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July 18, 2017
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C hillicothe, Bray mer, M eadv ille, W heeling, C hula, Dawn, L udlow, M ooresv ille, U tica, H ale, G allatin, L ake V iking, J amesp ort, J ameson/ C offey , Pattonsburg, oc rin s, inston, ltamont, amilton, idder, in ston, olo, ow ill, rec enrid e, ettleton, irabile, renton, ameron, athro , roo field
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J uly 18, 2017
For Rent
For Rent
id o r classified listin wor id o find a ob in the A dZ one? Do y ou lov e to p lay the S cav enger H unt contest? W e striv e to deliv er the best shop p er in the area, so email or call us today and let us know how we are doing! W e lov e to hear from our readers. A sk for T omie or Brooke 660- 707- 1820 or A dZ one@ G PC
F OR R E NT : 4 bedroom, 1.5 Bath, 2- S tory well kep t dup lex in C hillicothe. 1 op ening, $ 675 / month ( Pets extra) $ 675 dep osit & 1 y ear lease. Non- S moking. R eferences req uired. 660- 973- 4 064 leav e message p lease
G A L L A T I N E S T A T E S A PA R T M E NT S F OR R E NT : 1 or 2 bdrm av ailable. H U D v ouchers accep ted. R ental assistance av ailable to those who q ualify . E q ual housing op p ortunity . C all 660- 663- 3114 .
Automotive 1969 C H E V Y short- bed p ickup . 35 0 automatic. G ood condition. C all R on M ason at 660.74 9.5 4 61. F R OS T A U T OM OT I V E : A uto and truck p arts & accessories. S ee us for all y our p arts needs. W e also make hy draulic hoses. S outh side G allatin sq uare. 660- 663- 215 2
- Studio - One bedroom Available NOW! Recently remodeled. Starts at . Utilities included. Deposit required. o pets. 660-565-2289 or text 231-301-5940
Recently remodeled ppliances included. Deposit required. o pets. vailable ugust st 0/month 660-745-3538 nights only please ackground check required.
S T OR A G E U NI T S : Outside lighting, surv eillance cam-
Walsworth is an equal opportunity/disability/veteran employer.
Sales Representative Donning Company Publishers
for its Albany MO Production Facility
Please submit your bid by noon Tuesday, July 18, 2017 to P O Box 200, Pattonsburg, MO 64670 For more information please contact the superintendent’s office at 660-367-2111 ext 4. The Pattonsburg R-II School District Board reserves the right to refuse any and all bids.
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Directions: 4 miles from Hwy. 13, on left, or 7 miles from 36 Hwy., on right
Submit resume to or apply at
The Pattonsburg R-II School District is accepting bids for the following products and services for the 2017-2018 fiscal year.
Equipment For Rent
s Walsworth, a leading book, catalog and magazine printer, i atorelb Homemade Jams Tom e . CORN $1.99 p & Honey Available $3.50 dz. Sales Representative
Donning Company Publishers is seeking to fill a Sales position in its Colorado, Utah, Oregon and Washington areas. The Donning Company, a specialty book publisher of limitededition commemorative volumes, pictorial histories, and contemporary portraits is a wholly-owned subsidy of Walsworth. Visit to learn more. For this entry-level sales position, the job duties include finding new clients that fit our service profile, expanding the existing territory and servicing existing accounts, and developing a prospect base to increase growth. The successful applicant should be a self-starter, selfmotivated with good communication skills. Some computer knowledge is required. Outside sales experience is beneficial. College hours or equivalent work experience is required. Onthe- job training will be provided. This position would involve 60% travel time with some overnight stays.
eras, insulated to p rev ent large temp erature v ariances, different siz es av ailable. L ocated H wy . O east of G allatin. C ritten C ountry S torage, 660- 605 - 335 0.
Entry Level Production Positions Available. Starting wage of $12.99/hour plus shift differential, with multiple pay increases within the first year and annually on anniversary date. If you are looking to join a stable and growing company, Johnson Controls Inc. is the place for you. Johnson Controls Inc. offers excellent benefits, (medical, dental, vision, life insurance, 401-k, stock purchase plan, flexible spending and paid holidays). We are currently looking to hire entry level positions for second shift M-F plus some Saturdays. All interested candidates must apply online at Go to careers then search Albany Missouri and find the appropriate job. No applications are taken at the plant.
Johnson Controls is an EEO/AA employer.
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Donning Company Publishers is seeking to fill a Sales position in its Col
Washington areas. The Donning Company, a specialty book publish
Greenhouse is Still Open raphi rtist Designer
commemorative volumes, pictorial histories, and contemporary portraits is raphic Walsworth. Visit learn For this entry-level sales pos his is a fantastic opportunitytofor anmore. experienced raphic rtist/ esigner to oin the creative team of a histerrit is a finding new that fitfamily our service profile, expanding the existing dynamic and clients successful owned business creative Walsworth earbooks. accounts, and developing a prospect base to increase he ra focused he raphic rtist/ esigner based in our rookfield designe o. facility will work in the highly focused dynamic fastThe paced team environment of be oura Creative successful applicant should self-starter,ervices self-motivatedcustom with go epartment. ur designers perform at a high level of professionalism when engaging with coworkers and experience israph Some computer knowledge is required. Outside sales ben and sum customers. sale equivalent work experience is required. On-the- job training will and be provi cover d raphic esigner s responsibilities include involve 60%in travel timeand with some overnight stay interacting with customers during house summer workshops around the country building strong relationships with customers and sales reps developing production techniques and producing outstanding yearbook cover designs. . · ·
Re uirements our year degree orSubmit two year degree with four resume at year s experience detail oriented ust be a highly or motivated apply at
professional Compensation is commensurate with experience and and accompanies a com · ust be skilled in hotoshop llustrator n esign Walsworth is an equal opportunity/disability/veteran em · ust be extremely creative and be able to work with a wide variety of styles and techniques · ortfolio required at time of interview Submit resume an salary re uirements to als orth n email Compensation is commensurate with experience and accompanies a competive benefits package. Walsworth is an equal opportunity/disability/veteran employer. careers
J uly 18, 2017
The best Fourth ever b y F reida Marie C rump Greetings from Poosey. Hershel Lindsay dreaded holidays. It was the task of he and his wife Elisabeth to host the family gatherings and this year’s Fourth of July reunion seemed to be more formidable than most. Hershel’s family is politically divided. Actually, divided isn’t quite the word. In recent months it’s been torn down the middle with supporters of the current administration on one side and its detractors on the far side of the family chasm. Hershel told me at the coffee shop that he’d considered canceling this year’s annual fireworks night, fearing that the explosions might be verbal instead of pyrotechnic.
For Sale
Puppies For Sale
Help Wanted
F or sale: 2 ton A C window unit. 110 Plug in. $ 200. 66064 6- 4 827
R ed heeler p up p ies, 7 weeks old, from working p arents. 660- 684 - 6369 ext. 0 W y man M iller, J amesp ort
Detailer H elp Needed. L ake V iking M arine is L ooking for a New Detailer. C omp etitiv e Pay & G reat W orking E nv ironment. S end resume to randy @ lakev
F R E E W OOD! Y ou cut and haul. 660- 64 6- 4 827 2012 M athews H elim bow. 60 lb., 28.5 ” draw. G ood accessories $ 700 660- 684 - 6866 BOA T S F OR S A L E : New & used boats & p ontoons, sev eral to choose from, watch our website, www.lakev or call 660- 663- 3722, L ake V iking M arine. OU T DOOR W OOD F U R NA C E by C entral Boiler I nc. F R E E H E A T & hot water. E liminate monthly heating bills. C all 660- 707- 3866 today . ( No S unday calls, p lease) .
R OC K , BL A C K DI R T fill dirt ston r c ing & C onstruction, 660- 6633234 or 660- 334 - 0997. , rain finished, deliv ery av ailable. $ 2/ lb. hanging weight 660- 973- 2786
J OH N DE E R E R I DI NG M OW E R , 38- inch. F or sale, $ 25 0. T oo small for my y ard, it s st ri ht for o rs all J im 816- 5 83- 2221. Puppies For Sale A U S T R A L I A N S H E PH E R D PU PPI E S . Born 4 / 21/ 17. M erles. S hots and wormed. F arm raised. T wo females remaining. L ocated in C owgill. C all 660.25 5 .4 166.
Beagle p up p ies, A K C registered, out of hunting p arents. $ 15 0 660- 684 - 6875 Help Wanted T ire rep air, serv ice technician. M ust be mechanically inclined. Pick up an ap p lication at L andes Oil in J amesp ort. C DL - A license, not afraid of manual labor. A p p ly in p erson. G F G A g S erv ices J amesp ort, M O.
H E L P W A NT E D. T eacher, H amilton H ead S tart C enter. V isit www.greenhillsheadstart or for ob descri tion and ap p lication, or call 660.35 9.2214 . E .O.I . R N, L PN, C NA , C M T , H ousekeep ing all shifts. F ull time and Part time p ositions av ailable. enefits a ailable ome in or ap p ly online www.grandriv G rand R iv er H ealth C are 118 T renton R oad C hillicothe, M O 64 601. ( 660) 64 6- 035 3 DR I V E R S : $ 5 ,000.00 Orientation C omp letion Bonus! U niq ue F latbed or Dry V an F leet! E xcellent A nnual Pay , ll om rehensi e enefits 1y r C lass- A C DL C all: 1- 85 5 85 6- 7985 T he G allatin R - V S chool District is accep ting ap p lications for a p art- time bus driv er for the 2017- 2018 school y ear. Please contact the sup erintendent s office for more information. T he G allatin R - V S chool District is an eq ual op p ortunity emp loy er. M echanic H elp Needed. L ake V iking M arine is L ooking for a New M echanic. C omp etitiv e Pay & G reat W orking E nv ironment. S end resume to randy @ lakev
“The trouble is,” said Hershel, “they’re all good people. I love ‘em all and underneath all the political talk they’d do anything for each other. That’s the way we raised ‘em.” He sadly told me that something had happened to them in recent months. “Used to be, politicians would at least stay civil and that sort of set the tone for all of us. Now it’s Katie-bar-the-door with the trash talk and insults.” He even admitted some anger himself. “Yes, I do blame our leaders. These weren’t the kids I raised.” I had the chance to run into Hershel just after the Fourth and I asked him how things went. “Worse than I figured, Freida. They got out of their cars wearing their ‘Impeach Trump’ and ‘America First’ t-shirts and hats. Elisabeth and I just looked at each other. It wasn’t going to be easy.” The Lindsay’s aren’t a drinking family so there was no alcohol fueling the conversation that night, but in Hershel’s words, “It just wasn’t like old times. Yeah, we hugged and laughed, but it was tense.” Elisabeth was especially concerned since she’d asked her father, Laymon, to join them. Laymon’s been holed up in a nearby retirement home for several years and it’s hard for him to get around, but a rented wheelchair and a good deal of persuasion from his daughter got him to the family confab. Everyone was tickled to see Grandpa, and Hershel said that his father-in-law’s presence put everyone on their best behavior ...but it didn’t last. “Within an hour they forgot Laymon was there and the political arguing began.” Elisabeth was embarrassed for her dad and at several points during the evening she offered to take him home, but he insisted on staying for the fireworks, “Unless,” he said, “they’ve already begun.” Hershel told me that the debate was getting heated and the kids were becoming antsy awaiting the rockets and firecrackers. “I even thought about shooting them off while there was still daylight, just to divert everyone’s attention and get poor Laymon back to his retirement village.” He said it was one of the saddest moments of his life, “Imagine, Freida, wanting your own family to go home. I nearly cried.” That’s when Laymon spoke up. Laymon Richardson is 94 years old, worked his whole life on the farm after he returned from the war, and after the death of his wife Maurine, he sort of went down hill. He was always known as a man whose word was as good as his bond, and was the driving force behind building our Lutheran Church after the fire. Laymon raised a shaky hand in the middle of an argument over tweeting presidents and said, “Could I say something?”
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Hershel told me the patio became silent with only the hiss of the smothered charcoal grill and a few tree frogs left dangling in the Poosey night air. “I don’t mean to interrupt, but I’m getting tired and may forget what I want to say by tomorrow.” His family chuckled. “You’ll have to move closer. Don’t have much voice anymore.” The family crowded their lawn chairs in to a tight covey around Grandpa as he took a sip of lemonade then began. “I’ve fought a war and lived through some tight money times where stayin’ alive was mainly what we talked out. I love all my family, and I just want to tell you that you’ve all been infected and it makes me pretty sad.” Hershel said that the old man gave them a short lecture in civics. “The president, the Congress, that ain’t us. That ain’t America. I’ve seen ‘em come and go and believe me, they’ll go.” Laymon cast an eye to the youngsters playing in Hershel’s backyard. “That out there. That’s America and what they see and hear is gonna determine what our country’s gonna be. And what they see and hear now is you ...Mom and Dad. So now let’s shoot off some fireworks.” Hershel said it was the best fourth ever. You ever ‘round Poosey, stop by. We may not answer the door but you’ll enjoy the trip.
