Lake Viking News
Call to Order
Board President Marvin McNabb, lot 28, called the meeting to order, held in the upper level of the Clubhouse, at 2:00pm. Board members present were: Troy Lesan, lot 576; Doug Winter, lot 46; Allan Slavin, lot 181; George Eshnaur, lot 505; Celeste Armanees, lot 62. Not present was Mike Booth, lot 2380. Troy Lesan led in prayer. Tony Gronniger, interim Managing Director, led the Pledge of Allegiance. Marvin welcomed new Lake Viking Managing Director Jeff Ferguson to the meeting.
Troy Slagle of Grundy Electric Cooperative (GEC), Inc. was introduced who spoke regarding installation of Internet services at Lake Viking & also in the city of Altamont, MO. GEC is seeking letters of support for the project to prove there is a need for enhanced/improved service. So far, they have 150-200 letters from individuals in the community supporting this project. Missouri is again this year offering grants for projects such as this, to provide Internet service to under-served rural areas. Forms will be at the Association office if anyone wishes to sign a form in support of the project. This project is expected to take 6-12 months to complete. The estimated cost is $5 million for the entire project, with Lake Viking’s portion being $2 million to be paid by the state of Missouri’s grant. Mr. Slagle indicated it will be year-end before they know if the project will go forward.
Approval of Minutes
Allan Slavin made a motion to approve the August 2022 Board Meeting Minutes. Seconded by Doug Winter; motion passed.
Handbook Committee Report
Celeste Armanees reported: There are 3
As per the direction of the Board of Directors, until further notice, no
proposed Rule changes, which will be discussed later in the meeting.
Finance Committee Report
Doug Winter reported: Most of the items in today’s Finance Committee Report are housekeeping items. Jeff Ferguson was again recognized as the new VVA Managing Director, who starts September 12th. Doug reported we will be changing from Westbrook to UH1 for our financial reporting & tax filing, at a considerable cost savings per month. On October 1st, we will switch payroll processing from Westbrook to A Payroll Company, also at a cost savings. We have also signed a contract with HOA software company Condo Control with a projected go-live date on January 1, 2023. Today we will make motions to update names on the investment & bank accounts to allow new employees access. The first motion was made by Doug Winter to add Doug Winter to the Morgan Stanley account as co-authority for action on the account. Seconded by Troy Lesan; motion passed. The next motion was made by Doug Winter regarding access to the BTC account to remove Tony Gronniger, and add Jeff Ferguson and George Eshnaur. Seconded by Tony Gronniger; motion passed. The next change was to add Annette Mathenia, Jeff Ferguson and Doug Winter to have on-line access to the BTC account. Motion was made by Troy Lesan. Seconded by George Eshnaur; motion passed. The final motion was made by Doug Winter to approve the Financial Reports. Seconded by George Eshnaur; motion passed.
Strategic Planning Committee
George Eshnaur reported: The Strategic Planning Committee is in the process of being reconfigured, and they are looking for new and existing Board members to be a part of the new committee. George will be the Board contact on the committee. He stated he expects to have a full report at next month’s Board meeting.
Kenny Southwick (Committee Chair) stated that the 5-Year Strategic Plan was presented & approved by the Board in 2020. Kenny brought copies of the 5-Year Plan to give to the Board for review and revision. He read off the Plan’s Mission/Vision Statement & Strategic Goals & Objectives.
Activities Committee
Celeste Armanees reported: The Fishing Tournament will be September 17th. We are also having a Wine Festival & Beer ‘n Brats combined event on October 8th. Fee is $20 per person. There will be vendors on site.
Building Committee
Allan Slavin reported: The Building Committee reviewed 15 permits in the month of August, one of those being a house.
Fire Department Committee
Tony Gronniger reported: The Fire Dept meets monthly, and the meeting time has changed to Friday mid-afternoon. The next meeting will be Oct. 7th. The Fire Dept has requested a bid on placing a fire hydrant on the Goose Court lots, to ensure there is sufficient water supply should they have to fight a fire.
Campground Committee:
Mary Hibler reported: The Campgrounds have a wait list of 3 for 30-amp spaces & 3 for 50-amp spaces. Mary reported one individual wanted to pay for replacing the wooden fence in front of the ladies’ shower/restrooms, so this project has been completed. Mary mentioned installing fences in Campground #1 to keep trash from blowing. The RFPs for replacing the electrical grid in the Campgrounds: Mary reported that Farmers Electric told them after the 7/4/22 electrical problems, the fixes were just a band-aid, that a complete re-wire was needed. Flint Hibler stated we have 1 bid for electrical wiring replacement & a 2nd bid pending.
Lake Committee
Troy Lesan reported: There have been 2 inspection sessions on the lake involving 2 boats in the water. The committee will meet one more time next week, to check for zebra mussels & check lots.
Managing Director’s Report
Tony Gronniger (interim Managing Director) reported:
-- Work is being done to provide Carl Hughes access to lots #403, 404, 405 is progressing
Meet the New Managing Director
The VVA is excited to welcome Jeffery Ferguson aboard as our new Managing Director. He has a strong resume. Jeff grew up on a farm near Saint Joseph, learned to operate a variety of farm machinery right off, then he became a NWMSU Bearcat. He then went on to an impressive business career that included positions as Director of a Global Supply Chain firm, creation of a start-up Building Crew Company and he served as Vice President of a Logistics Brokerage Firm.
Jeff is pictured on his first day on the job with Interim Managing Director Tony Gronniger. The VVA also thanks Tony for stepping off the Board Director as President in order to guide the VVA through a time of transition.
2022 Fall Garage Sale
There were twenty-six vendors listed for the September 10 event, but a late run of entries who came into the office, and paid their fee bumped that number up. These pictures document some of the unique treasures that always await buyers at a Lake Viking Garage Sale
These bat-houses, built by Darrin Lund will accommodate a surprising number of bats. Bats consume a lot of insects and are a valuable component in the balance of nature. Ideally, if they move into these houses, they will stay out of our attics! (LOL)
How about a hat?
Spring is Here, Stay Weather - Aware!
download the Tornado R ed Cross Severe Weather App on your mobile device
• Receive the latest alerts
• Monitor places that matter to you
• Track hazards on the live map
PWSD #3 Open Meeting: August 16, 2022
Kyle Parkhurst, President (2023), called the meeting to order at 4:00pm which was held at the water plant. Members in attendance were Jeffrey Speaker (2025), Harlan Horst (2023), Heather Lund (2024) and Mark Closterman (2024). Also in attendance were Roger Barker, Water Superintendent, and Diane Hulett, Clerk.
