LVN_Sept 2024

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Sunday, October 6, 2023 @ 1:00PM at the Winston R-6 School Gym.

Each person must be a member in good standing to be admitted to the meeting.

Lake Viking News

VVA Board of Directors Monthly Meeting September

Call to Order

Doug Winter, Lot 46, called the meeting to order, held in the upper level of the Clubhouse, at 2:00 pm. Board members present were: Robert Walton, Lot 217, Tom Rice, Lot 343, and Terry Nibarger, Lot 657. Terry Nibarger led in prayer. Shad Mort, Acting Lake Manager, led the Pledge of Allegiance. Doug Winter, Board President, read the mission statement of Lake Viking.

VVA Board President Report

1. Doug Winter, Board President, apologized for confusion and frustrations at the August 2024 VVA Board Meeting. Doug indicated we will keep the time for guests to the five-minute limit.

2. The VVA Official Facebook page has three administrators now and all are employees.

3. All 22 Community Areas (which includes beaches) have been inspected by Billy Hunter. Billy has made a list of all the repairs and restoration which needs to be done. This list includes: gravel, mowing, repair of sheds and other items. Estimated cost for the rock alone is 23K. The Board will discuss during closed session following this meeting.

4. Food Truck Regulations include the following:

• Vendors must have a Health Department Permit

• Vendors must have a Lake Viking Permit $25.00 per day

• Vendors must park in the designated area

• Vendors must provide all their supplies

• Vendors must clean up all trash from the day

• Vendors must provide their own generator if no power is available

5. Jennie Smith has donated 8-10K to outfit the Clubhouse upper level to install WiFi/internet to do zoom meetings.

Approval of Minutes

A motion was made by Tom Rice and was seconded by Robert Walton to approve the minutes of the August 2024 regular board meeting. The August 2024 minutes were approved unanimously.


Handbook Committee

No report this month

Finance Committee

• No report this month as Finance Committee will be meeting on Thursday, September 12th.

• Doug Winter, President, asked that it be included in the minutes that Kathy Butts, VVA Office Manager, has approval to cash petty cash checks for the Association. Kathy Butts may also place a stop payment order on VVA checks if needed.

Strategic Planning Committee

No report this month as committee did not meet

Activities Committee Committee did not meet.

• Mary Hibler reported the committee is working on the Fall Festival. The fall VVA Garage Sale will be held soon.

• The 2025 Activities List was presented for approval. Terry Nibarger made a motion to accept the 2025 Activities List and Robert Walton seconded the motion. Board unanimously approved the 2025 Activities List.

• More Information will be presented to the board after nest week’s Activities Committee Meeting.

Building Committee

• Robert Walton reported the number of permits approved in the last month was twenty-two (22). Two (2) of these permits were for houses.

• Robert presented Brian Karman, Lot MH 21/22 for membership on the Building Committee. Robert Walton made a motion to accept Brian Karman as a member of the Building Committee. Terry Nibarger seconded the motion. The board approved unanimously. The Committee is still looking for additional members. If you are interested, please contact Robert Walton or the VVA Office.

• Doug Winter asked the Building Committee consider raising the VVA charges for a new home permit, or possibly requiring a deposit when a house permit is approved with the understanding the deposit will be refunded if no damage is done to VVA roads/property.

• Doug Winter also suggested the committee consider requiring contractors who build houses here at the lake to purchase a contractor license to work on Lake property.

One of the neat things about late summer and early fall are the great full moons. This is a photo taken by Jeff Hower of a Super Blue Moon on August 21.

The Fishing Committee Fall Bass Tournament had 5 entries & was won by Doug and Charlie Jones with the two biggest fish (@ 2.8 & 2.7 Ibs.) and also the biggest total catch of 10 ½ total pounds. Jim, Rick, and Bret Bush came in second with a total of 9 lbs.

Proposed 2025 Dues & Assessments

BOD Application:


Section 1. Authority. The Board of Directors shall have control of the affairs of the Corporation. Effective with the Annual Meeting on March 3, 2002, the Board shall consist of seven Directors. All must be Active Members who are current in the payment of all dues and all other charges, fees and assessments as provided for under ARTICLE IV and who have satisfied all monetary obligations imposed upon such member under ARTICLE XIV who are eligible to vote in the Association’s business matters as of the time they are elected to office.

. . . Directors shall take office within twenty-four (24) hours after election.


Lake Viking lot number & address:

Home address if different:

Phone Number:

Email Address:

Current career setting:

Number of years an Assn. member:

Previous VVA board or committee service:

Additional personal or family data you would like to share with membership:

What qualities of Lake Viking led you to become a property owner?

Describe aspects of your background that uniquely prepa re you for board service.

What do you feel is the greatest ch allenge facing our association?

What are the top two issues you wan t the board to focus on?

Describe your vision for Lake Viking (attach additional sheet if necessary).

