2024 featured another wonderful and memorable Independence Day holiday with a great lineup of events pictured in this edition of the Lake Viking News. Fireworks pictures were contributed by Jeff Hower, Sharon Svuba, and Terri Schlaiss. Composition & editing by Cassie Martin and Troy Lesan. This edition also includes VVA Financial Documents
The 2024 Boat Parade at the Yacht Club:
Photos by Troy Lesan & Karen Poole
First Place: Hepinstall Family with Taylor/Travis/Chiefs Boat.
2nd Place: The Anderbergs with Flippin for Lake Viking
3rd Place: Lawsons, Lot 172, with “1776”
Other entries in this great line-up were Lee, lot 56, Red, White & Blue Banners. Eads, lot 450, with Banners & Streamers. And Nibargers in a Vintage 1937 Chris Craft
Call to Order
Doug Winter, Lot 46, called the meeting to order, held in the upper level of the Clubhouse, at 2:00 pm. Board members present were: Robert Walton, Lot 217, Jeremy Lillig, Lot 3041, Michelle Sullivan, Lot 1826 and Terry Nibarger, Lot 657, and Tom Rice, Lot 343. Jeremy Lillig led in prayer. Shad Mort, Acting Lake Manager, led the Pledge of Allegiance. Doug Winter, Board President, read the mission statement of Lake Viking.
Approval of Minutes
A motion was made by Tom Rice and was seconded by Jeremy Lillig to approve the minutes of the June 2024 regular board meeting. The June 2024 minutes were approved unanimously.
Board of Directors Information Presentation
Doug Winter, Board President addressed the membership and provided information regarding recent changes made in staffing at Lake Viking. Jeff Ferguson resigned his role as Lake Manager on June 21, 2024. The Board accepted Jeff’s resignation. Shad Mort was retained as the Interim Lake Manager. Interviews for the Lake Manager position have been completed and an offer has been made and accepted by Brian Holcomb. Brian comes to us with a Degree in Personnel Management and a Masters in Business Administration. He has been with the Missouri State Highway Patrol for many years, Brian will
join the Lake Viking staff on September 9, 2024. Board President, Doug Winter stated that the Board acknowledges their part in the problems encountered with Lake direction and listed the following steps which would be taken to improve communication in the future. These include:
• Detailed accounting of projects will be provided and will be published in the Lake Viking Newspaper
• Bids will be requested for projects and will be thoroughly reviewed in order to select the best use of the members’ monies
• Policies and Procedures will be clarified and revised as needed to avoid similar problems in the future
• The goal will be to harness the passion of the members and make time spent at the Lake meet members’ expectations.
COMMITTEE REPORTS: Handbook Committee
Michelle Sullivan submitted two updates to the VVA Handbook for approval. The changes are to Campground Rules & Regulations:
• Campground Rules & Regulations
• Reason for Change/Addition to reflect the updated changes made by the Campground Committee.
• Proposed Handbook
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place
New Members
July 2024
Randall & Nelly Bateman
Brian & Kristina Hoolihan
LC & MJ Properties, LLC
Scott & Holly King Lots #1594, 1595, 1596
Joshua & Sarah Weaver Lots #2493, 2492
Daniel & Diana Shull
Stanley & Deborah Moore
Loralyn Biesinger
David Biesinger Lots #1915, 1916
David & Michelle Hibbs
Derek & Stacy Trant
Darlene Wright
Steven Hagen
Dana & Angela Troske
Bret & Lauren Bascue
A Big Catch: VVA Board President Doug Winter caught this huge catfish from his dock. He didn’t weigh it but it looks like a 50 pounder. Luckily neighbors were nearby to help him pull it in which was no small task. Then he put it back in the water.
Viking Valley Association
Another big catch (a six pound bass) by
Luke Leslie.
Infraction Committee Report: June 2024
The Infraction Committee met on July 14, 2024. Mike Booth has volunteered to assist the committee as a new member and needs board approval. I move we accept Mike Booth as the newest member of the committee.
During June: 24 Warnings 26 Infractions 21 Thirty-day warning letters sent to members
Over the July 4th holiday (July 4-7) Safety was busy. 24 warnings 10 infractions Helped to save 1 boat sinking at the dock. Made for a very happy member!
Terry Nibarger Board Contact
Fun Sunday at Lake Viking Church
By Troy Lesan
This was a great outdoor church service on June 30 that included music, testimonials, BBQ provided by Jesse Toney, and more food of a magnitude that can only be found at church potlucks. As usual, the real magic was in the music. Special guest Dr. John Cockman assisted on keyboard during the entire service. Dr. Cockman has served on the faculty of The University of Kansas teaching piano, voice, music theory, music history, and organ, and he has also worked with the Kansas City Wind Symphony, where he has contributed such wind ensemble arrangements as Rachmaninov’s Concerto no. 2, Stravinsky’s Concerto for Piano and Winds, Gershwin’s Rhapsody in Blue, and much more. On this Sunday, however Dr. Cockman, and wife Erin brought along their favorite music project – their five children, ranging in ages 9 to 15 and known as the Hybrid 5. The group was named Missouri’s Most Musical Family in 2019 by the Missouri Federation of Music Clubs, and it’s easy to see why. The Hybrid 5 put on a wonderful show with music ranging in everything from hymns to contemporary favorites. This was a memorable show for those lucky enough to attend.
