July 11, 2017
find us on Ch illicoth e, Braymer, Meadv ille, Wh eeling , Ch ula, Daw n, L udlow , Mooresv ille, Utica, Hale, Gallatin, L ake V iking , J amesport, J ameson/ Coffey, Pattonsburg , oc rin s, inston, ltamont, amilton, idder, in ston, olo, ow ill, rec enrid e, ettleton, irabile, renton, ameron, athro , roo field
915 S. Washington
on page 15
LIVINGSTON WED, July 12 6 pm Sh otg un Sh oot Pin Oak Hill Game Manag ement
SATURDAY, July 15 9 : 0 0 am Q ueen/ Princess Interv iew s ( Ag & Ex po Building s) SUNDAY, July 16 Camper Spots pre- assig ned - Come in th roug h Driv e C 1 2 : 3 0 pm Fash ion Rev ue J udg ing 1 2 : 3 0 - 5 : 0 0 pm Commercial Booth s ( Inside) 2 : 0 0 pm Q ueen Coronation ( Ex po Center) 3 : 0 0 pm Style Sh ow Modeling ( Ex po Center) entr sheet to tension ffice b h r 3 : 0 0 pm Reg ister for Baby Contest ( Ex po Center) 3 : 3 0 pm Baby Contest ( Ex po Center) 4: 0 0 pm Horses on g rounds & ENTRIES IN 4: 3 0 pm Talent Sh ow ( Ex po Center) 5 : 0 0 pm Cow boy Preach er 5 : 3 0 pm Horse Sh ow MONDAY, July 17 9 : 0 0 am Dog Sh ow ( Ex po Building ) 8 - 8 : 3 0 am Broiler Ch icken ch eck in 9 : 0 0 am Broiler Ch icken Sh ow ( North Barn) Broiler’ s released after Sh ow 5 : 3 0 pm Ach iev ement J udg es Orientation 5 : 3 0 - 8 : 3 0 pm Fish ing at th e L itton Pond 6 : 0 0 pm “ Ach iev ement Nig h t” ( j udg ing 4- H/ FFA ex h ibits) 6 :0 0 J unior Helpers 6 :0 0 Hams in th e J enkins Building 6 :1 5 Spring h ill Go- Getters, 4- H L ife, Pow er Clov ers 6 : 45 Independents, Busy Bees 7 :1 5 Double H 7 : 45 FFA, Hale Happy Hustlers, Hale Clov er Kids, Sh ow - Me 8 :1 5 Daw n Sunrise Hustlers, L iberty 8 : 45 Rich Hill J r. Workers, Wh eeling Happy Harv esters 9 :0 0 L ate j udg ing
Chillicothe, MO
TUESDAY, July 18 6 – 8 : 3 0 am Poultry ch eck in / blood testing ( all birds in th e barn by 8 am) 7 – 1 0 am Rabbit ch eck in 8 : 0 0 am Breeding Sw ine Arriv e - In place by 9 am X - bred Breeding Sw ine - w ill w eig h in until 1 0 am 9 : 3 0 am Poultry Sh ow ( North Barn) 1 : 0 0 pm Breeding Sw ine Sh ow Breeding Sw ine: Can not leav e until sh ow is ov er & must leav e th e g rounds by 5 pm 5 : 0 0 - 9 : 0 0 pm Market Sw ine ch eck- in ( Arriv e NO earlier th an 5 pm) ( w eig h in 7 pm- 1 0 pm) NO HOG WEIGH IN ON WEDNESDAY 6 : 0 0 pm Music Sh ow Reh earsal ( Outside Arena) 7 : 0 0 pm Rabbit – Adv anced Sh ow mansh ip test WEDNESDAY, July 19 8 : 0 0 am Rabbit Sh ow 8 - 1 1 : 0 0 am Ch eck- in: Sh eep, Goat and Beef ( including Bucket Calv es) AL L L IV ESTOCK MUST BE IN PL ACE BY 1 1 : 0 0 AM 1 0 : 0 0 am Start w eig h ing L ambs, Goats & Steers AL L MARKET L AMBS MUST BE SHEARED BEFORE WEIGHING 1 2 : 0 0 pm All T- sh irts to be picked up 1 : 0 0 pm Market Sw ine Sh ow 7 : 3 0 pm Country J amboree ( Outdoor Arena) Admission: FREE WIL L DONATION 8 :0 0 – 1 0 :0 0 Dance sponsored by th e L iv ing ston County 4- H Council ( free admittance) ( Ex po Center) NOTICES: Any Ex h ibitor Remov ing Ex h ibits Before Release Time Will NOT Be Allow ed to Ex h ibit in th e Fair th e Follow ing Year! - No straw allow ed in th e barns. Straw in tie- out area - ex h ibitor w ill clean - All liv estock pens must be cleaned by noon on Saturday - No adults, non 4- H or non FFA members w ill ex h ibit in th e sh ow ring for any sh ow classes - L iv estock trailers must be parked at th e Hig h Sch ool or taken h ome - Animals for sale can not be adv ertised until after th ey h av e been j udg ed. Sig n can be no big g er th an an index card ( 4” X 6 ” )
THURSDAY, July 20 8 : 0 0 am Sh eep Sh ow ( Ex po Center) Goat sh ow follow s G oat S h ow – Dairy G oat – B reeding S tock – Mark et S h ow ( Ex po C enter) 1 : 0 0 pm Dairy Sh ow ( Ex po Center) / Breeding Cattle / Feeder Calv es - in order 2 : 0 0 - 6 : 0 0 pm 4- H Demonstration / 4- H Entrepreneursh ip Market ( Ag Building ) 3 : 0 0 pm Steer Sh ow ( Ex po Center) 5 – 6 : 0 0 pm Ice Cream Social ( sponsored by 4- H Foundation) 1 2 - 6 : 0 0 pm Reg istration for Super Teen ( Outdoor Arena) 7 : 3 0 pm Super Teen Contest ( Ex po Center) FRIDAY, July 21 7 : 0 0 am Farm Bureau Breakfast ( Sh elter House – free to ex h ibitors) 8 : 0 0 am Dairy Goat Milking Demonstration 9 : 0 0 am Bucket Calf Sh ow ( Ex po Center) 1 0 am - 2 pm ( ATV Safety Training CANCEL L ED) Distracted Driv er Simulator & Seat Belt Conv incer Sponsored by L iv . Co. Health Department 5 : 0 0 - 6 : 3 0 pm Appreciation Picnic – Purch ase Tickets in Concession Area ( Ex po Center) 6 : 0 0 pm Release of Non- L iv estock Ex h ibits & North Barn Animals ( Rab b it, Poultry & B uck et C alves) 7 : 0 0 pm Market Animals Sale All Oth er Animals Released After th e Completion of th eir Species in th e L iv estock Sale SATURDAY July 22 8 : 0 0 am Clean- up - L aw n ch airs w elcome at outdoor arena ev ents. Seating prov ided for Ex po Center ev ents Fair Board NOT RESPONSIBL E FOR ACCIDENTS NO BIKES, ROL L ER BL ADES OR SKATE BOARDS AL L OWED ON THE GROUNDS. NO AL COHOL IC BEV ERAGES AL L OWED ON THE GROUNDS. NO DOGS AL L OWED ON THE GROUNDS FOR HEAL TH & SAFETY REASONS. ONL Y DOGS BEING SHOWN WITH HEAL TH PAPERS ARE AL L OWED AT THE DOG SHOW. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR INJURIES OR ACCIDENTS
CHIL L ICOTHE - 6 6 0 - 7 0 7 - 1 8 2 0 | AdZone@GPCink.com GAL L ATIN - 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 2 1 5 4 | Ads@GPCink.com Gallatin Publish ing Company | w w w .GPCink.com
J uly 1 1 , 2 0 1 7
For Rent
For Sale
Puppies For Sale
Help Wanted
2 ) 3 2 0 0 bush el Butler g rain bins w dr in oor loors are remov ed and bins are in h alv es. Sell as a pair. 6 6 0 3 5 9 - 1 8 42 Ch ris Hoffman
STORAGE UNITS: Outside lig h ting , surv eillance cameras, insulated to prev ent larg e temperature v ariances, different siz es av ailable. L ocated Hw y. O east of Gallatin. Critten Country Storag e, 6 6 0 6 0 5 -3 3 5 0 .
, rain finish ed, deliv ery av ailable. $ 2 / lb. h ang ing w eig h t 6 6 0 - 9 7 3 2 7 8 6
Beag le puppies, AKC reg istered, out of h unting parents. $ 1 5 0 6 6 0 - 6 8 4- 6 8 7 5
HEL P WANTED. Teach er, Hamilton Head Start Center. V isit w w w .g reenh illsh eadstart.org for j ob description and application, or call 6 6 0 .3 5 9 .2 2 1 4. E.O.I.
Agriculture Livestock e m st art with o r oc of 3 2 laying h ens. Th ey w ere a year old in J une. We w ould lov e to see th em all stay tog eth er since th ey w ere raised from day old ch icks & h av e established a ood oc order. Th ey are trained to come w h en th ey are called so th ey are easy to bring in from th e yard in th e ev ening . 1 0 different breeds. Beautiful rang e of eg g color. $ 8 each or $ 2 2 5 if you can take th em all. Ch illicoth e 41 7 - 8 48 - 5 3 8 5 or 41 7 - 8 6 0 - 1 3 9 3 Automotive FROST AUTOMOTIV E: Auto and truck parts & accessories. See us for all your parts needs. We also make h ydraulic h oses. South side Gallatin s are 32 2
- tudio - ne edroom A ailable NOW ecentl remodeled tarts at 3 tilities included Deposit re uired o pets -5 5- 9 or te t - -59
ecentl remodeled ppliances included Deposit re uired o pets aila le ugust st 3 0 month - 5- 5 nights onl please ac ground chec re uired
For Rent GAL L ATIN ESTATES APARTMENTS FOR RENT: 1 or 2 bdrm av ailable. HUD v ouch ers accepted. Rental assistance av ailable to those who alif al ho sin o ort nit Call 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 3 1 1 4.
FREE WOOD! You cut and h aul. 6 6 0 - 6 46 - 48 2 7
Equipment For Rent 43 0 SSL CASE Skid L oader, 8 5 h p, by th e day, w eek or month . Contact Gallatin Truck & Tractor, Inc. 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 2 1 0 3 or 2 1 0 4.
Rug er American .2 2 & 1 7 HMR Rug er 1 0 - 2 2 Stainless Int Clays Pow der Clay Dot Blue Dot Tig h tw ad 6 6 0 - 2 5 5 - 46 44 Massey Ferg uson Dyna balance mow er 7 Ft w ith ex tra sickle Ford 3 bottom Plow Eng ine Hoist 6 6 0 - 2 5 5 - 46 44
For Sale BASE ROCK, BL ACK DIRT fill dirt ston r c ing & Construction, 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 3 2 3 4 or 6 6 0 - 3 3 4- 0 9 9 7 .
REACH OV ER 1 7 ,0 0 0 h ouseholds with o r classified messag e in th e Ad Zone ... only $ 7 ! ( 2 5 w ords or less) . Call Gallatin 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 2 1 5 4 or Ch illicoth e 6 6 0 - 7 0 7 - 1 8 2 0 to place your ad! Email: ads@ g pcink.com.
BOATS FOR SAL E: New & used boats & pontoons, sev eral to ch oose from, j ust w atch our w ebsite, w w w . lakev iking marine.com or call 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 3 7 2 2 , L ake V iking Marine.
END ROL L S av ailable $ 5 each ! Use end rolls of new sOUTDOOR WOOD FUR- print to w rap items for mov ing NACE by Central Boiler Inc. or sh ipping , or to make some FREE HEAT & h ot w ater. fun art proj ects. We support Eliminate month ly h eat- recycling . J oin us by using ing bills. Call 6 6 0 - 7 0 7 - 3 8 6 6 th is eco- friendly option. Av ailtoday. ( No Sunday calls, able 8 a.m.- 5 p.m. Mon.- Fri. Ho ay S e e De 2 -24 7a -5 CLOSED De 25-2 please) . at Gallatin Publish ing Co., CLOSED NOV 24-NOV 28. HAPPY THANKSGIVING. 6 0 9 B S. Main, Gallatin.
A big THANK YOU to all that came to help us celebrate our 60th wedding anniversary and those who sent cards. We really appreciate all that was done for us. May God bless you all.
Ronald and Shirley Yardley
For sale: 2 ton AC w indow unit. 1 1 0 Plug in. $ 2 0 0 . 6 6 0 6 46 - 48 2 7
O i ini 4 69 Pricing good ul
iles -5
C un u e 6 9
ot e e Muenste Cheese Cheese 3 99 4 9
0 7
We now carry Essential Oils o M s ille on ues- i • 30
o M s ille on
che ule ec 3- 4
Mech anic Help Needed. L ake V iking Marine is L ooking for a New Mech anic. Competitiv e Pay & Great Working Env ironment. Send resume to randy@lakev iking marine.com Detailer Help Needed. L ake V iking Marine is L ooking for a New Detailer. Competitiv e Pay & Great Working Env ironment. Send resume to randy@lakev iking marine.com Driv ers CDL - A: Get HOME, Get PAID, Get Stellar Benefits ee l a o ee ends atbed e erience a plus. 8 6 6 - 9 7 2 - 2 6 6 2
DRIV ERS: $ 5 ,0 0 0 .0 0 Orientation Completion Bonus! OTR, Flatbed, Reg ional & Point to Point L anes! ! ! om rehensi e enefits ( New h ires g uaranteed minimum $ $ $ w eek) ! 1 yr CDL - A: 1 -8 5 5 -3 5 0 -5 5 7 1
Pleasant View Produce Fresh Local Produce
6 • 16-449to tu
th : - pm Sat : - pm
6 • 16-449•C O
s a relb . e
$1.99 p
hile supplies last
Closed Thanksgi ing open Friday No
5 iles
Help Wanted
Serv ice Tech nician for local tractor dealersh ip. Need to h av e some computer skills, g ood people skills and attentiv e to details. Will perform repairs on tractors, combines and other field e i ment both in th e sh op and on site. Pay w ill depend on ex perience. 40 1 k, paid v acation, sick leav e, & h ealth insurance prov ided. Apply in person at Gallatin Truck & Tractor, Inc., 2 40 0 0 State Hw y 6 , Gallatin, MO 6 46 40 .
4 9, o st ee 99, e e c 4 9, Pies & Baked Goods Col Available 4 9 on Saturdays M ch 9- il
thru ul
AUSTRAL IAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES. Born 4/ 2 1 / 1 7 . Merles. Sh ots and w ormed. Farm raised. Tw o females remaining . L ocated in Cow g ill. Call 6 6 0 .2 5 5 .41 6 6 .