Harlan Horst moved to approve the minutes of the July 18, 2022 Board Meeting. Mark Closterman seconded. All members were in favor; motion carried.
There was no public comment.
Roger had the following information from Bartlett & West to report: a building inspection and punch list walk down is scheduled for 9/9, the mechanical subcontractor is sched-
uled to begin installation on 9/6 and the chemical feed manhole has been manufactured and is ready for delivery.
Financial Report:
The financial reports and bills were reviewed and discussed. Jeffrey Speaker moved to approve the July financial reports as submitted and approve the bills and transfers. Heather Lund seconded. All members voted to approve; motion carried.
After the recent resignation of Vice President, Troy Lesan, the board was reorganized as follows: Kyle Parkhurst, President; Jeffrey Speaker, Vice President; Harlan Horst, Secretary; Heather Lund and Mark Closterman, Directors. Updating the bank signature cards was tabled until next meeting to reflect these changes.
Viking Valley Association has approached the district about providing water to three lots in the Goose Court area which were not tapped into the main when the lake was developed. Roger will be meeting with Decker Construction to determine an approximate
cost. Jeffrey Speaker made a motion to authorize Roger to move forward with installing a 2” line and associated valves on the three lots and negotiate any upgrades which will be at VVA’s expense. Harlan Horst seconded. All voted in favor; motion approved.
Superintendent Report:
Roger reported that he attended the MRWA Apprenticeship graduation in Lebanon, MO. He also noted that Gary and Travis recently completed their Operator Certification classes and took the test on August 10th with results being available in 4-6 weeks.
Kyle Parkhurst, President, announced the next meeting would be September 20, 2022 at the water plant. The meeting was adjourned at 5:30 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
2022 Scavenger Hunt . . . It’s All in the Signs
By Troy Lesan
The 2022 version of this great Lake Viking Event, held on August 27, and the clues were more about the signs on people’s mailboxes, in their yards or even on buildings. This being the case, the clues were a little harder to solve than in previous years. Out of 30 possible points,
Team Masters came in with 19 points which was enough to win the first place prize and Team Pineapple Express came in second with 18 points. Here are some of the challenging objects of the hunt.
• New Builds
• Remodels
• Landscape Lighting
• GFCI Boat Dock Protection Per Lake Requirements
• Lighting Upgrades
• All Electrical Needs
Fishing Guideline Reminders
Conservation Agent Jaycob O’Hara from the Missouri Department of Conservation recently spoke at a board meeting. Key take aways from his discussion follow:
• Lake Viking is Classified as “Waters of the State”
• Anyone fishing on “Waters of the State” is required to have a fishing permit except:
- Anyone 15 years of age or younger
- Missouri Residents 65 years of age or older
• Nonresidents must purchase Nonresident Fishing Permits
- Nonresidents defined as – anyone who claims resident privileges in another state
• Fishing Permits and a Form of Identification must be on your person while fishing (Drivers Licenses, Official Domical, Voter or vehicle registration)
• Statewide Daily and Length limits apply
- Can be found online or in the Fishing Pamphlet
• Permits may be bought
-Online (
-Phone apps (Mo Hunting/Mo Fishing)
-Retail Establishments (Walmart, Wall Street Gas Station, Like Viking Marina)
If you have any questions, feel free to call/ text Conservation Agent Jaycob O’Hara at (660) 605-2893 or email at Jaycob.O’Hara@
Water Plant Construction Update
Raw water and finished water connections are complete. Building exterior is very near completion. Interior finishing, plumbing, piping & HVAC currently remains under construction.
6 Exceed Maximum Posted Speed Limit:
The maximum speed limit for the operation of any vehicle or conveyance upon the roads, ways, streets, and thoroughfares of the subdivision shall be thirty (30) miles per hour except in t h o s e a r e a s w h e r e a d d i t i o n a l l y restricted speed limits may be posted, whether temporary or permanent.
6 Improper Parking:
The parking of motor vehicles on the traveled portion of any street, road, or way within the subdivision is prohibited except for an emergency which does not allow immediate removal.
Top 10
from VVA Handbook
Movement Conflic�ng: All water traffic flows counter-clockwise. Hence, must establish a right-turn entry prior to crossing the channel.
Donuts/Circles: All watercra� are prohibited from doing donuts or circles.
Life Preservers: Children 8 years & younger must wear an approved life preserver within 50� of water.
Underage Operator: Must be 14 or older w/ a boa�ng safety card & photo ID onboard to operate any motorized watercra�. On roadways, operator of any motorized vehicle must carry a valid driver’s license.
Trash: All trash, if put out prior to the scheduled pick-up day, must be in a container w/ a sealable lid securely closed.
Silt Fence: ANY excavated area must have a silt fence prior to excava�on (except shoreline work) un�l ground cover is established.
Guest Card: Must be in guest’s possession when Member is not alongside guest. A guest cannot bring a guest.
ATVs, Golf Carts, Four-Wheelers: Must display an orange flag or slow-moving vehicle sign on the rear.
Peace Disturbance: Loud music has a curfew of midnight on or off the water.
Interfering with an Officer: Interference with a Safety Officer is prohibited, including loud & abusive language.
,whichmeansmowing&landscaping seasonareaswell.VikingDirtworksandLandscapingisheretohelpyou
• Mowing • Lawn Applications • Shrubs • Irrigation
andwearelookingtoaddmoremowing, sprayingandmaintenanceclientsforthe2020mowingseason.
With all of the busy Labor Day activity, why not throw a Lake Viking Church Baptism into the mix – which is exactly what Pastor Robert Nelson did. Shown here with (Youth Director Randy Goin) is the baptizing one of a group of the 7 on September 4.
tment N ew Meeting T ime
Fire Depar
Beginning in October, 2022, the Fire Department will meet on the second Friday of the month at 2:00 PM. This will allow for a better training opportunity for our volunteers and staff members. If you have the interest and the time to serve your community, be sure to attend the next meeting. The monthly siren test will also be done at that time.
Sunday, October 9, 2022 at 2:00 PM at the clubhouse.
All members in good standing are welcome and encouraged to attend. If you want on the agenda, you must notify the office on or before the Monday prior to the board meeting.
