022 to 2.10.2022 was accompanied by a bilingual catalogue (Greek, English).

Texts: Marie Koutsomallis-Moreau, Kyriakos

Koutsomallis, Filippia Cheilitsi

Translations: Efi Koromila, Andrea Schroth, Klio Panourgia

Photographer: Christophoros Doulgeris

Linguistic and typographic proofreading/editing:

Spiros Tsougkos

Artistic design: Mikri Arktos

Publisher: B&E Goulandris Foundation

Volume ΙΙ

“The Collection of the Basil & Elise Goulandris Foundation Post-War and Contemporary Art (from 1946 to this day)”

2022 was a notable year for the B&E Goulandris Foundation’s publishing activity as it saw the completion and publication of the second volume dedicated to the Collection created by Basil and Elise Goulandris and exhibited in the Museum in Athens. The second volume focuses on the Collection’s post-war and contemporary art from 1946 to this day. In its 600 pages and through the comprehensive and explanatory texts by Head of Collection Marie Koutsomallis-Moreau, readers have the opportunity to study works by artists of the post-war and contemporary eras which are included in the Foundation’s impressive Collection in depth, and appreciate the discerning, insightful and methodical way in which Basil and Elise Goulandris composed a rare collection that is distinguished for its richness, coherence and completeness.

Texts: Marie Koutsomallis-Moreau

Translations: Efi Koromila

Proofreading/editing: Spiros Tsougkos

Artistic design: Andreas Georgiadis

Publisher: B&E Goulandris Foundation, Umberto Allemandi

Shops - e-shop

What better than an object inspired by a great collection to remind us of the experience of a visit to the museum or as a present to beloved people or valued professions contacts? A variety of unique objects, many using distinct and environmentally friendly materials and production methods, have been created based on works from the Collection and in collaboration with teams of local artists and designers, worthy ambassadors of contemporary Greek design. Avoiding the stereotypes of the «souvenir» and using the works of the B&E Goulandris Foundation Collection as a starting point, the products exude modern and refined aesthetics and a feel-good mood. The wide range includes objects for the home and office, jewellery and accessories, corporate gifts, seasonal items, books and catalogues and a wide selection of numbered works available exclusively at the Foundation.

Our younger visitors also have a special place in our shops; they can extend the experience of their visit to the museum to home and school by choosing the souvenirs they will take away with them from among the many creative games and books, but also the imaginative and joyful stationery available,.

Thousands of visitors visited the B&E Goulandris Foundations shops in Athens and Andros but also the e-shop (B&E Goulandris Shop) on 2022, in order to make their purchases. Many companies also chose items from our shops as presents for their employees and partners or to add a “fresh” artistic aesthetic to their offices and facilities.


Members Programme

The B&E Members Programme aims to create a network of friends of the Museums of the B&E Goulandris Foundation who through their membership can support the operation of the museums while enjoying a series of special benefits including free access to the Museums’ exhibition spaces, participation in events organised exclusively for Members and special discounts including for the creative workshops for children, teens and adults, the B&E shops and the B&E Café-Restaurant in Athens.

After an enforced pause of in-person communication with our Members because of the pandemic, the B&E Goulandris Members Programme returned dynamically with an updated visual identity aimed both at making the Programme more recognisable but also at an economy of scale in the way promotional material is managed, based on environmental and economic sustainability.

Given that all the initial members’ subscriptions from the opening of the Museum in Athens in October 2019 were extended to December 2021 as a token of our gratitude to our first Members for their valuable and active support for the Foundation’s work, 2022 saw the first substantial renewal of subscriptions and registration of new Members to the Programme, closing the year with positive signs and encouraging messages.

Public Benefit actions – Synergies


– Support to Libraries in Attica with 2.000 art books

The B&E Goulandris Foundation donated 2,000 art books to municipal libraries throughout Attica, in order to support their work and familiarise readers with distinguished Greek and foreign artists. These were detailed editions dedicated to foreign and Greek artists who left their mark on the 19th and 20th centuries, from all the exhibitions organised by the Foundation since 1990. The action began in October 2022 and was completed at the end of the year with 42 municipal libraries responding positively to the Foundation’s invitation for the donation. The participating municipal libraries are located within the Attica Region and cover areas in the central, north, and west sectors of Athens, in Piraeus, the islands of Attica, as well as west and east Attica.


