Pennard Community Council Community-zine: Autumn 2012
Supporting the promotion and improvement of the economic, social and environmental well-being of the Pennard Ward.
Pennard Community Council (PCC) extends its regards to citizens of the Pennard Ward, which of course includes the communities of Kittle, Pennard and Southgate. If you have recently settled in the area, we extend to you a special warm welcome! Similarly, if you work in or are visiting the area hello and welcome! This ‘magazine’ style newsletter is hoped to be the first of a regular publication aimed at ‘supporting the promotion and improvement of the economic, social and environmental well-being of the Pennard Ward’. In fact, future editions will hopefully be financially supported by local businesses which will allow the publication to be produced in full-colour and will, with your help, include a range of community-related features from around the Pennard Ward area.
A new-style community magazine for Pennard ‣ PCC would like to invite local citizens to suggest a name for this new-style newsletter (currently called the ‘community-zine’). Please get in touch with your suggestions by 31/12/12 ‣ The council would also like to hear about local news, events and other items of interest from residents, businesses and community groups so these can be brought to the attention of the community. ‣ To s u p p o r t t h e production costs, and to help raise funds for community resources (e.g. new pavilion), PCC is inviting local businesses, profit-making groups and tradespeople to advertise in future editions of the newsletter.
INSIDE will find lots of information from around the local community.
A community-focused publication produced and distributed by Pennard Community Council.
Chairman’s Report
As you are all probably aware, a new Pennard Community Council (PCC) was formed in May 2012 following the local government elections, so as yet there is little to report for the new body. However, there is one pleasant duty I must perform and that is to welcome the F new Community Councillors onto PCC. They “in no particular order,” as they say in R are, Strictly: Mrs. Christine Lanfear, Ms. Adele O Gerke, Mrs. Margaret Smith, Mr. Ian Ambrose M and Mr. Arthur Rogers. They bring between them a level of experience and youthful enthusiasm which will be of benefit to the P community. Of course, this also means that of our longer-sitting members decided to C some stand down. They were: Dr. Margaret C Waymark, Mrs. Helen Langford, Mr. Nigel King, Mr. Peter Lanfear and Mr. Jason Thomas (who has since been co-opted). All of these people have given freely of their time, and in Margaret’s case, for some 36 years. This can only be applauded and I believe great thanks should be extended from the local community represented by Pennard Community Council. Lastly, in recent months, George Nash has decided to stand down from the Council. It is thanks to George and his enthusiasm - along with his colleagues Colin and Alan - that our community recreation ground is in such good order and often admired, and in some cases envied by outsiders to our community. So always remember when you are in the field with your children, grandchildren or even great grandchildren, it takes a lot of dedication to make the field what it is. Enough from me - now on to other council matters and local news from around the Pennard Ward. Mark Smith | Chairperson
Pennard Community Council
SOUTHGATE WARD • Dr. Ralph Cook • Mr. Laurie Irwin • Mr. Mark Smith • Mr. Andrew Thomas • Mr. Lyn Williams • Mrs. Margaret Smith • Mr. Ian Ambrose • Ms. Adele Gerke • Mrs. Christine Lanfear • Mr. Arthur Rogers • Mr. Jason Thomas (coopted) KITTLE WARD • Mrs. Lynda James • Mr. Wes Weeks • Mr. Milwyn Leyton CITY & COUNTY COUNCILLOR • Mrs. Lynda James CLERK • Mr. Chris James GETTING IN TOUCH • (01792) 448399 •
Pennard Community Council: Community-zine | Autumn 2012
• The Council’s financial statement for the 2011 – 12 financial year has been audited by the external auditor for Wales. The statement was given a clean bill of health. The annual return is available for inspection by the residents of the Pennard Ward. There is a copy on the community hall notice board, or you can contact the clerk. In summary, total income was £69,841 and total expenditure was £72,914
• Income, in percentage terms, was: Precept 53.5%; Playing Field 4%; Burial Ground 5.5%; Community Hall 18%, Produce Market 2.5%; and Administration 16.5%. • Expenditure was made up as follows: Playing Field 23.5%; Burial Ground 19%; Community Hall 27.5%; Produce Market 1.5%; and Administration 28.5%. Chris James (Clerk to Pennard Community Council)
• Pennard Community Council is an elected tier of local government - it was established in 1972 and consists of 14 elected unpaid Community Councillors. • The job of your community council is to represent the interests of the whole community. The community council meet once a month to discuss a range of issues and to attend to a variety of obligations; committees/sub-committees also meet regularly and deal with issues such as Y finance, environment, the community O hall, playing field and burial ground. • Pennard Community Council meetings are open to the public - agendas and minutes of meetings can be found on the website. Got a question for the community council? Please let the Clerk know before the meeting starts. • The Local Government (Wales) Measure 2011 makes it possible for a community council to appoint up to two youth representatives (aged 15 to 25) to represent the interests of young people who live, work or receive education or training in the area. The same Measure also gave the power of wellbeing to community councils enabling a council to “ anything which it considers likely to achieve the promotion or improvement of the economic, social or environmental wellbeing of their area.” • Over the coming months, the community council will be sharing some project proposals outlined in this newsletter with local people - information will be made available on the website and at the monthly produce markets, so please come along to find out more and have your say on these important local issues!
