MAY 2017
Gallatin Publishing Company -- Ph: 660.663.2154
Lake Viking News
Beautiful Lake Viking... lake living the Better Way!
Lake Viking News May 2017
©Gallatin Publishing Co.
www.lakevikingmo.com .lakevikingmo.com
Volume 30, No. 1 V
Viking Valley Association
Board of Directors Meeting Call to Order Jon Allen called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. in the lower level of the clubhouse. Members in attendance were Troy Lesan, Mike Krehbiel, Flint Hibler, Phil Stockard, Mike Booth and David Sandy. Phil Stockard led the Pledge of Allegiance and Jon Allen led in prayer. Approval of Minutes Troy Lesan moved to approve the April 9, 2017 Board of Directors meeting minutes. David Sandy seconded; motion carried. Volunteer of the Month There was no volunteer for the month of April. David Sandy moved to nominate the Activities Committee for the month of May. Troy Lesan seconded, motion carried. Jon Allen asked if anyone has a nomination for volunteer of the month to please submit it to the office before the monthly meeting. Committee Reports Handbook Committee: Donna Redden Archibald presented two new rule changes to the Board. The rule changes are as follows: Page 30 (New section preceding Campsite Improvements): 30/50 amp Campers: Only 50 amp campers will be allowed in 50 amp campsites, unless they are the only ones available. Safety Patrol will check amperage on any camper before it may be moved. Grandfather rule applies as of May 21, 2017. Page 33 Prohibited Vehicle Parking - Add the following: There shall be no semi trailer parking on any lot at Lake Viking for more than four days. The Marina, Slots and Z Lots are excluded. Phil Stockard moved to accept the changes as read. Mike Booth seconded, motion carried. Finance Committee: Troy Lesan reported on this month’s Finance Meeting. There were seven members present and they reviewed the financials as of month ending April 30, 2017. Troy reported that income was somewhat down compared to last
Save the date!
May 21, 2017
year, but the expenses are also down. We are confident that we will see some substantial cuts in road work, for the simple fact that we had no winter to speak of and the roads are in decent shape because of it. We have also made some cuts to Capital Expenses. Troy said we are due to have an audit for 2017. Troy Lesan moved that the Association ask for bids for a 2017 Financial Audit from the following three well-known and reputable CPA firms: 1) Karlin and Long LLC of Platte City, Mo.; 2) Westbrook and Company, Richmond, Mo.; 3) Clevenger & Associates, Chillicothe, Mo. Westbrook and Karlin have both done previous audits for the Association, while Jeremy Clevenger is highly recommended as a CPA firm that has done extensive work with non-profits. Mike Krehbiel seconded and it was opened up for discussion. Glenn Miller asked why we didn’t put it out as an RFP (Request for Proposal), which goes out to newspapers and give the general public a chance to bid on the job. Troy explained his motion is the recommendation of the Finance Committee. They are confident that these three firms are reputable firms and will do a good job if awarded the bid. Mike Krehbiel asked what we would gain by putting it out for RFP. David Sandy asked where we came up with the three firms that are being recommended and if they had any vested interest in the lake. Troy replied that none of the three had any interest in the lake and went on to say a fourth firm was eliminated because they owned property here. David commented they need to be completely unbiased and have good credentials. Troy assured David they are very reputable firms and have done extensive work in this area and for non-profit organizations. Mr. Miller asked what kind of audit we are seeking to do. Troy responded it would be some form of financial audit. Jon Allen asked Mr. Miller to explain the difference in audits. Mr. Miller said there are three levels of audits, which are as follows: • Compilation – Lowest cost, but several thousand dollars. • Review – Mid-range cost, includes the compilation and review of policies and procedures.
All Members! Save the Date!! Come Celebrate the
50th Anniversary of Lake Viking! August 11-12, 2017 There will be games for the kids, live music both nights, food vendors and more! Watch for more details coming soon!!
Thank you, Your Lake Viking Anniversary Party Committee
Continued on Page 4
Lake Viking
Display will be Saturday, July 1, 2017
Watch next month's paper, Facebook and the Website for additional information!!
Upcoming Restaurant Nights this Summer! SAVE THE DATE:
Lake Viking Fireworks will be on Saturday, July 1st!! Here’s the line up! Watch next month's paper, Facebook and the Website June 24th ..................................... Tub Creek BBQ for additional information!! (BBQ specialties)
July 15th ............................... Made From Scratch (Italian)
All Restaurant Nights will start at 6 and end by 10pm with dining hours from 6 to 8 pm. These events will be BYOB and reservations will be done through Brown Paper Ticket only. Please watch for reservation details on each date in the Lake Viking Paper and/or the Lake Viking Facebook page. Intended for lake members and their guests only.
MAY 2017
Lake Viking News
Gallatin Publishing Company -- Ph: 660.663.2154
Gallatin Publishing Company -- Ph: 660.663.2154
MAY 2017
Lake Viking News
Fireworks Residents may shoot CONSUMER GRADE fireworks only on member's property with a midnight curfew July 1st, 2nd 3rd & 4th, unless a BURN BAN has been issued. Please watch website or signs at entrances for updates on BURN BAN!! Class B 1.3, Public Display Fireworks or any Fireworks that require an ATF license to purchase WILL NOT be allowed.
MAY 2017
Lake Viking News Lake Viking
Safety Patrol Report April 2017 4/2 - Warning given for letting dog roam 4/3 - Responded to septic alarm and reset it 4/4 – Traffic control for Maintenance at Community area 18 4/7 - Stop work order given for no building permit 4/8 - Responded to Medical Emergency 4/8 - Dock came loose, notified owner of temporary fix 4/9 - Escorted guest to Campground 1 4/10 - 2 lot owners notified of loose docks 4/16 - Guests were given warning about camping on lot 4/17 - Report of suspicious vehicle, follow up found to be a driver for Amish working at lake. 4/17 - Four trespassers at Beach 2 were informed to leave Lake 4/18 - Owner informed that air conditioner was running in camper at Campground 2, owner gave permission to shut off breakers/ 4/19 - Boat was beached due to high winds, attempts by safety and maintenance to get it off shore was unsuccessful. 4/21 - Boat 1 is ready to put in water. 4/22 - Owner of Camper in Campground #1 was given a warning to remove flex hose for sewer hook up 4/26 - Assisted customer of Lake Viking Marina with unlocking ball hitch. 4/28 - Told contractor to remove equipment from roadway and informed him to contact Safety to assist with traffic control 4/29 - Told trespasser at Maintenance Area to leave Lake Property. 4/29 - Made aware of and discussed issues between neighbors. 4/30 - Responded to lot and made a report of property damage.
Welcome New Members! April 2017 Lot 1929 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brett & Kylee Strough Lot 1733 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Donald & Sharon Reckman Lot 2153 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jeromy & Stephanie Hayes Lot 204 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sean & Alilx Kumer Lot 2210 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annette & Kelly Mathenia Lot 2128/2129. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Makenzi Porter
Gallatin Publishing Company -- Ph: 660.663.2154
VVA Board Minutes
(continued from page 1)
• Full Audit – High-range cost, includes compilation, review and the high level of testing. Mr. Miller said a full accrual audit would be $12,000 to $15,000. Shawn Hepinstall asked if a budget had been established to do an audit. Mr. Miller said you have to decide what kind of audit you want before you can set a budget. Jon Allen suggested moving forward with Troy’s motion and have the Finance Committee come back next month with a recommendation of the type of audit they would like to see done. Jon called for the motion that was presented by Troy Lesan and seconded by Mike Krehbiel, motion carried. Mike Kemna elaborated on the discussion of cutting road work and that the Road Assessment of $46,000 will be spent on roads, but the balance of the road budget that comes out of the General Fund will not. Mike is concerned that cutting the road work is not enough to alleviate the deficit that was approved at the Annual Meeting and that we will have to look at making more cuts or get into reserves. Strategic Committee: David Sandy updated everyone about the discussions of the Strategic Committee. One of the things discussed this month was streamlining communications, not only in a public forum, but for communication of our committees. Mike Daffron made a presentation on how to use the “Slack App” to accomplish this. David said there was a good report given on the dredge. Shawn Hepinstall elaborated that the dredge was pumping very well. It is on the south side of the Yacht Club. Shawn commented that the south storage facility had been cleaned out and when the dredge was fired up it was ready to pump. Another thing Shawn commented would be done in the near future was mapping water depths. This should allow us to determine where we need to go next. We will also try to find ways to slow down incoming silt. David continued with other topics of discussion. No one from the committee working on the Clubhouse renovations was in attendance at the meeting tonight. David said probably not much will be done before the 50th Anniversary, except maybe a little paint and sprucing up. Norm Larason brought some information to the Committee about the possibility of “Frisby Golf” for Lake Viking. Other discussion included the concept of cabin rentals and the Incorporation of the lake. The Committee had a guest, Sam Eismont, who brought up the idea that at some point in the future there’s something called “recreational capacity for lakes”. Sam has volunteered to do some research on this subject and bring it back to the Strategic Committee. Activities Committee: Mary Hibler reported that the Activities Committee had their first Lake Viking Poker Run on May 13. About 85 people attended and all seemed to have a good time. It raised a lot of money. June 10 at 10:00 a.m. there will be a meet-and-greet in the upper level of the Clubhouse. Mary invited the entire Board to attend and meet new members and let them know what goes on here and how our committees work. There will be a Committee meeting May 31 to plan more fun activities. Building Committee: Flint Hibler reported that there were 14 new permits in April with one of those being a house permit. Fire Department: Tony Gronniger reported that there were two medical calls and one mutual aid structure fire this past month. Tony wanted to thank the Safety Department for their assistance with 911 calls. Tony went on to say the yellow lines in front of the firehouse need to be repainted. He would also like to inform clubhouse renters that there is a fire lane. Mike Booth asked how many AED units we have and suggested maybe Safety carry one on a boat this summer. Jon asked Mike to come back with a recommendation. Campground Committee: Mary Hibler reported the campground is gearing up for Memorial weekend and also planning a cleanup day. They would like to clean up the fence rows and just spruce everything up in general. Lake Committee: Mike Krehbiel reported the Committee has completed the first of two inspections for the year. Letters have been sent and a followup inspection for the first round will be next week. The second inspection will take place later in the year. Cemetery Committee: Sally Zerbe reported that three recent graves had been seeded and strawed. Infraction Committee: Phil Stockard reported the Infraction Committee had three tickets for review this month. Three fines were assessed. The Infraction Committee submitted a notice to the paper this month as a reminder on some rules and regulations. A couple of things mentioned was having your boater certification, if applicable, and also carrying your membership cards. Zebra Mussel Initiative: No report Lake Manager’s Report Dredge/Long Reach: We had to replace the steel in the bottom of the long reach bucket. We have moved enough material out of the current dredge structure to hopefully dump spoils in all year. Ramp Gating: The ramp gating project has started. The concrete pads have been poured, the pressure loops have been installed and the underground power has been trenched in. We are planning on having this operational by the first of July. There were several questions about the contractor that is putting in the gates. Richard Berry asked if the contractor was doing all the work or if some of it was being done in house. Mike Krehbiel explained Shad Mort was overseeing the project and we hired independent contractors to do the concrete work and trench in the electrical. Mike also explained that the actual gate contractor will be installing the gates, computers and providing training for the operation. Another question was asked if we got bids for this project and Jon Allen replied, four companies had been contacted and only two were interested in giving bids. Financials: Troy Lesan moved to approve the financials. David Sandy seconded; motion carried.