C H I L L I C OT H E - 660- 707- 1820 | A dZ one@ G PC G A L L A T I N - 660- 663- 215 4 | A ds@ G PC G allatin Publishing C omp any | www.G PC
J uly 18, 2017
Chillicothe: Reduced! Nice family home in great neighborhood! 3 bed 2 1/2 bath, w/ a attractive kitchen (appliances included), & breakfast nook. Partially inished basement w/extra storage. $144,900 #2047488
Gallatin: Ranch style home w/3 bedrooms and 2 ½ baths. Eat-in kitchen including appliances, lower level featuring a large, remodeled family room & 1/2 bath, utility room w/uge storage area. Welcoming entry, nice deck & mature trees located in a great neighborhood close to the school. $135,900 #2014261
Gallatin: Lake lot with waterfront home. Great for family fun & entertaining. Sun-filled living room, cute kitchen, 3 bed & 2 bath upstairs. Large family room & 3/4 bath in walkout basement. Deck, patio & storage shed. $355,000 #2054743
Breckenridge: Open floorplan w/vaulted ceilings, a great deck, covered patio, metal roof& pellet stove in the cozy family room. 3 beds/2 baths. Appliances are included! Beautifully manicured lawn and awesome outbuilding/3 car detached garage! $89,900 #2055519
gpc204 gpc201 gpc20 gpc205
Livingston County Residential (Inside city limits) C hillicothe, M O - - C harming Older 2 S tory W ith L ots Of U p dates! 62x112 L ot: T his home offers new p aint inside and out, 3 bedrooms, 1 full bath, toilet room, liv ing room, dining room, and kitchen with gas stov e and dishwasher. Newer carp et, windows and la ndr all on main oor, l s much more. L arge deck with an area for hot tub. Nice y ard. Partial basement. L ocated on a q uiet street. C ontact G lenda J ohnson at 660- 24 7- 2034 for a showing today . $ 78,5 00. # 724 7E C E NT U R Y 21 S mith & A ssociates, C hillicothe, M O 660.64 6.214 1 C hillicothe, M O - - C orner L ot! ! 80/ 120 L ot: T his home sits in a family friendly neighborhood, close the dog p ark and C lay street p ark. T he home has been up dated with v iny l siding, windows, metal roof, gutters, furnace, water heater, sp rinkler sy stem in the basement, ceramic tile in the kitchen and tiled shower. F enced- in back y ard and an additional driv eway . $ 82,5 00. # 3096/ 22398 G aslight R eal E state, C hillicothe, M O 66064 6- 14 17. C hillicothe, M O – C ountry - like S etting. 0.80 A cres. 139x 25 0 L ot: 2 Bedroom, 1 Bath home located st north of town within city limits. W alkout basement. C ountry S etting. $ 83,000. # 5 174 / 22396 G aslight R eal E state, C hillicothe, M O 660- 64 6- 14 17
C hillicothe, M O - - G reat L ocation! 60x120 L ot: Downsiz ing in mind? Y ou don’ t want to miss out on this ranch home! T his home has had up dates including carp et, p aint, ap p liances, and much more! 2 bedrooms, liv ing room, large eat- in kitchen, full bath, and laundry room. 1 car garage, deck, and fenced y ard. W on’ t last long! C all G lenda J ohnson today at 660- 24 7- 2034 . $ 84 ,900. # 724 8E C E NT U R Y 21 S mith & A ssociates, C hillicothe, M O 660.64 6.214 1 C hillicothe, M O - - H istoric M asterp iece! 70x112 L ot: H istoric M asterp iece! T his M U S T S E E home was masterfully constructed in 1907 and offers a tremendous amount of character throughout. T his 3+ bedrooms, 2 bathroom home boasts ov er 3,100 sq . ft. of p ure charm. Original custom wood work throughout. Beautifully maintained hardwood oors, leased lass windows and high ceilings. R ecently up dated in all the right p laces. U p dated p lumbing, freshly p ainted inside and out, new central air unit ( 2015 ) , remodeled bath, textured walls and ceilings and a freshly stained p orch. T he 1,5 00 sq . ft. up stairs could accommodate additional op en bedrooms or an out of the way family room with bar, 3/ 4 bath and additional storage sp ace. C ome inside and take a look y ourself. Y ou don’ t want to miss out on this one! R educed: $ 88,900. # 2802/ 22293 G aslight R eal E state, C hillicothe, M O 660- 64 6- 14 17
C hillicothe, M O - - I t’ s S o G ood T o Be H ome! Nestled on a q uiet street with 2 lots and 24 x30 shop - y ou will find this aint bedroom home with lots of character. S tucco siding and newer roof - this home is great for family liv ing. K itchen with ap p liances, dining room, large liv ing room, enclosed p orch, 1 bedroom + full bath, and laundry hook- up s all located on the main oor stairs has 3 bedrooms + full bath, newer carp et, and hardwood oors ll basement 2 bath. Natural gas heat and central air. 24 x30 shop has concrete oor, heat, air, water, and large ov erhead garage + stool area. L arge lot with detached garage. A lso included is an older home that could be torn down to increase the y ard sp ace! Owners say sell! C ontact G lenda J ohnson at 660- 24 7- 2034 for a showing today ! $ 91,5 00. # 724 5 E C E NT U R Y 21 S mith & A ssociates, 660.64 6.214 1 C hillicothe, M O - - 3 Bedroom C ap e C od on a nice siz ed lot, close to p ark. Newer car et, hardwood oors and detached garage. R educed: $ 129,900. # 5 175 / 225 12 G aslight R eal E state, C hillicothe, M O 660- 64 6- 14 17 C hillicothe, M O - - Built in 2013! Built in 2013 this home has 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. T his home is on a slab and has a 2 car attached garage with a storm shelter. I t has great curb ap p eal, landscap ing, and a nice out-
Call Lindy Lile 660-247-2294 Call Martha Berry 660-707-3067 Call Joyce Eddy 660-247-0750 Call Mary Tredway 660-359-7715 Call Terri Dunn 660-247-0460 Call Sandy Thompson 660-646-8777
door liv ing area. $ 130,000. # 3099/ 225 4 1 G aslight R eal E state, C hillicothe, M O 66064 6- 14 17 C hillicothe, M O - - G reat ranch located in a great neighborhood with 3 bdrms, 2 full and 1 half bath, huge y ard and f ll nfinished basement $ 14 0,000. # gp c2022092 R E / M A X T own & C ountry , G allatin, M O 660- 663- 5 75 7 C hillicothe, M O - - U p dated 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath home on a large corner lot! New carp et, new kitchen cabinets with ap p liances, new counter top s, new fi t res, new do ble v anity , new tile & fresh p aint. $ 14 0,000. # 7010/ 2265 6 G aslight R eal E state, 660- 64 614 17
C hillicothe, M O - - C orner L ot - A ll E lectric! 100 x 132 L ot: 3 Bedroom, 3 Bath - A ll E lectric H ome on C orner L ot. $ 14 4 ,5 00. # 14 019/ 2214 8 G aslight R eal E state, 660.64 6.14 17 C hillicothe, M O - - M ust S ee to A p p reciate! One of a kind p rop erty ! M any extras & p lenty of storage sp ace. Priv ate backy ard with a p erfect area for grilling. $ 14 9,5 00. # 4 5 4 8/ 2264 6 G aslight R eal E state, 660- 64 6- 14 17 C hillicothe, M O - - Nice family home in a great neighborhood & conv enient location! S ellers offering 1 y ear home warranty ! A wesome backy ard with newer stamp ed concrete p atio. S creened in p orch! 3 bedroom 2 1/ 2 bath, w/ a at-
tractiv e kitchen ( ap p liances included) , & breakfast nook. Newer windows, siding and fenced in y ard. Y ou will lov e this finished basement w extra storage. Plus laundry hoo s on main oor and in basement. Ov er- siz ed garage & shed. T his home has a artiall finished basement $ 14 9,900. # gp c204 74 88 R E / M A X T own & C ountry , 660663- 5 75 7 C hillicothe, M O - - L arge family home with 4 bdrms, 1 full, 3 and 2 baths, 2 fire laces, large formal dining room, liv ing room, downstairs family room, game room, workshop and laundry on an extra siz ed lot! $ 15 5 ,000. # gp c2029370 R E / M A X T own & C ountry , 660- 663- 5 75 7
$59,500 208 Jackson Chillicothe, Mo Listing #4546
121 Washington Street Chillicothe, MO 64601
Real Estate
indy ile:
Owner/ roker
Small Town Living
New Build
207 E. Gentry Meadville New kitchen, all new windows, carpet, laminate, 1.5 new bathrooms, All new lighting & fixtures, new siding & ceramic floors, & gutters. Large lot with 2 older garages. #2810/22694 •$89,900
205 Marshall Street Chula 3 Bedroom, 2 bath manufactured home on corner lot in small rural community. All electric & move-in ready!
501 Fellows Utica
#3101/22590 • $69,000
#5173/22265 • $89,500
Call Joyce Eddy 660-247-0750
Call Terri Dunn 660-247-0460
Call Joyce Eddy 660-247-0750 Call Lindy Lile
3 bedroom 1 bath all electric home built in 2016.
2811/226 2810/226 3101/225 5173/222
J uly 18, 2017
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Daviess County Residential (within city limits) A ltamont, M O - - G reat p rice for a lov ely , remodeled, 2 story home with 3 large bdrms, beautiful woodwork & an ov ersiz ed insulated 2 car garage. U p dates include new bathroom, new heat and a/ c nit, oorin , aint more C orner lot in q uiet small town. $ 73,000. # gp c204 4 110 R E / M A X T own & C ountry , G allatin, M O 660- 663- 5 75 7 C offey , M O - - W elcome home! T his true ranch home y ou do not want to miss: 1 owner, nestled into the coun-
try side on 5 3 +/ - wooded acres, 2 onds ma estic v iews! 4 bdrms & 2 bths with an extra room right off the kitchen that can be used as a sun room or mudroom. 5 q uality built outbuildings with new fencing on the acreage. ood b rnin fire lace ew aint en oor lan ar e arden and ower beds otters shed right out y our back door! C ov ered front p orch. Peaceful, secluded and serene with mature trees and a stocked p ond! $ 24 0,000. # gp c205 3685 R emax - T rip le H R eal E state T eam, K ansas C ity , M O
G allatin, M O - - A ffordable 2 bdrm, 1 bath ranch home on a nice lev el lot. H ome is within walking distance to the G allatin L ibrary , and school! L iv ing/ dining combo with a country kitchen, and large laundry room. L ots of character, this would make a great starter home or rental p rop erty . $ 35 ,000. # gp c2035 64 8 R E / M A X T own & C ountry , G allatin, M O 660- 663- 5 75 7 G allatin, M O - - T wo S tory H ome with 3+ Bdrms: 2- S tory home with 3 bedrooms 2 baths and enclosed front p orch. L arge eat- in kitchen, dining room, liv ing room, util-
it room and main oor master. U p stairs has 2 bedrooms, bath and an extra room ( nonconforming bedroom) . L ots of p otential! T here is a 9x10 shed with concrete oor ocated on a shaded corner lot next to swimming p ool. $ 4 5 ,5 80. # 1111 L andmark R ealty , G allatin, M O 660- 6633294 G allatin, M O - - W ell K ep t Dup lex. 70x137 L ot: T his nice ranch dup lex sits on a corner lot in a nice neighborhood. E ach unit has 2 bedrooms and 1 bath with a 1 car attached garage. T he dup lex roof was rep laced in 2010 and
has up dated wiring. Prop erty also includes an 8x10 shed. C all for more details. R educed: $ 66,900. # 1088 L andmark R ealty , G allatin, M O 660- 663- 3294 G allatin, M O - - C harming 4 bdrm, 1 and 1/ 2 bathroom 2 story home is located on a nice, shady corner lot with a p retty p atio area and an ov ersiz ed 2 car detached garage: C harming 4 bedroom, 1 and 1/ 2 bathroom 2 story home is located on a nice, shady corner lot with a p retty p atio area and an ov ersiz ed 2 car
LAND & HOME & AUCTION Heartland MLS 621 Locust, Chillicothe
, 00 xecutive R dollhouse
Heartland MLS JEFF FOLI - Broker 621 Locust, Chillicothe, Mo 660=247=1700 New agents: Jack Blank, Don White, Roxanne Rickey
335 One of Chillicothe s largest downtown commercial buildings on the square 239 900 xecutive dollhouse, 6 Shy Dr 175 amesport & 175 idder 6 R, includes orchard, vineyard, out-buildings 52 500 Charming R, garages, 0 Williams 24 900 large R home, nice cherry wood kitchen, stainless appliances 2 750 a e reduced acres near lacksmith Corner E B
O e
ew agents: ack lank, Don White, Roxanne Rickey
o Rent to own listings. property by owner/broker
detached garage. L arge kitchen includes gas range and refrigerator, main lev el laundry room. T his well kep t home has up dates including v iny l siding, windows, roof and more! $ 89,900. # gp c204 4 5 81 R E / M A X T own & C ountry , G allatin, M O 660- 663- 5 75 7 G allatin, M O - - Beautiful home with terrific location; walking distance to school! 100x120 L ot: F inished walkout basement. V ery nice y ard with deck. S olid surface C orian co nterto s ric firep lace! Natural gas furnace & also radiant heat! C entral v ac, double ov en! $ 115 ,000. # gp c195 94 5 6 Berkshire H athaway H ome S erv ices H ahn R E A L T OR S ®, C ameron, M O $335K One 816.632.24 5 9 of Chillicothe's largest downtown commercial G buildings allatin, M Oon - - E the legant H ome square* with 3100 sqExecutive feet! 112x129 $239,900 dollhouse, L 861 ot: T Shy his elegant Dr* 4 bedroom 2$175K bath family home doesn’ Jamesport B&B t $175K Kidder come around v ery 6Br, often.includes T he orchard/vineyard/out-buildings brick colonial home sits on a $52,500 3BR, 2 corner lot inCharming a great neighborgarages, 409 Williams hood. T he home was built in $24,900 Large 1884 and has ov er4BR 3100home, sq nice cherrywood feet of liv ing sp ace, kitchen, with all stainless appliances rooms v ery sp acious. T he $2,750/acre: reduced 21 acres ov er siz ed liv ing room feanear Blacksmith Corner t res a fire lace in the center of the room and a dining room is full of windows and sp ace for a large table for entertaining. Y ou will be p leasantly surp rised with the utility bills for such a large home. T his home definitel stands o t from the crowd. C all for an ap p ointment. $ 130,000. # 1174 L andmark R ealty , G allatin, M O
MAGEE SURVEYING, LLC Professional Land Surveyor
Call us for all your surveying needs!
Office: (660) 542-3310 Cell: (660) 542-6227
Email: Box 192 - Carrollton, MO 64633
Gallatin Lumber Company Co or all o r on tr t on n 116 South Market, Gallatin, Mo.