For Sale
BASE ROCK, BLACK DIRT AND fill dirt. CRP clean-up, brush removal, & have a bucket truck for trimming trees (insured). Huston Trucking & Construction, 660-663-3234 or 660-334-0997.
2018 Cobalt boat, 200s, 50th Anniversary edition, Bimini top, swim platform, mooring cover, snap-in carpet, Mercruiser engine, custom Heritage trailer, only 65 hours. Like new condition. $54,000. Call or text 660-651-6076
SEAMLESS GUTTERING, A-1 Leaf Guard, CHI Overhead Door, LiftMaster-Chamberlain Operator Sales, Installation & Service. Call for free estimate. Serving you since 2006! Miller Construction, Jamesport, MO 660684-6950.
What does Fall mean to you - pumpkin spice, football, and pretty leaves? Maybe we’re the only ones who think of Medicare Open Enrollment but it’s that time of year again. Open Enrollment begins October 15 and ends December 7. During this time, people with Medicare can change their Prescription Drug (Part D) Plan or Medicare Advantage plan. Changes will be effective January 1st.
Although change is not always fun, it is a good idea to at least explore your options for next year. You want to make sure your current coverage is still the best place for 2023. Where to start? Check your mail. Starting in October, insurance companies are required to send you an Annual No-
tice of Change/Evidence of Coverage form. Although it might look intimidating, it is a good idea to check it over for changes to co-pays and outof-pocket costs. Also check your mailbox for your Medicare & You Handbook. They will usually be mailed in late September but if you haven’t received one, you can call 1-800-Medicare to get a copy or go online to download one.
For a customized comparison on plans available to you for 2023, call Deanna between 7 and 3 at 660-6632828 at the Active Aging Resource Center or stop by and pick up a worksheet. Deanna will be at the Pattonsburg Multi-Purpose Center on Wednesday, November 9th and at
Medicare Open Enrollment 2022
Jamesport City Hall on Wednesday, November 23 to do comparisons from 9-12.
No matter how busy you are cheering on the Chiefs, take a little time to check your Medicare options. It can make a huge impact in your pocketbook and your mental health.
This material has been created or produced by CLAIM with financial assistance, in whole or part, through a grant from the Administration for Community Living. Funding is administered through the Missouri Department of Commerce and Insurance and service is provided by Missouri Connections for Health, a non-profit organization.
Almost everything... you need to know about Lake Viking
Property Owners
Lake Viking 2022 Boards and Committees
Activities Committee
Mary Hibler (Chairperson), Dustin Hibler, David Hibler, Gail Bush, Resa Wiltse, Janet Hillman, Leanne Lee, Celeste Armanees (Board Contact), Dan and Connie Weidmaier, Dave & Tina Daniel Board of Directors
President, Marvin McNabb; 1st Vice President, Mike Booth; 2nd Vice President, Allan Slavin; Secretary, Celeste Armanees; Assistant Secretary, George Eshnaur; Treasurer, Doug Winter; Assistant Treasurer, Troy Lesan.
Viking Valley Association Board of Directors Meetings are held the second Sunday of each month, at 6:30 p.m. at the clubhouse. All members in good standing are welcome to attend.
Building Committee
Marvin McNabb, Doug Wiltse, Flint Hibler (Chairman), Matt Hibler, Al Christifano, Mary Aschbrenner, Bo Steed, Gregory Hall, Sue Morris, Allan Slavin (Board Contact)
Building Committee Meetings are held the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month at the clubhouse. Building permits are required to be approved by the Building Committee prior to the start of any construction as stated in the Covenants, Restrictions, By-Laws, Rules and Regulations of the Viking Valley Association. Campground Committee
Mary Hibler (Chairperson), Mike Wolfe, Kathy Price, Charles Sudduth, James Funk, Mike Booth (Board Contact)
Dredge Committee
Paula Hepinstall, Robert Hayes, Brett Bush, Shad Mort, Dave Daniel, Jim Miller, Shawn Hepinstall (Chairman), Doug Winter (Board Contact) Employee Board Contact
Marvin McNabb Finance Committee
Donna Archibald, Terry Nibarger, George Eshnaur, Flint Hibler, Celeste Armanees, Paula Hepinstall (Chair), Troy Lesan, Doug Winter (Board Contact), Tony Conforti, Kevin Euston Handbook Committee
Donna Archibald (Chair), Mary Miller, Kim Spidle, Terri Schlaiss, Celeste Armanees (Board Contact) Infraction/Safety
James Funk (Chairman), Mike Booth (Board Contact), Carl Butcher, Bob Clemens, Jim Gibbany, Kyle Loehnig, Ed White, Bob Shinogle Lake Committee
Shirley Leakey, Don Leeper, Carolyn Leeper, Bo Steed, Mike Krehbiel, Sherry Krehbiel, Eric Odette, Robert Walton, Troy Lesan (Board Contact) Email: Meetings held the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 2:00 p.m.
Special Road District
Ron Spidle, Troy Knight, Tony Gronniger Strategic Planning Committee
Kenny Southwick (Chairman), Tony Gronniger, Dennis Schlaiss, Lana Southwick, Kim Spidle, Carolyn Leeper, Terry Nibarger, Sue Wolf, Brad Trenkle, Don Leeper, Anthony Dirks, George Eshnaur (Board Contact) Volunteer Fire Department
Rusty Hendricks, Gary King, Tony Gronniger (Board Contact), Dennis Schlaiss, DJ Schlaiss, Tanner Hunter, Luke Threlkeld, Mark Closterman, Anthony Dirks, Mike Booth Beginning in October, 2022, the Fire Department will meet on the second Friday of the month at 2:00 PM. This will allow for a better training opportunity for our volunteers and staff members. If you have the interest and the time to serve your community, be sure to attend the next meeting. The monthly siren test will also be done at that time.
Public Water Supply District #3
Kyle W. Parkhurst, President, term expires 4/2023 - Sub-District #3; Jeffrey Speaker, Vice President, term expires 4/2025 - Sub-District #4; Harlan Horst, Secretary, term expires 4/2023 - Sub-District #5; Mark Closterman, Director, term expires 4/2024Sub-District #2; Heather Lund, Director, term expires 4/2024 - Sub-District #1; Roger Barker, Superintendent; Gary King, Water Operator; Travis Toney, Water Operator; Diane Hulett, Clerk. Board meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 4 pm at PWSD No 3 office.
