The Contribution of Agribusiness to the Sustainable Development of the State of São Paulo

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The Contribution of Agribusiness to the Sustainable Development of the State of São Paulo

Presentation Pressure on natural resources has greatly increased regardless of countries’ development stages, requires concrete actions by governments. The State of São Paulo, in Brazil, has a commitment to the Sustainable Development Agenda expressed in Bill 924/19. The Multiannual Plan (PPA 2020-2023) has innovated by incorporating the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals into its initiatives. These efforts reflect the São Paulo Government’s commitment to sustainability, which include the development of efficient agricultural production integrated with modern and vibrant agro-industry, while strengthening mechanisms for effective environmental protection, contributing to mitigate climate change impacts. This report presents the main contributions of actions in agribusiness and relates them to the Sustainable Development Goals, which reaffirms the importance that the State of São Paulo grants to the 2030 Agenda. Gustavo Diniz Junqueira Secretary of State of Agriculture and Supply Marcos Penido Secretary of State of Infrastructure and Environment Julio Serson Secretary of State of International Affairs

Summary Introduction................................................................................................................................................ 4 The Commitment of São Paulo and Agribusiness to Sustainable Development........................5 The Importance of Agribusiness in Sustainable Development....................................................... 6 The Importance of Agribusiness in the World.................................................................................... 7 Sustainable Production of São Paulo’s Agribusiness ........................................................................ 8 Main Sustainable Actions of the Agribusiness................................................................................. 10 Agro Legal Program................................................................................................................................ 11 Etanol Mais Verde Protocol.................................................................................................................. 12 Agroecological Transition Protocol Program.................................................................................... 14 Cesta Verde Program............................................................................................................................. 16 Rotas Rurais Program............................................................................................................................. 18


Introduction The Agro Legal Program; the Etanol Mais Verde Protocol; the Agroecological Transition Protocol; the Cesta Verde Program; and the Rotas Rurais Program are key actions for the State of São Paulo’s Sustainable Development Agenda. In order to present these initiatives in the light of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, the teams of the Secretariat of International Affairs, the Secretariat of Agriculture and Supply, and the Secretariat of Infrastructure and Environment have put together the programs’ goals and the targets of the 17 SDGs. Focused on targets 3 of SDG 2; 3 of SDG 10; and 2 of SDG 15; the Agro Legal Program was established seeking to organize agricultural properties for sustainable production and to preserve the environment.

The Etanol Mais Verde Protocol meets several targets. Among them are targets 2 and 3 of SDG 13; and target 1 of SDG 15, as the Protocol aims to reduce the release of greenhouse gases, expand agricultural total area committed to good agri-environmental practices, and contribute to the restoration of native vegetation. The Agroecological Transition Protocol meets the guidelines of target 4 of SDG 2, as it encourages sustainable and organic agricultural production. The Cesta Verde Program aims to gather products from small producers that will be further donated to vulnerable populations. The initiative relates to target 1 of SDG 2, which advocates to “end hunger and ensure access by all people, in particular poor people and people

in vulnerable situations, including infants, to safe, nutritious and sufficient food all year round”. The Rotas Rurais Program aims to provide addresses for agricultural properties in order to provide more agility in the access to fundamental public services and improve delivery logistics of local agribusiness products. In this way, the program is in line with target 2.a in terms of promoting investments in rural infrastructure, seeking to increase agricultural production capacity. Through the elaboration and implementation of these initiatives, the Government of São Paulo reaffirms its commitment to the Sustainable Development Agenda. Enjoy the read



The Commitment of São Paulo and Agribusiness to Sustainable Development The Government of São Paulo has adopted the Sustainable Development Goals in its main planning instrument, the 20202023 PPA - Multiannual Plan, PL Nº 924/19. When the PPA was sent for discussion and voting in Parliament, Governor João Doria stat-

ed: “The guidelines presented in this PPA, not only reflect great alignment of government’s proposals with society demands, but are also guided by the pursuit of sustainable development, which is expressed in the collaboration of the plan with the Sustainable Development Goals.”