The B&E Goulandris Foundation is governed by public benefit principles and driven by the power of collaboration and extroversion. As such it seeks synergies which intend to realise innovative activities which encourage the social integration of vulnerable groups of the public and contribute to tackling exclusion and inequality.

Activities for people over 65 in collaboration with the θαλλώ (thallo) programme by seveneleven and with the support of the TIMA Foundation

In collaboration with the θαλλώ (thallo) programme by seveneleven and the valuable support of Public Benefit Foundation TIMA, the B&E Goulandris Foundation enriched its selection of activities for people over 65 and people with mild cognitive disorders and is particularly proud of the innovative methods upon which these new activities were designed; some of these include the use of state-of-the-art digital tools such as VR headsets, 3D prints and special mobile phone applications.

“At the Museum with other… Glasses”

A museum kit for the third age which travels to elderly care homes throughout Greece

Taking advantage of the possibilities offered by technology, the B&E Foundation Collection “travelled” to elderly care homes throughout Greece offering elderly people who cannot travel a different and very special virtual guided tour. With the valuable assistance of the TIMA Public Benefit Foundation, AEGEAN, ACS and KOTSOVOLOS – DIXONS SOUTH EAST EUROPE, the Foundation’s special museum kits for the elderly travelled to even the most remote corners of Greece to offer a unique experience. Each museum kit includes VR headsets which provide the virtual guided tour as well as 3D prints and 3D models of selected works from the Collection which offer more comprehensive contact with the works. The programme was offered for free to all care homes that express an interest in hosting it.

“Museum Adventure”

An innovative mobile phone application

In “Museum Adventure”, a specially designed application in quiz format, which aims to enhance emotional and cognitive health through the wonderful world of art, participants can be guided through emblematic works from the Foundation’s Collection via audio guided tours with original soundscapes and respond to questions in an entertaining quiz.

The application is part of the θάλλω (thallo) initiative, with the financial support of the Ministry for Culture and Sports. It is available for free in Greek and English for iOS and Android mobile phones.


“Art and the 5 Senses” and “Colour and Art” Games for adults

In the successful series of programmes “Games for Adults” which is offered for free, participants become familiar with modern art in an experiential way and are led to a new interpretation of the works of the Collection and their creators. The activity entitled “Art and the 5 Senses” which was held at the Museum in Athens aimed at invoking a creative dialogue between the human senses and the works of the Collection by awakening different memories, while the activity “Colour and Art” which was held on Zoom, gave people located around Greece and abroad the opportunity to get to know the Foundation’s Collection and learn about the importance and symbolism of colour in art via an innovative game.

Aegean Santa Crew Workshops in institutions and NGOs throughout Greece in collaboration with AEGEAN

During Christmas and for the second year running, the Foundation and the volunteer team of AEGEAN offered moments of joy and presents to over 300 children and elderly people throughout Greece, who are housed in or supported by institutions, childcare NGOs and elderly care homes.

The initiative called “Santa Crew” belongs to AEGEAN and was then embraced by the B&E Goulandris Foundation with the joint wish to offer presents and educational programmes thus extending a message of love to children and the elderly while also giving them the opportunity to express themselves through art. The θαλλώ (thallo) programme by seveneleven also participated in this year’s action.

Child Care locations:

- SOS Childrens’ Village in Alexandroupolis

- Child and Family Support Centre of the Childrens’ Villages in Crete

- Melissa Girls’ Orphanage in Thessaloniki

- Greek Childrens’ Village in Filyro

- ELEPAP in Chania, Crete

- Child Protection Branch of the Dodecanese in Rhodes

- Corfu Orphanage

Elderly Care Centre locations:

- Ioannina Dementia Day Care Centre

- Ioakimeio Eccleciastical Elderly Care Home in Alexandroupolis

- Ptohokomio Irakliou in Crete

- Corfu Municipal Elderly Care Home


Internship and Volunteering Programmes

Volunteering Programme

The Foundation, promoting the idea of volunteerism, offers the opportunity to those who wish to contribute their knowledge, experience and skills for the achievement of the Foundation’s mission and aims, to offer their services to its Museums voluntarily, supporting their departments and services indicatively including customer service, exhibition spaces, educational programmes, shops, research and referencing, communication, events, etc.