Signature: Date:

VVA Operating Budget September 2024 Finance Committee Minutes

Call to order 5:00PM Thursday, September 12, 2024 on ZOOM Attendees: Paula Hepinstall Chair, Flint Hibler, Terry Nibarger, Troy Lesan, Deena Stous, Doug Winter, Michelle Sullivan, and Kathy Butts, Brian Holcomb, and Shad Mort from staff. August 2024 Financial Documents– Numerous items dis Doug noted that the month of August featured an overall large expenditure with all of those being budgeted. Troy Lesan observed that the very first line-item “Membership Dues” reflects less dues paying members than the previous year. Doug replied that there are more and more multiple lot owners and Kathy noted that there are several more owners delinquent than last year and that the office is in ongoing discussion with them. Also discussed: roads, expense vs. revenues. Paula reminded group that in the future, budget revenues must be less dependent on lot sales, and that VVA now has a sizeable amount in Deferred Capital Maintenance Fund. Also relating to roads, the current bid for asphalt work was reviewed. Michelle took exception to the amount projected for the property behind the clubhouse and jetty/harbor area and made the motion for less asphalt for this area and more for Lake Viking Terrace. Motion passed. Finally, Doug reported that questions will be posed to provider on billing to VVA for trash collection at large community dumpsters.

Morgan Stanley Update Terry reported tha value for this fund on 8/3/24 was $1,719,797 which is up $26,172 for the month and $136,864 ytd. Also discussed was “profit taking” from invested accounts and moving $100,000 into money market and injecting into Profit & Loss. Several voiced approval and several were against and suggestion was made to create a written policy to deal with this. Conversation will be ongoing.

Community Foundation of Northwest Missouri for VVA: Taxexempt status can be realized on gifts and endowment: Fund is operational; how do we promote? Troy committed to writing articles for Lake Viking News to further explain this positive opportunity.

2023 FY Audit Update: Kathy reported that auditor has submitted 2 more questions Venmo for Lake Activities: Finance Committee recommended an account be opened. So far this is to be used for activities only. Conversation is ongoing.

Jetty Project: Doug reported that dock is in and operational and that expenses have stabilized.

Sale of lake owned lots – 2 lots sold in August total $3,000. YTD total $127,044.95 plus $214,976.85 for lot 717 (funding the Jetty Project). Terry suggested that Finance Committee Members temporarily assist new Lake Manager in lot sale prices if needed. 2025 Budget: Published in August Lake Viking News and will appear again in September issue.

“Slip Lining” 3 Tubes was added to the 2024 budget with the proceeds coming out of retained earnings; Deferred Maintenance/ Capital Projects fund.

Pool – Per Billy, we can prolong the current pool life by replacing the grout under the metal (this year), coming out of the “Beaches” Budget ($28,000 left) and sandblast and epoxy (next spring). We will get estimates.

Technology – Discussion ensued on setting up a share drive to look at overall security of our systems. & will be reviewed as well as Google Phone. Campground Septic/Electrical Update – Septic has been approved. Flint and campground committee will begin work on next phase of electrical.

Clubhouse Septic Update – Submitted plan is still being evaluated by the state.

Lake Director Report – Final stages from transition from Shad to Brian as Director is ongoing. It was reported that Maverick has sustained minor fender damage

401K: Michelle is tabling a proposal from one provider and still researching plans that are more favorable to employees. Mastercard/Visa Settlement – Deadline for final claims has been moved forward again.

Farm Programs/Haying – It was reported that Steve Danner is working on putting together another group to bid on haying and there will be more lots available for haying.

Capex: Paula reported that capital expenditures had reached the budgeted amount and recommended no further Cap X this year.

Town Hall Will be 9/29/24 @ 2:00. Announcement to appear on Facebook

Long Reach Repairs – Doug suggested that this expense be taken from Dredge Expense Retained Earnings. Paula agreed. C/A Report – Conversation resumed regarding the report put together by Troy and Lake Committee. Task list has been compiled by Billy Hunter who has confirmed rip rap and brush clearing needs.

Other Business Terry Nibarger suggested a policy for the sale of VVA equipment. Much discussion ensued and the recommendation of the committee is that both the sales and purchases of equipment should be approved at monthly Board Meetings in order to provide more transparency to membership.

With no further business, Meeting was adjourned at 7:20 p.m. Minutes respectfully submitted by Troy Lesan

Declining Harbor Jetty Budget

REASON FOR CHANGE is to make an existing rule into a BY-LAW:

ARTICLE XIII – MISCELLANEOUS BY-LAWS, Section 5 - - Wake Surf Boats.

CURRENT RULE Change to BY-LAW Option A

WAKE SURFING: No additional wake surf boats after 8/24/22.

1. Definition: A wake surf boat is any boat designed or altered to intentionally create a large wake for surfing. This typically includes the drive system, apparatus such as Hydrofoils, Trim Tabs, Wake Shapers and Ballasts-whether factory-installed or aftermarket.

2. NO additional wake surf boats are allowed—whether new purchase nor replacement. Also, no boat of any kind shall be modified or retrofitted with a wave or surf device.

3. For safety of surfer, wake surfing is prohibited behind boats with an inboard/outboard motor, or an outboard motor.

4. Wake surfing is restricted to the main channel & near the center of the channel, as marked by 4 ea wake surf buoys. ALL wake surfing must be within/inside these “buoy boundaries”. Direction of travel is counterclockwise, consistent with normal lake traffic.

5. Water bladders or other watercraft weight-enhancement devices must be filled & emptied within the “buoy boundaries” described above. This rule applies to all watercraft that have wave-enhancing devices, whether wake surfing or not.