Homemade Jams & Honey Available
Vegetable Boxes Available on Saturdays Pre-Order Only
06- 3- 7 ae y alla n a am Di69 ection mile om . on le t o 7 mile om . on ig t a un urMonday e 6 9 thru Saturday 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. n ays ot Pepper 3 99 uenster 9 ul -
ec 5- 9
Greenhouse is Still Open ACCEPTING BIDS att n ll win a y ai y
t an t t
l i ti ti a tin i t t 201 201 i al y a . a t i t l
al t
l a O
it y i yn n ay, ly 1 , 201 t 200, att n , MO 6 6 0 in ati n l a nta t t int n nt i at 660 6 2111 t . att n l i ti t a t i tt any an all i .
CHIL L ICOTHE | AdZone@GPCink.com | 6 6 0 - 7 0 7 - 1 8 2 0 | 43 0 C Wash ing ton St, Ch illicoth e MO 6 46 0 1 GAL L ATIN | 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 2 1 5 4 | 6 0 9 B South Main, Gallatin MO 6 46 40
J uly 1 1 , 2 0 1 7
The fear in our hearts
b y F reida Marie C rump Greetings from Poosey.
Reuben Wagler Trenton, MO Help Wanted
HEL P WANTED: CDL - A license, not afraid of manual labor. Apply in person. GFG Ag Serv ices J amesport, MO RN, L PN, CNA, CMT, Housekeeping all sh ifts. Full time and Part time positions a ailable enefits a ailable Come in or apply online w w w .g randriv erh ealth care. com. Grand Riv er Health Care 1 1 8 Trenton Road Ch illicoth e, MO 6 46 0 1 . ( 6 6 0 ) 6 46 - 0 3 5 3 DRIV ERS: $ 5 ,0 0 0 .0 0 Orientation Completion Bonus! ni e latbed or r an Fleet! Ex cellent Annual Pay, Full Compreh ensiv e enefits r lass Call: 1 - 8 5 5 - 8 5 6 - 7 9 8 5 www.MyAdZone.com
metal works Help Wanted Taking Applications for parttime mail room w orker. Duties include processing labels th roug h postal softw are, placing inserts into papers and h andling bundles for mailing . Full day on Mondays, part- time Tuesday th roug h Th ursday. Computer ex perience h elpful, but w ill train th e rig h t person. Av erag e 2 0 h ours w eekly. Apply by completing application form at Gallatin Publish ing Company, 6 0 9 B S. Main, during w eekday 8 - 5 business h ours. For furth er information, call 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 2 1 5 4, ask for Marj orie. Or email labels@ g pcink.com. Notices - Free FREE to g ood h ome. Tw o six - month - old mix ed, medium- siz ed puppies. One male and one female. Senior citiz en ow ner can no long er care for. Call 8 1 6 - 2 5 9 - 6 2 5 1 or 6 6 0 -6 6 3 -9 2 8 3 .
Notices V ENDORS WANTED for new ea mar et in allatin By old roller skating rink on Main St, Friday and Saturday, J ul 1 4 and J ul 1 5 , 7 : 3 0 am - 3 : 3 0 pm. Reserv e your space, $ 1 0 both days. Call J ames 6 6 0 .9 7 3 .448 8 or Becca 6 6 0 .9 7 3 .1 6 49 . Watch for ads in local papers for sale details. Concession trailer w ill be th ere. Real Estate Brick h ome w ith 4 bedroom, 2 bath, 2, s ft , 2 car attach ed g arag e, porch , 2 8 ’ abov e g round pool w ith deck, all appliances stay w ith h ome, 5 acres more or less. L ocated 2 1 / 2 miles from Indian Creek L ake & Poosey Conserv ation, Morton Building 3 0 x 6 3 insulated & h eated w ith restroom. 6 6 0 - 6 0 5 - 2 43 7 or 6 6 0 -2 1 6 -0 7 2 4
I was standing in line behind at lady at the registration desk of a hotel in Dublin, Ireland, when I heard an interesting exchange. This gal was what they used to call the “Ugly American,” insisting that wherever she went it was to be just like her home back in the States. The desk clerk was trying to explain how to get to a nearby restaurant and his Irish accent absolutely dripped all over the registration desk. Delightful. But the dear idiot standing in front of me wasn’t even trying to understand him. She hurried away from the counter in disgust and as she passed me, she muttered, “You’d think these people would learn how to speak English.” Sweetheart, they were doing it a thousand years before Columbus bumped into the East Coast. Accents. I love ‘em. As the world becomes more homogenized and whipped into sameness our languages are still something that put a bit of spice in the simple act of living. Once upon wet evening in a London pub I sat with a group of seasoned travelers and we stumbled upon the subject of accents and because we were all Americans we could call them accents since few of us knew any foreign languages. I asked the group assembled about their favorite accents, the ones that truly delighted their ears. One of my fellow Midwest travelers claimed that nothing delighted her like a Scottish brogue. We’d just traveled south from Edinburgh and the tongue of the Highlands was fresh in our memories. All agreed that ordering a pint in a Scottish pub then simply sitting back and listening to the conversation was one of the true highlights to the land of Robert Burns and haggis. Opinions were split on the haggis itself. Another of our increasingly verbal congregation said that French was the world’s most beautiful language. He claimed that he could listen to a Parisian sewer worker describe his job and it would sound like poetry. I chimed in and told the group a study conducted in the 1950’s where a group of several hundred French men and women who knew no English listened to a list of English phrases then voted on which sounded the most beautiful to their French ears. The winner? “Cellar Door.” Interesting.
buy one
With apologies to my Germanic friends, the language of the Fatherland didn’t fare so well in our little poll. They found it too guttural and one older member of our group who was a teen during World War II said that there were memories that he simply could not erase. He added that he couldn’t bring himself to buy a Japanese car, either. Russian also got several bottom votes due to recent events. Perhaps it’s history instead of our ears that forms our opinions on sounds.
Smith & Wesson M&P Shield pistol at regular price & receive a
sit! For your next vi
Gift card not eligible same day as purchase.
“But Spanish sings!” This from a New Jersey gal who had joined us from another touring group. “It absolutely sings! Nothing is more beautiful than a Spanish accent!” To be honest, I’d forgotten that Spanish was an accent since in our part of the world it’s as common as Midwestern English.
Smith & Wesson - M&P Shield Pistols
Buy one at regular price and receive a $25 gift card for use on your next visit The Italian accent got several votes. The general consensus was that although Spanish may sing, Italian bounces. There’s a reason you can tell to Italians across the street by the way they gesture with their hands. I’ve heard it said that when you handcuff an Italian he becomes speechless.
Disclaimer: Gift card not eligible same day as purchase!
Our bartender was enjoying the conversation and politely told us that the Cockney accent of London both sang and bounced and on occasion danced. He also put in a vote for the lilt of the Irish and the pigeon English of Jamaica. But then he added, “A sad thing when it comes to an end.” An end? Languages aren’t disappearing we told him. “Yes,” he said, “but the only time you have an accent is when you’re in a foreign nation. From what I’ve heard of you blokes you’re trying to shut down your borders, and we’re heading the same direction, aren’t we?” Our little table of tourists fell silent as we pondered a world where everyone spoke, acted, ate, laughed and lived like us. “That’s what happens,” he said, “when you let fear overcome your heart.” A sort of silence fell over our table. We sat there with surnames like an Irish “O’Hare,” an English “Miller,” an Italian “Coniglio,” and a German “Crump,” and wondered if our grandkids would ever hear anything but Midwestern English. You ever ‘round Poosey, stop by. We may not answer the door but you’ll enjoy the trip.
ve the or ove my ocation. fo under o find ence isit ...
CHIL L ICOTHE - 6 6 0 - 7 0 7 - 1 8 2 0 | AdZone@GPCink.com GAL L ATIN - 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 2 1 5 4 | Ads@GPCink.com Gallatin Publish ing Company | w w w .GPCink.com
J uly 1 1 , 2 0 1 7
Gallatin: Lake lot with waterfront home. Great for family fun & entertaining. Sun-filled living room, cute kitchen, 3 bed & 2 bath upstairs. Large family room & 3/4 bath in walkout basement. Deck, patio & storage shed. $355,000 #2054743
Gallatin: A-frame home with 3 bed, 2 bath. Prime waterfront lot on beautiful 600 ac lake. Stunning view & great water for boating & swimming. Plenty of room for the gang with large family room in the walkout basement, huge wrap around deck, fireplace, fun loft for the kids & more! $299,000 #2044910
Gallatin: Charming 4 bed, 1&½ bath 2 story home located on nice, shady corner lot with pretty patio & oversized 2 car detached garage. Large kitchen includes gas range & refrigerator, main level laundry room. Well kept home with updates including vinyl siding, windows, roof & more! $89,900 #2044581
Gallatin: Nice building site! Level lot, great location and nice neighborhood. This 125'x240' lot is on the west side of town, close to the golf course and on a quite, dead end street. $9,000 #2002066
20 20 20
Altamont, MO - - NICE COV E L OT WITH A COV ERED DOCK W/ L IFT. 0 .3 3 Acres. 2 ot ice iet co e lot w ith g ood deep w ater, GREAT FISHING, a cov ered dock w / lift, concrete patio and lots of nice trees. Reduced: $ 8 5 ,0 0 0 . #1 0 2 45 L ake V iking Sales L L C, Gallatin, MO 6 6 0 6 6 3 -2 1 3 4
Daviess County Altamont, MO - - L ocated on th e SW side of th e lake, easy access from th e South and West entrances. It is beh ind th e no- w ake buoy. Great lot to build your new lake h ome w ith a w alk- out basement. $ 6 2 ,5 0 0 . #1 0 3 9 9 L ake V iking Sales L L C, 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 2 1 3 4 Altamont, MO - - Ex tremely w ell price lot w / options! L ot # 7 1 2 is a v ery nice lot w ith a stacked rock sh oreline and h as th e option of purch asing adj oining lot #7 1 1 for a packag e price. 7 1 1 h as dock, sh elter, stacked rock sh oreline, elec. and w ater av ail. L ots h av e been perk tested and surv eyed and ow ner is w illing to sh are info. $ 6 9 ,0 0 0 . #1 0 7 1 2 L ake V iking Sales L L C, 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 2 1 3 4
Altamont, MO - - L ot w ith g reat amenities! 1 .0 0 Acres.3 3 + L ot: Th is pretty treed lot, w ill make a g reat building location comes w ith entertainment bld area, fire it, co ered boat dock w / slide, stacked rock sh oreline, and adj oining lot 7 1 2 can be purch ased at a packag e price. Sellers h av e h ad lot per tested and surv eyed and w ill sh are w ith new ow ners. Reduced: $ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 . #1 0 7 1 1 L ake V iking Sales L L C, 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 2 1 3 4
Altamont, MO - - Aw esome w aterfront lot! Great v iew and nice conv enient location! L arg e lot in th e Yach t Club area, w / 1 3 1 ’ of sh oreline. L ot comes w / nice sing lew ell cov ered dock. Easy access to th e South Altamont entrance to Hw y 6 . $ 6 9 ,9 0 0 . #g pc2 0 47 3 6 7 RE/ MAX Tow n & Country, 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 5 7 5 7
Altamont, MO - - 2 - FAMIL Y OPPERTUNITY FOR L AKE V IKING PROPERTY. 1 .7 5 Acres.3 3 + L ot: Th is is a g reat set- up for tw o families. It h as a nice 3 - bedroom, 2 - bath modular h ome w ith a v ery nice detach ed 2 - car g arag e w ith h eated and cooled sh op area and storag e building w ith concrete oors and dri e wa , second h ome is a 1 2 ’ X 6 5 ’ 3 bed- room, 1 bath mobile h ome w ith a 3 - car g arag e and anoth er 1 - car g arag e, all with concrete oors and dri e w ays. Th is property h as g reat elbow room, beautiful landscaping and trees. $ 1 49 ,9 0 0 . #1 0 MH- 1 5 3 - 1 5 4+ L ake V iking Sales L L C, Gallatin, MO 6 6 e0 e e u 6 6 3 -2 1 3 4 eu
Altamont, MO - - L ov ely, remodeled, 2 story h ome w ith 3 larg e bdrms, beautiful w oodw ork & ov ersiz ed insulated 2 car g arag e w / concrete oors dates incl de new bath room, new h eat and a/ c nit, oorin , aint and more L ocated on a corner lot in iet small town 3, e #g pc2 0 441 1 0 RE/ MAX Tow n g n t s & Country, 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 5 7 5 7
JAN JOHNSON has joined LANDMARK REALTY e “I have joined
Jan Johnson 660-663-9541 (cell) 660-663-3294 (office) jan@landmarkrealtymo.com
because of its great reputation, locally owned, experienced, and the exposure the agency has in Daviess County and e surrounding areas.” g st n
Visit us online to see all our listings:
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Altamont, MO - - Waterfront L ot w ith all of th e ex tras to g o w ith it: V iew , L ocation, Great Sw imming Area, Dock area ready for dock, L ot is ready for Entertaining . It is all th ere! Elec. is in place from lot to th e lake. Elec. outlets all along th e 2 3 9 ’ rocked sh oreline. Beautiful landscaping is place at th is lot.Surv ey done. $ 1 5 9 ,0 0 0 . #1 0 7 2 9 L ake V iking Sales L L C, Gallatin, MO 6 6 0 -6 6 3 -2 1 3 4 Altamont, MO - - Ov er 1 0 0 ft. sh oreline for you to enj oy th e activ ities of th e lake from. L ot h as a g entle slope from street to th e lake, making it v ery easy to access. Entertainment area is already in place, partially enclosed w ith cov ered and open areas, and located by th e lake’ s w ater side. Cov ered sing le w ell boat dock w / lift, sw im deck, j et ski port and a separate sw im dock. All of th is is ready for your lake enj oyment. Elec. & Water already th ere. $ 1 7 4,9 0 0 . #1 0 3 6 0 L ake V iking Sales L L C, 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 2 1 3 4
Coffey, MO - - Welcome h ome! Th is true ranch h ome you do not w ant to miss: 1 ow ner, nestled into th e countryside on 5 3 +/ - w ooded acres, 2 ponds & maj estic v iew s! 4 bdrms & 2 bth s w ith an ex tra room rig h t off th e kitch en th at can be used as a sun room or mudroom. 5 alit b ilt o tb ildin s with new fencing on th e acreag e. ood b rnin fire lace ew aint en oor lan ar e arden and ower beds otters sh ed rig h t out your back door! Cov ered front porch . Peaceful, secluded and serene w ith mature trees and a stocked pond! $ 2 40 ,0 0 0 . #g pc2 0 5 3 6 8 5 Remax - Triple H Real Estate Team, Kansas City, MO
Altamont, MO - - Ex ceptional lakefront h ome, mov e- in ready, many updates and sparkling clean. Q uiet area. Updated septic system! Detach ed g arag e w ith g arag e doors on 2 sides making mov ing your boat easy! L ot 40 2 $e 2 9 9 ,0 0 0 . #1 1 7 5 L andmark Realty, 6 6 0 .6 6 3 .3 2 9 4
Landmark Realty
Tina Esbeck, Broker 2 2 Hwy allatin O Phone: 660-663-3294
t o r we te at www.landmarkrealtymo.com
e st ng
20 ice orthern Misso ri 120 l ac ar with 6 . acres o P thro h 2020 2023, so e terrace an tile ro n , 23 ac o botto tillable ro n an re ainin in ti ber. Pon s, creek, blackto an ra el ronta e with r ral water a ailable. o l ake an E cellent h ntin an recreational tract with inco e. 360,000 11 1
-- 60
e st n g
This 60 acres l is locate st o Hwy blackto E o Gil an ity. est si e backs to a il li e onser ation area. Tillable inco e with 34 acres an the balance o ro erty is ti ber an sho l ro i e e cellent h ntin . There is also a 1. acre stocke on or ishin . This acrea e has a lot to -o er an wo l ake a reat recreational et away. ral ho etown b siness with OT o otential The tarli ht water an electricity are also a ailable. 1 0,000. 11 2 i n e r h a s th e se a ti n ca a ci ty o 4 2 -4 , a n e icient in strially e i e kitchen, o ice s ace, restroo This e elo ent an a le stora e. liances were rchase in ast ro erty has 16 l s acres within the years with a ew e ce tions. The ca e incl es e erythin ity li its o Gallatin which incl es e ce t a ew ersonnel ecor 3 latte lots l s acrea e with ate encin . ater, sewer an ite s. t s a reat s all b siness with ch roo or rowth an is n er ro n electricity or lots. an e cellent o ort nity or reat in est ent o ort nity or start so eone to own an o erate their or a b il er lookin to start own s b i ision. 149,000 3 1 own b siness. 44,900 1104
e u e
e u e
J uly 1 1 , 2 0 1 7
Gallatin Lumber Company 0
660 6
6010 660 6 ales Parts
6 6
6012 Fa
Mon.-Fri. 8am-5pm d in
Daviess County Gallatin, MO - - V ERY NICE WATERFRONT COV E L OT.