In the summer of 2022, the B&E Goulandris Foundation was pleased to welcome students from the IB Programme of the Moraitis School who wished to contribute substantially to the operation of the Athens Museum and offer valuable support to activities and events.

Paid Internship Programme

The Pain Internship Programme was inaugurated at the same time as the opening of the Museum in Athens, in October 2019, and is funded exclusively by the B. & E. Goulandris Foundation. Participants in the Internship Programme have the opportunity to apply their knowledge, develop communication, cooperation, adaptability and organisational skills, to be exposed to the structures and mechanisms of the operation of a cultural institution of international repute and to acquire a substantial and multifaceted experience useful for their subsequent professional career and personal development. The Programme relates to the Visitor Experience and Educational fields.

“The opportunity to be part of the promotion of such an important collection of artworks is a privilege and an important advantage for someone who wishes to work in the cultural sector. It is a wonderful experience to be surrounded by beauty every day and to belong to a lovely team where you are given the opportunity to learn and develop your skills”

“Completing my wonderful journey at the BEGF I feel richer in knowledge, experiences and friendships. Visitor experience is a role which made me leave my comfort zone and filled me with life, energy and passion. Through the guided tours and thanks to my colleagues, I managed to gain a comprehensive overview of the world of art both at Greek and international level”

“My internship at the BEGF was a valuable and complete experience during which I was lucky enough to work with wonderful people, develop skills and gain a deep understanding of an internationally acclaimed collection”

(Participants of the Internship Programme –Visitor Experience Department)

Web Presence 2022

Total visitors to the page

Countries Percentage Visitors

Greece 82.9% 235.435

USA 3.5% 9.807

United Kingdom 1.9% 5.365

Cyprus 1.6% 4.468

France 1.5% 4.390

Germany 1.2% 3.332

Italy 0.9% 2.425

The Netherlands 0.7% 1.860

Switzerland 0.5% 1.482

Belgium 0.3% 963

Other countries 5.1% 14.349


54 55
Greece Germany The Netherlands Belgium United Kingdom France Switzerland Italy Cyprus USA

Total followers of the Facebook page


Countries Percentage Users

Greece 91.9% 32.314

Cyprus 1.3% 457

United Kingdom 1.1% 387

USA 0.8% 281

Germany 0.7% 246

France 0.5% 176

Italy 0.4% 141

Belgium 0.3% 105

The Netherlands 0.3% 105

Switzerland 0.2% 70

Other countries 2.5% 879


Total followers of the Instagram page


Countries Percentage Users

Greece 79.2% 16.005

United Kingdom 2.7% 547

USA 2.2% 446

Cyprus 1.7% 345

France 1.6% 324

Other countries 2.5% 2.554

United Kingdom France France Cyprus USA USA

Ages of Facebook page followers



The Netherlands Belgium United Kingdom Ελβετία Italy Cyprus

Ages of Instagram page followers


56 57
Users 18 - 24 2.8% 985 25 - 34 18.4% 6.470 35 - 44 27.4% 9.634 45 - 54 26.5% 9.318 55 - 64 14.8% 5.204 65+ 10.1% 3.551
Ages Percentage Users 18 - 24 4.6% 933 25 - 34 28.1% 5.696 35 - 44 33% 6.690 45 - 54 21.4% 4.338 55 - 64 8.6% 1.743 65+ 4.3% 872
20.272 Greece Greece

Sponsors & Supporters

58 59
Air Transport Sponsor Technology Sponsor
65+ Activities Sponsor Media Sponsors

Mission Governance

The Basil and Elise Goulandris Foundation was founded in 1979. It is a non-profit organisation whose main mission is the operation of its museums on Andros and in Athens and the promotion of the visual arts at a domestic and international level.

Its founders and inspirers of this mission were the late Basil and Elise Goulandris who were notable for their unquenching passion for and love of the arts. They envisioned a lively cultural organisation integrated into the broader context of international events in the field of the visual arts.