Daviess County PWSD #3 Open Meeting: May 28, 2024
Kyle Parkhurst, President (2026), called the meeting to order at 4:00pm which was held at the water plant. Members in attendance were Harlan Horst (2026), Mark Closterman (2027), Gary Buck (2027), and Mike Lammers (2025). Also in attendance were Zack Morrison, Water Superintendent, Diane Hulett, Clerk and visitors, Charlie Zitnik and Jonathon Benson of DA Davidson.
Harlan Horst made a motion to approve the minutes of the April 23, 2024 Board Meeting. Gary Buck seconded. All members were in favor; motion carried.
There was no public comment.
Zack informed the board that Bartlett & West’s cost to add the Granular Activated Carbon units back to the treatment process will be approximately $300,000. A motion was made by Harlan Horst to proceed on the GAC project with Bartlett & West. Gary Buck seconded. All members voted in favor; motion carried.
Financial Report:
The financial reports and bills were reviewed and discussed. Mike Lammers moved to approve the April financial reports as submitted and approve the bills and transfers. Mark Closterman seconded. All members voted to approve; motion carried.
Charlie Zitnik and Jonathon Benson with DA Davidson provided financing information to help with the cost of adding the GAC units back to the treatment process. Interest rates are currently in the 5-5.5% range.
Superintendent Report:
Zack informed the board that three resets and two meter installs were completed in the last month. He also reported that tools and batteries have recently been purchased for the district.
Kyle Parkhurst, President, announced the next meeting would be June 18, 2024, at the water plant. The meeting was adjourned at 5:30pm.
Respectfully Submitted, Mark Closterman
The Independence Day Festivities, on July 6, began with the Pancake Breakfast which was put on this year by volunteers from the Lake Viking Fishing Club and had over 450 attendees.
Another Lake Viking Independence day tradition was continued by Fire Chief Tony Gronniger & his great group of volunteers (with Peggy Lankford trying hard to not get wet LOL) operating the water stream.
Once again, the Trozollo Family gave away free ice-cream from their dock
Yetter Pest Control
In attendance: Chair - Felicia Roth, David Roth, Peggy Lankford
Mission Statement
1. Focus on projects that will refresh, improve and benefit Lake Viking’s environment & community
2. Envision, plan, prepare & create.
3. Explore ways for VVA to raise funds for future expenses.
4. Design projects that will not raise dues or association fees and will provide positive opportunities for the community.
Priority Projects Accomplished in June & July:
1. Lake Viking office lobby is Painted & Refreshed
2. New Lake Viking themed Fund Raising merchandise on display & for sale in Office lobby.
3. Designed new Valkyrie Valley Volunteer promotional materials & T-Shirt art
4. Installed organizers & displays for local & member business cards & brochures plus for committee fliers & announcements in office lobby. Not our expense.
Priority Projects Ongoing:
Designing, Refreshing or Creating - Pending Board approval
1. Entrance & Community Area Signs
2. Safety & Fire Buildings. Continue fund raising for needed repairs & painting
3. Lower level of Clubhouse. Confirm desired goals from Management & Board
4. Informational Glass Marquee in the Parking Lot - paint
5. Banner display with solar lights, confirm reinstallation again
6. Lake Viking Merchandise - website research
7. “Wildflower Park” Proposal - Researching location options, per request from Board
8. Volunteer rewards plan- Ideas T-Shirts/Hoodies for certain amount of hours donated
Almost everything... you need to know about Lake Viking
Lake Viking 2024 Boards and Committees
Activities Committee
Mary Hibler (Chair), Dustin Hibler, David Hibler, Gail Bush, Resa Wiltse, Leanne Lee, Dan and Connie Weidmaier, Dave & Tina Daniel, Cassie Martin, Jeremy Lillig (Board Contact).
Board of Directors
President, Doug Winter; 1st Vice President, George Eshnaur; 2nd Vice President, Terry Nibarger; Secretary, Michelle Sullivan; Assistant Secretary, Robert Walton; Treasurer, Jeremy Lillig; Assistant Treasurer, Tom Rice.
VVA Board of Directors Meetings are held the second Sunday of each month, at 2:00 p.m. at the clubhouse. All members in good standing are welcome to attend.
Building Committee
Doug Wiltse, Matt Hibler, Al Christifano, Mary Aschbrenner, Jim Miller, Gregory Hall, Sue Morris, Robert Walton (Board Contact). Building Committee Meetings are held the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month at the clubhouse. Building permits are required to be approved by the Building Committee prior to the start of any construction as stated in the Covenants, Restrictions, By-Laws, Rules and Regulations of the Viking Valley Association. Campground Committee
James Funk, (Chair), Mary Hibler , Jeff Spragues, Kathy Price, Charles Sudduth, Randall Davidson, Mike Booth, Flint Hibler, Bob Gates, Michelle Sullivan, Denise Ferguson, George Eshnaur (Board Contact)
Dredge & Erosion Committee
Shawn Hepinstall (Chair), Paula Hepinstall, Robert Hayes, Brett Bush, Dave Daniel, Jim Miller, Doug Winter (Board Contact) Finance Committee
Paula Hepinstall (Chair), Steve Danner, Flint Hibler, George Eshnaur, Kevin Euston, Jeremy Lillig, Troy Lesan, Terry Nibarger, Jacque Leslie, Deena Stous ,Michelle Sullivan (Board Contact).