In São Paulo, agribusiness and environmental protection walk side by side. Governor João Doria



The Importance of Agribusiness in Sustainable Development


Focus on rural development and investment in agriculture [...] are powerful tools to end poverty and hunger, and bring about sustainable development.

Agriculture is key in responding to climate change.

Fonte: FAO. Alimentação e Agricultura: Fundamentais para o Alcance da Agenda 2030 pelo Desenvolvimento Sustentável, 2016.



The Importance of Agribusiness in the World

“There is strong evidence that investing in agriculture is one of the most effective ways of reducing poverty.” (UN IFAD, 2020)

“Economic growth in agriculture is two to three times more effective at reducing poverty and food insecurity than growth through other sectors.” (UN IFAD, 2021)

“Responsible investment in agriculture and food systems is essential for enhancing food security [...] and supporting the progressive realization of the right to adequate food.” (COMMITTEE ON WORLD FOOD SECURITY - UN, 2020)

“Almost 690 million people in the world (8.9 percent of the world population) are estimated to have been undernourished in 2019. The number of undernourished people in the world continues to rise.” (FAO, 2020)



Sustainable Production of São Paulo’s Agribusiness GDP Composition of São Paulo’s Agribusiness in 2020



11,5% 39,7% 42,5% 80%



Agricultural Sector



Livestock Sector

Source: CEPEA

World’s largest producer of

20% of the GDP

of the Brazilian agribusiness




358.4 million tons

24.6 million tons

13.2 billion liters




of the national production

of the national production

of the national production

It accounts for 60% of the world production and 78.7% of the national production. São Paulo is the world’s largest exporter of oranges It accounts for 75.1% of the national production of limes



Main regions (in billions of BRL)*

Main products (in billions of BRL)*

são josé do rio preto Sugarcane pV*: 4,821,852,155.88 SHARE**: 15.9

CAMPINAS Orange for industry pV*: 1.184.984.577,29 SHARE**: 22.1

PRESIDENTE PRUDENTE Beef pV*: 2,134,047,710.85 SHARE**: 21.2

ITAPEVA Soybean pV*: 1,442,873,824.94 SHARE**: 36.0

Source: Agricultural Economics Institute (IEA). Available:

* Production Value (VP) in 2019 ** % of the State production



Main Sustainable Actions of the Agribusiness Sustainable development is a development model that seeks to combine environmental, economic, and social aspects by balancing the use of natural resources, economic growth, and social equity.

of present generations but also of future ones. Thus, it is opposed to traditional models that usually focus on the present generation or, at most, on the immediate next generation.

The type of planning associated with this development model considers not only the quality of life

Therefore, the State of São Paulo has an institutional commitment to the adoption of public

policies aimed at preserving the environment, as well as formulating programs and projects that contribute to the preservation and recovery of environmental assets within its territory.



Agro Legal Program The Agro Legal Program aims to promote the regularization of Legal Reserve areas in rural properties in the State of São Paulo, as well as to prioritize the maintenance of areas along river banks and springs, top of hills, and veredas. The Program seeks to establish quick and safe geoprocessing

mechanisms for analysis and consolidation of the Rural Environmental Registry. It also intends to design simplified processes to monitor restoration of native vegetation in Permanent Preservation Areas and Legal Reserves, considering deadlines and guidelines compatible with agricultural activities.

Program goals aligned with Sustainable Development Goals

Pay special attention to the owners of the approximately 332 million small rural properties (with areas up to 4 fiscal modules). 2.4 - By 2030, ensure sustainable food production systems and implement resilient agricultural practices that increase productivity and production, that help maintain ecosystems, that strengthen capacity for adaptation to climate change, extreme weather, drought, flooding and other disasters and that progressively improve land and soil quality.

Promotion of the environmental regularization of over 380,000 rural properties registered in the Rural Environmental Registry, thus articulating social, economic, and environmental balance in the rural environment. 10.3 - Ensure equal opportunity and reduce inequalities of outcome, including by eliminating discriminatory laws, policies and practices and promoting appropriate legislation, policies and action in this regard.