6. Zebra mussels: If used outside Lake Viking waters, a thorough hotwash of boat must be performed by Lake Viking staff, and any boat with water bladders must be quarantined for 21 days.

7. Wake surf boats already authorized on Lake Viking may NOT be sold to another lake member for use on Lake Viking. If a property is sold with a wake surf boat, that boat will not be authorized to use the lake.

8. Any violation of the above wake surfing rules is subject to maximum $500 fine.


To allow wake boat owners to replace their boat or transfer title to their boat to family members without increasing the number of wake boats on the lake.

REASON FOR CHANGE is to make a modified rule into a BY-LAW:


WAKE SURFING BOATS: WAKE SURFING: No additional wake surf boats after 8/24/22 except as provided under this rule

1. Definition: A wake surf boat is any boat designed or altered to intentionally create a large wake for surfing. This typically includes the includes the drive system, apparatus such as Hydrofoils, Trim Tabs, Wake Shapers and Ballasts--whether factory-installed or aftermarket.

2. NO additional wake surf boats are allowed—whether new purchase nor replacement--except as follows. Also, no boat of any kind shall be modified or retrofitted with a wave or surf device.

2. a) Wake boat owners may replace their wake boats with another wake boat if the transaction does not increase the number of wake boats on the lake. b) Wake boats may be inherited by family members of a wake boat owner or may be gifted to family members


2 Important motions will be presented to members to vote on regarding the existing Wake Surf Rules at the LV Annual meeting on Sunday, October 6, 2024.

One Motion will propose the existing wake surf rules as written be changed to a By Law, putting control of the By-Law in the hands of our Members and not the Board of Directors.

One Motion will soften the existing wake surf rules to allow a replacement purchase of new Wake Surf Boats or transfer of Wake Surf Boats on a continual, ongoing basis and leave control of the rule in the hands of board of directors and not our members.

Please plan to attend the Lake Viking Annual Meeting on Sunday October 6th to hear discussion and vote.

This notice is posted by a VVA Membership Group.

of a wake boat owner if the transaction does not increase the number of wake boats on the lake.

3. For safety of surfer, wake surfing is prohibited behind all boats with an inboard/ outboard motor, or an outboard motor.

4. Wake surfing is restricted to the main channel & near the center of the channel, as marked by 4 ea wake surf buoys. ALL wake surfing must be within/inside these “buoy boundaries”. Direction of travel is counterclockwise, consistent with normal lake traffic.

5. Water bladders or other watercraft weight-enhancement devices must be filled & emptied within the “buoy boundaries” described above. This rule applies to all watercraft that have wave-enhancing devices, whether wake surfing or not.

6. Zebra mussels: If used outside Lake Viking waters, a thorough hotwash of boat must be performed by Lake Viking staff, and any boat with water bladders must be quarantined for 21 days.

7. Wake surf boats already authorized on Lake Viking may NOT be sold to another lake member for use on Lake Viking. If a property is sold with a wake surf boat, that boat will not be authorized to use the lake.

8. Any violation of the above wake surfing rules is subject to maximum $500 fine.

L ake Viking News

Meet the candidates for VVA Board

David Daniel

My name is David Daniel.

I graduated from high school in Pattonsburg, Missouri and attended college at Missouri Western, obtaining my degree in Economics & Agronomy. Upon graduation, I worked as a Soil Conservationist for seven years. Then in 1980 I started my own farming business that includes row crops, raising cattle, and agricultural trucking.

Lake Viking has been a huge part of my life ever since I was a boy; I remember the Lake being built and watching the progress with my parents.

I married my wife Tina in 1999. We have 4 children, and 6 grandchildren with another on the way. We purchased our first lot at Lake Viking in 2000 and became members of Yacht Club and Campground. In 2018 we purchased our current lot where we built our home and currently reside full-time. Tina and I are currently on the Activity & Dredge Committees.

Lake Viking is not just recreation to us; it is our home and has impacted our children’s lives as well. Our son currently has a lot and our daughter & her family have purchased a lot and are going to raise their children and live here full-time.

I care about all Lake Viking members and will strive for your voices to be heard and repair the lack of communication between members and the board. I have knowledge of many aspects of our lake which will benefit us as a community. I look forward to serving all Lake members if I am elected. Thank you for this opportunity.

Shawn Schuyler Lot 3085

Current career setting: Business Owner - Plumber - C&H Handyman Plumbing

Number of years an Association member: 2 years

Previous VVA board or committee service: Lake Viking Plumber

Additional personal or family data you would like to share with membership: Family man; I have a wife and 4 kids, 3 boys and 1 girl. We have a slip at the Yacht Club and we love coming to the lake and enjoy family time.

What qualities of Lake Viking led you to become a property owner? Close to home and know people who already live at Lake Viking. It’s a beautiful lake to visit.

Describe aspects of your background that uniquely prepare you for board service. I am very knowledgeable at many different things and bringing more insight to the board.

What do you feel is the greatest challenge facing our association? I feel the greatest challenge is all the lying that’s been happening and going to try and stop that and tell the truth to the lake community.

What are the top two issues you want the board to focus on? Two issues I want the board to focus on would be to help our lake community and try to get grants that would help fix the roads.

Describe your vision for Lake Viking. My vision is to keep Lake Viking a family friendly lake. I want to be the back bone for the lake community.