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U R C O M M U N I T Y C O U N C I L 3
Pennard Community Hall: YOUR COMMUNITY HALL! Yes, that’s right: it’s your community hall, so please use it by joining one of the activities already running, or why not consider starting a new one?
Report by: Laurie Irwin Community Hall Sub-Committee Chairperson
Available for Hire! ‣ ‣ ‣ ‣ ‣
A community ‘ceilidh’ held at the community hall in celebration of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. Hall Users, Groups and Activities Archery - 872152 Art club - 232224 Badminton: - 233521 (Tue) - 233281 (Wed AM) - 233576 (Wed PM) Bowls - 234232 Cariad Colour Strings Music - 233978 Coastwatch (NCI) 234415 Community First Responders - 233557 Dancing - 323430 Dog training - 851241
French - 233870 Gardening - 232093 Parent & Toddler Group - 233672 Parkmill WI 232057 Pilates - 404149 Quilting - 230039 Rainbows - 230035 Yoga (Wed) 233407 Yoga/Tai Chi (Fri) 523766 Youth group 234855
Children’s parties; Family gatherings; Clubs; Activities; and Meetings.
There are some regular slots vacant, so if you have thought about starting a new activity group or class - then why not get in touch to see if the hall would meet your particular needs? ‣ Main hall and/or small hall; Kitchen + crockery; ‣ Toilets; and ‣ Parking.
Pennard Community Hall Booking Enquiries pennardcommunitycouncil Telephone: (01792) 448399
Pennard Community Council: Community-zine | Autumn 2012
Burial Ground A small rose garden has been formed on the left of the burial ground because the practice of burying cremated-remains, except in graves or in existing plots, has ended. Ashes can now be scattered in the rose garden and a plaque placed in the display cabinet as before. The hedges on the entrance have been removed as most were dead and it was full of brambles. Personally I think it is a vast improvement. Safety is an important aspect of Council duties and the headstones are a cost the council has to bear to make them safe. If the owners of the graves cannot be found this would seem to be an ongoing cost as relatives move away. Burial Charges 2012-13 First burial: ÂŁ1,050 Re-opening of existing grave: ÂŁ625 Report by: Wes Weeks Burial Ground Sub-Committee Chairperson
Pennard Recreation Ground (Playing Field) Report by: Mark Smith
ALL CHANGE! As mentioned previously, George Nash has stood down as a Community Councillor and also as Chair of the field sub-committee. At the September council meeting, Mr. Andrew Thomas was elected as the new Chair for this sub-committee. DOG BAN The dog fouling issue seems to be receding as more people have become aware of the measures PCC have taken to ensure a clean and healthy environment for children to play in. There are still one or two people who do not seem to care, but they are now in the vast minority and most people who have expressed an opinion are in favour of our actions. We have had a difficulty getting the lines for the football pitch marked out properly this year but we are now in a position to buy a piece of equipment that will make the standard of line marking much better. Our thanks go to Colin Suttie for carrying on providing good lines for matches to date, and all the other work he does in respect of the field and pavilion. PAVILION This brings me to my last point: the New Pavilion. Plans are currently being drawn up ready for our planning application. After some months of Public Consultation we believe we have a good plan for the New Pavilion which include several environmentally friendly features, such as ground heating instead of a gas fired boiler. Plans will be made available in the Hall, Library and at the Local Produce Market.