Through the Foundation that bears their name, they bequeathed Andros, Basil’s birthplace with two innovative museums, the Old and the New Wing of the Goulandris Museum of Contemporary Art which exhibits works by Greek and foreign artists and, every summer since 1986, hosts temporary exhibitions of distinguished Greek and foreign artists.

Basil and Elise Goulandris’ vision was the establishment of another museum in Athens in order to provide the opportunity for a wider audience to access and become familiar with the Art they both so loved. The Foundation’s Museum in Athens, which was inaugurated in October 2019, was designed to house the Foundation’s Collection which includes rare works by important artists of the European avant-garde such as Cézanne, van Gogh, Gauguin, Monet, Degas, Rodin, Toulouse-Lautrec, Bonnard, Picasso, Braque, Léger, Kandinsky, Miró, Giacometti, Balthus, as well as works by distinguished Greek artists such as Parthenis, Bouzianis, Vassiliou, HadjikyriakosGhika, Tsarouchis, Moralis, Tetsis, Takis, Chryssa, Stamou and others.

Board of Trustees


Fleurette P. Karadontis


Hélène Glykatzi-Ahrweiler


Kyriakos Koutsomallis


Dimitra Filipou

Olga Mentzafou-Polyzou

Staff Administration

Dr. Kyriakos Koutsomallis General Director

Viviane Koutsomallis-Kaniaris Head of Administration

Legal Department

Kelly Skaftourou Financial Service Head

Konstantinos Gordios Financial Service Officer

Alexandra Papakostopoulou Secretary

Collection and Cultural Development

Marie Koutsomallis-Moreau Head

Alexandra Papakostopoulou

Archive - Exhibitions’ Secretarial Support

Filippia Cheilitsi Librarian

Kyriakos Bakalis

Leonidas Issaris

Artworks’ Storage FacilitiesConservation

Education - Learning

Katerina Georgopoulou Head

Ioanna Koutsouki

Ioulia Marousi Assistants

Maria Mitsouli Intern

Vicki Christaki Collaborator

Communication and Outreach

Katerina Voussoura Head

Yannis-Paris Ketipidis Digital Media Coordinator

Panagiotis Tsironis Graphic Designer

Business Development

Katerina Markadaki


Harry Masouras Coordinator

Shops – e-shop

Gina Marnelakis

Vassa Polena

Shop Managers

Leonidas Issaris

E-shop Coordinator

Georgia Maria Fraggista Shop

Visitors Experience

Maria Chatzimanolidaki Head

Konstantinos Kormas Coordinator

Organisation of Guided Tours

Christophoros Botsis

Pavlos Gkougiannos Coordinators

Dimitra Lianou

Katerina Mela-Frangkiskou

Anna Papadopoulou Interns

Facilities - Security

Information Technology

Yannis-Dimitris Prokopis Head

John Stavrakas Coordinator

Technical Service

Kyriakos Bakalis Head

Vladimir Madan Electrician

Lefteris Malamos Assistant

Giannis Oshafi

General Duties


Sotiris Piperas Head

Maria Vassileiou

Chryssa Georgala

Michalis Klaoudatos

Dimitris Papakostopoulos

Antonis Paspaliaris

Nikolaos Roussos Guards

Maintenance - Cleaning Marinos Lousides Head

Violetta Oshafi Coordinator

Alma Agoli

Marioga Gianissi

Riki Pangkilinan Cleaning

Andros Museum

Maria Roussou

Michael Salonikis Visitors Experience

Martha Sideris Cleaning

60 61


Giorgos Vitsaropoulos p. 27, 46

Katerina Georgopoulou p. 24

Christophoros Doulgeris p. 5, 11, 13(lower), 28, 34, 38, 39, 40, 42, 43

Mariza Kapsabeli

p. 14, 15, 31, 32

Yannis Ketipidis p. 49

Harry Massouras p. 50, 53

Natalia Tsoukala cover p. 6, 7, 9, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 23, 35, 44, 45, 46, 48, 54

Panoulis Photography p. 13(upper)

Zak Viemon p. 36, 37

62 63

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