Recovery of 800,000 hectares of native forest over the next 20 years, thus increasing the native vegetation area in the state by three percent – currently, this index is 23%. Maintain zero deforestation as recorded since 2016. 15.2 - Promote the implementation of sustainable management of all types of forests, halt deforestation, restore degraded forests and substantially increase afforestation and reforestation globally.



Etanol Mais Verde Protocol Intention Protocol that grants continuity to the Etanol Verde Protocol (2007-2017) with the objective of consolidating sustainable development initiatives of Sugar and Ethanol Industry and directing actions to over-

come challenges brought about by the mechanization of sugarcane harvest. Celebrated in 2017, the protocol is effective for 60 months, extendable for an equal period. Based on the establishment of a dialog channel with

the Sugar and Ethanol Industry, the Etanol Mais Verde Protocol was a historic landmark as a partnership initiative for sustainability with a productive sector based on ecological-economic zoning (ZEE/SP).

Results of the Etanol Mais Verde Protocol Commitment to sustainability: 2.4 - By 2030, ensure sustainable food production systems and implement resilient agricultural practices that increase productivity and production, that help maintain ecosystems, that strengthen capacity for adaptation to climate change, extreme weather, drought, flooding and other disasters and that progressively improve land and soil quality. Biological control widely used by signatories for controlling sugarcane pests and improving good practices in the use of pesticides; Social actions: over 500,000 people benefited by social and environmental actions of the signatories in their surrounding community;

6.4 - By 2030, substantially increase water-use efficiency across all sectors and ensure sustainable withdrawals and supply of freshwater to address water scarcity and substantially reduce the number of people suffering from water scarcity. Water economy: 46% reduction in water consumption, reaching an average level of 0.82 m3/ton of crushed cane.

7.B - By 2030, expand infrastructure and upgrade technology for supplying modern and sustainable energy services. Power cogeneration: 1,743,000 GWh produced and 997,000 HWh exported to the electrical distribution network in the 20/21 Harvest.



8.4 - Improve progressively, through 2030, global resource efficiency in consumption and production and endeavour to decouple economic growth from environmental degradation, in accordance with the 10-year framework of programmes on sustainable consumption and production, with developed countries taking the lead. Signatories: 117 Plants (84% of the units operating in the State) and 13 Associations of sugarcane suppliers, which represents more than 5,120 suppliers (50% of São Paulo’s sugarcane suppliers). Production participation: 91% of the sugarcane processed in the State of São Paulo and 43% of the national ethanol production.

4.4 million hectares committed to good agri-environmental practices. 13.2 - Integrate climate change measures into national policies, strategies and planning. Reduction of greenhouse gases emissions: the elimination of sugarcane burning has prevented the emission of over 11.8 million tons of CO2 and 71 million tons of air pollutants (carbon monoxide, particulate matter, and hydrocarbons) since the beginning of the Protocol.

Preventing and fighting forest fires: 90% of signatories participate in regional structures to prevent and fight forest fires, such as the PAM/RINEM. Over 1,860 water trucks and 11,700 firefighters make up the force for preventing and fighting forest fires. Restoration of native vegetation: 132,285 ha of riparian areas, 7,315 declared springs; over 46.7 million native saplings planted since the beginning of the Protocol. 15.2 - Promote the implementation of sustainable management of all types of forests, halt deforestation, restore degraded forests and substantially increase afforestation and reforestation globally.



Agroecological Transition Protocol Program The Agroecological Transition Protocol is an instrument created to support and facilitate the gradual changing process from conventional to organic production system. The initiative is based on the principles and practices of agroecology, recognizing the effort of the farmer to change the production pattern.

Highlights as public policy The official recognition of the agroecological transition period is an innovative policy, and we can highlight:

Encouragement of farmers to transition to organic production, with greater safety for consumers, allowing the latter to support the process. Program’s actions go beyond production practices: they encourage collaborative work, partnerships, cooperatives, diversification of marketing channels, and better management of the property as a whole.

