Nelson Grapevine

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GRAPEVINE-2 News for Nelson and Munsonville

August 2012

Old Home Day Issue

Volume 29, No. 3

HARRIS CENTER DIRECTOR IS OLD HOME DAY SPEAKER By Julio Razquin erhaps one of the most difficult tasks for the Old Home Days Committee is finding and securing a guest speaker, but thanks to an idea planted by Kelly French, I paid a visit to Laurie Bryan, the Executive Director of the Harris Center. The Harris Center has played a significant role in conservation and education in our town, and continues to work with other towns in the region. Laurie made me aware of her impending retirement and suggested I contact Jeremy Wilson, who will be taking over her position as of July of this year. As a member of this community, and the Old Home Days Committee, I am honored to announce that Jeremy Wilson has graciously accepted our invitation to speak on Saturday, August 18. The topic will be Landscape Dynamics in the Monadnock. From the Harris Center website: A Bowdoin College graduate, Wilson attended Yale University School of Forestry and Environmental Studies where he earned his Master’s Degree. He earned his PhD from the University of Washington, College of Forestry Resources in 1998.


For the past 11 years, he has been an associate professor at the University of Maine where he directed research programs that advance understanding of forest stand dynamics. He taught undergraduate courses on established and emerging approaches to forest ecosystem management and a graduate course exploring issues of scale in forest ecology and management. Wilson is no stranger to the area. His family has owned property on Lake Nubanusit for many years, and he was married in a ceremony performed at the Harris Center. “I am tremendously excited about getting to kn o w the people, programs and places that make the Harris Center so special,” said Wilson. “I am particularly interested in delving deeply into the region’s conservation issues and helping to refine education and land conservation programs to address developing concerns.” He and his wife Katie have four children ages 5 – 16. The family will relocate to the area early this summer. I hope to see you all at this grand annual Nelson event that is a longstanding tradition and brings neighbors closer to each other!

Charlie Lang & Rick Lothrop at the church BBQ pit, 2004.

25th ANNUAL CHICKEN BBQ & HAM ‘N BEANS! By Joy Birdsey elson Old Home Week is a busy time for both residents and neighbors alike. It is a week steeped in traditions, activities, food, community and lots of fun! The Nelson Congregational Church does its part by hosting two beloved events. On Wednesday night, August 15, 2012 from 5:00pm – 7:00pm you can experience a real Old Fashion Ham ‘n Bean Supper and on Saturday, August 18 at noon you can come to the Annual Chicken BBQ. The community prides itself in serving homemade foods and plenty of it! Come to the Ham ‘n Bean Supper and feast on


(continued on page 7)

NELSON VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPT. REQUEST he Nelson Volunteer Fire Department is in need of your assistance. We, like all of the other area fire departments, are always in need of new members in supporting our activities. At present we are in need of rescue personnel. We have put together a certified First Responder course that will be held in town and will start in September. Here is an opportunity for you to help support your town. Please contact Rick Lothrop, 603-847-9045 for further details or to be added to the list of people to be trained.


medical rescue services provided by our surrounding towns and Keene. We will be encouraging folks, who have interest in becoming trained and certified as emergency medical service providers, to do so. Fire Chief, Rick Lothrop, has developed the details describing the present status of the Nelson Rescue Department and the services that outside agencies will continue to provide to Nelson residents. It is very likely that it will require a considerable investment of both time and money for us to restore the medical services component to our Rescue Department. We will do our best to try to achieve that goal. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments. Thanks. Dave Upton, Selectmen

Building Committee: Lisa Sieverts (762-0235), Tom Buttrick, Rob Germeroth, Bud French Susan Hansel Eric Sandberg



By David Upton

Up d ate fro m th e To w n B u ild in g s Co m m itte e

ur Nelson Fire and Rescue Department is no longer able to provide emergency medical rescue services. The two reasons for our present inability to provide these services are: 1) we no longer have trained, licensed, and certified emergency medical service providers on the staff of our Fire Department; and 2) because we do not have people with the required training and credentials, the State of NH has not renewed our Fire and Rescue Department’s license to operate an emergency medical rescue service. We will continue to have emergency



