SAMPLE Performance Improvement Plan This plan outlines performance improvement required when an employee’s overall performance does not meet minimum expectations.
Employee Name: Kelly Carpenter
Reports to: Janet Peters
Job Title: Administrative Officer
Period covered:
Job Responsibilities /Priorities Describe the specific improvement that is needed to meet minimum expectations in job responsibilities.
Job Responsibility: To provide administrative support to the team in a timely manner. Specific Improvements Required: • Agendas and minutes are to be distributed in advance of meetings. • Kelly will complete assignments on time or will renegotiate with team leader.
Competencies Identify the specific competencies needing improvement and describe the performance improvement required.
Competency: Specific Improvements Required: (Attach additional sheets of paper if necessary)
Performance Improvement Plan Established Plan to address required improvements: • • • •
Kelly will distribute agendas and minutes at least 3 days before a meeting. Kelly will develop a three-month work plan outlining tasks and completion dates. Kelly will renegotiate any changes to the workplan with team members well in advance of the completion dates. Kelly will participate in training in time management and negotiation skills.
Support to be provided by Supervisor (eg. training, equipment) • • •
Janet will set bi-weekly meetings to discuss workplan and issues. Discussion at bi-weekly meetings will focus on progress on work plans. Janet will access training information for Kelly on time management and negotiation skills.
Signatures: Employee:__________________________ Date: ________________________ Supervisor: _________________________ Date: ________________________ Follow-up Review Dates (3) of follow-up discussions: February 26, 2004
March 31, 2004
April 30, 2004