Th is is a nice, lev el cov e lot close to th e West entrance, w ith a cov ered dock w / lift, storag e sh ed, CCA deck/ pa-
Co e see s or a yo r ons r on nee s
Phone: 660-663-2522
tio area, Amish built g lider/ sw ing , and w ater & electricity. It also h as a v ery nice Benning ton pontoon boat and tw o
j et- skis treaty. #1 0 5 9 9 L L C, 6 6
Hardy Outdoor
Wood Burning Furnace T e Or
116 South Market, Gallatin, Mo.
av ailable by priv ate Reduced: $ 5 5 ,0 0 0 . L ake V iking Sales 0 -6 6 3 -2 1 3 4
Gallatin, MO - - Multi use 3 2 s ft b ildin wo ld be perfect for your nex t business and h as endless possibilities. Wh eth er it be retail, office, farm s l , or da care. Conv eniently located rig h t off Hig h w ay 1 3 on th e north end of Gallatin. Featuring tw o w alk- in coolers: 7 ’ x 1 6 ’ & 8 ’ x 1 4’ both w ith g lass front doors, counter, sh elv ing , displays and a 6 ’ x 1 3 ’ tank w ith 8 se arate tan s for li e fishin bait ne bathroom, an office storag e space, and attic storag e. $ 5 9 ,5 0 0 . #1 1 42 L andmark Realty, 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 3 2 9 4
na O
rna e
RIDGE HEAT SUPPLY Ca Jason B rns 660-605-2 5
Gallatin, MO - - Nice lev el lot close to th e main entrance! L ot 2 7 h as approx 1 0 8 ’ of sh oreline in a conv enient location. It is w ith in w alking distance to th e clubh ouse, pool, office and beach , #g pc2 0 3 9 42 9 RE/ MAX Tow n & Country, Gallatin, MO 6 6 0 6 6 3 -5 7 5 7 Gallatin, MO - - Well Kept Duplex . 7 0 x 1 3 7 L ot: Th is nice ranch duplex sits on a corner lot in a nice neig h borh ood. Each unit h as 2 bedrooms and 1 bath w ith a 1 car attach ed g arag e. Th e duplex roof w as replaced in 2 0 1 0 and h as updated w iring . Property also includes an 8 x 1 0 sh ed. Call for more details. Reduced: $ 6 6 ,9 0 0 . #1 0 8 8 L andmark Realty, Gallatin, MO 6 6 0 -6 6 3 -3 2 9 4 Gallatin, MO - - 2 0 acres w / 2 ponds- - perfect for build and/ or liv estock. 2 0 .0 0 Acres: Close to Gallatin and in Gallatin sch ool district. L ow ta es and ic access to Hw y 6 v ia 2 1 0 th Street. Small acreag es like th is one don’ t come along v ery often- - don’ t miss your ch ance! $ 6 8 ,0 0 0 . #g pc2 0 3 0 0 2 2 RE/ MAX Tow n & Country, Gallatin, MO 6 6 0 6 6 3 -5 7 5 7 Gallatin, MO - - Split lev el h ome ready to mov e rig h t in! 1 1 0 x 7 8 L ot: 2 Bedroom, 1 bath h ome w ith new er sidin , windows, car et, ooring , dish w ash er and more! Bedrooms are nice and larg e, w ith additional space in th e finished basement n o the summer on th e larg e deck. Nice lev el lot close to th e sch ool, come see th is g reat h ome and neig h borh ood! $ 7 9 ,0 0 0 . #g pc2 0 5 0 0 0 5 RE/ MAX Tow n & Country, Gallatin, MO 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 5 7 5 7 Gallatin, MO - - V ery nice 4 plex . All units are one lev el: Th e front 2 units include 2 bedrooms, 1 bath , eat in kitch en & liv ing room, refrig erator, stov e & blinds. Th e 2 units dow nstairs ( driv e around back, low er lev el no steps) include 1 bedroom, 1 bath , eat in kitch en w ith pantry, liv ing room, blinds, refrig erator, stov e. Each unit h as off road parking . Tenants are responsible for all utilities. Building h as new er siding . $ 7 9 ,9 0 0 . #g pc1 8 9 3 47 2 Berksh ire Hath aw ay HomeServ ices Hah n REAL TORS®, Cameron, MO 8 1 6 .6 3 2 .2 45 9
Gallatin, MO - - Ch arming 4 bdrm, 1 and 1 / 2 bath room 2 story h ome is located on a nice, sh ady corner lot w ith a pretty patio area and an ov ersiz ed 2 car detach ed g arag e: Ch arming 4 bedroom, 1 and 1 / 2 bath room 2 story h ome is located on a nice, sh ady corner lot w ith a pretty patio area and an ov ersiz ed 2 car detach ed g arag e. L arg e kitch en includes g as rang e and refrig erator, main lev el laundry room. Th is w ell kept h ome h as updates including v inyl siding , w indow s, roof and more! $ 8 9 ,9 0 0 . #g pc2 0 445 8 1 RE/ MAX Tow n & Country, Gallatin, MO 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 5 7 5 7 Gallatin, MO - - Beautiful h ome with terrific location; wal in distance to sch ool! Finish ed w alkout basement. V ery nice yard w ith deck. Solid surface Corian countertops. Brick fire lace at ral as f rnace & also radiant h eat! Central v ac, double ov en! $ 1 1 5 ,0 0 0 . #g pc1 9 5 9 45 6 Berksh ire Hath aw ay HomeServ ices Hah n REAL TORS®, 8 1 6 .6 3 2 .2 45 9 Gallatin, MO - - L ev el, 1 / 3 acre lot ov erlooking beautiful L ake V iking . Ready to build on, ex cellent v iew and w ater, located on a v ery desired area of th e lake. Fantastic price. $ 1 2 9 ,9 0 0 . #1 0 1 3 4 L ake V iking Sales L L C, 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 2 1 3 4 Gallatin, MO - - L ooking for a nice w aterfront lot on L ake V iking , ch eck th is one out, it h as an impressiv e rock w all, is conv eniently located nex t to th e association amenities, located j ust off one of most popular cov es on th e w ater! $ 1 3 0 ,0 0 0 . #g pc2 0 46 0 1 7 Century 2 1 Crossroads, 8 1 6 .6 3 2 .48 8 4 Gallatin, MO - - 2 g reat lots tog eth er on cov e location w / concrete boat dock. Th ese tw o lots on a g ood ski cov e, prov ide th e perfect location for fun at th e lake. Ow ners h av e already put into place, an enclosed 8 x 1 0 bldg . w / elec. for refrig erator, supplies, etc. and a larg e deck ov erlooking th e cov e. Nice trees, terraced landscaping and w ater, easy access from main entrance. Th is property w ill include a sing le w ell cov ered concrete boat dock, instead of th e one pictured. aprox . 2 5 3 ft. sh oreline $ 1 3 4,5 0 0 . #L ot # 5 2 & 5 3 L ake V iking Sales, Gallatin, MO 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 2 1 3 4
CHIL L ICOTHE - 6 6 0 - 7 0 7 - 1 8 2 0 | AdZone@GPCink.com GAL L ATIN - 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 2 1 5 4 | Ads@GPCink.com Gallatin Publish ing Company | w w w .GPCink.com
J uly 1 1 , 2 0 1 7
J.D. Dorton & Son Tree Service
Carrie Brooks LSA
Life • Home • Farm • Auto • Health • Commercial • Annuities
103 Washington, Chillicothe, MO 64601 BUS 660.646.6644 FAX 573.893.1767 carrie.brooks@mofb.com www.mofbinsurance.com
CHILLICOTHE, MISSOURI Spray Foam, Cellulose and Fiberglass
Scott Boley
Rick Boley
660-973-3567 660-247-2969 Stabilized Cellulose • Insulation New Home Construction • Remodels • Commerical
Livingston County Ch illicoth e, MO - - L ots of Ch aracter! 46 x 1 3 0 L ot: Older 4 bedroom, 2 - Story h ome w ith some hardwood oors, bea tiful w oodw ork, new er roof, furnace and air. New er carpet and updated bath s. $ 5 9 ,5 0 0 . #45 46 / 2 2 47 4 Gaslig h t Real Estate, Ch illicoth e, MO 6 6 0 6 46 - 1 41 7 Ch illicoth e, MO - - Rental Income Property. 5 5 x 1 1 2 L ot: Rental Income Property. 2 Bedroom, 1 Bath . Rents month to month for $ 5 0 0 w ith $ 5 0 0 deposit. $ 6 0 ,0 0 0 . #2 7 8 4/ 2 1 6 7 0 Gaslig h t Real Estate, Ch illicoth e, MO 6 6 0 - 6 46 - 1 41 7 Ch illicoth e, MO - - Bank Ow ned - Financing Av ailable! 1 0 1 x 1 3 0 + 1 0 0 x 1 3 0 L ot: Home s Bank Ow ned and th ey w ill consider financin ith a little lo e this wo ld be a reat first time home or retirement ll nfinished basement w ith some framing . larg e lot w ith sed. Home w ill be sold as- is. $ 6 2 ,5 0 0 . #7 0 1 3 / 2 2 6 5 1 Gaslig h t Real Estate, Ch illicoth e, MO 6 6 0 6 46 - 1 41 7
Ch illicoth e, MO - - Inv estment Property. 7 0 x 1 1 2 L ot: 3 Bedroom, 1 Bath Rental Income Property. Month ly Income $ 5 0 0 . Rents Month to Month $ 6 4,0 0 0 . #2 7 8 3 / 2 1 6 6 8 Gaslig h t Real Estate, Ch illicoth e, MO 6 6 0 - 6 46 1 41 7 Ch illicoth e, MO - - STRIKING REMODEL ! 7 2 x 1 3 0 L ot: Th is cute recently remodeled h ome is mov e- in ready! Th e liv ing room, dining room and kitch en are all open w ith a breakfast bar. Custom built cabinets, crow n molding , built- in bedroom closets, and solid doors are a w elcoming surprise! Th e g as burning stov e top, ov en, microw av e and dish w ash er are all built- in. Th e refrig erator, w ash er and dryer also stay. It h as an ov ersiz ed one car g arag e w ith opener and sh op. It h as a larg e yard w ith a Perg ola. Th is is truly a must see! Call Tammy Dye at 6 6 0 - 7 0 7 - 3 1 0 5 for your priv ate sh ow ing ! $ 6 5 ,0 0 0 . #41 9 2 E CENTURY 2 1 Smith & 39 Associates, Ch illicoth e, MO 900 ecuti e 6 6 0 .6dollhouse 46 .2 1 41
Ch illicoth e, MO - - Great build Ch illicoth e, MO - - Close to spot, 2 1 beautiful acres only Tow n! 0 .3 0 Acres: Sits j ust out7 miles out 1 9 0 . 2 1 .0 0 Acres: side of tow n w ith 3 bedrooms Mostly w ooded, One v ery nice and 1 .5 bath s. 3 - seasons room nice ond 3, 2 M it Heartlan in back. $ 7 5 ,0 0 0 . #3 0 9 7 / 2 2 43 2 Missouri Realty - L and & Home, Gaslig h t Real Estate, Ch illiE O Broker Ch illicoth e, MO coth e, MOMo 6 6 0 - 6 46 - 1 41 7 621 oc st, hillicothe,
660 24 1 00 ew a ents: ack Blank, hite, o anne ickey
Ch illicoth e, MO - - Ch arming Older 2 Story With L ots Of Updates! 6 2 x 1 1 2 L ot: Th is h ome offers new paint inside and out, 3 bedrooms, 1 full bath , toilet room, liv ing room, dining room, and kitch en w ith g as stov e and dish w ash er. New er carpet, w indow s and laundry all on main oor, l s m ch more ar e deck w ith an area for h ot tub. Nice yard. Partial basement. ocated on a iet street ontact Glenda J oh nson at 6 6 0 2 47 - 2 0 3 4 for a sh ow ing today. $ 7 8 ,5 0 0 . #7 2 47 E CENTURY 2 1 Smith & Associates, Ch illicoth e, MO 6 6 0 .6 46 .2 1 41
LAND & HOME & AUCTION Heartland MLS 621 Locust, Chillicothe
$ 5 ne of hillicothe s largest downtown commercial uildings on the s uare $ 99 ecuti e dollhouse 6 h Dr $ 5 amesport $ 5 idder 6 includes orchard ine ard out- uildings $ acres onl 7 miles out w 90 $5 5 harming 3 garages 09 illiams $ 9 9 large home nice cherr wood itchen stainless appliances $ 5 est-side 3 r ac son
121 as in ton Street illicot e, MO 64601
521 Walnut Hale Older 2 story farmhouse on 3.7 acres m/l at the edge of town. Newer family room addition, original woodwork, enclosed front porch, built-ins, large bedrooms. #9128/22653 •$59,900 Call Lyn Hague 660-247-3218
New Build
MAGEE SURVEYING, LLC Professional Land Surveyor
Call us for all your surveying needs!