Monahon will p resent his recommendations for the Library basement, Town Hall, and second floor of the Old School House. He will have budget estimates for each project, including several options. All town residents are encouraged to come, ask questions, and weigh in on which, if any, projects should be brought to Town Meeting next year. Thank you to everyone who attended the public information session sponsored by the Town Buildings Committee back in June. Our architect, Rick Monahon, received valuable feedback about what residents want in the Town Buildings. Monahon has spent the past two months inspecting the Library Basement, Town Hall, and 2nd floor of the Old School House (Town Office), as part of his work to do an assessment for the Town. This work is funded by a grant from the New Hampshire Preservation Alliance and the warrant article that we passed this Spring. For more information, contact Committee Chair, Lisa Sieverts at 7620235 or any member of the Committee:

The Town Buildings Committee is sponsoring two public meetings in the month of August: On Wednesday, August 15th at 7:00 p.m. in the Library, members of the Nelson Town Buildings Committee will be available to answer questions about work to date. This is an informal session, designed for people who have not been able to attend the other public meetings that have been held since last year, or for those who have additional questions. On Thursday, August 30 at 7:00 p.m. in the Town Hall, architect Rick AUGUST 2012

Editor’s note: You may go to the Town of Nelson website to see the latest reports from the Building Committee.

HAM ‘n BEAN SUPPER Donations of items are being accepted and volunteers needed and welcomed for the Wednesday, August 15, Ham ‘n Bean Supper at the Nelson Congregational Church. Love to bake? We are in need of 26 homemade pies for this event to be delivered to the church by the morning of the 15th. Call or email Joy Birdsey Smith (847-9533) to sign up.


OLD HOME DAYS THEN & NOW by Beth Williams et the games begin! And they do in Nelson every year in August. Last month we read how Old Home Day began, but what goes on that big Saturday? Many games and events have come and some have gone since the beginning of the first Nelson Picnic on Noah Hardy’s land on Cemetery Road. Luckily we still have a couple members of our community who remember when it was on the hill, when it moved to Melville Grove, and then to the Common. Priscilla Walter, now 89, remembers the Melville Grove behind the yellow house on the Nelson Common. She and her sister would save up pennies beforehand because on that day they were allowed to buy soda and crackerjacks at the little store. Priscilla also tells about the coins in the sawdust event, a favorite for the really young, a tradition that continues today. Sack races, tug-o-war, egg toss, foot races, and watermelon eating contests have also been great traditions. Many years ago there was a pig chase, but the pigs’ hair was so long and bristly that the young men could easily grab onto the pigs so it was not much of a contest. So one year Win French offered up a calf. The calf stood in the middle of the Common while everyone made a big circle around the edges. The calf picked up on this game quickly and scooted out and up the Old Stoddard Road with the townspeople chasing after. In the past 30 years there has been a greased pig chase or two and occasionally a greased pole climb. Owen Iselin won that one a while back. One year they offered a “Win the Woodchuck” contest for kids. If they could drive a nail into a oak board better than another kid, they won the woodchuck. Now tell me, would you want your kid bringing home a woodchuck? Needless to say, that did not happen again. Over 40 years ago they tried jousting canoes on Center Pond. It must have been great fun to watch, but too many jousters got hurt being hit or ended up tumbling into the water that they did not try that again either. There was some log rolling during that time, too; but since then the games have stayed on the Common. The longest running tradition is the



band. Priscilla and her sister Charlotte both remember the bandstand and Edgar Seavers’ town band. His band continued for many years and when it was no longer, the Picnic Association hired a band from Keene. They played many toe tapping favorites and even took requests. It was not until 1989 when Dave Patek and his wife Louise Dierker, played music for the Memorial Day parade that the Nelson Town Band was born. They asked Charlie Lang and Rick Lothrop to join them and by 1990 they had a band to play on Old Home Day. The band is now one of the most requested bands in the area and their music and marches are a big draw. What a treat for Nelson. (continued on page 7)

FIRST EVER “AG” NIGHT Nelson Agricultural Commission to host first annual “Ag Night” during Old Home Week. n Thursday, August 16, the Nelson Agricultural Commission will present several short demonstrations on various agricultural topics, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Nelson Ball Field. As part of Old Home Week, the theme of these presentations is “Agriculture by Hand and Foot.” Each demonstration will feature hand tools only - no gasoline motors needed.! Topics will include scything, log sawing, gardening, and animals. Come see what else is in store! The Agricultural Commission is pleased to give this presentation, for the first time, as part of our Old Home Week celebrations, and we anticipate many more and better to come at future Old Home Weeks. Please join us at the Nelson Ball Field on August 16.