Office Hours: 8am-4pm • Monday thru Friday.
All payments for metered water bills are to be made payable to Public Water Supply District No. 3 of Daviess County, Missouri. You may abbreviate as PWSD #3. If you have any questions, contact the PWSD No. 3 office, 116 Waterworks Dr., Gallatin, Mo. 64640 (located at the water plant). Phone 660-663-2771. Online payments can be made at:
For the convenience of customers of Public Water Supply District No. 3, a drop box is available at the front door of the office located at the water plant for the payment of water bills. Payments received after 4 p.m. in the drop box will post the following day. For the convenience of Association members, a drop box is available in the front door of the association office for the payment of association bills.
Viking Valley Association
Office Address: 144 E. Main, Gallatin, MO 64640 660-322-9001 |
Office Hours:
April 1 - Labor Day Monday-Friday: 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday: 8 a.m.-12 p.m. Day after Labor Day - March 31 Monday-Friday: 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
You are responsible for your guests and their actions. It is your responsibility to educate them on the rules and regulations of Lake Viking. Lake Viking is private property, but all lots are owned by some other individual. Please do not drive or ride ATV vehicles or bicycles on neighboring lots, or walk across lots to fish or use others’ property without first getting the property owner’s permission.
Fishery Guidelines
Bass: Release all bass 12” to 19”. Fishermen can keep one bass per day of 19” or longer.
Crappie: Keep all crappie caught, within the state limit, which is 30 per day.
Walleye: Fisherman can keep Walleye at least 21” in length, release all catches under 21”.
Mowing Regulations
You are required to have your lot mowed by May 1st, June 1st and September 1st of each year. If you do not keep your lot mowed, or hire a contract mower, the Association will mow it, and bill you $90.00 for each mowing.
The Association does not want to be in the mowing business. Please self-mow your lot or hire a contract mower to do it for you. All contract mowers are required to submit a customer list to the Association office. If you are not on their initial list, you may be accidentally billed by the Association, so please contact your mower early. The below listed mowers have registered with the Association office and can usually be reached in the evening. There may be other mowers who advertise in the Lake Viking News.
Eric Critten
Contract Mowers Can Save You Money
Randy Gatton
Mark Hoig 816-716-1896 or 660-663-4244
Gary Salmon
Lyle Hoover 816-244-0752
Jeff Hoppenthaler
Rick Roberts
Mow Betta Lawn Care 816-465-0178
Patriot Lawn & Landscaping 573-944-0802
Pain In The Grass, Steven Carlton 660-322-2988
Jake Cameron 816-288-1067
Please Keep Control of Your Dogs
Dogs are not allowed off the member’s property and shall be contained by a fenced enclosure or controlled by a leash. Guests’ dogs are included. Violation of this rule may be subject to an Infraction Ticket issued to the property owner.
Building Permit Notice
Emergency Phone Numbers
* DAVIESS COUNTY EMERGENCY . . . . . . . . . . . 911 Ambulance - Fire - Rescue
* Fire - Lake Viking Fire Dept
911 To Report Fire Only * Lake Viking Safety Patrol . . . .
. . . 660-322-9001 * Sheriff, Daviess Co. .
Building Permits are required, but not limited to the following projects: fences, storage shed, shelters, decks, boat docks, boat houses, room additions, porches and any alteration of the roof line; and any other construction that requires large earth moving equipment, concrete trucks and other equipment that requires multiple axle trailers. Failure to comply with building regulations could result in a minimum fine of $500 and loss of lake privileges. Any construction not in compliance with these regulations could result in forced relocation of the structure.
Watch When and Where You Burn!
Anytime you are burning brush, etc., on your lot, make certain you are burning on your lot and not someone else’s property. Unattended burning is prohibited and burning is not allowed when winds are in excess of 15 mph and shall be subject to an Infraction Ticket and fine.
Member Reminders
• Helmets are required to be worn when operating a motorcycle within the Lake Viking Subdivision.
• Goose population control is hard to manage... The first step in this process is DO NOT FEED THE GEESE!
660-663-2031 Sheriff Larry Adams .
or 663-2149 * Highway Patrol (Emergencies) .
Important Phone Numbers
* Association Office 660-322-9001
* Public Water Supply District #3 of Daviess County (Water Plant) 660-663-2771 Roger Barker (Emergency after hours) 660-334-0100
* Lake Viking Marine, Inc., Lot #1000 660-663-3722
* Farmers Electric Co-op., Inc. During business hours 1-800-279-0496 After Hours 1-800-927-5334
Affordable Disposal LLC 816-238-8933
* Windstream Telephone Company Customer Service (Residential) 1-800-347-1991 Repair Service 1-800-782-6206
VVA Meeting
tree limbs have been removed. The first lot has been rocked; the other two lots will be rocked in the next few months. We are in the process of getting deeds amended to include right-of-way specifications.
-- There was an accident with our dump truck, which became mired then rolled. The damage from the accident is $18,000. We have a $1,000 deductible on our insurance policy & we will be purchasing the wrecked truck back for $1,500. So the insurance check for the claim will be net of the deductible & buy-back amount for the wrecked truck or $15,500. We will be fixing this truck to use to transport dredge material across the road.
-- The new gate in Maintenance Area is mostly installed, with cameras & electricity installed next.
-- The Clubhouse septic system is being evaluated. Perk tests will be done around the playground area.
-- The 4 surf buoys have been received & need to be re-labeled.
Board Discussion
Celeste Armanees (Board contact for Handbook Committee) presented on 3 proposed Rule changes to the Handbook:
1. Finalize the Wakesurfing Rule
2. # watercraft per member, and 3. 911 Address change.
The 1st Rule to vote on … was to finalize the Wake Surf Rule in Handbook at end of Water Rules & Regulations section (pg. 31). At last month’s Board meeting, we approved a new Wake Surfing rule (in non-boldface below), and we promised to follow up with a few clarifications/tweaks (in boldface below) that we’ll vote on today. The changes to the Wake Surfing Rule are: #1 added a definition, #3 on surfer safety, and #6 on
Zebra Mussels.”
WAKE SURFING: Effective August 24, 2022 there is a freeze on additional wakesurf boats at Lake Viking. Only wakesurf boats already on the lake as of the above date are allowed, with the following restrictions:
1. Definition: A wakesurf boat is any boat designed or altered to intentionally create a large wake for surfing. This typically includes the drive system, apparatus such as Hydrofoils, Trim Tabs, Wake Shapers and Ballasts -- whether factory-installed or aftermarket.
