Leaders Letters A Leadership Resource
Edition 4. September 2007
Work Environment and Employee Retention Excerpts from Skillsoft, course: Retention, Topic: W ork Environment :SkillSoft Corporation, Copyright 2002
hat makes a company a desirable place to work? For many employees, a company's work environment determines whether it's a desirable employer. A work environment is comprised of the atmosphere in which employees work and the attitude a company has toward its employees.
A positive work environment is one of the most important reasons employees stay with a company. If the environment is poor, it's likely people won't want to be there. You can create a positive work environment by following the suggestions provided below. Demonstrate a genuine concern for employees, their families, and their communities. The first way to create a positive work environment is to show employees genuine concern for them, their families, and their community. No matter what the size of your company is, you can show employees that they're important and valued.
What can your company do specifically to show it cares? It can donate money to community charities, help with employees' needs for child care and elder care, send flowers when a new child is born to an employee or when there is a death in an employee's family. Working for a company that cares often makes employees feel connected to and proud of their company. Employees may feel there's honor in working for a company that respects people as well as the demands of business. Support a commitment to a work/life balance. Another way to create a positive work environment is to support a commitment to a work/life balance. Supporting a work/life balance means embracing the new realities of the workplace. For example, your may want to ensure that your company sets reasonable deadlines to make sure your employees work an average of 40 hours a week. Then when employees do have to work more to meet a deadline, it's not such a big deal.