CONTRA DANCE WITH DUDLEY LAUFMAN udley Laufman will lead the dancing at a special Old Home Week edition of the Nelson Saturday Contra Dance on August 11th. On an episode of the NH Public Radio program, The Exchange, host Laura Knoy said, "When he raised the roof at the Newport Folk Festival in 1965 with his country orchestra, Dudley Laufman energized the youthful crowd and helped re-light the torch for traditional country dancing that had been carried at the time by a few old-timers. He helped create a movement of contra dancing and contra music that has played out in the churches and barns of small town New England for more than a quarter of a century." Dudley was named a National Heritage Fellow in 2009, and received the NH Council of the Arts Folk Heritage award in 2001. Dudley and Jacqueline Laufman, usually joined by several of their musician friends, are a tradition at the August Nelson contra dance. Dancing begins at 8:00 p.m. Beginners and singles are welcome and all dances are taught throughout the evening. Admission is only $2, thanks to the generosity of an anonymous benefactor. The dance takes place in the historic Town Hall in Nelson, NH and is sponsored by the Monadnock Folklore Society. For more information call 603.762.0235 or visit the website at www. mo n a dn o Th e Monadnock Folklore Society has presented contra dances and concerts of traditional music since 1982.



NELSON OLD HOME WEEK SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Saturday, August 11 Ne ls o n Cle an u p Day Nelson Town Hall 9:00 a.m. Meet at Nelson Town Hall to start trash pickup and pretty up the town before Old Home Days. (See page 2 for details.) Du d le y & Jac q u e lin e Lau fm an Nelson Town Hall 8:00 p.m. A wonderful new tradition before Old Home Days actually begin. (See page 3 for more information)

Sunday, August 12, Old Home Week Officially Begins O ld Ho m e We e k Ch u rc h Se rv ic e Nelson Congregational Church 9:30 a.m. Old Home Days Sunday will be celebrated at the Nelson Congregational Church. People are invited to bring vases of flowers from their gardens to decorate the sanctuary.

Ap p le Hill Ev e n in g Co n c e rt Apple Hill Music Center 7:30 p.m. Concert Featuring the Session V Faculty. Robert Schumann, Three Romances, Op. 94 George Enesco, Octet for strings in C Major, Op. 7 All concerts are free and open to the public. To reserve a seat, the suggested donation is $25 or more.

Wednesday, August 15 Ham & B e an Su p p e r Nelson Congregational Church 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Ham, baked beans, rolls, coleslaw, homemade pies. Adults - $8.00; children under 10 - $5.00. Ho w Sc ie n c e Wo rks Nelson Town Hall 6:30 p.m. The Olivia Rodham Memorial Library in Nelson Presents "The Science Works!" with The Cabinet of Scientific Curiosities. (See page 6 for details.)

Thursday, August 16 Monday, August 13 Ze n tan g le Olivia Rodham Memorial Library 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. Come do Zentangle with us...No need to bring anything except your imagination! (See page 6 for details.) Carn iv alc o p ia Nelson School 4:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. Geared towards children ages 4 - 10, but all are welcome. Come to our Carnivalcopia and play a variety of games at different stations (e.g. bean bag toss, sponge throw, cookie walk). Co n tra-Dan c e Nelson Town Hall 8:00 p.m. This has been a weekly event, rain or shine, summer or snow, for many, many years. No experience necessary, just the will to have fun. If you’re not a dancer come to hear the great live music. Admission is still just $3.00 per person.

Tuesday, August 14 B o o k Sig n in g Olivia Rodham Memorial Library 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Teri Upton will have her new book,“The Pennsylvania Settlement”, the story and art of a group of distinguished Nelson summer residents, including Olivia Rodham and artist, Marie Spaeth. (See page 7 for details.)