2. NO additional wakesurf boats are allowed — whether new purchase nor replacement. Also, no boat of any kind shall be modified or retrofitted with a wave or surf device.
3. Wakesurfing shall only be performed behind a direct-drive inboard-type watercraft, in which the propeller is located under the keel of the boat. For safety of surfer, wakesurfing is prohibited behind boats with an inboard/outboard motor, or an outboard motor.
4. Wakesurfing is restricted to the main channel & near the center of the channel, as marked by 4 wakesurf buoys. ALL wakesurfing must be within / inside these “buoy boundaries.” Direction of travel is counter-clockwise consistent with normal lake traffic.
5. Water bladders or other watercraft weight-enhancement devices must be filled & emptied within the “buoy boundaries” described above. This rule applies to all watercraft that have wave-enhancing devices, whether wakesurfing or not.
6. Zebra mussels: If used outside Lake Vi-
king waters, a thorough hotwash of boat & especially its water bladders (that easily hide zebra mussels) must be performed by Lake Viking staff, and any boat with water bladders must be quarantined for 21 days.
7. Wakesurf boats already authorized on Lake Viking may not be sold to another Lake member for use on Lake Viking. If a property is sold with a wakesurf boat, that boat will not be authorized to use the lake.
8. Any violation of the above wakesurfing rules is subject to maximum $500 fine.
Motion was made by Celeste Armanees to make these changes in the Handbook. Seconded by Troy Lesan; motion passed unanimously.
The 2nd Rule to vote on … was the number of watercraft per member household, to change from current 3 to proposed 2. Grandfather clause for current members to keep 3 permanently (Handbook pg. 27-28).
Proposed rule:
UNAUTHORIZED WATERCRAFT: Add “Grandfather clause for members prior to Sept. 21, 2022 allows up to three (3) motorized watercraft. After Sept. 21, 2022, all new members are limited to two (2) motorized watercraft. When a current lot owner sells or otherwise transfers the property including watercraft to new owners, then the limit of two (2) watercraft takes effect upon sale or transfer of the property.”
Then after the above new intro to the paragraph, change rest of paragraph & its examples to: “three (3)” change to “two (2) motorized watercraft.”
Active Aging Resource Center Menu
Active Aging Resource Center - Serving times 11-12:30
- Friday 109 S Main, P O Box 272, Gallatin, MO 660-663-2828
Smoked Sausage & Sauerkraut Baked Chicken with Potatoes, Meatloaf
Sausage Pizza Chili & Crackers
Cauliflower Carrots & Mushrooms Parsley Potatoes Lettuce Salad Pickles & Onions Tomato Salad Green Beans, Biscuit Whole Baby Carrots Fresh Broccoli & Cauliflower Fruit Juice Cornbread, Mixed Fruit Mandarin Oranges Hot Roll, Strawberries
Shortcake Pears, Brownie
Penne Pasta with Meat Sauce Clam Chowder with a Turkey & Noodles
Steak Cheeseburger on Bun Carrots, Bread Slice Chicken Salad Sandwich Lettuce Salad
Cole Slaw Hashbrown Casserole Winter Mix Beets, Celery Sticks w/ PB Green Beans
Mixed Vegetables Spinach
Bananas Peaches
Pineapple & Oranges Fruit Cocktail Apple Crisp
BINGO 10 a.m.
Chicken Strips
Tomato Soup with a Oven Fried Chicken Chili & Cheese Fish Wrap with Lettuce Hamburger on Bun
Roast Beef Sandwich
Mashed Potatoes Pickles & Onions Macaroni & Tomatoes Baked Potato
Pea Salad Carrots with Gelatin Crackers, Fruit Juice Cauliflower Seasoned Beans
Stewed Apples Fruit Crisp Mixed Fruit
Church of Christ (108 E. Johnson St.) — Charles Ross, E v
; L
services 6 p.m. For transportation, call 663-4061 or 6633957.
First Baptist Church (511 W Richardson St.) — Bro. Daniel Pelichowski, Pastor; Bro. Wood Marshall, Youth Pastor Bible Study 9:30 to 10:30 a.m.; Worship 10:40 a.m. (nursery provided). Evening Worship at 6 p.m.; Tuesday Bible study 6 p.m., Wednesday Adult Choir 8:05 p.m. For transportation, call church office at 663.663.2331.Office hours: 8 to 11 a.m. weekdays.
Email: United Methodist Church — Marilyn Dorst, Minister; Worship 9:30 a.m., S S following on 2nd, 4th and 5th Sundays; Sunday School 9:30 a.m. on 1st and 3rd.
First Christian Church (1501 S. Main St.) — Rev Kyle Taft, pastor; Children’s Pastor Emily Miller Sunday worship at 9 a.m.; Sunday School at 10 a.m. Wednesday Prayer Meetings at 5:30 p.m. followed by Bible Study at 6 p.m.; Men’s Bible Study 5 p.m. Sundays; Youth groups at 5:30 p.m. every second and fourth Sunday during the school year Visit our website:, and also join us on Facebook: Gallatin First Christian Church
Friends in Christ (400 N. Main St.) — Sunday morning worship 9:30 a.m. and small groups at 11 a.m. For more information, call Shonna at 660.663.2228
Gallatin First Assembly of God (208 S. Willow St.) — Rev Wayne Smith, Pastor, ph: 660.663.3213. S S 9:45 a.m., Celebrations 10:45 a.m.; Wednesdays 6 p.m.
Lake Viking Church (East Entrance to Lake) — Rev Robert Nelson, Pastor; Sunday School 9 a.m., Worship 10 a.m.; Wednesday Bible study and prayer service 7 p.m.; Email:
Mar y Immaculate Catholic Church (409 S. Main) — Fr Tom Hermes; Saturday Mass 4:30 p m on holiday weekends only; Sunday Mass 10:30 a.m. (all year)
Olive Baptist Church (Route V, east of Gallatin) — David Leeper, Minister; Sunday School 10 a.m.; Worship 11 a.m. & 7 p.m.; Wednesday prayer service 7 p.m.
Presbyterian Church (201 S. Main St.) — James Norton, Minister; Fellowship 10:30 a.m. and Worship 11 a.m.