Fishing Committee
Brett Bush (Chair) Shawn Hepinstall, Gary Buck, Troy Knight, Jim Powers, Tom Rice (Board Contact)
Handbook Committee
Mary Miller (Chair), Donna (Archibald) Redden, Kim Spidle, Terri Schlaiss, Michelle Sullivan (Board Contact)
James Funk (Chair), Marvin McNabb, Marianne Hughes, Carl Butcher, Ed White, Bob Shinogle, Safety Coordinator: Jason McTheeney, Anthony Castillo, Terry Nibarger ( Board Contact) Lake Committee
Troy Lesan (Chair) Shirley Leakey, Don Leeper, Carolyn Leeper, Bo Steed, Mike Krehbiel, Sherry Krehbiel, Robert Walton, Robert Walton (Board Contact)
Email: lakecommittee@gmail.com. Meetings held the 2nd Wed. of the month at 2:00 p.m.
Special Road District
Ron Spidle, Troy Knight, Tony Gronniger
Strategic Planning Committee
Matt Nielsen (Chair), Tony Gronniger, Terry Nibarger, Tom Rice, Haley Wright, Anthony Dirks, Sue Wolfe, Nikki Prewitt, David Thomas, Joe Steer, George Eshnaur (Board Contact)
Technology Committee
Kelly Mathenia, Mike Lammers, Jeff Ferguson, (Board Contact)
Volunteer Fire Department
Fire Chief-Tony Gronniger, Volunteers: Rusty Hendricks, Gary King, Dennis Schlaiss, DJ Schlaiss, Tanner Hunter, Luke Threlkeld, Mark Closterman, Anthony Dirks, Billy Hunter, Dakota Hiley, Nick Walker, Stephanie Closterman, Jessica Conard, Robert Walton (Board Contact).
The Fire Department meets on the second Friday of the month at 2:00 PM. If you have the interest and the time to serve your community, be sure to attend the next meeting. The monthly siren test will also be done at that time.
Property Owners
You are responsible for your guests and their actions. It is your responsibility to educate them on the rules and regulations of Lake Viking. Lake Viking is private property, but all lots are owned by some other individual. Please do not drive or ride ATVs or bicycles on neighboring lots, or walk across lots to fish or use others’ property without first getting the property owner’s permission.
Please Keep Control of Your Dogs
Dogs are not allowed off the member’s property and shall be contained by a fenced enclosure or controlled by a leash. Guests’ dogs are included. Violation of this rule may be subject to an Infraction Ticket issued to the property owner.
Public Water Supply District #3
Viking Valley Association
Office Address: 144 E. Main, Gallatin, MO 64640 660-322-9001 | vvaoffice@lakevikingmo.net LakeVikingMO.com
Office Hours: May 1 - Labor Day Monday-Friday: 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday: 8 a.m.-12 p.m. Day after Labor Day - April 30 Monday-Friday: 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
Kyle W. Parkhurst, President, term expires 4/2026 - SubDistrict #3; Harlan Horst, Vice President, term expires 4/2026 - Sub-District #5; Mark Closterman, Secretary, term expires 4/2024 - Sub-District #2; Gary Buck, Director - term expires 4/2024 - Sub-District #1; Mike Lammers, Director term expires 4/2025 - Sub-District #4; Zack Morrison, Superintendent; Gary King, Water Operator; Diane Hulett, Clerk. Board meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 4 pm at PWSD #3 office.
Office Hours: 8am-4pm • Monday thru Friday.
All payments for metered water bills are to be made payable to Public Water Supply District No. 3 of Daviess County, Missouri. You may abbreviate as PWSD #3. If you have any questions, contact the PWSD No. 3 office, 116 Waterworks Dr., Gallatin, Mo. 64640 (located at the water plant). Phone 660-663-2771.
Online payments can be made at: https://pwsd3daviess.azurewebsites.net
For the convenience of customers of Public Water Supply District No. 3, a drop box is available at the front door of the office located at the water plant for the payment of water bills. Payments received after 4 p.m. in the drop box will post the following day. For the convenience of Association members, a drop box is available in the front door of the association office for the payment of association bills.
Mowing Regulations
You are required to have your lot mowed by May 1st, June 1st and September 1st of each year. If you do not keep your lot mowed, or hire a contract mower, the Association will mow it, and bill you $90.00 for each mowing.
The Association does not want to be in the mowing business. Please self-mow your lot or hire a contract mower to do it for you. All contract mowers are required to submit a customer list to the Association office. If you are not on their initial list, you may be accidentally billed by the Association, so please contact your mower early. The below listed mowers have registered with the Association office and can usually be reached in the evening. There may be other mowers who advertise in the Lake Viking News.