O ld Ho m e Day s Gu id e d Hike Nelson Town Common Meet at 5:30 p.m. Kathy Schillemat will guide a hike at the Sawmill Trail. This is a moderate hike with views of two local waterfalls. (See page 6 for details.) Firs t Ev e r “AG” Nig h t Nelson Ball Field, Old Stoddard Road 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Nelson Agricultural Commission will present several short demonstrations on various agricultural topics with the theme Agriculture by Hand and Foot. (See page 3 for details.) Mo v ie Nig h t Nelson Town Common Dusk (8:00?) Join your friends for a movie on the Common. Bring your own lawn chairs and snacks (and bug spray). Rain Location: Safety building

Friday, August 17 Cap tu re Th e Flag Nelson Ball Fields 5:30 p.m. Fun and laughs for all! Any age is welcome to play. Call Maureen Lord for more information 827-3646. Pre -s ale B o o k Sale Nelson Town Hall 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Friends of the Library sponsored event. Come browse at your leisure before the crowds on Saturday. All proceeds benefit the library. Town of Nelson Residents only, please. No dealers. Do n ’t fo rg e t y o u r fro g s fo r to m o rro w ’s g am e s .




NELSON OLD HOME DAY, SATURDAY, AUGUST 18 To w n B an d Co n c e rt Old Home Day takes place rain or shine. For safety’s sake parking is not permitted around the common or in front of the Town Hall and Old Brick Schoolhouse. There is parking behind the library. If you have a handicap tag, Chief Pratt or an Old Home Day Committee member will direct you to a good parking spot.

On the Church Lawn 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Enjoy your latest toe-tappers from one of the Monadnock Region’s most requested bands. Nelson’s own community band playing marches we all love.

O ld Ho m e Day Gam e s Town Common

9:00 a.m.

Possibly the last bastion of amateur excellence in American sports. Foot races, frog-jumping, tug of war, egg toss, and more. Nelson OHD games are more fun to watch than

the London Olympics and they don’t cost a penny. You might even find a penny! Rac e s Town Common

9:00 a.m.

Bike race (helmets required) and Nelson Marathon. Please note that the races start at 9:00 a.m.

B o o k Sale Town Hall

9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

There’s still time to get your summer reading done. Thousands of great (and once-great) books on every imaginable subject – priced to move! Get there early for best selection and to beat the dealers. Dollar a bag sale at 12 noon. Sponsored by the Friends of the Library and all proceeds benefit Olivia Rodham Library.


Make A Craft 10:00 a.m. til 1:00 p.m.

The library will be open with a craft table for children to make and take. Come in and relax, read, use a computer and cool off.


Remember to bring your own lawn chairs to Old Home Day. You’ll be much more comfortable while eating lunch and watching the festivities.


25th An n u al O ld Ho m e Day Ch ic ke n B arb e c u e Nelson Congregational Church Lawn Noon The most memorable feast of the summer, and a great time for visiting with old friends and new. And this year is the 25th Anniversary of this event so there may be some extra fun. Barbecue: $9.00 for a half chicken, $5.00 for a quarter chicken. O ld Ho m e Day Aw ard s an d B u s in e s s Me e tin g Nelson Congregational Church Lawn 1:15 p.m. A brief recap of the business side of Old Home Days. Capped by awards for the day’s game contestants. O ld Ho m e Day Sp e ake r On the Church Lawn 1:30 p.m. The speaker this year is Jeremy Wilson, Executive Director of the Harris Center. (See story on page 1.) Wate rb all Mackenzie’s Field 2:30 p.m. Bring your A-game and a towel (or two or three)! All the youth in town like this event. Most years it’s girls against the boys! So ftb all Gam e Eagle Field 3:00 p.m. For those with energy left to give, here’s a chance to test your skills with and against Nelson’s formidable ball-playing talent. Bring a cooler, a glove, and pick a side. Ne ls o n Fo lks Co n c e rt Nelson Town Hall 7:00 p.m. Join your friends for an evening of wonderful music played by your talented Nelson neighbors or folks with strong Nelson connections, organized by Geoff Williams. Always an enjoyable and varied show.



ZENTANGLE o m e d o Z e n t a n gle wit h us…Monday, August 13, 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. at the Nelson Library. Zentangle is a way of creating beautiful images from repetitive patterns. It is fun and relaxing. It increases focus and creativity, provides artistic satisfaction along with an increased sense of personal well being. The Zentangle method is enjoyed across a wide range of skills, interests and ages. No need to bring anything except your imagination!