Gallatin Publishing Company -- Ph: 660.663.2154
Lake Viking News
VVA Board Minutes
MAY 2017
(continued from previous page)
Statement from the Board President Jon Allen referenced an open letter which had appeared in the April edition of the Lake Viking News. He said that since the letter featured criticisms of the Board, that Board Members felt compelled to reply. The reply, read by Troy Lesan, stated the opinion that the open letter contained several blatant inaccuracies regarding 2017 Annual Meeting quorum violations and what the Board believes to be a flawed assertion by Mr. Glen Miller of a $200,000 surplus in the VVA budget for 2016. Troy also acknowledged points mentioned in the letter where the Board was committed to improvement — These are: Board Members agreement to watch online tutorials of Board Member responsibilities; the desire for greater knowledge on Robert’s Rules of Order as well as other systems of protocol. In addition Troy stated that several Board Members have already started on a presentation of longterm planning and strategies while campground evaluation is also on the agenda. Troy also stated that in the interest of transparency, Finance Committee Members have graciously volunteered to discuss financial statements with any seriously interested Association Member who makes a request. Guest Time Glenn Miller: Jon Allen asked Mr. Miller about his recommendation of outsourcing our financials. Mr. Miller acknowledged the fact that he, Mark Leggett and George Townsend are making this recommendation. Jon commented that he is always receptive to new ideas and ways to do things. Jon continued by saying his thought on the proper way to making these recommendations is to put an Ad hoc team together and present their ideas to the Finance Committee and then it can go to the Board for review. Mr. Miller defended the letter that was published in the Lake Viking News that all its contents were 100% accurate, but Mr. Miller also stated he knows different people have different views. Mr. Miller went on to say we should be defining the current context that we define ourselves in. What he is advocating is things like, transparency, accountability, integrity, effectiveness and efficiencies. Two things Mr. Miller mentioned is we need more professionalism and not doing RFP’s (Request for Pricing) when making purchases. Mr. Miller continued by saying sometimes outsourcing is a benefit, but also said he is a little biased because that is the business he is in. He is not blaming Lake Viking or the staff, but sometimes it brings a level of confidence to outsource financials. Mr. Miller would like to help in any way he can and at no cost to the Association. Jon asked the Board for comments on how to proceed with
Mr. Millers concerns. Troy Lesan asked Mr. Miller if he was offering to be a member of the Finance Committee. Mr. Millers reply was, he didn’t need to be a member of anything, but he would attend whenever he is needed. Troy asked if he was available monthly on a Wednesday at 8:00 in the morning and Mr. Miller responded that worst case scenario he could attend by phone. Troy Lesan moved to add Mr. Miller to the Finance Committee. Phil Stockard seconded; motion carried. Board Action Lake Viking Sales Contract: This topic was moved to Executive Session. David Sandy commented that he would abstain from any vote on this contract since he has an interest in Lake Viking Sales. Business Future Jon Allen asked the Board about planning a goal-planning meeting. Most of the Board commented to what days would be best for them. Jon did say this would be an open meeting to the membership. A date and time will be announced later. Sue Morris commended the Board, as volunteers, for doing a good job. Adjourn: Flint Hibler moved to adjourn into Executive Session at 7:40 p.m. Phil Stockard seconded; motion carried. Attendance: Terry Shank, lot 489; Mary Hibler, lot 183; Tony Southwick, lot 1596; Doug & Resa Wiltse, lot 494; Tony Gronniger, lot 2281/Fire Dept.; Norman & Marian Larason, lot 917; Nathan & Amanda King, lot 2149; Mac & Nadja McCubbin, lot 222; James Funk, lot 2904; Donna Redden Archibald, lot 1280; Dennis Schlaiss, lot 1080; Jana Hanson, lot 1771; Mary Aschbrenner, lot 306; Matt McCubbin, lot 1204; Jack & Sue Morris, lot 332; Glenn Miller, lot 482; Bonnie Harrah, lot 1226; Sherry Krehbiel, lot 559; Mike Kemna, lot 69; David & Lola Holmes, lot 2044; Susan & Len Zalenski, lot 364; Robert Hayes, lot 389; Don & Carolyn Leeper, lot 22; Shawn & Paula Hepinstall, lot 385; Richard Berry, lot 238; Sally Zerbe, lot 2528/Office. Let the record show that these Minutes are a record of the business transacted at this meeting and a sampling of the discussions. Comments and discussions are not reflected in whole or as actual quotations in the minutes, nor do they reflect all comments by members. Respectfully Submitted, Phil Stockard - Secretary Board of Directors, Viking Valley Association
Lake Viking Activities – Saturday, July 1 Mark your calendars and join us for the big day!
Lions Club Breakfast Serving 7 a.m. to noon both days in the Lower Level of the Clubhouse SATURDAY - JULY 1ST
Annual Pancake Breakfast Biscuits & Gravy
Adults $7 • Ages 5-12 - $5 • 5 & Under - Free
12th Annual Boat Parade – 3:00 p.m. – Starts with judging at the Yacht Club. The best entry will receive the coveted traveling trophy.
Bazaar – 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. – in the Upper Level of the Clubhouse Vendors welcome, $5 set up fee. Call Bonnie 663-5233, or Marian 663-3395 or Dustin Hibler 660-646-8848 to reserve.
Fireworks Display – 9:30 p.m. – Bring Your Lawn Chairs To One of the Best Fireworks Displays in the Region! Great Fireworks & Fun for the Whole Family! Please Note: To ensure safety for all, the road at the top of the hill next to the clubhouse will be closed at 8 p.m.; Beach #1, the pool and the lawn area will be evacuated and no boats will be allowed within 700 feet of the shore at Beach #1 and the clubhouse area.
MAY 2017
Price Reduced Gallatin Publishing Company -- Ph: 660.663.2154
Lake Viking News
Price Reduced
Landmark Realty
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Visit our website at www.landmarkrealtymo.com Many, many listings with photos! Farms, Residential, Hunting, Lake...
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Great Lake Front Home on Quiet Cove Very well maintained, one owner custom built home, with sleeping upstairs & down. 2 fireplaces, spacious kitchen & main floor laundry. Property is in a nice cove & has spectacular views of the Lake. Great 12x14 storage shed. Basement has a garage too with lakeside entry.
One of a kind lakefront lot at beautiful Lake Viking. 2 Log sided buildings on lot. One is a screened-in recreation building, and the other a storage shed. Also comes with a covered boat dock. This lot is ready to use as is, or bring your builder to create your dream home.
Brick Home Located
on Prime Waterfront Lots
Home features 4 bedrooms and 3.5 baths. Living room w/ vaulted NEW LISTING ceilings and pecan woodwork, fireplace in kitchen nook. Outside features spacious deck, a 24X30 detached garage, 34x36 boathouse w/lift and 2 docks all on 2 lots with 260 feet of shoreline.