Contract Mowers Can Save You Money
Eric Critten
Randy Gatton
Mark Hoig
Gary Salmon
Jeff Hoppenthaler
Rick Roberts
Mow Betta Lawn Care
Patriot Lawn & Landscaping
Pain In The Grass, Steven Carlton
Jake Cameron 816-288-1067
Mims Wilson 515-333-1548
Building Permit Notice
Building Permits are required, but not limited to the following projects: fences, storage shed, shelters, decks, boat docks, boat houses, room additions, porches and any alteration of the roof line; and any other construction that requires large earth moving equipment, concrete trucks and other equipment that requires multiple axle trailers. Failure to comply with building regulations could result in a minimum fine of $500 and loss of lake privileges. Any construction not in compliance with these regulations could result in forced relocation of the structure.
Watch When and Where You Burn!
Anytime you are burning brush, etc., on your lot, make certain you are burning on your lot and not someone else’s property. Unattended burning is prohibited and burning is not allowed when winds are in excess of 15 mph and shall be subject to an Infraction Ticket and fine.
Member Reminders
• Helmets are required to be worn when operating a motorcycle within the Lake Viking Subdivision.
• Goose population control is hard to manage... The first step in this process is DO NOT FEED THE GEESE!
Emergency Phone Numbers
* DAVIESS COUNTY EMERGENCY 911 Ambulance - Fire - Rescue
Important Phone Numbers
VVA Minutes
hicles are prohibited from operating in the Campground areas, except for normal entry and exit. Refer to Traffic Rules & Regulations for operator information. Also, the driver must have a valid license to operate the motorized vehicle. Underage drivers of UTVs or golf carts around Campgrounds, will be issued an infraction with a minimum fine of $80.00 to the lot owner. (7/24) Anyone not following the posted speed limit may be issued an infraction ticket. (rev 4/22)
Change #2: Handbook pg. 41, under section “UNOCCUPIED SITE”:
UNOCCUPIED SITE: Any campsite not occupied by an RV/camping unit for three (3) months during the on-season (Mar 1 - Oct 31) will be notified at 60 days that they have 30 days to occupy the site, else they will forfeit the campsite with no refund. (rev 4/22)
Remove entire section from the handbook.
A motion was made to approve change 1 in the handbook by Michelle Sullivan and was seconded by Tom Rice. Motion passed unanimously.
A motion was made to approve change 2 in the handbook by Michelle Sullivan and was seconded by Terry Nibarger. Motion passed unanimously.
Jason McTheeney spoke and made the following observations:
• Safety needs to write all infractions which are issued. This falls under Safety’s role and should not be done by other employees of Lake Viking.
• Jason suggested removing the minimum of $80.00 for infraction which is issued.
• The rules for the rest of Lake Viking should be the same as the rules enforced for the campground. Eg. Underage driver
Jeremy Lillig as an FYI let it be known that the water in the Campgrounds will remain on during the winter unless there is a problem with the water system.
Michelle stated the handbook proof was received from the printer and will be finalized and the systems will be updated. Inserts of updates to the handbook will be available in the VVA Office.
Finance Committee
• Jeremy Lillig reported that the committee met on 6/14/2024.
• Jeremy reported a 501c3 was set up for donations to the lake under non profit status.
• Morgan Stanley Update Terry Nibarger reported our return on the Morgan Stanley accounts for the month was up $35,914 and are up $100,561 for the year. The current Morgan Stanley balance of our accounts is $1,695,807. Terry stated that he only provides advice on the Morgan Stanley accounts and does not profit from the VVA accounts.
• 2023 Full Year Audit UHY audit of 2023 is complete with few corrections.
• Special Budget Meeting Budget work for the 2025 year is beginning.
• Sale of Lot 717 The sale of this lot for $214,976 has closed.
• Some of the Beach Bathroom doors are in need of repair.
• Thank you to Kathy Butts for all the time and effort she has given to keep the office running efficiently.
Strategic Planning Committee
The Committee is working on revising the plan and have given each area their portion of the Strategic plan to review and update as needed.
Activities Committee
The Committee will meet again in two weeks. Mary Hibler reported the next Patio Party will be held July 27, 2024 with the band Kontraban playing. Hours are 8:00 - 11:00 pm.
Building Committee
• The number of permits approved in the last month was 30. Three permits were for houses.
• The Building Committee is searching for new Committee members as they have several openings. If you are interested in serving on a committee and have knowledge of building construction methods and the VVA Handbook building regulations please contact the committee.
• One permit for a patio was approved, but did not follow the handbook guidelines for the maximum allowed size of a patio on an undeveloped lot. A one time exception has been given. The permit will be honored and noted as an issue error.
Fire Department
• The Fire Department continues to meet monthly. July has so far been a busy month.
• This month an annual pump test was successfully performed.
• The Fire Department is getting bids for window repairs. The work will be scheduled after estimates are received and evaluated.
• The Missouri Department of Conservation took possession of the out of service brush truck. It has been on loan to the Fire Department.
• The Fire Department took part in the annual July 4th celebration by providing a water spout at the Marina.
• We have an opportunity to provide CPR and AED training for staff and members. This will be scheduled for future classes. The fee is $20.00 for classes. Tony indicated the Fire Department will pay for their members.