Phone: 660-663-2522
J uly 18, 2017
Finch Drilling & Construction LLC Geothermal Loop Fields Large & Small Diameter Water Wells Foundation Holes Well Cleaning
O erated
S a ndel Fin
or o er 20 ears
816-575-2272 AUCTIONS
C offey , M o, on J uly 24 : T R A C T OR S K I DS T E E R T R U C K S T R A IL E R S L A W N & G A R G E N Z E R O T U R N M OW E R C A M PI NG G E A R H OR S E T A C K PONE Y C A R T PONY H I T C H W A G ON & H A R NE S S C A T T L E F E E DI NG E Q U I PM E NT F E NI C NG S U PPL I E S S H OP T OOL S H A ND T OOL S H OU S E H OL D A PPL I A NC E S M I S C I T E M S F I S H I NG & H U NT I NG . S ee C ass M ov ing F arm on G PC p resented by R op p A uctions, Ph: 660.24 7.1914 . C hillicothe, M O, on J uly 27: R E A L E S T A T E , 3 BE DR OOM , ; 2008 PONT I A C G R A ND PR I X G X P, A NT I Q U E S & C OL L E C T I BL E S , A PPL I A NC -
E S , F U R NI T U R E , S T A M P C OL L E C T I ON, BOOK S , H OU S E H OL D R E L A T E D I T E M S . S ee Noland “ Bud” & M . Peggy C hap man T rust on G PC p resented by M ike M iller A uction S erv ice, Ph: 660- 64 6- 1179. C hillicothe, M O, on A ugust 4 : T A X I DE R M Y , OU T DOOR S U PPL I E S , F IR E A R M S , NE W T OOL S , A M M O, H U NT I NG C L OT H E S , L A W N C A R E I T E M S , W I L DL I F E PR I NT S , M E R C E DE S BE NZ C A R , OR T H OPE DI C & OT H E R I T E M S . S ee Dr. C al G reenlaw E state on G PC ink. com p resented by M ike M iller A uction S erv ice, Ph: 66064 6- 1179. U tica, M O, on A ugust 10: R E A L E S T A T E , 3 BDR M
Burri xceptional
As we have sold our farm and are moving, we will be offering the following items at auction.
S Charles Daley semiautomatic 20-gauge shotgun; Savage model 111; .270 Winchester bolt action with accu-trigger & Simmons 3-9x scope; Escort PS semiautomatic 12-gauge shotgun; Mossberg pump action 3.5 ; 12gauge turkey model Marlin model 30; 30/30 Winchester lever action w/swift 1.5-4.5x scope; Surplus British .303 bolt action; Chinese SKS semi-auto w/standard magazine; Chinese SKS semi-auto w/30-round magazine; Chinese AK-47 style semi-auto w/30 round magazine. F R T RE Plaid Loveseat; Yellow swivel rocker; Bamboo chair w/white cushions & ottoman; Mexican-style rustic end table; Mexican-style rustic trunk; Red flowery sofa; Dark brown leather chair; Huge rustic coffee table; 3-drawer wooden end tables; (2) 4 drawer 6 Mexican style entry table; Sofa table with glass top inserts, side table with glass top; Small bakers rack; 8 foot Mexican dining table; 2 Mexican captains dining chairs; 6 Mexican dining chairs; Mexican li uor cabinet w/drawers; Dark wood tall book cases (3); 3-tier glass-front cookbook cabinet; Complete Queen bed with 4 posts, matching night stands w/drawers; Occasional table (round w/wood/metal); Desk/hutch with glass doors (whitewash); 3 tall book cases (whitewash); 1 short bookcase (whitewash); Office chair; Chest of drawers; Complete King bed frame w/tufted leather headboard, night stands with drawers, matching large chest of drawers; Large area rugs (4); Oriental large area rug; Leather sofa coffee table with matching end table; Wine cabinet with glass door front; 3 black restoration hardware counter stools; Cowhide beautiful! Wine barrel dining table, restoration hardware; 6 Chairs (2 captain, 4 dining chairs to match); Anti ue li uor cabinet; Boom
Pierce Auto Supply & Gun Works Paul & Terry Pierce, Owners 20 Jackson t eet, allatin, Misso i 64640 66 -663-2622 or 66 -663-2 Hours: Mon i a 6 at a 2 H OM E ON 5 .6 A C R E S , K U BOT A Z E R O T U R N M OW E R , T R OY BI L T T I L L E R , NI C E T OOL S & S H OP E Q U I PM E NT , G OOD A PPL I A NC E S , F U R NI T U R E & H OU S E H OL D R E L A T E D I T E M S , A NT I Q U E S , M ODE L C A R S , T R A C T OR , I M PL E M E NT S , 194 9 C H E V Y PI C K U P. S ee H elen & Dale J ones E state on G PC p resented by M ike M iller A uction S erv ice, Ph: 660- 64 6- 1179. Breckenridge, M O, on A ugust 12: R E A L E S T A T E , NI C E H OM E & S H OP I N BR E C K E NR I DG E , M O, PR OPA NE T A NK , A I R C OM PR E S S OR , S H OP E Q U I PM E NT , T OOL S , M OW E R , L A W N & G A R DE N I T E M S , NI C E A PPL I A NC E S , F U R NI T U R E & H OU S E -
H OL D R E L A T E D I T E M S , C OI NS , A NT I Q U E S & C OL L E C T I BL E S , DA Y C A R E E Q U I PM E NT . S ee M . Darlene G ardner J ohnson E state on G PC p resented by M ike M iller A uction S erv ice, Ph: 660- 64 6- 1179. U tica, M O, on A ugust 19: A NT I Q U E S , C OL L E C T I BL E S , OL D S E T T L E R S T OOL S & M A C H I NE R Y , T OOL S , L U M BE R . S ee S T A M PE R ’ S G A R A G E on G PC p resented by M ike M iller A uction S erv ice, Ph: 660- 64 6- 1179. L udlow, M O, on A ugust 25 : 3 T R A C T OR S , M A C H I NE R Y , NI C E PI C K U P & C A R , 4 -W H E E L E R , F A R M R E L A T E D I T E M S , 14 NI C E G U NS , H U NT I NG , F I S H I NG & OU T DOOR R E L A T E D
Saturday July 29 @ 10AM
nion Sta , MO
Di e tions om Cla sdale, . miles no t on 1 Hwy to State oute , tu n le t t en 2 miles to State oute , tu n i t no t to au tion 2. miles. u tion on i t side. om nion Sta , 1 mile east on 1 9 Hwy to State oute , i t sout . miles to au tion on le t side o la to .
counterbalanced lamp, restoration hardware; Many side reading lamps, short and tall; Anti ue rustic trunk; Wooden Ottoman with seagrass top; Metal 3 drawer sofa table; Armoire with drawers; 2 drawer side table; Glass top s uare outdoor table and chairs; King bedframe, blue fabric; Huge silver full-length mirror; Medium mirror - Whitewashed APPL A ES LG washer & electric dryer, front load w/pedestal drawers; Amana upright freezer; Large upright freezer, medium Frigidaire refrigerator/freezer; Wine refrigerator; Dorm-size refrigerator; Microwave M S HO SEHOL Many cookbooks!! Many hardcover books, lots of science fiction & mystery novels; Many soft cover books, lots of science fiction; Many movies DVD s and Blue Ray; Huge CD collection; Many accessories and decorative pieces; Wall hangings, tapestries and framed pictures; Lamps of all sizes ELE TRO S Tall speakers; Televisions, flat screen; Receiver home sound docks, Subwoofer FARM E PME T SHOP TOOLS Zero Turn Hustler 60 riding mower; John Deere 22 self propelled push mower 7.25 HP; Horse bale feeder (round) Brand New! 4 pallets compressed Alfalfa hay; Round Pen,14 Qty 12 panels & 1 walk thru gate; Feeders & troughs; Horse mats 35 Brand New! Agri-
Ter s onditions All items will sell as is where is with no warranties expressed and or implied. Statements made by auctioneer day of sale take precedence over any previously stated or printed material. Not responsible for theft or error. Not responsible for accidents. All items must be paid for prior to removal from premises. nless paying by cash, the items with titles will be available for pick up once payment has cleared. Should you wish to take a titled item with you day of sale it must be paid for in cash.
Fab Smart cart; 4 Lawn Trailer pin hitch; Rakes, shovels, clippers, garden tools; Leaf blower; Live traps 1 large, 3 small; Dog Kennels 3 X-large; Ryobi 10 portable saw; Siemens Air Compressor, industrial; 100 gal Dayton 7.5 HP Motor, 2 Cyl Compressor 230 V, 30 Amp; DR Trimmer 5.5 HP Briggs & Stratton; Hus varna 2wheel push trimmer; 2 weed eaters; BobCat Double Bale Spike, fast hitch; Bale spike, 3 point double Spreader, 3 point 50 Bushel PTO Harrow; 8 chain Tiller, 3 point, 5HP rear tine; Troy Bilt Pressure Washer (2) with Honda motors; Shop Vac Air Compressor; Chain saws O T OOR TEMS 4-wheeler Honda rancher 420 with title 2-4 wheel, auto shift with winch (title provided); 4-wheeler Honda rancher 420 with title 2-4 wheel, auto shift (title provided); Cabelas shooting table/bench; Several insulated coolers; Huge Barbe ue grills, propane; Magic Chef Outdoor grills (2); Big Green Egg, Large w/accessories; Round grill; Trap thrower with bench; Camouflage pop-up blind; Patio table and matching chairs, metal/black; Patio chairs, resin/woven; Patio table E uipale Rustic Mexican Leather outdoor Stools (2) TRAILERS Tandem axle aluminum 16 ATV trailer w/double side load ramps; 2009 Tandem axle PJ 14 flatbed; ATV trailer w/fullwidth back fold-down loading ramp; 2009 Motorcycle Trailer, BRAND NEW! 2013 Croft single axle 10 w/ 2 wheel chocks. M OR O T E PME T Multipurpose gym with Smith machine, 200 weight stack, Cable cross over machine, Dumbbells with rack, Shoulder press, Ab and back hyper extension, Back leverage machine, Calf raise machine, Treadmill, Rowing Machine, Step machine, Seated leg extension machine, Hack s uat machine, Box ump set, Weight trees, Leg raise rack, Glute machines, Dumbbells, Barbells, Weight plates and body bars, Kettle bells, Bosu ball.
Information and photos at TED CO
Auction conducted by:
ctioneer: Ch rlie ol en, 16 3 0 557
D n cChristy, Dennis r ssm n 1 01 N. oo ine Ro t. ose h, O 64506 www. cst
CHAD 660.646.7931
I T E M S , A NT I Q U E S , PR I M I T IV E S , C OL L E C T I BL E S , W I L D T U R K E Y F E DE R A T I ON S C U L PT U R E S , F A R M T OOL S , L A W N & G A R DE N I T E M S , Z E R O- T U R N M OW E R , POOL T A BL E , G OOD A PPL I A NC E S , F U R NI T U R E , H OU S E H OL D R E L A T E D I T E M S . S ee L ewis M cC olm T rust on G PC p resented by M ike M iller A uction S erv ice, Ph: 660- 64 6- 1179. G allatin, M O, on A ugust 26: C all S hay E sbeck 660605 - 0839 or Barney E sbeck 660- 605 - 084 1. S ee B and S E q uip ment Pre- H arv est
LARRY 660.752.3228
C onsignment A uction on G PC p resented by B&S E q uip ment A uction, Ph: 660605 - 0839. MCBEE ANGUS
AUCTION SAT. JULY 22nd at 11 AM 13511 Sewart St., Rayville, MO.
Directions: West of Richmond, MO or east of Excelsior Springs on 10 Hwy to Rabbit Farm Rd. north to Auction. Watch for Signs. 2010 TO OTA OROLLA, FOR 4 4 TR , TRA LERS, OAT Very Nice 2010 Toyota Corolla Sedan, Silver, only 84K Miles; 1992 F150 XLT 4x4 Truck, Automatic, 8ft Bed, only 136K Miles; HM 14ft Tandem Axle Flatbed Trailer; HM 4 x 8ft Trailer; Rich Line 13ft x 5ft Aluminum V Bottom Boat w/ Trailer and Mercury 9.8HP Outboard Motor. H TRA LOA ER, HE MP TR Nice International Harvester 175 Series B Pay Dozer (Track Loader) by Drott, with Drott 4in1 Bucket, Been Stored in Building, Nice!!! 1981 Chevy V8 Dump Truck w/ 10ft Peabody Bed. J TRA TOR LOA ER, MASSE FER STO TRA TOR, FARM E PME T A RELATE FARM TEMS 1969 JD 2520 Tractor w/ JD 48 Frnt Loader; 1955 Massey Ferguson TO-35 Gas Tractor; Caldwell Mod I-15 15ft Bat Wing Mower; New Holland Mod 56 Side Delivery Hay Rake; 3pt 8ft Blade; 3pt 6ft Rotary Mower; 3pt 5ft Rotary Mower; 3pt 7ft Disk; Danuser Post Hole Digger w/ 3 Augers; Harrow Sections; Dearing 7ft Sickle Mower; Massey Ferguson 7ft Belt Driven Sickle Mower; Fuel Tanks; Herd PTO Seeder; Hydraulic Cylinders; 12ft Galvanized Gates; Farm Master 44in Green Gate; 14 Rolls Barbed Wire; 2 Rolls 32in Woven Wire; Water Tank; T Posts; Fence Stretchers; PTO Pump; Farm Related Items. 200 S 4 4 AT , AL ER ERO T R MO ER, AL T LA AR E 2007 Suzuki Eiger Quad Runner 400 4x4 ATV 4 Wheeler; Walker 23HP 62in Zero Turn Mower; Craftsman 24HP 42in Lawn Tractor; Cyclone Rake 6HP Pull Behind Lawn Vac; 16gal 12V Spot Sprayer; Stihl Gas Trimmer; Craftsman Gas Blower; Trimmers; Mantis Gas Tiller; Craftsman 7HP Pressure Washer; Ladders; Hose Reels; Water Pumps; Old Wisconsin Gas Engine; Old Kohler Generator. LAR E STEEL - EAMS, RAFTSMA TOOLS RELATE TEMS 9in Wide x 25in Deep x 42ft Long Steel I-Beams; Ingersol Rand 5HP 60 Gal Vertical 230v Shop Air Compressor; Air Hose Reel; Craftsman 4 Drawer Chest; Craftsman 19.2V Cordless Drill Set; Craftsman 117pc Socket Set in Case; Craftsman Wrenches; Craftsman Power Tools in Cases; Bosch; Skil; Makita Drill; Makita Sander Grinder in Box; Delta Benchtop Drill Press; 6in Vise; Bench Grinder; Wards Radial Arm Saw; Enterprise 60,000lb Shop Press; Floor Standing Mixer; Lincoln 225 Welder; Bench Vises; Pipe Vises; Floor Jack; 20 Ton Bottle Jacks; Hydraulic Porta Power; Bolt Cutters; Chain Hoists; Boomers; Log Chains; Battery Chargers; Shop Vises; Bolt Bins; 29in 6ft Metal Scaffolding; Misc. Copper Wire; Misc. Scrap Metal. MO ER HO SEHOL OLLE T LES Curved Glass Lighted Curio Cabinet; Matching Dresser, Armoire, Nightstand and Headboard (No Bed); Kitchen Table and Chairs; Dining Table and Chairs; La-Z-Boy Sofa and Love Seat; Nice Leather Recliner; Coffee and End Table; Lamps; EdenPure Heater; Pro Form Treadmill; Refrigerator; Collectibles; H&R 9 Shot .22 Revolver; Primitives; Stoddard CI Tiger Implement Seat; Repro Dazey Churns; Pepsi Wall Clock; CI Items; Kero Lamps; Concrete Yard Ornaments.