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Beautiful Lake Front Lot w/ Improvements
Beautiful lot at Lake Viking. Lot X-8 located on the north end of the lake minutes from I-35, 1 hour north of KC. The lot is located adjacent to a community area and next to the water but is not considered water front. Lots of trees with a park-like setting.
Move-In Ready Lake Front Home
Exceptional lakefront home, move-in ready, many updates and sparkling clean. Quiet area. Updated septic system! Detached garage with garage doors on 2 sides making moving your boat easy! Lot 402
PWSD #3 Open Meeting May 16, 2017 CALL TO ORDER Kyle Parkhurst (2020), president, Move-Into Ready Lake at View6:30 Home called the meeting order All the space you need! This p.m. Members in attendance were 1200 sq ft home is arranged for Troy Lesan (2018), Gary great lake living.Teegarden Main floor is an open plan with living,(2020). dining & (2018), and Arlo Aschbrenner kitchen area combined, plus 2 Also in attendance Roger BR & were 2 baths. Bsmt Barkhas full bath, storage rm and & 2 Dinoner, water superintendent, conforming bedrooms. A large ane Hulett, clerk. Robert single car garage Clemens offers extra storage space. An accom(2019) was unable to attend. panying 12x24 shed makes a APPROVAL OF greatMINUTES workshop. Sit on the large back patio & enjoy seeing deer Arlo Aschbrenner moved to ap& other wildlife. prove the minutes of the April 18, $139,900.meeting. #1118 2017, Board of Directors Gary Teegarden seconded. All members were in favor; motion carried. PUBLIC COMMENT There were no visitors in attendance for public comment. OLD BUSINESS The distribution improvement project timeline was updated. NEW BUSINESS A new fire hydrant will be installed
in the southwest section of the distribution system. Financial Report: The financial reports and bills were reviewed and discussed. Troy Lesan moved to approve the April financial reports as submitted and approve the bills. Arlo Aschbrenner seconded. All members voted to approve; motion carried. DISCUSSION Superintendent Report: Roger reported on the MRWA Board Meeting/ Open House and Jefferson City Days he attended at the end of April. He also provided information on repairs to the raw water pump. President Kyle Parkhurst announced the next meeting will be June 20, 2017 at 6:30 p.m. at the water plant. Arlo Aschbrenner moved to adjourn. Troy Lesan seconded. All members were in favor; motion carried. Respectfully Submitted, Gary Teegarden
911 Addresses and Lot Numbers to be displayed a) All dwelling owners (houses, mobile homes and dwellings of a similar construction) will have their lot number prominently displayed so that it is clearly visible from the roadway. b) Lettering and numbering needs to be at least 3 inches high and sign colors need to be contrasting colors so the sign is easily read. c) Owners having multiple adjoining lots may include on the sign at the principle residence. d) Lots with structures (shelters, sheds, boat or swimming docks, decks, etc.) will have their lot number(s) prominently displayed so that it is clearly visible from the water (on lake front lots) and from the road way. e) As of August 1, 2014, all docks must have their lot numbers displayed on the lower right side of the dock, facing the water. All lake front dwellings will have lot numbers clearly visible from the water. This rule is in place for your safety in case of an emergency! Safety, Fire Department, First Responders and Ambulance personnel need to be able to see your address and lot numbers to respond!!
Log Homes New Homes Siding
Ben Stoltzfus 816-564-5020
MAY 2017
Gallatin Publishing Company -- Ph: 660.663.2154
Lake Viking News
From the archives of the Tague Family’s 29 years at Lake Viking Marine
A younger Randy & Haleigh Tague standing in front of one of Lake Viking Marine’s many industry awards
This is from year one, 1989. The little girl is Haleigh Tague.
Things happen. This Lake Viking Marine skid loader got too close to the water. Rescue attempts were successful
Lake Viking Marine Showroom
Will Salmon Excavating, LLC Any kind of dir t work...Big or Small
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Gallatin Publishing Company -- Ph: 660.663.2154
MAY 2017
Lake Viking News
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MAY 2017
Gallatin Publishing Company -- Ph: 660.663.2154
Lake Viking News
Fifth-man tie-breaker earns Gallatin state gold title When the Gallatin school van rolled into the GHS parking lot on May 16, it was no coincidence that Haden Bradford exited first holding this year’s Class 1 state golf championship trophy. Bradford, a freshman, toiled all season long as the Bulldogs’ #5 golfer, rarely getting to use his individual score toward the team total. That changed May 16, in a dramatic way. Gallatin golfers found themselves right where they wanted to be and right where they needed to be after the May 15 opening round of the MSHSAA Class 1 Golf Championship. In what was expected to be a tightly-contested tournament, the Bulldogs, with a 4-man total of 330, jumped out to a 10-stroke lead over Lincoln and 11-stroke advantage over Marceline and Greenwood at Silo Ridge Golf Club in Bolivar at the end of the first day. The next day brought different playing conditions, with high winds, and a different dynamic on the course as Greenwood surged to the front with Gallatin and both teams finished with two-day totals of 677. Enter Gallatin’s #5 team member. With a tie at the top, the championship was then awarded on the basis of the teams’ #5 score on the second day. Bradford, the only Bulldog to improve his score from day one, shot 92. Greenwood’s Aidan McQueary shot 102. The Bulldogs celebrated a fifth boys’ state golf title back home with
fans, who turned out for their arrival back at the school that evening. “We had the largest support of any school down there,” said GHS golf coach Chad Sullenger, who thanked those who attended the two-day tournament and those who showed up to welcome the group back to Gallatin. “It seems like that’s the case every time we go down there.” Jett Simmons led the pack for the Bulldogs with rounds of 75 and 81. He finished the tournament in a twoman tie for fourth place. Simmons notched his third state medal as an individual and member of a top four placing team.
Gallatin’s 2017 Class 1 State Champion Golf Team: Gabe Cole, Jett Simmons, Haden Bradford, Logan Burns, Wyatt Bird and Coach Chad Sullenger.
Newly-graduated Wyatt Bird performed well in his last act as a GHS athlete, shooting rounds of 82 and 87 to finish 22nd overall. Gabe Cole shot consistent rounds of 87 for the Bulldogs. Logan Burns joined him by finishing inside the top half of golfers with rounds of 86 and 92. Bradford’s 92 on Tues-
day was an 11-shot improvement over his first day total. La Plata’s Logan Smith earned the Class 1 medalist award by shooting 76 on the first day and 74 on the second. Gannon Withers of New Bloomfield finished three strokes back, shooting 77 and 76.
UPCOMING 2017 ACTIVITIES June 10 Meet & Greet – new & old members meet in Clubhouse for coffee and donuts at 10:00 a.m. (All Activities Comm. Members) July 1 Bazaar upper level Clubhouse. Boat parade (Bonnie Harrah). (All Activities Comm. Members) July 8 Kids Carnival & Pool Party – Lower level of Clubhouse, 10:00 a.m. (All Activities Comm. Members) August 12 50th Anniversary Celebration – will do a 50/50 raffle – more details at a later date. September 9 Scavenger hunt 2:00 p.m. – meet at Clubhouse (Mary Ann Orlando) September 23 Fall Garage Sale October 14 Halloween/Haunted House in Clubhouse. Costume contest, trick or treat and trunk & treat (Mary Hibler) held in Campground 1. November 4 Chili Cook Off, 5:00 p.m. at the Clubhouse. Holiday Mart in the basement. (Dustin Hibler) Proceeds of cook off go to Lake Viking Fire Department. December 9 Homes Tour (All Activities Comm. Members) Proceeds from all of these activities will go to the betterment of the Lake. ACTIVITIES COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Mary Hibler, Marian Larason, Dustin Hibler, David Hibler, Mary Ann Orlando, Bonnie Harrah.
Property Maintenance & Upkeep Rule Additions: (Page 32 in handbook-additions in bold type)
Maintenance: As to the maintenance and appearance of each lot, no unlicensed vehicles ( a motor vehicle approved for highway use); building or out-buildings needing repairs; boats without current membership stickers; unsightly condition of boats, covers and trailers; unsafe and unsightly boat docks; brush; trash; or general rubbish shall not be allowed to accumulate. Any of the above violations must be corrected. Upon proper notification; failure to do so may result in fines and/or removal, at owner‛s expense, of deteriorated structures.
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Stored Boats: All boats stored on lots must have a current year‛s sticker or will be subject to a minimum fine of $50.00. No boat may be stickered that is not seaworthy and in good repair. Any boat not stickered for 2 years may be considered abandoned and may not be stored within the VVA development. Upon proper notification said boat may be removed at owner‛s expense.
MAY 2017
Lake Viking News
Gallatin Publishing Company -- Ph: 660.663.2154
Classified Ads For Rent
280 ACRES HUNTING FOR LEASE. $2800 per year. West of Lake Viking. $400 deposit balance one month before deer season. Call 618972-3715.