Safety Department
Jason McTheeney reported that the Safety Department is doing full stops to include checking equipment, information in Condo and life vests and safety items.
Campground Committee
• A Meet and Greet was held on July 14, 2024 and was well attended.
• The 2025 Budget has been prepared.
• Campground 2 Bath House is experiencing ventilation problems.
• The 2nd Annual Campground Poker Run will be Saturday, July 27, 1 – 4 PM at Association Parking lot. Sign-up on Condo Control or that day. $25 Fee. Venmo accepted.
• Campground septic repair will be done in the near future.
(continued on page 16)
VVA Minutes
Lake Committee
Robert Walton Reported
• Committee has received a good response to their first round of letters and would like to thank members for giving prompt attention to their property upkeep issues. Four (4) property owners have put significant rip rap on weak shorelines. An additional three (3) lot owners have placed rip rap on smaller shoreline spots. Four (4) members cleaned up weeds and excessive brush growing on the shoreline.
• One (1) property owner who had a previous letter re: shoreline situation has subsequently received two infraction notices and a maximum fine infraction letter/notice. This lot owner has not responded. The VVA Handbook contains further instructions to resolve this situation. The committee is working with the Infraction Committee to bring this to resolution. More disciplinary action will follow by using Article XV of the Lake Viking Handbook: (page 16), section #1 erosion control, section #2 inspection and section #3 corrective action.
• One other property owner with the same type of shoreline erosion has a contractor’s commitment to correct and stabilize their shore later this summer.
Infraction Committee
Terry Nibarger reported:
• The Infraction Committee is in need of one additional member. They have proposed to add Mike Booth to the Infraction Committee. A motion was made by Terry Nibarger and was seconded. Motion was approved unanimously.
• During the past month, 24 warning citations were given and 26 Infractions were issued.
• During the 7/4/24 - 7/7/24 Fourth of July Holiday weekend, 24 warnings were given and 10 infractions were written. Eight (8) of these infractions were given on Saturday, July 6, 2024.
• Jason gave kudos to the Safety Team who responded to a sinking boat call. Safety Department employees, Bryson, Owen and Colt worked together to secure a pump from the maintenance area and pump out the four feet of water in the boat and prevented the boat from sinking.
Dredge Committee
Shawn Hepinstall reported: 2024 Dredging
• Shawn reported dredging began April 11, 2024 and completed on June 12, 2024. Total silt removed was approximately 28,000 Cubic Yards. Total cost was $140,614. Cost per cubic yard was $5.02 vs. $9.00 to $10.00 a CY hiring a dredge company. This project was finished on time and within budget.
• Pirate Cove - Removed approximately 5,500 CY Three Coves - Removed approximately 11,000 CY Garney Cove - Removed Approximately 11,500 CY
• What Worked - Renting the 360 dredge was the perfect size for our coves. Dredge America was excellent. They were very responsive and supportive. Fuel tank on the pontoon worked well. Deck hand with the dredge operator. Bathymetric Survey & Highpack software is a must. It allowed us to track and see exactly where we dredged and calculate CY.
• What Didn’t Work - Pipe connections were difficult on the water. Need a better system or barge with a lift to line up pipe. More reminders and com-
munication to members to stay away from the dredge. Need “Keep Out” buoys around the dredge.
• Huge Thank You to our Maintenance/Dredge Team that worked 7 days a week and through the Memorial Day weekend to clean these coves out for our members. Kudos to Rusty, Tanner, Mike, Billy and Bryson. We could not have done it without you.
Weir Projects
Big South Creek has minor movement of rocks. Maintenance will repair CA 7032 Wier Need to widen and lengthen
Clean & dig behind weirs Pirate, Garney, along 165th & South End
Dirt Pile Projects
Clean up and flatten the dirt piles around the lake
Pirate: dozer and flatten in field by the ponds
Garney: dozer and flatten next to existing pond
South End: Reviewed best option to create berms along both roads with access in the middle
2024 Dredging
Discussed options on cleaning the south end silt basins in preparation for future dredging and expanding Pond 1.
Fishing Committee
• June 1, 2024 Bass Tournament and July 6, 2024 Pancake Breakfast fundraiser brought in $3,495.00 net for the fishing committee.
• Budget for the fish restocking project $2000.00. Crappie Tournament $200.00. Current amount available for stocking fish is $5,695.00.
• Two more fishing tournaments are planned for the last part of 2024.
• Chaddy’s Food Truck raised $100.00
• Cash donations are always welcome and appreciated.
Tech Committee No Report
Beautification Exploratory Committee
Beautification Committee met 6/30/2024. Felicia asked to add Peggy Langford to the Beautification Committee. This was delayed until after the board met in executive session. Felicia Roth reported on the progress made by the Committee. Their goal is to: 1. Refresh, improve and benefit the Lake’s environment and community. 2. Explore ways for VVA to raise funds for future expenses. 3. Envision, plan, prepare & create. 4. Design projects that will not raise dues or association fees and will provide positive opportunities.
Managing Directors Report
Shad Mort, Acting Managing Director stated he had no formal report for this month.