Steve & Steven Ritter • Excelsior Springs, MO. (816) 630-1252
AUCTIONS MORE AUCTIONS V ersailles, M O, on J uly 20: 74 A cres to S ell I n T hree T racts. S ee M organ C ounty R eal E state A uction ( 74 A cres) on G PC p resented by W heeler A uctions & R eal E state, Ph: 660.327.5 890 or 660.327.1806.
L E X I NG T ON, M O, J uly 21: F U N E V E NI NG A U C T I ON F U L L OF T OOL S , Y A R D I T E M S , H OU S E H OL D A ND M OR E ! ! ! S ee E arlene and the late H arold ( M ac) M cL aughlin on G PC p resented by A dkins A uction S erv ice, Ph: 660- 25 9- 24 09.
J uly 18, 2017 M ary v ille, M O, J uly 21: C OI NS , A NT I Q U E S , BOOK S , POL I T I C A L C OL L E C T I BL E S , C OL T M 1911A 1 4 5 ; ; ; ; C OL L E C T I BL E S , J E W E L R Y , F U R NI T U R E , H OU S E H OL D,
R OT H V I OL I N. S ee T wo- Day on G PC by K ermit G oslee A uction S erv ice, Ph: 660- 5 82- 0776. J amesp ort, M O, on J uly 22: A NT I Q U E S - C OL L E C T I BL E S - PR I M I T I V E S . S ee Barns 60- Y ear C ollection A ntiq ue on G PC p resented by R op p A uctions, Ph: 660.24 7.1914 .
R A Y V I L L E , M O, J uly 22: S ee T R A C K L OA DE R , T R A C T OR , E Q U I PM E NT , A U T OS , A T V 4 X 4 , Z E R O T U R N M OW E R , T OOL S , H OU S E H OL D, C OL L E C T I BL E S & M OR E ! on G PC by S tev e R itter A uctioneering, 816- 630- 125 2. W arsaw, I L , on J uly 25 : S elling a W arsaw, I L home consisting of 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, dining room, liv ing room, sun room,
full basement, 1 car garage, concrete p atio, large y ard w/ sev eral mature trees for shade. A lso selling v ehicles, furniture, ap p liances, tools, etc. S ee W arsaw, I L R eal E state & Personal Prop erty A uction on G PC by S ulliv an A uctioneers, L L C , Ph: 217.84 7.2160. L E X I NG T ON, M O, J uly 25 : R E A L E S T A T E I N L E X I NG T ON, M O. S ee R E A L E S T A T E I N L E X I NG T ON on G PC ink. com by A dkins A uction S erv ice, Ph: 660- 25 9- 24 09. T racy , I A , J uly 26: 730,000 ±
2 T R A C T S . S ee G rain E lev ator R etirement on G PC by S ulliv an A uctioneers, L L C , 217.84 7.2160. Danv ille, I A , J uly 27: 270 cres b ect to r e 3 racts ee es oines C ounty , I A L and on G PC ink. com by S ulliv an A uctioneers, L L C , Ph: 217.84 7.2160. E dina, M O, J uly 28: S elling 5 5 A cres± in 1 tract located in ection , , ee R idge T ownship ap p roximately 3.5 miles S of E dina, M O st off of w and re resents tillable crop land, p asture land, excellent marketable hardwood timber and offers “ p remier” whitetail deer & wild turkey hunting acreage. S ee K nox C ounty , M O L and on G PC by S ulliv an A uctioneers, L L C , 217.84 7.2160.
#363000 MSRP: $19,045
$ 2
#367400 MSRP: $36,795
#372300 MSRP: $49,325
HOME OF THE PEDIGREE PRE-OWNED VEHICLE P 3 Month/3,000 Mile Warranty P 3 Day-Exchange Policy P We stand behind our pre-owned vehicle reports & will even provide you with a copy of the inspection and any repairs made!
pedigree car •
Market Value Pricing •
1977 CHEVROLET CORVETTE 34K ORIGINAL MILES ......................................... $18,8371 2014 CHEVY CRUZE LIMITED TIME #361920 .................................................. $10,9771 2012 CHEVY EQUINOX LTZ LOADED #367201 ................................................. $15,9801 2015 CHEVY SUBURBAN LTZ FAMILY FUN #365310.......................................... $52,4821 2013 DODGE AVENGER SE #367701 ............................................................ $10,9801 2005 DODGE DAKOTA SLT #362820 ............................................................... $7,9631 2009 GMC ACADIA SLT #333502 ................................................................ $10,9821 2008 FORD ESCAPE LIMITED V6 #363111 ....................................................... $7,9801 2015 FORD MUSTANG CONVERTIBLE #348110 ............................................... $17,9801 2016 CHEVROLET MALIBU #352610 ............................................................ $14,9801 2013 CHEVY MALIBU 2LT #347611.............................................................. $11,9671 2012 CHEVY SILVERADO 1500 LT EXT CAB .................................................... $24,9821
1901 N. WASHINGTON ST., CHILLICOTHE, MO 800-300-2006 •
Like Us! Brent Wyant Owner
John Barnes Robert Wells Finance Manager Service Manager
Tim Savage Sales
Stan Larson Sales
Jason Parker Sales
Jennifer Reeter Office Manager
Tammy Hibner Office Assistant
(1) Excludes tax, title, license and doc fees. Includes all rebates and cannot be combined with other offers. Offers expire 7/31/17. See dealer for details. (2) For qualified buyers. With Approved Credit. Some customers will not qualify. Take delivery by 7/31/17. See dealer for details.
J uly 18, 2017 AUCTIONS
L iberty , M O, J uly 28: E legant 3- story Prairie S hirtwaist restored to its original grandeur in recent p ast w/ up dated z oned H V A C , wiring, p lumbing, renov ated kitchen & baths- - custom cabinets & granite, f/ b staircases, 3- car carriage house, 1/ 3 acre lot & more! T his historic 4 bedroom home also offers large rooms, crown molding, p ocket door, arched doorway , builtins, wood oors is located near the L iberty sq uare in the cov eted historic district. Don’ t miss this op p ortunity to Bid Y our Price! On G PC by C ates A uction & R ealty C o. I nc., Ph: 877- 781- 1134 .
C real S p rings, I L , J uly 29: 200± A cre Premier H unting & R ecreational L and A uction. S ee Pop e & J ohnson C ounty , I llinois on G PC p resented by S ulliv an A uctioneers, L L C , Ph: 217.84 7.2160.
G reen C ity , M O, J uly 29: 5 T R A C T OR S , F A R M M A C H I NE R Y , H A Y E Q U I P, PI C K U P, A T V ’ S , T OOL S , F A R M S U PPL Y , S H OP E Q U I P, F E NC I NG , A NT I Q U E S & C OL L E C T I BL E S , H OU S E H OL D. On G PC by M ike M iller A uction, 660- 64 6- 1179.
ADVANCE REAL ESTATE AUCTION Bruce & Greg Clevenger Braymer, MO 816-718-9549 or 816-718-5023
Lamoni Livestock Auction Inc.
LAMONI, IOWA Regular Auction Every Thursday Special Sales as Advertised
Bruce & Greg Clevenger Braymer, MO 816-718-9549 or 816-718-5023
OFFICE (641)784-3323 Randy Gibson Jason Gibson 641-442-5501 641-782-0790
Saturday, July 8, 10 a.m. 3 Bedroom home in City of Braymer, 303 Murray Ave. 22due • 10 TermsSATURDAY, 10% Down - JULY Balance in AM 30 days. BRAYMER, MO Check web site for more information. 4 0 acres m/ l with 4 bedroom home. T he p rop erty offers 4 0 acres m/ l, some scattered timber, 3 p onds, p rop is fenced. I t also has cross fencing utiliz ing electric fencing. Steve McBee-660-274-3467 Jeremy Clevenger-660-973-9830 T he p rop erty is currently Saturday, used as cattle•July farm and has different 8, 10 a.m. p addocks for rotational Clevenger-816-718-5023 • Sami Watson-660-707-2572 grazGreg ing. T he home offers ov er 2,000 sq ft of liv ing sp large family room; 3 Bedroom home in City of Braymer,ace; 303 Murray Ave.dining room; office; master bedroom with master bath, 3 additional bedrooms and 2 additionTerms 10% Down Balance R due in 30sepdays. al bathrooms and liv ing room. L ots of-p ossibilities. ural water, tic, outside wood Check web site for more information. furnace and p rop ane furnace and central air. L ocated ap p rox. 1/ 2 mile from blacktop . Steve McBee-660-274-3467 • Jeremy Clevenger-660-973-9830 Greg Clevenger-816-718-5023 • Sami Watson-660-707-2572
SAVE $7,601! $7,601
pedigree car •
2016 RAM 1500 SLT
Market Value Pricing •
SAVE $9,453!
HOME OF THE PEDIGREE PRE-OWNED VEHICLE P 3 Month/3,000 Mile Warranty P 3 Day-Exchange Policy
SAVE $5,064! $5,064
#61 100
P We stand behind our pre-owned vehicle reports & will even provide you with a copy of the inspection and any repairs made!
2010 FORD EXPEDITION EDDIE BAUER PKG 4X4 LOADED #615501 ................... $14,980* 2014 TOYOTA COROLLA LOW MILES LOADED #707220 .............................. $16,980* 2010 CHEVROLET IMPALA BEAUTIFUL #612121 .......................................... $10,980* 2008 FORD FUSION SEL LOCAL TRADE MUST SEE #617101 ..........................$9,723* 2013 FORD C-MAX LOCAL TRADE LOW MILES #705832 ................................ $13,989* 2012 VOLKSWAGEN PASSAT SE FWD #619602 ........................................ $11,910* 2013 FORD F-150 CREW CAB 4X4 #501401 ............................................... $26,930* 2016 FORD ESCAPE SE LOW MILES #617201 .......................................... $20,980* 2012 CHEVROLET SILVERADO 1500 LT CREW CAB 4X4 #600331 ...................... $25,980* 2010 HUMMER H3 BEAUTIFUL CONDITION #700902 ................................. $17,980* 2016 FORD FOCUS SE 20K MILES #701520 ............................................... $13,910* 2016 JEEP PATRIOT SPORT 4X4 LOW MILES #702720 ............................... $16,910* 2016 FORD FLEX SEL AWD LOADED #707520............................................. $28,990* 2010 FORD EDGE SE FWD #619732......................................................$12,980* 2012 JEEP COMPASS SPORT 4X4 LOCAL TRADE NICE #709321 ....................... $12,940* 2010 CHEVY EQUINOX LOW MILES MUST SEE #711120 .............................$15,960*
800-727-8124 •
TRENTON 1406 Oklahoma Avenue • Trenton, MO 64683 *
Brent Wyant Owner
Alan Ferguson Sales
Jeremy Wilson Sales
Judy Casper Sales
Excludes tax, title, license & doc fee. Includes all rebates. Cannot be combined with other offers. Offer expires 7/31/17. See dealer for details.
Dillon Triplet Sales
Rick Alley Finance & Sales
AUCTIONS AUCTIONS Paris, M O, on J uly 29: S elling 180 A cres± in 2 T racts. S ee M onroe C ounty , M O L and A uction ( 180 A cres) on G PC p resented by S ulliv an A uctioneers, L L C , Ph: 217.84 7.2160. Paris, M O, on J uly 29: F arm M achinery and E q uip ment. S ee A nnual J uly C onsignment
on G PC p resented by W heeler A uctions & R eal E state, Ph: 660.327.5 890 or 660.327.1806. R ichmond, M O, on J uly 29: T OOL S & C OL L E C T I BL E S . S ee Outstanding K een K utter & W inchester on G PC ink. com p resented by S immons & C omp any A uctioneers, I nc., Ph: 816- 776- 2936.
J uly 18, 2017 T R E NT ON, M o, on J uly 29: BR E Y E R H OR S E C OL L E C T I ON, S A DDL E S , H OR S E T A C K , W A G ON W H E E L S . S ee Debbie M c W illiams on G PC by Bland A uctions, 660- 65 4 - 2337. U nion S G U NS , W H E E L E I NDU S T R
tar, M F U NI T R S , C IA L
O, J uly 29: U R E , F OU R OM M E R C I A L E Q U I PM E NT ,
F A R M & A G R IC U L T U R A L E Q U I PM E NT , OU T DOOR F U R NI T U R E . S ee Brian & C indy Burri M ov ing on G PC ink. com by C harlie G olden A uction C omp any , 816- 390- 25 5 7.