Office: (660) 542-3310 Cell: (660) 542-6227
33 One o hillicothe s Email: msurveyllc@sbcglobal.net lar est owntown co ercial Bo 2 - Carro on, MO 646 b il in s on the s are 239,900 E ec ti e ollho se, Office: 16-632-245 61 hy r 1 a es ort B B 11 Sout alnut Cameron O 6442 G 1 i er 6Br, incl es “A Leader in Northwest Missouri Since 1959” orchar ineyar o t-b il in s arr llen, REALTOR 63 21 acres only iles ©2017 BHH Affiliates, LLC. An independently owned and operated franchisee of BHH Affiliates, LLC. Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices and the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices symbol are registered service marks of HomeServices of America, Inc.® Equal Housing Opportunity. o tH 190 2, 00 har in 3B , 2 ara es, 409 illia s 29,900 ar e 4B ho e, nice cherrywoo kitchen, stainless a liances 2 , 00 est-si e 3B , 112 ackson M
July 15, 2017 11-2pm
8246 V Highway, Chillicothe
ent to own listings
owner ro er
Gorgeous Country Home on 4.7 Acres
wner ro er
9128/22653 7011/22654 7010/22656 7010 & 7010 Contact Agent Amy Sisson 660-525 9133
Corner Lot
2111 Lakeview Drive 1530 Hickory Drive Chillicothe Chillicothe New 3 bed, 2.5 bath home. Updated 3 bed, 1.5 bath Open floor plan, wood floors, home on large corner lot! New large walk-in pantry, stone carpet, new kitchen cabinets fireplace w/gas insert, large w/appliances, new counter master w/walk-in closet, & tops, new fixtures, new double covered deck. vanity, new tile & fresh paint. #7011/22654 • $259,000 #7010/22656 • $140,000
Call Joyce Eddy 660-247-0750 Call Amy Sisson
et, and hardwood oors ll basement + 1 / 2 bath . Natural g as h eat and central air. 2 4x 3 0 sho has concrete oor, heat, air, w ater, and larg e ov erh ead g arag e + stool area. L arg e lot w ith detach ed g arag e. Also included is an older h ome th at could be torn dow n to increase th e yard space! Ow ners say sell! Contact Glenda J oh nson at 6 6 0 - 2 47 - 2 0 3 4 today! $ 9 1 ,5 0 0 . #7 2 45 E CENTURY 2 1 Smith & Associates, 6 6 0 .6 46 .2 1 41
ew agents: ac lan Don hite o anne ic e
4 4
Ch illicoth e, MO - - Country L ike Setting . 0 .8 0 Acres. 1 3 9 x 2 5 0 L ot: 2 Bedroom, 1 Bath h ome located j ust north of tow n w ith in city limits. Walkout basement. Country Setting . $ 8 3 ,0 0 0 . #5 1 7 4/ 2 2 3 9 6 Gaslig h t Real Estate, Ch illicoth e, MO 6 6 0 6 46 - 1 41 7
Ch illicoth e, MO - - It’ s So Good o e ome estled on a iet street w ith 2 lots and 2 4x 3 0 sho o will find this aint 4 bedroom h ome w ith lots of ch aracter. Stucco siding and new er roof - th is h ome is g reat for family liv ing . Kitch en w ith appliances, dining room, larg e liv ing room, enclosed porch , 1 bedroom + full bath , and laundry h ook- ups all located on th e main oor stairs has 3 bedrooms + full bath , new er car-
2 ackson Chillicothe o Listing
Ch illicoth e, MO - - Corner L ot! ! 8 0 / 1 2 0 L ot: Th is h ome sits in a family friendly neig h borh ood, close th e dog park and Clay street park. Th e h ome h as been updated w ith v inyl siding , w indow s, metal roof, g utters, furnace, w ater h eater, sprinkler system in th e basement, ceramic tile in th e kitch en and tiled sh ow er. Fenced in back yard and an additional driv ew ay. $ 8 2 ,5 0 0 . #3 0 9 6 / 2 2 3 9 8 Gaslig h t Real Estate, Ch illicoth e, MO 6 6 0 - 6 46 - 1 41 7
Call Amy Sisson 660-525-9133
This 4 bedroom 3.5 bath home has lots of space to move about. Large kitchen with abundance of cabinets, panty & counter space! 2 car-attached garage and a 38x48 Morton garage/shop with 3 stalls, concrete flooring, 220V wiring & a half bath. Home is just off of blacktop with breathtaking views! $325,000
J uly 1 1 , 2 0 1 7 Custom Designed & Built to Last! •
Lifetime Film Integrity Steel Warranty • Featuring Doors
Yetter Pest Control P o 369 ameron 6 9 raig riffin wner ert ommercial pplicator
• Strongest Column in the Industry • Debt Free Since 1985
5 -59
• Builders Risk & Full Insurance
Building pictured is not priced in ad. Crew travel required over 50 miles. Local building code modifications extra. Price subject to change without notice.
cement block foundation. Th e h ome h as 3 bedrooms, 2 bath , eat- in kitch en, liv ing room and and a 1 4 X 2 0 family room addition. One car g arag e plus car port. Property is all fenced w ith nice siz e barn, ch icken h ouse and brooder h ouse w ith electricity. Open front big metal sh ed and a law n mow er sh ed. Th ere is a cellar too. Well kept place. Don’ t miss out on th is one. $ 1 1 0 ,0 0 0 . #1 2 6 0 Connie E. Prindle Real Estate, Braymer, MO 6 6 0 - 6 45 - 2 1 2 3
tured doublew ide on larg e lot. You w ill lov e all th e room th is h ome offers. Eat in kitch en h as lots of cabinets & a center island. Home h as a liv ing room & a family room. Master BR suite includes a priv ate bath room. Maintenance free siding plus a larg e g rilling deck. A lot of h ome for th e $ $ . ML S#2 0 5 5 5 6 4 Call Cindy Spicer 8 1 6 - 6 6 5 - 6 7 44 $ 8 0 ,0 0 0 . #g pc2 0 5 5 5 6 4 Reece & Nich ols North Star, L aw son, MO 8 1 6 .5 8 0 .7 0 7 0
Caldwell County Braymer, MO - - Ranch Home on L arg e L ot. 8 5 X 3 2 5 L ot: Th e h ome h as 3 bedrooms, 1 bath , eat- in kitch en, nice siz e liv ing room and utility room. Full nfinished basement ec off of Kitch en w ith a place for a pool. New metal roof. Ow ner g oing to paint outside. Garden spot. Nice larg e sh aded yard. $ 5 7 ,9 0 0 . #1 2 5 0 Connie E. Prindle Real Estate, 6 6 0 - 6 45 - 2 1 2 3 Braymer, MO - - Come see th is spacious 4 BR 2 bath manufactured doublew ide on larg e lot. 1 9 0 x 1 0 0 L ot: Come see th is spacious 4 BR 2 bath manufac-
Braymer, MO - - Close to Tow n. 6 .0 0 Acres: Th is property is located j ust outside th e city limits. It h as 6 acres m/ l. Th is h ome is a 1 9 9 4 sing le trailer th at h as a
Landmark Realty
21020 Hwy. 6; Gallatin, MO Phone: 660-663-3294
www.landmarkrealtymo.com Come see us for all your construction needs
6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. LY S
28501 US Hwy. 69 • Winston, Mo. 64689
Pit Stop
7:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m.
See us for all your parts needs!
South Side allatin S uare Ph 660-66 -2 52 Johnnie & Sally Black, owners
10:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m.
506 1st Street Altamont
Bethany • Gallatin • Albany • Pattonsburg Chillicothe • Lamoni • Carrollton Boonville • Beaman
www.btcbank.com — 660-663-2141 Member FDIC • Equal Housing Lender
Food Shack, Ice Cream Sundae Bar Music by Servants of the Most High Bag Toss Tournament (registration & practice 6-6:50 p.m.)
Biscuit & Gravy Breakfast Horseshoe Pitching Tournament (registration at 8:30 a.m.) Raising of the American Flag Baby Show (please register by 9:00 a.m.)
VENDOR FAIR 10am Saturday
Arts & Crafts Booths elcome No reserved spaces First Come First Served
Cakes Brownies Pie
Gallatin 660-663-2161
www onlinefarmers ank com
Jesse James Days Vendor Fair Winston FFA Chapter Pie Baking Contest Parade (late entries register at 12) Mic-O-Say Dancers Midwest Dance Synergy Performance Washer Tournament (registration & practice 3-4) Kountry Gone Krazy Music Show
or n or a on on a
ary Ca
e 8 6-785-25 6 or A
n Ca
Skid steer Mini Excavator work now available
Authentic Mexican Food & Real Margaritas!
Poland-Thompson Funeral Home 222 W. Third Cameron, MO 64429 816-632-2158 www.polandthompson.com
LANDMARK Manufacturing 2
uick Ave Ph -
allatin -2
O 4 4
Right by Mini Barns
Depot Museum Open
24000 St. Hwy. 6, P.O. Box 232 Gallatin, MO 64640 660-663-2103 Fax 660-663-3699
Michael Auto Works, LLC e 8 6-284- 080
MFA Agri-Services co Mexican Restaurant 00
Exit 61 off I-35 – Winston, MO (Shop) 660-749-5310 (Home) 660-449-2920
Junction 35 and 69 Winston, Missouri
When you need your
Space, we have room for you!
Byler Steel
Baby show age groups (0-5 months, 6-11 months, 1 year olds, 2 year olds, 3 year olds & Little Miss and Little Mister Winston 4-5 years
Highway 69, Winston Ph. 660-749-5216
Homemade Desserts!
Saturday, July 15
9:30 a.m.
30th Annual
Friday, July 14
Farmers Bank
inston Historical Society Presents
Winston, Missouri
Hamilton, MO - - Business Opportunity in Hamilton. 1 3 3 .5 x 1 2 0 L ot: Th is commercial building is a must see to appreciate! Th e building h as been completely remodeled w ith updated electric, plumbing , w indow s, sheet roc , oorin , and train furnace. Th ere is a bath room w ith w ash er/ dryer h ookup and could easily install a sh ow er. Th is price includes th e lot th e building sits on and a v acant lot to th e east. Be part of a th riv ing business district in Hamilton! Call for a sh ow ing . $ 5 5 ,0 0 0 . #1 1 6 2 L andmark Realty, Gallatin, MO
Friday-Saturday, July 14-15, 2017
Phone: 660-663-2522
Cameron, MO - - Attn Builders: bdi ision, owner financeable: Common/ pond area. Near Cameron, MO. Utilities on site. , 2 it issouri Realty - L and & Home, Ch illicoth e, MO
Cameron, MO - - Beautiful updated ranch h ome on 5 +/ _ peaceful acres: Beautiful kitch en w ith stainless steel appliances, kitch en island, tile oorin and ranite co ntertops. Peaceful sitting room off kitch en w ould be perfect for reading , painting or any h obby. Basement is full and clean, tons of storag e. Beautiful w ood bar area built into one of th e rooms. 2 larg e outbuilding s on property ( 3 0 x 40 and 3 0 x 6 0 ) both with concrete oorin and 2 AMP serv ice. Th e larg e one h as 3 1 0 ft doors. $ 2 6 9 ,0 0 0 . #g pc2 0 4445 1 RE/ MAX Partners, Cameron, MO
Bring Your Lawn Chairs - Fun & Games For All Ages
116 South Market, Gallatin, Mo.
ing s, a g reat deck, cov ered patio, metal roof and pellet stov e in th e coz y family room. Th ree bedrooms/ 2 bath s and is, basically, maintenance free, plus th e appliances are included! ! ! It h as a beautifully manicured law n and aw esome outbuilding / 3 car detach ed g arag e! $ 8 9 ,9 0 0 . #g pc2 0 5 5 5 1 9 RE/ MAX Tow n & Country, Gallatin, MO 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 5 7 5 7
Yetter Is Better!
erving o r rea ince
Jesse James Days
Tina Esbeck, Broker
Gallatin Lumber Company
Breckenridg e, MO - - Wh at’ s not to lov e about th is spotless property: ? ? Th e h ouse h as an o en oor lan with a lted ceil-
omplete er ice ompan for our esidential and ommercial Pest ontrol eeds Specializing in Termite Control
BUILDING SPECIALS! 30’x54’x15’ • $16,378 42’x72’x16’ • $24,943 60’x108’x17’ • $49,573
2 4 First St Pattons urg O -4
JOE MICHAEL rant inston Cell -
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Du M 4
N Ph
CHIL L ICOTHE - 6 6 0 - 7 0 7 - 1 8 2 0 | AdZone@GPCink.com GAL L ATIN - 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 2 1 5 4 | Ads@GPCink.com Gallatin Publish ing Company | w w w .GPCink.com
J uly 1 1 , 2 0 1 7
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35 S. Washington, Chillicothe 660-646-7722 NEW WEBSITE!
KAWASAKI CARES: Always wear protective gear appropriate for the use of this vehicle. Never operate under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Protect the environment. The Kawasaki MULE™ side x side is an off-highway vehicle only, and is not designed, equipped, or manufactured for use on public streets; roads or highways. Obey the laws and regulations that control the use of your vehicle. Read Owner’s Manual and all on product warnings. ©2017 Kawasaki Motors Corp., U.S.A. Printed in U.S.A. Accessorized units shown
Member FDIC
J uly 1 1 , 2 0 1 7
Harvest, Tractors, Trailers, Hay Equipment, Tillage, Planting, Antique, Horse Drawn and MORE!
SHAY 660.605.0839 | BARNEY 660.605.0841 | JUSTIN 660.605.2346
Ch illicoth e, MO, on J uly 1 3 : REAL ESTATE, 2 6 ACRE FARM & HOME,
Liberate your Weekend!
CHAD 660.646.7931
LARRY 660.752.3228
NICE SHOP EQ UIPMENT & TOOL S, NICE APPL IANCES, FURNITURE & HOUSEHOL D ITEMS, OL D J EWEL RY, ANTIQ UES, COL L ECTIBL ES, FOOD STORAGE. See Mr. Kenneth Perkes on GPCink.com by Mike Miller Auction, 6 6 0 - 6 46 - 1 1 7 9 . King ston, MO, on J uly 1 4: TOOL S - EQ UIPMENT - ANTIQ UES - COL L ECTIBL ES - HOUSEHOL D. See Colaw Farm & Househ old on GPCink.com presented by Pickett Auction Serv ice, Ph : 8 1 6 6 6 9 - 3 43 3 .