J.D.Dorton & Sons Tree Service FREE Estimates, Insured, Tree Trimming or Full Removal, Complete Stump Removal(6’’ below grade). Family Owned & Operated.Prompt & Reliable Service with 20 Yrs Experience 660-533-2001
For Sale BASE ROCK, BLACK DIRT AND fill dirt. Huston Trucking & Construction, 660-663-3234 or 660-334-0997.
Services KELLY B’S Trees, prompt professional pruning, reasonably priced removals, complicated/ technical removal done regularly. Please call 816-632-7077. STUMP GRINDING. 660-749-5713 or 816804-7948.
SEAMLESS GUTTERING, A-1 Leaf Guard, CHI Overhead Door, LiftMaster-Chamberlain Operator Sales, Installation & Service. Call for free estimate. Serving you since 2006! Miller Construction, Jamesport, MO 660-684-6950. HOME CLEANING SERVICES: No time to clean your home? I offer weekly, bi-weekly and monthly cleaning services with references. Call Mary @ 660-973-9992
Attention Members
The Viking Valley Fire Department will be meeting the 2nd Saturday of every month @ 9 a.m. at the Fire Station. The Sirens will be tested at this time.
11 Country Heritage Lake Viking News
Bedroom • Dining • Curio Cabinets • Entertainment Centers Office Furiture • Rockers • Children’s Furniture Mattresses • Baskets & More
1/4 mile west of Jamesport 31301 State Hwy. 6 Jamesport MO 64648 660-684-6650 (voicemail)
Y herita TR
MAY 2017 Lake Viking News • May 2017 • Page 11
Gallatin Publishing Company -- Ph: 660.663.2154
Also offering Lawn & Patio Funiture
Gallatin Publishing Company -- Ph: 660.663.2154
MAY 2017
Lake Viking News
NEW LISTING! Spectacular turn-key lake home on 2 lots! #10373 & 374 $685,000
NEW LISTING! 2-family opportunity for Lake Viking property. #10MH-153-154+ $149,900
Tier Lots For Sale
SOLD! Excellent place to come home to after day on the lake! #103018 $134,900
#2113 .....................................................................$500 #2261...............................................................$750-UC #1569...............................................................$995-UC #MH-107 ...............$1,000 Nice Mobile Home lot in a good area! #MH-112 ................$1,000 Nice Mobile Home lot in good area! #2524 ....................................................................$1,000 #1574 ....................................................................$1,000 #2677 ....................................................................$1,500
Yacht Club Lots For Sale
#3043 . . . . . . . . . . . . $7,500 #3081 . . . . . . . . . . . . $7,500 #3101 . . . . . . . . . . . . $7,500
REDUCED! Beautiful waterfront home in a quiet cove. #10155 $359,000
NEW LISTING! Easy Lake life, Easy to Maintain, Easy to live at! #10478 $364,900
SOLD! Great location. Nice tier house with big outbuilding. #102631 $85,000
NEW LISTING! Inexpensive Lake Living! #10MH-155 $29,000
#1175 & 1176 ...............$8,900 pair #1556..................................$10,000 #1571..................................$12,500 #1578..................................$12,500 #2417..................................$12,500 #2419..................................$12,500 #2420..................................$12,500 #2440..................................$12,500
Each lot comes with a dedicated slip at Dock C Yacht Club
NEW LISTING! Large, well maintained home with lake view! #101932 & 1933 $179,900
#1829 & 1830 ............................$1,500 ea #1773..............................................$2,500 #1779..............................................$2,500 #1555..............................................$3,995 #1759..............................................$5,000 #2438............................................$12,500 #1124 ..............................................$7,500 #1761..............................................$7,500
NEW LISTING! Gorgeous lake home built with attention to detail & view! #10677 $459,000
SOLD! Large home going on the market at reduced price. #10234 $395,000
REDUCED! Panoramic Lake Views from this home!!!! #10124 & 125 $379,900
SOLD! Waterfront home close to the clubhouse. #1019 $385,000
#3067 . . . . . . . . . . . $7,500 #3055 . . . . . . . . . . . $7,500 #3056 . . . . . . . . . . . $7,500
UNDER CONTRACT! No work just enjoy this Brick Lakeside Home on great water! #1066 $399,900
UNDER CONTRACT! Great Location! Spacious 5-bedroom home on great water. #10664 $510,000
NEW LISTING! Ready to enjoy lake home! #10566 $429,000
#2689 .....................$12,500 #2673 .....................$12,500 #2405$ .....................12,500 #2406 .....................$12,500 #2385 .....................$12,500 #2376 .....................$12,500 #2270 .....................$15,000 #2258 & 2259........$25,000
Commercial Lots For Sale #Z. . . . . . . . . $1,000 #Z. . . . . . . . . $1,000
ST. JOSEPH Each office is independently owned and operated. 816.452.4200
#Z. . . . . . . . . $1,000 #Z. . . . . . . . . $1,000
MAY 2017
Gallatin Publishing Company -- Ph: 660.663.2154
Lake Viking News
Deanna Sandy
NEW LISTING! W.F. lot with 3 Bay dock on great cove. #10207 $149,900
REDUCED! Extremely well priced lot! Stacked rock shoreline. #10712 $69,000
NEW LISTING! Affordable waterfront lot. #10718 $49,500
G REDUCED! Excellent Waterfont LOT! On cove w/ main channel view. #10180 $155,000
NEW LISTING! Outstanding waterfront lot w/ amenities galore! #10540 $144,900
REDUCED! Two waterfront lots. Great place to build. #10188 & 189 $144,500
REDUCED! Great family lake lot! Good water. #1026 $142,000
NEW LISTING! Lot Ready for Fun in the Sun! #10475 $139,900
Beautiful waterfront lot! Dock, boat lift & gazebo. #10540 $133,000
REDUCED! Beautiful view of Lake Viking from lot #134. #10134 $129,900
REDUCED! Nice lot with great fishing! Good water w/covered dock & lift. #10245 $100,000
REDUCED! Lot with great amenities. Pretty treed lot. #10711 $100,000
NEW LISTING! Waterfront lot on excellent ski cove location! #10460 $157,900
GREAT LAKE VIEWS! #10729 $159,000
NEW LISTING! 2 great lots together on cove location w/ concrete boat dock. #52 & 53 $134,500
NEW LISTING! Over 100 ft. shoreline on one of the best ski coves on the lake. #10360 $174,900
SOLD! Great location. Affordable waterfront lot close to amenities. #10916 $64,900
NEW LISTING! Nice lot in a quiet cove. Great fishing & covered dock. #10301 $47,500
NEGOTIABLE! Nice Lot!! Great lot for walk out basement. #10399 $62,500
FINANCING AVAILABLE! Waterfront cove lot with nice trees. #10247 $40,000
SSOOL DLD ! ! SOLD! Nice waterfront lot reasonably priced. #1054 $54,900
NEW LISTING! Very nice waterfront cove lot. #10599 $55,000
NEW LISTING! Quiet relaxing lot to enjoy lake on! #10600 $33,950
RSEO DLU DC ! ED REDUCED! Lake Front View without the price! #13X-2 $11,950
Gallatin Publishing Company -- Ph: 660.663.2154
MAY 2017
Lake Viking News
Next VVA Board Meeting June 11, 2017 6:30 p.m. in the lower level of the clubhouse.
All Members in Good Standing are Welcome & Encouraged to Attend.
Docks For Sale
Any size available, Concrete floors or wood floors, & Any kind of dock accessories
Boat lifts Available
Jet ski lifts, & Wet step ladders
CallForWill Salmon all your deck needs! Home: 660-663-2499 Cell: 660-334-0398 Beautiful Lake Viking ... Lake living the Better Way!
Lake Viking News
A Monthly Newsletter for Lake Viking lot owners produced by Gallatin Publishing Company
If you would like to advertise in the next edition, email ads@gpcink.com or call 660-663-2154.
Next Advertising Deadline:
June 12, 2017
MAY 2017
Gallatin Publishing Company -- Ph: 660.663.2154
Lake Viking News
Wings Over Whiteman Air Show set for June in Central Missouri Wings Over Whiteman 2017 is scheduled for June 10 and 11. This family-oriented event is expected to draw thousands of spectators from all over the region. The first act will begin at approximately 11 a.m. The air acts for this year’s air show include the Air Combat Command F-16 Demo Team, U.S. Army Golden Knights, B-2 flyover, KC Flight, A-10 Demo, Shetterly Squadron, Texas Raiders, MIG17, P-40, Tora 101, KC Flight, A-26B Lady Liberty, Kent Pietsch comedy and Younkin Airshow (BE18) and more. There will also be many static displays such as the B-29 “DOC”, F-15 E, B-2, B-1, B-52, C-17, C-21, T-6, T-1, T-38 and more. Prohibited items on installation:
• – Knives (Regardless of blade length), multi-tools, box cutters, razors • – Firearms, stun-guns, mace and/or OC spray, ammunition, weapons such as clubs, black jacks, brass knuckles • – Explosives Prohibited items in the airshow spectator area:
The 816-449-2285
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ty Special e Coffe
5 miles EAST of Maysville on Hwy 6 • 816-449-2285
7am - 5pm Tues-Fri • 8:30am to 2pm Saturday
Building Quality Homes Since 1998 • • • • •
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Purse, fanny packs, (medium or small in size) Medical, diaper, camera bag, (medium or small in size) Clear beverages in clear, see through plastic containers Camera, camcorders, camera phones Wheelchairs
Spectators may enter through the North/Knob Noster/Arnold Gate or the South/LeMay Gate starting at 9 a.m. The main Spirit Gate will only be available to individuals with current military identification cards. The event is free of charge for all spectators. There will be shuttles for transportation from the parking areas. Designated parking for handicapped will be available. For more details on the event please visit our Wings Over Whiteman Facebook page and www. whiteman.af.mil, which is updated with information on the performing acts as well as answers to many frequently asked questions about the air show.