More at:
Report by: Lyn Williams Environment Sub-Committee Chairperson MARKET NEEDS The aim of the environment sub-committee is to help improve the local natural and social environment. One of the ways PCC tries It’s more th to achieve this is through the monthly produce an just a Pr SECOND SUNDAY oduce Market! markets. These events not only provide an OF THE MONTH opportunity for all local residents to buy local 9.30am - 12.30pm goods and produce, but also to communicate Please continue to support their concerns for the local environment to Pennard Produce Market - it can only continue with the support of the community. If you would like to share your ideas about ways to improve the produce market, community councillors. With a good range of please visit the website or find us on Twitter and Facebook. food-stuffs and crafts from local producers, the PLEASE COMMENT ONLINE AT: produce market provides an opportunity to buy /pennardproducemarket @pennardpm economically while meeting friends over light refreshments provided by local charitable organisations. Please come along and show your support!
Socialise with friends cuppa, bac over a on of cake whi butty or piece lst local causes. supporting Discuss com munity issu with local es Commun ity Councillors . Share you r ideas and concerns any with a loca l County Cou ncillor.
❄ Sunday 11th November & 9th December ❄ At the next two monthly ‘pre-Christmas’ produce markets, as well as sourcing a range of locally produced goods, you will also have the opportunity to buy Christmas gifts for your family and friends we look forward to seeing you there! Pennard Community Council would like to hear from local citizens about their community-based fund-raising ideas! One of the biggest challenges is to raise funds to replace the aging pavilion. What events would you attend and support? Get in touch with your ideas and suggestions!
Ongoing environment sub-committee initiatives: ✴ ✴ ✴ ✴ ✴ ✴ ✴
Community litter-picks; ‘Adopt-a-Street’ scheme; Road safety and traffic calming measures; Green path project; Pennard well restoration; Social events and fund-raising activities; and Local produce market.
Pennard Community Council: Community-zine | Autumn 2012
Rural Youth Work The Pennard youth activities night has been going well and has some new young people attending this term. Young people have attended a consultation with the ‘community council’ about the new ‘Pavilion’ that is proposed for the sports field. Some young people have also taken part in an ‘enterprise day’ and have come up with fantastic ideas to raise money for the group and develop their business ideas. If you are a young person interested in obtaining a small grant to develop a business idea or community activity, please contact the youth workers.
Youth Activities Night Tuesdays 5.30 - 7.30pm (term-time only)
Pennard Community Hall
The winter is fast approaching so the hall is being E Run by Swansea used every week instead of the park. Resources are W Youth Service for needed to build up activities to engage the young young people age S people and for their enjoyment. A table-tennis table 11 13 from a kind donor has recently been acquired, and the rural project supplies a laptop computer with internet access & an iPod dock. However, the group require some soft ball footballs (for use inside) - so if there is anyone who would like to donate equipment suitable to use in the community hall, then please get in touch! As the group grows, the youth workers need some additional support. If you are interested in volunteering on a Tuesday evening then please get in touch with the youth workers: Tim Smith or Nigel Evans on 01792 635420 or e-mail: or
Pennard Area Community Partnership (PACP) We hope everybody enjoyed our cliff-top event for the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee - it was a busy evening for the organisers, but very satisfying to see so many of the local community turning up for what proved to be a special evening. Not only did we have all the various events - we had good weather too! There must be many righteous people in Pennard, Southgate and Kittle as the sun shone upon you all evening. Not only did this event draw many from the community, but people also turned up from other areas too - a number were from Porthcawl who said they did not have a Beacon event or our view! In the ‘Thank You Letter’ to those who helped make the event possible, I do not believe PACP mentioned the Pennard Charity who supported the event - so, ‘THANK YOU!’ We are now looking for other possible projects, on a strictly limited budget, that we could handle - so watch this space! By: Mark Smith
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Pennard Library It’s not just about books! No one can deny that from the outside Pennard Library is due for an update, however inside you can be assured of a very warm welcome and with over 35,000 people walking through its doors every year, Pennard Library has something for everyone: • FREE internet access; • Downloadable e-books and e-audio books; • DVD rentals; • Printing Services (charges apply); • And of course - books for all ages and interests! We pride ourselves on being a Library very much at the heart of our community and run a diverse range of activities and events.