Actual product may differ fffer from that in photo.
models for as low as
payments as low as or
ew e i ment onl ailable to alified b ers with rates de endent on credit records ot all c stomers will alif for the abo e listed ro rams i her rates ma a l for b ers with mar inal credit o down a ment offers do not a l to b ers with mar inal credit stomer doc mentation fee ma a l on an of the abo e financin ro rams ll loans s b ect to credit a ro al s o r local dealer for com lete details
MOVING AUCTION 3024 SE Gridley Rd. Cameron, MO
Saturday, July 15th at 11am
icture frames Cast iron skillets (5) 23 carat gold 6-piece set w pitcher rought iron music chair Buck rake tines (12) a y Boy - arm & anch Inc. Chicken coops (wood) chicken crate Small welder ractor seat 2 school desks wonder horses ove seats (2) ash tub & stand as grill ld china closet agon wheels Coal bucket Claw foot bub ld buffet Story Clark organ dison record player Ironing board sled ld metal golf cart Stool for organ or piano Cream cans Box of keys Bistro table & chairs Mandalay dishes - 2 bowls salt & pepper gravy boat platter one large bowl #23 carat gold Metal dollhouse w Ideal dolls ardrobe closet 2002 odge Caravan 1 white odge Caravan 20 concrete yard ornaments awnmowers Craftsman weed eater & iller 12-piece stainless steel silverware
ieces of old silverware Silver & sterling silver pieces of trays Iron wheels Bakers ack lider ood barrel planter Aluminum tall yard street light Shed & contents Cement mixer electric ohn eere ld electric cream separator ld wooden child swing 2 wooden parlor heaters ld apartment wringer washer ld metal ice box ld piano lion stool 25-gallon whiskey barrel brass balance scale 20-gallon ed ing crock 5-gallon S &S company crock chips 1 peck old tall apple orchard basket Normal housewares ancy dishes 2 old wooden potty chairs 1 large old lamp w brown velvet shade w large prisms 1 metal indsor stove itchen cabinet needs repair ire ing green 1 cup 3 saucers 1 plate 2 small vases ne brown elephant w 3 small ashtrays marked ccupied apan Set of hen carnival glass Hen head amber (no bottom) Shot glass 2 very old custard cups ( yrex) Crock nesting bowls Snowman collection
James A. & Donna Orr
Auctioneer's Note: Lots of items, 2 buildings not sorted at time of auction. All statements made day of auction take precedence over written statements. Auctioneers: Virgil Carroll 816-288-0677 or Larry King 816-617-2304
Virgil Carroll 816-228-0677
Ch illicoth e, MO, on J uly 2 7 : REAL ESTATE, 3 BEDROOM , ; 2 0 0 8 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX GX P, ANTIQ UES & COL L ECTIBL ES, APPL IANCES, FURNITURE, STAMP COL L ECTION, BOOKS, HOUSEHOL D REL ATED ITEMS. See Noland “ Bud” & M. Peg g y Ch apman Trust on GPCink. com presented by Mike Miller Auction, 6 6 0 - 6 46 - 1 1 7 9 . Ch illicoth e, MO, on Aug ust 4: TAX IDERMY, OUTDOOR SUPPL IES, FIREARMS, NEW TOOL S, AMMO, HUNTING CL OTHES, L AWN CARE ITEMS, WIL DL IFE PRINTS, ORTHOPEDIC & OTHER ITEMS. See Dr. Cal Greenlaw Estate on GPCink.com presented by Mike Miller Auction Serv ice, Ph : 6 6 0 - 6 46 - 1 1 7 9 .
35 S. Washington, Chillicothe 660-646-7722 NEW WEBSITE!
ADVANCE REAL ESTATE AUCTION Bruce & Greg Clevenger Braymer, MO 816-718-9549 or 816-718-5023
ADVANCE REAL ESTATE AUCTION Bruce & Greg Clevenger Braymer, MO 816-718-9549 or 816-718-5023
Saturday, July 8, 10 a.m. 3 Bedroom home in City of Braymer, 303 Murray Ave. 22due • 10 TermsSATURDAY, 10% Down - JULY Balance in AM 30 days. BRAYMER, MO Check web site for more information. 40 acres m/ l w ith 4 bedroom h ome. Th e property offers 40 acres m/ l, some scattered www.clevengerre-auc.com timber, 3 ponds, property is fenced. It also h as cross fencing utiliz ing electric fencing . Steve McBee-660-274-3467 Jeremy Clevenger-660-973-9830 Th e property is currently Saturday, used as cattle•July farm and h as different 8, 10 a.m. paddocks for rotational Clevenger-816-718-5023 • Sami Watson-660-707-2572 g razGreg ing . Th e h ome offers ov er 2 ,0 0 0 sq ft of liv ing space; larg Murray e family room; 3 Bedroom home in City of Braymer, 303 Ave.dining room; office; master bedroom with master bath, 3 additional bedrooms and 2 additionTerms 10% Down Balance Rural due w inater, 30septic, days.outside w ood al bath rooms and liv ing room. L ots of-possibilities. Check weband site forair. more information. furnace and propane furnace central L ocated approx . 1 / 2 mile from blacktop. www.clevengerre-auc.com Steve McBee-660-274-3467 • Jeremy Clevenger-660-973-9830 Greg Clevenger-816-718-5023 • Sami Watson-660-707-2572
9:30 a.m.
lewis Family Estate
Large Mort Estate
308 S. Broadway, Jamesport, MO
Saturday, July 1 , 2017
ince the passing of our parents, we will sell the following at public auction uction will be held he pillman vent Center inside of climate controlled building with air conditioning. enneth a & ileen ort were ver well known in allatin amesport and surround areas. e s e - a s a es s l sa l e s e ess e S ll a e e e s 30 a a S a es ss ilver Coins
ilver Certi i ates tamp Colle tion
ot 1 10, 1 4 hal ollars 4 ran lin ir hal es 1, 1 1 ir pea e ollar e ir ollars , 1 00s large 1 ent ir ot 0 ran lin hal es ir to P ot 1 tan ing ibert uarters ir 4 u alo ni els ir arber ni els ir ot 4 0 ashington uarters prior 1 ir ot 0 ashington uarters prior 1 ir ot 0 oose elt i es 1 ot 0, 1 4 steel ents ir ot , , 10, 11 1 ea h lot 0 bu alo ni els ir ot 1 14 0 il er ar ni els ir ea h lot ot 1 , 1 , 1 1 1 0 er i es ir ea h lot ot 1 11 al ing hal ollars ir ashington uarters 1 ot 0 1, 1 1, 1 un o hal ollars 1 Paper pass to e position 4 0 1, 1 a esport an 0th anni ersar 0 1 a iess Count sil er oin in original bo 4 1, 1 1 proo e ollar sil er la 1 eri an series 1 4 1, 1 0 hal ollar 1 1 uarter 1 1 i e 1 1 bu alo ni el 1 4 n ian hea penn in hol er 1 bust o be in oln a e ro ,000 a erate urren 1 ull roll i e heat pennies aut 4 rolls i e steel 1 4 pennies ir ull rolls 1 i es un , 1 4 e orial hal ollar, sa e as lot 1
ot 101 atheist ollar sil er erti i ate risp on ition ot 10 ,1 ollar sil er erti i ate risp on ition ot 10 104 ea h lot 4, 1 ollar sil er erti i ate risp on ition ot 10 4, 1 ollar sil er erti i ate ir ot 10 4, 1 ollar sil er erti i ate risp ot 10 10 4, 1 ollar sil er erti i ate ir ot 10 4, 1 ollar erti i ate sil er ir ot 110 ,1 ollar erti i ate sil er ir ot 111 1 ollar erti i ate ir ot 11 1 ollar erti i ate risp ot 11 4, bills ea h 1 ea h 1 onse uti e serials nu ber risp ot 114 1, 1 1 bill an o Cana a ine on ition ot 11 , 1 4 1 bill an o Cana a ine on ition ot 11 ,1 s a aii ir ollar ot 11 Con e erate bill ate 4 1 ot 11 Con e erate bill ate 1 1 i h on ot 11 Con e erate bill ate 1 eorgia ot 1 0 Con e erate bill 4 1 4 tate o eorgia ot 1 1 Con e erate 10 bill ate 1 1 i h on ot 1 Con e erate bill ate 11 eorgia Con e erate 1 bill ate 1 1 i h on Con e erate 0 bill ate 1 1 4 i h on ou ill li e this olle tion o rare oins an urren lbert allatin sta p olle tion en elopes, irst a issue in e ellent on ition a iess Count plat boo 1 a iess Count 1 entennial boo a iess Count atlas an plat boo , 1 1 unison s Peerless tlas o the orl , 1 04 eograph eri an oo Co , 1 1 eograph in epen ent ourse 1 eograph harpers intro u tor 1 Montgo er ar atalog 1 4 4
Maple hut h aple phone stan s er ni e 1 en pure other in rare heaters Maple hubb hole es a o re liners Maple resser lass top hut h ueen si e be all irror Christ as or, large lot rop lea it henette table ushion loral pattern ou h arge lot o uar ian are it hen are e stan le tri an table la p os illating ans bo ans e ele tri roaster 4 ra er hest o ra ers ueen si e be ra er resser irror ears en ore se ing a hine in ase aier ehu i i ier rigi aire ele tri range oast aster i ro a e sets o uilting ra es oo ol ing hairs estinghouse ele tri roaster arge suppl o it hen are, too nu erous to ention a n gar en tools o e han tools Maple ro ing hair range o asional hair oot stool pi ni tables Por h gli er lu inu la er lu inu step la er a er, ne in bo etal t in be s ar a hine ri ing o er
tlas o the orl 1 4 Coin olle tor har ba boo s C tar lippings in 0s era uns Bullet olds antle all
Clo s uger re label 1 ga o er un er se eral ho s in int on ition reall ni e in o el se i auto al near pristine on ition te ens o el ra shot al in e ellent on ition te ens al se i auto in goo on ition ol 1 ga single shot shotguns 1 egulator all lo antle lo s essions anni ersar lo rass horse boo en s nti ue Colle ti le lass rimitives un en oll ho arni al glass ele tri table la p, blues green er rare an beauti ul l oo en his e ispla ol Prentise 1 ontent inger se ing a hine in abinet ar stool rontiers an u alo resin p s Cost o etal hair l oa hall tree irror Ma tag ringer ashing a hine in pin , etal la n ro ing hairs 4 star eri an lag, appro l etal trash an e eral ol ris ol s illets ris ol orn sti ast iron pans l oa o etail bo tra ippo lighter in ase M oba o barn painte pi ture Celluloi resser set ational ash register l hi or ni e set reen etal oot stool rare pie e sil er plate pit her ups reen erosene la p others lue opal essen e glass uster a e glass un lo er arni al glass uilt ra ber ele tri table la p Cranberr o erla glass er an hina ishes 1 pla e setting og oo hina set il er plate tra islei hina ishes arge lot ol sil er are es top in ell station ouse old Furnis in s is a n arden oun inette table hairs Maple o ee table aple en tables , oa ane botto straight ba hairs sol as set
u tions ote ll ite s are er ell ept an real ni e an lean sale he Mort a il too pri e in hat the o ne his ill be a large au tion an hat is liste is onl hat oul see at ti e o listing Man ore bo es still ha e to be gone through Co e out an spen the a ith us insi e air on itione roo n an all announ e ents a e sale a ta es pre e en e o all printe aterial Cash or goo he a epte o re it ar s here are no bu er s ees at our au tions ot responsible or the t or a i ents
Mort Estate Representative: Kenny H. Mort 660.663.5038; John F. Mort 660.605.2244
See our website for more pictures at RoppAuctions.com Lunch catered by Shooters Missouri Professional Auctioneers Association
conducted by
Ropp Auctions
$$$ We bring high sellers. r u o o t s r e d id b
Auctioneers: Norman Ropp 660-247-1914 • Ely Hostetler
Restrooms Available
SEPT : eatloaf
Sale Barn CafĂŠ OPEN Every Tuesday 7am TUE ULY th: paghetti TUE ULY 5th: eatloaf Popcoronokin'
Fried Chicken Specials Always Available eck s
t on ace ook
aviess o nt ivestock arket
W Grand Gallatin MO
J uly 1 1 , 2 0 1 7 TUE UNE th: aco alad TUE UNE th: eatloaf TUE UNE th: lu andwich TUE UNE th: am alls hees Potatoes
PopcoCronokin' a
Livestock Auction Inc.
LAMONI, IOWA Regular Auction Every Thursday Special Sales as Advertised OFFICE (641)784-3323 Randy Gibson Jason Gibson 641-442-5501 641-782-0790
uly th-meatloaf uly th- spaghetti uly 5th- meatloaf
Closed for fourth Happy Fourth of uly on ad please
Auction arns 60 ear ollection Anti ue
308 S. Broadway, Jamesport, MO S
a es l a es
e s
a e
a s alle la e e ll sell e ll s ll e el a e S ll a ll e el s e a e l
l a e e e
9:30 a.m.
Saturday, July 22, 2017 s 70 ess s 30
a S
- a
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nti ue Colle ti les rimitives Cast iron sausage press al ani e bu ets Cast iron ettle tone ro his e ugs 1 hea ase Chil s oo en sle i er bugg 100 gal oo his e barrel os ell pu p ront oll steel heels or stea engine Copper theater light housing agon heel ren h teel heel orn planter l post ise 1 ile inner bell o e rea le se ing a hine base en h ise arge ren ing ast iron ettle ra 1 ast iron ren ing ettle ith stan 1 ast iron ren ering ettle eet lass hi en aters ouble rinse tub stan i e rea bar stools on pe estals oo han le horse ra n plo ashing a hine eige an green ena el pans trap on i e leats oo en ro ing hair e ing a hine ra ers 4 gallon stone ro , a ette ille, na el o ee pot Metal er ea batter ispla uare gal ani e rinse tub ittle etal stool oo top or i e rea stool na el table top oo en i e rea hair ail eg Metal stool etroit auto ati s ale lour bin or oosier an sellers abinet agoner ast iron a le iron ee es gal ani e oal ho arn lanterns oo en o ee grin er ro n butter hurn, ra in li l horse tie o n sta e ight up o bo ail la p gallon glass ar ibrar table ith glass ball an la legs Corn planter Cottolene an re ena el unnel ua ars Cast iron orn sheller oo en barn pulle 1 0s Co a Cola a hine 0 poun an il triangle aste ans, etal Cast iron s illets Con rete statue hea eather ane alnut librar table ith ra ers Cast iron ren ing ettle ightning ro oo en abinet oo en heel barro steel heel oo en legs etal la eet oo en r ing ra Cast iron ettle li l s hool es ut eg grin er Plaster o Paris agle al ani e tub es la p nti ue tire balan er rop lea table rass bell a e s uare hurn top stan la po er st le ol pistol ast iron roun u in pan loor la ps, so e brass al ani e oal ho a i er hairs is it hen le tri ans etal bla es eather horse ollar rub hoe Pit h or og tongs oo bo hairs al ani e re ug e stool arge ena el baile pot ale eights Copper boilers arge o ering opper utensils ishes ua ars ail eg ra ni e utter hurn, un ar e glass hurn etal gear gallon estern ro 1 Cor ette sign oo o el ship oun but her blo table on a u p tru e eral er ol olle tor hoo orna ents Por elain oo oor nobs asters ightning ro ball arge o ering n ian arti a ts, ro s a ra le l ouble barrel shotgun Man ore ite s too nu erous to ention on t no hat all e ill in b sale a tems o pe ial nterest Cro n glass gas pu p top, in int on ition arl 1 0s M Cor i eering tra tor on steel, non running u bo it n Miss engine o el elson ro Co on steel heel art eal grin er or en ers g o la n tra tor er earl 1 00 large etal o bination sa e tihl hain sa ase 0 ast iron i ple ent seats to in lu e u e e eering, Moline, en ins, to ar , Case, Case Plo , ains Cast iron bla an oin ban Manual ast iron on e ban s Cast iron ro ing horse be in oln ast iron igurine og ast hea s 0 ton h ro splitting bull log splitter ne gas engine ri ing la n o er, no hoo
uction ote: a s as a s all l s a e a e s lse ae l a e a s ll e s ll sell e s e s ls e e e e e e ae
lle e all s l e s sale s e ll l s e e ll a l see eeae e e es e ese a all a e e s a al ll e s sell as- s
s s
l e
e sa es s s all e sale a a es a a ees
Owners: Randy Barns
See our website for more pictures at RoppAuctions.com Lunch catered by Shooters Missouri Professional Auctioneers Association
conducted by
Ropp Auctions
$$$ We bring high ers. l l e s r u o o t s r e bidd
Auctioneers: Norman Ropp 660-247-1914 • Ely Hostetler
Restrooms Available
Arnold Auction 2017_Arnold Auction 2016 7/6/17 3:46 PM Page 13
J uly 1 1 , 2 0 1 7
Rayv ille, MO, J uly 1 3 : 8 1 acre Farm, w ith Productiv e Tillable Ground and tw o Homes. Property mostly tillable, currently in beans. See 8 1 ac FARM & TWO HOMES on GPCink. com by Stev e Ritter Auctioneering , 8 1 6 - 6 3 0 - 1 2 5 2 .