Continuous training of technicians and producers. Access to new markets, with added value.

Focusing on the systemic vision of the redesign of rural properties through an agroecological guideline, recognizing the graduality of the process. Free certificate/statement issuance. Central role of rural extension workers, who support and guide the transition process.



Some results: The profile of farmers is composed by small farmers (both urban and peri-urban), producers in rural settlements, traditional communities, among other groups in situations of social vulnerability. 1.5 - By 2030, build the resilience of the poor and those in vulnerable situations and reduce their exposure and vulnerability to climate-related extreme events and other economic, social and environmental shocks and disasters.

The Program in numbers: Since the beginning of the implementation of the Program in the field, it has impacted: ҋ 360 farmers; ҋ 26 rural extension teams, being them: ҋ 14 teams linked to EDRs (Rural Development Offices) of CDRS (Sustainable Rural Development Coordination) ҋ 01 team linked to SIMA (Secretariat for Infrastructure and Environment) ҋ 08 Non-public ATER (Technical Assistance and Rural Extension) ҋ 03 municipal teams



Cesta Verde Program

The Cesta Verde Program is the result of a compliance instrument signed by the Government of the State of São Paulo with the Ministry of Citizenship (MC). It provides

the direct transfer of BRL 10.5 million to registered producers. The project also had the support of Klabin through the donation of corrugated cardboard packaging to entities for the purpose of transporting food.

ture, local and regional circuits, as well as commerce networks. The initiative values biodiversity and sustainable food production and encourages healthy eating habits, especially among the most vulnerable population.

This project offers support tool to small producers, facilitating their access to markets and helping families who are in a situation of food vulnerability, by granting their access to a balanced food kit from small producers of São Paulo. In this way, benefits are guaranteed at both ends.

Each food kit contains 10kg of food, including fruits, vegetables, and greens. The list with the types and amounts of products for each kit has been prepared with proportions established by the Center for Food Security and Sustainable Nutrition of the Secretariat of Agriculture and Supply (Cesans) considering food nutritional value.

The Cesta Verde Program strengthens São Paulo’s agricul-



The Project in Numbers: 100,000 kits with 10 kg of food delivered (amounting to 1,000 tons). 100,000 families benefited from the kits. 12 municipalities classified as of Very High and High Vulnerability (priority) successfully served. It is estimated that 420,000 10 kg food kits will be purchased (FVG).

Small Producers:


7.3% of the producers are organic. 1,095 small producers benefited.

Beneficiary Entities:

3.0 kg of Vegetables (at least 2 varieties), 3.5 kg of Fruits (at least 3 varieties), and 1.0 Kg of Greens (at least 3 varieties).


40% of the farmers are women.



120 municipalities have already started deliveries. BRL 1 million have already been purchased in Green Staple Foods. Execution of the BRL 10.5 million agreed with the MC.



Rotas Rurais Program cultural properties in order to provide more agility in accessing fundamental public services such as health and safety and to improve the delivery logistics of local agribusiness products.

The Rotas Rurais Program, developed by the Secretariat of Agriculture and Supply of the State of São Paulo, aims to map addresses and rural roads scattered in municipalities in São Paulo’s countryside. The objective is to provide addresses for approximately 350,000 agri-

The Rural Routes Program aims to establish a single platform with all addresses of the rural area of the State of São Paulo, which will make access to this information available to government agencies and also provide a collection of images of the gates of properties and entrances in order to allow a better understanding of the territory. To reach this goal, the program relies on the contribution of the Secretariat of Public Security,

which guides the development of the platform so that it can be used in the best way by the agency. The program will allow managers to assess the location and conditions of rural citizens and thereby establish assertive public policies for the reality of each area. With an address, the citizen will be able to insert the alphanumeric codes corresponding to their location in the Google Maps database and a route will be drawn showing the path to be taken to reach the property. This will facilitate both the flow of agricultural production and the purchase and delivery of inputs.




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