Why not pop in to find out more or give us a ring on: (01792) 233277 If you have any suggestions or requests for events, please let us know. Joanna Fee | Library Manager
Pennard Primary School The school is flourishing with 214 pupils, all of which are encouraged to participate in community activities such as the carnival and the local produce market which help develop their communication and entrepreneurial skills. This Christmas the school choir will be performing at the ‘Carols on the Cliff’ community event they will also be performing at Swansea Market. Indeed, this is an exciting term for the pupils with preparation for the annual school Christmas concerts and plays. Visitors to the July produce market may have seen pupils’ work on display - it is always such a pleasure to celebrate their work with the wider community and to receive such positive responses. The PTA, along with parents and community members, offer excellent support for ongoing fund-raising efforts - the next PTA Fete will be held on 23rd November 2012. Thanks to PTA efforts, valuable resources such as an electronic librarian system and electronic whiteboards have been acquired to the benefit of the children. The school continues to benefit from members of the community who come and give talks to the children.
Pennard Community Council: Community-zine | Autumn 2012
The Three Welsh Dragons
This story was written by William Curry - winner of the ‘2011/12 Pennard Primary School Year 6 Writing Competition’. The competition was judged by local residents: Pam Hopkins and Joy Cooke. The entry is published as written by the author. If you have a talent, please get in touch so we may consider featuring it in future.
ADVERTISE from £10/issue To enquire about advertising in the next edition of this community newsletter, please contact Lyn or Ian (details on the back page).
Once upon a time there were three Welsh dragons one of them red, one of them white and one of them green. They were all thinking about what the symbol on the flag could be, but the problem was they all wanted it to be them. The dragons didn’t know that the other dragons wanted to be on the symbol, so when they discussed it with each other they all got into a big row. Then the red dragon announced that they would all have a flying race. They both agreed but they said the red dragon would start flying five seconds after they had because the red dragon was the fastest. The dragons started to gather all of the people in the nearby village to come and watch the race. They hadn’t even decided where they were going to race. After a couple of minutes they decided that the villagers would choose where to do it. The villagers thought that they could do it from the bottom to the top of Snowdon. The dragons said the race would be the next day. All of the dragons had dreams about winning the race and becoming the symbol on the flag. When they woke up in the morning they were all tremendously excited about the race. All of the villagers and the dragons were ready at the bottom of Snowdon. The three dragons lined up and the villagers said “three, two, one...go. The race began... The dragons raced vicously around the mountain, struggling to get to the top with the cold misty conditions. The green one was nearly there cheering with joy, but suddenly the red dragon swiftly zoomed past and made it to the top and won. He was now the symbol on the flag. The white dragon also flew past the green dragon and came second so he was in the background at the top and the green one came last so he was at the bottom of the background.
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Pennard Indoor Bowls Club meet twice a week: Monday’s at 1.45pm and Friday’s at 9.45am at the Community Hall. We are a friendly group who enjoy a game of bowls, a cup of tea and biscuits and the companionship of fellow residents. We would welcome anyone (young or old) who would be interested in joining us - there will be no charge for the first three times you play! Please come along and give it a go. Contact Val Bevan on (01792) 232816 or John Gibbons (01792) 233522 Pennard Parish Hall has recently been re-decorated and equipped with solar panels on the roof. To book use of the hall please telephone: Wally Richards on (01792) 233467 Pennard Church: for christenings, weddings and funerals. Of course, we are also here Sunday by Sunday (and Wednesday mornings too) worshipping. We also pray for you - for even though I may not know everyone personally, part of my role as local Vicar is to pray for the community and the people who live and work within it. The church is also ‘open’ during daylight hours and this provides a safe, quiet place for people to come to and be alone with their thoughts, to light a candle and find some peace from the daily round of living life. Commencing on the 17th October we will be starting a new venture entitled ‘Community Café’. This will build upon our monthly community hall family services and will offer people a place to drop in to every Wednesday between 1.00 - 3.30pm for a cuppa and a chat. If you want to know more, telephone me on 232928, email me at or Facebook the Parish at Or simply stop me in the street and introduce yourself. Many thanks for reading this - Vicar Peter. Pennard Garden Society A year or two ago I put out an appeal for new members for the Garden Society as we were very close to closing due to lack of active members. We have been delighted by the response and we now have almost fifty enthusiastic members