Dan Weidmaier Lot 309

Current career setting: Okonite, Senior Sales Representative

Number of years an Association member: 13 years

Additional personal or family data you would like to share with membership: I have been married to Connie for 36 years, a retired school teacher. Together we have 2 married sons, 4 grandchildren and too many wonderful memories to count. I’ve been a traveling salesman in the electric utility industry for 30 years and currently a Sr. Sales Representative for The Okonite Company. (Okonite is an underground cable company used by many utilities, including the company that services the lake, Farmers Electric). We have been members of the Lake Viking Activities Committee for three years, helping to bring in activities that improve the fellowship of Lake Viking residents. We are members of Mary Immaculate church in Gallatin. My in-laws bought a lot at Lake Viking in 1994 and have loved spending as much time here as possible since. We had a camper in Campground 1 prior to building a house on 340 in 2001. Connie and I bought the home on lot 309 in 2015, where we have enjoyed many friend and family celebrations. We currently spend half our time in St. Joseph and half our time at the lake, so day-to-day quality improvements is important to me and my family.

What qualities of Lake Viking led you to become a property owner? Lake Viking has many positive qualities that led us to buy property here. The feeling of community and friendship drew us back to the lake and keeps us coming back as much as possible. We got involved in the many social events here at the lake by serving on the Activities Committee. The hometown feel of Lake Viking makes it easy to make new friends and get involved constantly.

Describe aspects of your background that uniquely prepare you for board service. As a salesperson for more than 30 years, I have a unique experience meeting with all different kinds of people. The ability to work with many types of individuals is a valuable tool that can help build successful relationships.

What do you feel is the greatest challenge facing our association? The greatest challenge facing Lake Viking is keeping our association a family-oriented lake as it was intended.

What are the top two issues you want the board to focus on? Several topics that the board needs to focus on is the health of the lake. There are many opportunities to improve the quality. This will ensure that the lake continues to be a place that members want to spend as much time as possible. Another issue that should be focused on is growing the fishing environment. Stocking and keep the fishing top notch community. Continue a successful dredging program. Support security in keeping all members, families and guests.

Marvin McNabb Lot 28

I am enjoying my eighth year as Retired, my last employment was with Ferrellgas where I was a Systems Administrator for Business systems on Windows, Unix, and Linux hardware, and an Application Security Specialist for PeopleSoft software.

I have been a member of Viking Valley Assn. since August, 2000, and have lived here full time for the last six years.

My previous service to our Lake Viking community includes 5 plus years on the Building Committee, three years on the Board of Directors, including one year as Board President. I give time in support of the VVA Office computer systems and various camera systems used by Safety and Lake Management. I also worked on the Safety Team during the summer of 2020.

My wife Candace and I will celebrate our 33rd anniversary this year. We have three children and five grandchildren who visit us frequently, and also love this lake community. We are Core Volunteers at the Cameron Food Pantry two days a week and extra when our director asks. We attend church at the Cameron United Methodist Church.

We were drawn to Lake Viking by the beautiful lake and peaceful surrounding area. This was before we knew the deer would eat every green thing we plant in our yard. Now we joke that we plant hostas so the deer will have a salad bar. We strive to be good neighbors to those around us and watch their properties when they are not here.

I have worked in service type jobs since I got out of the Navy in 1974. I worked as a repair technician, first, repairing institutional beverage equipment such as coffee machines, instant tea machines, and then 15 years as a customer service tech for Xerox Corporation. While at Xerox I became a Customer Service Specialist and a Certified Trainer. After Xerox I attended Park University and earned my Bachelor’s degree in Computer Information Systems.

I have served on the HOA Boards of our last three neighborhood HOA’s. I did various tasks such as Swimming Pool Coordinator, Common Grounds Coordinator, and Vice Chair.

I feel the greatest challenge facing our association is the division over how we want to define ourselves. Are we a weekend resort for our members who live in the cities around us? Are we a sleepy retirement community where folks want to reside after life in the fast lane? Do we want or need to chase big money for fancy amenities or maintain what we have and keep our annual assessments reasonable? Are we going to be a little Lake of the Ozarks or are we going to be Lake Viking, the Jewel of Northwest Missouri? We have both sides here now and must find a road somewhere in the middle.

The top two issues facing our Board of Directors, I believe, are first, transparency and credibility. We must be as open as we can in making policies and decisions as they affect ALL members of Lake Viking. If we as a body vote to expend monies for high value equipment, then we as a body should vote to sell it. If we sell Association owned property it needs to be clear and voted on as to where and how that money will be spent. Second, I believe, is the need for the Board to listen to the wants and needs of ALL association members. I will propose that each Board meeting include a set amount of open time for members to ask questions of the board. There will need to be guidelines and time limits so that as many members as possible get a chance to speak or ask their question.

My vision for our Community is simple. They are the Parameters of our Mission Statement:

We, Lake Viking Community, will:

• Follow the VVA Covenants, By-Laws, Rules, and Regulations and seek necessary board approval when implementing the Strategic Plan.

• Maintain fiscal responsibility when making decisions based on Lake Viking’s Strategic Plan or any other matters.

• Conduct all activities safely and in accordance with the current Lake Viking Handbook.