Pride Built Homes Inc. er Lake Mem0b2 0 2 e c Sin
Kevin Schneider - President
• – Back packs, gym bags, Camelbacks or similar hydration pack • – Coolers, glass bottles, alcoholic beverages . • – Non-prescription medication, illicit/illegal drugs and or paraphernalia (Marijuana, meth, etc .) • – Walkie-talkies, HAM radios, scanners, GPS units • – Bicycles, skateboards, roller blades/skates, scooters • – Pets . EXCEPTION: Service dogs permitted Permitted items on installation/spectator area:
• •
– Folding chairs – Strollers or pull along wagons
We are the closest storage units to the lake with managers that live on site and 24 hour surveillance.
WILSON FAMILY STORAGE FENCED-IN PROPERTY Hwy. 6, Altamont, MO Large Units 12x30 11x26
Motor Homes Trailers, Boats
Medium Units 10x20 10x10
Small Units 6x10 8x10
Wilson Family
We have a brand new building with 10 11x26 units ... perfect for Boats, RVs or Car Storage!
REMINDERS!! 6 Exceed Maximum
Posted Speed Limit: The maximum speed limit for the operation of any vehicle or conveyance upon the roads, ways, streets, and thoroughfares of the subdivision shall be thirty (30) miles per hour except in those areas where additionally restricted speed limits may be posted, whether temporary or permanent.
6 Improper Parking:
The parking of motor vehicles on the traveled portion of any street, road, or way within the subdivision is prohibited except for an emergency which does not allow immediate removal.
MEFFORD PEST CONTROL •Inside •Outside •Dock •Patio •Boathouse •Yard •Spiders(big or small) •Termites •Fleas •Flies •Silverfish •Ants
877-632-7778 (Toll-Free)
Prices Starting At $22.00 Monthly (after initial spray)
CAMERON 816-632-7778
BETHANY 660-425-3090
Private Ramp Recommendation The Board of Directors would like to recommendTrucks that & all private ramps be Trailers chained and locked when not in use by property owner.
JUST A REMINDER SPEED CREATING EXCESSIVE WAKE: Trolling speed will be used when approaching within seventy-five (75) feet of boat docks, marina, and coves marked with Association buoys, or other areas marked with permanent or temporary Association buoys.
We have a large variety of styles, sizes & colors with affordable pricing!
Wilson Family Storage Wilson Check Out Our Lawn Furniture! • Maintenance Free Family Portable Buildings • New Garden Sheds Storage • Garages • Horse Sheds • Custom Builds
When you need your
Space, we have room for you! Exit 61 off I-35 – Winston, MO – (Shop) 660-749-5310 (Home) 660-449-2920
W F S W F St
Page 16 • Lake Viking News • May 2017
Gallatin Publishing Company -- Ph: 660.663.2154
MAY 2017
Lake Viking News
Tired of this?
Graber Outdoors 660.654.3566
MAY 2017
Gallatin Publishing Company -- Ph: 660.663.2154
Lake Viking News
Animal Rules & Regulations
Allowing dogs to roam/animal bite: Dogs are not allowed off the member’s property and shall be contained by a fenced enclosure or controlled by a leash. Guests’ dogs are included. Any animal whether leashed or unleashed that attacks or bites a person, and after review of the circumstances, is deemed to be a vicious animal and must be removed from the lake. The owner of the animal is subject to a minimum $500.00 infraction ticket.
About your
Pantomime at Lake Viking Church
During a recent church service, the Lake Viking Church youth put on a very poignant pantomime skit on the pressures facing today’s youth. The church currently has a very active and involved group of high school and middle school aged youth.
New van for Lake Viking Church!
In the above photo, Pastor Robert Nelson, Carol & Don Leeper, Stephanie & David Chesney, and Bob & Jo Gould representing the Lake ViDEFAULT - Do Not Change This File. king Lions Club, stand by the new church van after Lake Viking Lions Save to current week folder before altering this ad. donated a $200 check to the van fund. When these brothers and their friends were riding through North Missouri, they might have read the Gallatin North Missourian... we don't know for sure, but we do know the Gallatin North Missourian was founded in 1864 and continues today as your weekly source for local news!
North Missourian Gallatin
Proud to be Daviess County's NEWSPAPER for 150 years!
North Missourian Gallatin
Serving Daviess County Since 1864 — Our Best To You Each Week!
Gallatin Publishing Company 609B South Main, Gallatin, MO 64640 ads@GPCink.com Ph: 660-663-2154 Fax: 660-663-2498 PUBLISHERS OF:
Gallatin North Missourian • The Ad Zone Three-County Shopper • Lake Viking News www.GPCink.com - Auctions! Real Estate • Commercial Printing
Subscription Prices
Online Included with your print subscription!
In Missouri: $36/Year Out of State: $45/Year online only: $24/year Mail checks to GPC, 609B S. Main, PO Box 37, Gallatin, MO 64640 Searchable online archives dating back over 10 years!
You can subscribe online! Go to www.NorthMissourian.com and click on “Register” in the upper right corner!
Just a reminder to all members with dwellings or commercial buildings, you must pay for trash service to the trash removal company providing the service. Full time residents will pay for 12 months of trash service and weekend or part-time residents will pay for 6 months of trash service (April 1 thru September 30.) If you need the phone number for our trash service, please contact the association office, Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. for more information @ 660-663-2131. Anyone setting trash out prior to pickup day must have trash in a container with a closeable / sealable lid. (This was adopted, by motion, at the Board of Directors meeting on August 10, 2008.)
Lake Viking News 18 Almost everything... MAY 2017
you need to know about Lake Viking
Lake Viking 2017 Boards & Committees Activities Committee Bonnie Harrah, Marian Larason, Mary Hibler (Chairperson), Mary Orlando, Dustin Hibler, David Hibler, Troy Lesan (Board Contact)
Board of Directors President, Jon Allen; 1st Vice President, David Sandy; 2nd Vice President, Flint Hibler; Secretary, Phil Stockard; Asst. Secretary/Sgt. of Arms, Mike Booth; Treasurer, Troy Lesan; Asst. Treasurer, Mike Krehbiel Viking Valley Association Board of Directors Meetings are held the second Sunday of each month, at 6:30 p.m. in the lower level of the clubhouse. All members in good standing are welcome to attend. Building Committee David Hibler, Dustin Hibler, Mark Davis, Flint Hibler (Board Contact) Building Committee Meetings are held the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month at the Association office. Building Permits require approval by the Building Committee prior to the start of any construction as stated in the Covenants, Restrictions, By-Laws, Rules and Regulations of Viking Valley Association. Campground Committee Mary Hibler (Chairperson), Marion Crawford, Mike Wolfe, Charles Sudduth, James Funk, Flint Hibler (Board Contact) Cemetery Committee Mark Davis, Shad Mort, Mike Booth (Board Contact) Cemetery plots are available; contact the Association office at 660-663-2131 for further information. Community Strategic Planning Donna Archibald, Deanna Sandy, Norm & Marian Larason, Tony Gronniger, Jana Hanson, Missy Leggett, David Sandy (Chair/Board Contact) Employee Board Contact Jon Allen Finance Committee Mike Kemna (Chairman), Donna Archibald, Shad Mort, Sally Zerbe, Mike Krehbiel, Mark Davis, Missy Leggett, Troy Lesan (Board Contact) Handbook Committee Kyle Parkhurst, Bonnie Harrah, Kim Spidle, Terri Schlaiss, Phil Stockard (Board Contact) Infraction Committee Roger Lankford, Carl Butcher, Bob Clemens, Tom Archibald, Phil Stockard (Board Contact) Infraction Committee meetings are held on the second Saturday of each month, 9 a.m., Lower Level Clubhouse. Lake Committee Troy Lesan, Shirley Leakey, Bill Cullen, Don Leeper, Carolyn Leeper, Bo Steed, Sherry Krehbiel, Mike Krehbiel (Board Contact) Special Road District Chris Feiden, Jeff Hower Volunteer Fire Department Jeff Johnson, Rusty Hendricks, Chris Feiden, Roger Lankford, Dallas Engel, Gary King, Tony Gronniger, Dennis Schlaiss, Riley Blades, Luke Threlkeld, Mike Booth (Board Contact) Fire Department Meetings are held the second Saturday of every month, 9 a.m. at the firehouse in the association main parking lot. If you have the interest and the time to serve your community, be sure to attend the next meeting.