MORE AUCTIONS Burling ton & Hamilton, IA, on J uly 1 3 : Sav e th e dates now for th is L arg e 3 day auction featuring th e Bang ert Family Collection from Burling ton, Iow a. Th is auction includes collectible Cletrac and oth er do ers, tractors, farm e i ment, farm s ort e i ment, o tstandin anti es and collectibles as w ell as adv ertising , clocks, sig ns, pop machines, anti e f rnit re and th e list g oes on and on! See L arg e 3 Day Auction of th e Bang ert Family Collection on GPCink.com presented by Sulliv an Auctioneers, L L C, Ph : 2 1 7 .8 47 .2 1 6 0 .
Hamilton, MO, on J uly 1 5 : L aw n Tractor, Car, Sh op i ment, o sehold, ollectibles & Special Items, & oth er. See Rh oades Special on GPCink.com by Pickett Auction, 8 1 6 - 6 6 9 - 3 43 3 .
Harrisonv ille, MO, on J uly 1 5 : ee ool i ment on GPCink.com presented by King sv ille L iv estock Auction, Ph : 8 1 6 .5 9 7 .3 3 3 1 .
REAL ESTATE & HOUSEHOLD Saturday, July 15 • 10 am
AUCTION SUN. JULY 16th at 11 AM Saturday, July 15, 2017 10:00 am
Alice and the late Dorris Grice
andLane, the late Dorris Grice 197 SEAlice Hanby Plattsburg, MO.
85 SW 52nd Ave., Trenton, MO
West of Trenton, on Hwy 6, approx 4 miles, turn North on SW 52nd Ave (Edinburg Road). Watch for Arnold Auction sale signs Real Estate: Nice ranch-style home with approximately 3200 sq. ft. of living space including 3 BD on ground level (one with master bath), kitchen w/breakfast bar, dining/living room combo, den w/large fireplace, laundry room with outside entrance. Near new scupltered roof & 2 car basement garage. Basement has dual access w/kitchen, bath, bedroom & living room. Large 48’x63’ Morton building (2/3 concrete), 12’x24’ double door & 11’x11’6” single door. Property also has a 2 car carport. Property consists of 5 acres, more or less, with nice landscaped yard. Real Estate Terms: 10% down day of sale with remainder due at closing, within 30 days. VEHICLES: 2005 Chrysler Town & Country minivan, approx. 36,000 miles, good condition; 1995 Ford F150 pickup, V8, 70,000+ miles, 4x4 lockout hubs. Antiques & Collectibles: Butter molds; butter churn; 4 qt churn; 6 stoneware jugs; milk crocks; stone crocks; Fire King bowls; sheep bell; metal Hubley school bus; oil lamp; small platform scale; sad iron; feed scoop; wooden coffee grinder; knife sharpening stones; cedar chest; covered wagon TV lamp; china; Carnival glass; square Fostoria cake plate; Grandfather clock; 5 gal cans (Standard, Skelly, COOP, Champion). Household & Appliances: Magic Chef 25 cu ft refrigerator; Roper washer; Maytag dryer; sofa; lift chair; knee hole desk; lamp tables; 3pc full size bedroom set; twin size electric-adjust bed; full size bed; matching dresser & chest of drawers; matching night stands; maple 5 drawer chest of drawers; dining table/4 chairs; quilt rack; VCR movie cabinet; over 200 VCR movies; pictures; world globe; dresser lamps; linens; electric Singer sewing machine; pictures; mantle clock; microwave stand; pressure canner; measuring cups; usual kitchen ware; fruit jars. Tools, Lawn & Garden: Kabota BX1500 diesel lawn mower w/3 pt hitch; Artic Cat racing snow mobile oil; 10W-30 motor oil; some hand tools; tool chest; live animal trap; shop vac. Auctioneer’s Note: Beautiful property! Nice, clean, quality antiques, furniture and misc. Only a partial listing. Terms: Cash or good check only. Statements made on sale day take precedence over any printed materials. No items removed until settled for. Not responsible for accidents or theft. Concessions available. Restrooms provided.
85, J SW 52nd MO , , F Ave., Trenton, ,
, ranch-style homeCwith approximately C B Nice 3200 sq. ft. space including 3 BD on Patriot 4 of unliving ireproo a e i les e ground 0 Pulevel p (one 4 with an 0 kitchen 0 enr master ol en bath), o elgiuw/breakfast ro ningbar, dining/living e i uto an combo,sdenhotguns w/large fireplace, room with Pu p s room Marlin elgiu laundry ro ning ight 0 entrance. in hester outside 140 1 ga te ensNear a new age scupltered 0 1 ga roof 410 & 2ancarguns basement garage. has dual access Colt rooper M Mag i Basement ene e ol er & living room. 48’x63’ Cal Po w/kitchen, et Pistol bath, bedroom erringer o Large unting elate Morton building (2/3 concrete), 12’x24’ Po et at hes Mi hael nthon 14 a ies ristdouble at hdoor oli Property 2 car car-te s 14 an 14& 11’x11’6” e elr single 10 door. Costu e ealso elrhas a intage consists of 5 acres, more ior less, with Coins Po etport. ni Property es traight a ors urniture urn nice Real urn in urnlandscaped Mo ern anyard. Musi al Estate rt an Terms: e orati 10% e te s sale with remainder closing, i io in down C day of Pioneer e ei er dueleattroni s within er 100 30 days. anta eather ouis our oo s l oo s l e ing C
Watch future for full ith Corona pe riter Prishoppers iti es C Pans inslisting l ools & pictures or go to the web @ lass China ousehol C , www.northwestmissouri.com. , D , D more information ,call Arnold Auctions D For erguson 0 tilit raortor ubota 00(cell). iesel 4 ra tor at 660-789-2365 660-358-4900 nl ours ubota t inish Mo er ubota t la e ubota Plo i o al pra er oo i e e pt Post ole igger in uger pt ingle la e ipper pt t otar er pt irt 789-2365 lip pt oo• www.northwestmissouri.com le tri Ce ent Mi er 10 t ingle Ed Mo Arnold (660) le railer a p ubota 4 in a n ra tor ubota iesel ar en ra tor Push Mo ers tihl Chainsa tihl ee ater tihl ea lo er gri ab a n eep gri ab 4 in erator P Chipper hre er M ear ine iller Poulen Pole a 2x6 ad obi an Ma ri ers P o art a n ar en a ers Daily paper: 6-12-17 Patio te s hite Metal Patio urniture Con rete ountain 6-14-17 Cherub Con reteShopper: Planters argo les ough a n u ber a , alnut an Ce ar e ren h oors oo or ing uip Total: 1 in Portable Planer ri l ru lap an er on tan elta in ointer Cra ts an 10in able a Cra ts an 10in a ial r a Porter Cable ir Co p obi Po er Miter a outers os h Cra ts an Po er ools an ers Planers ointers an ers rills e alt Porter Cable Ma ita en o ir ailers an ools ren hes at hets o ets hop elate te s uge u tion unning o ings
$101.40 + 70 Int. & Pix = $171.40 Send to: AdZone, Ad-Visor Post & DInternet F: C D
For more information or to view property, call Arnold Auctions at 660-789-2365 or 660-358-4900 (cell).
Steve & Steven Ritter • Excelsior Springs, MO. (816) 630-1252
A F S s
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Plan to atten this au tion ith a goo ariet o e uip ent househol ite s ith a e olle tibles P M PP M 11 0 M lease par o road on t e arm. en ore re rigerator ree er ear ol , ni e i ie Chopper agle 000 p be roo suite 0 turn hp 0 ut la n i e e ar hest portable air o pressors tra tor ith uel in e tion an oshiba 4 Chain hoist ne batter , ni e Pine har est st le table ise 000 or gas tra tor, 1 hairs l er table sa o el ith spee or al ining table ith Contents o ar or shop trans ission li e po er, roll lea es, hairs ith arious po er han bar, ne ront tires, lui arge hut h tools ille rear tires hours o a re liners an an h rauli a s 1 or 1 0 or unit gun abinet ta on tool hest pi up oor ith s all r ton engine, 4 4, auto ati ishing ta le C C B trans ission ith be o er, as grill ell pu p 1,000 iles oo ser i e e eral alu inu e t la ers the an sa re or 4 step la ers a hoo s sheep an o bell 10 bu per hit h all etal 1 sheets o use pl oo 4 Co e ases, 1 Pepsi ase loor single a le trailer oo en loa ing ra ps e eral pie es o e el ea or point rear bla e sets o lores ent lights uilt ra pt 0 rotar utter M neighbor, oe Pitt an ill Mis ar to s heel pull behin la n art o er l it hen abinet to restore ith ne tires 4 0 gas tra tor ith pt Chi en nesting bo es or pt angle bla e ast hit h, narro ront, 1 ee er ne a h rauli lin er rear tires D 1 Ca illa Coupe e ille 011 ana gas range B B D ith Mi helin tires, en ore asher 1 single oor portable 11 ,000 iles en ore gas r er buil ing on runners, onl 1
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Castilian ishes D ngel olle tion ing si e brass be eapot olle tion ueen be Mi e Mouse ite s ospital be l bottles Co e ite s o ur e glass hina i an st le la ps abinet ith irror o e e elr Other furniture: Cu oo lo ressers, Cra ts an hp gallon 1 0 l ast iron ettle es , psi air o pressor i e olle tion o ol i ro a e art, Ma sta on tool hest Presi ent enne so a, ton hain hoist ne spapers s all applian es, loor a ertising ite s tables hairs, Metal uto sa ol oo en sle s gun abinet, Miter sa on stan a io l er re agon pellet gun en h grin er ut oor urniture ir tools ut oor urniture arage re rigerator oo assort ent o shop ar tools, hurri ane an, anging s ale or eat lo er ite s in lu ing bo tools, as ing paper stan hoo s ise, paint guns, bu er an a ers, barbe ue grills, eep ree e pa s, arious han tools, etal hairs asher rolling art Check Website forr er Full Listing & Photos 1 lot o era i tile, ra ps C C B el ing auto ati ar ening eather oat ostri h boots, C hel et lots o glo es pe ial e or on ite s C eanie ab olle tion et o 10 intage o er ra ite be ounte th Christ as ite s aughlin Co entr heel ith rails C Cra ts an 00 0 turn 0 la n tra tor Cra ts an la n s eeper C 1 aturn C ar
t e late andon
on ib for a id nt t ft or rror in ad
2x9 ad Daily paper: 7-10-17 Shopper: 7-12-17
a l s a l l e 36 ll s S ee e a s s ll e s e Please plan to attend this auction of well-known Hamilton residents and business people. If needed, good building available for shade and shelter.
www.pic ettauction.com
ro r ID Not r
Ed Arnold (660) 789-2365 • www.northwestmissouri.com
rm : Ca or a id
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www.pic ettauction.com
it ro r ID Not r
on ib for a id nt t ft or rror in ad
AUCTIONS MORE AUCTIONS J amesport, MO, J uly 1 5 : COINS, CERTIFICATES, STAMPS. See L arg e Mort Estate on GPCink.com by Ropp Auctions, : 6 6 0 .2 47 .1 9 1 4.
Trenton, MO, on J uly 1 5 : RANCH- STYL E HOME. See Adv ance L iv ing Estate on GPCink.com by Arnold Auction Company, Ph : 6 6 0 .7 8 9 .2 3 6 5 or 6 6 0 .3 5 8 .49 0 0 .
Automatic Canning Sealing Device $700.00 ALL AMERICAN MODEL #1502 SENIOR FLYWHEEL CAN SEALER *All-American Senior Can Sealers are set up to seal No.10 & No.12 cans *Heavy duty automatic senior fly-wheel can sealer *No skill or experience is required to perfectly seal tin cans automatically *27 lbs.Miller 6/27/17 8:53 AM Page 42 Mike Miller_Mike *Made in USA 6 #10 Cans per box (Includes sealing lid) $6.00 per box - 35 Boxes Available For Information: Barbara Cord 813-956-5436
J uly 1 1 , 2 0 1 7 Plattsburg , MO, on J uly 1 6 : . See Patriot Gun Safe, Ov er 2 0 Guns, Pocket Watch es, Estate J ew elry, 1 4K Desig ner L adies Wrist Watch , Kniv es, Collectibles, Furniture, Glassw are, Primitiv es, ractor, i ment, awn & Garden, Woodw orking i ment, ower ools and More! ! ! on GPCink.com by Stev e Ritter Auctioneering , Ph : 8 1 6 - 6 3 0 - 1 2 5 2 .
th at offers an updated kitch en, a v ery nice 3 seasons room w ith h ot tub, a larg e ov ersiz ed 2 car g arag e/ sh op as w ell as a larg e amount of storag e. Th is property is all situated on 1 acre and is only 6 miles north of Burling ton, Iow a. See Des Moines County, Iow a Real Estate Auction on GPCink.com presented by Sulliv an Auctioneers, L L C, Ph : 2 1 7 .8 47 .2 1 6 0 .