Seventh-day Adventist Church (1207 S. Clay St.) — M i k
; S a
d a y Sabbath School 9:15 a.m., Worship 11 a.m.
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (211 Ash) — David Marble, Bishop, ph: 660.663.9258. Sunday Sacrament Service 10 a.m.; Wednesday youth activities, 7 p.m. United Methodist Church (111 S. Market) — Pastor Brad Dush; Sunday School and Worship 11 a.m.;
First Baptist Church — Sunday School 9:30 a.m.; Worship 10:30 a.m.; Sunday & Wednesday services 6:30 p.m.; church ph: 749.5577
Fair view Community Church — Pastor Shadrach Landry; Sunday School 9:45-10:45 a.m.; Worship 11 a.m. United Methodist Church — Eugene Keats, Pastor; Sunday Worship 10:45 a.m.
Alta Vista Baptist Church (NW of Winston on Hwy. 6) — Rev Robert Dean, Pastor; Sunday School 9:30 a.m.; Worship service 10:30 a.m.
Baptist Church — Tim Wilson, Pastor; Sunday School 10:30 a.m.; Worship 11:30
Fall Festival
October 8th from 5-9 pm
Outside behind the clubhouse.
“Beer and Brats” and Wine Festival
• Brats, buns, condiments, baked beans, potato salad, chips, cookies will be provided
• Beer tasting from Levi’s Garrison and Son’s
• The cost of this event is $20. you will receive a meal, punch ticket for sampling and a souvenir glass.
Activities Committee Chair Mary Hibler and great granddaughter Ember were early onlookers at Patio Party #3 where the four man group Daisy Cull provided the entertainment on September 3.
Who Ya Gonna Call?
EMERGENCY: Daviess County 911 of Daviess County
Who Ya Gonna Call?
EMERGENCY: Daviess County 911
Sheriff of Daviess County
660-663-2031 or 663-2149
Highway Patrol (emergencies) 800-525-5555
660-663-2031 or 663-2149
State Highway Patrol (emergencies) 800-525-5555
August 2022 Enforcement Contacts
Safety officers issued 42 Infractions notices during the month of August. The infractions are as follows:
Campground Mowing Violation - 13
Circles or Donuts – 6
Trash not in Sealable and Closed Container – 6
Noxious and Offensive Activity – 3
Life Preserver – 3
Property Maintenance – 2
Movement Confliction – 1
Improper Towing – 1
Property Damage -1
Interfering with an Officer – 1
Construction started without Approval from Building Committee – 1
Careless and Imprudent Operation of Watercraft – 1
Fireworks – 1
Dog at Large – 1
Ski Violation – 1
Safety officers issued 20 Warnings notices during the month of August. The warnings were as follows:
Movement Confliction – 4
Failure to Present Boater Safety Card – 3
Property Maintenance – 2
Failure to Present Guest Card - 2
Dog at Large – 2
Overloading watercraft - 1
Interfering with an Officer - 1
Underage Operator of ATV/UTV - 1
Circles or Donuts – 1
Lake Viking Assoc. Office
Viking Assoc. Office 660-322-9001
Viking Assoc. Safety Dept.
Lake Viking Assoc. Safety Dept.
Water Supply District #3 (PWSD) 660-663-2771 Plant (PWSD) (after hours) 660-334-0100
Public Water Supply District #3 (PWSD) 660-663-2771
Water Plant (PWSD) (after hours) 660-334-0100
Failure to Adhere to Association Buoy -1
Boat Ramp not Chained or Locked -1
Noxious or offensive activity - 1
Farmers’ Electric Co -op
Farmers’ Electric Co -op 800-279-0496
Farmers’ Electric Co -op (after hours) 800-927-5334 service (Affordable Disposal) 816-238-8933 company (Windstream) 800-501-1754
Farmers’ Electric Co -op (after hours) 800-927-5334
Trash service (Affordable Disposal) 816-238-8933
Phone company (Windstream) 800-501-1754
Viking Valley Assoc. 144 E. Main Gallatin, MO 64640 660-322-9001 phone
Viking Valley Assoc. 144 E. Main Gallatin, MO 64640 660-322
VVA Meeting
Discussion ensued and Kenny Southwick, lot 381, commented he did not think this was fair to not involve lake owners in this decision, as he felt it could lower their property values. Troy Lesan answered that the structure of the VVA Handbook is such that general boating rules do not go before a full membership for approval but are Board decisions voted on in monthly meetings.
Motion was made by Celeste Armanees to make these changes in the Handbook. Seconded by Allan Slaven; motion passed unanimously.
The 3rd Rule to vote on … was regarding “911 Addresses & Lot Numbers” being posted. This rule change was submitted by the VVA Safety Dept.
Proposed Rule change on Handbook pg. 39:
Intro: Main purpose is for members’ safety—instead of a sign that currently reads e.g. “222 111” this rule would require the word “Lot” to precede the lot’s numbers, so easier for emergency personnel to quickly distinguish the street number from the lot number, in an emergency situation. This would require some members to add the word “Lot” to their sign.
a) All dwelling owners (of houses, mobile homes, and dwellings of similar construction) may “shall” have their street address “911 street numbers” & lot number(s), “with the word ‘Lot’ spelled out,” prominently displayed, so both are clearly visible from the roadway, in case of a 9-1-1 emergency. “(Example: 4515 Lot 840)”
b) Lettering and numbering needs to be at
least 3 inches high “tall”, and sign colors need to be contrasting colors so the sign is easily read, ”and reflective signage would be most prudent.”
c) Owners having multiple adjoining lots may include all lot numbers on the sign at the principal residence.
d) Lots with “dwellings and/or” structures (shelters, sheds, boat or swimming docks, decks, etc.) must “shall” have their lot number(s) prominently displayed, so it is clearly visible from the water (on lakefront lots) and from the roadway.
e) All docks must have lot number displayed on the lower right side of the dock, as viewed from the water. (rev 4/22), “and reflective signage would be most prudent”. All lakefront dwellings must have lot number clearly visible from the water. (delete because already covered in d.)
f) All new home Building Permits are required to obtain the 9-1-1 address for their property prior to the start of the build process. The 9-1-1 address “numbers” and Lot number(s) must be posted on the property & provided to the VVA Office. (rev 12/21). The 9-1-1 address can be obtained by calling the Daviess County 9-1-1 Office @ (660) 6634252. (rev 4/22)
g) Failure to comply will result in an infraction ticket & appearance before the Infraction Committee.