C THE SCIENCE WORKS! n Wednesday, August 15, 2012 at 6:30 p.m. The Olivia Rodham Memorial Library in Nelson Presents "The Science Works!" with The Cabinet of Scientific Curiosities. Stephen Lechner introduces his unusual "Cabinet of Curiosities" which, as he explains to the audience, mysteriously appeared on his doorstep one day with a note: "Please look after this cabinet, it is filled with all the dreams and inventions I have been working on since I was a baby." Steve proceeds to open the doors on the cabinet, each one revealing an object or experiment that imparts a science lesson. "Mysteries" in the box include such items as the Mysterious Bouncing Ball, the Laughing Cup, the Color¬Changing Mystery, the Magical Appearing Snow, the Dancing Monkeys, the Traveling Sand¬Bugs, the Anti¬Gravity Spray, and more. (Funding for Kids, Books and the Arts was provided by the NH State Library, CHILIS, the Cogswell Benevolent Trust, the Bryne Foundation, the NH Library Association as well as a grant from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services, by the Nelson Public Library)


MUSICAL CONNECTIONS fro m Ne w En g lan d to Te xas n Thursday, August 23, at 7:00 p.m. in the Nelson Town Hall, Paul Klemperer will be doing a program about music. Paul Klemperer has been playing and teaching professionally for over 30 years. After receiving a Master’s Degree in Musicology/ Ethnomusicology from the University of Texas in Austin, he joined the Marcia Ball Band and toured internationally from 1990-97. Since then, Paul has produced four CDs and leads several bands which feature his original compositions, ranging from jazz to R&B to world music. Bands that Paul performs or has performed with include Memphis Train Revue, PK Sax, Manteca Beat, The Klemperer Group, James Hinkle Band, Hot Wax, The Jitterbug Vipers, Broken Clock Cabaret, Golden Arm Trio, Love Machine, Austin Jazz Band, Groovin’ Ground, Jon Emery, Austin Hot Trax, The Juke Jammers, Little Steph & the Chromatics, Alpine Express, La Strada and many more. In addition to private instruction, Paul also offers group classes and workshops on Music Theory, Jazz Improvisation, and World Music. Paul also writes articles and essays on music related topics.


OLD HOME WEEK HIKE ome meet us at the Nelson Common Thursday, August 16, at 5:30 p.m. and we'll carpool to the Sawmill Trail for an Old Home Days Hike. This is a moderate hike with views of two local waterfalls. Approximate time frame: 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. to hike the trail. Those who wish to can meet us at the trail head on Old Stoddard Road, just after Peter Reichel's house. Look for the small clearing on the right, with a mailbox (for trail guides) and a yellow sign with the Nelson Trail Committee blackfly logo. The trail is a loop. There are no black flies this time of year, but bug spray is recommended for those pesky deerflies and mosquitos! For more information email Kathy Schillemat at


Monadnock Folklore Society Events • Saturday, August 11, 8:00 p.m. Contra Dance with Dudley and Jacqueline Laufman, $2.00 • Saturday, September 8, 8:00 p.m. Contra Dance with Don Primrose, Bo Bradham, and Gordon Peery, $8.00 • Saturday, September 29, 8:00 p.m. Concert with the Boys of the Landfill, $12.00