Burling ton, IA, on J uly 1 7 : Mark your calendars now for th is fast approach ing Des Moines County, Iow a Real Estate auction featuring a sing le story, 2 bedroom h ome
Humeston, IA, on J uly 1 7 : Selling in 2 tracts both located in Rich mond tow nsh ip section #1 6 Wayne County, Iow a and both fronting on US HWY 6 5 in Humeston, Iow a. See Commercial Real Estate Auction on GPCink.com presented by Wag ner- Dent Auctions, Ph : 6 41 - 9 3 1 - 6 8 3 2 .
Blandinsv ille, IL , on J uly 2 0 : Make plans to ch eck out th is beautiful v acant Blandinsv ille, Illinois parcel of real estate. Described as being L ots 1 , 2 , 3 , 4, 7 & 8 in Block 3 of Dav is 2 nd Addition. See Blandinsv ille, Illinois Real Estate Auction on GPCink.com by Sulliv an Auctioneers, L L C, 2 1 7 .8 47 .2 1 6 0 . V ersailles, MO, on J uly 2 0 : 7 4 Acres To Sell In Th ree Tracts. See Morg an County Real Estate Auction ( 7 4 Acres) on GPCink.com by Wh eeler Auctions & Real Estate, 6 6 0 .3 2 7 .5 8 9 0
WHOLESALERS, INC. • Fabral colored metal lifetime warranty & load chart of 236 lbs. • Grandbeam steel lap siding • Stud wall & pole building structures • #1 yellow pine lumber • Deldon overhead doors • Quality engineered trusses • Package Buidlings
(Delivery available statewide)
J amesport, MO, on J uly 2 2 : ANTIQ UES - COL L ECTIBL ES - PRIMITIV ES. See Barns 6 0 - Year Collection Anti e on in com b o Auctions, 6 6 0 .2 47 .1 9 1 4.
12 Miles North of Salisbury on Hwy 129 “Why settle for anything less than the best.” Serving you since 1970!
660-222-3262 Nauv oo, IL , on J uly 1 8 : Selling at absolute public auction w ill RAYV IL L E, MO, J uly 2 2 : Warsaw , IL , on J uly 2 5 : Selling be 5 tow nhDueouse omes to thestyle deathh of my wife, and as I am moving out of state, I will sellathe Warsaw , IL h ome consisting TRACK L OADER, TRACat my42 home south of Chillicothe, Mo. (Go 4.5 located atfollowing 41 0 and 0 V il-located 6 miles EQ UIPMENT, Due to the death of my wife, and as I am moving out of state, I will sell the following at my home located 6 miles miles south of Chillicothe onTOR, U.S. Highway 65, then AUTOS, continue southofon2 bedrooms, 1 bath , dining las Parkw Blacktop ay, Nauv"Z"oo, Illinois. south of Chillicothe, Mo. (Go 4.5 miles south of Chillicothe on U.S. Highway 65, then continue south on Blacktop "Z" another 1.5 miles, north 1/3TURN mile on gravel room, liv ing room, sun room, ATV then4Xeast 4, andZERO another 1.5 miles, then east and north 1/3 mile on gravel road #4200). Auction signs posted sale day. #4200). Auction signs posted sale day. See Tow nhroad ouse / Residential full basement, 1 car g arag e, MOWER, TOOL S, HOUSEMike Miller_Mike 6/29/17 9:10 AMAbsoPage 44 / Inv Miller estment Property concrete patio, larg e yard THURSDAY, JULY 13 • 9:00 Am HOL D, COL13 L ECTIBL ES & Am THURSDAY, JULY • 9:00 lute Auction on GPCink.com MORE! on GPCink.com by w / sev eral mature trees for REAL ESTATE, 26-ACRE FARm & HOmE What a beautifully secluded place in the country and by Sulliv an Auctioneers, L L C, Stev e Ritter Auctioneering , sh ade. Also selling v eh icles, no-one will ever find you! Located just 6 miles from Ph : 2 1 7 .8 47 .2 1 6 0 . furniture, appliances, tools, Ph : 8 1 6 - 6 3 0 - 1 2 5 2 . Chillicothe, this 26-acre farm(m/l) is a "wildlife haven" with lovely one-owner, 3-bedroom home that etc. See Warsaw , IL Real was built just 8 years ago. (Twsp 56N, Range 24W, Estate & Personal Property Section 1). A wonderful place to raise a family, this farm is seeded mostly to clover, fescue & orchard Auction on GPCink.com pregrass, but could be row-cropped, with approx. 20 sented by Sulliv an Auctionacres open, and the rest in timber (a small creek eers, L L C, Ph : 2 1 7 .8 47 .2 1 6 0 . runs through it). Some horse, small calf or other farm animal facilities! The 3-bedroom, 2 bath home is "gorgeous" and was built by Mr. Perkes himself, and sits on 4 ft crawl space, has 2-car attached garage & detached 30x40 3-car garage (or shop), wired 110v & 220v. Home has large living room, large combination kitchen & dining area, large laundry/mud room, nice walk-out deck, concrete storm shelter, metal roof, city water, FEC Electric, Chillicothe School District, home has infra-red sauna, Jacuzzi tub, 2 large bathrooms, tile & hardwood floors with carpeting in bedrooms, all with walk-in closets, absolutely ready to be moved into, many other extra features. For more information or inspection on this "once in a lifetime" opportunity, contact auction firm at 660-646-1179 or the owner (660-214-0116). TERmS & CONDITIONS Beautiful "like new" homes with acreages this close to town are almost impossible to find and seldom "come up" for sale. Be careful!!! You may just fall in love with this property at first sight. Drive slowly--many deer & turkey crossings at sale site! Mr. Perkes lost his wife and will be moving back to Utah, owes nothing, and he says, "sell it!" Sells at 12:30 p.m. Have your financing in order by sale day. 10% down payment on sale day with balance due at closing (within 30-45 days). Real estate contracts signed sale day. 2017 taxes prorated to closing date. What a spectacular opportunity!!
PICKUP, ANTIQUE PICKUP, TRACTOR, mULE ATV, WOOD SPLITTER, gUNS beautiful 1955 Ford F-100 pickup, color is maroon, 351 Windsor rebuilt engine, tilt forward hood, 4-speed automatic transmission, starts and runs excellent, this truck will "flat-out fly"!; 2003 Chevrolet (one owner) Silverado 2500HD 3/4 ton pickup, crew cab, 4x4, auto trans, 6.0 liter engine, 179,806 miles, runs great; Allis Chalmers "C" tractor, wide front, sells with Woods 64" belly finishing mower, runs great; New Holland 3 pt sickle mower; very nice Kawasaki "Mule" ATV, (one owner), 918 hours, sells w/front snow blade & snow chains, runs perfect; like new Troybilt 27-ton pull behind wood splitter, vertical & horizontal cut, w/Honda engine; Guns include: very nice Henry Repeating Arms Winchester 3030 lever action rifle; very nice Ducks Unlimited Savage Arms .243 Win bolt action rifle w/Tasco 3x9 scope; very nice chrome "Texas Marshall" .357 Magnum revolver w/pearl grip; Thompson Center Arms .50 caliber black powder rifle w/scope; old double barrel shotgun (wall hanger); never fired Thurus Model 62LA .22 lever action rifle; 2 Bushnell scopes; some ammo; small knife collection; 2 swords. ONE OWNER LAWN & gARDEN EQUIPmENT, NICE SHOP EQUIPmENT & TOOLS 7000 watt "Power Boss" portable generator w/Honda engine; excellent "Cobalt" stainless steel chest-on-chest tool cabinet on wheels w/20 easy slide-out drawers & 110v plug; upright 60 gal 6 horse shop air compressor (220v); several DeWalt cordless shop tools w/batteries including grinder, drill, circular saw, reciprocating saw & others; new DeWalt bench-top table saw; lots of brand new socket sets, wrench sets, crescent & pipe wrenches, hammers, etc.; many like new hand tools too numerous to list; Power Craft 16-speed floor mount drill press; 3/4 horse Craftsman router in case; power sanders; Halogen lights; Craftsman 10" radial arm saw; Craftsman 12" band saw on stand (1 horse); 16" scroll saw; 4" belt & 6" disc sander; 6 ft Werner fiberglass step ladder; new winch; Troy Bilt XP 22 horse riding mower w/46" deck & hydrostat; Craftsman LT2000 17.5 horse riding mower w/42" deck; Yard Machine MTD 5 horse snow blower (self propelled); Bolens gas weed eater; power push mower; big electric lawn edger; wire dog box; 4-wheel garden creeper; like new 21-speed bicycle; MTD 5 horse chipper shredder; stainless bbq grill w/LP tank; 10 ft yard dump cart; yard glider; patio table w/umbrella & 4 chairs; wheel barrow; brand new Bostich air compressor; wet/dry shop vac; work bench; car ramps; lots more! NICE APPLIANCES, FURNITURE & HOUSEHOLD RELATED Lovely brown leather matching sofa & love seat, each with push button double recliners; big Kitchen Aid & Sunbeam mixers; like new Frigidaire "Gallery" refrigerator w/ice maker; like new Whirlpool 15 cu ft chest freezer; like new Maytag "Bravos" top load washer w/stainless tub; good GE electric dryer; 2 or 3 Vizio flat-screen TVs up to 46"; brand new Canon lazer printer, copier & fax machine; large computer desk; new Gotham pan set; stainless steel pan set; many other clean pots, pans, dishes, small kitchen appliances & other kitchen wares; 3 ft wide metal 4-drawer file cabinet; 4-drawer upright file cabinet; metal shelving; brand new pressure cooker; dehydrators; juicers; stereos, VHS & other electronics; 2 cabinet sewing machines; nice bow-front dresser; king size bed (complete); love seat w/double recliners; baker's rack; Bissell upright bagless vacuum; set of Corelle dishes; office desk chair; nice electric chord organ; other furniture & many other household related items. OLD JEWELRY, ANTIQUES, COLLECTIBLES, FOOD STORAgE, mISC. Large lots of jewelry in storage at this writing, much will be appraised by jeweler by sale day, haven't seen jewelry, but much has been in family for many years (expecting some gold & sterling) but come see!; cobalt glass churn; old wood planes; 4 old mantel clocks; Coca Cola metal trays & other Coke collectibles; swivel-top organ stool; pocket watch; old cap gun; big brass horse; antique portable record player; Duncan Pyffe fold-up dinette table; stone jar; blow torches; Perfection oil heater; wood spoke wheel; refinished lift-top school desk; 5 gal milk can; several other old things scattered about; several cases of food for storage; much more not listed. AUCTIONEER'S NOTE A very nice auction w/many items bought new & seldom used. 2 auction rings part of the day. Terms: Cash or check w/proper ID only. Nothing removed until settled for.
mR. KENNETH PERKES, OWNER 660-214-0116 Sale conducted by
Mike Miller Auction Service
Mike Miller, David May, Tyler Keenan, auctioneers • 660-646-1179 • 660-646-6919 www.mikemillerauction.com
27 acres Farm & Home
Due to the deaths of Nolan "Bud" Chapman and Margaret Peggy Chapman, the following real estate and personal property will be sold at the home located at 1104 Sunset St. in Chillicothe, Mo. (From near Hy Vee, go west on Bryan St. one mile to Sunset St). Auction signs posted sale day.
L EX INGTON, MO, on J uly 2 5 : REAL ESTATE IN L EX INGTON, MO. See REAL REAL ESTATE, 26-ACRE FARm & HOmE Thursday, July 9:00 amwill ever ESTATE What a beautifully secluded place27 in the •country and no-one find IN L EX INGTON on you! Located just 6 miles from Chillicothe, this 26-acre farm(m/l) is a GPCink.com presented by "wildlife haven" with lovely one-owner, 3-bedroom home that was built just Adkins Auction Serv ice, Ph : 8 years ago. (Twsp 56N, Range 24W, Section 1). A wonderful place to raise a family, this farm is seeded mostly to clover, fescue & orchard 6 6 0 - 2 5 9 - 2 40 9 .