Browning, M O, on J uly 31: Z E R O T U R N M OW E R , T R A I L E R , T I L L E R , POW E R T OOL S , F A R M S U PPL I E S , A PPL I A NC E S , F U R NI T U R E , H OU S E H OL D R E L A T E D I T E M S , A NT I Q U E S , L U M BE R F I S H I NG E Q U I PM E NT . S ee M r. & M rs. ( J ames & J ean) Parsons on G PC ink. com by M ike M iller A uction, Ph: 660- 64 6- 1179. J amesp ort, M O, on J uly 31: T H E R E A R E NO BU Y E R ’ S PR E M I U M S A T OU R A U C T I ONS ! S ee 2 of Barnes 60 Y ears C ollection A ntiq ue on G PC by R op p A uctions, Ph: 660.24 7.1914 .
35 S. Washington, Chillicothe 660-646-7722 NEW WEBSITE!
call for price!
K eokuk, I A , on A ugust 2: cres s b ect to s r e ract his land re resents p roductiv e tillable farmland, a large amount of hardwood timber areas, excellent recreational acreage & sev eral nice home building sites. T his p rop erty is conv eniently located northwest of K eokuk, I owa and has hard surface
road frontage. W e will also be selling the Barnes’ p ersonal p rop erty which includes an I H utility tractor w/ loader, acreage related items, wood working tools, shop tools, collectibles, household items. S ee L ee C ounty , I owa R eal E state ( 86 A cres) & Personal Prop erty A uction on G PC ink. com by S ulliv an A uctioneers, L L C , Ph: 217.84 7.2160. T oledo, I L , A ugust 3: S elling a nice line of well- maintained farm eq uip ment. H ighlights include: J D 8335 R M F W D tractor, NH T 904 0 4 wd tractor, J D S 660 combine, J D 608C corn head, ac on 3 e drap er head, and a full line of late model farm eq uip ment, shop tools, p arts, and more! S ee No- R eserv e R etirement F arm E q uip ment A uction on G PC by S ulliv an A uctioneers, L L C , 217.84 7.2160. Douds, I A , A ugust 5 : 120 acres + manufactured home, auto mechanics shop eq uip ment & tools, F encing sup p lies, L awn & G arden. F arm machinery & eq uip . V ehicles & tires. R estorable or salv age v ehicles. Primitiv es & collectibles, H ousehold. S ee S ickels on G PC by F ett A uction S erv ice, 64 1.680.7828.
L iberty , M O, on A ugust 6: . S ee I ncredible 5 5 + Y ear C ollection - Period F urniture, I talian F urniture and Decorativ e I tems, R are c1820 J ohn E gan H arp , Q uality Oil Paintings, A ntiq ues & C ollectibles, L amp s, Nautical C ollectibles, G lassware, C hina, S terling S ilv er, Perfumes, Dolls on G PC by S tev e R itter A uctioneering, 816- 630- 125 2. R ochelle, I L , A ugust 7: J ohnson T ractor is a family owned C aseI H dealer with ( 2) W isconsin & ( 2) I llinois locations. A uction highlights will include tractors, combines, heads, sp ring & fall tillage, p lanters, lawn & garden items, and more! Be watching for detailed p hotos and listing to ap p ear soon. On G PC ink. com by S ulliv an A uctioneers, L L C , Ph: 217.84 7.2160. J amesp ort, M O, A ugust 7: R eal E state 24 0 M / L A cres. S ee Bergmann E state on G PC ink. com by R op p A uctions, Ph: 660.24 7.1914 . H op kinton, I A , A ugust 8: Outstanding p riv ate collection of J D 20 S eries ‘ New G eneration’ tractors! T his collection includes J D 820, 920, 1120 & 2120 tractors built in M annheim G ermany sold in C anada. A lso selling beautifully restored J D 630 & 730 tractors and few imp lements! S ee J D C ollector T ractor A uction on G PC ink. com by S ulliv an A uctioneers, L L C , 217.84 7.2160.
HW WW Ti a MO 64682 Ma e 660-622-4214 Maili A e PO B 704 illi e MO 64601 E- ail ai a ive live Please call Dwain for further details on the upcoming sale: 660- -00
Dan Dedrick: 660-646-8103 Pam Dedrick, Office Manager: 660-646-8119 Kurt Kleeman: 816-284-0611 Clark Allen: 660-973-6826 Wes Gorham: 816- 853-7359 L J Cahill: 660-322-1193
J uly 18, 2017
AUCTIONS Bradford, I L , on A ugust 10: 191 A cres of Prime Bureau C ounty F armland. M iriam R ocke E state. S ee Prime C entral I llinois F armland ( 191 A cres) on G PC p resented by S ulliv an A uctioneers, L L C , Ph: 217.84 7.2160. K ey tesv ille, M O, on A ugust 11: 100 A cres of Prime C hariton C ounty H unting L and. S ee E .B. G ribble F arm, Paula & Bill R obb, owners on G PC by E ny eart A uction & R ealty , Ph: 660.288.3022.
T rimble, M O, on A ugust 11: A NT I Q U E S - C OL L E C T I BL E S - G U NS - T OOL S - H OU S E H OL D I T E M S K NI V E S - U NT I NG & F I S H I NG . S ee S hackelford F amily on G PC by Pickett A uction, 816- 669- 34 33. L athrop , M O, on A ugust 12: T R A C T OR A ND L A R G E R M A C H I NE R Y A T A PPR OX I M A T E Y 12 NOON. S ee R ichard K eck F arm & H ousehold on G PC by Pickett A uction, 816- 669- 34 33.
F armer C ity , I L , A ugust 15 : S elling will be two full lines of farm machinery . S ee T wo NoR eserv e F arm R etirement on G PC by S ulliv an A uctioneers, L L C , 217.84 7.2160. R ushv ille, I L , A ugust L A ND A U C T I ON. S ee A cre S chuy ler C ounty L on G PC by
15 : 120 and S ul-
liv an A uctioneers, 217.84 7.2160.
L L C ,
S kid S teer, K enworth T 600 trucks, H op p er Bottom G rain H ighland, K S , A ugust 17: T railers, Belly Dump trailer, J ohn Deere T ractors, C om- S leep Deck T railer, A luminum bine, F lex Drap er, F lex T anker T railers, ‘ 04 Dodge C orn H ead, Planter, T illage, 35 00 4 W D Pickup s. F arm er eq uip S p reader, G rain C arts, F er- eq uip ment,Cfertiliz LuipIPment, ment, A M S eq SEPT 6 eatloaf tiliz er C arts, S eed T enders, & S ee shop tools, p arts, etc. NoR ound Baler, H ay R ake, Disc Eetirement V A S R eserv e K ansas R M ower, F inish M ower, Doz er,
J.D. Dorton & Son Tree Service
TUE U 18 Spaghetti corn TUE U 25 eatloaf Poap Cookin' TUE AU 1 Taco Salad
Fried Chicken Specials Always Available D
g eck s
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Ber mann state
D aviess o nt ivestock arket
D NE- N ARR OUT U MENU UN H SPE A S NOW DE ER N ON SA E DA S N T M TS all Pla e O e T 660 663 5512
Auction E
K ansas C ity , M O, A ugust 18: R E A L E S T A T E - L I V E OF F S I T E A U C T I ON W I T H ONL I NE BI DDI NG . S ee 4 0 A cre L and G PC by C ates A uction & R ealty C o. I nc., Ph: 877- 781- 1134 .
Sale Barn Café OPEN Every Tuesday 7am WEEKLY SPECIALS
A uction on G PC p resented by S ulliv an A uctioneers, L L C , 217.84 7.2160.
190 Ja
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10 00 a
rt M
Since the passing of my husband the late Slim ergmann and my failing health. We will sell the following at public auction. ocated at the home orth of amesport Mo. Directions: From Hwy 1 0 Hwy unction at andis Oil or Amoco station go orth on Hwy 1 0 approx. 1. mile to auction site. Follow Ropp Auction signs on sale day.
Real Estate 240 M L A res Sellin at 12 oon
Tra t 1 Consisting of 120 M/L acres with home and several out buildings. Home is approx. 27 x46 . 2-bedroom 1 bath, hallway with pantry. Kitchen, living room & dinning is open floor plan. Kitchen has a sliding glass patio door. Patio is on the west side of the home. Front walk-in entrance is an insulated 36 door. Home has a 23 x27 basement 2 rooms with walkout door on west side. There is also an older milk house parlor 29 x32 Constructed of cinder blocks makes excellent storage space. Metal 2 car garage 32 x40 1 walkin door & 2 overhead rollup garage doors a real nice building. Also metal open to the south machine shed in good condition. There is a small chicken house included. This tract has approx. 38.4 M/L acres Enrolled in CRP and has approx. 20.7 acres M/L in hay ground. There are 2 ponds on this tract with remainder in draws & pasture with good wild turkey and white tail deer hunting. Exterior fences on tract 1 are in really good condition. Tra t 2 Consisting of 120 M/L acres approx. 78.9 acres in the CRP Program, 5.79 M/L acres in Hay ground on the rest of the balance of land is pasture and draws, Again excellent Turkey, uail, Bobcat, white tail deer Hunting. Exterior fences are in good condition. There is 1 pond on the tract. t tracts e al acres t tal i P t tracts t et er e al a al i c e e P is c tracte er acre a ill e ire i cti eer te seller is not responsible for any sur eys. Any sur eying that will be done will be at the buyer s expense on any tract. Seller will furnish clear title time of closing. Seller and buyers to split closing cost 0 0 at time of closing. uyers will sign a standard Real Estate contract legal inding at the end of Real Estate auction. uyers will pay 10 down payment nonrefundable down payment will be escrowed at rand Ri er title allatin Mo. losing will be within 0 days. oth tracts are located less than miles from down town amesport, Mo. oth tracts ha e excellent neighbors and located on maintained Hwy 1 0. ou will not want to miss this one
arvel Ber mann
See our website for more pictures at Lunch catered by Shooters Missouri Professional Auctioneers Association
conducted by
Ropp Auctions
$$$ We bring high sellers. bidders to our
Auctioneers: Norman Ropp 660-247-1914 • Terry Caldwell 816-284-3204 • Emory Kemph 660-287-2012
Restrooms Available
TUE T TUE rilled Ch TUE A
TUE A Club TUE A Smothe
9:30 a.m.
Cass Moving Farm
23887 Cedar Ave., Coffey MO
Monday, July 24, 2017
Due to my failing health, we are moving to town and will sell the following at public auction located near Coffey. Directions: From Coffey Mo. on Hwy 13 & B, go East on B Hwy for 1.7 miles to 230th St. go left on 230th gravel Rd for .4 miles to Cedar Ave, turn right/East on Cedar .9 miles to auction site. From Gilman City go South on Hwy. K for 1.5 miles to Beacon Ave., turn right/West on gravel Beacon Ave. for 2 miles, stay left on 260th St. and follow thru for 3 miles. Auction signs will be posted on sale day! TRACTOR • SKID STEER • TRUCKS TRAILERS
Bobcat skid steer model 843 w/2894 hrs., Diesel Engine, foot control, Serial #503731994 near new rubber. This machine is in excellent condition. Ford 3000 Tractor, gas engine, wide front 3pt w/excellent rubber on all 4, Sells w/heat houser and sun shade tractor is in very good condition. 1997 Tristar goose neck 20' Flatbed Trailer w/2-7000 lb. axles and fold drop axle (good condition). Factory made 12' dump bed bumper hitch trailer w/12-volt hydro pump and remote (excellent condition). Factory bumper hitch single axle 5x10' Trailer w/ramp gate and 3 ft. sides (good condition). 20 ft flat bed implement trailer w/slide & drop axel Bumper hitch single axle trailer flatbed 6'x12' w/ramp gate & 12” sides (really good condition). 1976 F150 Truck 4x4 w/steel flatbed & hydro bale spear 1974 Ford F600 truck w/12' Flatbed, 4 speed transmission, hoist w/2ft sides, new master cylinder & new bakes Big Bale mover for truck bed w/12 volt & hydro pump w/remote IH box wagon on rubber Bush Hog 3pt 72” finish mower model ATH 720 (really good) Bumper hitch car dolly in really good shape 1 Bale Stinger 3pt 6' 3pt rear tractor blade Rhino 6' rear blade 3pt FMC side winder 6' brush cutter (works good) 1994 EZ go golf cart w/gas motor (really good) Yukon CXL 150 4-wheeler (in good shape) JD sm size wagon gear on steel Post hole auger 3pt several augers sell separate Skid steer Attachments: Bucket; Forks; 2 bale spikes; JD suit case weights; Spare tires for skid steer; Quick hitch 3pt 72” tiller (in excellent condition) HORSE TACK • PONY CART • PONY HITCH WAGON & HARNESS Single pony cart Pony hitch wagon w/lights (real nice) Double set pony team harness & single
driving harness Horse tack saddle stands LAWN & GARGEN • ZERO TURN MOWER • CAMPING GEAR Weed eater Push lawn mower Old front tine tiller Ames easy power garden cart 40 gal Fimco 3pt sprayer w/hand wand & booms Brush Hog m2561 Commercial Zero Turn mower w/ 61” deck & 20hp motor (in really good shape) Coleman Power mate 6250-watt generator Mantis garden tiller 2-wheel sidewalk edger w/gas motor Fimco 4-wheeler spray tank w/hand wand Arians rear tine tiller Several gas weed eater Pull type fertilizer cart Large lot misc. garden tools & more CATTLE FEEDING EQUIPMENT FENICNG SUPPLIES 3 Big bale ring hay feeders 2 metal trough geed bunks 2 roll barb wire Large lot hedge post Large lot Elec fencing supplies Steel tee posts 60-bushel hog feeder 2 150 & 1 300-gal livestock water tanks & 1 75-gal tank 300-gal slide truck water tank (these tanks are all Polly tanks) GWS 2-ton Bulk feed bin up right full of feed 2 Gallagher model S17 Solar fencer Pacs & others Barb wire staples Elec tank heaters (2 NEW) SHOP TOOLS • HAND TOOLS Coleman magna force up right 60-gal air compressor Lincoln Elec 225 Amp welder 3-ton floor jack Stihl 028 chainsaw 8’ fiberglass ladder Open end wrench set 1” to 2” Craftsman cast iron drill press floor model Craftsman stack on tool chest roll about Wonder wood stove w/blower Air impact wrench ¾” Impact ¾” sockets Air bubbles 2 double sided 8' metal roll about shelving units Motor oil; Grease Large lot hand wrenches, shop working tools Cummins cherry picker on wheels Engine hoist DeWalt jobsite radio Parts in organizers Large supply air tools
Socket sets Milwaukee 6” grinder elec. Furniture clamps Acetylene torch set complete Chicago Elec. MIG 180 wire welder Large alum truck tool box Propane wall heater (NIB) Several hydro cylinders Drain snake Detroit 18” scroll saw KR bench top tool chest R&R tie cords 43pt center inks Ratchet chain binder Large metal tool box Scrap wire Lincoln 180 Amp AC welder Coleman power mate commercial 4000watt generator 28 alum EXT ladder Several 100 # propane cylinders Refrigerator dolly L shaped truck fuel tank w/hand pump Older table saw HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES • MISC ITEMS • FISHING & HUNTING Maytag elec dryer Several fishing poles & tackle Deer hunting ladder stand Hunting clothes Bow case w/compound bow & arrows Bow target Spotlight (NIB) Dolly wheels Large lot Christmas décor 12 metal folding chairs Old alum boat 2 bird baths Several red rocks BB guns Garden planter w/plates Red chest of drawer (5drawer) Evader wildlife blind in box Very nice collectable wardrobe Kenmore small size deep freezer Cedar patio glider Glass 7” display case w/doors MTW 2 door refrigerator Fancy wall clock Small table w/folding legs New Exterior 36” door w/case & 9 Grid window Patio table & 4 chairs shelving unit Several plastic barrels Several ice chests MORE NOT LISTED ANTIQUES • COLLECTIBLES PRIMITIVES Old dump rake Old metal wheel barrow Antique wooden wheel barrow JD walking plow Wire chair for flower garden
2 10 gal & 2 5-gal cream cans Several steel wheels Old high wheel wagon wheel in excellent shape W&L Davey well pump 3 wrought iron picket fences 5-gal blue band stone crock w/bailed handles 5-gal stone crock Old Oak gun cabinet 5 drawers & 2 doors w/glass (very nice) Childs rocker Baseball cards 2 Baseball gloves & 1 ball catcher mitt Bats & bowling balls 2 old school desks Meadow view creamery bottles w/metal carrier (nice) Old oak captain's chair Pepsi crate w/bottles Pop crate sleds Wooden Adv sign carriage house crafts & antiques (very nice) Old wooden box 5 steel wheels Concrete bench Old fire hydrant Old park bench Windmill very old 18/tower w/motor no wheel Minnow trap Church pew from Jamesport Baptist Church 3 cane chair w/table Walnut hutch top Cedar cabinet Drop leaf table w/gate legs & 6 chairs Antique store ceiling metal w/fancy engraving approx. 1500 sq. ft. or more Approx. 150' wooden picket fence Walnut secretary bottom 2 metal Vita-zing signs Metal silhouette of man quail hunting from Zeroed Inn gun range Oak seat w/back bench BUILDINGS ARE FULL TOP TO BOTTOM
AUCTIONEER NOTES: Folks this is only what I could see at the time of listing. Many more items too numerous to list. Many more boxes that have not been gone thru. Any and all announcements made sale day take precedence over all printed material. Will be a nice large auction and very clean merchandise, not responsible for theft or accidents. All items sell as is where is with no guarantees expressed or implied. You will like this sale.