Public Water Supply Dist. #3 Kyle W. Parkhurst, President, term expires 4/2017 Sub-District #3; Troy Lesan, Vice President, term expires 4/2018 - Sub-District #2; Robert Clemens, secretary, term expires 4/2019 - Sub-District #4; Gary Teegarden, term expires 4/2018 - Sub-District #1; Arlo Aschbrenner, term expires 4/2017 - Sub-District #5; Roger Barker, Superintendent; Gary King, Water Operator; Ruth Gibson and Diane Hulett, Clerks. Board meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at the PWSD No. 3 office. Office Hours: 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday thru Friday. All payments for metered water bills are to be made payable to Public Water Supply District No. 3 of Daviess County, Missouri. You may abbreviate as PWSD #3. If you have any questions, contact the PWSD No. 3 office, 116 Waterworks Dr., Gallatin, Mo. 64640 (located at the water plant). Phone 660-663-2771. For the convenience of customers of Public Water Supply District No. 3, a drop box is available at the front door of the office located at the water plant for the payment of water bills.
Association Office Hours
April 1 - Labor Day Monday-Friday: 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday: 8 a.m.-12 p.m. Day after Labor Day - March 31 Monday-Friday: 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
For the convenience of Association members, a drop box is available in the front door of the association office for the payment of association bills.
Property Owners
You are responsible for your guests and their actions. It is your responsibility to educate them on the rules and regulations of Lake Viking. Lake Viking is private property, but all lots are owned by some other individual. Please do not drive or ride ATV vehicles or bicycles on neighboring lots, or walk across lots to fish or use others’ property without first getting the property owner’s permission.
Fishery Guidelines
Bass: Release all bass 12” to 19”. Fishermen can keep one bass per day of 19” or longer. Crappie: Keep all crappie caught, within the state limit, which is 30 per day. Walleye: Fisherman can keep Walleye at least 21” in length, release all catches under 21”.
Mowing Regulations
You are required to have your lot mowed by May 1st, June 1st and September 1st of each year. If you do not keep your lot mowed, or hire a contract mower, the Association will mow it, and bill you $60.00 for each mowing. The Association does not want to be in the mowing business. Please self-mow your lot or hire a contract mower to do it for you. All contract mowers are required to submit a customer list to the Association office. If you are not on their initial list, you may be accidentally billed by the Association, so please contact your mower early. The below listed mowers have registered with the Association office and can usually be reached in the evening. There may be other mowers who advertise in the Lake Viking News. Contract Mowers Can Save You Money Jason Burns.........................................660-605-2151 Mike Cline...............816-583-4352 or 816-465-0092 Eric Critten......................................... 660-663-9122 Dallas Engel.........................................660-334-1265 Randy Gatton......................................660-663-9348 . Mark Hoig...............816-716-1896 or 660-663-4244 Ron Huston............ 660-663-3234 or 816-390-5161 Jeff Johnson........................................660-334-0604 Jim Miller........................................... 816-520-3280 Gary Salmon....................................... 660-663-9363
Please Keep Control of Your Dogs
Dogs are not allowed off the member’s property and shall be contained by a fenced enclosure or controlled by a leash. Guests’ dogs are included. Violation of this rule may be subject to an Infraction Ticket issued to the property owner.
Building Permit Notice
Building Permits are required, but not limited to the following projects: fences, storage shed, shelters, decks, boat docks, boat houses, room additions, porches and any alteration of the roof line; and any other construction that requires large earth moving equipment, concrete trucks and other equipment that requires multiple axle trailers. Failure to comply with building regulations could result in a minimum fine of $500 and loss of lake privileges. Any construction not in compliance with these regulations could result in forced relocation of the structure.
30 MPH
Watch When & Where You Burn!
Anytime you are burning brush, etc., on your lot, make certain you are burning on your lot and not someone else’s property. Unattended burning is prohibited and burning is not allowed when winds are in excess of 15 mph and shall be subject to an Infraction Ticket and fine.
Member Reminders
• Helmets are required to be worn when operating a motorcycle within the Lake Viking Subdivision. • Goose population control is hard to manage... The first step in this process is DO NOT FEED THE GEESE!
Gallatin Publishing Company -- Ph: 660.663.2154
www.LakeVikingMo.com Emergency Phone Numbers * DAVIESS COUNTY EMERGENCY ....................911 Ambulance - Fire - Rescue * Fire - Lake Viking Fire Dept...............................911 To Report Fire Only * Lake Viking Safety Patrol.................660-663-2204 * Sheriff, Daviess Co...........................660-663-2031 or 663-2149 * Highway Patrol (Emergencies) ....1-800-525-5555
***************** Important Phone Numbers * Association Office.............................660-663-2131 * Maintenance Barn.............................660-663-2777 * Public Water Supply District #3 of Daviess County (Water Plant).....660-663-2771 Roger Barker - (Emergency after hours)....660-663-3600
* Lake Viking Marine, Inc., Lot #1000.660-663-3722 * Lake Viking Sales Office, Lot #Z-9...660-663-2134 * Farmers Electric Co-op., Inc. * During business hours............1-800-279-0496 * After Hours...............................1-800-927-5334 * Advanced Disposal Services, Inc.1-800-346-6844 or 1-800-778-7652 * Windstream Telephone Company * Customer Service (Residential).1-800-501-1754 * Repair Service.............................1-800-782-6206
CARD CLUBS: Couples Club Ladies Bridge - 2nd and 4th Wednesdays at 1 p.m. in homes. Contact: Marian Larason, 663-3395 HOMEMAKERS CLUB: Homemakers Club meets the 2nd Thursday at noon, lower level Clubhouse. Bring a covered dish and your own table service. Good programs and fellowship follow. Contact: Shirley Leakey, 663-3744. LAKE VIKING CHURCH (Interdenominational): Sunday School 9 a.m., Morning Worship 10 a.m.; Ladies Bible Study, Wednesdays 10-11 a.m.; Adult Bible Study and prayer meeting Wednesday 7 p.m. Robert Nelson, Minister, 663-7433; Jo Gould, contact, 663-3914. LAKE VIKING LIONS CLUB: Meetings are held the 1st Thursday at 7 p.m., upper level Clubhouse. Contact: David Chesney, 816284-3894. OATS BUS: Daviess County OATS transportation is available to anyone regardless of age or income. The driver will pick you up at your front door and return you home. Many trips are enjoyed throughout the year such as St. Joseph. To schedule a ride, call Joyce Becerra, 663-3474. QUILTERS GUILD: This group meets September through May on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays, 8:30 a.m.-??., lower level Clubhouse. Bring a sack lunch. Contact: Joyce Becerra, 663-3474 or Shirley Leakey, 663-3744. SUPPER CLUB: Bring a covered dish and your own table service the 3rd Friday, 6 p.m., lower level Clubhouse. Some type of entertainment following ... or playing cards/games, fellowship. Contact: Shirley Leakey, 663-3744.
Lake Viking Clubs and Activities
MAY 2017
Gallatin Publishing Company -- Ph: 660.663.2154
Lake Viking News
Regional Vitality: One Step at a Time By Troy Lesan (with excerpts from article in Jan. 18 Gallatin North Missourian)
Speaker Ron Drake takes a selfie during his inspired presentation for the Community Foundation of Northwest Missouri..
economic development in struggling small towns. It’s probably not likely that we will soon witness another Missouri Star Quilt Company, yet the hope is that the foundation can provide assistance that may result in a community turning the corner and beginning the process of recovery. Or, more importantly, with the large number of the CFNWMO college scholarship funds, maybe an area student Revised 2-5-15 Danielle can be channeled in the right direction, educationally, to the extent he or she may become theDEFAULT next Cliff Illig or- Ron provide a lasting DoDrake Notand Change Thisimpact File.on the area. It’s an incremental process in a potential journey that always begins Save to current week folder before altering this ad. . . . with that very first step.