noon sharp the servers are ready and with smiles and utensils at hand they begin. Scattered on the church’s front lawn are young and old alike eating the scrumptious meal while enjoying the Nelson Town Band as it plays favored tunes. This year’s menu for the price of $9.00 includes; BBQ chicken, potato salad, corn on the cob, fresh green beans, homemade rolls, sliced cucumbers and tomatoes, watermelon wedge and a beverage. In honor of the 25th anniversary, chicken T-shirts have been printed and will be available at cost by pre-order. T-shirts were made by Bulldog Printers, Joe Tolman a KSC grad. Interested in volunteering or donating a pie or other local foods? Want to ensure you have a spot at either event with a CHICKEN BBQ r e s e r v a t i o n ? C a l l t h e Nels o n (continued from page 1) Congregational Church at 847-3280 to preboneless ham slices, two kinds of slow order or for more information. cooked baked beans, homemade coleslaw with a secret dressing used for more than a decade, homemade rolls, pickles, homemade pies with local fruits and ingredients and a beverage. All of this for only $8.00. Community members and neighbors donate most of the foods and diners secretly vote for the best homemade pie. Proceeds benefit both the Chapel-by-the-Lake and the Nelson Congregational Church. Next, on Saturday, August 18th at noon, the Nelson Congregational Church serves its Annual Old Home Day Chicken BBQ. This year marks the 25th Anniversary of this event! The first NCC Old Home Day Chicken BBQ took place on the site of OHD THEN & NOW the current Nelson Library in 1987. At (continued from page 3) the time, there was no undercroft at the church so the kitchen at the Brick Priscilla tells that the most fun was just Schoolhouse was used. Some of the first playing with all the kids her age. She organizers were Charlie Lang, Bob West, looked forward to that every summer. And Joyce Stewart, and Debbie Bosworth. similarly, as Kathy Blaudschun so aptly Once the undercroft was finished the puts it...“My mind is full of many BBQ moved to the area in back of the wonderful memories of Nelson Old Nelson Congregational Church. Weeks. As I tried to narrow down which The Pit Crew, most of which have particular one to share, it seemed been the same for the last 25 years, impossible; but they all had one common marinades the chicken in a secret sauce thread - they all revolved around people of and then slow cooks it on hot charcoals Nelson, past and present. Seeing and beginning at 8:00 a.m. Folks stop by all visiting the young people who come back morning to catch up on the news while home for Nelson Old Home Day is one of shucking the local corn, snapping the those favorite memories - watching them, fresh green beans, and slicing and dicing as they too, begin to build their own the other vegetables. favorite memories for years to come.” By 11:45 a.m. the lines have begun, May it be so for you this year. Let the mouths watering and plates ready to taste games begin! that once a year summertime treat. At GRAPEVINE-2


TERI UPTON BOOK SIGNING On Tuesday, August 14,from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. join us at the Olivia Rodham Memorial Library for the book signing of Theresa Bergeron Upton’s new book, "The Pennsylvania Settlement ~ An Art Colony in Nelson, New Hampshire" From the back cover: Nelson's Art Colony: The Colonists and Their Work The Pennsylvania Settlement, which flourished in Nelson between 1891 and 1940, is little known today. However, the colonists who established it were nationally known scholars and artists, bound together either by the Quaker faith or their professions. Their lives were formed in Pennsylvania and shared with Nelson, and the time they spent here continues to influence and enrich the history of this small town in the foothills of mount Monadnock. Books will be available to purchase at this time. For more information call the library at 847-3214 or email: ***Please note that this issue does not have the directory or the local classifieds due to space limitations. They are in our previous June 2012 issue, which you may find at the Nelson Library or the Town Offices.

Artwork for the 50th Anniversary Nelson Town Picnic poster (now Old Home Day) Drawn by Francis (W.P.) Tolman, 1928


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NELSON ROADSIDE CLEANUP he Nelson Conservation Commission is again sponsoring the annual Nelson Roadside Clean-Up on the Satu rd ay b e fo re O ld Ho m e We e k, August 11th, from 8:30 a.m. (early-bird request) to 10:30 a.m. Bags and gloves will be available. To reduce the impact of more plastic, please bring your own water containers. They can be refilled at Clean Up headquarters in front of the Olivia Rodham Memorial Library. This is a rain or shine event---if it is raining please come and sign up for a road area to de-trash, pick up your bags and then wait for the sun to shine again. To continue our tradition of a reward of beautiful daffodils for fall planting, the Conservation Commission will supply the daffodils since New Hampshire the Beautiful has funding problems this year.


This is a community event. It will only be a success if you are part of it. Please Join us!

GRAPEVINE-2 Grapevine-2 is a quarterly newsletter serving the Nelson/Munsonville community and is sponsored by the Nelson Congregational Church. It is made possible mostly by voluntary donations from readers, with some supplementary assistance from the church. Should donations exceed costs, the surplus goes to the church. Contributions of articles, ideas, photos, or art are always welcome. To contact the Grapevine-2, call Elizabeth Williams (Beth) at 847-9064, or email to:, or snailmail to: Grapevine-2 75 Log Cabin Road Nelson, NH 03457 Grapevine-2 Committee& Friends: Hope Lothrop Kelly French Bert Wingerson Beth Williams Susan Hansel

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