• Consider all steps to ensure quality amenities and infrastructure.

• Treat all people fair and equal.

• Take all steps to protect and properly manage our natural environment.

• Foster a collaborative relationship between the board, staff, and membership.

• Be open, active, and transparent in the dissemination of information to our membership.

• Openly invite and include all members in a variety of social activities.

• Consider all reasonable investments to meet our goals.

Daryl Mosely Featured at Lake Viking Church

There are song writers . . . and then there are song writers. Example, take Daryl Mosely who performed at the Lake Viking Church on September 1st. His appearance is part of a continuing outreach to quality music by Pastor Robert Nelson who is an accomplished musician in his own right. It doesn’t take long to see that Daryl Mosely is the real deal. He should be. His most famous song, “Ask the

Blind Man, He Saw it All” is ranked among the top all-time 100 gospel songs, and he has twice been named as gospel “song-writer of the year. Daryl who has been a performer on Grand Ole Opry, does around 150 shows a year. And his appearance at Lake Viking Church made believers out of all who were present.

The VVA garage sale on Saturday September 14 featured this novel approach: a yard with both garage sale items and a food truck. All totaled this Activities Committee Event featured 25 garage vendors (and 4 Food Trucks).

Daviess County PWSD #3 Open Meeting: July 16, 2024


Kyle Parkhurst, President (2026), called the meeting to order at 4:00pm which was held at the water plant. Members in attendance were Mark Closterman (2027), Gary Buck (2027), and Harlan Horst (2026). Mike Lammers (2025) was unable to attend. Also in attendance were Zack Morrison, Water Superintendent, and Diane Hulett, Clerk.


Mark Closterman made a motion to approve the minutes of the

June 18, 2024 Board Meeting. Gary Buck seconded. All members were in favor; motion carried.


There was no public comment.


Zack informed the board that the two stainless steel GAC units were delivered and engineers from Allgeier, Martin & Associates toured the plant to take measurements so they could get started on drawings.


Financial Report: The financial reports and bills were reviewed and discussed. Harlan Horst moved to approve the June financial reports as submitted and approve the bills and transfers. Mark Closterman seconded. All members voted to approve; motion carried.

Diane presented the financing terms received from D.A. Davidson for the addition of the GAC units. A motion was made by Harlan Horst and seconded by Mark Closterman to go with the 15yr lease purchase at a rate of 5.18%. All members voted to approve; motion carried.


Superintendent Report:

Zack reported that over the last month, three new meter installations and one leak repair have been completed. He also noted that so far this year, there have been five leak repairs that will require road patches.

Kyle Parkhurst, President, announced the next meeting would be August 20, 2024, at the water plant. The meeting was adjourned at 5:15pm.

Respectfully Submitted, Mark Closterman

VVA Partners with the Community Foundation of Northwest Missouri

In the Lake Viking Strategic Plan, the following language appears: “1.4.1 Establish a system for and encourage opportunities for endowments.” Great idea, but the question is “how to get started?” How to build the fund? Also, “how do we maintain this potentially long-term fund as a stand-alone item from the normal budget line-items and statements in the Association Financial Documents?

The Community Foundation of Northwest Missouri (CFNWNO) offers the answer to these questions. Endowment Funds are their business – they manage 221 funds for a total of $40,000,000 in value, and the good news is that since the CFNWMO is a 5013C, funds that are donated to the causes are under their umbrella and carry tax benefits.

A system of endowments by members is a critical building block for a strong organization, and we feel that there are members who would have a positive feeling about giving back to the lake, if their gifts were professionally managed. Stay tuned. More information is forthcoming.

Dock Electrical Checkups!

I have encountered 2 docks that have had electrical issues lately.

One was moved for dredging and had a wiring problem discovered upon reinstalling the dock.

The other dock had been in place for years.

In both cases, the dock was not grounded properly. A visit from a qualified electrician saved the day for both families, AND THEIR NEIGHBORS!

I encourage you to have a qualified electrician take a look at your dock every year to verify that your family, friends and neighbors are safe in the water. The life you save may be your own.

Terry Nibarger #657

Almost everything... you need to know about Lake Viking

Lake Viking 2024 Boards and Committees

Activities Committee

Mary Hibler (Chair), Dustin Hibler, David Hibler, Gail Bush, Resa Wiltse, Leanne Lee, Dan and Connie Weidmaier, Dave & Tina Daniel, Cassie & Logan Martin, Terri & Dennis Schlaiss, & Michelle & Tony Butler, Jeremy Lillig (Board Contact).

Board of Directors

President, Doug Winter; 1st Vice President, Tony Gronniger; 2nd Vice President, Terry Nibarger; Secretary, Michelle Sullivan; Assistant Secretary, Robert Walton; Assistant Treasurer, Tom Rice.

VVA Board of Directors Meetings are held the second Sunday of each month, at 2:00 p.m. at the clubhouse. All members in good standing are welcome to attend.

Building Committee

Mary Aschbrenner, Gregory Hall, Brian Karman, Robert Walton (Board Contact). Building Committee Meetings are held the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month at the clubhouse. Building permits are required to be approved by the Building Committee prior to the start of any construction as stated in the Covenants, Restrictions, By-Laws, Rules and Regulations of the Viking Valley Association.

