The Super Seven Factors for Employee Engagement - Leaders Letters October 2007

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Leaders Letters A Leadership Resource

Edition 5. October 2007

The Super Seven Factors for Employee Engagement By Melanie Joy Douglas, new report identifies seven clear indicators of employee engagement and points to how Canadian employers should be addressing employee satisfaction and retention.


The independent study, conducted by Warren Shepell and Canadian HR Reporter, surveyed more than 300 organizational leaders across Canada. “The report’s data shows links between the presence of seven top job and workplace factors and positive employee mental health, a lower rate of turnover, and satisfaction,” explains Rod Phillips, president and CEO of Warren Shepell in a recent press statement.

Left to right: Dr. Merit Marnot, Dr. Geri Jacques, Dr. Albert Adegbemo and Vernon MacIntyre of Dental Public Health were among the 25 supervisors participating in Giving and Receiving Feedback: Maximizing the PDP Experience for employees presented October 16, 2007. See page 2 for more.

The top seven workplace factors are as follows: 1.

Trust senior management.


Asked for their ideas and opinions on important matters.


Perceive their supervisors as caring and considerate of their well-being.

When asked to evaluate how much of a presence these top workplace characteristics had, Canadian business leaders responded as follows: •

Trust senior management: 37%


Clearly understand the organization’s vision and strategic direction.

Asked for their ideas and opinions on important matters: less than 50%


Trust their supervisors.


Perceive recognition and praise for good work.

Clearly understand the organization’s vision and strategic direction: 33%


Have a clear say in decisions that affect their work

Trust their supervisors: 42%

Receive recognition and praise for good work: less than 50%

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