How to Find Balance in a Busy World - Leaders Letters January 2008

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Leaders Letters A Leadership Resource

Edition 7. January 2008

How To Find Balance in a Busy World By Jane Schnurr alance: what is it and how can you get more of it in your life? Do you race from work to home, to soccer practice, to another meeting, to doing homework with the kids and back to work again? Do you long for more balance? Do you wonder what it looks like? Maybe you wonder if such a thing is even possible for you?


As a life coach, I work with many clients from all walks of life - from entrepreneurs to stay-at-home moms - and all are searching for more balance. There are many myths about living a balanced life. Many of you believe that there is a secret to packing it all in, that it is somehow easier for everyone else and that only a select few ever have a truly balanced life. One of the things I have discovered is that balance is unique to each one of us. What matters is what is important to you. Balance is something we choose everyday. It is a journey not a destination.

Accept less than perfection: Everything does not always need to be perfect – sometimes it’s better if it actually gets done!

Delegate: Give those tasks away when you can and ask for help.

Be in the moment: When you are with your family and friends, be there in body/mind/spirit

Stop the worry habit: Instead, focus on an action plan and implement it.

Accept what you cannot change: Just do your best everyday.

Allow yourself time to breathe and just be: Yes, you can tackle that next project, but give yourself a ten minute break first.

Focus on the positive: Energy flows where attention goes; whatever you focus on expands, so banish that negative thinking!

Be kind to yourself: You are not a robot… you are human!

Choose a healthy lifestyle: You’re the Olympic athlete in your game of life, so train and condition yourself accordingly.

Here are fifteen tips for finding balance: •

Set some boundaries: “I don’t work Saturdays or Sundays” may mean you are forced to be more effective during the work week.

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