Nelson grapevine june 2014

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GRAPEVINE-2 News for Nelson and Munsonville

June 2014

Spring Issue



eene High School Seniors will be taking their last finals as high school students on June 13 and 16. Finals on Friday the 13th? Can’t worry these students! KHS Graduation will be conducted at 6 p.m. on June 20th at Alumni Field, weather permitting. Below are profiles of Nelson’s 10 high school graduates. Joseph Max Cucchi Max will be attending Keene State College after graduation. He is going to begin his college journey as an undecided major because he is interested in many areas, currently teaching and architecture are top on his mind. At KHS, Max was active in the Spanish Club and the Math Team. Math Team meets monthly and also travels to other schools in NH to compete. During Max’s junior year, the team came in 3rd overall . Unfortunately, KHS was not in the running this year. Max will miss many of the KHS staff members that he has become close to. His favorite memories of Nelson School are from 4th grade when Ms. Mullen’s class made animals out of chicken wire and built a rain forest in the classroom. Max’s current long term dream would be to continue his education beyond his bachelor’s degree if possible. Ryan French Ryan will attend Keene State College this fall where he will be majoring in

Computer Science. His favorite classes at KHS were the computer science classes offered by the Cheshire Career Center. He received a Cheshire Career Center Completion Certificate for completing more than two years of computer classes. He has written apps for smart phones and games for computers. The part of high school that he will miss the most is the friends that he has made over the years. Ryan played soccer all four years of high school, and then in his senior year, joined the tennis team. He plays Ultimate Frisbee at every opportunity and flag football when he can get a team together. Ryan’s best memories of his years at the Nelson School are the field days at Otter Brook, creating haunted houses in 5th and 6th grade, climbing Pitcher Mountain every year, and the 6th grade trip to Boston when they went to see the Blue Man Group and one of the Blue Men placed a big blue smudge on Ryan’s face. Cody Allen Kendrick Cody will be attending Southern New Hampshire University majoring in marketing. He will be living on campus in Hooksett, NH. Cody chose SNU because he felt this school fit his needs best. He thinks SNU has good opportunities, particularly their partnerships with companies and organizations like Boston Celtics. He would love to (continued on page 6)

Volume 31, No. 2



he Olivia Rodham Memorial Library kicks off the first of its four 2014 summer forums on July 10 this year. The “twist” is that the forums will be held in the Nelson church because the town hall is out of reach, so to speak. It has been raised and sits on blocks during its renovation. Each Thursday night the forum begins at 6:45 with entertainment by local musicians. The 7:00 main presentation is followed by punch, cookies, and conversation . Heading the very interesting and diverse menu of presentations this summer is a talk by Ethan Tolman on July 10 highlighting a Nelson newsletter circulated during World War II. The newsletter, published by Ethan’s parents, served to inform service people of events in their hometowns of Nelson, Harrisville, and Dublin. Of special interest are (continued on page 3)

Nelson Old Home Week Starting with Old Home Sunday on August 10 and ending with games, festivities and a chicken BBQ lunch on Saturday the 16th.

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