enabling us to play an active part in village events once more. We have had interesting talks, a stall at the annual Pennard Carnival, a successful Produce Show and lovely Sunday afternoons at other members’ gardens over the summer. We are now back to our winter programme of indoor talks which are held in the small community hall on the second Monday of the month at 7.30pm - why not come and join us? Jane Smith | Chairperson Bishopston Mens Keep Fit Club uses the gymnasium at Bishopston Sports Centre sessions last for 11/2 hours. The club is looking for new members and the activities (e.g. exercises, basketball and volleyball) would suit men approaching middle age (the current average is over 55) who wish to keep active and maintain a reasonable level of fitness. Limited membership spaces available - please contact Robin Lock on (01792) 233762 for further information. Pennard and Bishopston Community First Responders are a small team of 14 volunteer members who freely give a few hours of their time each week to serve the local community. Find out more at:
Pennard Community Council: Community-zine | Autumn 2012
Pennard W.I. have had a busy year with some fascinating talks. We have hosted a ‘Jubolympics’ evening for our link groups from Murton, Newton and Parkmill where we had ‘International’ games and a buffet with a Regal celebration. We were again very active in the Carnival, both in the parade and the tea Marquee. So if you fancy joining us, the only rule is you have to be female (I don’t know how we still get away with that, but the clue is in the name). We meet on the first Monday of every month, except August, at the Parish Hall at 7.30pm - we would be delighted to see you. Jane Smith | Chairperson Parkmill W.I. continues to thrive and is attracting new members - a warm welcome is extended to all newcomers young and old to our meetings at 7.30pm on the first Tuesday of the month at Pennard Community Hall. Our programme is varied with speakers covering a wide range of subjects as well as trips, theatre visits, fun quizzes and dinners so that there is something to suit all tastes. For the past year we have been working with Pennard school on a knitting project introducing children to knitting each Monday lunch-time which has been great hit with everyone involved. Come along, feel our welcome, try something new and make new friends. Jan Rennie | President (01792) 233576 Pennard Golf Club would like to encourage members of the local community to take up the game of golf. A new facility, for young people and beginners in particular, has been created and consists of a series of short holes with basic tees and greens marked and cut. This new facility is free to use and open to all - the only condition is that an adult supervises very young children and beginners. Pennard Golf Club would like to be more involved in the local community and we see this as one way to offer something to the local community which is free and worthwhile. We hope you will encourage your children and grandchildren to become involved and try out the wonderful game of golf! Geoff Burch | Club Vice Captain Local Policing Neighborhood Watch Now in it’s 13th year, the local Neighborhood Watch Committee, Chaired by Jeff Eley (Telephone: 233196), continues to create awareness of crime prevention in the community. Residents, especially the elderly, should be alert to ‘cold callers’ at the door, over the telephone and online. There have been several break-ins over the past 12-months - so please be alert and be sure to secure your property. Residents are encouraged to attend the next PACT meeting which will take place at 7pm on 22nd October 2012 at Pennard Parish Hall - it is hoped that someone from First Cymru will attend regarding the local bus services.
EMERGENCY 999 NON-EMERGENCY 101 Call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 Pennard Ward Officer PC Phil Davies Telephone: 07805 301600 Mumbles Police Station, Newton Road, Mumbles, Swansea. SA3 4BD
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Pennard Produce Markets: ‣ 11th November 2012 ‣ 9th December 2012
Community Council Meetings: ‣ 13th November 2012 ‣ 12th December 2012
Other Community Events: ‣ Pennard Church - Community Cafe, Wednesdays from 17th October 2012, 1.00-3.30pm at Pennard Community Hall ‣ Local Police and Communities Together (PACT) Meeting, 7pm, 22nd October 2012 at Pennard Parish Hall ‣ Pennard School PTA Fete, 23rd November 2012 ‣ Community Carol Service at Pennard Stores, *5th December ‣ See Santa at Pennard Stores before he heads off on his travels, *24th December (*see shop notice board)
WAYS YOU CAN HELP • Rename this community-zine. • Get in touch with local news, events and ideas for local projects & fund-raising activities. • Share with us your concerns for the local area - please offer solutions too! • Let us know if there is something of local interest that should be included in the next edition. • Come along to community council meetings and help shape the future of the Ward. • Please continue to support local community events. • If you are a local business owner, please consider supporting this newsletter by way of advertising.
To enquire about the Spring 2013 edition, please contact: Lyn Williams or Ian Ambrose (01792) 230007 or 234967 ✓ Various sized advert spaces available (subject to terms & conditions) from £10/issue. ✓ Free editorial space (subject to availability) available for local not-for-profit groups.
© 2012 Pennard Community Council | Distribution: 1500