SAMPLE Annual Piece of Paper - APOP
Employee: Randy Millar
Reports to: Marie Fletcher
Job Title: WAN Administrator
Date: March 30, 2004
Division: Systems & Technology Services
Period Covered: 01/06/04-03/31/04
Supervisor Comments: Randy and I decided to meet every three months. This position is very fast paced and has a heavy workload and we felt formal feedback would be helpful more often than once a year. Randy had lots of excellent recommendations for changes/improvements for the division and we have implemented some over the last three months. It was very positive for the whole division. I have benefited from these formal feedback sessions as a supervisor and feel the whole process has been very positive for both of us. Employee Comments: I like knowing that every three months I am meeting with my supervisor for formal feedback. I get a lot of informal feedback but formal is very helpful too. I feel that it has helped me stay focussed and on track with my work and more connected to the department. Through this feedback from Marie, I have started to work on setting more realistic work plans; this has really decreased my stress level.
Employee meets or exceeds current expectations: Yes No (If no, complete a Performance Improvement Plan and attach)
This feedback tool has been completed for a 12 month period by: Employee Signature:______________________________ Date: ______________________ Supervisor Signature: _____________________________ Date: ______________________ Provide a copy to employee, a copy to the supervisor, and send original to Human Resources for personnel file. Revised May 6, 2004
C:\Documents and Settings\tlharper\Local Settings\Temp\XPGrpWise\Sample APOP Form.wpd