Campground Committee

James Funk, (Chair), Mary Hibler , Jeff Spragues, Kathy Price, Charles Sudduth, Randall Davidson, Mike Booth, Flint Hibler, Bob Gates, Michelle Sullivan, Denise Ferguson, George Eshnaur (Board Contact)

Dredge & Erosion Committee

Shawn Hepinstall (Chair), Paula Hepinstall, Robert Hayes, Brett Bush, Dave Daniel, Jim Miller, Doug Winter (Board Contact)

Finance Committee

Paula Hepinstall (Chair), Steve Danner, Flint Hibler, George Eshnaur, Kevin Euston, Jeremy Lillig, Troy Lesan, Terry Nibarger, Deena Stous ,Michelle Sullivan (Board Contact).

Fishing Committee

Brett Bush (Chair) Shawn Hepinstall, Gary Buck, Troy Knight, Jim Powers, Tom Rice (Board Contact)

Handbook Committee

Mary Miller (Chair), Donna (Archibald) Redden, Kim Spidle, Terri Schlaiss, Michelle Sullivan (Board Contact)


James Funk (Chair), Marvin McNabb, Marianne Hughes, Carl Butcher, Ed White, Bob Shinogle, Allen Slavin, Anthony Castillo, Safety Coordinator: Jason McTheeney, Terry Nibarger ( Board Contact) Lake Committee

Troy Lesan (Chair) Shirley Leakey, Don Leeper, Carolyn Leeper, Mike Krehbiel, Sherry Krehbiel, Daniel Rogers, Robert Walton (Board Contact)

Email: Meetings held the 2nd Wed. of the month at 2:00 p.m.

Special Road District

Ron Spidle, Troy Knight, Tony Gronniger

Strategic Planning Committee

Matt Nielsen (Chair), Tony Gronniger, Terry Nibarger, Tom Rice, Haley Wright, Anthony Dirks, Sue Wolfe, Nikki Prewitt, David Thomas, Joe Steer, George Eshnaur (Board Contact)

Volunteer Fire Department

Fire Chief-Tony Gronniger, Volunteers: Rusty Hendricks, Gary King, Dennis Schlaiss, DJ Schlaiss, Tanner Hunter, Luke Threlkeld, Mark Closterman, Anthony Dirks, Billy Hunter, Dakota Hiley, Nick Walker, Stephanie Closterman, Jessica Conard, Robert Walton (Board Contact).

The Fire Department meets on the second Friday of the month at 2:00 PM. If you have the interest and the time to serve your community, be sure to attend the next meeting. The monthly siren test will also be done at that time.

Property Owners

You are responsible for your guests and their actions. It is your responsibility to educate them on the rules and regulations of Lake Viking. Lake Viking is private property, but all lots are owned by some other individual. Please do not drive or ride ATVs or bicycles on neighboring lots, or walk across lots to fish or use others’ property without first getting the property owner’s permission.

Please Keep Control of Your Dogs

Dogs are not allowed off the member’s property and shall be contained by a fenced enclosure or controlled by a leash. Guests’ dogs are included. Violation of this rule may be subject to an Infraction Ticket issued to the property owner.

Public Water Supply District #3

Viking Valley Association

Office Address: 144 E. Main, Gallatin, MO 64640 660-322-9001 |

Office Hours: May 1 - Labor Day Monday-Friday: 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday: 8 a.m.-12 p.m. Day after Labor Day - April 30 Monday-Friday: 8 a.m.-4 p.m.

Kyle W. Parkhurst, President, term expires 4/2026 - SubDistrict #3; Harlan Horst, Vice President, term expires 4/2026 - Sub-District #5; Mark Closterman, Secretary, term expires 4/2024 - Sub-District #2; Gary Buck, Director - term expires 4/2024 - Sub-District #1; Mike Lammers, Director term expires 4/2025 - Sub-District #4; Zack Morrison, Superintendent; Gary King, Water Operator; Diane Hulett, Clerk. Board meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 4 pm at PWSD #3 office. Office Hours: 8am-4pm • Monday thru Friday.

All payments for metered water bills are to be made payable to Public Water Supply District No. 3 of Daviess County, Missouri. You may abbreviate as PWSD #3. If you have any questions, contact the PWSD No. 3 office, 116 Waterworks Dr., Gallatin, Mo. 64640 (located at the water plant). Phone 660-663-2771. Online payments can be made at:

For the convenience of customers of Public Water Supply District No. 3, a drop box is available at the front door of the office located at the water plant for the payment of water bills. Payments received after 4 p.m. in the drop box will post the following day. For the convenience of Association members, a drop box is available in the front door of the association office for the payment of association bills.

Mowing Regulations

You are required to have your lot mowed by May 1st, June 1st and September 1st of each year. If you do not keep your lot mowed, or hire a contract mower, the Association will mow it, and bill you $90.00 for each mowing.

The Association does not want to be in the mowing business. Please self-mow your lot or hire a contract mower to do it for you. All contract mowers are required to submit a customer list to the Association office. If you are not on their initial list, you may be accidentally billed by the Association, so please contact your mower early. The below listed mowers have registered with the Association office and can usually be reached in the evening. There may be other mowers who advertise in the Lake Viking News.