Motion was made by Celeste Armanees to make these changes in the Handbook. Seconded by George Eshnauer; motion passed unanimously.
Last topic: The Nominating Committee for the Annual Meeting in March 2023 to elect new Board Members was discussed. Troy Lesan and George Eshnaur both stated they
Continued from page 14
would be a member of the committee. Membership was asked for participants from the membership to also serve on the committee.
Troy Lesan moved to adjourn to Executive Session at 3:10pm … to discuss legal, personnel, and Board organizational matters. Seconded by George Eshnaur; motion passed.
Approx. 20+ members attended, too many to list here. A sign-in Attendance Sheet is on record at the Office for reference.
Let the record show that these minutes are a record of the business transacted at this meeting and are a sampling of the discussions. Comments and discussions are not reflected in whole or as actual quotations in the minutes, nor do they reflect all comments by members.
Respectfully submitted, Celeste Armanees Secretary, Board of Directors Viking Valley Association
Effective August 24, 2022 there is a freeze on additional wakesurf boats at Lake Viking. Only wakesurf boats already on the lake as of the above date are allowed, with the following restrictions:
1. Definition: A wakesurf boat is any boat designed or altered to intentionally create a large wake for surfing. This typically includes the drive system, apparatus such as Hydrofoils, Trim Tabs, Wake Shapers and Ballasts -- whether factory-installed or aftermarket.
2. NO additional wakesurf boats are allowed — whether new purchase nor replacement. Also, no boat of any kind shall be modified or retrofitted with a wave or surf device.
3. For safety of surfer, wakesurfing is prohibited behind boats with an inboard/outboard motor, or an outboard motor.
4. Wakesurfing is restricted to the main channel & near the
center of the channel, as marked by 4 wakesurf buoys. ALL wakesurfing must be within / inside these “buoy boundaries.” Direction of travel is counter-clockwise consistent with normal lake traffic.
5. Water bladders or other watercraft weight-enhancement devices must be filled & emptied within the “buoy boundaries” described above. This rule applies to all watercraft that have wave-enhancing devices, whether wakesurfing or not.
6. Zebra mussels: If used outside Lake Viking waters, a thorough hotwash of boat must be performed by Lake Viking staff, and any boat with water bladders must be quarantined for 21 days.
7. Wakesurf boats already authorized on Lake Viking may not be sold to another Lake member for use on Lake Viking. If a property is sold with a wakesurf boat, that boat will not be authorized to use the lake.
8. Any violation of the above wakesurfing rules is subject to maximum $500 fine.
Jerald “Jerry” Carter 1944 – 2022
Jerald “Jerry” Carter, 78, Gallatin, MO passed away Thursday, September 8, 2022 at his Lake Viking home in a mowing accident. Jerry enjoyed helping others including mowing for neighbors and friends.
He was born the middle of three boys on May 10, 1944 in Bethany, Missouri the son of Samuel Carl and Ruth Ellen (Jeffries) Carter. They grew up on a farm north of McFall, learning about hard work on the farm. Jerry attended and graduated from Pattonsburg High School, causing a little mischief along the way as he loved to have fun.
Jerry was formerly married to LaDonna Campbell where two daughters were born. Shelly and Tina quickly learned that their dad’s jokes were part of everyday life. In 1977, Jerry met and married Annemarie Naute from Bavaria, Germany. To this marriage, Ann brought another daughter, Sandy.
As known as “the best parts man in northwest Missouri” by many farmers, Jerry spent 42 years at Terry Implement in Gallatin. Before computers, he was known to rattle off the desired part number, head to the parts bins and grab it without looking it up.
Jerry and Ann moved to Lake Viking in 1981, where they met many people who have become life-long friends. He was quite a storyteller and knew people wherever he went. Jerry served as mayor of Altamont, MO and posed as Mr. November in the Lake Viking calendar for men over 50.
He was preceded in death by his parents and brother, Stanley Carter.
Survivors in addition to his wife, Ann, of the home are his daughters, Shelly Davis Word, Sebring, Florida, Tina (Scott) Gillespie, Albany, MO and Sandy (Scott) Pulham of Arizona; seven grandchildren; eight great-grandchildren; brother, Gary (Debbie) Carter, St. Joseph, MO and numerous cousins.
Memorials may be made to the Jerry Carter Memorial Fund, to be designated later, in care of Roberson Funeral Home, P.O. box 152, Pattonsburg, MO 64670.
Kenneth David Sandy Junior 1940-2022
Kenneth David Sandy Junior, 82, of Kidder passed away unexpectedly on August 1, 2022.
Junior, as he was known to all, was born at his home in Kidder on June 4, 1940 to Kenneth and Roberta Sandy. He graduated from Winston High School in 1958, where he is still remembered for his skill on the basketball court. At the time, he was one of the highest scoring players the state of Missouri had ever seen. He went to Central Methodist College in Fayette before transferring to Central Missouri State University in Warrensburg where he double majored in biology and agriculture.
He met the love of his life, Nancy Gurney, when they were still both kids, but it wasn’t until 1958 when they began dating. Junior and Nancy were married on August 20, 1961, and for nearly 62 years they have been supporting one another. Their life together has been blessed with the birth of their children, Kenneth David Sandy III (Lance) and Lori Jane Sandy (Brian), their grandchildren Lindsey Jane McCloy (Jonathan), Kaisi Rachelle Huffman (Travis), Kelsey Jean Head (Justin), Kenneth David Sandy IV, and three great-grandchildren: Matthew James McCloy, Montee Jack Head, and Rawlings Junior Head. Other survivors include his brother Bob Sandy (Suzanne), sister-in-law Deanna Sandy, sisters-in-law Isla Jean Bashford and Beverly Scott, and many nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents, his brother John Sandy, brothers-in-law Darrell Bashford and Clifford Scott, and an infant son.
Junior Sandy will be remembered by friends and colleagues from coast-to-coast for his many business adventures. Right out of college, with a newborn bouncing on his knee, Junior began dealing in coins and precious metals, then jewelry, precious stones, antiquities, and anything else his entrepreneurial spirit discovered. His life-story reads like an adventure novel.