Owners: Jesse & Carol Cass 660.358.2685
See our website for more pictures at Lunch catered by Shooters Missouri Professional Auctioneers Association
conducted by
Ropp Auctions
$$$ We bring high ers. l l e s r u o o t s r e bidd
Auctioneers: Norman Ropp 660-247-1914 • Emory Kemph 660-287-2012
Restrooms Available
J uly 18, 2017
AUCTIONS H amilton, I L , on A ugust 22: W e are currently taking consignments for this large annual auction! W e offer transp ortation, eq uip ment detailing, extensiv e marketing, internet bidding, and more. S ee NoR eserv e Dealer & F armer A uction on G PC p resented by S ulliv an A uctioneers, L L C , Ph: 217.84 7.2160. New L ondon, I A , on A ugust 23: Prime H enry C ounty land offered in 3 T racts. S ee 236 A cre H enry C ounty L and on G PC by S ulliv an A uctioneers, L L C , 217.84 7.2160.
W oodburn, I A , on A ugust 25 : T ractors, Doz ers, C ombines, I mp lements, V ehicles, M F S nowmobile, New Old S tock. S ee G . A llen H eston E state A uction on G PC p resented by W agner- Dent A uctions, Ph: 64 1- 931- 6832. E dina, M O, on S ep tember 12: S elling ap p roximately 79 cres s b ect to s r e in 1 tract located in S ection 14 , , a elle ownship ap p roximately 2.5 miles southeast of L aBelle, M O along H wy . DD. L and rep resents highly p roductiv e tillable crop land, hunting/ recreational as well as excellent building
sites with state highway frontage. S ee L ewis C ounty , M O L and A uction ( 79 A cres) on G PC by S ulliv an A uctioneers, L L C , 217.84 7.2160. K nox C ity , M O, S ep t 12: S elling 5 0.92 A cres± in 1 tract located in S ection 8, , eddo ownship ap p roximately 3 miles southwest of K nox C ity , M O. L and rep resents p roductiv e tillable crop land ( 24 .6 acres currently enrolled in C R P) , stocked lake, outstanding whitetail deer and wild turkey hunting and offers beautiful building sites with rural water and electric. S ee K nox
C ounty , M O L and A uction ( 5 0.92 A cres) on G PC by S ulliv an A uctioneers, L L C , 217.84 7.2160. F airbury , I L , on S ep tember 15 : Productiv e I llinois F armland - Premier R ecreational A creage - I nv estment Op p ortunities. S ee 4 00 A cre L iv ingston C ounty L and on G PC by S ulliv an A uctioneers, L L C , Ph: 217.84 7.2160. C ordov a, I L , S ep tember 19: Day 1: T uesday , S ep tember 19 – S elling 5 00+ acres to be offered in multip le tracts. L and rep resents p roductiv e, tillable, p attern tiled farm-
land, imp rov ed p astureland, sev eral outstanding liv estock buildings including W erner A ngus S ale F acility as well as country homes. Day 2: W ednesday , S ep tember 20 – S elling eq uip ment including tractors, farm eq uip ment, hay eq uip ment, liv estock & cattle eq uip ment, trucks & trailers. Day 3: T hursday , S ep tember 21 – S elling the entire W erner A ngus cattle herd. S ee A dv ance Notice – W erner A ngus C omp lete Disp ersal I ncluding 5 00+ A cres on G PC p resented by S ulliv an A uctioneers, L L C , Ph: 217.84 7.2160.
Auction Barns 60-Year Collection Antique
0 S
r ad ay Ja
rt M
C olumbia, M O, on S ep tember 21: S elling 185 A cres in 4 T racts ranging from 11 A cres to 77 A cres. S ee 185 A cres - Boone C ounty R eal E state on G PC p resented by W heeler A uctions & R eal E state, Ph: 660.327.5 890 or 660.327.1806. R ichmond, M O, on S ep tember 21: . S ee 3 Day Outstanding W inchester & K een K utter T ool on G PC p resented by S immons & C omp any A uctioneers, I nc., Ph: 816- 776- 2936.
9 0a
Saturday July 22 201
Since ha e sold my property and home and ha e mo ed to a smaller place, we will sell the following at public auction. ust 0mi north of iberty, MO. From way stop in amesport, turn south on Hwy 1 0 and go two bloc s. Auction will be held at he Spillman E ent enter. Address is 0 roadway St. in amesport, MO. Auction will be held inside air conditioned building ery nice . Anti e • olle ti les Pri iti es Cast iron sausage press; Galvanized buckets; Cast iron kettle; Stone crock whiskey ugs; 1963 head vase; Child s wooden sled; Wicker buggy; 100-gal wood whiskey barrel; Boswell pump; Front dolly steel wheels for steam engine; Copper theater light housing; Wagon wheel wrench; Steel wheel corn planter; Old post vise; 1-mile dinner bell w/yoke Treadle sewing machine base; Bench vise; Large rending cast iron kettle w/crack; 1 cast iron rending kettle with stand; 1 cast iron rendering kettle w/3 feet; Glass chicken waters Double rinse tub stand; 6 ice cream bar stools on pedestals; Wood handle horse drawn plow; Washing machine; Beige and green enamel pans; Strap-on ice cleats; Wooden rocking chair; Sewing machine drawers; 4-gallon stone crock, Fayetteville, IL; Enamel coffee pot; Metal Ever Ready battery display; S uare galvanized rinse tub; Little metal stool; Wood top for ice cream stool; Enamel table top; Wooden ice cream chair; Nail keg; Metal stool; Detroit automatic scale; Flour bin for Hoosier and sellers cabinet; Wagoner cast iron waffle iron; Reeves galvanized coal hod; Barn lanterns; Wooden coffee grinder; Brown butter churn, crack in lid; Old horse tie-down stake; Light-up cowboy ail lamp; 5-gallon glass ar; Library table with glass ball and claw legs; Corn planter; Cottolene can; Grey enamel funnel; A ua ars; Cast iron corn sheller; Wooden barn pulley; 1950s Coca Cola machine; 50 pound anvil; 2 triangle waste cans, metal; Cast iron skillets; Concrete statue head; Weather vane; Walnut library table with drawers; Cast iron rending kettle; Lightning rod; Wooden cabinet; Wooden wheel barrow w/steel wheel; Wooden legs w/metal claw feet; Wooden drying rack; Cast iron kettle w/lid; Old school desk; Nutmeg grinder; Plaster of Paris Eagle; Galvanized tub; Desk lamp; Anti ue tire balancer; Drop leaf table; Brass bell; Dazey s uare churn top & stand; Black powder style old pistol; 3 cast iron round muffin pan; Floor lamps, some brass; Galvanized coal hod; Electric fans w/metal blades; Leather horse collar; Grub hoe; Pitch fork; Log tongs; Wood box w/adv; Wicker chairs & misc kitchen chairs; Galvanized crew ug; Red stool; Large enamel bailed pot; Scale weights; Copper boilers; Large offering copper utensils & dishes; A ua ars; Nail keg; Draw knife; Butter churn, unmarked glass churn metal gear; 2-gallon western crock ; 1957 Corvette sign; Wood model ship; Round butcher block table; Tonka dump truck; Several very old collector hood ornaments; Porcelain & wood door knobs & casters; Lightning rod ball; Large offering Indian artifacts, rocks; Hay cradle; Old double-barrel shotgun; Many more items too numerous to mention. Don t know what all we will find by sale day. te s o S e ial nterest Crown glass gas pump top, in mint condition; Early 1920s McCormick Deering tractor on steel, non-running; Jumbo Hit-n-Miss engine model T Nelson Bro Co on steel wheel cart w/meal grinder; Ford 8N fenders; Agco lawn tractor; Very early 1900 large metal combination safe; Stihl chain saw & case ;30 cast iron implement seats to include Buckeye; Deering, Moline, Jenkins, Stoddard, Case, JI Case Plow, Dains; Cast iron black-man coin bank; Manual cast iron monkey banks; Cast iron rocking horse; Abe Lincoln cast iron figurine; Dog cast heads; 20-ton hydro splitting bull log splitter w/new gas engine; JD 38 riding lawn mower, no hood
cti te Mr. arns has collected all his life. his sale is 1 of . his is only a small listing of what we ha e All buildings were full at time of listing. he items listed are only what we could see here are no buyer premiums at our auctions All items will sell to the highest bidder with no reser es. ots of small items too numerous to list. Any and all announcements made sale day ta es precedence o er printed material. All items sell as is with no guarantees.
Owners: Randy Barns
See our website for more pictures at Lunch catered by Shooters Missouri Professional Auctioneers Association
conducted by
Ropp Auctions
$$$ We bring high ers. l l e s r u o o t s r e bidd
Auctioneers: Norman Ropp 660-247-1914 • Ely ostetler
Restrooms Available
J uly 18, 2017
AUCTIONS serv Mike Miller_Mike Miller 7/12/17 2:01 PM Page 47 Oxford, I A , S ep tember 22: 30+ Balers, all in tip - top working order! S ee No R e-
e H eritage Baler A uction C anton, M O, S ep tember 23: U S H wy . 61. L and rep resents on G PC p resented S elling ap p roximately 35 tillable crop land, hardwood by S ulliv an A uctioneers, L L C , cres s b ect to s r e timber, “ p rime” whitetail deer Ph: 217.84 7.2160. tract located in S ection 23, & wild turkey hunting acreage Mike Miller_Mike Miller 7/12/17 2:00 PM Page 46 , nion ownshi and offers excellent buildap p roximately 1 mile north- ing sites with rural water and west of L aG range, M O along electric. S ee L ewis C ounty ,
Due to the death of Mrs. Darlene Gardner Johnson, the following will be sold at the home located at 800 E. Grant St. in Breckenridge, Mo. (south edge of Breckenridge, just off Highway "M"). Auction signs posted sale day.
(family contact number is 660-973-4081) by Mike Miller_Mike Miller 7/11/17 9:11Sale AM conducted Page 45
Due to the deaths of Helen & Dale Jones, the following will be sold at the home located at the far east edge of Utica, Mo. (709 Mead St.) Look for auction signs on sale day. (Utica is located 6 miles west of Chillicothe, Mo. just off U.S. Highway 36).