We will be doing a trial run on the PAL gate at the marina during the week of July 15, 2024
Approval of Financial Statements
Tom Rice made a motion to approve the Financial Statements for June 2024. Terry Nibarger seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
(continued on page 18)
Active Aging Resource Center Menu
Active Aging Resource Center - serving times 11:00-12:15 Monday-Friday
109 S Main, P O Box 272, Gallatin, MO 660-663-2828
August 2024
& Gravy Baked Sweet Potatoes
Lettuce Salad
Fruit Juice, Bread Stick Peas Green Beans Buttered Corn Tomatoes
Fresh Fruit Strawberry Shortcake Mixed Fruit Pears Apples Board meeting 10 a.m.
Green Beans Peas & Carrots
Fruit Cocktail with Gelatin Applesauce
Baked Beans
Broccoli, Cauliflower
Honey Glazed Carrots
Mandarin Oranges Peach Cobbler Fruit Mix BINGO
6 p.m. For transportation, call 663-4061 or 6633957.
First Baptist Church (511 W Richardson St.) — Bro. Daniel Pelichowski, Pastor; Bro. Wood Marshall, Youth Pastor Bible Study 9:30 to 10:30 a.m.; Worship 10:40 a.m. (nursery provided). Evening Worship at 6 p.m.; Tuesday Bible study 6 p.m., Wednesday Adult Choir 8:05 p.m. For transportation, call church office at 663.663.2331.Office hours: 8 to 11 a.m. weekdays.
Email: fbchurch@windstream.net
Visit: www.firstbaptistgallatinmo.org
First Christian Church (1501 S. Main St.) Rev Kyle Taft, pastor; Children’s Pastor Emily Miller Sunday worship at 9 a.m.; Sunday School at 10 a.m. Wednesday Prayer Meetings at 5:30 p.m. followed by Bible Study at 6 p.m.; Men’s Bible Study 5 p.m. Sundays; Youth groups at 5:30 p.m. every second and fourth Sunday during the school year Visit our website: www.gallatinmofcc.org, and also join us on Facebook: Gallatin First Christian Church
Friends in Christ (400 N. Main St.) — Sunday morning worship 9:30 a.m. and small groups at 11 a.m. For more information, call Shonna at 660.663.2228
Gallatin First Assembly of God (208 S. Willow St.) — Rev Wayne Smith, Pastor, ph: 660.663.3213. S S 9:45 a.m., Celebrations 10:45 a.m.; Wednesdays 6 p.m. Lake Viking Church (East Entrance to Lake) — Rev Robert Nelson, Pastor; Sunday School 9 a.m., Worship 10 a.m.; Wednesday Bible study and prayer service 7 p.m.; Email: lakevikingchurch@gmail.com
Mar y Immaculate Catholic Church (409 S. Main) — Fr Tom Hermes; Saturday Mass 4:30 p m on holiday weekends only; Sunday Mass 10:30 a.m. (all year)
Olive Baptist Church (Route V, east of Gallatin) — David Leeper, Minister; Sunday School 10 a.m.; Worship 11 a.m. & 7 p.m.; Wednesday prayer service 7 p.m.
Presbyterian Church (201 S. Main St.) — James Norton, Minister; Fellowship 10:30 a.m. and Worship 11 a.m.
Seventh-day Adventist Church (1207 S. Clay St.) — M i k
n e r, Pa s t o r, p h : 6 6 0 7 7 2 3 3 0 6 ; S a t u r d a y Sabbath School 9:15 a.m., Worship 11 a.m.
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (211 Ash) — David Marble, Bishop, ph: 660.663.9258. Sunday Sacrament Service 10 a.m.; Wednesday youth activities, 7 p.m.
— Eugene
Alta Vista Baptist Church (NW of Winston on Hwy 6) — Rev Robert Dean, Pastor; Sunday School 9:30 a.m.; Worship service 10:30 a.m.
Baptist Church — Tim Wilson, Pastor; Sunday School 10:30 a.m.; Worship 11:30 a.m.; Wednesday Bible study 6:30 p.m.
United Methodist Church (109 E. Main) — Pastor Brad Dush; Worship 9:30, Sunday School 10:35 a.m., nursery provided. Website: www.galjamesumc.webs.com
Baptist Church (708 W Auberr y Gr v) — Rev Jim Whitley, pastor Sunday School 9:45 a.m.; Worship 10:45 a.m. & 7 p.m.; Wednesday Bible study & prayer meeting 7 p.m. Church of Christ (108 N. Williams) — Sunday Bible study 9 a.m.; Worship 10:30 a.m. and 6 p.m.; Wednesday Bible study 7 p.m.
United Methodist — Christy Clark, Pastor; Worship 10:30 a.m.
First Baptist Church — David Stephenson, Pastor; Sunday School 9:30 a.m.; Worship 10:30 a.m. Heath United Methodist (2009 Oak St.) — Christy Clark, Pastor; Worship 9 a.m.; Sunday School 10 a.m.
VVA Minutes
Guest Time
(continued from page 16)
Three guests were on the agenda for the July 2024 board meeting. Vinzent Cooper Lot 1095
• Audit results from Vinzent’s independent auditor indicate the homes at Lake Viking are under valued.