Contract Mowers Can Save You Money

Eric Critten

Randy Gatton

Mark Hoig

Gary Salmon

Jeff Hoppenthaler

Rick Roberts

Mow Betta Lawn Care








Patriot Lawn & Landscaping 573-944-0802

Jake Cameron 816-288-1067

Mims Wilson 515-333-1548

Building Permit Notice

Building Permits are required, but not limited to the following projects: fences, storage shed, shelters, decks, boat docks, boat houses, room additions, porches and any alteration of the roof line; and any other construction that requires large earth moving equipment, concrete trucks and other equipment that requires multiple axle trailers. Failure to comply with building regulations could result in a minimum fine of $500 and loss of lake privileges. Any construction not in compliance with these regulations could result in forced relocation of the structure.

Watch When and Where You Burn!

Anytime you are burning brush, etc., on your lot, make certain you are burning on your lot and not someone else’s property. Unattended burning is prohibited and burning is not allowed when winds are in excess of 15 mph and shall be subject to an Infraction Ticket and fine.

Member Reminders

• Helmets are required to be worn when operating a motorcycle within the Lake Viking Subdivision.

• Goose population control is hard to manage... The first step in this process is DO NOT FEED THE GEESE!

Emergency Phone Numbers

Important Phone Numbers

* Association Office 660-322-9001 ext. 4 * Public Water Supply District #3 of Daviess County (Water Plant) 660-663-2771 Emergency after hours 660-605-3183

Farmers Electric Co-op., Inc. During business hours 1-800-279-0496


Windstream Telephone Company Customer Service (Residential) 1-800-347-1991 Repair Service 1-800-782-6206

MH 043 14-3.0-8-1-01-58

VVA Lots For Sale

VVA Minutes

Fire Department No report.

Safety Department No report.

Campground Committee

(continued from page 1)

The Campground Committee is working on budget preparation. The electrical repair at the Campground has been somewhat delayed as the person who owned the electrical service company passed away unexpectedly. His son will continue the work in progress. More information will be forthcoming.

Lake Committee

Robert Walton reported:

• Lake Committee has inspected Community Areas 2 and 7 and stated the shorelines were in need of repair with rip rap. Maintenance has communicated they are in the process of “dipping out” those areas. After this work is completed the shoreline problem will be addressed.

• Water E-Coli tests were performed this last month but were not readable because too much time lapsed between collection of the samples and the samples being received. With Board approval, the committee will take the water samples to the Gallatin Health Department. The cost of this is $15.00 per sample. The committee will report the findings as they become available. Tests will be done during peak season. The question was posed from membership, what is required if the results of the test show the level of E-Coli is too high.

Infraction Committee

Terry Nibarger reported:

• In August 2024 Safety wrote 37 warnings and 19 infractions.

• James Funk Lot # 2904, asked to have it on record a discussion regarding more than seven Infraction Committee members. Discussion ensued re why the number of members on the Infraction Committee was limited. James asked to have Allen Slavin added to the Infraction Committee.

• Terry Nibarger made a motion to add Allen Slavin as a new member of the Infraction Committee. Tom Rice seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.

Dredge Committee

Doug Winter reported:

• The Dredge Committee has met twice in the past month.

• Beautification of the South End starts September 9, 2024.

Fishing Committee

• Tom Rice reported the Fishing Committee met during the past month.

A Bass Tournament will be held September 14, 2024. Three members maximum in the boat. Details are on the Website or in Condo.

• The Lake will be stocked this fall. Fish will be 7-9 inches in length. For the first two years the Yellow Perch will probably be catch and release to ensure they are established in the lake.

• Watson’s Food Truck donated $100.00 to the Fishing Committee.

• The Pancake Breakfast went well and the committee plans to have it again next July 4, 2025 holiday weekend. More details will be provided in the new year.

Tech Committee

No Report

Beautification Exploratory Committee

No Report

Acting Managing Directors Report

Shad Mort, Acting Managing Director, reported:

• Geese Population Control Shad stated he will work with the New Managing Director, Brian Holcomb re the geese population control. Shad indicated control measures need to be taken early in the year. Shad indicated he will leave information he has with Brian Holcomb the new Lake Managing Director.

• Brian Holcomb the Lake Managing Director starts his new position September 9, 2024.

• The Board expressed thanks to Shad Mort for stepping in during the interim when a new Managing Lake Director was secured. Shad will be available until December 1, 2024 if any additional assistance is needed.

Approval Of Financial Statements

Tom Rice made a motion to approve the August 2024 Financial Statements. Second of the motion by Robert Walton. Motion was approved unanimously.

Guest Time

Two guests were on the agenda for the August 11, 2024 board meeting. Vinzent Cooper Mr. Cooper was not present at the meeting.

Rick Roberts Lot 716 Lot Drainage Issue

• Mr. Roberts came to the Board meeting this month to further discuss his concern about water being rerouted from Lot 717 onto his Lot 716 after dirt work was done to build Lot 717 up for sale/new construction.

• Before the dirt work was done the water did not drain directly over Lot 716, and now a ditch is forming in Lot 716. Mr. Roberts again stated that it was illegal to reroute drainage through his property.