M ay v iew, M O, on Nov ember 17: 90.18± A cres with F S A @ 72.66 A cres T illable. S ee L afay ette C ounty , M O R eal E state A uction on G PC p resented by W heeler A uctions & R eal E state, Ph: 660.327.5 890 or 660.327.1806.
rEaL EsTaTE, 3 BEdrOOm hOmE ON 5.6 aCrEs A good 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath home with wood working shop on 2 full city blocks (5.6 acres of land) located at the far east edge of Utica, Mo. Selling to the top bidder, this home has kitchen, living room, dining room, laundry room, central air, natural gas furnace, steel siding, good roof, handicap ramp, 1274 sq ft, built in 1983, cheap taxes (just $244 per year), 24x30 shop w/concrete floor. If you are paying rent--STOP IT!! You can own this nice home with payments less than renting. Excellent home for young couple, and with 5.6 acres horses or small animals a great possibility. Sells around 12 noon to top bidder. For more information or inspection of property, contact auction firm at 646-1179. Terms: 10% down sale day with balance due within approx. 30 days upon delivery of clear title. 2017 taxes prorated to closing date. R.E. contracts signed sale day. aLsO sELLINg Kubota Zero Turn Mower, Troy Bilt Tiller, Nice Tools & Shop Equipment, Good Appliances, Furniture & Household Related Items, Model Cars, Antiques, Tractor, Implements, Old Truck. Watch future papers & shoppers for complete listing or visit our website at
Mike Miller Auction Service
Mike Miller, David May & Tyler Keenan, auctioneers 660-646-1179 660-646-6919
(family contact number is 660-973-2422 ) Mike saleMiller_Mike conductedMiller by 7/11/17 9:12 AM Page 44
Mike Miller Auction Service
Mike Miller, David May & Tyler Keenan, auctioneers 660-646-1179 660-646-6919
R ich H ill, M O, on October 21: Draft, Driv ing H orses & C olts. S ee 1- Day H orse A uction on G PC p resented by Dennis W endt A uction S erv ices, Ph: 913.898.3337. L ouisburg, K S , on October 28: T rucks, T railers, C onstruction E q uip ment, T ractors, M achinery , A utomobiles, S hop E q uip ment, L iv estock E q uip ment & M iscellaneous. S ee 4 th A nnual S tone F arms F all C onsignment A uction on G PC p resented by Dennis W endt A uction S erv ices, Ph: 913.898.3337.
Thursday, augusT 10 • 9:30 am
REAL ESTATE, NICE HOmE & SHOP IN BRECKENRIDGE, mO. Nice, very clean, & well-kept 15'x80', 3-bedroom & 2 bath manufactured home with additional bordering living quarters (that you could easily rent out), with beautiful 30' x 50' utility shed and additional 12x24 storage shed. Home has approx 1200 sq. ft on block foundation w/central air, spacious yard, nice gazebo in back yard on approx. 1/2 acre of ground w/nice shade trees. Also features nice bordering apartment with central air and ready to be moved into. Perfect for couple of any age, plus living quarters next door for an elderly parent or relative. Also has lovely adjacent big shop or garage w/overhead doors & concrete floor, suitable for parking a large motor home or tremendous storage. What a package!!! And it all sells to the top bidder with no reserve or minimum. Down-sizing? This is perfect! Rent the apartment for extra income? Perfect! Rent the shop for extra income? Perfect! Sells at approx. 12 Noon. For more information, contact auction firm (660-646-1179) or family at 660-973-4081. Terms: 10% down sale day with balance due within approx. 30 days upon delivery of clear title. 2017 taxes prorated to closing date. R.E. contracts signed sale day. ALSO SELLING Propane tank, air compressor, shop equipment, tools, mower, lawn & garden items, nice appliances, furniture & household related items, coins, antiques & collectibles, day care equipment. Watch future papers and shoppers for complete listing or visit our website at
M O L and A uction on G PC ink. com by S ulliv an A uctioneers, L L C , Ph: 217.84 7.2160.
L E X I NG T ON, M O, on J uly 25 : R E A L E S T A T E I N L E X I NG T ON, M O. S ee R E A L E S T A T E I N L E X I NG T ON on G PC p resented by A dkins A uction S erv ice, Ph: 660- 25 9- 24 09.
2X7 Send to: The Post - 7-19-17 AdZone - week of 7-17-17
Send to: The Post - 7-19-17 AdZone - week ofDue 7-17-17 to the deaths of Nolan "Bud" Chapman and Margaret Peggy Chapman,
As we have retired and moving from the area, we will sell the following at our farm located near Green City, Mo. (From Highway 6 at Green City, go south on Highway 129 for 3.5 miles, then east 1/2 mile on gravel road to sale). 21650 Homestead Drive, Green City, Mo. (Auction signs posted sale day). Green City is located west of Kirksville, Mo. on Highway 6.
the following real estate and personal property will be sold at the home located at 1104 Sunset St. in Chillicothe, Mo. (From near Hy Vee, go west on Bryan St. one mile to Sunset St). Auction signs posted sale day.
THuRSday, July 27 • 9:00 am
Saturday, July 29 • 9:30 am
This is a nice accumulation of farm items and household goods. Many well taken care of tools, farm machinery and shop equipment. More color photos on 5 traCtOrS, Farm maCHINEry, Hay EQuIPmENt, PICKuP, atV International 1066 diesel tractor, 4350 hrs (new injectors, new tires all the way around, 2- 2 way hydraulics hookups, 540&1000 PTO's, cab, this tractor is "very tight", good paint, runs excellent; 1968 Ford 8000 diesel tractor, 3844 hrs (18.4-38 tires, 110 HP, 540 PTO, 2-2 way hydraulics, runs great; Massy Ferguson Model 165 gas tractor, wide front, good rubber, 5171 hrs, runs good; Massy Ferguson Model 35 Deluxe gas tractor, wide front, 4817 hrs, powersteering w/front-end loader; Massy Ferguson Model 35 gas tractor, (needs work); 1997 Ford F150 Lariat, 4x4, (90,770 miles, new tires, extended cab); like new Vermeer Model 7040, 9 ft, 3-point disc mower, 540 PTO, (has mowed only 40 acres of hay); excellent Vermeer Model 605 Series K baler (twine only, recently completely reconditioned w/only 77 bales ran through it since); two 3pt. 8 ft King Kutter tractor blades; Ford 3pt. 7 ft sickle mower; 3pt. big bale un-roller; old 3pt. blade; 3pt. pickup bale spear; several 3pt. bale spears; 3pt. 8 ft box blade; John Deere 6 ft rotary mower; 15 ft Bush Hog "Bat-wing" rotary mower; 8 ft hay tedder; 3pt. carry-all; tractor boom; 16 ft tandem axle flatbed trailer; 4x6 utility trailer; Yamaha Timberwolf 5 speed 4-wheeler, runs good. tOOlS, Farm SuPPlIES, SHOP EQuIPmENt, FENCING 3 pt. Post-hole digger (12" & 18” augers); set of 18.4-38 used tractor tires, 2 New P235/70R16 tires mounted; steel post driver; ¾” Drive Socket set up to 2”; two heavy vises; hydraulic jugs and oil; 5HP 25 gal portable air compressor: brand new Job Smart 20 gal air compressor; Craftsman DYT4000 42” deck lawn mower, several log chains; aluminum 30’ extension ladder; Huskee 18” rear-tine tiller w/205cc B&S 800 Series engine; Cattle Head Catch-Chute; 2 wheel barrows; 5 chain saws (all brands); new cattle hot shot; 2 stainless milkers; 11 Brand NEW Rolls of Red Brand wire; 4 Poly 55-gal barrels; 4 utility pole ground anchors, 2 new 8’ hanging gates; 2 new 12’ hanging gates; misc. hanging gates; corral style gates; 30 gal pull type yard sprayer; cattle panels, Craftsman 2400 PSI 6.5HP Pressure washer; air pig; anvil vise; misc. shovels, pitch forks, scoop shovels; portable upright 26 gal 1.8HP air compressor; new Little Giant adjustable step ladder; wire stretchers; chain binders; MTD 8HP 26” Electric start snow blower; 3 Poly stock tanks; 120 brand new steel posts, 6.5 ft; 18’ Davidson Extension Ladder, Receiver hitch mount; barrel pump; several gate hangers; Clarke 16”/16 speed Drill press like new; several tool boxes; 2HP electric motor; scrap copper, tractor tire chains; L-shaped 65 gal fuel tank w/ hand pump; dump lawn cart; old iron molasses mill; 9 big bales of hay; misc. 2x lumber; 2 wheel dolly; many more tools; farm supplies and shop equipment that is not listed from a lifetime on the farm. aNtIQuES & COllECtIBlES, FurNIturE, HOuSEHOld ItEmS, aPPlIaNCES Set of iron wheels; well pump; pitcher pump; wood tool tote, Wood burning stove (cameo-economy); hay forks; several milk cans; 2 Wall telephones, cast iron tea kettle, antique 1940's wooden baby crib & high chair; old wood sled, Pepsi Thermometer, wash-board, sugar scoop; Nice Char-Griller charcoal grill, 2 Three person outdoor swing set, nice wooden picnic table, Sears flat top 30"electric stove; brand new Kenmore Refrigerator, Magic Chef Refrigerator; Panasonic Microwave; Queen bed, very nice dresser with mirror, Lay-z-boy rocker/recliner, 2 couches (one reclines), 2 electric fireplaces, Round Drop-leaf table w/ 2 chairs, Walnut Cabinet, Small Glass Display case, 8 Drawer Chest, Nice TV stand, Coffee table, Old Cedar Chest, 2 full size beds, various chairs; several boxes misc. items. terms: Cash or check w/proper ID only. Nothing removed until settled for. Lunch served. Restrooms provided. Loader tractor available.
mr. & mrS. (dENNIS & CarOl) murPHy, OwNErS Sale conducted by Mike Miller Auction Service Mike Miller, David May, Tyler Keenan, auctioneers 660-646-1179 • 660-646-6919
REal ESTaTE, NICE 3 BEdROOm HOmE IN GREaT lOCaTION Great "curb appeal" and wonderful location for this 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath home located at 1104 Sunset St. in west Chillicothe, Mo. Featuring 1900 square feet on the main floor, this home has large open living & family rooms, kitchen, 2-car attached garage, full basement, huge closets, fire place, slide-out to back deck & patio. Built in 1957, home has central air, forced air furnace, lovely maintained yard w/established trees, 100x120 ft lot, needs interior updating, great potential! For more information or inspection of this property, contact auction firm at 660-646-1179. Terms: 10% down sale day with balance due within approx. 30 days upon delivery of clear title. 2017 taxes prorated to closing date. R.E. contracts signed sale day. Sells at approx. 11 a.m. BEauTIFul auTOmOBIlE Very nice 2008 Pontiac Grand Prix GXP, 23,000 actual one-owner miles, 5.3 liter V-8, sun roof, 4door, white with black & tan leather interior, power windows, seats, mirrors & many other extras, serviced regularly at Barnes Baker Motors, clean, runs & looks great! aNTIQuES & COllECTIBlES Large stamp collection; Chillicothe Cresset Yearbooks from 1934, '35 & '36; old German "Treyse" hand gun, 32 caliber?; old hat boxes; hand done quilts; GE floor model radio; brass dial telephone; old storage chest; cedar chest; walnut gate leg table; various antique tables; old drop-front desk; Dateline Livingston County History book; lots of hardback books, many are old; iron nut cracker; history books on WWII; toy cars; copper pitcher; various old dishes; record albums; beautiful silver-plated tea set; old lamps; set of old china; metal step stool; framed Coca Cola mirror; other misc. items. aPPlIaNCES, FuRNITuRE, HOuSEHOld, mISC. Matching Maytag auto washer & elec. dryer; Kitchen Aid refrigerator w/indoor dispensers; Kitchen Aid mixer; Hoover steam vac carpet shampooer; Bissel & Oreck upright vacuums; microwave; 5-piece queen size bedroom suite; king size bed; nice maple dresser; Samsonite card table & folding chairs; matching leather chairs on wheels; clothes racks; 18 ft alum extension ladder; 2 alum step ladders; various yard & garden supplies; iron patio table & 6 chairs; 2 love seats; various tables & chairs; matching end tables; pots, pans, dishes & other kitchen wares; RCA big screen TV w/large speakers; RCA stereo; Lazy Boy recliner; lots of boxes of misc.; much more from a lifetime accumulation. (Nice shaded back yard). Terms: Cash or check w/proper ID only. Nothing removed until settled for. Lunch served. Restrooms provided.
NOlaN "Bud" & m. PEGGy CHaPmaN TRuST Sale conducted by
Mike Miller Auction Service
Mike Miller, David May & Tyler Keenan auctioneers 660-646-1179 660-646-6919
C hillicothe, M O, on J uly 27: R E A L E S T A T E , 3 BE DR OOM , ; 2008 PONT I A C G R A ND PR I X G X P, A NT I Q U E S & C OL L E C T I BL E S , A PPL I A NC E S , F U R NI T U R E , S T A M P C OL L E C T I ON, BOOK S , H OU S E H OL D R E L A T E D I T E M S . S ee Noland “ Bud” & M . Peggy C hap man T rust on G PC ink. com p resented by M ike M iller A uction, 660- 64 6- 1179. L iberty , M O, J uly 28: E legant 3- story Prairie S hirtwaist restored to its original grandeur in recent p ast w/ up dated z oned H V A C , wiring, p lumbing, renov ated kitchen & baths- - custom cabinets & granite, f/ b staircases, 3- car carriage house, 1/ 3 acre lot & more! T his historic 4 bedroom home also offers large rooms, crown molding, p ocket door, arched doorway , builtins, wood oors is located near the L iberty sq uare in the cov eted historic district. Don’ t miss this op p ortunity to Bid Y our Price! S ee R estored 3- S tory H istoric H ome in L iberty , M O on G PC by C ates A uction & R ealty C o. I nc., 877- 781- 1134 .
Douds, I A , on A ugust 5 : 120 acres + manufactured home, auto mechanics shop eq uip ment & tools, F encing sup p lies, L awn & G arden items F arm machinery & eq uip ment, V ehicles & tires - R estorable or salv age v ehicles - Primitiv es & collectibles, H ousehold items. S ee Barbara J . deaths and the late J Due ohntoS the ickels onof Nolan "Bud the following real estate and p G PC bylocated F ettatA 1104 uction Sunset St. in Ch Bryan St. one mile to Sunset S erv ice, Ph: 64 on1.680.7828.