• Proposed VVA meetings be video recorded and posted for VVA members who could not attend meetings so they could view and see what was discussed.
• Stop sign installed at Maintenance is a great idea.
• Suggested that drivers on the Lake Viking roads pull over and allow big vehicles to pass.
• Suggested that VVA Board and supporting Committee members do better on the Budget for VVA.
• Suggested that VVA charge more for the Campground/camping fees.
Gerald Syler Lot 54
• Mr. Syler attended the meeting in regard to his building permit which was discovered to have been approved in error by the building committee. Mr. Syler stated the lots have been married.
• Mr. Syler stated he had been told by Safety to wait for a permit exception to be approved.
• It was decided a one-time exception be granted as the permit was approved in error. The Building Permit will be noted showing the exception approval because of approval error
Peggy Olinger Lot 10
• Proposed reduction in the speed limit on the roads around the lake. She stated the population has increased and the roads are very narrow. She also stated we have a mix of slower and faster vehicles which cause driver frustrations. She also stated we may need to add more speed limit signs.
• Board President Doug Winter stated we may need to vote on any change in speed limits here at Lake Viking at the membership annual meeting.
• Jason McTheeney informed membership that Safety cannot stop cars on Lake Viking Terrace and they cannot give drivers tickets on this road. Jason stated that he had been told if cars are stopped and/or tickets given it would result in arrests of the Safety officer ticketing the vehicle.
Mac’s Docks Representative
Board reported that an exception for 2 docks already sold by this company was not approved. At this time building docks on the community areas is not approved. Request to launch two docks from the community areas was not approved at this time.
Board Discussion
• FYI October 6, 2024 is the VVA Annual meeting.
• Mike Hazlett Lot 329 asked how many houses are now on the lake? He is interested in natural gas being offered as an alternative to propane for heating purposes. Tom Rice indicated five years ago a petition was circulated to see how many people would be interested in bringing natural gas service to the Lake. There were not enough people interested to install natural gas.
• Nick Conforti, Lot 554 Question was asked, do we ask for volunteers for projects which need to be done? The short answer is yes. Felicia Roth let members know she has put volunteer forms in the office. Doug Winter also indicated a request for volunteers could be put on Condo.
• Jennifer Smith, Lot 74/75 Member asked why we do not have zoom meeting availability for persons who live away from the lake? Discussion ensued but a decision was not made on this question.
• Food Trucks Question was asked if the Food Trucks are charged for water and electricity when they are at the Lake providing food to members. Mary Hibler answered that the Food Trucks are charged $10.00 and $30.00 for water and electricity.
• Facebook VVA Official Page Question was asked, “who approves members for VVA Official page on Facebook?” Doug Winter stated that we have designated staff to be the administrators, but we have too many administrators for the Facebook page at this time. This is being reviewed and the number of Administrators will be reduced.
• Building Committee Mark Closterman voiced a need for members to consider joining the Building Committee as they are in need of members.
• Beach 3 Repairs The Beach 3 repairs did come in over budget by $6K. There were some major repairs as the roof was rotted out. Speculation was the beach repair was over engineered.
• Boathouse Renovation Rules Allowed renovations were discussed. Eleven (11) of the boat houses have been repurposed with either deck or floor or both. A permit must be obtained with approval from the Building Committee. If the lot owner is improving the boathouse, the change will probably be approved.
• Harbor Update The harbor build is over budget approximately $27K. It is going to be finished. Board members met with the dock builder. The dock had to be moved back in toward the shore as the water was too deep at the original location planned. Floats for the dock are on backorder. The dock will have 15-16 slips. We are paying $150K for this project which would have cost $400K without the donations of materials.
A motion was made by Jeremy Lillig and seconded by Tom Rice and seconded by Jeremy Lillig to adjourn to Executive Session at 4:00 pm to discuss legal, personnel, and Board organizational matters. The motion passed unanimously.
record show that these minutes are a record of the business transacted at this meeting and are a sampling of the discussions. Comments and discussions are not reflected in whole or as actual quotations in the minutes, nor do they reflect all comments by members.
Respectfully Submitted Michelle Sullivan, Secretary Board of Directors, Viking Valley Association
July 2024 Finance Committee Minutes
Call to order by Paula Hepinstall 5:00PM Thursday, July 11, 2024 on ZOOM
Roll call of attendees: Paula Hepinstall, Terry Nibarger, Kevin Euston, George Eshnaur, Deena Stous, Troy Lesan, Doug Winter, Jeremy Lillig, Steve Danner, Shad Mort and Kathy Butts.
Guest Speaker: Stacey Helfrey of the Community Foundation of Northwest Missouri. Stacey explained the role of the CFNWMO in community development and improvement initiatives. The CFNWMO is a 5013C that sets up and manages funds built around gifts, donations, and endowments which carry the possibility of being tax exempt. Example: if Lake Viking enrolled with CFNWMO, a fund would be established with a designated purpose. Donations going into that fund would be managed by the CFNWMO with strict adherence to the designation criteria. The CFNWMO is experienced in managing funds in seventeen counties in Northwest Missouri and has recently expanded their scope to assist with Central Missouri. Their expertise is with endowments, disbursements from wills and trusts and donations from individuals who wish to give back to their communities with the assurances that these gifts will be properly managed so that full tax benefits will be realized. The Finance Committee is interested in pursuing a partnership with the CFNWMO and will recommend additional follow-up to the VVA Board.