to 18,000 Homes! Hamilton/Gallatin 660.663.2154 Email: ads@GPCink.com
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The Community Foundation of Northwest Missouri (CFNWMO) is an organization with a mission of encouraging regional collaboration and economic development through charitable giving and philanthropy. The foundation, with headquarters in St. Joseph, represents a large region of 18 counties, and has a very strong influence of Lake Viking Association Members. Mary Hindes is the foundation CEO, while Lowell Kruse is the past President and Board Member, and Phil Tate is also a Board Member. The CFNWMO has been in existence for seven years, and for the past few years, I have made a point of writing articles about the foundation as a result of the positive impact it is trying to make. Let’s face it, tackling regional economic vitality in our largely rural geographical area is a formidable task. The region is simply not a hotbed for a booming and vibrant economy with many of the small towns in the area in serious decline. There are exceptions. Most notably Hamilton Missouri, where a core of a dozen new businesses built around the anchor of The Missouri Star Quilt Company is an economic phenomenon that has helped rejuvenate an entire community. The Hamilton success story has been aided by substantial out-of-state investment sources, and its success story is perhaps a once in a lifetime anomaly. Yet the community serves as a model of the good things that can happen in the area of regional economic development, and this is the same message that the CFNWMO is trying to instill. Each year, the CFNWMO has an annual event which, in the past, has had some pretty high-powered speakers, including U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack, Cerner Corporation Co-founder Cliff Illig, and Tom Bloch from the family that founded H.R. Block - and is one of the Kansas City areas biggest benefactors. This year’s annual event was held on the Northwest Missouri campus at Maryville, Mo. The guest speaker was Ron Drake. Ron is the author of a book, Flip this Town and is founder and CEO of Ron Drake Consulting, LLC, of Siloam Springs, Ark. The company provides a full-service approach to improving the quality of life in small-town America. Ron also acts as a consultant and is an enthusiastic speaker in venues all across the country. His topic: How infusing life into a downtown core injects new vitality into a community. Through Mr. Drake’s different companies, he has bought and sold over 45 homes while specializing in historic neighborhoods and downtown core revitalization. He has restored 17 historic buildings, including over 75,000 square feet of downtown space, and helped turn the dormant downtown of Siloam Springs, Ark. into a vibrant cultural center. His work was instrumental in Siloam Springs being listed as number 14 in Smithsonian Magazine’s Best Small Towns in America. In 2014, Parade Magazine listed Siloam Springs as the Fourth Best Main Street in America. Mr. Drake also helped revitalize Okmulgee, Oklahoma, a town of 12,000 which had also fallen into decline with a downtown core featuring old, run-down, dilapidated buildings. Drake’s presentation, which included before and after pictures from both the Siloam Springs and Okmulgee locations, was impressive. And of course the key to his success in both locations was a solid core of investors. Particularly in at the Oklahoma location where there was old oil-money and a small college involved. Both locations that Ron Drake helped revitalize featured populations of between 12,000 and16,000 which is greater than the struggling small towns we are familiar with in northwest Missouri. Both towns also had a ready supply of investment capital. In the case of Siloam Springs, which is only 48 miles from Bentonville, Arkansas, I think I remember hearing that there was some money from the Wal-Mart Corporation in the picture. In any event, this is more of a reason why the CFNWMO can provide a necessary life-raft for a drowning community in the region. Currently, the CFNWMO provides a base of charitable giving administered to more than 187 funds with over $21 million in assets. Check out their website (cfnwmo.org). Many of the funds have been created or can be created to help with
Gallatin Publishing Company -- Ph: 660.663.2154
MAY 2017
Lake Viking News
Daviess County Library partners with NASA in @mylibrary initiative One of 75 chosen nationwide; only one chosen in Missouri!
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The Daviess County Library has been chosen as one of 75 libraries nationwide to partner with NASA and the American Libraries Association (ALA) for the new NASA@mylibrary initiative. The library beat out hundreds of applicants from all 50 states and is the only library from Missouri chosen for this opportunity. The NASA@mylibrary initiative is essentially a three-year partnership broken into Phase I and Phase II. After completing Phase I in spring 2018, the library will have the option to renew the partnership for Phase II. The purpose is for NASA to partner with libraries to promote STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) skills and hands-on-learning, with a space and science focus for youth and adults from all backgrounds. As part of the program, the library will receive ‘facilitation kits’ and materials on various STEM topics for use in library programs, NASA STEM backpacks which will be available for checkout to take and experiment with STEM concepts at home, funding, staff training and access to NASA’s Subject Matter Experts (SME) networks which will mean SME talks and events at the library and around the community. “I knew our application was strong, but still I couldn’t believe our mighty little library had been chosen when I opened up the acceptance letter and read the words ‘your library is one of 75 libraries selected for this partnership,’” said Library Director Allison Spidle. “I read that line about ten times before going to tell the staff!” As stated in the application, the goal in applying was simple: “We want our young people to envision themselves as engineers, astronauts, research scientists, explorers and coders,” said Mrs. Spidle. “These are real jobs and good jobs, not to mention exciting careers that our kids can aim for if they have the encouragement and core skills necessary to pursue such paths.” She added the jobs are local to some extent. “Becoming an engineer, coder or researcher doesn’t always mean you have to leave and move far away,” she said. “Further, these STEM skills will make our kids successful in a variety of careers. If you want to be an astronaut, great, you will definitely need these skills. If you want to be a farmer, teacher, doctor, lawyer, business owner — being familiar with STEM concepts will be vital for your success in today’s modern world.”
As a central institution in the county, Mrs. Spidle and staff want the library to be a place where young and old can learn new things and gather to discuss them. “We aim to support parents and schools by providing a variety of hands-on learning opportunities so that our youth are comfortable and confident in their STEM capabilities,” she said. “STEM concepts are increasingly affecting every career and every aspect of our lives.” In previous generations students could say they don’t like science and engineering or they’re not good with technology and math. That is no longer an option. It is no longer a choice for our youth whether or not they want to study and understand these concepts. “You will see a major effort by our library and staff in the next three years to provide exciting STEM programming for youth and adults, much of it with a space and science-focused twist due to the materials and training we will be receiving through the NASA@mylibrary partnership,” she said. “This will be a sustained effort to partner with schools and families to build a STEM culture in our community.” When you see these events advertised, please come to the library to support these programs and model exploratory learning for the youth in your life. “We can’t expect our kids to get excited about these concepts and pursue STEM careers if we ourselves refuse to get out of our comfort zones and learn something new,” Mrs. Spidle said. The library is preparing to kick off the Summer Reading Program on May 16. The library will focus on the exciting billet of programming already planned for the Summer Reading Program for May, June and July, but will start to implement the NASA@mylibrary programming in late summer to early fall. The library will make regular announcements to the public regarding NASA@mylibrary programs and events and keep the public informed of new resources and materials available at the library as part of this initiative. Reprinted from the May 10, 2017 edition of the Gallatin North Missourian.
Gallatin Active Aging Resource Center • June Menu Serving 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Monday-Friday • 109 S Main, PO Box 272, Gallatin, MO 660-663-2828
MAY 2017
Gallatin Publishing Company -- Ph: 660.663.2154
Lake Viking News
2017-2018 State Highway Map Now Available The new 2017-18 official Missouri map features brighter colors and stronger paper to make it both easier to read and more durable. Also, new interstate interchanges and exit numbers have been added since the last published edition in 2013. The map shows Missouri’s 33,873-mile highway system and is distributed free of charge. “We created the map using cutting-edge Geographic Information System software to provide Missourians with the most accurate information possible,” said MoDOT Director Patrick McKenna. “In addition to the traditional paper map, drivers can also visit our online Traveler Information Map to get current updates on road closures, work zones and road conditions.” The location of truck parking along the interstates is now designated on the map and legend. Missouri State Parks have been updated and include the new Rock Island spur of the Katy Trail. The location of Missouri Conservation Management Areas and National Fish and Wildlife Areas are new to this map. The Kansas City inset map now shows the KC Streetcar line with stations. Other information includes easy-to-locate emergency telephone numbers, reminders about some of Missouri’s traffic laws and contact information for the Missouri State Highway Patrol and Missouri Department of Transportation district offices. The map also marks historic sites, hospitals, airports, Amtrak stations, colleges
and universities. The cover of the map features a night shot of Kansas City’s magnificent Bartle Hall, a gem in the crown of the city skyline. On the back, the map also features the Gateway Arch in St. Louis, a national icon which opened to the public 50 years ago. To request a free map, contact MoDOT at 1-888-ASK-MODOT or go to www.modot.org/asp/request_information.shtml?map. Fun facts: • There are more than 4,000 highway shields and 1,500 towns shown on the front of the current map. • The first road map released by the State Highway Department was in 1918. The map was printed in black and white with no photos. • There are two versions of the 1939 map. The maps have the same cover but carry different information on the back. L • The 1942 and 1944 maps have the same cover. • There was no map printed in 1943 because of World War II. • Special maps were printed in 2004 to commemorate the Lewis and Clark bicentennial and again in 2013 to commemorate MoDOT’s centennial. • Jefferson City is one of only four state capitals not served by 2 the interstate highway system. Juneau,PageAlaska; Dover, Delaware; Page 6 and Pierre, South Dakota are the others.
Mowing season begins on Missouri roadsides Pushing the lawn mower back and forth across the yard is a springtime necessity. At the Missouri Department of Transportation, crews are beginning the mowing season with a main purpose: safety. During May and June, there is a good chance you will see MoDOT crews out mowing on tractor mowers so motorists have a clear, safe line of sight as they cruise along state highways. “We ask motorists to pay attention and slow down when approaching mowing crews. Please take the time to pass carefully and safely especially on rural two-lane roads,” said MoDOT State Maintenance Engineer Becky Allmeroth. Major and minor routes will be mowed in three cycles starting in mid-May, mid-July and mid-September. Along with the mowing, crews selectively use herbicides to stunt vegetation growth as well as to control brush and stop the spread of noxious weeds. Wildflowers are an added benefit of not mowing fence-to-fence and careful herbicide usage.