grass, but could be row-cropped, with approx. 20 acres open, and the rest in timber (a small creek runs through it). Some horse, small calf or other Tracy, IA, on J uly 2 6 : 7 3 0 ,0 0 0 farm animal facilities! The 3-bedroom, 2 bath home is "gorgeous" and was ± BU. OF GRAIN STORAGE built by Mr. Perkes himself, and sits on 4 ft crawl space, has 2-car detached 30x40 garagelOCaTION (or shop), wired 110v 2 & rEal attached EsTaTE,garage NICE 3&BEdrOOm hOmE3-car IN GrEaT ee rain lGreat "curb appeal" and wonderful location forlarge this 3combination bedroom, 2.5 bath & dining 220v. Home has large living room, kitchen ev ator Retirement Auction on home located at 1104 Sunset St. in west Chillicothe, Mo. Featuring 1900 area, large laundry/mud room, nice walk-out deck, concrete storm shelsquare feet the main floor, this home has large open living & family GPCink.com presented by ter,on metal roof, city water, FEC Electric, Chillicothe School District, home rooms, kitchen, 2-car attached huge closets, has infra-red sauna, garage, Jacuzzi full tub,basement, 2 large bathrooms, tile fire & hardwood Sulliv an Auctioneers, L L C, place, slide-out back deck & patio. Built in 1957, home has central air,absolutely floors to with carpeting in bedrooms, all with walk-in closets, forced air ready furnace, lovely maintained yard w/established trees, 100x120 ft Ph : 2 1 7 .8 47 .2 1 6 0 . to be moved into, many other extra features. For more information lot, needsorinterior updating, Foropportunity, more information inspection on this great "once potential! in a lifetime" contact or auction firm inspection of this property, contact auction firm at 660-646-1179. Terms: Danv ille, IA, on J uly 2 7 : 2 7 0 at 660-646-1179 or the owner (660-214-0116). 10% down sale day with balance due within approx. 30 days upon delivTERmS & CONDITIONS Acres ± ( Subj ect to Surv ey) ery of clear title. 2017 taxes prorated to closing date. R.E. contracts Beautiful "likeatnew" homes with acreages this close to town are almost signed sale day. Sells approx. 11 a.m. 3 racts ee es oines impossible to find alsO and seldom "come up" for sale. Be careful!!! You may sEllING County, IA L and Auction ( 2 7 0 fall Pontiac in love with this property at first sight. Drive slowly--many deer & Beautiful just 2008 Grand Prix GXP, Antiques & Collectibles, turkey crossings at sale site! Mr. Perkes his wife and will be moving Appliances, Furniture & Household related items. lost Watch future papers Acres) on GPCink.com prebackfor to complete Utah, owes nothing, says, at "sell it!" Sells at 12:30 p.m. and shoppers listing or visitand ourhe website www.mikemillerby Sulliv an AuctionHave your financing in order by sale day. 10% down payment on sale sented day auction.com. with balance at closing (within 30-45 days). Real estate contracts eers, L L C, Ph : 2 1 7 .8 47 .2 1 6 0 . NOlaN "Bud"due & m. PEGGy ChaPmaN TrusT signed sale day. 2017 taxes prorated sale conducted by to closing date. What a spectacular opportunity!! Edina, MO, on J uly 2 8 : Selling Mike Miller Auction Service
Mike Miller, David May & Tyler Keenan auctioneers ALSO SELLINg 5 5 Acres± in 1 tract located in 660-646-6919 A very nice 660-646-1179 auction w/many items bought new & seldom used. 2 auction ection , , ee rings part of www.mikemillerauction.com the day. 1955 Ford pickup, 2003 Chevy Silverado, Allis Chalmers "C" tractor, Mule ATV, wood splitter, guns, lawn & garden equipRidg e Tow nsh ip approx imatement, nice shop equipment & tools, appliances, furniture, household ly 3 .5 miles south of Edina, items, old jewelry, antiques, collectibles, food storage supplies. Watch future papers & shoppers complete listing, or visit our websiteMO at j ust off of Hw y. 1 5 . L and Sendforto: www.mikemillerauction.com.. represents tillable cropland,
GRAND RIVER The Post - 5-17-17 LIVESTOCK mR. KENNETH PERKES, OWNER 660-214-0116 MARKET, LLC Sale conducted by
Mike Miller Auction Service D ain & AmyMike Ireland O ners -9 - 9 Miller, David May, Tyler Keenan, auctioneers
HWY WW Tina MO 660-646-1179 Market: - • 660-646-6919 Mailing Address: PO Bowww.mikemillerauction.com Chillicothe MO www.grandriverlivestock.com E-mail: d ain grandri erli estock.com Please call Dwain for further details on the upcoming 2X10sale: 660-973-0097
C-T - SH ONLY • - 6-28-17 EVERY WEDNESDAY 11 AM Post - 6-28-17 (HAY, ETC) CAGED ANIMALS, HOGS MISC POSTS, CATTLE, GOATS & SHEEP 1ST & 3rd Saturdays of the Month 10AM
Dan Dedrick: 660-646-8103 Pam Dedrick, Office Manager: 660-646-8119 Kurt Kleeman: 816-284-0611 Clark Allen: 660-973-6826 Wes Gorham: 816- 853-7359 L J Cahill: 660-322-1193
pasture land, ex cellent marketable h ardw ood timber and offers “ premier” w h itetail deer & w ild turkey h unting acreag e. See Knox County, MO L and Auction ( 5 5 Acres) on GPCink.com presented by Sulliv an Auctioneers, L L C, Ph : 2 1 7 .8 47 .2 1 6 0 . www.GPCink.com
ennings ar 12 0 ont
ld n us Bulls
enningsangus ar
CHIL L ICOTHE - 6 6 0 - 7 0 7 - 1 8 2 0 | AdZone@GPCink.com GAL L ATIN - 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 2 1 5 4 | Ads@GPCink.com Gallatin Publish ing Company | w w w .GPCink.com
J uly 1 1 , 2 0 1 7
Real Estate
Garage Sales
Polo $ 8 9 ,6 0 0 - 3 bed 1 1 / 2 bath h ome on h alf acre. 2 cov ered decks, sh ed and carport. L eaf g uard g utters. No basement. New AC/ furnace in 2 0 1 4. New roof. 6 6 0 - 3 5 42 0 49
J UL IA R. FIL L EY, Attorney at L aw . General Practice, Criminal Defense, Family L aw , & Probate. Free Initial Consultation. West side of Gallatin are 32
STUMP GRINDING. 6 6 0 7 49 - 5 7 1 3 or 8 1 6 - 8 0 4- 7 9 48 .
Wanting to buy standing timber: Cottonw ood, maple, oak, w alnut. Call 6 6 0 - 6 46 - 5 0 8 2 after 6 : 0 0 p.m. M0 0 0 L dtf
V ENDORS WANTED for 2 allatin ha ta a, Sept. 1 5 - 1 7 ! To sig n up g o to Dav iessCountyArt.com. Contact J essica at 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 5 2 7 1 or email: g allatinv endors@ mail com with estions
ADV ENTIST CHURCH THRIFT Sh op, 1 2 0 7 S. Clay, Gallatin. Open: Ev ery Wed from 8 am4pm. Open during th e noon h our. Free cloth ing at 1 2 0 6 S. Willow entrance. Open 8 am- 3 pm ev ery Wednesday. 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 2 47 8
Services YOUR DIRT IS our bread and butter. Carpet and uph olstery cleaning . Dav id Baldw in, 8 1 6 6 3 2 - 2 6 2 7 or toll- free 1 - 8 8 8 8 5 4- 2 9 49 . THE HAMIL TON BANK ch ecking / sav ing s accounts, loans, IRA’ s and C.O.D.’ s. V isit w w w .h amiltonbank.net or call 8 1 6 - 5 8 3 - 2 1 43 . New branch at L ath rop, MO. Member al o sin Member.
COMPUTER REPAIR. A+ certified, rs e erience Q uality w ork, g reat rates. I can also h elp order you a new one and set it up. 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 5 6 40 SEAML ESS GUTTERING, A- 1 L eaf Guard, CHI Ov erh ead Door, L iftMaster- Ch amberlain Operator Sales, Installation & Serv ice. Call for free estimate. Serv ing you since 2 0 0 6 ! Miller Construction, J amesport, MO 6 6 0 - 6 8 46 9 5 0 .
Daviess County Farm Bureau
PEAK CONSTRUCTION bath rooms, kitch ens, ex tra rooms, g arag es, basement finishin , small roofs ew business but years of ex perience. Affordable and Hig h Q uality. Aaron Balsbaug h 6 6 0 - 3 3 4- 1 9 9 0 Beery’ s Custom Serv ices. Disking and more. Call J osh Beery 6 6 0 - 9
Tillag e and , cultiv ating for a price 7 3 - 6 5 47
Kessing er Construction, L L C for all of your ex cav ation and backh oe needs, Bid rate or h ourly rate. Insured. Call Billy 8 1 6 - 6 0 6 - 3 3 40 or email kessing erconstructionllc@g mail. com
Friday, July 21, 2017 – 6:00 p.m. We will have a short business meeting beginning at 6:00 p.m., followed with dinner catered by the Multipurpose Center.
Program presented by BJ Tanksley, Director of Legislative Programs, Missouri Farm Bureau
Please RSVP 660-663-2700
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Interested in Dental Implants? Attend our FREE Dental Implant Seminar on July 25 @ 6PM in our office! Seating is very limited, so call today to register!
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Better Way, LLC 660-247-0258 -- Mary Jones
IN-HOME CARE & COMPANIONSHIP * Elder Care * Sick Care * Respite Care * Non-nursing Care & Help with Daily Activities * Long Term or Short Term * Four to 24-Hour Care * All Caregivers Carefully Screened & Bonded (Private Pay Only)
! 5 $2
lue!) ly. (a $224 va tients on r New Pa
offers. with other combined Cannot be
WANTED TO BUY. Good used, usable, portable ox yg en concentrator. Please no tanks! I am h omebound in J ameson area. Call 6 6 0 .6 0 5 .2 8 0 2 anytime.
on sultatiys re Conan d X-ra Dentues Exam Includ
SIL V ER & GOL D COINS, dental g old, g old mounting s, sterling silv er, old w atch es & diamonds. Hig h est cash price paid. J unior Sandy 8 1 6 - 3 9 0 2 0 2 7 .
Flowers will be removed and disposed of from graves on July 15 for mowing and trimming purposes. Please remove flowers you would like to keep by July 14.
ion t a a c V a e k a T 't Don ealth! H a r l O u o r Y o r m F IA T SPEC
Pasture to rent. Greg L andes 6 6 0 - 7 48 - 5 8 1 6
McCrary Cemetery Notice
at Pattonsburg Multipurpose Center, 401 Chestnut, Pattonsburg
Farm g round w anted. Competitiv e rates. Aaron L andes 6 6 0 -3 5 8 -2 6 8 2
play the scavenger hunt every week for your chance at $25
July 2017
SERVING YOU SINCE 1941 835 S. Washington • Chillicothe, MO www.clarksfurniture.com 660-646-5525
1 2
25 26
British Burger
27 melt
Turkey & Ham
J uly 1 2
H ope H ave n 5 0 th Annive rsa ry R eception 1 0 : 0 0 AM - 1 2 : 0 0 P M C hillicothe
S ummer R eading P rog ram 1 0 : 0 0 AM “ H ome S w eet H ome” B irth- 6 years “ U pcycle” G rades 1 - 3 L ivi ng st on C o. L ib rary C hillicothe
22 July Specials MONDAY TUESDAY
J uly 1 3 L ivi ng st on C o. W omen’ s D emocratic C lub M eeting 6 :0 0 P M C eleb ration’ s C hillicothe
J uly 1 1
Chicken Sandwich
J uly 1 4 - 2 1 L ivi ng st on C o. F air L itton Ag C enter C hillicothe
J uly 1 3 M usi c L ove rs U nite L ine D ancing , N ame T hat T une & K araoke 7 :0 0 -1 0 :0 0 P M G rand R ive r M ulti- P urpose C enter ( former Aldi’ s b uilding ) C hillicothe
J uly 1 1
Dine In Only
J uly 1 4 &
J uly 1 5 Y: Fantailed Coconut Shrimp... Only $9.99! URDAY ONL SAT C hillicothe L ions C lub C ar S how AMTaco nSalad P ark C hillicothe
Turkey &8 : 0 0 Ham Melt S impso
J uly 2 1
1 5
INSIDE DAYS INN 606 W Business 36 • Chillicothe, MO 64601 • 660-646-6590
Ham & Beans With Cornbread
G ood T imes D ance 7 : 3 0 P M Cap’n Ron G rand R ive r M ulti- P urpose C enter ( former Aldi’ s b uilding ) C hillicothe
2 nd Annual P ig O ut in the P ark B B Q B raymer 1 st R esp onders F undraise r T ait P ark B raymer
Chicken Quesadilla soupED & GRILL Fried Burger CHEESE Steak
Boom Boom
C omminity B lood D rive 2 :0 0 -7 :0 0 P M Ja mesp ort M ennonite S chool
G rand R ive r H ist orical S ociety Q uarterly M eeting 6 :3 0 P M C hillicothe E lks L odg e 4 0 1 H arve st er R d
Sweet & Spicy
Monday - Soup & Grilled Cheese Tuesday - Stuffed Green Peppers Wednesday - Chili Burger Thursday - Open Face Hot Beef Friday - Douille Burger
Get your event in the AdZone FREE. Email us at AdZone@GPCink.com
J uly 1 1
British Burger
The Cap’n Ron
Tuna Melt
J uly 2 2 C hillicothe E lk’ s L odg e G olf T ournament G reen H ills G olf C ourse C hillicothe 6 6 0 -2 4 7 -5 3 7 7
J uly 2 6
J uly 2 2
J uly 1 3 O rg anize Y our K ids & T heir T oys! w / E liza C antlay 6 :0 0 -7 :3 0 P M L ivi ng st on C o. L ib rary C hillicothe
I ce C ream S ocial 5 :0 0 -7 :0 0 P M G rand R ive r M ulti- P urpose C enter ( former Aldi’ s b uilding ) C hillicothe
J uly 1 4 C hillicothe L ions C lub C ar S how C ruise N ig ht 7 :3 0 P M S outh si de of sq uare C hillicothe
J uly 1 4 &
1 5
3 0 th Annual Je e s J mes D ays a W inst on
L eg o L ab 4 :0 0 -4 :5 0 P M L ivi ng st on C o. L ib rary C hillicothe
J uly 2 8 C omminity B lood D rive 1 0 : 0 0 AM - 2 : 0 0 P M W rig ht M emorial H osp ital T renton
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EMAIL _____________________________
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July 11, 2017
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Frisc Burg
CHIL L ICOTHE - 6 6 0 - 7 0 7 - 1 8 2 0 | AdZone@GPCink.com GAL L ATIN - 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 2 1 5 4 | Ads@GPCink.com Gallatin Publish ing Company | w w w .GPCink.com
J uly 1 1 , 2 0 1 7
WED 12
FRI 14
SAT 15
MON 17
** Selected Varieties
1 /lb
89¢ $699/lb $199/lb $159/lb $299/lb
$ 69
Center Cut Pork Chop
1 /lb
$ 49
Fresh Family Pack Boneless
Sugardale Hot Dogs
KC Strip Steak
Chicken Breast
Fresh Family Pack Boneless Beef
12 Oz
Pork Loin Roast
Previously Frozen Family Pack
Sold in CryOVac Whole Boneless
Baby Back Pork Ribs Frozen
Red or Green Seedless Grapes Fresh
5 $299 $129/lb $299/lb $499
Dole Salad Blends
Florida’s Natural Orange Juice
5-12 Oz, **
7•Up Products
59 Oz, **
2 Liter Bottles, **
Best Choice Idaho Russet Potatoes, 10lb
$ 99
Red Diamond Iced Tea
Best Choice Tropical Pops
.5 Liter Bottles, 6 Pack, **
Gold Peak Tea
12-16 oz, **
Best Choice Cake Cups 12 Ct.
Tide Simply Detergent 40 oz, **
$ 99
Kellogg’s Cereal
Lay’s or Kettle Chips
General Mills Snacks
Keebler Crackers
7-10 oz, **
30.5 oz, **
9-15 oz, **
8.8-13.8 Oz, **
Best Choice Brownie Mix
Best Choice Grape Jelly
Skippy Peanut Butter
Best Choice Taco Sauce
20 oz, **
16.5-18.9 Oz, **
6 pack, **
14-32 oz, **
32oz, **
10 FOR
4.4-10.25 Oz, **
Folgers Classic Roast Coffee
Ore Ida Potatoes
Best Choice Cheese
Smart Ones Entrees
Nabisco Chips Ahoy! Cookies
7-8 oz, **
9.3-12.5 oz, **
12 oz cans, 12 pack,**
Large Golden Pineapples
.5 Liter bottles, 24 pack, **
Coca-Cola Products
Dasani Water
12 Ct.
7-13 Oz, **
$ 99
California Strawberries
Washington Cherries
$ 99
Coca-Cola Products
Best Choice Pasta
Gallon, **
Tomatoes on the vine
Best Choice Seasoning
Best Choice Syrup
.87-1.50 oz, **
Best Choice Candy
3.25-9.25 oz, **
22-24 oz, **
Best Choice Pasta Salad
6.2-7.75 Oz, **
Protect Assets
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15-16.3 oz, **
Best Choice Worcestershire 15 Oz, **
Best Choice Marshmallows 10 oz, **
16 oz, **
Best Choice Honey Grahams 14.4 oz, **
Best Choice Enchilada Sauce 15 oz, **