June 2024 Financial Documents were reviewed and questions were entertained and addressed on the following line items: Misc. Income, Misc. Expense, Administrative Expense, Safety Expense, and several credit card expenditures.
Morgan Stanley Update – Terry Nibarger reported that the account was up $35,914 for the month of June & up $100,561 YTD reflecting a 6.96% gain for 6 months. Money Market accounts are making 5.3% and total account balance is $1,695,087
Out Sourced Accounting RFPs were sent out and 3 proposals were received. Committee was in unanimous agreement that after filling the position of Office Manager, and hiring a new Lake Director, these proposals involved more money than the VVA is willing to spend, and that we should stay on our present course with UHY. A final review will be done in January 2025.
2023 FY Audit Auditors have worked to correct “Realized Gains”; everything has been completed including the filing of 2023 tax returns and a final report is forthcoming.
Venmo Account for Lake Activities and Campground has been requested and agreed to by Finance Committee and is forwarded to Board.
Jetty Project Conversation began with discussion on recently compiled documents that weigh proceeds of the sale of the VVA lot against expenses that are still coming in for the jetty project. Troy Lesan noted that the expense documents are in considerable excess of the projected amount of $105,000 that has been reported in Finance Committee Minutes earlier. His question: “What happened?” that would account for this final expense. George Eshnaur stated that Committees and Boards deal with the “numbers that they are given,” and as more expenses continue to be come in and are classified, it is becoming more obvious that this project exceeded the original scope in several aspects. It was noted that the VVA will have a new Lake Director who was recently hired and has a strong professional background in investigation and oversight. More clarification will come at the July 14 monthly Board Meeting
Sale of lake owned lots: Lot 717 closed in June @ $214,976.85 (after fees) - YTD total $335,221.88, however the sale of lot 717 (and related expenses) will take on different line items in the P &L.
2025 Budget: Preliminary Spreadsheet has been sent to Office Manager and interim Lake Director and an initial meeting date will be set for middle to end of July.
Beautification Committee: Revenue=$550; Expenses = $1,239.81. Thanks to the committee for the newly painted office interior. VVA President Doug Winter noted that the committee will be reviewed.
Mastercard/Visa Settlement: Lake Viking has supplied all necessary information
Other Business Committee once again expressed gratitude to Kathy Butts for her efforts working shorthanded in the office.
It was reported that the “Long Reach” backhoe is in need of repair and bathroom doors at Beach Two were vandalized & will need repair Meeting Adjourned at 7:17 PM
Minutes respectfully submitted by Troy Lesan
Barbara Salyers 1938-2024
Barbara Salyers - age 85 of Kansas City, Missouri and formerly of Lake Viking passed away Sunday night July 14, 2024, at Wexford Senior Living in Kansas City, Missouri. Barbara was born on October 27, 1938, the daughter of Homer and Thelma (Schmidtgal) Kay in Webb City, MO. She grew up in Joplin and was a 1956 graduate of Joplin High School. She married Larry Salyers on August 31st, 1956, in Norman, Oklahoma and they made their home in Joplin. Larry’s career took them to Overland Park, Houston, Dallas, New Jersey and Kansas City, before retiring to Lake Viking. Barbara was a huge fan of Tiger Woods, and she despised Taylor Swift. She loved football, particularly the Cowboys and Chiefs. Barbara was a wonderful homemaker and an excellent seamstress. She had a green thumb and a well-manicured yard. Barbara will be missed.
Barbara was preceded in death by her parents; husband, Larry Salyers; great-grandson, Jonathan Kane and 5 siblings. She is survived by her children, Sheri Salyers (Marty Koelzer) of Lake Viking, MO, Jay Salyers (Judy) of Galena, MO, and Brandi Lawson (Zack) of Kansas City, MO; grandchildren, Rebeca Sousley (Nathan) of Liberty, MO and Jesica Cantrell (Jonathon) of Lake Viking, MO; great-grandchildren, Skylar, Cole, Chase, Lennon, Alistair, and Jasper; three greatgreat-grandchildren, Carmene, Cadence, and Camree; siblings, Robert and Carolyn and other extended family members also survive.
Private family graveside and burial at Lake Viking Cemetery, Gallatin, MO. Arrangements entrusted to the care and direction of Stith Funeral Home in Gallatin. (660) 6632117. Online guestbook at www.stithfamilyfunerals.com
5 Full and 2 Half Baths
Double Lot: 369 & 370
Geothermal System
Pella Windows
7,632 sq. ft., Built 2010
Five Fireplaces
Custom Cabinetry with Five Piece Trim Molding throughout Waterfall, Wine Cellar Beach Area, Hot Tub
Custom Stonework inside and out
Covered Veranda w/ Italian Porcelain Tile
This property stands out as the jewel of Lake Viking, boasting an array of features that exceed listing limitations, just scan this QR code for a full online tour or call Kevin Trimble for your personal viewing.