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On rural two-lane roads, crews may use a protective “follow” truck to alert motorists they are approaching slow-moving mowers. Drivers are advised to use the following tips to safely pass mowers: • Be alert for trucks and tractors with lights flashing and moving slowly, 2 to 5 mph. a. Slow down and focus on the road ahead of you. Avoid talking and texting on a cell phone or other distractions. b. Be prepared to stop or drive very slowly behind a “follow” truck, especially approaching a hill or curve on a two-lane road. c. Obey the no-passing zone stripes and only pass when you can see far enough past the “follow” truck to avoid meeting oncoming traffic. Between mowing cycles, report grass and weeds blocking visibility at intersections along state roads to MoDOT. Contact MoDOT’s 24/7 Customer Service Center at 1-888-ASK-MODOT (1-888-2756636) or fill out an online form at www.modot.org and click on Report-A-Road Concern.
Published monthly by the Gallatin Publishing Company, 609B S. Main, Gallatin MO 64640 All rights reserved. For Advertising information, call 660-663-2154 or FAX 660-663-2498
Opinions expressed in letters to the editor and submitted columns published in the Lake Viking News do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the publishers. Letters are welcome from any association member; letters are subject to editor’s discretion.
Gallatin Publishing Company -- Ph: 660.663.2154
MAY 2017
Lake Viking News
Two Great May Events: Cinco de Mayo and Poker Run
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for Committees and Their Members The Board of Directors may appoint Special Committees as they feel necessary. All members must be active members current in dues, assessments and other fees. The board of directors will appoint the following standing committees: finance, building, cemetery, infraction, lake, nominating, handbook, strategic, and campground.
~ All committees shall have a minimum of three active members and include at least one board member. ~ No committee or subcommittee may be formed without board approval. ~ All recommendations from committees shall be presented to the board prior to any actions taken by said committees. ~ No action may be taken by any committee member that has not been approved by the chairperson, board contact and the board. ~ New committee members shall be presented to the board for approval.
By Troy Lesan The Association Activities Committee once again came up with a winning combination for the month of May. Both events, Cinco de Mayo on May 5, and the first annual Lake Viking Poker Run on May 13, were well-attended and provided an enthusiastic start for the upcoming season at the lake. The Cinco de Mayo party held at the clubhouse drew around seventy-five people. It was a great event with an INCREDIBLE pot-luck offering of great Mexican food, margaritas, good music and even a line-dance under the capable supervision of Isabel Delarosa. Poker Run Well-Attended & Raises $1900 Two weeks later, the Poker Run drew even more participants – over 80 – and proved to be a popular event. For those who are unfamiliar with poker runs, as I was, they consist of a course featuring five stations. Participants stop at each station and draw a card to make up a five card poker hand. The poker hand is brought back to the check-in, which in this case was the clubhouse parking lot, and the winning hands earn prizes. Poker runs have been around a while and come in many different varieties: they are done with ATV’s, snowmobiles, boats, and even on horseback. As the Lake Viking version began on Saturday morning, I was kind of wondering what mode of travel would be the most prevalent. I was posted at the beach #2 station and the first two arrivals, Jeff Hower and Mike and Sherry Krehbiel, were aboard motorcycles. Later, there were also a few folks that came in their cars. But the overwhelmingly popular mode of transport used by participants was UTV’s: one-seaters, two-seaters, and Rangers of all sizes and colors. I hadn’t realized that there were so many of them on the lake. The Poker Run was really a great event, and when everyone had drawn their poker hands the anticipation of the gathering at the clubhouse parking was a festive occasion. No wonder, with all of the prizes given away. There were cash winnings of $200, $125, and $75 for the top poker hands which were Norma Jensen Hughes, 1st place; Troy Orlando, 2nd place; and Greg Coin, 3rd place. Carol Leeper won the 50-50 raffle, while Pat Archibald and Gwen Ebinger won those big prize baskets. Sponsors who helped make this bountiful haul possible were: Lake Viking Marine, Elberts, Grand River Title, Indian Hills - a Stonebridge community, Mi Mexico, Rob’s Cycle, Terry Implement, Tim Tadlock State Farm, Wall Street Station, and Will Salmon Excavating. Whew, no wonder there was such a big offering of prizes. Various Gallatin and Cameron merchants contributed to the bounty as well. All totaled, the Poker Run raised a whopping $1,900 which will be used for future Lake Viking events.
Mary Hibler and Mary Orlando of the Activities Committee whoop it up Cinco de Mayo style
Look at that impressive offering of Mexican Food
The UTVs were out in force for the Lake Viking Poker Run.
A large crowd gathers to vie for prizes and to see who had the winning poker hand.
MAY 2017
Gallatin Publishing Company -- Ph: 660.663.2154
Lake Viking News
3067 - $7,500
3043 - $7,500
3055 - $7,500
3081 - $7,500
3056 - $7,500
3101 - $7,500
Each lot comes with a dedicated slip at Dock C Yacht Club
NEW LISTING! Spectacular turn-key lake home on 2 lots! #10373 & 374 $685,000
UNDER CONTRACT! Spacious 5 bedroom home on Great Water. #10664 $510,000
SOLD! Large home going on the market at reduced price. #10234 $395,000
NEW LISTING! Gorgeous Lake Home Built with Attention to Detail & View! #10677 $459,000
er Und act r t con
NEW LISTING! Ready to enjoy lake home! #10566 $429,000
NEW LISTING! No work just enjoy this Brick Lakeside Home on great water! #1066 $399,900
SOLD! Waterfront Home Close to the Clubhouse. #1019 $385,000
REDUCED! Panoramic Lake Views from this Home!!! #10124 & 125 $379,900
NEW LISTING! Easy Lake Life, Easy to Maintain, Easy to Live at! #10478 $364,900
NEW LISTING! Large, well maintained home with lake view! #101932 & 1933 $179,900
Waterfront Lots
R SOLD! Excellent place to come home to after day on the lake! #103018 $134,900
SOLD! Nice Tier House with Big Outbuilding! #102631 $85,000
NEW LISTING! Inexpensive Lake Living! #10MH-155 $29,000
NEW LISTING! Over 100 ft. shoreline on one of the best ski coves on the lake. #10360 $174,900
NEW LISTING! Waterfront Lot on excellent ski cove location! #10460 $157,900
NEW LISTING! W.F. lot with 3 bay dock on great cove. #10207 $149,900
NEW LISTING! Outstanding waterfront lot w/ amenities galore! #10540 $144,900
REDUCED! Beautiful view of Lake Viking from lot #10134 $129,900
NEW LISTING! 2 Great Lots Together on Cove Location w/ Concrete Boat Dock. #52 & 53 $134,500
Great Family Lake Lot on Good Water! #1026 $142,000
NEW LISTING! Lot Ready for Fun in the Sun! #10475 $139,900
REDUCED! Excellent w.f lot on cove w/ main channel view. #10180 $155,000
REDUCED! Great view of the lake & extras galore! #10729 $159,000
Lot with great amenities. #10711 $100,000
Extremely well price lot w/ options! #10712 $69,000
Great Lot for Walk out Bsmt. #10399 $62,500
SOLD! Nice Waterfront Lot Reasonably Priced. #1054 $54,900
NEW LISTING! Affordable waterfront lot. #10718 $49,500
NEW LISTING! Quiet relaxing lot to enjoy lake on! #10600 $33,950
Lake Front View without the Price! #13X-2 $11,950
Tier Lots For Sale 2261 - $750 - UC 2113 - $500 1569 - $995 - UC 1574 - $1,000 2677 - $1,500 1829 & 1830 - $1,500 ea
1773 - $2,500 1779 - $2,500 1555 - $3,995 1759 - $5,000 1556 - $10,000 1124 - $7,500
1761 - $7,500 2438 - $12,500 2376 - $12,500 1578 - $12,500 1571 - $12,500 2405 - $12,500
2406 - $12,500 2385 - $12,500 2689 - $12,500 2417 - $12,500 2673 - $12,500 2419 - $12,500
2420 - $12,500 2440 - $12,500 2270 - $15,000 2258 & 2259 - $25,000
ATTENTION CAMPERS Just a reminder, camp spaces are NOT transferrable with the sale of your lot or camper . The campground agreement that each of you have signed states: Section Eight: Privilege Not Assignable Licensee’s privileges under this Agreement shall not be assignable by Licensee in whole or in part .
Cemetery Decorum
Flower bouquets are permitted any time of the year. For the spring and summer seasons beginning March 1st and extending to December 1st of each year, no wreaths or sprays, or other decorative materials shall be used on any lot, except such decorative materials as can be contained in vases mounted to the marker base. Exceptions will be made for a period of one week following an interment service, Easter Sunday, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Independence Day, Memorial Day and Veterans Day. Wreaths, flowers, and other materials left on graves, which have withered or become unsightly, will be removed by the cemetery without notice. Wreaths and other decorative materials must be removed from shipping boxes and containers before placing said materials on any grave.
New Building Regulation Effective Immediately
Dumpsters and/or roll offs will be required for onsite construction, at the property owner’s expense, but is not limited to the following: New home construction, garages, hangers and home additions. Other projects that may require the use of a dumpster or roll off will be determined at the time a permit is submitted for approval.
MAY 2017
Lake Viking News
Gallatin Publishing Company -- Ph: 660.663.2154
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