Junior will be remembered in Northwest Missouri as an aviator. His 50-year flight record having been recognized by the FAA in 2019 with a
Jerry R. Burns 1946-2022
Jerry R. Burns - age 76 of Gallatin, MO passed away Monday night, September 12th, 2022, at Cameron Regional Medical Center in Cameron. Jerry was born on May 14th, 1946, the son of Gerald and Dorothy (Groves) Burns in rural Daviess County, MO. As a young man Jerry showed registered Hereford cattle. He competed in many livestock shows including the Missouri State Fair, Interstate and the American Royal where he won numerous trophies. One of his greatest achievements was winning the Showman Award for being an outstanding showman. He was a 1964 graduate of Jameson R-III High School and furthered his education at IBM School. Shortly afterwards Jerry enlisted and served in the United States Air Force Reserves. Jerry was no stranger to hard work growing up on the farm. He carried those early life lessons into every job he pursued. One of his first jobs was at the Ford Motor Company. He then went on to work at Blackburn-Hockensmith for a while, and then returned back to the farm life. Afterwards he pursued his love for tractors and farm equipment serving 46 years at Gallatin Truck and Tractor. His razor-sharp memory made him unsurpassed as a salesman.
It comes as no surprise that Jerry loved his fast sport cars and pretty girls. On May 17th, 1969, Jerry married the love of his life Judy Eileen Eads at the Jameson Baptist Church.
There was never a more perfectly matched couple. The 2 of them settled down in Gallatin MO and raised 3 beautiful children. Those children gave him the greatest gift, 6 grandchildren and 7 Great Grandchildren. He loved Sunday dinners and watching the great-grandchildren play. It is with heavy hearts Jerry will be missed by his family, friends and community.
Jerry was preceded in death by his parents, and sister-in-law, Vicki Burns. He is survived by his wife Judy, of the home; children, Jason Burns (Tanya) of Gallatin, MO, Gene Burns (Amy) of Gallatin, MO, and Janet Rhoades (Larry) of Gallatin, MO; grandchildren, Dennelle Caldwell (Luke) of Altamont, MO, Robert Rhoades (Nicole) of Gallatin, MO, Bradley Rhoades (Kasey) of Gallatin, MO, Dylan Burns (Julie) of Gallatin, MO, Ashley Atkinson (Matt) of Kansas City, MO, and Logan Burns of St. Joseph, MO; seven greatgrandchildren; and siblings, Linda Critten (Darrell) of Gallatin, MO, Donald Burns (Kathy) of Pattonsburg, MO, Mary Anne Wheeler (Harry) of Cameron, MO, Wendall Burns (Mary) of Gallatin, MO, Larry Burns (Gwen) of Blue Springs, MO, and Mark Burns of Blue Springs, MO; several nieces, nephews, cousins and other extended family members also survive.
In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions are suggested to the American Diabetes Association or Kickin’ Cancer with Kindness.
Master Pilot Award. He is also known throughout the area as an outdoorsman. His love for sport and game is rivaled only by his love for his bird dogs, and a chihuahua named Lilly.
Junior will be remembered in Kidder as a man who took immense pride in his family farm. He was compassionate, generous, and civic minded for this community where he was born, raised, and thrived. His final sunrise was spent on the land he always called home.
Junior will be remembered by his family as a provider, a lover of YouTube videos, a proud father, and a beloved Papa.
Junior Sandy will be remembered as an adventurer, a man of character, an entrepreneur, a man of faith, and a man who beamed when he spoke of family.
Junior Sandy will be remembered.
In lieu of flowers, Junior would have loved donations to be made to the Kidder Methodist Church.
David Wallen Lawson 1955-2022
David Wallen Lawson, age 67, was born February 5, 1955 in St. Joseph, Missouri, the son of John Thomas and Anna Helen (Bills) Lawson and passed away August 10, 2022.
David was a graduate of Stewartsville High School class of 1973. He married the love of his life, Phyllis Arlene (Wattenbarger) on June 28, 1975 in Cameron, Missouri. To this union four daughters were born.
From the time David was a young man he was an employee of his family’s business, Lawson’s Quick Stop, in Stewartsville, Missouri. He then became the owner and manager of Lawson’s Quick Stop in Stewartsville and the Clarksdale General Store in Clarksdale, Missouri. His favorite days of the week since he retired were “Taco Tuesday and Weiner Wednesday” and any day he could cruise around in his ’55 Chevy. He was oftentimes called upon to bake his famous chocolate chip cookies that sold for several hundred dollars at fundraisers. David was a member of the Presbyterian Christian Church, TriFive Chevy Club, and a former member of the Stewartsville City Council. His favorite activities included camping, attending classic car shows, and pulling his children and grandchildren on a tube with the pontoon boat at Lake Viking where he resided for the past two years. Of all of David’s lifelong accomplishments he will be most remembered for being a loving husband, father, grandfather, brother, and friend to many.
He is preceded in death by his parents; step-father, Kenneth Hassinger; sister, Sandra Lawson; step-sister, Terri Jamtgaard, step-brothers, Russell Hassinger and Donnie Hassinger.
Survivors include his loving wife of 47 years, Phyllis; four daughters, Tobi (Tom) McManus, Heather (Randy) Mitchell, Tiffany (Brian) Holden, and Lindsey Samples; brother, Tom (Kim) Lawson; step-brother, Steve (Jill) Hassinger; eleven grandchildren, Meghan (Ryan), Buddy (Andi), Ali, Cooper, Marek, Cole, Gavin, Brianne, and Marleigh; one great-grandson, Reid; and numerous nieces, nephews and friends.
Memorial Contributions: Stewartsville Cemetery or Presbyterian Christian Church.
2022 Fall Fishing Tournament
Once again, weather interfered with the Lake Viking Fishing Tournament. This time in the form of heavy rain and a few ferocious lightning bolts on the morning of September 17. Out of the 12 entries, only half made it in for final weigh-in. The winners were Will Shephard and Myles McDaniel who took home the trophy and the $100 first prize for a 5.1 pound specimen with 14.5 total pounds. Second place prize of $75 went to team Bush, Taylor and Bush, while the Formanek Brothers took 3rd place with the $50 prize.
Sam, age 5, landed this awesome catch September 3rd. He was fishing with a live worm off their dock. Estimated at close to 5 pounds [Photo submitted by Sydni Hook]
Robert Winders actually caught this nice fish a few weeks before the September 17th Fishing Tournament. He was fishing alone, flagged Safety down to take the picture, then threw the lunker back in the lake for anglers to try & catch again.