THuRSday, J U tica, M O, A ugust 10: R E A L E S T A T E , 3 BDR M H OM E ON 5 .6 A C R E S , K U BOT A Z E R O T U R N M OW E R , T R OY BI L T T I L L E R , NI C E T OOL S & S H OP E Q U I PM E NT , G OOD A PPL I A NC E S , F REal U R NIESTaTE, T U R E NICE 3 BEd & H OU S E H OLGreat D R"curb E L A appeal" T E D and wonde at 1104 Sunset S I T E M S , A NT I Q home Usquare E S located ,feet M ODE L on the main floor, C A R S , T R A C rooms, T OR , kitchen, I M PL E 2-car - attached deck & M E NT S , 194 9place, Cforced H E slide-out VairY furnace, PI C to K - back lovely mainta lot, needs interior U P. S ee J ones E state on updating, g of this property, con G PC byinspection M ike M iller 10% down sale day with balanc clear title. 2017 taxes A uction, 660- 64ery6- of 1179.
signed sale day. Sells at approx
al Breckenridge, M O, on A ugust Beautiful 2008 Pontiac Gran 12: R E A L E Appliances, S T A T E , NIFurniture C E & House and I shoppers listi H OM E & S H OP N BR E C forK complete E NR I DG E , M O, PR OPA NE NOlaN "Bud" & m. T A NK , A I R C OM PR E S Sale S OR , S H OP E Q U I PM E NT , Mike Mil Mike Miller, David M T OOL S , M OW E R , L A W N & 660-646-1 G A R DE N I T E M S , NI C E A P- www.mik PL I A NC E S , F U R NI T U R E & H OU S E H OL D R E L A T E D I T E M S , C OI NS , A NT I Q U E S S & C OL L E C T I BL E S , DA Y The P C A R E E Q U I PM E NT . S ee M . Darlene G ardner J ohnson E state on G PC by M ike M iller A uction, 660- 64 6- 1179.
12- 0 Mont Old An s
14 ol a
23-24 a -
C H I L L I C OT H E - 660- 707- 1820 | A dZ one@ G PC G A L L A T I N - 660- 663- 215 4 | A ds@ G PC G allatin Publishing C omp any | www.G PC
2 -29
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5 9
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While supplies last.
o M s ille on ues- i • 30
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Cheese 4 9
We now carry Essential Oils
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5 iles
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Pricing good uly
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Don’t delay! Call me for a Life Quote today! lack Forest am .
Dallas Lockridge Insurance LLC oney Roasted Turkey . arbleD ini . L c i e. a ack uly -
Dalla Pepper
ec 5- 9
Help Wanted
DR I V E R S : $ 5 ,000.00 Orientation C omp letion Bonus! OT R , F latbed, R egional & Point to Point L anes! ! ! C omp rehensiv e enefits ew hires aranteed minimum $ $ $ week) ! 1y r C DL - A : 1- 85 5 - 35 0- 5 5 71
T H E V I L L A G E OF W I NS T ON has an op ening for one trustee. T o ap p ly or for more information: C ontact W inston C lerk A mber W hite at 816- 724 - 1631 and/ or attend the next W inston Board M eeting on M onday , A ugust 7, 2017, at 7: 00 p .m. at the T own H all.
Part- time mail room worker. Duties include p rocessing labels through p ostal software, p lacing inserts into p ap ers & handling bundles for mailing. F ull day on M on, p art- time T ue - T hur. C omp uter exp erience help ful, but will train the right p erson. A v erage 20 hours weekly . A p p ly by comp leting ap p lication form at G allatin Publishing C omp any , 609B S . M ain, weekday s 8am- 5 p m. F or f rther information, call ar orie at 660- 663- 215 4 or email labels@ gp
Don’t leave it behind for your Family!
Services Y OU R DI R T I S our bread & butter. C arp et & up holstery cleaning. Dav id Baldwin, 816- 6322627 or T F 1- 888- 85 4 - 294 9. S T U M P G R I NDI NG . 660- 74 95 713 or 816- 804 - 794 8.
T H E H A M I L T ON BA NK checking/ sav ings accounts, loans, I R A ’ s and C .O.D.’ s. V isit www. or call 8165 83- 214 3. New branch at L athrop , M O. M ember F DI C & E q ual H ousing M ember. J U L I A R . F I L L E Y , A ttorney at L aw. G eneral Practice, C riminal Defense, F amily L aw, & Probate. F ree I nitial C onsultation. W est side of G allatin S q uare. 660- 663- 204 4 PE A K C ONS T R U C T I ON - bathrooms, kitchens, E xtra rooms, ara es, basement finishin , small roofs. New business but y ears of exp erience. affordable and H igh Q uality . A aron Balsbaugh 660- 334 - 1990
Polo $ 89,600 - 3 bed 1 1/ 2 bath home on half acre. 2 cov ered decks, shed and carp ort. L eaf guard gutters. No basement. New A C / furnace in 2014 . New roof. 660- 35 4 - 204 9 Brick home with 4 bedroom, 2 bath, 2,100 sq . ft., 2 car attached garage, p orch, 28’ abov e ground p ool with deck, all ap p liances stay with home, 5 acres more or less. L ocated 2 1/ 2 miles from I ndian C reek L ake & Poosey C onserv ation, M orton Building 30x63 insulated & heated with restroom. 660- 605 - 24 37 or 660- 216- 0724
tion a c V a a k e a T 't n Do h! lt e a H r l O a r Y u o From $
on sultatiys re Conan d X-ra Dentues Exam Includ
lue!) (a $224 va
r New offers. Fo with other combined Cannot be
ly. Patients on
Offer Ends July 31, 2017!
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Interested in Dental Implants? Attend our FREE Dental Implant Seminar on July 25 @ 6PM in our office! Seating is very limited, so call today to register!
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660 663 5414
i e
a e
66 -24 - 2
-- Mar
l e Ca e ick Ca e es ite Ca e on n sing Ca e el ith ail cti ities Long e o ho t e o to 24 o Ca e ll Ca egi e s Ca e ll c eene on e i ate a
Beery ’ s C ustom T illage and S erv ices. Disking, cultiv ating and more. C all for a p rice J osh Beery 660- 973- 65 4 7
W anting to buy standing timber: C ottonwood, map le, oak, walnut. C all 660- 64 6- 5 082 after 6: 00 p .m. M 000L dtf
E A R N $ 300 W E E K L Y when y ou driv e y our v ehicle with an A d on it. V iny l grap hic sheets are installed for free by the A dv ertiser and y ou earn $ 300 by st dri in to o r normal ro tine p laces. E mail C oncep tcarwrap @ or text ( 305 ) 5 01- 05 07 to ap p ly . oo in to do odd obs, farm work, around the house cleanup or any thing thing y ou need help with. C all or text C orey M eier 660- 334 - 14 82
O O B , COM Wanted
K essinger C onstruction, L L C for all of y our excav ation & backhoe needs, Bid or hourly rate. I nsured. C all Billy 816606- 334 0 or email kessingerconstructionllc@
F ree p ickup of any ty p e of scrap metal, salv age v ehicles, farm machinery / imp lements, v ehicle batteries, ap p liances, etc.. call or text Doug: 660- 605 05 93 or J ames: 660- 973- 4 4 88
Real Estate
Better Way, LLC
F arm ground wanted. C omp etitiv e rates. A aron L andes 66035 8- 2682 S I L V E R & G OL D C OI NS , dental gold, gold mountings, sterling silv er, old watches & diamonds. H ighest cash p rice p aid. J unior S andy 816- 390- 2027.
Pasture to rent. G reg L andes 660- 74 8- 5 816 V E NDOR S W A NT E D - 2017 G allatin C hautauq ua, S ep t. 15 - 17! T o sign up go to Dav iessC ounty A rt. com. C ontact J essica at 660- 6635 271 or email: gallatinv endors@ with q uestions. Garage Sales A DV E NT I S T C H U R C H T H S hop , 1207 S . C lay . E v ery 8am- 4 p m. During noon F ree clothing at 1206 S . W entrance. Op en 8am- 3p m W ed. 660- 663- 24 78
a iess o nt Far Frida , J l 21, 201
R IF T W ed hour. illow ev ery
6 00 . .
at Pattonsburg Multipurpose Center, 401 Chestnut, Pattonsburg We will have a short business meeting beginning at 6:00 p.m., followed with dinner catered by the Multipurpose Center.
Program presented by Tan sley, Director of Legislative Programs, Missouri Farm Bureau
lease RS
July 2017
SERVING YOU SINCE 1941 835 S. Washington • Chillicothe, MO 660-646-5525
1 2
25 26
J uly 2 1 Good Times Dance 7:30PM Grand River Multi-Purpose Center (former Aldi’s building) Chillicothe
27 melt
Turkey & Ham
Tacos 14 15 CHIcken
21 28
Sweet & Spicy
Chicken Sandwich
J uly 2 8 J uly 2 2 Chillicothe Elk’s Lodge Golf Tournament Green Hills Golf Course Chillicothe 660-247-5377
J uly 2 3 - 2 7 First Baptist Church Vacation Bible School 5:30-8:30PM 660-646-2834 Chillicothe
Comminity Blood Drive 10:00AM-2:00PM Wright Memorial Hospital Trenton
22 July Specials MONDA
August 5 Lloyd Hibner Memorial Scholarship Golf Tournament 9:00AM Tee Off Green Hills Golf Course Chillicothe
Dine In Only
Chicken Quesadilla soupED & GRILL Fried Burger CHEESE Steak
Boom Boom
INSIDE DAYS INN 606 W Business 36 • Chillicothe, MO 64601 • 660-646-6590
Fantailed Coconut Shrimp... Only $9.99!
Ta Sala
Ha Bea Wi b ea
T e a R
T a Mel
August 2 Chillicothe Media Blood Drive 1:30-6:30PM Comfort Inn 250 Bus. Hwy 36 Chillicothe
August 3
Lego Lab 4:00-4:50PM Livingston Co. Library Chillicothe
5 99
The Cap’n Ron
August 5 Sliced Bread Saturday Downtown Chillicothe
August 2 1 J uly 2 6
a -S ille ee e a -S e ee Pe e We e a ili B e T a -O e a e H Bee i a - D ille B e
J uly 2 2 Ice Cream Social 5:00-7:00PM Grand River Multi-Purpose Center (former Aldi’s building) Chillicothe
M T e
Get your event in the AdZone FREE. Email us at
J uly 1 4 - 2 1 Livingston Co. Fair Litton Ag Center Chillicothe
British Burger
British Burger
Late Night Swim 8:00-10:00PM Chilli Bay Water Park Chillicothe
Greatest Eclipse Since Sliced Bread Watch Party 11:00AM-3:00PM Between Fairfield Inn & Comfort Inn
August 2 6 25th Annual Breakfast Fly-In & Drive-In 7:00AM-2:00PM Chillicothe Municipal Airport
F OR E A C H OF ONE . E ntries U S PS , drop off G PC W E E K **
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F I ND T H E PA G E # A ND BU S I NE S S NA M E T H E I M A G E S . S E ND E NT R Y T O T H E A DZ due by F riday at 4 PM . E ntries accep ted by at one of our locations or E mail to A dZ one@ * * ONE E NT R Y PE R PE R S ON PE R
ADDRESS __________________________
July 18, 2017
NAME _____________________________
Go to www.
Frisc Burg
C H I L L I C OT H E - 660- 707- 1820 | A dZ one@ G PC G A L L A T I N - 660- 663- 215 4 | A ds@ G PC G allatin Publishing C omp any | www.G PC
J uly 18, 2017
1 /lb
$ 88
Washington Cherries
WED 19
FRI 21
SAT 22
MON 24
** Selected Varieties
1 /lb
$ 88
Pork Steak
Fresh Family Pack Bone-In
1 /lb $349/lb $249/lb $189/lb
$ 88 Farmland Bacon
Cook’s Ham Steak
12-16 Oz, **
Ground Beef
Country Style Ribs
Fresh Family Pack 80% Lean
Fresh Family Pack Boneless
2 /lb
Seedless Watermelon Fresh
Sanderson Farms Chicken Breast
Red or Green Seedless Grapes
Vidalia Onions
$ 88
Reser’s Salads
Birds Eye Vegetables
Totino’s Pizza Rolls
Hot Pockets
16 Oz**
20 oz bottles 8 pack, **
Best Choice Soda 12 oz cans 12 pk, **
7•Up Products
2 Liter Bottles, **
12 oz cans, 12 pack,**
Best Choice Chunk Light Tuna
Best Choice Salad Dressing
Nabisco Oreo Cookies
Snapple Tea 16 Oz. bottles 6 pack, **
10.1-15.4 oz, **
$ 89 Little Debbie Snack Cakes 7.70-13.13 oz, **
Best Choice Mandarin Oranges, 15 oz.
Carrie Brooks LSA
Life • Home • Farm • Auto • Health • Commercial • Annuities
103 Washington, Chillicothe, MO 64601 BUS 660.646.6644 FAX 573.893.1767
Ocean Spray Juice 33.8-64 Oz, **
Jif Peanut Butter 12-16 Oz, **
Kraft Mac & Cheese Dinner 9.4-14 oz, **
9-12.25 Oz, **
Fritos, Cheetos or Lays Chips 7.75-9.25 Oz, **
15 oz, **
16-24 oz, **
Van Camp’s Pork & Beans
Ragu Pasta Sauce
6.4 Oz pouch
16 Oz, **
7•Up Products
24-35 oz, **
24 oz, **
Plums, Peaches or Nectarines
Aunt Jemima Pancake Mix or Syrup
Hiland Cottage Cheese
Tropical Mangos
General Mills Cereal
9-22.5 oz, **
6.9-7.5 Oz, **
1 $199/lb
10-16 Oz, **
16 Oz. 31/40 Ct.
3 2/$
$ 49
Fresh Family Pack, Boneless Skinless
Aqua Star Raw Shrimp
Sold Whole in CryOVac
399 $129/lb$249/lb 79¢/lb
$ 99
Boston Butt Pork Roast
$ $
$ 88
Best Choice Can Pasta
14.75-15 oz, **
$ 79
Best Choice Cookie Mix
Sunshine Cheez-It Crackers
17.5 oz, **
8-12.4 Oz, **
$ 79
Best Choice Oil
Best Choice Trash Bags
Best Choice Instant Light Charcoal
48 Oz, **
10-26 Ct, **
11.6 lb