• Mr. Roberts indicated he is filing a complaint against the Building

(continued on page 18) Active Aging Resource Center - Serving times 11-12:15

Active Aging Resource Center Menu

109 S Main, P O Box 272, Gallatin, MO 660-663-2828 MONDAY TUESDAY


Goulash Chicken Fried Steak Pulled Pork


Carrots Mashed Potatoes & Gravy Cole Slaw Baked Potatoes Au Gratin Potatoes

Spinach Green Beans, Oranges Baked Beans Cauliflower with Cheese Broccoli, Hot Rolls

Garlic Bread, Pears Cinnamon Roll Peaches

Pressures Comfort Care 11-12

- 10

Chicken Strips Roast Beef

Meatball Sub Sausage, Biscuit & Gravy

Seasoned Corn Parsley Potatoes Mixed Vegetables Sweet Potatoes Breakfast Potatoes

Brussel Sprouts Winter Mix, Hot Rolls Tomatoes Carrots Fruit Juice

Fruit Salad Strawberries & Bananas Pears with Gelatin Peaches Grapes BINGO - 10

Phillie Steak Sandwich

Sliced Turkey w/ Gravy

Pickled Beets Green Bean Casserole Potatoes w/ Peppers & Onions


Mixed Fruit

Tuna Casserole

Broccoli Salad, Hot Rolls

Spiced Peaches

BINGO - 10

Cole Slaw, Cornbread

Cherry Crisp


Tortilla Chips

Mashed Potatoes

Buttered Carrots

Strawberry Shortcake Mandarin Oranges, Hot Rolls

Board meeting - 10

Chair Yoga - 10 Salad Bar Game Night 4-7

L ake Viking News September

VVA Minutes

(continued from page 16)

Committee and the Viking Valley Association because of their role in the problem he is experiencing. Mr. Roberts stated this problem was caused by the Association and needs to be rectified by the Association.

• Mr. Roberts asked to be on the Agenda at the VVA Annual meeting in October 2024. Doug Winter explained to Mr. Roberts that there are no visitors on the agenda for this meeting.

• Doug Winter said the Board met and discussed this problem and a plan is in progress.

• Robert Walton said when we received the last hard rain, he drove to Lot 716 and did not see water running as Mr. Roberts indicated it is.

• Mr. Roberts would like to be added to the November 2024 agenda as a guest.

Board Discussion

Harbor Update

• The harbor was open for Labor Day Weekend.

• Doug Winter reported that the harbor is $20K over budget which is lower than was discussed at last month’s meeting

• Doug indicated there will be one slip reserved for Safety at the harbor.

• Discussion ongoing about putting boulders in the road to the harbor to ensure no one accidently backs into the water.

• Light poles will be added. Lights for decoration have been donated.

• Question was asked about room for food trucks/trailers to turn round in the harbor area. The Board is looking into this.

• Randall Davidson Lot #1222 suggested to meet ADA rules a handrail should be added to the stairway that comes up from the harbor. A suggestion of adding cameras was also made.

• Mary Hibler suggested adding tables/chairs/umbrellas in the area to allow people to eat at the harbor/clubhouse. Mary asked if anyone had any of these items they would like to donate to let her know.

• Felicia Roth indicated they would like to add additional shelters and refresh the older ones.

Budget Update

• The budget will be posted again in the Lake Viking paper. This will be the second publication of the budget which is required before the annual meeting.

• A Townhall meeting may be held on September 29, 2024. Information will be posted regarding this townhall meeting if it is scheduled.

Alcohol Service Policy

• Volunteers are now serving alcohol at some of the Lake activities. For insurance purposes, VVA will be putting together a policy which will define a more controlled policy dealing with serving alcohol.

VVA Annual Membership Meeting Information

• Meeting will be held October 6, 2024 at 1:00pm at the Winston High School in the gymnasium

• All voting will be by ballot.

• Members will be asked to remain in the auditorium until all ballots have been counted and the result has been finalized.

• Motions from the floor must be submitted two weeks before the meeting to the VVA Office. Deadline for submitting these motions is 9/22/2024.

• Nominations for Board members on the day of the meeting from the floor will be accepted. Interested individuals can complete an application prior to the day of the meeting. These can be obtained from the VVA Office or found in the Lake Viking Newspaper.

Agenda Items

• Wake Board Rule Amendment An amendment to the existing Wake Board Rule has been brought before the board. The change will need to be approved by members at the October 2024 Annual Member Meeting. As the rule is now, a wake boat owner may not update their wake boat by trading in their boat for a newer/updated boat and the wake boat may not be gifted or inherited by a family member. Tom Rice presented the changes suggested to the Wake Board Rule. Wake Board Boats may be upgraded, Inherited or gifted as long as the number of wake boats on the lake does not increase.

• Wake Board Rule Becoming a Bylaw

• Common area approved uses

• Common area uses becoming a Bylaw


A motion was made to adjourn to Executive Session at 3:00 pm to discuss legal, personnel, and Board organizational matters. The motion passed unanimously.


A sign-in Attendance Sheet is on record at the Office for reference. Let the record show that these minutes are a record of the business transacted at this meeting and are a sampling of the discussions. Comments and discussions are not reflected in whole or as actual quotations in the minutes, nor do they reflect all comments by members.

Respectfully Submitted Michelle Sullivan, Secretary Board of Directors, Viking Valley Association

• Beer tasting from Levi’s Garrison and Son’s Outside behind the clubhouse.

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